I built one of these, but I didn't do the power mod. Stuck mine in an Altoids tin. I guess that the price has gone up considerably since Dave Benson stopped selling the kits. Too bad. Now an MFJ Cub looks like a much better deal! The boards are $50 and I don't think that they include the jacks and switch. I paid $28 when they first came out. The Cub is complete with enclosure for about $100.
kjilk simble Sure! I think the 40m version comes with two sets of crystals, and (IIRC) only one set is in the Tech segment. I'd look up a band plan if I were you, to be sure, but it's definitely doable.
I was able to make a brief contact. Armarello Texas, Buffalo new york, and Florida. I think it was Orlando. I am so slow with the key so my qso is cq, call sign, location. The rig has iambic and strait key capability. I wish Dave still made the kit.
You can still get an updated version from qrpme.com. Rex Harper took over. He even sells enclosures too. My best Rockmite QSO was a rockmite to rockmite from Stockton, Ca to Tacoma, Wa. That was when everybody was doing rockmites. Of course the Chinese are selling rockmites on ebay like crazy. But they sell it with an oddball crystal on 40 meters. 7.123=extra class portion.
Keep up the experimenting, that what started this hobby!
I built one of these, but I didn't do the power mod. Stuck mine in an Altoids tin. I guess that the price has gone up considerably since Dave Benson stopped selling the kits. Too bad. Now an MFJ Cub looks like a much better deal! The boards are $50 and I don't think that they include the jacks and switch. I paid $28 when they first came out. The Cub is complete with enclosure for about $100.
since im a tech could i use this in the CW portion of the 40 meter band
kjilk simble Sure! I think the 40m version comes with two sets of crystals, and (IIRC) only one set is in the Tech segment. I'd look up a band plan if I were you, to be sure, but it's definitely doable.
Did you ever make a contact with this rig? I found sunset was my best luck on the rockmite 40.
I was able to make a brief contact. Armarello Texas, Buffalo new york, and Florida. I think it was Orlando. I am so slow with the key so my qso is cq, call sign, location. The rig has iambic and strait key capability. I wish Dave still made the kit.
You can still get an updated version from qrpme.com. Rex Harper took over. He even sells enclosures too. My best Rockmite QSO was a rockmite to rockmite from Stockton, Ca to Tacoma, Wa. That was when everybody was doing rockmites. Of course the Chinese are selling rockmites on ebay like crazy. But they sell it with an oddball crystal on 40 meters. 7.123=extra class portion.
What did you do for a 40m antenna? Is there any good way to make something that coils up to pocket size?
I have a wire dipole with a simple bnc. It coils up pocket sized.
73 from baghdad de Yi1hxh