Prayers continue for you, Noah. Thank you for the update. When I saw your dad in the video yesterday, I thought he looked familiar. I had no idea your dad is Dr. Paul!! What a blessing! ❤
Gosh, what a fantastic dad you have!! He loves you so very much!! Everyone with eyes and ears can tell. I’m so glad it went well and you found out that your liver is looking great. That was a concern of mine when I got sober. Mine looks great, too, and I’m so grateful for that.
Wow! Your dad is so well informed and has an ability to explain things with such clarity and detail. So much appreciate!!! I’m glad you’re doing better.
I appreciate you posting your recovery each day. You rock. What an added blessing having your Dad with you on your posts. Prayers for continued healing. Love you, Auntie Becky ❤
Start with soft foods bananas are great 👍 its ok to wait for hunger and tummy rumbles before trying to eat. Love your relationship with your pops. When i had my 2 bowel surgeries this year my dad came everyday to check on me too.
Hey Noah! Years ago, I found your channel through your dad's TH-cam channel. I watched your journey on your channel for a long time. I stopped watching when your channel went in a different direction. Then your dad retired his channel. Anyway, your channel just came up on my TH-cam feed, and I was literally in a state of shock to find out about your surgery and cancer. I knew from previous videos that you had some chronic stomach issues. I am so glad the surgery was considered a success for right now. You and your dad explained it really well. I remember you used to drink bone broth. I am sending healing vibes your way. Please do NOT overdo it and try and do major physical stuff. Take baby steps. The incisions actually looked very small, considering all they did. You are such a good person, and I am sorry this happened. But I have faith that you will recover. Your dad is awesome, and it was good to see him again. ❤❤🙏🙏 Glad you have your family support there.
As a Nurse let me suggest that you rest instead of pushing yourself...This is a big surgery and I am so grateful they were able to reconnect your bowel so and your family are definitely in my prayers 🍀🙏
I'm not a nurse but have been through multiple procedures. When I heard he had already been walking I went nuts. Sure movement is good but after such major surgery I don't think it is wise.
You are doing incredibly well! I’m sure your great health going into this is working in your favor. Take it easy! I would have had a full blown out panic attack with all that blood. It makes total sense, but my mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario. It’s good that you didn’t spend time in that headspace. We are all pulling for you!
Retired Operating Room Nurse here. You are doing remarkably well considering how much surgery you’ve gone through. Keep moving but be careful not to do “too much” at the moment. Remember that was a lot of surgery with a certain amount of blood loss. Much lower blood loss due to robotic surgery compared to open abdominal surgery. I always had to remind the laparoscopic pts that just because they only see a few bandaids on their tummy that there was a lot more incisions on the inside. 😉 Try not to let the pain get ahead of you. They can always titrate your IV dosage lower or a lower dosage of oral medication if you’re feeling too woosy. As far as Chemo goes, well that’s between you and your Oncologist. A lot will depend on the report regarding your lymph nodes and if there was any cancer spread there. Make sure to do your follow up appointments and scans. Hopefully you will get to go home soon. Just follow the post op instructions. Walk and then rest. Enjoy the Holidays 🎄☃️ Sending you lots of prayers ❤☺️ ~CeCe
I had a resection surgery where they removed 16 ft of my colon. Be careful eating-it takes a while to really be able to eat. I was in the hospital for 10 days and I didn’t really eat anything until that last day. I will tell that depression plays a huge part in cancer recovery. Especially when those chemo drugs kick in. Being positive does help, but cancer really knows how to rearrange your life. Do take it easy, it does take a while to heal from this surgery! Your chemo will be based on the staging of your tumor and if those inflamed lymph nodes come back positive for cancer. I am sending positive vibes your way for a speedy recovery. Also, There are a lot of great colon cancer organizations where you can get plenty of information and support!💙
Hi again! I’m caught up with it mostly now. You two are brilliant on camera, please keep it up! It’s heartwarming to see such a connection between you, and I love your straight forward no nonsense explanations, these videos will help so many people and that’s so good for YOU. Much love and best wishes you lovely gents!❤ 🇬🇧 x
Good hearing your story It was very nice to see you both and it was funny at the end of the video talking about fainting and crapping your pants and all that 😅 prayers for continued healing 🙏
Hard to see you like this and in the Hospital, but as usual your spirits are up and its clear as day you will have an amazing recovery. Also so good to see how much love and tenderness your dad has towards you, I know you guys have had a rough relationship but this will really heal more than you think. My thoughts are with you today.
Noah, I am happy your healing is progressing. Please know that anesthesia and pain meds will have an effect on you mentally. If you have a sponsor, stay close and in touch. Our disease tends to activate mentally after surgery. I pray you get good pathology reports. You are blessed to have such great, supportive parents who love you so much. 👍👍
Noah, you've got this! ❤ It hurts like the devil, but every day will get better! Once the body gets used to its new configuration, it'll stop screaming at you. 😊
I left you message saying how I prayed for you today I found blood in my stools as well as yesterday,ive been having pain in my belly for months but I hid it from my family...I hope I can rest my mind and that its is not cancer...Im only 28 years old.I hope you recover well and always be in good health hugs from Portugal
It's good to see that you are in such a great place mentally to get you through what you are going through!🙂 I am surprised to hear they took out so much intestine & ileum for the size of the tumor described. I would have definitely wanted a biopsy & minimal extraction, if needed. However, I also know I am a very conservative healthcare person, & try every natural approach under the sun before medical intervention, for better or worse. Great to hear about your liver!👍🙂 With regard to starting to eat again, I would definitely stay away from sugar (including jello), as I am sure you know that sugar feeds cancer. Due to bad auto-immune issues, acne & cycts I have had, I am personally on a whole food, oil-free, sugar-free diet (including no fruit or high-sugar veggies, such as no sweet potatoes, & very rarely eat carrots, etc.). On this strict whole foods diet, sans sugar & oil, my autoimmune symptoms, acne & cycts have completely gone away. Also, fyi, in addition to sugar & oil -- milk & milk products have also often caused me to have acne & cysts (in random places -- cysts on my leg, arm, breast, etc.), so I would not be surprised if milk products have also caused me to have internal cysts that I may not have been aware of, but may have been responsible for some excruciating esophageal &/or lower ab pain I have experienced in the past. That is why I mentioned before that I would have tried a very strict diet first, eliminating all milk products, oil & sugar to see if that may had made the cysty-tumor reduce in size & go away over time. I have had visible surface cysts take close to a year to go away, but they eventually did -- completely when I finally went on my strict diet. And, I have not had any cysts since being on my strict whole food (sans sugar, non-A2 milk products & oil) diet. Knock on wood this continues to be the case. It may be a very boring diet, but definitely worth being pain & symptom-free. I have recently learned about & tested out A2 milk products & find they don't cause me to break out or get cysts like non-A2 milk products have always done. However, I do have very high hereditary cholesterol, so I have discontinued even A2 milk products at this point to see if it brings my cholesterol down. But, for someone who may want to try to keep milk & milk products in their diet, I suggest trying A2 products, which can be found at Whole Foods & other health food stores. I hope sharing my journey & recovery from my health issues via a very strict whole food diet may be of some help to you. Hospital food is notoriously unhealthy, so it would be ideal if family can bring you healthy WHOLE foods such as: - plain baked meat, fish, organic eggs - brown rice (I personally prefer brown Basmati rice; also fyi, I get constipated from eating white rice, whereas brown rice actually helps me to be very regular) - boiled potatoes - steamed veggies (though be careful with onions because they can irritate the gut) - some gentle gut-helpful herbal teas (e.g., peppermint, bay leaf, licorice root, etc.), which can be made from loose herbs in an infuser tea mug, if can't find herbs in bag form. Continued wishes to you for all the very best & a speedy full recovery!
Noah I pray your doing well prayers going up for you you are definitely a blessing Amen Amen I’m so glad your not suffering in so much pain as you were keep strong❤
I just began following your channel. I can already tell you are a wonderful person. No disrespect, but you have the saddest most soulful eyes. I got chills just looking into them, even on video. My life seems hopeless and so sad right now, but I’m going to be following you and I know you can lift me up. So glad to hear you are doing so well post-op
I kinda happy im not the only one who felt like they falling backwards or dropping when I'd try sleep on intravenous pain meds..ooh was so scary... hope u have quick healing an are completely C free God bless to ur family as well. How wonderful u have a village❤❤ Dr Paul hey hey....ur amazing sir❤
Prayers out to you 🙏 I'm 42 and going in for a colonoscopy on Friday. Not gonna lie I'm extremely stressed and scared. Speedy recovery 2 you. Stay strong 💪
Don't stress out you'll be fine ...I'm 52 and just had my first colonoscopy about 2 months ago and everything went smooth with no issues and everything looked great ... don't stress yourself out 🙏 all goes well for you.
I’ve had six of them don’t stress out, you’ll get through it fine. The prep is the worst part, get some bullion cubes to make some broth because it will help you feel a little less hungry.
Sending prayers from the UK. Alter any diet and or lifestyle practices should you feel it necessary. I am sure you will make a full recovery. Remain strong.
Hi Noah from uk, I am new subscriber today and at start of video I thought your dad was your partner. Hi to one good looking papa and praying for a smooth and quick recovery. ❤
Hi I just had major abdominal surgery too... I am just a few weeks post op! I had a sudden lower GI bleed out of no where! My next colonoscopy wasn't due for another year! Anyway, I went to ER immediately as I was bleeding, it sounds like the same exact area your mass was I had too. I had hemicolectomy, with a appendectomy, 36 lymphs removed, and the artery & vein removed to where the colon mass area was. And the bowel Resection as they found other polyps as well. All my margins are clear, the malignant mass seems to have been contained, no spread to lymphs or outside of colon. I am early staged, my oncologist said being on Coumadin saved my life, as I bled very very early on, the cancer was starting to chew at the colon wall, I bled as if I was stage 3 or 4. But it bled so early on with me on Coumadin for a blood clotting disorder already as A-fib. So, I had a lot removed. I already have stage 4 thyroid cancer, but, this adenocarcinoma of the colon is nothing connected to my thyroid cancer. So, I have a primary thyroid cancer and primary colon cancer. My lymphs are all clear and no treatment is needed for the colon cancer. I would still be sure to follow along with a oncologist as I think you are. I have had many surgeries, but, this was rough. It takes a while to recover. I am only a few weeks out from surgery, but spent 3 weeks in the hospital, I needed blood transfusions, and iron Infusions too before surgery, and off Coumadin on Heparin IV to protect the blood clotting issue since my Coumadin was stopped temporarily until few days post op. Honestly the Norco ( hydrocodone) works best for my pain, it lasts longer than IV pain meds. I had the choice of anything I wanted for pain, but allergic to many things, but the Norco works best for ME. Of course, I lost so much blood, I still have low hemoglobin, as I lost so much blood! I am home now, I have home healthcare nurses coming to my home, and physical therapy coming too my home too, it's awesome actually to have home health care. I am actually taking flintstones multiple vitamins chewable, and drink a cup of water, these vitamins have iron added, and my hemoglobin is going back up very nice already. After 3 weeks in. Now home with home healthcare coming & going is awesome! Flu season is really bad in Florida as RSV, Influenza and COVID are spreading rapidly. Thankfully I got home. I didn't want to catch a virus in the hospital. Be careful, viruses are going around!! Take it easy, you will do well..... I just came across your video, as I just am post op too... Sounds like the same areas we had the mass Thankfully, my surgeon did the appendix removal and everything else I listed plus .. I was a surgery nurse for many years, always took care of patients with bowel surgeries, never thought I would ever go through this honestly! Having 2 primary cancers is scary, and frustrating, as I never have smoked or not drink, I take care of myself. My oncologist is sending off my pathology slides to see if there is any mutations from the tumor or anything possible genetic ... I will check back in with you all. Take one day at a time, and eat slowly. I have learned to eat differently for sure post op.... Saying a prayer 🙏
My family had our first experience with cancer this year as well. I do believe diet plays a huge roll in cancer I hope you find your way to keto or carnivore with fasting for healing the body. Prayers for good health going forward.
Prayers your way brother ! You have no idea how our paths are intertwined and what you’ve done for me …not only from a TRT standpoint but from an addiction battle that I’m currently in ….Dr. Axe and Chris Cured Cancer are amazing resources! Don’t let the medical industry make you feel rushed into making decisions on what to do next …which may affect your health ….sit and pray on it …Love you brother ❤
I reiterate a comment from earlier that even though it looks like a small incision on the outside a lot has gone on in the inside. My first bowel resection was an emergency (Crohn’s) and it surprised me how painful the recovery was. Yes you want to move around but overdoing it will only set you back. Keeping ahead of the pain is very important as you have discovered. Also it’s funny that you mentioned that the doctor commented on your lack of body fat because after my surgery I was told that because they didn’t have to dig through fat to get to my bowels that they had more time to do a nice closing. It was a perfect little line and healed beautifully. I found that down the road the thing that caused me some emotional trauma was the starvation. Because of the Crohn’s I’ve had a poor association with food, it made me feel sick, but not being able to eat for many days on end messed with my head. I still get a stressed feeling when I don’t have access to food for a length of time. Anyway these are just some of my thoughts. I’m glad that you have such a good team surrounding and supporting you. I will pray for swift healing. Blessings.
Thanks for the update, Noah. I will continue to send good thoughts your way. You will be back in the gym in no time! Grateful to you always for sharing your stories.
Noah you're gonna make it. God's got this as He's had everything else, always. He loves us all and He needs you Here. Douglas will patiently wait for you. I just had my lobectomy. Seems like it's not cancerous, though I really no very little outside of physical and emotional, especially emotional pain. God's got me too. You help people in ways I can only imagine. You are so loved Noah. I can't imagine how painful that was/is but now it seems you've got med that can do the heavy lifting. I traded my oxycodone for tramadol in the hospital pharmacy. Also am now a non vaper. God is good!
I am praying for your recovery Noah. These challenges in life are thrown at us, but I am glad to see you are fighting through such a difficult situation. Your videos on mental health introduced me to the channel, and were foundational to helping me, I am thankful and know you have helped so many that are praying for you now too. May God be with you!
God is great. I have been dealing with recovering from AML since the end of 22’. Although it’s totally different, I cannot stress the importance of taking your time to recover and trust the process of what you need to do with your Oncology team. Don’t be afraid to talk to your Doctor if you’re feeling off. I will definitely keep you in prayers. Remember, God will never give you things in life you can’t handle. Turning your trails into testimonies can save someone else’s life.
Did they check your appendix? PMP starts there and often gets missed as “other” tumors! Right hemi after appendectomy…had midazolam in OR and was up and going right after surgery. Best wishes on a speedy recovery.
My dad had stage 4 colon cancer at 52 and beat it!! You're on the road to recovery, YOU GOT THIS!! Prayers to you!!
only God can cure us. I have no power or control to beat anything or cure anything.
Prayers continue for you, Noah. Thank you for the update. When I saw your dad in the video yesterday, I thought he looked familiar. I had no idea your dad is Dr. Paul!! What a blessing! ❤
Please pray harder!
I'm glad you're doing well. You have have such a good Dad. You're a lucky man.
So great to have your Dad with you. Thanks for the update. You're on the mend. Praying for your speedy recovery 🙏.
Gosh, what a fantastic dad you have!! He loves you so very much!! Everyone with eyes and ears can tell. I’m so glad it went well and you found out that your liver is looking great. That was a concern of mine when I got sober. Mine looks great, too, and I’m so grateful for that.
Your Dad is a great asset to this channel...he's a natural 😊
Miss you Dr Paul on your channel .
So glad you’re done with your surgery Noah !
May your recovery go well ! 🙏💯
Wow! Your dad is so well informed and has an ability to explain things with such clarity and detail. So much appreciate!!! I’m glad you’re doing better.
His dad is a doctor :)
Sending prayers 🙏🏾. I'm 37 years old and will be having a colonoscopy Monday 12/23. You are an inspiration.
Thank you for the update. You are so abundantly blessed with all the support that you have. Continuous prayers from South Africa. 😊🙏🇿🇦
Your Dad is so precious. Best Wishes Noah!
I appreciate you posting your recovery each day. You rock. What an added blessing having your Dad with you on your posts. Prayers for continued healing. Love you, Auntie Becky ❤
Start with soft foods bananas are great 👍 its ok to wait for hunger and tummy rumbles before trying to eat. Love your relationship with your pops. When i had my 2 bowel surgeries this year my dad came everyday to check on me too.
Hey Noah! Years ago, I found your channel through your dad's TH-cam channel. I watched your journey on your channel for a long time. I stopped watching when your channel went in a different direction. Then your dad retired his channel. Anyway, your channel just came up on my TH-cam feed, and I was literally in a state of shock to find out about your surgery and cancer. I knew from previous videos that you had some chronic stomach issues. I am so glad the surgery was considered a success for right now. You and your dad explained it really well. I remember you used to drink bone broth. I am sending healing vibes your way. Please do NOT overdo it and try and do major physical stuff. Take baby steps. The incisions actually looked very small, considering all they did. You are such a good person, and I am sorry this happened. But I have faith that you will recover. Your dad is awesome, and it was good to see him again. ❤❤🙏🙏 Glad you have your family support there.
As a Nurse let me suggest that you rest instead of pushing yourself...This is a big surgery and I am so grateful they were able to reconnect your bowel so and your family are definitely in my prayers 🍀🙏
I'm not a nurse but have been through multiple procedures. When I heard he had already been walking I went nuts. Sure movement is good but after such major surgery I don't think it is wise.
Yes, please don't try to return to normal so fast. Chill. You already look so much better .
Nice to see you guys giving another update. Prayers and keep up the speedy recovery bro!
You are doing incredibly well! I’m sure your great health going into this is working in your favor. Take it easy! I would have had a full blown out panic attack with all that blood. It makes total sense, but my mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario. It’s good that you didn’t spend time in that headspace. We are all pulling for you!
Praying you have a speedy recovery. You look good. Love your Dad. ❤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Retired Operating Room Nurse here.
You are doing remarkably well considering how much surgery you’ve gone through. Keep moving but be careful not to do “too much” at the moment. Remember that was a lot of surgery with a certain amount of blood loss. Much lower blood loss due to robotic surgery compared to open abdominal surgery. I always had to remind the laparoscopic pts that just because they only see a few bandaids on their tummy that there was a lot more incisions on the inside. 😉
Try not to let the pain get ahead of you. They can always titrate your IV dosage lower or a lower dosage of oral medication if you’re feeling too woosy.
As far as Chemo goes, well that’s between you and your Oncologist. A lot will depend on the report regarding your lymph nodes and if there was any cancer spread there. Make sure to do your follow up appointments and scans.
Hopefully you will get to go home soon. Just follow the post op instructions. Walk and then rest. Enjoy the Holidays 🎄☃️
Sending you lots of prayers ❤☺️
You have a great caregiver, your Dad. Each day you are getting better and better.
Great to see your Dad there! All the best from Germany
I had a resection surgery where they removed 16 ft of my colon. Be careful eating-it takes a while to really be able to eat. I was in the hospital for 10 days and I didn’t really eat anything until that last day. I will tell that depression plays a huge part in cancer recovery. Especially when those chemo drugs kick in. Being positive does help, but cancer really knows how to rearrange your life. Do take it easy, it does take a while to heal from this surgery! Your chemo will be based on the staging of your tumor and if those inflamed lymph nodes come back positive for cancer. I am sending positive vibes your way for a speedy recovery. Also, There are a lot of great colon cancer organizations where you can get plenty of information and support!💙
Hi again! I’m caught up with it mostly now. You two are brilliant on camera, please keep it up! It’s heartwarming to see such a connection between you, and I love your straight forward no nonsense explanations, these videos will help so many people and that’s so good for YOU. Much love and best wishes you lovely gents!❤ 🇬🇧 x
Glad to see your doing good thx for explaining all this. Looks like a road to pleasant recovery brother
Started following you yesterday. Praying for you brother! You are strong! You have an amazing family! You are in good hands! You got this!
Looks like you're doing great with wonderful supportive parents!
Good hearing your story It was very nice to see you both and it was funny at the end of the video talking about fainting and crapping your pants and all that 😅 prayers for continued healing 🙏
Hard to see you like this and in the Hospital, but as usual your spirits are up and its clear as day you will have an amazing recovery. Also so good to see how much love and tenderness your dad has towards you, I know you guys have had a rough relationship but this will really heal more than you think. My thoughts are with you today.
Sending you love Noah from Scotland I’ve found comfort in a lot of your videos. Stay strong 👍🏻
Noah, I am happy your healing is progressing. Please know that anesthesia and pain meds will have an effect on you mentally. If you have a sponsor, stay close and in touch. Our disease tends to activate mentally after surgery. I pray you get good pathology reports. You are blessed to have such great, supportive parents who love you so much. 👍👍
Noah, you've got this! ❤ It hurts like the devil, but every day will get better! Once the body gets used to its new configuration, it'll stop screaming at you. 😊
I’m so happy for you that your recovery is going so well. You have a wonderful family supporting you. Sending you healing prayers and love❤
Continue to stay strong Noah. Lifting you up in prayer ❤
Prayers and love to you Noah! Much respect for you to share your life experiences with us. Keep fighting
I have this on Monday, also cancer in the Cecum. This is really encouraging and hoping all good for you!
Noah, sending you love ❤️ light🕯️& healing ✨
Good to see you on the mend. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.
I left you message saying how I prayed for you today I found blood in my stools as well as yesterday,ive been having pain in my belly for months but I hid it from my family...I hope I can rest my mind and that its is not cancer...Im only 28 years old.I hope you recover well and always be in good health hugs from Portugal
Sending you positive and gentle thoughts, Nono! So good to see your dad, too! Praying for healing and comfort in your recovery. ❤
You have a great knowledgeable Dad. Good luck to you guys
Its amazing the love you and your Dad share. It’s amazing! I’m so happy you’re doing well.
It's good to see that you are in such a great place mentally to get you through what you are going through!🙂 I am surprised to hear they took out so much intestine & ileum for the size of the tumor described. I would have definitely wanted a biopsy & minimal extraction, if needed. However, I also know I am a very conservative healthcare person, & try every natural approach under the sun before medical intervention, for better or worse.
Great to hear about your liver!👍🙂
With regard to starting to eat again, I would definitely stay away from sugar (including jello), as I am sure you know that sugar feeds cancer. Due to bad auto-immune issues, acne & cycts I have had, I am personally on a whole food, oil-free, sugar-free diet (including no fruit or high-sugar veggies, such as no sweet potatoes, & very rarely eat carrots, etc.). On this strict whole foods diet, sans sugar & oil, my autoimmune symptoms, acne & cycts have completely gone away. Also, fyi, in addition to sugar & oil -- milk & milk products have also often caused me to have acne & cysts (in random places -- cysts on my leg, arm, breast, etc.), so I would not be surprised if milk products have also caused me to have internal cysts that I may not have been aware of, but may have been responsible for some excruciating esophageal &/or lower ab pain I have experienced in the past. That is why I mentioned before that I would have tried a very strict diet first, eliminating all milk products, oil & sugar to see if that may had made the cysty-tumor reduce in size & go away over time. I have had visible surface cysts take close to a year to go away, but they eventually did -- completely when I finally went on my strict diet. And, I have not had any cysts since being on my strict whole food (sans sugar, non-A2 milk products & oil) diet. Knock on wood this continues to be the case. It may be a very boring diet, but definitely worth being pain & symptom-free.
I have recently learned about & tested out A2 milk products & find they don't cause me to break out or get cysts like non-A2 milk products have always done. However, I do have very high hereditary cholesterol, so I have discontinued even A2 milk products at this point to see if it brings my cholesterol down. But, for someone who may want to try to keep milk & milk products in their diet, I suggest trying A2 products, which can be found at Whole Foods & other health food stores.
I hope sharing my journey & recovery from my health issues via a very strict whole food diet may be of some help to you.
Hospital food is notoriously unhealthy, so it would be ideal if family can bring you healthy WHOLE foods such as:
- plain baked meat, fish, organic eggs
- brown rice (I personally prefer brown Basmati rice; also fyi, I get constipated from eating white rice, whereas brown rice actually helps me to be very regular)
- boiled potatoes
- steamed veggies (though be careful with onions because they can irritate the gut)
- some gentle gut-helpful herbal teas (e.g., peppermint, bay leaf, licorice root, etc.), which can be made from loose herbs in an infuser tea mug, if can't find herbs in bag form.
Continued wishes to you for all the very best & a speedy full recovery!
Dad is great,I’m glad you’re recovering,will continue to pray for you,STAY STRONG 💉💊make sure you update us plz
Great news brother! You the man!! Stay strong!!!
Prayers that your nodes are cancer free 🙏🏼
Noah I pray your doing well prayers going up for you you are definitely a blessing Amen Amen I’m so glad your not suffering in so much pain as you were keep strong❤
Good luck Noah I have been watching you for years and you inspire everyone. Get well very soon and move on from all this. David x
You look and sound really good! Prayers for a speedy recovery!
Take it easy. You’re so strong. Prayers for a fast recovery. Wonderful your dad and family are there to support you, literally 🙏
I just began following your channel. I can already tell you are a wonderful person. No disrespect, but you have the saddest most soulful eyes. I got chills just looking into them, even on video. My life seems hopeless and so sad right now, but I’m going to be following you and I know you can lift me up. So glad to hear you are doing so well post-op
I kinda happy im not the only one who felt like they falling backwards or dropping when I'd try sleep on intravenous pain meds..ooh was so scary... hope u have quick healing an are completely C free
God bless to ur family as well. How wonderful u have a village❤❤
Dr Paul hey hey....ur amazing sir❤
I'm so happy you are healing well.
Sending you healing prayers. ❤❤❤
Thank you so much for documenting this to us. We are praying for you❤. Hope you rest well and recover soon.
Your in my prayers from across the pond in Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪
Diagnosis to surgery was very fast…you are lucky! Good luck to you
Sending you lots of prayers!!
Sending love hugs and best wishes from Scotland ❤❤
Sending you lots of love and prayers for a quick recovery
You r loved. Be strong
You and your Dad have such a beautiful smile 👌💪🙏🎂
Continued prayers.🙏 You got this Noah.
Wow you came thru surgery so well. Great surgeon. You have a wonderful supportive family. Take care
Keep praying for your recovery Noah, stay strong. Best wishes from Argentina
Sending prayers from italy Noah, God Bless. ❤
Sending you love and prayers Noah.
Prayers out to you 🙏 I'm 42 and going in for a colonoscopy on Friday. Not gonna lie I'm extremely stressed and scared. Speedy recovery 2 you. Stay strong 💪
Don't stress out you'll be fine ...I'm 52 and just had my first colonoscopy about 2 months ago and everything went smooth with no issues and everything looked great ... don't stress yourself out 🙏 all goes well for you.
I’ve had six of them don’t stress out, you’ll get through it fine. The prep is the worst part, get some bullion cubes to make some broth because it will help you feel a little less hungry.
Sending prayers from the UK. Alter any diet and or lifestyle practices should you feel it necessary. I am sure you will make a full recovery. Remain strong.
Hi Noah from uk, I am new subscriber today and at start of video I thought your dad was your partner. Hi to one good looking papa and praying for a smooth and quick recovery. ❤
Sending prayers your way Noah, everything will be ok. God bless.
❤❤❤ big prayers for you !!!
Prayers and good vibes for a speedy recovery !
Hi I just had major abdominal surgery too... I am just a few weeks post op! I had a sudden lower GI bleed out of no where! My next colonoscopy wasn't due for another year! Anyway, I went to ER immediately as I was bleeding, it sounds like the same exact area your mass was I had too. I had hemicolectomy, with a appendectomy, 36 lymphs removed, and the artery & vein removed to where the colon mass area was. And the bowel Resection as they found other polyps as well. All my margins are clear, the malignant mass seems to have been contained, no spread to lymphs or outside of colon. I am early staged, my oncologist said being on Coumadin saved my life, as I bled very very early on, the cancer was starting to chew at the colon wall, I bled as if I was stage 3 or 4. But it bled so early on with me on Coumadin for a blood clotting disorder already as A-fib. So, I had a lot removed. I already have stage 4 thyroid cancer, but, this adenocarcinoma of the colon is nothing connected to my thyroid cancer. So, I have a primary thyroid cancer and primary colon cancer. My lymphs are all clear and no treatment is needed for the colon cancer. I would still be sure to follow along with a oncologist as I think you are. I have had many surgeries, but, this was rough. It takes a while to recover. I am only a few weeks out from surgery, but spent 3 weeks in the hospital, I needed blood transfusions, and iron Infusions too before surgery, and off Coumadin on Heparin IV to protect the blood clotting issue since my Coumadin was stopped temporarily until few days post op. Honestly the Norco ( hydrocodone) works best for my pain, it lasts longer than IV pain meds. I had the choice of anything I wanted for pain, but allergic to many things, but the Norco works best for ME. Of course, I lost so much blood, I still have low hemoglobin, as I lost so much blood! I am home now, I have home healthcare nurses coming to my home, and physical therapy coming too my home too, it's awesome actually to have home health care. I am actually taking flintstones multiple vitamins chewable, and drink a cup of water, these vitamins have iron added, and my hemoglobin is going back up very nice already. After 3 weeks in. Now home with home healthcare coming & going is awesome! Flu season is really bad in Florida as RSV, Influenza and COVID are spreading rapidly. Thankfully I got home. I didn't want to catch a virus in the hospital. Be careful, viruses are going around!! Take it easy, you will do well..... I just came across your video, as I just am post op too... Sounds like the same areas we had the mass Thankfully, my surgeon did the appendix removal and everything else I listed plus .. I was a surgery nurse for many years, always took care of patients with bowel surgeries, never thought I would ever go through this honestly! Having 2 primary cancers is scary, and frustrating, as I never have smoked or not drink, I take care of myself. My oncologist is sending off my pathology slides to see if there is any mutations from the tumor or anything possible genetic ... I will check back in with you all. Take one day at a time, and eat slowly. I have learned to eat differently for sure post op.... Saying a prayer 🙏
Prayers from Ireland handsome man x
Praying for you. Sending some Aloha from Washington State🌺
God answers prayers. We love you Noah ❤
My family had our first experience with cancer this year as well. I do believe diet plays a huge roll in cancer I hope you find your way to keto or carnivore with fasting for healing the body. Prayers for good health going forward.
Sending prayers 🙏
Prayers your way brother ! You have no idea how our paths are intertwined and what you’ve done for me …not only from a TRT standpoint but from an addiction battle that I’m currently in ….Dr. Axe and Chris Cured Cancer are amazing resources! Don’t let the medical industry make you feel rushed into making decisions on what to do next …which may affect your health ….sit and pray on it …Love you brother ❤
I reiterate a comment from earlier that even though it looks like a small incision on the outside a lot has gone on in the inside. My first bowel resection was an emergency (Crohn’s) and it surprised me how painful the recovery was. Yes you want to move around but overdoing it will only set you back. Keeping ahead of the pain is very important as you have discovered. Also it’s funny that you mentioned that the doctor commented on your lack of body fat because after my surgery I was told that because they didn’t have to dig through fat to get to my bowels that they had more time to do a nice closing. It was a perfect little line and healed beautifully. I found that down the road the thing that caused me some emotional trauma was the starvation. Because of the Crohn’s I’ve had a poor association with food, it made me feel sick, but not being able to eat for many days on end messed with my head. I still get a stressed feeling when I don’t have access to food for a length of time. Anyway these are just some of my thoughts. I’m glad that you have such a good team surrounding and supporting you. I will pray for swift healing. Blessings.
Prayers from Canada Vancouver BC u get well soon 🙏❤
Thanks for the update, Noah. I will continue to send good thoughts your way. You will be back in the gym in no time! Grateful to you always for sharing your stories.
I'm pulling for ya, buddy!
good lord, you're a spitting image of your father, ever the timbre of your voices is similar
I will pray for you! 💚
Noah you're gonna make it. God's got this as He's had everything else, always. He loves us all and He needs you Here. Douglas will patiently wait for you. I just had my lobectomy. Seems like it's not cancerous, though I really no very little outside of physical and emotional, especially emotional pain. God's got me too. You help people in ways I can only imagine. You are so loved Noah. I can't imagine how painful that was/is but now it seems you've got med that can do the heavy lifting. I traded my oxycodone for tramadol in the hospital pharmacy. Also am now a non vaper. God is good!
Sending prayers!! Get well soon
Glad you are getting better.
I am praying for your recovery Noah. These challenges in life are thrown at us, but I am glad to see you are fighting through such a difficult situation. Your videos on mental health introduced me to the channel, and were foundational to helping me, I am thankful and know you have helped so many that are praying for you now too. May God be with you!
God is great. I have been dealing with recovering from AML since the end of 22’. Although it’s totally different, I cannot stress the importance of taking your time to recover and trust the process of what you need to do with your Oncology team. Don’t be afraid to talk to your Doctor if you’re feeling off. I will definitely keep you in prayers.
Remember, God will never give you things in life you can’t handle. Turning your trails into testimonies can save someone else’s life.
Don't be shy guys and go to do colonoscopy, it can save your life! I did two times even I'm just 33 year old. Stay strong Noah!
I didn't know he's your dad ❤❤ prayers for you
Yeah guys, way to share your humbleness with all us viewers. Cause you’re better than other alcoholics who give themselves intestinal cancer surgery.
Good luck bro
Praying for you now
Continue to get well Noah gods grace and love upon you guys
Get well soon!
Had chemo for breast cancer when I was 59-it is doable!
Noah I’m covering you in prayers from Augusta, Ga.
Did they check your appendix? PMP starts there and often gets missed as “other” tumors! Right hemi after appendectomy…had midazolam in OR and was up and going right after surgery. Best wishes on a speedy recovery.
I am glad you are on the road to recovery? Did you ever have any blood in the stool or any other symptoms?
Oh it’s him!!! His son! Ohhh