This is really interesting! Can’t wait to see how it turns out. There’s a few stocks that I have that are down from where I purchased them and never thought about doing this! I’m in! Merry Christmas to you!!
Was trying to do put credit spread on BABA and didn’t expect it’s gonna be assigned if bellow the strike price😂 so now I have 100 shares of BABA 90$. Doing the same thing. But not that far from the purchase price. Selling at 89$
This is really interesting! Can’t wait to see how it turns out. There’s a few stocks that I have that are down from where I purchased them and never thought about doing this! I’m in! Merry Christmas to you!!
You as well!
Was trying to do put credit spread on BABA and didn’t expect it’s gonna be assigned if bellow the strike price😂 so now I have 100 shares of BABA 90$. Doing the same thing. But not that far from the purchase price. Selling at 89$