Alhamdulillah, I have seen you give dawah to your mother. It seems to me there is only a thin covering left, only Allah knows when she will testify shahada. Perhaps you have yet more rewards to earn with the steps you are taking to help her to understand the message. May Allah send angels to spread their wings over your home, may He grant you peace and success in helping your mum connect with the Ummah.
My dream is only to become like u. Ur sacrificing ur whole life in dawah which inspires most of the human beings. Tq soo much for your this wonderful work. May Allah grant u jannah❤️🎉
@@truthseeker3128 u know what if he didn't do such worst thing's he will not get followers & viewers like u so that's the reason unfortunately he has to do such rubbish things. Which may give him likes, followers and money but when allah catches him he cannot be escaped.😅 Becoz of his false & hate massage. And remember one thing a real Muslim will not try to find mistakes of his brother's. He is may be a non Muslim by name of Muslim to spread un humanity. Or a Muslim with a very little knowledge about islam and only tries to make money like a business man. Who only lives & care's for this temporary life and unfortunately forgets about the perminant life "jannah" anyway as a Muslim i get mercy on him and on the people like u. So i pray that may allah give u hidayah and bring on to the straight path👍
Alhamdulillah I am a dawy in my own family and university. Pray for me. I am starting a saperate tafseer class and helping people understand quraan more.
Dr. Zakir Naik is the master of dawah in modern world. His suggestions are unique, unparalleled, incomparable and exceptional. It is because he thinks all the time how to spread the messages of peace throughout the world. Dr. Naik is a selfless human being. That's why we love Dr. Naik.
[أذكار الصباح والمساء] 27 - أذكار الصباح والمساء الحمد لله وحده، والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده (2) . 75 - اية الكرسي { [البقرة: [255 (3) . 76 - سورة [الإخلاص: 1 - [4 (2) عن أنس يرفعه " لأن أقعد مع قوم يذكرون الله تعالى من صلاة الغداة حتى تطلع الشمس أحب إلي من أن أعتق أربعة من ولد إسماعيل، ولأن أقعد مع قوم يذكرون الله من صلاة العصر إلى أن تغرب الشمس أحب إلي من أن أعتق أربعة " أبو داود برقم 3667، وحسنه الألباني، صحيح أبو داود 2 / 698. (3) سورة البقرة آية: 255. من قالها حين يصبح أجير من الجن حتى يمسي، ومن قالها حين يمسي أجير منهم حتى يصبح. أخرجه الحاكم 1 / 562 وصححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب 1 / 273 وعزاه إلى النسائي والطبراني وقال: إسناد الطبراني جيد. الجزء: 1 ¦ الصفحة: 53 سورة [الفلق: 1 - 5] سورة [الناس:1 - 6] (ثلاث مرات) (1) . (1) من قالها ثلاث مرات حين يصبح وحين يمسي كفته من كل شيء. أخرجه أبو داود 4 / 322 والترمذي 5 / 567 وانظر صحيح الترمذي 3 / 182. الجزء: 1 ¦ الصفحة: 54 77 - «أصبحنا وأصبح الملك لله (1) والحمد لله، لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير، رب أسألك خير ما في هذا اليوم وخير ما بعده (2) وأعوذ بك من شر ما في هذا اليوم وشر ما بعده، رب أعوذ بك من الكسل، وسوء الكبر، رب أعوذ بك من عذاب في النار وعذاب في القبر» (1) . (1) وإذا أمسى قال: أمسينا وأمسى الملك لله. (2) وإذا أمسى قال: رب أسألك خير ما في هذه الليلة وخير ما بعدها وأعوذ بك من شر هذه الليلة وشر ما بعدها. (1) مسلم 4 / 2088. الجزء: 1 ¦ الصفحة: 55 لتكملة الاذكار راجع كتاب حصن المسلم
*Opinion of Jewish about prophet Muhammad PBUH* _حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بارے میں یہودیوں کی رائے جانیں اس ویڈیو کے_ ...
@Rafael U r right but we should not forget that alhamdolillah we r born in muslim family..had we been born in a non muslim family its high chance that we would have gone astray..we r greatly blessed by Allah and its our duty to guide others bcoz we love them...🙂 Plz watch this has deeply moved me: May allah grant u jannah..😊
@Black Panther You are ignorant, it is a fact that Allah created all science, set scientific rules and laws. Because He is the Great scientist He has given glimses of it in Quran.
@Black Panther There are a lot of videos on youtube about scientific facts in Quran. by Dr Dr Naik also, there is no clash series, mathematical proofs etc I’ll go beyond that :- One night some arabs asked prophet Muhammad ( may Allah send His blessings upon him) to split the moon to prove divine support of what he was saying and that Allah was all powerful ! prophet Muhammad ( may Allah send His blessings upon him) raised his finger and split the moon into two halves. This event was witnessed around midnight in India by a king (cheraman Perumal) in what is today the state of Kerala. He was roaming on the roof of his palace He was amazed to see what happened. Because of Two and a half hour difference it was late night here. So when He heard that some spice traders from Arabia were discussing it, he went to meet them. Then with their help he went to saudia Arabia. He met Prophet Muhammad ( may Allah send His blessings upon him) and accepted Islam directly through Muhammad ( may Allah send His blessings upon him) .
Assllamualaikom sir, I am Umar Sadique, 15 years old, from Myanmar, currently living in K.L Malaysia. Sir is there any young Da'ih training department in Malaysia where we can go and learn and interact with Dai'hs like you and learn from them? Please help I am interested in learning and doing Dawah.
You can be great at comparative religion by studying about each religion and their aspects. Or you can be a preacher like Joker Naik n call urself an expert in other religions till faced with sensible questions.... Anyone who studies multiple religions will not be an a**h0!e like him ...
Asalamualikum ,Q: sir as you told to visit fr 20 most common Q but sir I am unable to open that website Sir please can you guide us regarding your website it would be grt help!
اللهم صل على سيدنا النبي محمد النبي الامي وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم ما شاء الله سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم الله اكبر والحمد لله رب العالمين
74:004, 75:1-4, Shows that on dusra janam the person is the same as on this earth. No dusra janam as another person. The finger prints are the same. So rebirth on earth is a lie ! Allah says that He knows you till your finger tips ( finger prints).
The 25 Prophets of Allah 1. Adam 2. Idris (Enoch) 3. Nuh (Noah) 4. Hud 5. Salih 6. Ibrahim (Abraham) 7. Ismail (Ishmael) 8. Ishaq (Isaac) 9. Lut (lot) 10. Yaqub (Jacob) 11. Yusuf (Joseph) 12. Shuaib 13. Ayyub (Job) 14. Mussa (Moses) 15. Harun (Aaron) 16. Dhul Kifl (Ezekiel) 17. Dawud (David) 18. Sulaiman (Soloman) 19. Ilyas (Elias) 20. Al Yasa (Elisha) 21. Yunus (Jonah) 22. Zakariyya (Zekariah) 23. Yahya (John) 24. Isa (Jesus) 25. Muhammed Peace be upon them all. (All the prophets mentioned in the Quran were sent to worship Allah alone, and that is the true religion, - Islamic Monotheism)
🔺If a holy book contains conflicting verses, do you still consider it holy❓part 2️⃣ Both Testaments has many conflicting verses let’s look into some of them 🔽 “▪️And the Lord said: 'My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." ▪️But how old was Noah when he died? More than a hundred and twenty years. ▪️See Genesis 9:29: "And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years when he died." 📌Some Christian theologians claim that this does not mean that the maximum age of man will be a hundred and twenty years, but that the Flood would come in a hundred and twenty years. Even this doesn't fit, because at the time of the Flood Noah would have been six hundred and twenty (500 + 120) years old. However, the Bible states that he was six hundred years. ▪️Study Genesis 5:32: " And Noah was five hundred years old . . ."; ▪️Genesis 7:6: "And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth." 📌Christianity believes that God created man in His image: white, black or another color, male or female? This is according to Genesis 1:26: “▫️And God said: 'Let Us make man in our image, after our likeness . . ." 📌But this contradicts ▪️ Isaiah 40:18, 25: "To whom then will ye liken God? Or what likeness will ye compare unto him? '▪️To whom then will ye liken Me, or shall I be equal?' saith the Holy One." ▪️See also Psalm 89:7: "For who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord?" ▪️and Jeremiah 10:6-7: "For as much as there is none like unto Thee, O Lord . . . there is none like unto Thee." 🔵let's go to the New Testament. ▪️John 5:37: “Ye have neither heard His [God's] voice at any time, nor seen His shape.” ▪️John 14:9 “he that has seen me has seen the Father ...” ▪️John 5:31: “If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.” ▪️John 8:14: “Jesus answered and said unto them: "Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true." 📌These are only some of the contradictions in the New Testament. 📍You will find more if we discuss the truth of such doctrines of modern Christianity as the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the divine sonship of Jesus, Original Sin and Atonement, not to mention the biblical accounts of many prophets engaging in degrading activities: worshipping false gods and committing incest, rape, and adultery. ▪️Noah (pbuh) is reported to have been drunk to the point of becoming naked in the presence of his grownup sons 👉🏻Genesis 9:23- 24): "And Shem and Japhet took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him." 📌Solomon (pbuh) was accused of worshipping false gods (👉🏻I Kings 11:9-10): "And the Lord was angry with Solomon ... And had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods: but he kept not that which the Lord commanded. " 📌Aaron, a prophet who accompanied his brother Moses (pbut) on his mission to Pharaoh, was accused of having fashioned the golden calf for the Israelites to worship (Exodus 32:4): " 👉🏻And he [Aaron] received them [golden earrings] at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a golden calf: and they said: ' These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt."' 📌Prophet Lot's incestuous encounter with his two daughters (Genesis 19:36): “👉🏻Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father." 📌You can read of a prophet who was married to two sisters at the same time 👉🏻Genesis 29:28): "And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he [Laban] gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also." 📌And another prophet accused of adultery ( 👉🏻II Samuel 11:4-5): "And David sent messengers, and took her [the wife of Uriah], and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness; and she returned unto her house. And the woman conceived, and sent and told David, and said: 'I am with child."' ❓My question is: How could David (pbuh) be accepted in the genealogy of Jesus (pbuh) when it started with a person who ommitted adultery? May Allâh forbid it! 📌Does this not contradict what is mentioned in Deuteronomy 👉🏻23:3: "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord." 📌Another allegation is that of incest along with rape by Ammon, the son of David, on his sister Tamar 👉🏻II Samuel 13: 14): "Howbeit he [Ammon] would not hearken unto her voice, but being stronger than she [Tamer], forced her and lay with her." 👉🏻Still another multiple rape, by Absalom on David's concubines, is recounted in 👉🏻II Samuel 16:22: "So they spread Absalom a tent upon the top of the house, and Absalom went in unto his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel." 👉🏻Another incest, by Judah and Tamar (his daughter-in-law): "Judah on his way to Timnath to shear his sheep saw Tamar. He thought her to be a harlot because she had her face covered. (Genesis 38: 18): ". . . And he [Judah] gave it [signet, bracelet and staff] to her, and came in unto her and she conceived by him." Although Jews and Muslims often have differing views, no Muslim would dare to write a book and stamp any Israelite prophet like Judah, David, Jesus and so on, with rape, adultery, incest, or prostitution. All prophets were sent by Allâh for the guidance of mankind. ❓Do you think that God had sent the wrong people for guidance?
But muhammed sellelellahu alaihive sallam, thabi eens and thabe uth thaabi eens didn't did this type dawah. They didn't took references from other religios scriptures.
*Allah does not become His creation, nor does He change His nature.* Christians believe that Allah the All-Mighty, and the All Powerful became a baby and got His nappy changed by Mary. Allah said: "How can I have children when I have got no wife?" Qur'an Surah 6 Verse 101 and Allah is unique and there is nothing like Him. Qur'an Surah 112. Also read in Qur'an Surah Maidah 5 Verses 110 to 120 where the miracles of Jesus (pbuh) were done by Allah. Also read the mother of Jesus in the Qur'an Surah Maryam 19 explaining that Jesus (pbuh) is a prophet and messenger of Allah. *NOTES: Please can you read the Al-Hilali and Muhsin Khan translation of the Qur'an.*
Dear Naik, why should there be any Dawah if your truth is so universal ? Should a person giving Dawah also be as open minded to other religious teachings as you expect the non muslims to be while indulging in Dawah? Say a Muslim is convinced of the truth in another Religion eg - Nabeel Qureshi ... Is it okay for such conversion just as one expects others to convert into Islam ?
@@salehapahadi6885 - wonderful, please tell me the Shinto practices and lifestyle and their take on morality... Also please tell me how Islam stands in comparison with their take on metaphysical aspect of human life continuum ...
French teacher beheaded for showing a cartoon of Jesus ... Don't u believe? Guess what happened? Yes, it was what u think... A history teacher in France was beheaded by the follower of a Prophet with no face for trying to start a discussion about the freedom of expression. Please tell me more about how peaceful a particular faith is ... Is this the same ideology you want people go and give Dawah in favour of? Can u ?
Dear Naik, can Allah give you the courage to come to India and face justice ? Can you please show me reference of your Dr Whitemeat whom you referred to while debunking evolution ? Can Islam allow propaganda in its rule as it demands in other religions territories? If No isn't it unfair? Is the perfect truth afraid of non believers? Coz I haven't met any scientists who re scared of being proved otherwise? If there is a difference between how science and your truth works, is your claim based on faith in an unverified self contained book that speaks about its own authenticity? Then isn't that proof of at least a few falsified statements being reenforced? If faith is more important than intelligence then why demand other people loose their faith in a debate with ur intelligence while u cant be open minded ? Finally can u prove that you re not a hypocrite after answering all the above in favour of Islam ?
@Mahboob Alam - File a case and take police protection... But there was money laundering case and terror funding case against Zakir Naik... He is claiming them to be baseless but hasn't appeared before the court of law ... He has also make comments insighting violence towards non muslims and Shia muslims ... Let him come and face the problem if he believes in his doctrine so much ...
@Mahboob Alam - This is not a case for interpol . It is a matter for either treaties or international court of justice. And why will Modi who imprisoned any opposition and many leaders with no heed to opinions care for Joker Naik n his approval? Since Joker Naik hasn't come back or ratified Kashmir issue has Modi become weaker??
@FUN FACT - okay let those in Islam only think of Islam . Why should I as a non muslim be convinced to Islam when Muslims won't consider leaving it if I convinced them there re better ideas than Islam ...?
*Opinion of Jewish about prophet Muhammad PBUH* _حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بارے میں یہودیوں کی رائے جانیں اس ویڈیو کے_
Mashallah I'm a revert and really want to give dawah to my family
Can you please help me in taking subscription to Al Hidayaah platform?
Alhamdulillah, I have seen you give dawah to your mother. It seems to me there is only a thin covering left, only Allah knows when she will testify shahada. Perhaps you have yet more rewards to earn with the steps you are taking to help her to understand the message. May Allah send angels to spread their wings over your home, may He grant you peace and success in helping your mum connect with the Ummah.
Now you’re giving dawah to people all over the workd
There are many people who are trying to mislead muslims from their path.
May Allah save us from this all.
Zakir Naik's lies about the miraculous knowledge in the Quran exposed by a Muslim
@Yes You are right Walaekumasslam 👍
My dream is only to become like u. Ur sacrificing ur whole life in dawah which inspires most of the human beings. Tq soo much for your this wonderful work. May Allah grant u jannah❤️🎉
Masha Allah 🥰
Zakir Naik's lies about the miraculous knowledge in the Quran exposed by a Muslim😂
@Arbaab Hashmi Please let us know how he made you a better Muslim
@@truthseeker3128 u know what if he didn't do such worst thing's he will not get followers & viewers like u so that's the reason unfortunately he has to do such rubbish things. Which may give him likes, followers and money but when allah catches him he cannot be escaped.😅 Becoz of his false & hate massage. And remember one thing a real Muslim will not try to find mistakes of his brother's. He is may be a non Muslim by name of Muslim to spread un humanity. Or a Muslim with a very little knowledge about islam and only tries to make money like a business man. Who only lives & care's for this temporary life and unfortunately forgets about the perminant life "jannah" anyway as a Muslim i get mercy on him and on the people like u. So i pray that may allah give u hidayah and bring on to the straight path👍
@Yes You are right tq so much for ur information dear
Dr you should always upload those 20 common questions an answers in a link in your all videos thanks 🙏🏻
Life is a test
Islam is the best
Shalaa is must
Akhira is our rest
If quran in your chest
Nothing need to be next
Obey allah first
Success will next
*I would love to invite everyone to listen Quran in a unique way*
thanks keep uploading
you deserve more attention
Alhamdulillah I am a dawy in my own family and university. Pray for me. I am starting a saperate tafseer class and helping people understand quraan more.
Jizaakallaahu kheyr Dr ZAKIR NAik
Zikir, istegfar, salah is our inner peace. ❤❤❤❤
Jazakallahu khairan this answer was very needed❤️
Dr. Zakir Naik is the master of dawah in modern world.
His suggestions are unique, unparalleled, incomparable and exceptional.
It is because he thinks all the time how to spread the messages of peace throughout the world.
Dr. Naik is a selfless human being.
That's why we love Dr. Naik.
Zakir Naik's lies about the miraculous knowledge in the Quran exposed by a Muslim😂
May Allah bless you and inshallah you are awarded for your guidance
[أذكار الصباح والمساء]
27 - أذكار الصباح والمساء الحمد لله وحده، والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده (2) .
75 - اية الكرسي { [البقرة: [255 (3) .
76 - سورة [الإخلاص: 1 - [4
(2) عن أنس يرفعه " لأن أقعد مع قوم يذكرون الله تعالى من صلاة الغداة حتى تطلع الشمس أحب إلي من أن أعتق أربعة من ولد إسماعيل، ولأن أقعد مع قوم يذكرون الله من صلاة العصر إلى أن تغرب الشمس أحب إلي من أن أعتق أربعة " أبو داود برقم 3667، وحسنه الألباني، صحيح أبو داود 2 / 698.
(3) سورة البقرة آية: 255. من قالها حين يصبح أجير من الجن حتى يمسي، ومن قالها حين يمسي أجير منهم حتى يصبح. أخرجه الحاكم 1 / 562 وصححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب والترهيب 1 / 273 وعزاه إلى النسائي والطبراني وقال: إسناد الطبراني جيد.
الجزء: 1 ¦ الصفحة: 53
سورة [الفلق: 1 - 5]
سورة [الناس:1 - 6] (ثلاث مرات) (1) . (1) من قالها ثلاث مرات حين يصبح وحين يمسي كفته من كل شيء. أخرجه أبو داود 4 / 322 والترمذي 5 / 567 وانظر صحيح الترمذي 3 / 182.
الجزء: 1 ¦ الصفحة: 54
77 - «أصبحنا وأصبح الملك لله (1) والحمد لله، لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير، رب أسألك خير ما في هذا اليوم وخير ما بعده (2) وأعوذ بك من شر ما في هذا اليوم وشر ما بعده، رب أعوذ بك من الكسل، وسوء الكبر، رب أعوذ بك من عذاب في النار وعذاب في القبر» (1) . (1) وإذا أمسى قال: أمسينا وأمسى الملك لله.
(2) وإذا أمسى قال: رب أسألك خير ما في هذه الليلة وخير ما بعدها وأعوذ بك من شر هذه الليلة وشر ما بعدها.
(1) مسلم 4 / 2088.
الجزء: 1 ¦ الصفحة: 55
لتكملة الاذكار راجع كتاب حصن المسلم
جزاك الله خيرا 💕💕
Assalamualaikum my brothers & sisters
I want to get work for my islam. Before my death so plz pray for me. Give blessing me.❤
Wa alaykumu salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu
BarakAllahoufikoum Chaykh
It's becoming so tough these days.
Expecting more knowledgeable videos from Dr. Zakir Naik. May Allah bless you.
This is badly needed😳😳❤
Amazing recitation of Surah Al Mulk
Hope you will like it
*Opinion of Jewish about prophet Muhammad PBUH*
_حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بارے میں یہودیوں کی رائے جانیں اس ویڈیو کے_ ...
U r right but we should not forget that alhamdolillah we r born in muslim family..had we been born in a non muslim family its high chance that we would have gone astray..we r greatly blessed by Allah and its our duty to guide others bcoz we love them...🙂
Plz watch this has deeply moved me:
May allah grant u jannah..😊
Masha'Allah nice explanation may Allah grand us djannah ameen
Love From Bangladesh 🇧🇩
A lot of thanks you Sir.
Sir you are just great 👍👍👍
Could you make a seperated video about the questions and their answers.
Thanks sir 😊
Dr Zakir 😍😍
Assalamu alaikum o rahmatulla
Make dua for me..
I watch Dr Sabeel Ahmed as well
Masha Allah
Your the king of Muslims 💜💜✊✊
Great explanation quickly without creating confusion in minds to generations to exist in peaceful to understand with do have factual references
In future scientific facts in Quran will be proved 41:53
Zakir Naik's lies about the miraculous knowledge in the Quran exposed by a Muslim😂😂
@Black Panther
You are ignorant, it is a fact that Allah created all science, set scientific rules and laws. Because He is the Great scientist He has given glimses of it in Quran.
@Black Panther
There are a lot of videos on youtube about scientific facts in Quran. by Dr Dr Naik also, there is no clash series, mathematical proofs etc I’ll go beyond that :-
One night some arabs asked prophet Muhammad ( may Allah send His blessings upon him) to split the moon to prove divine support of what he was saying and that Allah was all powerful ! prophet Muhammad ( may Allah send His blessings upon him) raised his finger and split the moon into two halves. This event was witnessed around midnight in India by a king (cheraman Perumal) in what is today the state of Kerala. He was roaming on the roof of his palace He was amazed to see what happened. Because of Two and a half hour difference it was late night here. So when He heard that some spice traders from Arabia were discussing it, he went to meet them. Then with their help he went to saudia Arabia. He met Prophet Muhammad ( may Allah send His blessings upon him) and accepted Islam directly through Muhammad ( may Allah send His blessings upon him) .
Dr. Zakir Naik is the master of dawah in modern world.
Assalamualaikum.Can you share answers of those 10 questions in your next video?
May Allah Help You
We love you so much
I'm satisfied with your answer.
jakir nayek
Oh you are Bangladeshi ❣
Sir can u say how to keep my heart near Islam and alla
لااله الا اللهوبقلوبكم صمن بكم في الارض في اي شي جديد قرآن كريم كامله كوكب الأرض واحد صلاه مصلي كره واحد
Where can I found these 20 common questions with answers?
Dr Zakir had already made video on these. 20 questions.
Assllamualaikom sir, I am Umar Sadique, 15 years old, from Myanmar, currently living in K.L Malaysia.
Sir is there any young Da'ih training department in Malaysia where we can go and learn and interact with Dai'hs like you and learn from them?
Please help I am interested in learning and doing Dawah.
What are the 20 most common quotations asked by the non muslims about islam
Can anyone tell me how can i ask from Dr Zakir Naik?
can I be a comparative religion expert and great preacher like you
You can be great at comparative religion by studying about each religion and their aspects.
Or you can be a preacher like Joker Naik n call urself an expert in other religions till faced with sensible questions....
Anyone who studies multiple religions will not be an a**h0!e like him ...
Assalamu alaikum sir i am from india my question is how to ask questions to dr zakir naik?
Asalamualikum ,Q: sir as you told to visit fr 20 most common Q but sir I am unable to open that website Sir please can you guide us regarding your website it would be grt help!
Location is frm india
La ilaha illallah from indo 😇
اللهم صل على سيدنا النبي محمد النبي الامي وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم ما شاء الله سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم الله اكبر والحمد لله رب العالمين
Assalamualikum sir,,,,,,,,,sir kamon acen
Assalaamu Alayk,
How can a Muslim apply Internal Locus of Control? We believe that everything is in the Hands of Allah.
Hope you will see my Question
Don't ask questions here 🚫
Ask via WhatsApp
+ 6 0 1 1 2 6 9 5 3 8 9 5
@@mdmehedihasan9187 thanks
@@abdullahiabdullahi8499 welcome
Amazing recitation of Surah Al Mulk
Hope you will like it
74:004, 75:1-4, Shows that on dusra janam the person is the same as on this earth. No dusra janam as another person. The finger prints are the same. So rebirth on earth is a lie ! Allah says that He knows you till your finger tips ( finger prints).
The 25 Prophets of Allah
1. Adam
2. Idris (Enoch)
3. Nuh (Noah)
4. Hud
5. Salih
6. Ibrahim (Abraham)
7. Ismail (Ishmael)
8. Ishaq (Isaac)
9. Lut (lot)
10. Yaqub (Jacob)
11. Yusuf (Joseph)
12. Shuaib
13. Ayyub (Job)
14. Mussa (Moses)
15. Harun (Aaron)
16. Dhul Kifl (Ezekiel)
17. Dawud (David)
18. Sulaiman (Soloman)
19. Ilyas (Elias)
20. Al Yasa (Elisha)
21. Yunus (Jonah)
22. Zakariyya (Zekariah)
23. Yahya (John)
24. Isa (Jesus)
25. Muhammed
Peace be upon them all.
(All the prophets mentioned in the Quran were sent to worship Allah alone, and that is the true religion, - Islamic Monotheism)
🔺If a holy book contains conflicting verses, do you still consider it holy❓part 2️⃣
Both Testaments has many conflicting verses let’s look into some of them 🔽
“▪️And the Lord said: 'My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."
▪️But how old was Noah when he died? More than a hundred and twenty years.
▪️See Genesis 9:29: "And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years when he died."
📌Some Christian theologians claim that this does not mean that the maximum age of man will be a hundred and twenty years,
but that the Flood would come in a hundred and twenty years.
Even this doesn't fit, because at the time of the Flood Noah would have been six hundred and twenty (500 + 120) years old.
However, the Bible states that he was six hundred years.
▪️Study Genesis 5:32: "
And Noah was five hundred years old . . .";
▪️Genesis 7:6: "And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth."
📌Christianity believes that God created man in His image:
white, black or another color, male or female? This is according to Genesis 1:26:
“▫️And God said: 'Let Us make man in our image, after our likeness . . ."
📌But this contradicts
▪️ Isaiah 40:18, 25: "To whom then will ye liken God? Or what likeness will ye compare unto him?
'▪️To whom then will ye liken Me, or shall I be equal?' saith the Holy One."
▪️See also Psalm 89:7: "For who in the heaven can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord?"
▪️and Jeremiah 10:6-7: "For as much as there is none like unto Thee, O Lord . . . there is none like unto Thee."
🔵let's go to the New Testament.
▪️John 5:37: “Ye have neither heard His [God's] voice at any time, nor seen His shape.”
▪️John 14:9
“he that has seen me has seen the Father ...”
▪️John 5:31: “If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.”
▪️John 8:14: “Jesus answered and said unto them: "Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true."
📌These are only some of the contradictions in the New Testament.
📍You will find more if we discuss the truth of such doctrines of modern Christianity as the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the divine sonship of Jesus, Original Sin and Atonement, not to mention the biblical accounts of many prophets engaging in degrading activities: worshipping false gods and committing incest, rape, and adultery.
▪️Noah (pbuh) is reported to have been drunk to the point of becoming naked in the presence of his grownup sons
👉🏻Genesis 9:23- 24): "And Shem and Japhet took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him."
📌Solomon (pbuh) was accused of worshipping false gods
(👉🏻I Kings 11:9-10): "And the Lord was angry with Solomon ... And had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods: but he kept not that which the Lord commanded. "
📌Aaron, a prophet who accompanied his brother Moses (pbut) on his mission to Pharaoh, was accused of having fashioned the golden calf for the Israelites to worship (Exodus 32:4): "
👉🏻And he [Aaron] received them [golden earrings] at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a golden calf: and they said: '
These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt."'
📌Prophet Lot's incestuous encounter with his two daughters (Genesis 19:36):
“👉🏻Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father."
📌You can read of a prophet who was married to two sisters at the same time
👉🏻Genesis 29:28): "And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and he [Laban] gave him Rachel his daughter to wife also."
📌And another prophet accused of adultery (
👉🏻II Samuel 11:4-5): "And David sent messengers, and took her [the wife of Uriah], and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness; and she returned unto her house. And the woman conceived, and sent and told David, and said: 'I am with child."'
❓My question is: How could David (pbuh) be accepted in the genealogy of Jesus (pbuh) when it started with a person who ommitted adultery?
May Allâh forbid it!
📌Does this not contradict what is mentioned in Deuteronomy
👉🏻23:3: "A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord."
📌Another allegation is that of incest along with rape by Ammon, the son of David, on his sister Tamar
👉🏻II Samuel 13: 14): "Howbeit he [Ammon] would not hearken unto her voice, but being stronger than she [Tamer], forced her and lay with her."
👉🏻Still another multiple rape, by Absalom on David's concubines, is recounted in
👉🏻II Samuel 16:22: "So they spread Absalom a tent upon the top of the house, and Absalom went in unto his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel."
👉🏻Another incest, by Judah and Tamar (his daughter-in-law): "Judah on his way to Timnath to shear his sheep saw Tamar. He thought her to be a harlot because she had her face covered. (Genesis 38: 18): ". . . And he [Judah] gave it [signet, bracelet and staff] to her, and came in unto her and she conceived by him."
Although Jews and Muslims often have differing views, no Muslim would dare to write a book and stamp any Israelite prophet like Judah, David, Jesus and so on, with rape, adultery, incest, or prostitution. All prophets were sent by Allâh for the guidance of mankind.
❓Do you think that God had sent the wrong people for guidance?
সবাইকে হ্যালো, দয়া করে আমাকে বলুন কোথায় আমাদের ডাক্তারকে প্রশ্ন লিখতে হবে
How to send questions
Islam has good time on this world and now YHWH Almighty God will never allow ur will to happen.
But most of people don't even want to talk about religious matter.
Relatable. But we have to make this work
@@fizakhanam7316 yeah! We should always try. One of my non Muslim friends is reading Quran now. Pray for him that Allah gives him hidayat.
But muhammed sellelellahu alaihive sallam, thabi eens and thabe uth thaabi eens didn't did this type dawah. They didn't took references from other religios scriptures.
*Allah does not become His creation, nor does He change His nature.* Christians believe that Allah the All-Mighty, and the All Powerful became a baby and got His nappy changed by Mary. Allah said: "How can I have children when I have got no wife?" Qur'an Surah 6 Verse 101 and Allah is unique and there is nothing like Him. Qur'an Surah 112. Also read in Qur'an Surah Maidah 5 Verses 110 to 120 where the miracles of Jesus (pbuh) were done by Allah. Also read the mother of Jesus in the Qur'an Surah Maryam 19 explaining that Jesus (pbuh) is a prophet and messenger of Allah. *NOTES: Please can you read the Al-Hilali and Muhsin Khan translation of the Qur'an.*
Dear Naik, why should there be any Dawah if your truth is so universal ?
Should a person giving Dawah also be as open minded to other religious teachings as you expect the non muslims to be while indulging in Dawah?
Say a Muslim is convinced of the truth in another Religion eg - Nabeel Qureshi ... Is it okay for such conversion just as one expects others to convert into Islam ?
Hi No one forcing you to convert to Islam . Your duty to search all the religion.
@@salehapahadi6885 - Why search all religions?
Have you searched every religion before being a Muslim?
@@RamsyRam yes I did .
@@salehapahadi6885 - wonderful, please tell me the Shinto practices and lifestyle and their take on morality...
Also please tell me how Islam stands in comparison with their take on metaphysical aspect of human life continuum ...
@@RamsyRam I don't need to give you any exclamations. You keep follow who ever you following .
French teacher beheaded for showing a cartoon of Jesus ...
Don't u believe?
Guess what happened?
Yes, it was what u think...
A history teacher in France was beheaded by the follower of a Prophet with no face for trying to start a discussion about the freedom of expression.
Please tell me more about how peaceful a particular faith is ...
Is this the same ideology you want people go and give Dawah in favour of?
Can u ?
You look happy.
still your idtp is not working
Dear Naik, can Allah give you the courage to come to India and face justice ?
Can you please show me reference of your Dr Whitemeat whom you referred to while debunking evolution ?
Can Islam allow propaganda in its rule as it demands in other religions territories?
If No isn't it unfair?
Is the perfect truth afraid of non believers? Coz I haven't met any scientists who re scared of being proved otherwise?
If there is a difference between how science and your truth works, is your claim based on faith in an unverified self contained book that speaks about its own authenticity?
Then isn't that proof of at least a few falsified statements being reenforced?
If faith is more important than intelligence then why demand other people loose their faith in a debate with ur intelligence while u cant be open minded ?
Finally can u prove that you re not a hypocrite after answering all the above in favour of Islam ?
@Mahboob Alam - File a case and take police protection...
But there was money laundering case and terror funding case against Zakir Naik...
He is claiming them to be baseless but hasn't appeared before the court of law ...
He has also make comments insighting violence towards non muslims and Shia muslims ...
Let him come and face the problem if he believes in his doctrine so much ...
@Mahboob Alam - This is not a case for interpol .
It is a matter for either treaties or international court of justice.
And why will Modi who imprisoned any opposition and many leaders with no heed to opinions care for Joker Naik n his approval?
Since Joker Naik hasn't come back or ratified Kashmir issue has Modi become weaker??
@FUN FACT - okay let those in Islam only think of Islam . Why should I as a non muslim be convinced to Islam when Muslims won't consider leaving it if I convinced them there re better ideas than Islam ...?
*Opinion of Jewish about prophet Muhammad PBUH*
_حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بارے میں یہودیوں کی رائے جانیں اس ویڈیو کے_
For Indonesia subtitle :
Zakir, I have a Question. Was your mother a virgin when She gave birth to you?