scrap metal still does its job afterall, israel is doing great job being climate friendly whilst producing products! Man israel is doing something for the world.
@@Foodcritic8 Because I need to stop Voyagers playing this real terrorists Zionist tank. How do you feel that you saw this video when Zionist tank shot innocent people for no reason? Are they broke international law?
@@Foodcritic8 Because I need to stop Voyagers playing this real terrorists Zionist tank. How do you feel that you saw this video when Zionist tank shot innocent people for no reason?
Do you like Israeli tanks?
I main Israel
Im at rank vii
You love kissing Israeli tanks, don't you?
No I hate zionist tank.
Free Palestine from The occupation of israel.
Yes and I'm absolutely definitely not biased to think so
US Tech Tree: You Have To Use The Sherman FOREVER
Israel Tech Tree: You Have To Use The MAGACH F O R E V E R
Honestly I don't mind as each magach has something better than the one before and there all 0.3 to 1.0 higher then each other so it's a new experience
@9:43 legend has it that defective nuclear bomb is forever stuck in the atmos of the surface of the map lol
Hamas hate this video
Do I think their vehicles are pretty cool? Yes. Do I like playing and researching like 6 M60s? No not really.
the Magachverse
spider man: in the magachverse and no way home
15 Pattons in the tech tree to be exact
Me too brother, I will just get the Magach 1 and 2 and then I’ll unlock some others
The fact that the “Reality” images were also captured from media makes this more hilarious
Based Israel gameplay
I got killed by you at 1:35 😅
Just realized i got my revenge at 2:15 😂
Like why did my ammo have to be there
Like if you like to play War Thunder!
Whoever signs up, I’ll sign back too!
Yes but aids
Bud gave up on using non-premium vehicules
The mountain of M60 mbt(magach tree)
Not all of the are M60's, there's M48's at early tiers.
Here they come...
The comments will be wilding for no reason
I love the magach 5. It is just a magach 3 but with apfs ds on the same br
I love it, it makes me laught so hard and smile so much!
babe wake up voyager posted
I could hear the political comments in here 💀
Oh my god I just hate them so much
@@yourlocalboaty true
Yes bro finally Israel gameplay!
Oh magach.
What is your Favorit soviet Tank in wt
T-90M + BVM
@@zaydabukf8775 ah Nice thx you
@@idk-uv9nj thx you
@@enderrus8861 what?
We need more fartbeat in videos
Speaking like a true gentleman
Yea gl grinding the left line bc you must to progress 😊
Al Yassir RPG Liked this nostagial moment.
Ayy new voyager vid
What's même in 0:38
israel is a good second country as you start at rank 4 with fairly good vehicles and quite a bit of bias
Could you do I video where you grind the strv 122B+ or if you did that could you do Italy/ the vcc-80/30?
Also I love your vids keep up the good work 👍
look, im just saying its really odd USSR vehicles are the main nation that benefit from non-volumetric armor
Really strong 105mm yeah
Im at 8.7 rn for ground
Man why APCR works for you but for me it sucks, its aways non pen or ricochet
4:46 a non pen on a bmp ? Russian bias is strong with this one
The main round missed, the sabot non penned him
@@eliradinsky7088 oh that explains what happened
@@eliradinsky7088genuinely how most "russian bias" arguments go lol
i love you so much but not like war thunder (the snail aim me with a gun)
my uncle was a magach comender(:
Keep it up or else i will send you to space again
Ass all the way
Music doesn't match tech tree anymore 😢
what's your therapist cost after all these videos?
1:30 bro mad 🤣🤣
100th like btw
wallet warrior experience
Yooooooo I was the 69th like on the vid
Israel produces tanks from scrap🤠
And they win wars with them
scrap metal still does its job afterall, israel is doing great job being climate friendly whilst producing products! Man israel is doing something for the world.
@@magnus_turcus1881 blud is really trying to insult me with npc lol
@@yourlocalboatyok npc
Jewish tanks😂😂
No shit sherlock
nien cringe but stuipd
why stupid?
Free palestine
Really dude on a warthunder video. Man I am sorry how uneducated in history you are.
Free Israel from Arab agressiom
Free the world from Islam
free premiums
FREE 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
its a game.
Saying free Palestine wont help. And lets keep politics out of an video game
Cmon man it is game, ik this stuff triggers anti sematic people like just shut up.
It's a vehicle combat video game grow up
It’s a game keep your politics out of it
Free Palestine from Occupation of Israel
Man come on why you gotta say that
@@Foodcritic8 Because I need to stop Voyagers playing this real terrorists Zionist tank.
How do you feel that you saw this video when Zionist tank shot innocent people for no reason? Are they broke international law?
@@Foodcritic8 Because I need to stop Voyagers playing this real terrorists Zionist tank.
How do you feel that you saw this video when Zionist tank shot innocent people for no reason?
@@mouhmmedadil9782you can't stop him unfortunately
Thy Useless Efforts Don't Do Shit.
Cry about it muhamd go back to your goat