Unless The Lord Builds Our House - June 21, 2020

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
  • For whatever reasons, Father's Day doesn't seem to receive anywhere near the kind of attention from our society that "Mother's Day" does. There aren't as many phone calls made, nor are there as many cards sent or as expensive gifts given on Father's Day as happens on Mother's Day. Most dads will say, “Oh well. That’s fine.” And simply enjoy the day of rest.
    However, during the time we spend together this morning in worship and in study of our God's Word, we’d like to give our fathers, husbands and Christian men at least some of the attention (and direction) due them not only on this special day, but all the time.
    Regardless of what society says or doesn't say on Father’s Day to Christian men in general, and to husbands and fathers more specifically, day-in and day-out the Lord places great importance on the roles and responsibilities which He has entrusted to these Christian men, as well as to Christian women and children. As we'll see and share today, for a home to be blessed by the LORD in the way He wants to bless it, He wants every member of that household to maintain a God-pleasing attitude and approach....one that trusts in His wisdom and guidance in all matters.
    Very simply, when we do things the LORD’s way, He provides amazing blessings that both enrich our households and - more importantly - honor Him.
    Ultimately, it’s all about your and my having homes and hearts that are committed to being dependent on the LORD (and not on ourselves) for everything in life.....from our material provision and good health, to the divine guidance we need every day just to get through the day, and especially to His forgiving grace that guarantees us peace of mind now and everlasting life in heaven one day through faith in Christ.
    Getting back to Father’s Day, God wants our homes and hearts to enjoy the emotional and spiritual success which He intends for all of us. That can happens for you and me as, through the Holy Spirit’s aid, our LORD builds our faith and faithfulness to discharge the various duties which God has assigned to us as His children.
    To that end, today's Old Testament Lesson presents us with a stellar example of sound Christian leadership and responsibility in the family through the character of Joshua, son of Nun. As Joshua declared, so may every one of us today re-echo as the motto for each of our homes, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" And, as Joshua's family faithfully followed his lead, so may God grant that all our homes follow the godly examples of the spiritual leaders that God has put over us in our homes and church.
    Our Epistle Lesson for this morning contains St. Paul's words of inspired instruction to husbands, wives and children regarding the roles that the LORD expects each of us to fill in our homes, so that each Christian home may function in the most God-pleasing fashion possible, and receive the blessings God wants to provide us..
    Following up on that point this morning's Children's Lesson will remind our children (and their fathers) that through their Christian behavior they will be honoring two fathers: their earthly fathers, and their heavenly fathers.
    In our Gospel Lesson, shortly before heading to Jerusalem to suffer, die and rise for our salvation, Jesus takes His disciples to Caesarea Philippi, a Gentile location filled with temples to false gods. He then asks them who others think He is. The answers varied: John the Baptist come back from the dead; Elijah returned from heaven; a different prophet. Then Jesus asked His disciples Who they thought He was. Peter’s epic answer was “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus commends Peter for his answer, which Jesus says was revealed to Peter by God the Father. And then - for our purposes today - Jesus says that this confession of faith on the part of Peter is the confession of truth on which He (Christ) would build his Church. And the truth is.....not only every truly Christian Church, but every person who is a Christian, must have his/her faith built firmly on this confession and truth about Christ. You simply can’t be a Christian and not believe this.
    Finally, our Sermon is based on Solomon’s inspired words that make up Psalm 127. On the one hand, he writes about the foolishness and futility of trying to build your life (your house) apart from God. He also points to the grace God gives us, both in the spiritual heritage we’ve received from our parents and the privilege we have in passing that heritage down to our children and spiritual successors.
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