Hi Miss Nilli, Many thanks for sharing. The info is very useful and let us know more about how to translate the meaning of the data from the website. I'm now arranging to return to Toronto next year and would like to select school for my kid now studying P.5 in HK. Anything we can do for the school application prior to our landing. If there is an interview necessary to conduct, how will the school arrange for the applicant who is still in overseas. Is it easy or common to change better school after the kid studied 1-2 years? If you don't mind, could you pls also help to recommend any good Catholic schools or public schools that is good for the kid at the age around 11-12. Thank you very much and have a good day. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
You can watch this one. th-cam.com/video/9EVrk-FyIA8/w-d-xo.html I am not an agent and I also have professional standards that I have to follow so I cannot recommend schools. Thanks!
Hello Ms Nilli, 9月份我家的青少年將讀第11班, 他很有興趣參加學校的Music Band和 Technologhy dept.(Stem) 的 wood working related 科目,想問下我怎樣或可以在哪裡找到哪一間公校的 music band 水平 及 wood working 科目的設施較齊全呢?謝謝妳!🙏
Miss Nilli 您好,謝謝你的資訊🙏🏻🙏🏻 請問疫情期間報讀今年9月Grade 9 的程序和時間表有什麼要注意呢?跟據去年York region school board 網上指示除了填application form 亦需要約時間見面,今年疫情關係請問有改變嗎?本人和囝囝考慮今年暑假回流多倫多安省。謝謝🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hello, Unfortunately, I am not able to answer this question. I cannot answer specific suggestion like this as I am not an agent. I cannot cross the line for being a teacher. Hope you understand. However, I know of that school. There is a lot of consideration to put in whether you are choose a private school, a public school or an independent school. Situation can be different for everyone. I have a video to talk about the difference of the three and why people choose a particular school. Maybe that will help you. Both of them should be applicable for you. - th-cam.com/video/F2RVq97iKwU/w-d-xo.html (你知道嗎? 加拿大不只有公立和私立學校| 哪個比較好?) - th-cam.com/video/nNtLEvbEHv0/w-d-xo.html (DSE之後升讀加拿大大學? | 會唔會太遲? | 有何途徑? | 升學顧問未必會告訴你的事!) Miss Nilli
@@angelchan6607 Thank you for understanding. I am still strongly recommending the video about public school VS private school. I think you will get some insights from it for sure.
thx ms lily
我都有睇開 Fraser Institute school ranking, 但係之前真係淨係睇排名就算, 經你咁講之後 就真係會睇多幾樣嘢, 你真係介紹得非常好
Thank you! 呢個都係我拍片的主要目的。因為好多人未必知道排名係點來, 出面又有好多marketing關於名校唔名校。我覺得大家可以做個精明消費者, 可以睇得深入D。不過有時唔係做教育界真係未必會知,所以我想分享俾大家。如果你鍾意可以睇埋我其他片同埋share 俾人。多謝曬! 如果有其他問題你想知, 我都可以寫低起我個to do list 遲D拍片。
Hi Miss Nilli, Many thanks for sharing. The info is very useful and let us know more about how to translate the meaning of the data from the website. I'm now arranging to return to Toronto next year and would like to select school for my kid now studying P.5 in HK. Anything we can do for the school application prior to our landing. If there is an interview necessary to conduct, how will the school arrange for the applicant who is still in overseas. Is it easy or common to change better school after the kid studied 1-2 years? If you don't mind, could you pls also help to recommend any good Catholic schools or public schools that is good for the kid at the age around 11-12. Thank you very much and have a good day. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
You can watch this one.
I am not an agent and I also have professional standards that I have to follow so I cannot recommend schools. Thanks!
Thank a lot and it helps so much :)
You are welcome
Hello Ms Nilli, 9月份我家的青少年將讀第11班, 他很有興趣參加學校的Music Band和 Technologhy dept.(Stem) 的 wood working related 科目,想問下我怎樣或可以在哪裡找到哪一間公校的 music band 水平 及 wood working 科目的設施較齊全呢?謝謝妳!🙏
除非果間學校有specialized program, 否則間間都係差不多,要睇有冇老師願意去做
Ms Nilli, 好多謝妳的回覆!
但那些是有 credit 科目,不是 ECA,都要睇有冇老師肯教??😥
Band 係extra curricular
想問elementary catholic school 是否不會收基督徒學生?淨收天主教徒學生嗎?謝謝
多謝你的提問先。以我所知,係,因為入小學的話要有羅馬天主教會的領洗紙。我唔夠膽講我好肯定,但係我都99%肯定佢地係要。高中就唔同,高中佢咩religion 都會收。希望幫到你。
我看到在BC及AB的Fraser Institute排名,包括了Private/Independent Christian Schools, 但安省沒有,可以知道那裡可以看到這個排名或相關資料?定系安省的這類學校沒有參加相關考試?
有, 但係唔代表Fraser Institute 拿到data, 因為公校data 係公開的。所以Fraser Institute 隨時都可以拿得到, 但係私校就係自己的。
插班可以睇呢條片: th-cam.com/video/C4SmeMqNLgE/w-d-xo.html
至於校園欺凌,我話冇你都唔信啦。但係代唔代表學校唔重視同唔正視, 咁又唔係。我地學校係好正視呢個問題的。
請問如果grade 12先去溫哥華讀中學, 是否不能如期在一年內完成畢業學分? 如果不能完成畢業學分,是否不能升上大學?
Miss Nilli, 請問是否沒有Winnipeg's school ranking?
其實如果你見唔到的就即係冇data ga la
請問12歲是否讀grade 7 ( elementary school) 另外中學是否不跟地址去分配,是跟成績?謝謝🙏🏼
Miss Nilli 您好,謝謝你的資訊🙏🏻🙏🏻
請問疫情期間報讀今年9月Grade 9 的程序和時間表有什麼要注意呢?跟據去年York region school board 網上指示除了填application form 亦需要約時間見面,今年疫情關係請問有改變嗎?本人和囝囝考慮今年暑假回流多倫多安省。謝謝🙏🏻🙏🏻
其實呢個問題有d難答,因為加拿大而家仲係起一個今日唔知聽日事的階段,我地做老師日日都收到呢樣轉果樣轉的email, 所以真係好難講。但係點樣都好,小朋友入學都係要做assessment, 最主要係睇下小朋友有冇需要d咩支援,同埋了解下個小朋友。如果係grade 9 就要睇埋需唔需要讀ESL 仲有要分班。 至於個assessment 點做就可能會唔同,我都係建議email 佢地問下
老師你好!想請問安省Columbia International College 這間私校的情況,好似評語一般,華人學生亦佔多數,請問是嗎?建議報讀嗎?
Unfortunately, I am not able to answer this question. I cannot answer specific suggestion like this as I am not an agent. I cannot cross the line for being a teacher. Hope you understand. However, I know of that school. There is a lot of consideration to put in whether you are choose a private school, a public school or an independent school. Situation can be different for everyone.
I have a video to talk about the difference of the three and why people choose a particular school. Maybe that will help you. Both of them should be applicable for you.
- th-cam.com/video/F2RVq97iKwU/w-d-xo.html (你知道嗎? 加拿大不只有公立和私立學校| 哪個比較好?)
- th-cam.com/video/nNtLEvbEHv0/w-d-xo.html (DSE之後升讀加拿大大學? | 會唔會太遲? | 有何途徑? | 升學顧問未必會告訴你的事!)
Miss Nilli
@@angelchan6607 Thank you for understanding. I am still strongly recommending the video about public school VS private school. I think you will get some insights from it for sure.
OUAC 如果係一D 大的學校可能會遲少少先出offer, 因為競爭大。
如果要報公立高中的話要直接上教育局網頁報, 不過最重要係找到guardian 同有地方住, 否則會報唔到。如果係international student 就選international student. 如果係加拿大人選new student就可以啦。
我整左個video係講DSE 之後過來可以點升學, 有3part, 而家暫時只有part 1, 不過隨住DSE 就來完, 我會完成埋part 2 同3。可以睇住先。
th-cam.com/video/nNtLEvbEHv0/w-d-xo.html (Part 1)
2)小朋友有special needs應從哪裡找適合的學校?
1) 8歲來加拿大係以年齡分班, 所有9年級之前的班都係以年齡分班的。我之前拍左兩條片講呢類型的問題, 你可以參考下。係有D長(因為果時剛剛拍片,唔識控制), 但係我保證會有用
- th-cam.com/video/rzyG-MtIkJk/w-d-xo.html (加拿大學制懶人包)
- th-cam.com/video/8v9shOmhXg8/w-d-xo.html (認識安省小學懶人包)
2) 我唔係好清楚你邊類型的special needs, 不過加拿大係以融入教育為主, 所以會去返佢「格仔」入面的學校。除非佢的special needs 係特別d 融入唔到, 就會去區內有分開特殊教育的學校。呢個topic 我可以講好耐.... 之前都有人DM叫我拍關於Special Needs的片, 我已經寫左起to do list, 所以你可以Stay tuned.
Hello! 我剛剛昨日出左個Special Education 的懶人包片, 希望可以回應到你的第2二條問題,再有咩想知我都可以再拍深入d
Link: th-cam.com/video/gmeUELUCOnE/w-d-xo.html
@@MissNillisClassroom 多謝你的資料吖🙏🏻
@@queeniehau1655 多謝你的支持就真。如果仲有咩想睇可以話我知, 我可以再拍:)
多謝你的詳細解釋👍👍請問可以找到private Christian schools的排名嗎?
如果見唔到就即係冇ga la.....
@@MissNillisClassroom 請問如何知道那間私校好唔好?
其實呢方面係有d難度,因為叫得私校,即係佢地係私人經營,監管亦都未必管得咁多。所以都係會hit and miss. 所以唯有靠下Google review, 問下其他人,都冇咩特別方便直接的方法。