My 2022 Heartland Sundance has the Lippert On-the Go Prepped Receiver mount. I have this ladder, but when I latch it into the receiver, very little of it extends above the RV roof. How does one climb off it onto the roof with not much extension above the roof to grab on as one swings off the ladder onto the roof?
My 2022 Heartland Sundance has the Lippert On-the Go Prepped Receiver mount. I have this ladder, but when I latch it into the receiver, very little of it extends above the RV roof. How does one climb off it onto the roof with not much extension above the roof to grab on as one swings off the ladder onto the roof?
I noticed there are two hooks to lock into a Lipert mount. Where can we review / acquire said mount? Sounds like that might make a great package deal!
The On-the-Go Prepped Receiver for the Lipper Ladders is not currently available after market.