I remember being on my way home from school and saying i had a bad day. My mom played this for me in the car. Thats what music is. Memories and emotions that make us who we are. Ill never forget that day in 2003.
Im glad you connected with that...from an outsiders perspective it seems she may have been pointing fuel on the fire....just saying .....😁 See what I did there? Seriously though it soinds like you had a cool mom 🤘🤘🤘🤘
I don't know if this was the intent, but this is a extremely candid examination of depression. The guilt, the apologies, the downplaying of what's going on. "I'm sorry, I had a bad day AGAIN. She left a note and said I'm sorry I had a bad day again. And she swears there's nothing wrong. I hear her playing the same old song.'
And the award for best comment EVER goes too... 😂😂😂😂😂 Beautiful... Being depressed obviously brought me here in the first place and u just made my whole night thank u I needed that ❤️
This song got me thru a really rough time in the hospital with my significant other. It’s okay to have bad days. We get thru them with love. Thanks for being here in my teens and my thirties.
One of best bands in 90's and did not get the credit that they deserved but the singer is what made the music that makes fans listen to a good group great music love that group and still do...
This song and Happiness Is totally remind me of myself and a friend of mine. They also inspired one of the novels I''ve been writing lately. (can't wait to finish it and publish!)
cheer up. bad days will always happen. They get better though, if you can look at it with a positive outlook. I know it sounds corny, but I promise you. You are the only one that can put yourself down or make you upset. It's not easy, but with practice; you can choose what is important enough to be upset about...and what is just not worth your time and heartache. its harder on yourself to let others bother you than it is to let some things go. I hope this may help in some way.
I haven't heard this song since I was a little kid haha, back in 1998? My older sister loved Fuel, and I used to listen to just this song...over and over again. Brings back memories.
"She swears theres nothing wrong. I hear her playing that same old song." Me with this song today.. But there is something wrong.. I just don't want to talk about it anymore..
I'm so sorry, I hope you are doing better these days. Maybe professional help is the answer, or talking to a trusted friend about what you are going through. Remember that people care about you, even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it. I wish you the best.
It looks liked I too have a bad day so far. Thank goodness for one of the most sweet rock songs of my childhood in the early 2000s. This underrated Fuel song is my actual bad day song, not Daniel Powter's version
it will end just keep faith that every mornin you wake up at some point from now you wont think of him when you open your eyes...and then you dont think of him till your getting your morning started .....each day gets a little better and months from now years from now it will hurt less
You'll have good days and bad days. I hope your friend isn't like me because the older I get the bad days keep getting worse. I've taken multiple medications and did therapy too but nothing seemed to work. The meds turn you into a walking zombie and they also take away all emotions not just the bad ones. For me they just made me worse. The only thing that helped me was finding someone that was just like me. It helps a lot when the person you're with understands exactly how you're feeling. Friends and family mean well but they always say " You're fine , you're just having a bad day, we all get them." What they don't get is when I have a bad day I want to stick a gun in my mouth and I'm having more and more of those days and I dont know why. I guess some of us are just wired differently and there is no fix.
As Long As We're Above The Grass It's A Good Day.!! :) Seems I Have More Bad Days Then Good, But We GOTTA Keep On Keepin On.!!! :) Only US Strong Survive
MAN IT SUX!!!!! No im just goofing off lol! ive made videos that i dont like and ive seen bad videos but you have done an excellent job. my girlfriend told me to look up this song and yours is the choice i got. Keep up the good work!
Just a great song when it came out.Fuel came to the Oswego race track for K-rockathon and did this song and did a live video of the audience for a couple songs too
Fucking hell, 17 years later and I still feel this song. Anyone who tells you life doesn't have deep pitfalls is a fucking liar and be suspicious of their sociopathic tendencies. And if they can't relate they are full of shit and probably on Xanax. You can still be massively successful, wealthy, and still not see the full spectrum of life all at once, but one view at a time. It just means you're grounded to what's real and aren't easily lied to. And believe me, I changed in 17 years. When people won't change for you, but you changed for them, they owe YOU. Soak up hurt, and let it rain. You deserve this. Mankind owes you now.
@CySub785 Guitar Solo 4 times?!!! I don't think that's right, my computer didn't go blue screen from the amazingness of that. Great first video! Think if you wouldn't mind, do shimmer or innocent by fuel?
Don't tell anyone to ignore bullies. That's rude! You meanie. You are as horrible as the teachers. I hate the teachers from my second elementary school, especially the special education teachers.
I listened to this song over and over when I was waiting for my twins to be born. i had so many emotions at that time, and I figured that; if anyone had a bad day, that was it. (The next day...perfect). Twice! :.)
I love this song this is my song everytime I pick a fight with him not realizing I did but we r still together n I would have to say this is one of my fav songs
I remember being on my way home from school and saying i had a bad day. My mom played this for me in the car. Thats what music is. Memories and emotions that make us who we are. Ill never forget that day in 2003.
Im glad you connected with that...from an outsiders perspective it seems she may have been pointing fuel on the fire....just saying .....😁 See what I did there?
Seriously though it soinds like you had a cool mom 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Another teen ballad for me.. now mid thirties and still love it just as much 💕
Me too, old memories!
I was early 30s when this dropped and it still hits like it did then.
I don't know if this was the intent, but this is a extremely candid examination of depression. The guilt, the apologies, the downplaying of what's going on. "I'm sorry, I had a bad day AGAIN. She left a note and said I'm sorry I had a bad day again. And she swears there's nothing wrong. I hear her playing the same old song.'
I would like yo think that's exactly what it means. Depression is a bitch.
This song reminds me of my little sister that passed away. Great song and amazing memories. R. I. P. Katie 🤟🏼🙏
So sorry you lost your sister
this song is so underrated. this song is incredible.
That it is
lots of 90's kids listen to this but my mom showed me this in the 2000's and i love it
good thing you included the lyrics to the "Nyhuhuhuhaah haaaaaaa" part.
I've been searching for those for ever. Thanks man.
Lanzig old comment but it's the first thing that's made me smile all day. thank you
And the award for best comment EVER goes too... 😂😂😂😂😂 Beautiful... Being depressed obviously brought me here in the first place and u just made my whole night thank u I needed that ❤️
me too funny to see this first thing in the am! oh yea I like hour profile pic if Pyle!!!
This song got me thru a really rough time in the hospital with my significant other. It’s okay to have bad days. We get thru them with love.
Thanks for being here in my teens and my thirties.
"guitar solo x 4" had me dead.
Love fuel, excellent video!!!
This band is way over looked... love them
Mikayla Wensel ikr 2018
meh, for this one song mebbe. It's their only good one, wasted time checking out their other stuff, weak.
Agree with you
I agree that they are overlooked not that this is their own good song
I absolutely agree, I saw them in 2002 in Jacksonville, Alabama .. Breaking Benjamin opened up for them....❣😊👍
Fuel has such deep lyrics. Love them!
One of best bands in 90's and did not get the credit that they deserved but the singer is what made the music that makes fans listen to a good group great music love that group and still do...
why does this band always make me cry
Ask them to stop bullying you. Otherwise, complain to youtube, you will easily have them blocked as RWNJs
This song and Happiness Is totally remind me of myself and a friend of mine. They also inspired one of the novels I''ve been writing lately. (can't wait to finish it and publish!)
Keep going and don't stop writing.
great song for when you have a bad day
I listen to this song when I need a good cry.
cheer up. bad days will always happen. They get better though, if you can look at it with a positive outlook. I know it sounds corny, but I promise you. You are the only one that can put yourself down or make you upset. It's not easy, but with practice; you can choose what is important enough to be upset about...and what is just not worth your time and heartache. its harder on yourself to let others bother you than it is to let some things go. I hope this may help in some way.
Man I love this song I still enjoy listening to it today it is such a good song I love this song so much
I haven't heard this song since I was a little kid haha, back in 1998? My older sister loved Fuel, and I used to listen to just this song...over and over again. Brings back memories.
I just saw Fuel last night in Port Richey, Fl. I am happy Brett is back! Thanks for posting! Great song!
I'll be playing this all day....trying to cheer up...it rocks!
How have I not heard this before?
I LOVE Fuel!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
These 90s songs i didn't care for when i was a teen. Now this is food for my soul.
One of my favorite bands
Best bad day song ever ~
I wish Hollywood would have promoted this genre with as much passion as they pushed the hip hop genre. Maybe the world would be a better place!
LOVE this Song
Awesome song I still relate
I totally agree they're over looked... It's like they let u know that ur not alone...
Exactly how I've been these past few weeks. I've had a bad day again and again x.x I love the song, too.
this is a great song
sang this at karaoke last night...did okay until the "oooh-hooooo" at the ending. Great song!
"She swears theres nothing wrong. I hear her playing that same old song." Me with this song today.. But there is something wrong.. I just don't want to talk about it anymore..
I'm so sorry, I hope you are doing better these days. Maybe professional help is the answer, or talking to a trusted friend about what you are going through. Remember that people care about you, even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it. I wish you the best.
just a bad day not a bad life.
If you are going to think about it, think of those people who are not allowed to have bad days.
Thank you for that.
Thats debatable
🤙 so long as the good days outnumber the bad, you're playing the game of life the right way. Can't let other effect your mood.
Seeing these guys on Thursday for free :)
It looks liked I too have a bad day so far. Thank goodness for one of the most sweet rock songs of my childhood in the early 2000s. This underrated Fuel song is my actual bad day song, not Daniel Powter's version
Love love love this song...
it will end just keep faith that every mornin you wake up at some point from now you wont think of him when you open your eyes...and then you dont think of him till your getting your morning started .....each day gets a little better and months from now years from now it will hurt less
Love ya bud!!!
Do the bad day's end? Asking for a friend
You'll have good days and bad days. I hope your friend isn't like me because the older I get the bad days keep getting worse. I've taken multiple medications and did therapy too but nothing seemed to work. The meds turn you into a walking zombie and they also take away all emotions not just the bad ones. For me they just made me worse. The only thing that helped me was finding someone that was just like me. It helps a lot when the person you're with understands exactly how you're feeling. Friends and family mean well but they always say " You're fine , you're just having a bad day, we all get them."
What they don't get is when I have a bad day I want to stick a gun in my mouth and I'm having more and more of those days and I dont know why. I guess some of us are just wired differently and there is no fix.
As Long As We're Above The Grass It's A Good Day.!! :) Seems I Have More Bad Days Then Good, But We GOTTA Keep On Keepin On.!!! :) Only US Strong Survive
I hope so...☹
Love this song ❤️
Remember when this came out. Great times in music 🎶 2022 couple hrs 2023 . Still listening
MAN IT SUX!!!!! No im just goofing off lol! ive made videos that i dont like and ive seen bad videos but you have done an excellent job. my girlfriend told me to look up this song and yours is the choice i got. Keep up the good work!
I'm always here for you ❤️🐝💫💃🏻😁
In anyway.
jeez stop hating everybody, your video is great :) xxx ❤
+sabrina sheppard hating everybody. how is he hating everybody
I ♥️Fuel♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️!
good video :) i love this song but it's so sad, I remember hearing it for the first time when I was younger...
my husband introduced me to this song and he said it made him think of me when times get rough... gahh i love him
For everyone male or female we ALL HAD A BAD DAY!!!
this song always makes my day...
They were so great in concert :)
great song ,one of those songs i will be singing all day in my head
Just a great song when it came out.Fuel came to the Oswego race track for K-rockathon and did this song and did a live video of the audience for a couple songs too
Fucking hell, 17 years later and I still feel this song. Anyone who tells you life doesn't have deep pitfalls is a fucking liar and be suspicious of their sociopathic tendencies. And if they can't relate they are full of shit and probably on Xanax. You can still be massively successful, wealthy, and still not see the full spectrum of life all at once, but one view at a time. It just means you're grounded to what's real and aren't easily lied to. And believe me, I changed in 17 years. When people won't change for you, but you changed for them, they owe YOU. Soak up hurt, and let it rain. You deserve this. Mankind owes you now.
@CySub785 Guitar Solo 4 times?!!! I don't think that's right, my computer didn't go blue screen from the amazingness of that. Great first video! Think if you wouldn't mind, do shimmer or innocent by fuel?
Thanks for creating!!!
Great first video
i love this song fuel rocks
Love it
Bad ass song 2019 😎/2020
GJ.. thx for Ur work! ;)
Is there any song more fitting to be the official anthem for 2020? I've racked my brain, and can't think of one.
I luB tHe SonG. . .Its So InsPrIng..
Good on you mate! Cheers
good job! love this group
oh oh oh~~i like it.
after 4 years i finally found this song and i love it
lots of love for this jam,
I'm Linda Moore .. Jesse is my son!!
The 2000s were the peak of rock music.
I still love song 2018
I always find myself playing this and crying because it reminds me of things
For your first video, I think you did fine. Ignore the jerks. Haters gonna hate.
+angela fruendt there is actually no haters here lol. which is good
angela fruendt. well spoken.
Don't tell anyone to ignore bullies. That's rude! You meanie. You are as horrible as the teachers. I hate the teachers from my second elementary school, especially the special education teachers.
I listened to this song over and over when I was waiting for my twins to be born. i had so many emotions at that time, and I figured that; if anyone had a bad day, that was it. (The next day...perfect). Twice! :.)
If you're reading this and are having a bad day. You arent alone. Hugs. I hope tomorrow is amazing for you and me.
awesome thank ya
Please make a 1 hour!!!
Heard this song when I was 8. Only now do I understand it...
To all of us,,, who have had a bad day.... It will GET BETTER !!!!!!
217 people had a bad day again....
paborito ko tong song n to lahat tayo may bad day pero tatawa kn lng
12 ppl said they had a perfect day oday but wen home and cryed cause actruely their day sucked
thumbs this up if u agree :3
nice ;)
one of my favorite songs
i love your songs
Love this song
great song
Great song
I love this song this is my song everytime I pick a fight with him not realizing I did but we r still together n I would have to say this is one of my fav songs
awwww 6 people never had a bad day :(