I took my 3 year old daughter to the bike store looking for something lighter, because she struggled alot with balancing on cheaper brands with heavier frames. She jumped on Woom 3 and literally rode the bike put of the store! 👌 Fantastic bikes and super light, which means incredibly easy to learn. I can absolutely recommend woom series for everyone who looks for children's frist bike!
I bought my daughter the Cleary hedgehog when she was 3. She’s 5 now but I won’t size her up until shes ready for the 24 inch tire. The price tag of Woom is just too high to keep up with their line of bikes. I will say their bikes hold their value well. If I were to buy the Woom 5 I could easily sell it on Facebook for $350-400. So it’s not a complete loss and my kid would definitely enjoy it for a few years. Nice review
@@erichenberger is that right? That’s unfortunate. They make a great bike. It’s a simple, sturdy, and great looking bike. It’s different from the other brands I see. I recently bought my 6yo daughter the Prevelo alpha4 over the Meerkat, only bc she liked the pink color more. I’ll have to get online and see if they have the 26 Meerkat for sale before it’s sold out. I’m glad my kid got to experience a Cleary bike.
@@Twowheelingtotsbikes Do you mean that the previously-advertised bike weights did not include pedals or a kickstand? 🤨 The kickstand, I could _maybe_ understand doing without (lots of kids won't use them, anyway) -- but no reason for any bike (except balance bikes) to be sold without pedals. #SellingIt
4 ปีที่แล้ว +2
Very useful. I will buy one because of this video. Well done!
We totally get that not everyone wants to spend that much money on a bike, but we’ve never had anyone buy a Woom that regretted the choice. They truly are exceptional in every way. That check out Guardian or Decathlon kids bikes for more budget-friendly options that we’ve tested and happily recommend.
@@Twowheelingtotsbikes Well, even those are expensive for bikes that kids will outgrow quickly, according to their own (Guardian's) size charts. I think the features are nice, but they're still gimmicky and I don't think the extra cost is reasonable over anything else. For example, the single brake lever for front and rear "to avoid flipping over the bar" if too much front brake is used, that is easily avoided by adjusting the front brakes so that they don't clamp down as hard on the front wheel - I did that as a kid to my own BMX bike.
Stop this bull shit. Woom 4 without suspension fork is the same weight s as my daughter’s Specialized HotRock 20 with it. Woom is overpriced falsely advertised bike
You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, a woom bike isn’t for everyone. :-) But the woom 4 with pedals and kickstand weighs just 17.9 pounds. It’s the lightest 20” bike on the US market.
I took my 3 year old daughter to the bike store looking for something lighter, because she struggled alot with balancing on cheaper brands with heavier frames. She jumped on Woom 3 and literally rode the bike put of the store! 👌 Fantastic bikes and super light, which means incredibly easy to learn.
I can absolutely recommend woom series for everyone who looks for children's frist bike!
Exactly this! Sometimes it’s hard to believe it’s worth it unless you actually experience it with your own eyes!
I bought my daughter the Cleary hedgehog when she was 3. She’s 5 now but I won’t size her up until shes ready for the 24 inch tire. The price tag of Woom is just too high to keep up with their line of bikes. I will say their bikes hold their value well. If I were to buy the Woom 5 I could easily sell it on Facebook for $350-400. So it’s not a complete loss and my kid would definitely enjoy it for a few years. Nice review
Unfortunately Cleary is closing their business. We have the Owl for my youngest and hoped to get the Scout for my oldest but they are out of stock.
@@erichenberger is that right? That’s unfortunate. They make a great bike. It’s a simple, sturdy, and great looking bike. It’s different from the other brands I see. I recently bought my 6yo daughter the Prevelo alpha4 over the Meerkat, only bc she liked the pink color more. I’ll have to get online and see if they have the 26 Meerkat for sale before it’s sold out. I’m glad my kid got to experience a Cleary bike.
Did the wooms just get heavier? The website is listing 17.9lbs and 20.3lbs for the 4 and 5 now.
Yes, but those weights also now include pedals and a kickstand
@@Twowheelingtotsbikes Do you mean that the previously-advertised bike weights did not include pedals or a kickstand? 🤨 The kickstand, I could _maybe_ understand doing without (lots of kids won't use them, anyway) -- but no reason for any bike (except balance bikes) to be sold without pedals. #SellingIt
Very useful. I will buy one because of this video. Well done!
So happy we could be helpful to you!
nice video, very well done, thanks
Glad you liked it!
Nice video. At 2:14 you see a dock bike stand. Where did you get this?
I can't find the exact listing we purchased it from, but it's similar to this: amzn.to/3JUunT0 (affiliate link)
I'm getting my Woom 5 tomorrow, this vid makes me more excited!
It's the besssssssst!! Enjoy!
@@Twowheelingtotsbikes Thanks, I agree! My first ride on it today was super fun. I got a green one.
Hello. I need help attaching the wheel reflectors on the front and rear wheel.
If you call woom's customer service, they can walk you through it!
$650? Insane.
We totally get that not everyone wants to spend that much money on a bike, but we’ve never had anyone buy a Woom that regretted the choice. They truly are exceptional in every way. That check out Guardian or Decathlon kids bikes for more budget-friendly options that we’ve tested and happily recommend.
@@Twowheelingtotsbikes Well, even those are expensive for bikes that kids will outgrow quickly, according to their own (Guardian's) size charts.
I think the features are nice, but they're still gimmicky and I don't think the extra cost is reasonable over anything else.
For example, the single brake lever for front and rear "to avoid flipping over the bar" if too much front brake is used, that is easily avoided by adjusting the front brakes so that they don't clamp down as hard on the front wheel - I did that as a kid to my own BMX bike.
Stop this bull shit. Woom 4 without suspension fork is the same weight s as my daughter’s Specialized HotRock 20 with it. Woom is overpriced falsely advertised bike
Light weight just make them weak
You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, a woom bike isn’t for everyone. :-) But the woom 4 with pedals and kickstand weighs just 17.9 pounds. It’s the lightest 20” bike on the US market.
@@dmtmirful you don’t have to be so mean.