Correct - each investment is only a one time event. The caveats to this are if you use Republic's Autopilot feature or Seedinvest's Autoinvest, then you set it up to invest a predetermined amount every month or so in certain companies that meet an investment criteria.
All about $ in. Where is any info on money out (?) and when (?) or what "A simple agreement for Future Equities" really means in time, cost, and risk?
When and how can we exit???
This was a great tutorial. Thank you
Hello I need your expertise setting up a wed under to raise money. Is this something you do?
The tutorial is good but you did not go over anything regarding the creating an account section where I have questions.
Great video
whne you make a payment, it's a one time right, it's not a monthly obilgation correct?
Correct - each investment is only a one time event. The caveats to this are if you use Republic's Autopilot feature or Seedinvest's Autoinvest, then you set it up to invest a predetermined amount every month or so in certain companies that meet an investment criteria.
Send me website to check you guy's out