Good afternoon, I tried to connect my jbl boombox with a philco and it didn't work, I tried through the p2 p2 cable and it didn't work, the sound only comes out on Jbl, I want to buy a party box but I'm afraid they won't play on Together, you could tell me exactly what cable you used to make them play together.
Már egy órája keresem hogy hogyan lehet összecsatlakoztatni es vegre megtalaltam ezt a videót köszönönöm
Najs med JBEL party box 100.
Szép kis JBL gyüjtemény😉! Gratt hozza!
@@mikeandfireworks7824 ..
Good afternoon, I tried to connect my jbl boombox with a philco and it didn't work, I tried through the p2 p2 cable and it didn't work, the sound only comes out on Jbl, I want to buy a party box but I'm afraid they won't play on Together, you could tell me exactly what cable you used to make them play together.
Nagyon jó ez én várom meg legyen
Sziasztok. Jbl partybox 710 és 1000 össze lehet kapcsolni?
It is ok that to same partybox100? And what is the name of the cord when i will buy that?
Staubsauger ehrenman 😅
use the Aux cable and press which button to turn the two on. I await reply.
Micsoda robot porszivó.😂
Látom megfogtad a videó értelmét
Tem como mostrar como liga direito,qual botão apertar .tentei na minha e não consegui
Vc ja conseguiu conectar?
@@jessicaportela4516 não.kkk
Queria saber qual foi a mágica num consegui nao conectar a boombox com a partybox
Ha az xtrem-et frissítés a JBL connect nevű programon keresztül akkor az is connect plus-os lesz
Olcsoerf nem adod a boomboxot?
Én nagy jbl mániás vagyok látom te is.
Ismered az lfm funkciót a jblekben?
Avagy a low frequency modet
Én a charge 4-et szét lfmeztem
Osztály bulin kipróbáltok ezt a kombót de az a baj hogy a patyboy 100 mellett a charge 4 nem ér semmit :/
Mi a zene neve
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