The Aesthetics of Classical Indian Paintings. By Arjun Bharadwaj. Dec 7, 2024

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 9

  • @indavaragayathri1507
    @indavaragayathri1507 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This is a brilliant talk by Arjun Bharadwaj. Thanks to THT for organizing this.

  • @sskkt56
    @sskkt56 วันที่ผ่านมา

    This talk is so insightful and profound. It makes me fascinated to know the detailed work and thought that goes into every painting and the idea itself.
    Thank you Sri Arjun Bharadwaj 🙏

  • @ramgopalsivadas7247
    @ramgopalsivadas7247 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Very Informative talk. Thank you Arjun sir and THT monthly heritage talk.

  • @nageswararaod.k.4106
    @nageswararaod.k.4106 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you so much Professor Arjun Bharadwaj ji for your Scholarly Presentation...🎉

  • @udaypl
    @udaypl 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I learned a lot from this amazing talk ! Many, many thanks to Arjun and THT.

  • @sreevallibhat4160
    @sreevallibhat4160 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Excellent session. I have enjoyed a regular viewer of Mahodaya's talks. This particular session stands very special, and very new new things to learn with respect to Paintings and its classical touch. Thank you so much THT for bringing out wonderful session. Also got a chance to know about the various activities under THT

  • @raviasrani
    @raviasrani 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Arjun Bharadwaj mahodaya is a polyglot himself, and his knowledge of Sanskrit enables him to offer a unique insight into the knowledge base contained in various ancient Indian treatises. He brings out the ancient wisdom using a simple prose in spite of the profound wisdom he shares.
    Thank you, Tamil Heritage Trust for this presentation.

  • @arjunbharadwaj5236
    @arjunbharadwaj5236 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    I would like to acknowledge the House of Ramsons in Mysore from whose collection I have used examples of paintings to illustrate theory. The paintings of Sri. GLN Simha, Sri. BP Ramakrishna, and those of the Mysore style are from the Ramsons collection. Thanks to them!

  • @missdana296
    @missdana296 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Classical Indians invented the current mathmetical system btween the Tamil snd Hindustanis. We owe them respect for there work,