Ali estamos viajando cada día x las montañas contigo te acompañamos muy felices .. manda un saludo a tus seguidores..Eres muy trabajador como tu mamá 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Большое спасибо оператору,что и в хорошую погоду и в дождь ведет съёмку и тем самым помогает Али,набрать подписчиков.У вас очень интересные ролики ,вы показываете и жизнь и природу.👍 Успехов вашему каналу.
Салам, Али! Бог в помощь! Приятно видеть, как ты постепенно обустраиваешь своё хозяйство. Ты такой же хозяйственный, как и мой сын)). Он тоже всегда ходит в магазин за продуктами.
Ali I ‘m very happy to watch how you are organizing your life and independence away from Karim .👏👏👏 Karim do you a favor to leave his cold and leaky roof house . But of course you missed your family and they all missed you specially now it’s very cold in mother Bloom house . The house is not finish and Karim went to Asfaghan. . Young man take time to read most of the viewers comments so you can be successful on your journey to achieve your goal with the little money you have ok. Creating a safe and well construct hut is the key ; not a place to go on the roof every rainy day. Take that in consideration ! Please when you done with your place give some help to mother Bloom “ pretty ..pretty please”!! Love you handsome guy Ali . God bless you with a lots of success !❤💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽❤️☕️☕️😄😄👍👮🏽♂️👮🏽♂️
Ali vc deve jogar terra nno plástico que passou da barraca...pra que o vento não levante o plástico e não enre água na barraca...parabéns pela sua nova casa...Brasil 🇧🇷
Dear ALI, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK WITH YOUR NEW CHANNEL 🎉 ALWAYS BE TRUE TO YOURSELF (NO FAKE DRAMA) 99% of IRANIAN CHANNELS ARE FAKE , not good for country and not good for children and women who get abused. Just do the right things like love of family, country, and GOD.
Salaam Ali, it is afternoon here in South Africa love to watch u and mama Bloom, u are doing well Allah will make it easy for u and ur mother ,always help her she can't depend on Karim
@@Zagros03keri ahmaki geldi hemen haliyi Service ustune uzandi birde muhamedin yaptigi divaxi ellestirfi oysa kefisi kacti soguktur diye bu kerim yine hayatinda bir olmasinmi
Of yakisikli alim yakiyor oglum benim ali hersey guzel olur insanlah kimbilir herkaranlik gecenin arkasina sabah olur alah senin yolunu aydinkatsin yarabim ali cok mahsum bir gectir canim benim
Али, у меня к тебе вопрос, какая тебе девушка нравится: которая ходит в длинном платье и закрывается платком и не скажешь это девушка или старуха, которая при жизни уже себя похоронила. Какую ты хотел бы себе жену, кучу сопливых детей и нищета потому что эту кучу трудно прокормить. Такую бы ты себе жизнь хотел?
Може би ще се съобрази с техния обичай, те други нямат. Важното е да намери свястна и добра и да си живеят, той заслужава това. Той е умен и красив младеж.
@НинаДеher aslanin golude biri yasiyor ali bu kurali koymadi orasi bir musluman ulke mecbur uzun elbise giyorlar baska artarnstif yok keske onlarda ister moderin herkes istedigin giyimeyi гтярева-щ3ш
Hi! Mr. Ali, nothing impossible to our Almighty God, have faith and keep believing. In the bible says, He will never leave or forsake you. God bless you and your family mama Bloom and her children.
Ali's place is beginning to look more waterproof and comfortable than his mother's sad home. Do you get milk locally from the goats? It seems that more attention could be paid to drainage channels in relation to location and building of the homes.
Али,построй 2 скатную крышу и сверху покрой железом,а не целофаном,-это самое главное для дома,будь умнее,не делай как у мамы,у них вечная проблема с крышей!Как достойно ты ведешь себя на рынке,в магазинах,не то что карим с блум,те вечно торгуются,ругаются с продавцами,карим заходит продавцы вобще зляться на него,очень жадный и мелочный!😁
Ali can you explain what those beautiful triangle colorful feathered? crafts are? or represent Please? I have seen them now and then in the videos and curious... 28.23
آنها یه وسیله سنتی و محلی است انشالله از آن در فصل بهار رونمایی میکنم . برای دوغ از آن استفاده میشود و اینکه این مثلتی کوچک است از مثلثی های بزرگتری استفاده میشود این فقط برای زیبا سازی خانه است ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hallo ali iyi aksamlar ali sen si istici gazlibir sey alsan en azinda geceleri yakarsin ustunde de cay falan yaparsin geceleri soguktur betenyende az galiba
Slm Ayleküm Ali'bey🎉🎉🎉🎉😊 Sei stark nach den Regen kommt die Sonne alles wird so klappen wie du es dir geplant hast 🎉🎉🎉Allah beschütze euch und die ganze Welt ❤🎉😊
Actually working first then build a house but in this country, it doesn't matter, you can work later and pay later because everything can buy on credit . Masha Allah. People trust each other
By living in a tent temporarily, you have to dug both sides outside to protect the tent and not be flooded inside . So must dug the ground first thing before rain comes Mr Alli..
Hello bro Ali i pray for you that you may build your house with no disturbance,and please build for your self two room house ,bed room and kitchen separately so that you have enough space in your house thanks.
Your a good man Ali, better yourself. Your a strong person for sticking up for yourself not ready to marry is a big step in your traditions. Things need to change.
Porque ali não foi morar com a avó , mãe de seu falecido pai . Aquela avó parece não se importar com os netos filhos do seu falecido filho antigo esposo de bloom . Ela parece uma pessoa fria e sem coração .
Methinks Ali should have compiled a shopping list before going to town. Auntie Leila would have guided him in what essential items and food he would need. A Jackery generator would be a huge plus for him and others,but not sure of availability in Iran,due to sanctions. Why are all the trucks blue? How does anyone do laundry in the mountains, because I never see any clothes hanging out to dry in the content. Also, wouldn't an old oil drum,split in half, do better as a bbq pit/cooking facility? Save all that stooping and squatting huh? These videos are fascinating,but a few holes in the content.
Ok,just a few more questions on my nind if that's ok? Why buy eggs from the store when you have chickens? Wouldn't it be more environmentally responsible to use bags for life,made out of old material or sacking etc,than using all those plastic bags? Would be a lot cheaper to utilize reusable bags too,even brown paper bags. Last,but most important,those slopes they live on,look very prone to mudslides, particularly since there isn't much vegetation,and an awful lot of torrential rain? How iften do mudslides occur? The roads are very scary, especially when running into the mountain fog,but since area is so rural,no sign of crash barriers or road maintenance.
Orasi iran baryerleri ben hic gormedim acrupada duz giden yolsrda bile var yan becede bile yok gormedim bu beledyelerin sorulmasi lazim ama dogru cok yamac ve taslik var daglar yamaclar oldukca cok ama her,Erde var mesele Frankfurta holanda ya dogru cok korkun daglar var icinde yol gidiyor ama saglam dir
مصرف تخم مرغ زیاد است .مردم صبحانه ها بیشتر تخم مرغ مصرف میکنند. جواب شما این است که مسئولان به منطقه ما رسیدگی نمیکنند و متاسفانه مردم هم پیگیری نمیکنند جاده خیلی بدی برای ما آسفالت کردند از مصالح نامناسب . در این مکان مردم رانندگی خوبی دارند و اینکه تصادف های کمی پیش می آید فقط در روز های بارانی سخت است زیرا جاده های شیب دار هستند . کمبود های زیادی وجود دارد 🙏🙏😔😔❤️❤️❤️
Gee I love those blue trucks and they are even nicer when newer. I don’t know if they are fuel efficient but I think they would be quite useful in my country for tradies. {Tradesmen) and even equestrians. Of course we have similar vehicles but not as robust looking. 🇦🇺🦘
@@Zagros03ah canim ben calisiyorum zaten senin yasinda oglum var oda calisiyor birde 2 kizim var evlediler su an oglumls oturuyorum 2kimizde calisiyoruz iste ali avrupanin iyi yonu var artarnstifin cok her konuda canim ya seni cok opüyorum tatli alim.kotu kerim geldi
I enjoy your channel Ali, you are a credit to your mother
Good job Ali, i'm proud of you
Ali estamos viajando cada día x las montañas contigo te acompañamos muy felices .. manda un saludo a tus seguidores..Eres muy trabajador como tu mamá 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I enjoyed watching your video today Ali. Nice scenery of the mountains.
Начала новой жизни 👍 молодец Али, удачи и успехов во всем! Ты умный парень, у тебя все получится и все будет отлично!
Большое спасибо оператору,что и в хорошую погоду и в дождь ведет съёмку и тем самым помогает Али,набрать подписчиков.У вас очень интересные ролики ,вы показываете и жизнь и природу.👍
Успехов вашему каналу.
Ali está emagrecendo .
Its amazing that people trust and lend Ali their blue truck but Karim did not want to lend him .
مردم های روستاهای ما مردم خوب و دلسوزی هستند ❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰
Ali Deus todo poderoso nas nossas vida e também na sua vida vc vai longe .um rapaz muito inteligente . Boa sorte 🙏🙏😘🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷😉😉🇧🇷
Congratulation Alie im so please seeing you so.happy good luck 😍
Wish you well Ali in your journey
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز ❤️❤️🙏🙏😘😘
We must support Ali🎉❤ He so innocent 😊
Cok dogru hanim efendi
خیلی ممنون 🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️
Ali, you are a good man
Салам, Али! Бог в помощь!
Приятно видеть, как ты постепенно обустраиваешь своё хозяйство.
Ты такой же хозяйственный, как и мой сын)). Он тоже всегда ходит в магазин за продуктами.
Супер е.
Али, очень хочется чтобы ты до снега построил хотя бы пока маленькую комнату. ❤❤❤
تلاشم دا خواهم کرد 🥰❤️❤️🙏🙏
Ali, a very good day
Like the shopping spree. Have a good day.
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز 😂❤️❤️😘😘🙏🙏
Ali I ‘m very happy to watch how you are organizing your life and independence away from Karim .👏👏👏 Karim do you a favor to leave his cold and leaky roof house . But of course you missed your family and they all missed you specially now it’s very cold in mother Bloom house . The house is not finish and Karim went to Asfaghan. . Young man take time to read most of the viewers comments so you can be successful on your journey to achieve your goal with the little money you have ok. Creating a safe and well construct hut is the key ; not a place to go on the roof every rainy day. Take that in consideration !
Please when you done with your place give some help to mother Bloom “ pretty ..pretty please”!!
Love you handsome guy Ali . God bless you with a lots of success !❤💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽❤️☕️☕️😄😄👍👮🏽♂️👮🏽♂️
Ali vc deve jogar terra nno plástico que passou da barraca...pra que o vento não levante o plástico e não enre água na barraca...parabéns pela sua nova casa...Brasil 🇧🇷
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز از راهنمایی های دوستانه شما سپاسگزارم 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰
Молодец, Али .
Dear ALI, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK WITH YOUR NEW CHANNEL 🎉 ALWAYS BE TRUE TO YOURSELF (NO FAKE DRAMA) 99% of IRANIAN CHANNELS ARE FAKE , not good for country and not good for children and women who get abused. Just do the right things like love of family, country, and GOD.
I agree 💯...I will only watch Ali and his mother because I am not a fool and know that the other channels are fake..
Evet butun kanalar hemen hemen konular istismar cok kirip dokmeleri hic hos deyil gercekte
Oy cok sis var ali dikatli ol basarilar canim
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز سپاسگزارم از راهنمایی های دوستانه شما 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰
Nice place. Good for you
Красива природа.
Loving these videos Ali you explain things to us ,love from the UK 🇬🇧 😊
Yardim ingiltere ali cok yazik
خیلی ممنون. نظر لطف شماست دوست عزیزم ❤️❤️🙏🙏🥰🥰
Али ты целеустремленный молодой человек.Удачи тебе и продвижение твоего канала.Пусть Всевышний всегда помогает во всех ваших делах.
Али, молодец, хотя мы и далеко от тебя, но душой мы с тобой.
Поздрави от България. Пожелавам ти много късмет и успех в новото начало. ❤❤
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰
We wish you all the best for your future, ameen
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز.
خدا همه شما را حفظ کند 😍😍❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲
Wish you all the best ❤❤❤❤❤🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🏴
Salaam Ali, it is afternoon here in South Africa love to watch u and mama Bloom, u are doing well Allah will make it easy for u and ur mother ,always help her she can't depend on Karim
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز من خوبم .
تلاشم را برای کمک به مادرم انجام میدهم اما متاسفانه حالا وقت زیادی ندارم
@@Zagros03keri ahmaki geldi hemen haliyi Service ustune uzandi birde muhamedin yaptigi divaxi ellestirfi oysa kefisi kacti soguktur diye bu kerim yine hayatinda bir olmasinmi
Of yakisikli alim yakiyor oglum benim ali hersey guzel olur insanlah kimbilir herkaranlik gecenin arkasina sabah olur alah senin yolunu aydinkatsin yarabim ali cok mahsum bir gectir canim benim
Good morning Ali, sending you ❤ your ambition and hard work will pay off. I am praying for you to get to 1000 subscribers by this weekend 🙏
Али, у меня к тебе вопрос, какая тебе девушка нравится: которая ходит в длинном платье и закрывается платком и не скажешь это девушка или старуха, которая при жизни уже себя похоронила. Какую ты хотел бы себе жену, кучу сопливых детей и нищета потому что эту кучу трудно прокормить. Такую бы ты себе жизнь хотел?
Може би ще се съобрази с техния обичай, те други нямат.
Важното е да намери свястна и добра и да си живеят, той заслужава това. Той е умен и красив младеж.
@НинаДеher aslanin golude biri yasiyor ali bu kurali koymadi orasi bir musluman ulke mecbur uzun elbise giyorlar baska artarnstif yok keske onlarda ister moderin herkes istedigin giyimeyi гтярева-щ3ш
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰
Добре че пътя се вижда, трябва внимателно да се кара .❤
Well done Ali, you are so smart 💕 Inshallah you succes in building a nice future
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Salam walaikum Ali and operator ❤❤❤❤.
Este joven si se alimenta
Да ви е вкусно.
Dios te llene de muchas bendiciones Ali te quiero muchísimo suerte 🍀 en tu vida
Wow. Ali you doing a great job for your home. 🏠.you can manager EVERYTHING all by yourself. Keep going. Much love from Ireland 🇮🇪🥰👵🏼👵🏼👵🏼👵🏼👵🏼
خیلی ممنون مادر ❤️❤️🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏
Hi! Mr. Ali, nothing impossible to our Almighty God, have faith and keep believing. In the bible says, He will never leave or forsake you. God bless you and your family mama Bloom and her children.
خیلی ممنون دوست عزیز از راهنمایی های دوستانه شما سپاسگزارم 🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️
Pour dirt on the plastic on the ground, it will make it not move in the wind and water tight
Ali's place is beginning to look more waterproof and comfortable than his mother's sad home. Do you get milk locally from the goats? It seems that more attention could be paid to drainage channels in relation to location and building of the homes.
بله به صورت محلی انشالله از گوسفند ها ویدیو میگیرم 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️
Ali already you have built a better home than your mother has...this is because Karim makes her life very hard and keeps her poor 💔
Axnen oyledir bazi insanlar bencildir sadece kendini yasatir benim dogrularim benim sozum ben buxugum ben bu evin agasixim sen hicsin
Али,построй 2 скатную крышу и сверху покрой железом,а не целофаном,-это самое главное для дома,будь умнее,не делай как у мамы,у них вечная проблема с крышей!Как достойно ты ведешь себя на рынке,в магазинах,не то что карим с блум,те вечно торгуются,ругаются с продавцами,карим заходит продавцы вобще зляться на него,очень жадный и мелочный!😁
Ama ali genctir guruna yedirmez o birtanedir
هزینه آهن زیاد است دوست عزیز.
متاسفانه در بازار های ما یک وسیله قیمت مشخصی ندارد و به دلخواه قیمت میدهند.
Ali can you explain what those beautiful triangle colorful feathered? crafts are? or represent Please? I have seen them now and then in the videos and curious... 28.23
آنها یه وسیله سنتی و محلی است انشالله از آن در فصل بهار رونمایی میکنم .
برای دوغ از آن استفاده میشود و اینکه این مثلتی کوچک است از مثلثی های بزرگتری استفاده میشود این فقط برای زیبا سازی خانه است ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hallo ali iyi aksamlar ali sen si istici gazlibir sey alsan en azinda geceleri yakarsin ustunde de cay falan yaparsin geceleri soguktur betenyende az galiba
متاسفانه پول کافی ندارم 🥰❤️❤️
@@Zagros03olur ali herkeste ayni durumda canim takma hersey iyi olur
Slm Ayleküm Ali'bey🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
Sei stark nach den Regen kommt die Sonne alles wird so klappen wie du es dir geplant hast 🎉🎉🎉Allah beschütze euch und die ganze Welt ❤🎉😊
Actually working first then build a house but in this country, it doesn't matter, you can work later and pay later because everything can buy on credit . Masha Allah. People trust each other
Али срочно обложи блоками вокруг палатки и зацементируй , а то дождь зайдет в палатку
متاسفانه باران نفوذ کرد ❤️🙏🙏🥰🥰
Благодаря ви за видеото.
خواهش میکنم دوست عزیز.
از حمایت شما سپاسگزارم 🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
By living in a tent temporarily, you have to dug both sides outside to protect the tent and not be flooded inside . So must dug the ground first thing before rain comes Mr Alli..
Hello bro Ali i pray for you that you may build your house with no disturbance,and please build for your self two room house ,bed room and kitchen separately so that you have enough space in your house thanks.
Your a good man Ali, better yourself. Your a strong person for sticking up for yourself not ready to marry is a big step in your traditions. Things need to change.
Porque ali não foi morar com a avó , mãe de seu falecido pai . Aquela avó parece não se importar com os netos filhos do seu falecido filho antigo esposo de bloom . Ela parece uma pessoa fria e sem coração .
مادربزرگ من را خیلی دوست دارد .
Methinks Ali should have compiled a shopping list before going to town. Auntie Leila would have guided him in what essential items and food he would need. A Jackery generator would be a huge plus for him and others,but not sure of availability in Iran,due to sanctions. Why are all the trucks blue? How does anyone do laundry in the mountains, because I never see any clothes hanging out to dry in the content. Also, wouldn't an old oil drum,split in half, do better as a bbq pit/cooking facility? Save all that stooping and squatting huh? These videos are fascinating,but a few holes in the content.
Yani siz diyorsunuz ali iranda deyilmi nasil vidyo yapiyor wlbise ve yikanmalarinda bende soru isareti yani bu anne bloom icinde gecerli
Ok,just a few more questions on my nind if that's ok? Why buy eggs from the store when you have chickens? Wouldn't it be more environmentally responsible to use bags for life,made out of old material or sacking etc,than using all those plastic bags? Would be a lot cheaper to utilize reusable bags too,even brown paper bags. Last,but most important,those slopes they live on,look very prone to mudslides, particularly since there isn't much vegetation,and an awful lot of torrential rain? How iften do mudslides occur? The roads are very scary, especially when running into the mountain fog,but since area is so rural,no sign of crash barriers or road maintenance.
Orasi iran baryerleri ben hic gormedim acrupada duz giden yolsrda bile var yan becede bile yok gormedim bu beledyelerin sorulmasi lazim ama dogru cok yamac ve taslik var daglar yamaclar oldukca cok ama her,Erde var mesele Frankfurta holanda ya dogru cok korkun daglar var icinde yol gidiyor ama saglam dir
مصرف تخم مرغ زیاد است .مردم صبحانه ها بیشتر تخم مرغ مصرف میکنند.
جواب شما این است که مسئولان به منطقه ما رسیدگی نمیکنند و متاسفانه مردم هم پیگیری نمیکنند جاده خیلی بدی برای ما آسفالت کردند از مصالح نامناسب .
در این مکان مردم رانندگی خوبی دارند و اینکه تصادف های کمی پیش می آید فقط در روز های بارانی سخت است زیرا جاده های شیب دار هستند .
کمبود های زیادی وجود دارد 🙏🙏😔😔❤️❤️❤️
I sent you money Ali, did you receive it?
چگونه پول فرستادی برای من چیزی نیامده
Bravo Ali dobra duśo urad krov dobro da ti nepokišnjava imaś li neki lim za pokriti ta zemlja uvijek negdje propusti
Gee I love those blue trucks and they are even nicer when newer. I don’t know if they are fuel efficient but I think they would be quite useful in my country for tradies. {Tradesmen) and even equestrians. Of course we have similar vehicles but not as robust looking. 🇦🇺🦘
Oldukca o kucuk kamyonmu ne ki
ماشین های بسار خوبی هستند برای باربری.
امیدوارم در کار خود موفق و پیروز باشید 🥰🥰❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
@@Zagros03ah canim ben calisiyorum zaten senin yasinda oglum var oda calisiyor birde 2 kizim var evlediler su an oglumls oturuyorum 2kimizde calisiyoruz iste ali avrupanin iyi yonu var artarnstifin cok her konuda canim ya seni cok opüyorum tatli alim.kotu kerim geldi