Now that I am in my late 60's I no longer want to believe anyone and anything.! It's better to say "I don't know" as it then leaves you with infinite possibilities to seek and learn always.!
Also in my mid 60's...and I no longer "believe" any one religion...not because I don't want to...but rather because I have through all my searching found that human beings have the ability to "convince themselves" of ( believe) in anything they WANT TO convince themselves of. If our ignorance doesn't get us...our arrogance will. I choose to humbly admit...I don't KNOW...and I don't feel the need to believe one way or the other. All others...please don't respond to me with all your reasons, sermons or testimonies of why I should or need to believe one way or the other. Been there...done that! Spare us both.
I just want to recommend The Holy Quran for you. Give it a read as you open to seek and learn. You owe it to yourself. It may change your whole life. You may find that one thing that you've been looking for your whole life. A something that put everything into perspective, a something that gives a meaning and a purpose no matter who you are, no matter where you are, and no matter how old you are. I urge you to give it a read.
Cedric, I too am in my early 60's and I 100% agree. After a long, long search, i ened up nowhere and I also chose to say" I don't know". To be honest, I have freed my mind from all religions and prefer to stay neither believing nor rejecting. A ton of weight and fear fell off my mind and soul. "The usefulness of the cup is it's emptiness" (Bruce Lee (RIP)).
@@YasserAljohani Yes Sir. I truly want to read and understand The Koran some day. And most importantly compare it's teachings with the Jewish and Christian Bibles. Mainly to find answers about our life which is so very complex. The Hindu scriptures and also the Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Sikh, Shinto and Taoism scriptures may all be worth going through. But one lifetime is just not enough to achieve all this after retirement from working life.! 🤔
I, on the other hand, try my best to skip the intro-not always completely successfully. I was considering posting a link to the start of the actual discussion for others who feel as I do.
@@jeffryphillipsburns JESUS HAD A SON VIA MARY MAG John 19:25-27 25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother[Mary], and his mother's sister[in-law], Mary the wife of Cleophas[mother Mary's brother], and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by[Mary Magdalene], whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy [grand]son! [in Mary Mag's womb/pregnant.] 27 Then saith he to the disciple[Mary Mag], Behold thy mother[in-law/Jesus' mother Mary]! And from that hour that disciple[Mary Mag] took her[Jesus' mother] unto his[Jesus'] own home [The home of Jesus and his now pregnant wife Mary Magdalene] in a midwifing arrangement.
I wish I could figure out why his affect irritates me so much. He seems like a good guy. When he habitually and maniacally laughs at anything marginally interesting it hits a nerve for some reason. I still can't stay away from his content though, it is fascinating. Who better than Mary Magdalene? Hahahahahahaha!
That part at the end about speakint out hit home. Ive been guilty lately about self censorsing because im afraid of arguments. Standing up for what you believe in can be really difficult but its important.
Read Jesus Christ slowly and deliberately. You will understand his teachings and example differently than most of us were taught. You will experience the warm-hearted Wisdom and limitless Compassion. Wisdom and Compassion that we wish was ubiquitous in all so-called Christianity. 🙏
@@phillipblair9511 The problem is we have no idea what Jesus actually said or did because the entire new testament is not based on contemporary evidence. It's a recorded tradition that was circulating, a tradition so obviously the victim of legend and exaggeration (Mark and John are not the same Jesus). This is why reading SCHOLARSHIP is so important, SCHOLARS that do not have faith commitments that bias their research. No one can say what Jesus said or did with absolute certainty... it's legendary and not demonstrable.
@@phillipblair9511 Read Bart Ehrman slowly and deliberately and you'll find we have very little information about Jesus. I jest. I don't agree with you, but I have absolutely no problem with compassionate, loving Christians. Regardless of anything else, more Christians need to be like that.
@@wagsman9999 This isn't exactly unusual, though. It's fairly common for followers of a teacher or philosopher to write down their words after the fact. At worst, it's like trying to recover the authentic teachings of Socrates from his students' texts.
@@MAMoreno : Buddhism is another good example of your comment. We have only the legends of Buddha, written down long after his death, and probably long after the death of anyone who witnessed his "ministry".
I am in the unenviable position of being an atheist with a theological degree, who has also studied the New Testament as part of a historical degree, at a secular university. I can’t count the number of times I have had to explain to people that studying the New Testament isn’t equivalent to studying fairytales. Or that insisting that there was a historical Jesus isn’t insisting that he was resurrected. It’s exhausting and takes hours, and even then people don’t understand it. It requires me to explain in a couple of paragraphs what it took me three years to learn. Of course, that can’t be done. It results in the biggest load of “I told you so”, at which point I just give up. Series like this are such a joy. I’ve yet to hear Bart say anything that contradicts what I was taught. From memory we did use one of his books, when I studied. It was a while ago. In the 90s at Morling Theological College, in Sydney. Brian Kemp was the lecturer.
You have just proven by your comment that the Bible is a spiritual book. It can only be understood when a man or woman is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, which we receive when we are born again of the Spirit of God, or put in layman's terminology when you are saved. Understanding Greek on it's own does not reveal the Spirit's mind, and you of course being an atheist are completely in the dark.
I agree with you completely. I was raised a Catholic but (and I admit I’m kind of proud of this) at a pretty young age (around12) I decided on my own that I was an atheist. That made me seak out more about the Bible and the historical Jesus, the latter especially being an interesting topic to me. I’ve given up arguing with such people but as atheism became more popular, I regularly run in to people who have read one book by a popular author and believe that author proved that there never was an historical Jesus. I find it very ironic that “new atheists” who are supposedly about reason and science just scoff at legitimate scholars because those scholars don’t agree with what they want to be true (that there was no historical Jesus). They claim to be about science but they behave the same as Creationists when presented with scholarly data and arguments.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384in other words only people who agree with you can know the truth and if someone asks you for an argument or presents you with contrary evidence you can just dismiss it because such people haven’t been saved. You don’t have rational arguments so you resort to faith which can be used to justify any belief or action.
My husband and I lived in Israel for a year. We lived in Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee for the first 6 months and traveled by Magdala many times. This is very interesting. Thanks for the great info.
@@jeffryphillipsburns my memory isn’t what it use to be so maybe? But still, with the gospels of Thomas, Philip, Mary, and the secret books of James and John, plus many others, there is a lot there.
- The Gospel of Jesus was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.
I think going to the tomb with the intention of anointing his naked body with oils and spices implies that Jesus and Mary had had an intimate relationship.
As a Muslim, whether Jesus had a wife or not doesn't affect my faith. However, if you believe Jesus had a wife BUT HE'S GOD IN FLESH (maybe had children and descendants to this day), then how does that affect Christianity?
Hi Bart. You must remember that the Catholic Church wanted to minimise the role of women and to denograte them whenever possible because it fitted their narrative of the direction where Christianity was headed. I read mary magdalen's gospel sime years ago and its contents stated the she was a woman of means as you stated, but she used her wealth to finance Jesus's ministry. If that were true then she would be a very important person in the life of Jesus. Also it does seem strange that we know of Jesus's birth and nothing until he's in his 30's. The truth is we dont know what went on in his life during that period. He could be single. He could equally be married, with children. I got the impression that Mary was more imortant to jesus than his deciples, otherwise why did they make such an issue of her role. Just because her specific role has not been stated does not exclude the possibility of her being his wife. The truth is we dont know.😮
There's nothing anywhere, including the gospel of Mary Magdalene (of which the author is anonymous and not Mary Magdalene herself) that suggests she was Jesus' wife. While it's true we don't know, like everything historical, there's nothing that indicates she was, other than people's commentaries. If the catholic church, who I personally don't support, intended to minimise women's roles, why was it Mary Magdalene in the canonical bible who discovered THE most important aspect of christianity as a whole, that Jesus rose again?
@veronicamiles5076 Jesus is the most documented historical person from that time in history, by a lot. Noteably even Richard Dawkins the most well known athiest, and author of The God Delusion has conceded that Jesus existed. When you say we don't know Jesus existed, can you clarify what you mean? One thing that scholars agree on is that he existed.
@poface2 'historically' there is no absolute prove that Jesus existed. Other than a couple obscure comments and even then there is no real proof. Any real historian would never on the flimsy evidence available make a statement stating that Jesus actually existed. The closest they would say, it's a possibility and that is about it.
All I can say is "Thank you so much". Excellent facilitator Megan and of course Bart as always brilliant. To get this free weekly is such a huge sacrifice both of you are making.
Everyone did NOT read Dan Brown’s book. Well, I did, in fact, read the first paragraph while browsing in a bookstore, just to see if he could write. The answer is a resounding, very emphatic “no”.
Dan Brown is truly awful. I was actually interested in the background about how we came up with the mythology around angels and demons and listened to the Audio Book hoping to get something that would lead me to the history of this mythology. No such luck; just a very poor, unbelievable piece of work. I listened with my eldest daughter and we always get a great laugh out of the main character who finishes the novel using his coat to save himself from falling out of a plane or helicopter. I think I read through a couple of chapters of Digital Fortress. I guess I'm just embarrassed to admit that I made it through a couple.
- The Gospel of Jesus was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.
@@termination9353 That's one possibility out of thousands. Without a time machine to go back no one can know for sure. One possibility is that Jesus is a completely made-up myth.
Wait! We ARE living with time exchange!!! Y'all are creating with your valuable time interesting/important content, while those of us who have more time to spare grow exponentially by the time you share! Thank you for this series. :)
I enjoy Bart and Megan’s series. When I look back and determine which video I already seen I used Megan hair color to decide. I already seen all the pink hair videos 😅
I believe that Jesus was married. I am going by the wedding where Jesus turned water into wine. Why was Mother Mary so concerned about this wedding and the wine running out? It was Jesus's and Mary Magdalena's wedding. She was the host of this wedding. Jesus turned water into wine at his own wedding. It's also a very symbolic because of that too. The truth of this was edited out because the church wanted to disempower women within the church. Within society. Now women are being empowered again. This is part of Jesus's message. Jesus wouldn't have discriminated against women but the men after him wanted to have the power. They discriminated against women. Women were very much involved in Jesus's time here. They were first to the tomb on Sunday. They were present at the cross when he was passing.
@@poface2 -- This side of Heaven, we will probably never know, so it is possible that Jesus was married, but like many biographies of famous men in the ancient world, the Mrs. isn't mentioned. All either side of the argument proves is that men wrote the Bible.
If you want to take that sort of stupid argument, then you have to say that Lazarus who Christ raised from the dead was the disciple that Jesus loved. It states clearly that Jesus loved Martha, Mary and their brother Lazarus. By the way, what version of the Bible are you reading, because you want to throw it in the bin if that is what you are getting from it.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384let’s leave out the bashing, name calling etc… Let’s ALL agree, we are NOT to judge (as we are ALL imperfect, born in sin and are sinners) , we are to love each other because our creator laws and principles…♥️
What Bart has done to me is that after listening to his views, I has started to look at Jesus as a Jew who explained his interpretation of the Torah and also think in terms of 1st century thinking soon after Jesus was crucified. Christianity developed through times thereafter based on the interpretation of the writers and Paul, who added Roman and Greek interpretation of a Jewish faith.
All the great, superior, and powerful Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, JWs, Born Agains, Catholics, SDAs, Mormons, Baptists, Methodists, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, fanatics of all Religions in the world KNOW that they - 1. don't respect and obey the Sovereignty and commandments of the Creator 2. don't submit to the authority of Jesus Christ as the One given by the Creator all authority in heaven and on earth and rejected too his teachings about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" as worthless and useless, no value whatsoever in their own lives and existence. Loving, kind, and respectful persons on earth KNOW that they rejected the superiority, power, and greatness of Atheism, Agnosticism, and Religious Fanaticism as worthless and useless, no value whatsoever in their own lives and existence and instead - 1. love, honor, and obey the Creator as their loving, kind, and merciful God and Heavenly Father 2. submit to the authority of Jesus Christ as the Creator's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth and believe his teachings about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead". Jesus Christ KNOWS that loving kind, and respectful human beings who submit to his authority and believe his teachings about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" will be favored, honored and rewarded by the loving, kind, and merciful Creator with Eternal Life and existence without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and deaths on a safe, secure, and peaceful earth without arrogant, cruel, and hateful persons, without liars, slanderers, deceivers, and hypocrites, without atheists, agnostics, and fanatics of religions. The Creator KNOWS that in his own right time, he will let his Christ resurrect back to life all loving, kind, and respectful human beings who died even thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, the Christ's followers, and many others so that all loving, kind, and respectful human beings can happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient citizens and subjects of the "Kingdom of God" or His Kingdom and fully enjoy his and his Christ's eternal love, kindness, goodness, generosities, compassions, favors, and blessings for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of his Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth, his Christ.
_"Christianity developed through times thereafter based on the interpretation of the writers and Paul..."_ Jesus is a fictional character. Paul created Christianity after the Daniel 9:25 prophesy expired unfulfilled.
Thanks Dr Ehrman and Meghan. On the title Magdalene another explanation is that it means “the Tower” possibly because she was a source of strength for the movement, and was tall, stately, and richly adorned as befitted a woman of wealth. Also in Jerusalem there was already a Mary Tower that dominated the Upper City: the Mariamne Tower of Herod’s palace was the most beautifully ornamental of Herod’s three colossal towers and it was inside the Western Hill section, wealthiest part of the city. Mariamne was a common Greekified way of saying Mariam/ Maria. It would be like identifying/nicknaming a wealthy woman named Liberty as Liberty Statue or Lady Liberty. Also there is no proof that the town that maps and people have called “Magdala” was called that in the 1st century. It could well be (see Albright) in Greek Tarichaea (meaning ‘Salted Fish’) and with the additional name of Migdal Nunayya ‘Tower of/forFish’ as it did have a large tower that had a fire on top at night to orientate fishing boats on the lake. By AD 66 Tarichaea was claimed by Josephus to have 40,000 people. Dr. G.Craig Fairweather.
I think it’s disappointing that the marriage in Cana was not discussed because according to Jewish tradition, I hear, if anyone has a problem at the wedding reception, then it is the mother of the groom to whom you address your issues. If the mother of the groom cannot handle the issue at hand, then you address the groom himself. That’s precisely what transpired at the wedding at Cana. Jesus, if I am correct about Jewish tradition, was therefore the groom.
When you recommend we read something like the gospel of Philip, I would appreciate an actual book, or books, recommendation. This can be in the video, comments, or description. Actually, book recommendations for additional information would be appreciated on any video
FYI, a good place to start is The Nag Hamandi Library edited by James G. Robinson. It has translations of all the texts found at Nag Hamandi. I think the introduction also describes the process by which they were found which Bart only alluded to and is a quite interesting story itself.
Bart, if you read this comments, may I ask you a question? There is story in gospels where Jesus and his mother are attending a wedding and there is shortage of wine, on suggestion of his mother jesus turns water into the best wine. If it was not the wedding of Jesus, why would Mary the mother and Jesus care about having enough wine for the guests?
John 2: 3 When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” 4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to me and to you? He doesn't seem concerned at all. Later, the banquet manager calls the groom aside to approve of saving the best wine for last. No inference to the bridegroom being Jesus himself is present.
If God impregnated, Mary and Jesus is God that Jesus impregnated his own mother. Do you understand that Jesus procreated with his own mother? Do you get how crazy this book is. It’s really sick and the violence is disgusting..
He didn't explore the reason why Magdalene discovered the resurrection - she was involved in dressing his dead body with his family, an incredibly intimate activity. Would love to hear his thoughts on that.
I have a book in my library that suggest she was the niece of Joseph of Arimathia and that after the staged death of Jesus they made their way to England and lived their lives out here. The name Jesus Christ is a title we know Christ means the anointed one the name Jesus could only have came about within the last 500 years because the letter J does not exist in the Hebrew alphabet and did not appear in the English alphabet until 1629. The Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Judas contradict each other because in both Gospels they both claim to be the special disciple that Jesus told secrets to, that the other disciples were not privy to. I am with Professor April Deconick in that she believes that Judas was really the Demiurge, meaning that Mary Magdala had to be the special apostle trusted with the secrets of the Kingdom because she was his wife. This mirrors the Gnostic teachings that the True God is androgynous the Unknowable Father and Barbelo give birth to Christos whom is the Logos and the Logos is sent on a rescue mission after the Aeon Sophia gives birth to the Demiurge who creates this fallen material dream world.
Yeshia didnt die on the cross it would have taken more thsn hours to die like that, he was believed to be dead when they got him down and close to but he was alive. There was no resurection the way the naritive is writen by men he and mary lived in india after and yes had children. Yeshua never said he would be back he christ would which is concousness and thats exactally whats happening right now an awakening of christ conciousness
It's interesting that Dr Ehrman speaks of M M being from 'the town of Magdala' while Bishop Spong says there is/was no such place (and IIRC he therefore questions her identity...)
I just read an article claiming an ancient text was found proving Jesus married Mary Magdalene and they had two kids. However, the article said nothing about who found this text, where it was found, when it was dated to, or who translated it. Pardon me if I remain skeptical.
I attend a Saturday morning men's Bible study group at my church and this topic came up one week about a year or so ago. Out of the 17 men that were there for the discussion, I was the only one who believed that Jesus being married or even an Earthly father would not impact my belief in Him as the Son of God. I would continue to put my faith in him as my Lord and Savior. The Gospels are clear that Jesus was not only fully God, but fully man, and a Jewish man. It would be extremely unusual for a Jewish man of his age in His time not to be married. I am not saying He WAS married; I'm only saying that it would not diminish my belief in His divinity. I also stand in opposition to my Catholic friends in their belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, remained a virgin throughout her life and was free of "Original Sin," which the Catholics call the "Immaculate Conception." In the Gospels, priests speak of the brothers and sisters of Jesus. Most Christian apologists say they are actually referring to cousins of Jesus. I believe the Gospels mean what they say. Jesus had half brothers and sisters, as Joseph was not Jesus' father.
Misogyny run’s deep in the Biblical text’s thanks to the first Pope who probably had several wives. . Honestly, this is the reason why I struggled with Christianity in my early years.
There is no problem with that. The Pope was not a Christian and neither have the rest since then been. If you want to examine Christianity, look and study Jesus Christ. It is all about Him.
I struggle with any religion that demeans our creators “creation”.. but we all must understand, the demeaning of women in the Bible isn’t our creator laws and principles, it’s “Man’s”.. From the moment Adam and Eve disobeyed, from the moment Jehovah created our savior and he ascended, man has taken Jehovah’s laws and principles and re-wrote them to “Fit” their narrative… This is (and has been playing out for thousands of years)… All the greed/lust/ego-driven actions (abuse/theft/trafficking) have all stemmed from the “Ego and Pride” developed from man’s desire to be looked at and glorified like our creator… The attributes I just mentioned are the tools Satan uses to lure us (no different than he did Adam and Eve) to do his works so he can do what he’s always set out to do .. STEAL.. KILL.. and DESTROY Jehovah’s greatest creation..♥️
I've got a fairly religious, but somewhat unorthodox in their faith that uses the 'Jesus was tempted in all ways as man' which he believes must included being tempted with adultery, which means he would have to have been married
All the ways that every man is tempted are all the ways that a man could be tempted? Since many men never marry, it sounds as if you mean the latter. The latter, however, is absurd. He’d have to have been tempted to commit murder, to desert from the army, to rob banks, to practice cannibalism, to molest children, and so on. There’s no end to that.
Archaeologists digging up papyrus fragments at Oxyrhynchos on the Nile found a piece on which was written "and Jesus said to his wife" Unfortunately the rest was missing.
I've supposed for some time that, given the conflation of Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene was some relation of Lazarus, who perhaps married and was later widowed.
In Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine we call her ( Maryam Al-Majdalaiya مريم المجدلية ) which literaly means Marry from Majdal (with J not G ).. there are a bunch of townes in these four countries that starts with Majdal, you can see it easily on the map. So yes, Marry Magdalin means definetly Mary from Magdala of Majdala
This soapbox was actually very eye opening. It really is just saying "its not right that my ego is on the line". Which is fair enough, but if you're an academic, your ego is on the line. Knowledge and good argumentation will outlast your ego, so if your ego is too threatened, it must mean you think your arguments aren't good enough to be respected.
The idea that Maru Madeliene was Jesus's Wife is based on the Gnostic Gospel of Phillip verse 55 where Mary Madeliene is referred to a the consort of the Savior meanig wife
Thank God for you and I hope that you will find more about this one that I am sure you are doing good job working on this matter this is very important for the Christianity family. You be bless
He was saying there were no banks then. I am curious about the Parable of the Talents. The one guy went and hid the talent he was given to keep it safe. Then the master is upset with him and said he could have put it in the bank and got some interest. The KJV said "exchangers" and "usury". But isn't that the same as a bank?
She wasn’t a prostitute at all…the Catholic Church hated her because she was the closest apostle to Jesus and in a patriarchal society the Catholic Church had to find a way to portray her as a fallen woman full of sin but she wasn’t.
Among the women that followed Jesus ministering to him, there stood with him at the foot of the cross, “his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas (the closer, or end of summer), and Mary Magdalene,” (or Mary of the tower, or fall equinox. (The spring equinox was called the watch-tower). All these women, it must be remembered, were the Virgo of the Zodiac, and were named each according to her position and circumstances; -here the wife of Cleophas, because at the close of the summer. Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea (Earth at the end of summer) now put in his appearance. He went straight to Pilate and demanded the Savior’s body. Joseph being a just man, like Noah, Pilate gave him the body. The legs were not broken; how fortunate, as without legs the Savior could not have resurrected himself. The soldiers had pierced his side with a spear (they knew better, but it was done that the Scripture might be fulfilled), and “forthwith there came out blood and water” (wine-making). Joseph (the Earth) took the body and wrapped it in “clean linen” (emblem of the Earth), and laid it in a new tomb (winter) and departed.-Mat. 27:60. The two Marys sat opposite him (Sun in Virgo), all this time and took notes up to the end of the sixth hour (month). Here his God, Aries, or the Ram forsook him; for they heard him cry with a loud voice: -ELI, ELI, lama Sabachthani, i.e., literally in English, “my Ram, my Ram, why hast thou forsaken me?” The Ram forsakes the Sun every fall, getting behind the Earth in the night hemisphere. From the sixth hour (month) until the ninth hour (month), there was darkness-from the fall equinox to the winter solstice. At the Sixth hour, the Savior gave up the Ghost, or, summer wind, i.e., the monsoon changed.
About Mary Magdalene perhaps she was only mentioned twice in the Bible is because Yesha's disciples were jealous of her. Yeshua was often seen kissing her on the lips.
Very interesting thing is that discussion about Jesus not really pushing people to get married. Strange to here that and compare it to the importance mariage has in catholic church today. That topic would be so interesting to cover.
384 / 5,000 Jesus was not married and this is what Clement of Alexandria says in his The Stromata. In the 2nd century theological dispute on whether a married christian can truly dedicate himself to God, Clement, who was on the side that supported marriage, combats those "who proudly claimed to imitate Jesus, who was neither married nor had possessions in this world". In his The Stromata, III.6.49 Clement said: "they do not know the reason why the Lord did not marry. In the first place he had his own bride, the Church; and in the next place he was no ordinary man that he should also be in need of some helpmeet after the flesh". I suppose that Clement was better informed at the end of 2nd century whether Jesus was married or not. And that almost all the churches founded by Jesus direct discipols (except Peter) claimed in that dispute that the Lord was not married is a strong argument that Jesus was more likely not married.
If Jesus were repudiating marriage, would we see the gospel of John as repudiating that version of Jesus' message? It would seem John's Jesus does not disapprove of marrying or being given in marriage when he performs a miracle to keep a wedding banquet going
Sure, we have Bart Ehrman on the one hand, but we have Dan Brown on the other. Sorry Bart, but Dan has sold over 200 million copies, so I have to go with him. /s Edit: I thought everyone in 2023 knew /s meant end sarcastic statement. I guess I was wrong.
1. I listened to Revelations and it was one of my Bart's more fiery books. 2. I was listening to a video of James White the other day and he said something about John being the earliest attested gospel. What the? (Was reminded because Bart mentioned he was doing Mark next week.)
There is a fragment of John's Gospel (I think from the trial of Jesus) that some think is the earliest extant manuscript of any NT book - dating, apparently, from mid-second century
@@chadgarber most historical scholars do believe John to the the last on the four canonical gospels. I believe the comment was about the oldest known surviving fragment which might be of the book of John but it’s dated mid second century. I find that most historical scholars believe Mark was the first of the four gospels and was written around 70 CE. Most scholars who believe in earlier dates for Mark (and all the NT books) tend to be theological scholars vs historical scholars.
There has recently appeared an article in which it was argued that the female brain is different from the male, and that it is a busy and caring mind. I recall that although I was not a believer I love the Ethics of Christianity and the religious music and art so I went with a believer on Easter day to Brecon Cathedral. I have to admit that I went as a spectator, disengaged, but interested in the rituals and ceremonial. The service assumed the standard form of a Anglican service in the Church in Wales, which is to say the hymns, psalms, lessons and sermon but before the sermon a gospel is read, and for this the clergy advanced into the aisle of the church replete with the bible, an Incense burner and the clergy regaled in their frocks [surplice] and the bishop with his mitre. All this was faintly comical to a none believer. [The Bishop put his mitre on, took off his mitre and one of their number aimed the incense at the holy text.] This occurred shortly after the Anglican church had accepted the ministry of women, in the face of fierce resistance from a coterie, of principally males ,who claimed authority and the remit of unique authenticity for their view. This was nearly 70 years after women in the Lutheran Churches in Sweden, Denmark, Norway,and Germany had accepted woman's ministry with no diminution of religious conviction. The gospel for Easter began, and I began to listen to the account of the Resurrection In this one it is Mary Magdalene who discovers the empty tomb, and bewails the fact and then meets a man in the Garden who turns out to be Jesus, and he tells her that his mission on earth is now over, but it is she who is to tell the disciples. [This was not the manager of a football team telling the secretary that she was to tell the lads there would be training as usual on Monday] this was the focus of Christian Faith confiding the task to Mary Magdalene, a woman, to instruct the men on his and their mission. And I was left aghast at how for two millennia men have confiscated Christian orthodoxy and bestowed it uniquely on themselves and have arrogated spiritual power [and muscle power] to themselves. I left the Cathedral no more imbued with orthodox Christian apologia and belief than when I entered ,but amazed that men could insist, even in the face of their own canonical bible, upon their primacy. The gospel of Mary is, according to scholars, an interesting text and suggests that this Christianity at least proclaims an ethical Christ much closer to the traditions of Platonic Philosophy and much closer, I might add, to the traditions of the Ethical philosophical tradition culminating with Kant [also called Immanuel]I am told that this makes me an authentic Christian and thanks to Bach St. Matthew's Passion I remain appalled at the cruelty and barbarism, for the most part of men. That is why I am intrigued, and even persuaded by the Gospel of Mary, apocryphal or not and why Easter has some measure of importance. It not only that I listen to Bach' 'Mathew Passion' in which the last part is almost unbearable in its poignancy but because in despite of this gratuitous political barbarism there appears a moment of almost concealed if incidental truth in the canon. That the divine mission was confided not to clamorous men but to a woman in a moment of exquisite and moving poetical truth and intimacy. A woman more over who was either denigrated or dismissed or marginalised over two millennia in a conspiracy of men that has defaced Christianity and Civilisation over long. I am not an enlisted Humanist because that movement seems to be developing into an ideology with the same nasty inclinations to prejudice and bigotry and a species of spurious reason which is only secular rationalisation. It should behove us to recognise and connect that Scientific Paper with this Easter revelation. Some Christians were there two thousand years before Science.
If I could place an order, the story of Annanias and Saphira has always tripped me out. If it had happened when I was a churchgoer I would have been one of the young men carrying the bodies out. Kinda wondered if that was the reason Peter eventually got crucified, or part of the reason. Hard to explain sudden death like that to a centurion, constable, magistrate, Agrippa, whatever
I think Bart may overestimate the security that tenured faculty currently enjoy from being cancelled. Also, what are non-tenured faculty supposed to do?
I think that all are forgeting one important fact;all of them were Jews and thers faith was Judaism and it was only one stream of understandig and thinking,but all within Judaism! They were no christians
Everybody should watch Jesus lost tomb where they discovered a tomb in which archeologists found Jesus coffin next to Mary Magdalen and Mary his mother name inscribed on the asaphegus,something to think about?
I don't agree with all your views. However, I do appreciate you be a non-religious sound of reason when it comes to the topic of Mary Magdalene. Thank you!
15:00 Bart get it wrong there. Paul never declares that Peter found the empty tomb and ALL of the Gospels point to women -- Mary Magdalene being chief of those.
The correlation between the seven demons cast from Mary AND the seven levels of ascension in the Book of Mary has always been SUPER interesting to me. Full conjecture but I tend to think that reference to the demons also infers what is shared in her book.
@@noneofurbusiness5223I was coming here to say that. In St Teresa of Avila’s book, The Interior Castle, she speaks of the innermost castle , the seventh castle, being total oneness with God. In my mind there’s a correlation between that repeating number of seven seen through Mary and Teresa and the seven chakras in yogic philosophy. Maybe the demons being cast out of Mary Magdalene were any impurities that may have been present in each of her seven chakras - the casting out of which would have resulted in her being one in Christ. Just a thought. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra, in yogic philosophy to abide in the crown chakra is to experience God. If Jesus was one with God, and someone else was purified to the level of also being one with God then they would both be abiding in the Christ Consciousness, the consciousness that is evident in all of Creation.
Her being given the job of telling others of his resurrection seems pretty significant to me. And what about the gospel of Mary? I know it isn't in the Bible, but is it not historically significant?
Supporting them financially is also significant... I get that the speculation of their relationship is fabricated, but the rest of this is pretty important!
Are there transcripts available for these videos? I love Ehrman's work, and some of these topics seem fascinating, but I suffer from inattentive-type ADHD and can't maintain an attention span for lengthy videos - I do a lot better with reading text.
If you're watching on mobile you can select "Show Transcript" in the description box. It auto-generates captions. Might be helpful ( I don't know if you can do this on desktop)
Hell is real... We can not hide our sins from God. Is your heart right with the Lord? If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Christ loves you and He died for our sins. ACTS 2:38 “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit....
@@ChristianSoldier71 I'm already Christian, thanks. I'm not sure having "Hell" be the first word out of your mouth is liable to convince many people, particularly as they have no reason to believe in it if they don't already believe in God.
To get a more reliable picture what went really on in those days scholars like BE are of invaluable worth. Bart paints a picture with facts, with connections between the whoswho and whatswhat in the context of that period! In your mind a film, a documentary starts to shape.
Hello Scholars hope all is well . Just me if Jesus had a wife so be it ,he kissed her on the. lips case closed. By the way didn't other Gods have a Wife so why can't he . No where in the Scripture does it state Jesus was celibate . Some say he also had children 😮
Many of Jesus' followers were unmarried and celibate, and still others were married and had families. Jesus did not come to have a romantic interest in any woman, least of all to get married and have a family Himself. He came to redeem the human race, which the New Testament makes quite clear. There have been and will always be those who seek a back story to His life in an attempt to humanize Him according to our own human nature. It makes for interesting and entertaining thought, but that's about it.
I always learn something new in this channel. Thanks for creating such amazing content. Bart, have you considered writing a book on stoicism alone outside of your usual field in Christianity? Also have you read Marcus Aurelius and Seneca?
Note that tenure is becoming less common among university teaching faculty. Its protective status is thus on the wane, so some caution in expressing contrary political opinions among one’s peer group may be well justified. For established tenured faculty, caution can be tossed to the wind.
Ehrman got the woman in Mark 14:3-9 who anointed Jesus' head with oil a bit confused with the "sinful" woman of Luke 7.36-50 who wept over and anointed his feet. Only the second woman was described as "a sinner.
The woman Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus) who anoints Jesus' feet in John 112:1-8, is also not a sinner. That story is much like the Markan story, but somewhat different. (I had forgotten that.)
I read Misquoting Jesus. It was clear Bart never bothered to look up the answers to his unoriginal questions. By the end, I was more convinced the Bible is true. Thanks Bart! By the way, there were two angels at the tomb keeping Vigil, and then later when it says there was one, there was one because one had left, one had stayed behind as the messenger saying He's risen.
Absolutley fascinating information about Mary Magdalene, debunking lots of misinformation about her and making the valid point that she may have been the first Catholic! I vote for her as the first Pope - thus starting a precedent that all Popes must be female! 😄
- The Gospel of Jesus was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.
Thank you for another excellent episode, Megan and Bart "What was the apostle Paul's last name?" Ehrman! You two definitely have the divine spark in you 😁
Not even a Christian (and in fact a Buddhist) but Bart is so much fun to listen to that I just can't stop watching :-)
Haha me too - agreed
Gospel of the holy 12 vegan bible 1st century only vegans can find it
I am a Buddhist also
I'm a Christian, but I respect Barts knowledge and objectivity (and he's an atheist). The truth always shines through.
Now that I am in my late 60's I no longer want to believe anyone and anything.! It's better to say "I don't know" as it then leaves you with infinite possibilities to seek and learn always.!
That must be a poor life to trust nobody....
Also in my mid 60's...and I no longer "believe" any one religion...not because I don't want to...but rather because I have through all my searching found that human beings have the ability to "convince themselves" of ( believe) in anything they WANT TO convince themselves of. If our ignorance doesn't get us...our arrogance will. I choose to humbly admit...I don't KNOW...and I don't feel the need to believe one way or the other.
All others...please don't respond to me with all your reasons, sermons or testimonies of why I should or need to believe one way or the other. Been there...done that! Spare us both.
I just want to recommend The Holy Quran for you.
Give it a read as you open to seek and learn. You owe it to yourself.
It may change your whole life. You may find that one thing that you've been looking for your whole life. A something that put everything into perspective, a something that gives a meaning and a purpose no matter who you are, no matter where you are, and no matter how old you are.
I urge you to give it a read.
Cedric, I too am in my early 60's and I 100% agree. After a long, long search, i ened up nowhere and I also chose to say" I don't know". To be honest, I have freed my mind from all religions and prefer to stay neither believing nor rejecting. A ton of weight and fear fell off my mind and soul.
"The usefulness of the cup is it's emptiness" (Bruce Lee (RIP)).
@@YasserAljohani Yes Sir. I truly want to read and understand The Koran some day. And most importantly compare it's teachings with the Jewish and Christian Bibles. Mainly to find answers about our life which is so very complex. The Hindu scriptures and also the Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Sikh, Shinto and Taoism scriptures may all be worth going through. But one lifetime is just not enough to achieve all this after retirement from working life.! 🤔
This has become one of my favorite channels. Love the intro, love Megan as host, and, of course, loving hearing Bart in this format.
I, on the other hand, try my best to skip the intro-not always completely successfully. I was considering posting a link to the start of the actual discussion for others who feel as I do.
@@jeffryphillipsburns JESUS HAD A SON VIA MARY MAG John 19:25-27
25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother[Mary], and his mother's sister[in-law], Mary the wife of Cleophas[mother Mary's brother], and Mary Magdalene.
26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by[Mary Magdalene], whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy [grand]son! [in Mary Mag's womb/pregnant.]
27 Then saith he to the disciple[Mary Mag], Behold thy mother[in-law/Jesus' mother Mary]! And from that hour that disciple[Mary Mag] took her[Jesus' mother] unto his[Jesus'] own home [The home of Jesus and his now pregnant wife Mary Magdalene] in a midwifing arrangement.
@@termination9353 Lmao, be careful not to sprain anythinge with all this stretching!
@@petermazug7704 Funny that's my same accusation against you guyz.
@@termination9353 - Wow! You better let Professor Ehrman know RIGHT AWAY! Boy, is he going to be embarrassed.
Bart is not only a brilliant scholar but a lovable nerd! I wish my lecturers were like him when I was in college
I just wish he was my dad... that's all...
I wish I could figure out why his affect irritates me so much. He seems like a good guy. When he habitually and maniacally laughs at anything marginally interesting it hits a nerve for some reason. I still can't stay away from his content though, it is fascinating. Who better than Mary Magdalene? Hahahahahahaha!
Just because you have no clue doesn’t mean Bart is a nerd …….
Please please reconsider.. I beg you. He is wrong. He is a deciver. I'm not lying he is lying . Please reconsider. 🙏
Please please reconsider. He is wrong
That part at the end about speakint out hit home. Ive been guilty lately about self censorsing because im afraid of arguments. Standing up for what you believe in can be really difficult but its important.
Mr Erhman has such a gift of explaining. Just pure joy to listen to him speak. Thank you both for that.
My entire view of Christianity has changed because of Dr. Ehrman, his books, and his lectures.
Read Jesus Christ slowly and deliberately. You will understand his teachings and example differently than most of us were taught. You will experience the warm-hearted Wisdom and limitless Compassion. Wisdom and Compassion that we wish was ubiquitous in all so-called Christianity.
@@phillipblair9511 The problem is we have no idea what Jesus actually said or did because the entire new testament is not based on contemporary evidence. It's a recorded tradition that was circulating, a tradition so obviously the victim of legend and exaggeration (Mark and John are not the same Jesus). This is why reading SCHOLARSHIP is so important, SCHOLARS that do not have faith commitments that bias their research. No one can say what Jesus said or did with absolute certainty... it's legendary and not demonstrable.
@@phillipblair9511 Read Bart Ehrman slowly and deliberately and you'll find we have very little information about Jesus. I jest. I don't agree with you, but I have absolutely no problem with compassionate, loving Christians. Regardless of anything else, more Christians need to be like that.
@@wagsman9999 This isn't exactly unusual, though. It's fairly common for followers of a teacher or philosopher to write down their words after the fact. At worst, it's like trying to recover the authentic teachings of Socrates from his students' texts.
@@MAMoreno : Buddhism is another good example of your comment. We have only the legends of Buddha, written down long after his death, and probably long after the death of anyone who witnessed his "ministry".
I am in the unenviable position of being an atheist with a theological degree, who has also studied the New Testament as part of a historical degree, at a secular university.
I can’t count the number of times I have had to explain to people that studying the New Testament isn’t equivalent to studying fairytales.
Or that insisting that there was a historical Jesus isn’t insisting that he was resurrected. It’s exhausting and takes hours, and even then people don’t understand it.
It requires me to explain in a couple of paragraphs what it took me three years to learn. Of course, that can’t be done.
It results in the biggest load of “I told you so”, at which point I just give up.
Series like this are such a joy. I’ve yet to hear Bart say anything that contradicts what I was taught.
From memory we did use one of his books, when I studied. It was a while ago. In the 90s at Morling Theological College, in Sydney. Brian Kemp was the lecturer.
You have just proven by your comment that the Bible is a spiritual book. It can only be understood when a man or woman is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, which we receive when we are born again of the Spirit of God, or put in layman's terminology when you are saved. Understanding Greek on it's own does not reveal the Spirit's mind, and you of course being an atheist are completely in the dark.
I agree with you completely. I was raised a Catholic but (and I admit I’m kind of proud of this) at a pretty young age (around12) I decided on my own that I was an atheist. That made me seak out more about the Bible and the historical Jesus, the latter especially being an interesting topic to me. I’ve given up arguing with such people but as atheism became more popular, I regularly run in to people who have read one book by a popular author and believe that author proved that there never was an historical Jesus. I find it very ironic that “new atheists” who are supposedly about reason and science just scoff at legitimate scholars because those scholars don’t agree with what they want to be true (that there was no historical Jesus). They claim to be about science but they behave the same as Creationists when presented with scholarly data and arguments.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384in other words only people who agree with you can know the truth and if someone asks you for an argument or presents you with contrary evidence you can just dismiss it because such people haven’t been saved. You don’t have rational arguments so you resort to faith which can be used to justify any belief or action.
I do hope that in your awfully long list of study 🤭 your tutors were more kindly and patient with you, than you are to your fellow learners 😉
My husband and I lived in Israel for a year. We lived in Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee for the first 6 months and traveled by Magdala many times. This is very interesting. Thanks for the great info.
I would love an episode (or 20) on the Gnostic gospels. But I sincerely appreciate these podcasts and have learned so much from the.
Didn’t we have one already?
@@jeffryphillipsburns my memory isn’t what it use to be so maybe? But still, with the gospels of Thomas, Philip, Mary, and the secret books of James and John, plus many others, there is a lot there.
- The Gospel of Jesus was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.
I think going to the tomb with the intention of anointing his naked body with oils and spices implies that Jesus and Mary had had an intimate relationship.
As a Muslim, whether Jesus had a wife or not doesn't affect my faith. However, if you believe Jesus had a wife BUT HE'S GOD IN FLESH (maybe had children and descendants to this day), then how does that affect Christianity?
Are you a pervert or something. That is ridiculous.
Hi Bart. You must remember that the Catholic Church wanted to minimise the role of women and to denograte them whenever possible because it fitted their narrative of the direction where Christianity was headed. I read mary magdalen's gospel sime years ago and its contents stated the she was a woman of means as you stated, but she used her wealth to finance Jesus's ministry. If that were true then she would be a very important person in the life of Jesus. Also it does seem strange that we know of Jesus's birth and nothing until he's in his 30's. The truth is we dont know what went on in his life during that period. He could be single. He could equally be married, with children. I got the impression that Mary was more imortant to jesus than his deciples, otherwise why did they make such an issue of her role. Just because her specific role has not been stated does not exclude the possibility of her being his wife. The truth is we dont know.😮
There's nothing anywhere, including the gospel of Mary Magdalene (of which the author is anonymous and not Mary Magdalene herself) that suggests she was Jesus' wife. While it's true we don't know, like everything historical, there's nothing that indicates she was, other than people's commentaries.
If the catholic church, who I personally don't support, intended to minimise women's roles, why was it Mary Magdalene in the canonical bible who discovered THE most important aspect of christianity as a whole, that Jesus rose again?
@poface2 historically we don't know if Jesus's existed either!
@veronicamiles5076 Jesus is the most documented historical person from that time in history, by a lot. Noteably even Richard Dawkins the most well known athiest, and author of The God Delusion has conceded that Jesus existed. When you say we don't know Jesus existed, can you clarify what you mean? One thing that scholars agree on is that he existed.
@poface2 'historically' there is no absolute prove that Jesus existed. Other than a couple obscure comments and even then there is no real proof. Any real historian would never on the flimsy evidence available make a statement stating that Jesus actually existed. The closest they would say, it's a possibility and that is about it.
@veronicamiles5076 Please Google "Do historians agree Jesus existed?"
Nearly ALL hosorians agree Jesus existed.
All I can say is "Thank you so much". Excellent facilitator Megan and of course Bart as always brilliant. To get this free weekly is such a huge sacrifice both of you are making.
I always look forward to these episodes. Thanks for the excellent content, Megan and Bart!
Evidently, Peter didn't recognize that Mary was his meal ticket since she and other women supported them financially
I love this man's chuckle. Hehe
Everyone did NOT read Dan Brown’s book. Well, I did, in fact, read the first paragraph while browsing in a bookstore, just to see if he could write. The answer is a resounding, very emphatic “no”.
Dan Brown is truly awful. I was actually interested in the background about how we came up with the mythology around angels and demons and listened to the Audio Book hoping to get something that would lead me to the history of this mythology. No such luck; just a very poor, unbelievable piece of work. I listened with my eldest daughter and we always get a great laugh out of the main character who finishes the novel using his coat to save himself from falling out of a plane or helicopter. I think I read through a couple of chapters of Digital Fortress. I guess I'm just embarrassed to admit that I made it through a couple.
I read it and laughed myself off my chair with all the invention of 'proof' I read it as a comedic book of errors
- The Gospel of Jesus was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.
@@termination9353 That's one possibility out of thousands. Without a time machine to go back no one can know for sure. One possibility is that Jesus is a completely made-up myth.
@@Paremata Even a made-up myth says what it says and doesn't say what it doesn't say.
Always look forward to Bart (and Megan) and the weekly episode. Enlightening and entertaining as well! Thanks.
Wait! We ARE living with time exchange!!! Y'all are creating with your valuable time interesting/important content, while those of us who have more time to spare grow exponentially by the time you share! Thank you for this series. :)
Bart seems to be saying, there won't be marriage in the resurrection so don't marry now. That's kinda sketchy.
The history channel said men who were rabbis needed to be married. That’s what I “heard” not sure how true it is!
Well they were expected to fulfill God's command to "be fruitful and multiply".
I enjoy Bart and Megan’s series. When I look back and determine which video I already seen I used Megan hair color to decide. I already seen all the pink hair videos 😅
I believe that Jesus was married. I am going by the wedding where Jesus turned water into wine. Why was Mother Mary so concerned about this wedding and the wine running out? It was Jesus's and Mary Magdalena's wedding. She was the host of this wedding. Jesus turned water into wine at his own wedding. It's also a very symbolic because of that too. The truth of this was edited out because the church wanted to disempower women within the church. Within society. Now women are being empowered again. This is part of Jesus's message. Jesus wouldn't have discriminated against women but the men after him wanted to have the power. They discriminated against women. Women were very much involved in Jesus's time here. They were first to the tomb on Sunday. They were present at the cross when he was passing.
You're allowed to think anything you want, but you can't declare it as a truth and/or fact. It is a fun theory though
Makes you wonder why they didn't surpress Mary discovering Jesus' empty tomb, the most important part of christianity.
@@poface2 -- This side of Heaven, we will probably never know, so it is possible that Jesus was married, but like many biographies of famous men in the ancient world, the Mrs. isn't mentioned. All either side of the argument proves is that men wrote the Bible.
I am quite convinced that Mary Magdalene was "the disciple that Jesus loved".
That was John
If you want to take that sort of stupid argument, then you have to say that Lazarus who Christ raised from the dead was the disciple that Jesus loved. It states clearly that Jesus loved Martha, Mary and their brother Lazarus. By the way, what version of the Bible are you reading, because you want to throw it in the bin if that is what you are getting from it.
@@smeatonlighthouse4384let’s leave out the bashing, name calling etc… Let’s ALL agree, we are NOT to judge (as we are ALL imperfect, born in sin and are sinners) , we are to love each other because our creator laws and principles…♥️
What Bart has done to me is that after listening to his views, I has started to look at Jesus as a Jew who explained his interpretation of the Torah and also think in terms of 1st century thinking soon after Jesus was crucified. Christianity developed through times thereafter based on the interpretation of the writers and Paul, who added Roman and Greek interpretation of a Jewish faith.
All the great, superior, and powerful Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, JWs, Born Agains, Catholics, SDAs, Mormons, Baptists, Methodists, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, fanatics of all Religions in the world KNOW that they -
1. don't respect and obey the Sovereignty and commandments of the Creator
2. don't submit to the authority of Jesus Christ as the One given by the Creator all authority in heaven and on earth and rejected too his teachings about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" as worthless and useless, no value whatsoever in their own lives and existence.
Loving, kind, and respectful persons on earth KNOW that they rejected the superiority, power, and greatness of Atheism, Agnosticism, and Religious Fanaticism as worthless and useless, no value whatsoever in their own lives and existence and instead -
1. love, honor, and obey the Creator as their loving, kind, and merciful God and Heavenly Father
2. submit to the authority of Jesus Christ as the Creator's Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth and believe his teachings about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead".
Jesus Christ KNOWS
that loving kind, and respectful human beings who submit to his authority and believe his teachings about the "Kingdom of God" and "Resurrection of the Dead" will be favored, honored and rewarded by the loving, kind, and merciful Creator with Eternal Life and existence without sufferings, pains, griefs, sickness, and deaths on a safe, secure, and peaceful earth without arrogant, cruel, and hateful persons, without liars, slanderers, deceivers, and hypocrites, without atheists, agnostics, and fanatics of religions.
The Creator KNOWS
that in his own right time, he will let his Christ resurrect back to life all loving, kind, and respectful human beings who died even thousands of years ago like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, the Christ's followers, and many others so that all loving, kind, and respectful human beings can happily and abundantly live and exist on earth forever as submissive and obedient citizens and subjects of the "Kingdom of God" or His Kingdom and fully enjoy his and his Christ's eternal love, kindness, goodness, generosities, compassions, favors, and blessings for eternity under the loving and kind rulership, guidance, and protection of his Chosen King and Ruler of the heavens and the earth, his Christ.
_"Christianity developed through times thereafter based on the interpretation of the writers and Paul..."_
Jesus is a fictional character.
Paul created Christianity after the Daniel 9:25 prophesy expired unfulfilled.
Thanks Dr Ehrman and Meghan. On the title Magdalene another explanation is that it means “the Tower” possibly because she was a source of strength for the movement, and was tall, stately, and richly adorned as befitted a woman of wealth. Also in Jerusalem there was already a Mary Tower that dominated the Upper City: the Mariamne Tower of Herod’s palace was the most beautifully ornamental of Herod’s three colossal towers and it was inside the Western Hill section, wealthiest part of the city. Mariamne was a common Greekified way of saying Mariam/ Maria. It would be like identifying/nicknaming a wealthy woman named Liberty as Liberty Statue or Lady Liberty. Also there is no proof that the town that maps and people have called “Magdala” was called that in the 1st century. It could well be (see Albright) in Greek Tarichaea (meaning ‘Salted Fish’) and with the additional name of Migdal Nunayya ‘Tower of/forFish’ as it did have a large tower that had a fire on top at night to orientate fishing boats on the lake. By AD 66 Tarichaea was claimed by Josephus to have 40,000 people. Dr. G.Craig Fairweather.
Fun! Thank you for this.
I think it’s disappointing that the marriage in Cana was not discussed because according to Jewish tradition, I hear, if anyone has a problem at the wedding reception, then it is the mother of the groom to whom you address your issues. If the mother of the groom cannot handle the issue at hand, then you address the groom himself. That’s precisely what transpired at the wedding at Cana. Jesus, if I am correct about Jewish tradition, was therefore the groom.
When you recommend we read something like the gospel of Philip, I would appreciate an actual book, or books, recommendation. This can be in the video, comments, or description.
Actually, book recommendations for additional information would be appreciated on any video
FYI, a good place to start is The Nag Hamandi Library edited by James G. Robinson. It has translations of all the texts found at Nag Hamandi. I think the introduction also describes the process by which they were found which Bart only alluded to and is a quite interesting story itself.
Thank you, Megan and Bart.
Bart, if you read this comments, may I ask you a question? There is story in gospels where Jesus and his mother are attending a wedding and there is shortage of wine, on suggestion of his mother jesus turns water into the best wine. If it was not the wedding of Jesus, why would Mary the mother and Jesus care about having enough wine for the guests?
John 2:
3 When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” 4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to me and to you?
He doesn't seem concerned at all.
Later, the banquet manager calls the groom aside to approve of saving the best wine for last. No inference to the bridegroom being Jesus himself is present.
If God impregnated, Mary and Jesus is God that Jesus impregnated his own mother. Do you understand that Jesus procreated with his own mother? Do you get how crazy this book is. It’s really sick and the violence is disgusting..
@@joecheffo5942 good point.
He didn't explore the reason why Magdalene discovered the resurrection - she was involved in dressing his dead body with his family, an incredibly intimate activity.
Would love to hear his thoughts on that.
I have a book in my library that suggest she was the niece of Joseph of Arimathia and that after the staged death of Jesus they made their way to England and lived their lives out here.
The name Jesus Christ is a title we know Christ means the anointed one the name Jesus could only have came about within the last 500 years because the letter J does not exist in the Hebrew alphabet and did not appear in the English alphabet until 1629.
The Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Judas contradict each other because in both Gospels they both claim to be the special disciple that Jesus told secrets to, that the other disciples were not privy to. I am with Professor April Deconick in that she believes that Judas was really the Demiurge, meaning that Mary Magdala had to be the special apostle trusted with the secrets of the Kingdom because she was his wife.
This mirrors the Gnostic teachings that the True God is androgynous the Unknowable Father and Barbelo give birth to Christos whom is the Logos and the Logos is sent on a rescue mission after the Aeon Sophia gives birth to the Demiurge who creates this fallen material dream world.
@@mrsmith3930 Jesus wasn’t his name. . He was Aramaic and Yeshua is as close to his name as is possible and even that is questionable.
Yeshia didnt die on the cross it would have taken more thsn hours to die like that, he was believed to be dead when they got him down and close to but he was alive. There was no resurection the way the naritive is writen by men he and mary lived in india after and yes had children. Yeshua never said he would be back he christ would which is concousness and thats exactally whats happening right now an awakening of christ conciousness
@@tina-marielindzen128Are you joking?
@@tina-marielindzen128I'm pretty sure every historian who thinks Jesus existed believe that he died on the cross
It's interesting that Dr Ehrman speaks of M M being from 'the town of Magdala' while Bishop Spong says there is/was no such place (and IIRC he therefore questions her identity...)
I just read an article claiming an ancient text was found proving Jesus married Mary Magdalene and they had two kids. However, the article said nothing about who found this text, where it was found, when it was dated to, or who translated it. Pardon me if I remain skeptical.
He probably was married to her, but the narrative shall remain at any and all cost
@@Aaron-cy7oo There is no mention in early literature of Jesus being married.
I attend a Saturday morning men's Bible study group at my church and this topic came up one week about a year or so ago. Out of the 17 men that were there for the discussion, I was the only one who believed that Jesus being married or even an Earthly father would not impact my belief in Him as the Son of God. I would continue to put my faith in him as my Lord and Savior. The Gospels are clear that Jesus was not only fully God, but fully man, and a Jewish man. It would be extremely unusual for a Jewish man of his age in His time not to be married. I am not saying He WAS married; I'm only saying that it would not diminish my belief in His divinity. I also stand in opposition to my Catholic friends in their belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, remained a virgin throughout her life and was free of "Original Sin," which the Catholics call the "Immaculate Conception." In the Gospels, priests speak of the brothers and sisters of Jesus. Most Christian apologists say they are actually referring to cousins of Jesus. I believe the Gospels mean what they say. Jesus had half brothers and sisters, as Joseph was not Jesus' father.
Misogyny run’s deep in the Biblical text’s thanks to the first Pope who probably had several wives. . Honestly, this is the reason why I struggled with Christianity in my early years.
There is no problem with that. The Pope was not a Christian and neither have the rest since then been. If you want to examine Christianity, look and study Jesus Christ. It is all about Him.
I struggle with any religion that demeans our creators “creation”.. but we all must understand, the demeaning of women in the Bible isn’t our creator laws and principles, it’s “Man’s”.. From the moment Adam and Eve disobeyed, from the moment Jehovah created our savior and he ascended, man has taken Jehovah’s laws and principles and re-wrote them to “Fit” their narrative… This is (and has been playing out for thousands of years)… All the greed/lust/ego-driven actions (abuse/theft/trafficking) have all stemmed from the “Ego and Pride” developed from man’s desire to be looked at and glorified like our creator… The attributes I just mentioned are the tools Satan uses to lure us (no different than he did Adam and Eve) to do his works so he can do what he’s always set out to do .. STEAL.. KILL.. and DESTROY Jehovah’s greatest creation..♥️
It wasn't customary for women in those days to be at the tomb unless their was family ties or even marital ties with the deceased.
I've got a fairly religious, but somewhat unorthodox in their faith that uses the 'Jesus was tempted in all ways as man' which he believes must included being tempted with adultery, which means he would have to have been married
All the ways that every man is tempted are all the ways that a man could be tempted? Since many men never marry, it sounds as if you mean the latter. The latter, however, is absurd. He’d have to have been tempted to commit murder, to desert from the army, to rob banks, to practice cannibalism, to molest children, and so on. There’s no end to that.
I’m enjoying this channel so much, I’m taking a hiatus from blues harmonica videos.
Archaeologists digging up papyrus fragments at Oxyrhynchos on the Nile found a piece on which was written "and Jesus said to his wife" Unfortunately the rest was missing.
Thanks! Very nice interview
Since her name means "tower", maybe she was just very tall?
Or strong in spirit
@@carolynsilvers9999 Whatever that means.
I've supposed for some time that, given the conflation of Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene was some relation of Lazarus, who perhaps married and was later widowed.
What about the gospel of Mary ?
They talked about it
In Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine we call her ( Maryam Al-Majdalaiya مريم المجدلية ) which literaly means Marry from Majdal (with J not G ).. there are a bunch of townes in these four countries that starts with Majdal, you can see it easily on the map. So yes, Marry Magdalin means definetly Mary from Magdala of Majdala
Thank you
If you want to know Mary read The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene.
This soapbox was actually very eye opening. It really is just saying "its not right that my ego is on the line". Which is fair enough, but if you're an academic, your ego is on the line. Knowledge and good argumentation will outlast your ego, so if your ego is too threatened, it must mean you think your arguments aren't good enough to be respected.
The idea that Maru Madeliene was Jesus's Wife is based on the Gnostic Gospel of Phillip verse 55 where Mary Madeliene is referred to a the consort of the Savior meanig wife
Among others mentioned such as Gospel of Mary, Resurrection story, modern scholars such as William E Phipps and Margaret Starbird.
Thank God for you and I hope that you will find more about this one that I am sure you are doing good job working on this matter this is very important for the Christianity family. You be bless
Excellent information.
Bart, you are awesome! Thank you thank you. I absolutely love your work.
Sounds like Jesus and Mary had a lot of pillow talk 😂
Bart, love listening to (both of you actually) I strongly recommend Scholar, Margaret Starbird, regarding Mary Magdalene's name origin. Thank you.
He was saying there were no banks then. I am curious about the Parable of the Talents. The one guy went and hid the talent he was given to keep it safe. Then the master is upset with him and said he could have put it in the bank and got some interest. The KJV said "exchangers" and "usury". But isn't that the same as a bank?
pretty much. they were just "moneylenders" of a private sort.
I love your insights and prespectives but mostly I enjoy your glasses
One of the few things I remember from my parochial school education was Mary Magdalene being described as a “fallen woman” (i.e., a prostitute).
They are stupid then
She wasn’t a prostitute at all…the Catholic Church hated her because she was the closest apostle to Jesus and in a patriarchal society the Catholic Church had to find a way to portray her as a fallen woman full of sin but she wasn’t.
@@joycesky5041 I agree. The church is/was very misogynistic.
Among the women that followed Jesus ministering to him, there stood with him at the foot of the cross, “his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas (the closer, or end of summer), and Mary Magdalene,” (or Mary of the tower, or fall equinox. (The spring equinox was called the watch-tower). All these women, it must be remembered, were the Virgo of the Zodiac, and were named each according to her position and circumstances; -here the wife of Cleophas, because at the close of the summer.
Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea (Earth at the end of summer) now put in his appearance. He went straight to Pilate and demanded the Savior’s body. Joseph being a just man, like Noah, Pilate gave him the body. The legs were not broken; how fortunate, as without legs the Savior could not have resurrected himself. The soldiers had pierced his side with a spear (they knew better, but it was done that the Scripture might be fulfilled), and “forthwith there came out blood and water” (wine-making). Joseph (the Earth) took the body and wrapped it in “clean linen” (emblem of the Earth), and laid it in a new tomb (winter) and departed.-Mat. 27:60. The two Marys sat opposite him (Sun in Virgo), all this time and took notes up to the end of the sixth hour (month). Here his God, Aries, or the Ram forsook him; for they heard him cry with a loud voice: -ELI, ELI, lama Sabachthani, i.e., literally in English, “my Ram, my Ram, why hast thou forsaken me?” The Ram forsakes the Sun every fall, getting behind the Earth in the night hemisphere. From the sixth hour (month) until the ninth hour (month), there was darkness-from the fall equinox to the winter solstice. At the Sixth hour, the Savior gave up the Ghost, or, summer wind, i.e., the monsoon changed.
@@joycesky5041 😂 facepalm*
Bart has a pretty good since of humor. That's brilliant . Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene
About Mary Magdalene perhaps she was only mentioned twice in the Bible is because Yesha's disciples were jealous of her. Yeshua was often seen kissing her on the lips.
Very interesting thing is that discussion about Jesus not really pushing people to get married. Strange to here that and compare it to the importance mariage has in catholic church today. That topic would be so interesting to cover.
384 / 5,000
Jesus was not married and this is what Clement of Alexandria says in his The Stromata. In the 2nd century theological dispute on whether a married christian can truly dedicate himself to God, Clement, who was on the side that supported marriage, combats those "who proudly claimed to imitate Jesus, who was neither married nor had possessions in this world". In his The Stromata, III.6.49 Clement said: "they do not know the reason why the Lord did not marry. In the first place he had his own bride, the Church; and in the next place he was no ordinary man that he should also be in need of some helpmeet after the flesh". I suppose that Clement was better informed at the end of 2nd century whether Jesus was married or not. And that almost all the churches founded by Jesus direct discipols (except Peter) claimed in that dispute that the Lord was not married is a strong argument that Jesus was more likely not married.
We have little evidence that Clement was operating on any solid historical data.
@@Kyeudo the Bible is also doesn't support this idiotic claim, neither the Koran, or anything.
This speculation, put there to make confusion
If Jesus were repudiating marriage, would we see the gospel of John as repudiating that version of Jesus' message? It would seem John's Jesus does not disapprove of marrying or being given in marriage when he performs a miracle to keep a wedding banquet going
Sure, we have Bart Ehrman on the one hand, but we have Dan Brown on the other. Sorry Bart, but Dan has sold over 200 million copies, so I have to go with him. /s
Edit: I thought everyone in 2023 knew /s meant end sarcastic statement. I guess I was wrong.
It's not the number of copies one sells, its the accuracy of the topic. I will go with Bart Ehrman every day of the week.
Sorry Dan. That's one weird perspective.
He’s joking
@@Cheryllyle Please, people - if you don't recognize " /s " as denoting sarcasm, well now you know and you can delete your comment, lol
Seriously interested in this time share idea! 😊
Megan big beautiful smile turns to Stone Cold face in blink of an eye
And then blinks a few more times lol.
We love ya Meg and take note that we are not slighting you
Such a great series
I am a former JW
1. I listened to Revelations and it was one of my Bart's more fiery books.
2. I was listening to a video of James White the other day and he said something about John being the earliest attested gospel. What the? (Was reminded because Bart mentioned he was doing Mark next week.)
Yes because of the readings in the Gospel of John🤔It think its a bit recent
There is a fragment of John's Gospel (I think from the trial of Jesus) that some think is the earliest extant manuscript of any NT book - dating, apparently, from mid-second century
@@suferick778 yeah and its dating back to the originals, is like 70AD or even before that
I think most scholars say John is the last gospel written. Not sure where this info saying John is the earliest is coming from? Thanks though.
@@chadgarber most historical scholars do believe John to the the last on the four canonical gospels. I believe the comment was about the oldest known surviving fragment which might be of the book of John but it’s dated mid second century. I find that most historical scholars believe Mark was the first of the four gospels and was written around 70 CE. Most scholars who believe in earlier dates for Mark (and all the NT books) tend to be theological scholars vs historical scholars.
There has recently appeared an article in which it was argued that the female brain is different from the male, and that it is a busy and caring mind. I recall that although I was not a believer I love the Ethics of Christianity and the religious music and art so I went with a believer on Easter day to Brecon Cathedral. I have to admit that I went as a spectator, disengaged, but interested in the rituals and ceremonial. The service assumed the standard form of a Anglican service in the Church in Wales, which is to say the hymns, psalms, lessons and sermon but before the sermon a gospel is read, and for this the clergy advanced into the aisle of the church replete with the bible, an Incense burner and the clergy regaled in their frocks [surplice] and the bishop with his mitre. All this was faintly comical to a none believer. [The Bishop put his mitre on, took off his mitre and one of their number aimed the incense at the holy text.] This occurred shortly after the Anglican church had accepted the ministry of women, in the face of fierce resistance from a coterie, of principally males ,who claimed authority and the remit of unique authenticity for their view. This was nearly 70 years after women in the Lutheran Churches in Sweden, Denmark, Norway,and Germany had accepted woman's ministry with no diminution of religious conviction. The gospel for Easter began, and I began to listen to the account of the Resurrection In this one it is Mary Magdalene who discovers the empty tomb, and bewails the fact and then meets a man in the Garden who turns out to be Jesus, and he tells her that his mission on earth is now over, but it is she who is to tell the disciples. [This was not the manager of a football team telling the secretary that she was to tell the lads there would be training as usual on Monday] this was the focus of Christian Faith confiding the task to Mary Magdalene, a woman, to instruct the men on his and their mission. And I was left aghast at how for two millennia men have confiscated Christian orthodoxy and bestowed it uniquely on themselves and have arrogated spiritual power [and muscle power] to themselves. I left the Cathedral no more imbued with orthodox Christian apologia and belief than when I entered ,but amazed that men could insist, even in the face of their own canonical bible, upon their primacy. The gospel of Mary is, according to scholars, an interesting text and suggests that this Christianity at least proclaims an ethical Christ much closer to the traditions of Platonic Philosophy and much closer, I might add, to the traditions of the Ethical philosophical tradition culminating with Kant [also called Immanuel]I am told that this makes me an authentic Christian and thanks to Bach St. Matthew's Passion I remain appalled at the cruelty and barbarism, for the most part of men. That is why I am intrigued, and even persuaded by the Gospel of Mary, apocryphal or not and why Easter has some measure of importance. It not only that I listen to Bach' 'Mathew Passion' in which the last part is almost unbearable in its poignancy but because in despite of this gratuitous political barbarism there appears a moment of almost concealed if incidental truth in the canon. That the divine mission was confided not to clamorous men but to a woman in a moment of exquisite and moving poetical truth and intimacy. A woman more over who was either denigrated or dismissed or marginalised over two millennia in a conspiracy of men that has defaced Christianity and Civilisation over long.
I am not an enlisted Humanist because that movement seems to be developing into an ideology with the same nasty inclinations to prejudice and bigotry and a species of spurious reason which is only secular rationalisation. It should behove us to recognise and connect that Scientific Paper with this Easter revelation. Some Christians were there two thousand years before Science.
If I could place an order, the story of Annanias and Saphira has always tripped me out. If it had happened when I was a churchgoer I would have been one of the young men carrying the bodies out. Kinda wondered if that was the reason Peter eventually got crucified, or part of the reason. Hard to explain sudden death like that to a centurion, constable, magistrate, Agrippa, whatever
I think Bart may overestimate the security that tenured faculty currently enjoy from being cancelled. Also, what are non-tenured faculty supposed to do?
Apparently Florida’s governor would completely do away with tenure.
@@cathykrueger4899 interesting
It is my understanding that the students are cancelling professors, not so much faculty.
The ad runs continuously, no Bart.
I think that all are forgeting one important fact;all of them were Jews and thers faith was Judaism and it was only one stream of understandig and thinking,but all within Judaism! They were no christians
Everybody should watch Jesus lost tomb where they discovered a tomb in which archeologists found Jesus coffin next to Mary Magdalen and Mary his mother name inscribed on the asaphegus,something to think about?
The show hosted by the naked archeologist?
This channel is a gem. Thanks.
I just bought Armageddon book. Both Kindle and Audible versions. Looking forward to reading/listening to it.
if you have the tet you might be able to get AI to read it for you
I don't agree with all your views. However, I do appreciate you be a non-religious sound of reason when it comes to the topic of Mary Magdalene. Thank you!
15:00 Bart get it wrong there. Paul never declares that Peter found the empty tomb and ALL of the Gospels point to women -- Mary Magdalene being chief of those.
The correlation between the seven demons cast from Mary AND the seven levels of ascension in the Book of Mary has always been SUPER interesting to me. Full conjecture but I tend to think that reference to the demons also infers what is shared in her book.
Nonsense. Seven demons were her seven husbands who were brothers killing each other so to have her.
Ur comment made me think of St. Theresa of Avilla
@@noneofurbusiness5223I was coming here to say that.
In St Teresa of Avila’s book, The Interior Castle, she speaks of the innermost castle , the seventh castle, being total oneness with God.
In my mind there’s a correlation between that repeating number of seven seen through Mary and Teresa and the seven chakras in yogic philosophy. Maybe the demons being cast out of Mary Magdalene were any impurities that may have been present in each of her seven chakras - the casting out of which would have resulted in her being one in Christ. Just a thought. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra, in yogic philosophy to abide in the crown chakra is to experience God. If Jesus was one with God, and someone else was purified to the level of also being one with God then they would both be abiding in the Christ Consciousness, the consciousness that is evident in all of Creation.
Her being given the job of telling others of his resurrection seems pretty significant to me. And what about the gospel of Mary? I know it isn't in the Bible, but is it not historically significant?
Supporting them financially is also significant... I get that the speculation of their relationship is fabricated, but the rest of this is pretty important!
Are there transcripts available for these videos? I love Ehrman's work, and some of these topics seem fascinating, but I suffer from inattentive-type ADHD and can't maintain an attention span for lengthy videos - I do a lot better with reading text.
If you're watching on mobile you can select "Show Transcript" in the description box. It auto-generates captions. Might be helpful ( I don't know if you can do this on desktop)
I have ADHD as well.
That’s why I watch most videos like this at 2x speed.
Hell is real... We can not hide our sins from God. Is your heart right with the Lord? If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Christ loves you and He died for our sins. ACTS 2:38 “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit....
@@ChristianSoldier71 I'm already Christian, thanks. I'm not sure having "Hell" be the first word out of your mouth is liable to convince many people, particularly as they have no reason to believe in it if they don't already believe in God.
@@ChristianSoldier71To quote Gandalf, "You have no power here!" 😅
To get a more reliable picture what went really on in those days scholars like BE are of invaluable worth. Bart paints a picture with facts, with connections between the whoswho and whatswhat in the context of that period! In your mind a film, a documentary starts to shape.
Hello Scholars hope all is well . Just me if Jesus had a wife so be it ,he kissed her on the. lips case closed. By the way didn't other Gods have a Wife so why can't he . No where in the Scripture does it state Jesus was celibate . Some say he also had children
We don't know.
Many of Jesus' followers were unmarried and celibate, and still others were married and had families. Jesus did not come to have a romantic interest in any woman, least of all to get married and have a family Himself. He came to redeem the human race, which the New Testament makes quite clear. There have been and will always be those who seek a back story to His life in an attempt to humanize Him according to our own human nature. It makes for interesting and entertaining thought, but that's about it.
“Came” from where? Out of the womb? I very much doubt anyone comes out of the womb to do anything in particular.
@@jeffryphillipsburnsHe came from Heaven. Imagine leaving a perfect place to this sin ridden earth (glorious in original form) to save us. He is Lord!
Megan has so many different and cool glasses!
I always learn something new in this channel. Thanks for creating such amazing content. Bart, have you considered writing a book on stoicism alone outside of your usual field in Christianity? Also have you read Marcus Aurelius and Seneca?
Hello🩵 If you had the chance to ask Mary Magdalene a question, what would you ask her??
What's her body count would be my question
@@Aaron-cy7oo sorry , what ??
Brilliant - I just listened again to the audiobook by Bart - Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code - so it is great to find this. Thank you!
Big question: 29:35 Does "celibate" mean _free love_ without marriage or does it mean _no sex_ in the coming kingdom?
@UnimatrixOne: It just means no sex.
Fantastic content. As always.
Note that tenure is becoming less common among university teaching faculty. Its protective status is thus on the wane, so some caution in expressing contrary political opinions among one’s peer group may be well justified. For established tenured faculty, caution can be tossed to the wind.
Jesus had a sugar mama?
Sounds like he had several! 😉
i now understand the meaning of GOD gave them over to reprobate minds.
I wasn't feel so bad anymore about hell fire
Mohammed followed suit ..
Regarding Mary's 7 demons, I could have sworn the passage in Luke said " . . . out of whom Jesus had cast 7 demons" - Mandella effect, perhaps?
Bart must have a chest full of sweaters! 😂
Does he live in a very cold climate 🤔
And Megan must spend a fortune on both eyewear (primarily) and hair dye (secondarily)!
Ehrman got the woman in Mark 14:3-9 who anointed Jesus' head with oil a bit confused with the "sinful" woman of Luke 7.36-50 who wept over and anointed his feet. Only the second woman was described as "a sinner.
The woman Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus) who anoints Jesus' feet in John 112:1-8, is also not a sinner. That story is much like the Markan story, but somewhat different. (I had forgotten that.)
A god who is being supported financially by women.
I read Misquoting Jesus. It was clear Bart never bothered to look up the answers to his unoriginal questions. By the end, I was more convinced the Bible is true. Thanks Bart! By the way, there were two angels at the tomb keeping Vigil, and then later when it says there was one, there was one because one had left, one had stayed behind as the messenger saying He's risen.
Absolutley fascinating information about Mary Magdalene, debunking lots of misinformation about her and making the valid point that she may have been the first Catholic! I vote for her as the first Pope - thus starting a precedent that all Popes must be female! 😄
Loved the discussion--I wonder if Prof. Ehrman has talked with Jonathan Haidt. Could be an interesting discussion.
I'm loving the new book, Bart. Very interesting!
- The Gospel of Jesus was originally one book, written by Lazarus in consultation with the Apostles [John 21:24] and published soon after Jesus left them on their own. The religion was hijacked by Rome, the Gospel was broken up scrambled adulterated into a bunch of competing narratives. Later four of those adulterated gospels were canonized with falsely ascribed authorship and a Gnosticism cover-story. It was the finding of an original Gospel of Jesus scroll in Jerusalem that gained the Knights Templar power over the Church and their eventual undoing when the church finally retaliated against them Friday 13th.
Thank you for another excellent episode, Megan and Bart "What was the apostle Paul's last name?" Ehrman! You two definitely have the divine spark in you 😁
What about the Talpiot tomb where ossuaries of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the son of Jesus were found?