James, I think you are matured and logical and I support your views. People who have those kinds of views have never been poor, do not struggle to put food on the table for their families. We should move on. Keep up your good work!
No matter how professional an excessive eater is or how much training he/she has received, everyone knows that excessive eating will cause harm to the body/health. Just like overdosing on vitamins will have opposite effects on the body instead of aiding. Hope all excessive eaters will reconsider risking their health just for competition or viewership. Eventually, they will suffer the consequences of excessive eating, with or without nutritional knowledge, training or after eating exercise. It is not worth harming own body in such way. Health professionals will not encourage anyone to risk own health by adopting unhealthy eating habits. Praying for good health for all excessive eaters. 😅
what's meaningful to one might not be meaningful to another. such is life. so glad that many of the viewers are being objective enough to voice individual opinion, rather than hurting opposition
I read through the comments of the other video. I now feel that if he has a certain way of eating, like eating a huge meal and then atopped eating for a few days, then it is his lifestyle. But if he vomited out the food off camera, then i disagree with such activity
I am a 69 year old lady born, live and will die in Singapore. I had experienced near starvation until my first job at 16 years old. I had gone through tumultuous strikes and horrified racial riots and curfews. Living through over 20 years in a slum like and poverty-stricken Singapore. All these made me put food as most important resource. Only people who have faced starvation will understand your concerns. It's not contemplation of a person. It's about not wasting food and protecting our body. James, thank you very much for your compassion and righteousness.
I believe there is no issue with your opinion on competitive eating and indulgent eating, I also agree with you on principle. The key issue with your video is your opinion on a generalized topic of competitive eating, is overly focused on a singular individual. this becomes personal, because you didnt call out any other competitive eaters out there or make Very clear your opinion is targeting competitive eating in General etc, by showcasing multiple individuals across the board and Not specific to Zermatt alone. simply put, you didn't make clear between a general opinion and a specific opinion against a specific individual.
Mukbang originated from Korea and has its own dedicated fan base. Its surprisingly popular even in India. Some psychologists think the fans satisfy their own cravings for food by watching these videos and avoid eating this way themselves in order to stay healthy and slim. Human behaviour is difficult to understand. There were also a number of mukbang vloggers who died. It is definitely not healthy but the fan base and revenue stream is huge! Channel News Asia did a documentary on this before. We cant really tell them to stop, because eating is not illegal….. lols
昨晚看完你的视频,我了解你的观点。“浪费”不一定是把一堆食物丢掉。可是每一个人都有一定的食量;吃多余身体所需要就算是一种浪费能量。他是不是专业大胃王is besides the point. 类似的视频是在挥霍the excess of the affluent country. 这类视频的确只有娱乐意义。
I fully agreed, this type of event totally no meaning. There r many hunger countries and urgently need foods. and some of the countries are organising this kind of meaningless event.
Yes James I truly agree with your point and explanation. It is good you have brought ithis topic up. Such food competition will caused food wastage that do not bring any values to the society and environment.
If it is done just one time to show his stomach capacity then it is enough. But to carry on with such shows is meaningless and definitely an abuse , not just waste, of food. We should not support his shows.
I agree and this may cause harm to his body. Not worth for such a competition. This program serves no purpose in it. By eating more than your body can take it, it’s already considered wasteful and harmful to the body.
You raise a good point. All these big eaters world wide are sick eaters. 😂 You use food as a joke or sport while millions go hungry. Some contestants vomitted and some go to hospital (just guessing). The point is : no contestant enjoys the food. You raise a good point : let us call a spade a spade, something sick as sick.
@@Black_Sun_Dark_Star how to define “ sin “ ? According to some religious if “ God “ want you to kill a kid and you refuse, you are sinful , disobeying is another word for sin .
I agree with Mr Ye, binge eating is not a healthy activity to be promoted. Even though I know he can eat, but frankly it is excessive, doing harm to his body over the long run. Even if he train and such. Even bodybuilder eat based on a certain regime to extract protein for muscle building, they don't eat more than what is needed.
I agree with u, I guess it takes an experience in life to understand...I bet Zermatt is in his late 20s...as he age he will understand tats not healthy for his gut...not stomach but gut...but let's put it a rest...it's a chicken or egg comes 1st topic....anyway, enjoy n have blessed weekend to ur family.... Psst, discuss with ur wife in stead on this topic.... Gluttony is also a sin in Christianity...try to discuss from tat angle...😊
Hi James, Singaporean here. I think a lot of Singaporeans know you have high regards for Singapore. You need not apologise for your analysis and opinion. You are entitled to your own views. Of course, there are people who oppose your views and that is fine too! Some netizens get personal and may even attack you. Just ignore them. You cannot please the whole world. To each his own. I will always remember what our Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said - "don't eat too much, sleep enough and exercise". OK, my opinion - what is the benefit of eating 200% of our stomach capacity? You can be a sportsman and you exercise every day to burn away all the extra food. But in the long term, it will kill that person. Keep up the good work, James. I support your videos.
I agree with your opinion. It's food wastage when a person eats more than what his body really needs. Vloggers are known to do all kind of things to gain viewers and subscribers. I think this vlogger is no different.
I has no opinion on this matter .. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the subject .. but .. o man .. his really torturing his body .. Mr. Ye .. I can see that you're trying very hard to contest the here said "feed back" on a very peaceful manner .. sincerely very wonderful to see that .. 👍👍👍👍👍
as you can see he is not fat. so the intake he has is at equilibrium with his output. random youtubers think they can defy the laws of thermo dynamics. ignorant.
The extreme eating by Zermatt even if it’s for the sake of helping the vendors’ sale it too overboard. The large quantity of food can be donated free to the low income group etc. That would be more meaningful & socially responsible. Hope in future Zermatt could organise free meals to low income group or underprivileged together with him with everyone including himself eating normal portion. That wil also help promote the stalls / vendors food.
Like it or not, competitive eating gains popularity with some people, this is a global phenomenon. As for this Singaporean perhaps you have received feedback from his fans. I am quite neutral, neither supportive nor critical. For those who have experienced hunger and starvation, eating large quantities of food is not a good practice in any sense. It is always good to have diversity of views. Anyway (sorry to plagiarise your phrase), good to have this video. Good to see that there are no "holier than thou", "self righteous" statements.
Similarly, am neutral on such big eating competition. When we want to have diversity in discussion, there's no need to feature any individual at all. That said Yezi, use Zermatt as his feature and Yezi had put himself on a higher moral ground ... Given Yezi, claims that he is in education, he should have given more thought and put across the discussion in a much neutral light aka no featuring of any individual at all. Using your last sentence, Yezi want to come across being too righteous ... At the end of day, he's no different from others who click bait ...
任何事情都可以拿来讨论, 不要人身攻击就好,讨论是理性的不是吵架,理想和现实往往无法同在,每一个人对事件的定义和了解不一样,没有对错。
James说得太好了!👍🏻我是新加坡人,我对这些大胃王比赛毫无兴趣,真的是一点意义都没还宣传错误价值观!Such competitive humongous eating only promotes greed and gluttony!😅
James, I think you are matured and logical and I support your views. People who have those kinds of views have never been poor, do not struggle to put food on the table for their families. We should move on. Keep up your good work!
至於浪費的問題,我個人覺得整個系統就是病態的。我們人類生產的食物肯定足夠養活全人類的。可是爲什麽我們常常看到某某國家人民吃不起飯,而另一個國家的人民卻平均每天浪費以噸計算的食物?甚至在同一個國家裏邊我們就能能看到兩個極端:餐餐倒掉很多食物的人跟圖頓溫飽都困難的人一起存在著 (例如漂亮國,遙遙領先國甚至新加坡)。這是不會改變的,無論我們多麽想要他改變。
我是新加坡人。我很赞成您的观点。大胃玩的参赛者都是别人出钱你出命.. 自己把自己的身体搞坏了,前面赚的钱还不够下辈子付医药费!
No matter how professional an excessive eater is or how much training he/she has received, everyone knows that excessive eating will cause harm to the body/health. Just like overdosing on vitamins will have opposite effects on the body instead of aiding.
Hope all excessive eaters will reconsider risking their health just for competition or viewership. Eventually, they will suffer the consequences of excessive eating, with or without nutritional knowledge, training or after eating exercise. It is not worth harming own body in such way.
Health professionals will not encourage anyone to risk own health by adopting unhealthy eating habits. Praying for good health for all excessive eaters. 😅
吃是为的健康 不是伤胃。 James 说的对, 不要浪费食物。
I m a local born Singaporean... James, u hv my full support.
换个角度,若是针对大胃王比赛或暴饮暴食习惯来讨论。其实,可以不用扯上 Zermatt。当他一扯Zermatt上就基本在岑流量了。。。 所谓河水不犯井水
页先生:今天看你的评论,我觉得你提出问题说的对自己意见是不錯也,执 里很有道理我 本人就!让为很好评价。赞!
真正的浪费是买过多,吃过多。老一辈的人说,饭一定要吃光,才不浪费。长大后,发现我们每次叫了很多菜,最后撐了肚子,不吃光又心疼浪费,不是食物,是钱!😂最后终于学到了,不要叫太多 - 这不容易做到。而我也教孩子,剩一点要吃完,方便洗碗盘也对自己叫的食物负责,不要留一点,吃相碗盘难看。吃不下,不要逼自己,下一次我们记得叫少一点好了。
Yes, like in the SAF cookhouse: Take what you eat, eat what you take.
非常赞同你的说法, 根本就是浪费食物, 沒有意义, 只会吃坏身体, 非常不健康. 非洲好多人没东西吃, 好可怜, 捐给那些没东西吃的不是更好吗?
what's meaningful to one might not be meaningful to another. such is life. so glad that many of the viewers are being objective enough to voice individual opinion, rather than hurting opposition
I read through the comments of the other video. I now feel that if he has a certain way of eating, like eating a huge meal and then atopped eating for a few days, then it is his lifestyle. But if he vomited out the food off camera, then i disagree with such activity
只要他没浪费食物,食物都吃完我觉得没问题。 食物毕竟就是拿来吃,一个A全吃完和食物被bcdef…..吃完没什么分别。 我没记错美加地区也是常有大胃王比赛吃热狗, pie之类的,日本相扑选手也是一餐吃的跟大胃王一样多。 你如果可以从美加地球提倡停止大胃王运动还是相扑比赛那我也支持你的观点。
选美比赛 意义何在?
足球比赛 意义何在?
可以理解某些網民的心情,估計都是些粉絲或微粉,因為Competitive Eating 世界到處都有,而新加坡唯有一個Zermatt 稍微比較紅。他們的出發點是- 歐美日韓那麼多大胃王你都不噴,乾嘛噴咱們的? 我本人對粉絲一向都是敬而遠之的,之前只說泰勒演唱會場所在新加坡以外都是禁止沒買票的粉絲在外Taylor-gating 的,結果也莫名其妙被新加坡假粉絲噴(真粉會買票支持)。沒事的,習慣就好,或許也是你之前太高估所有(大多數還是OK的)新加坡人了。
同意, 再好的地方都有烂人,再烂的地方都有好人。一个新加坡烂好人、好烂人。。。
我佩服您的 “不畏强权”!个人也不喜欢这些 大胃王 比赛,主要是会伤害自己的身体。
😔食物是让人维持生命,再来是享受它的各种美味。过程应该是美好的。如果在吞食的过程,感觉不到美好甚至感到难受还要硬塞只是为了赢场比赛或各种原因,那还真算是浪费食物。人类的历史,有食物吃饿不死不是一件理所当然的事。( 新加坡人)
終於把頭髮理了! 帥 🎉
哈哈 谢谢
Do you mean if he didn't do it people on the other end of world would have more to eat?
The person was talking about an African child.
Good day, James.
Well said indeed.
My stand on this matter is as stated on yesterday's clip.
To each his/her views.
Good discussion.
I am a 69 year old lady born, live and will die in Singapore. I had experienced near starvation until my first job at 16 years old. I had gone through tumultuous strikes and horrified racial riots and curfews. Living through over 20 years in a slum like and poverty-stricken Singapore. All these made me put food as most important resource. Only people who have faced starvation will understand your concerns. It's not contemplation of a person. It's about not wasting food and protecting our body. James, thank you very much for your compassion and righteousness.
Thanks for your comment! Appreciate it!
@ 页兄, 不管你的视频会收到没品和没素质的评论, 我都会一样支持你, 加油↖(^ω^)↗❤
I believe there is no issue with your opinion on competitive eating and indulgent eating, I also agree with you on principle. The key issue with your video is your opinion on a generalized topic of competitive eating, is overly focused on a singular individual. this becomes personal, because you didnt call out any other competitive eaters out there or make Very clear your opinion is targeting competitive eating in General etc, by showcasing multiple individuals across the board and Not specific to Zermatt alone. simply put, you didn't make clear between a general opinion and a specific opinion against a specific individual.
大胃王。。比较是少数人人的行为。大部分应该不会像大胃王这样吃。 。。这样的吃饭。。虽只是对大胃王。。个人健康有影响。不过若给第三世界饥饿贫民看到的话。。。是怎么样的幸福呢?
Mukbang originated from Korea and has its own dedicated fan base. Its surprisingly popular even in India. Some psychologists think the fans satisfy their own cravings for food by watching these videos and avoid eating this way themselves in order to stay healthy and slim. Human behaviour is difficult to understand. There were also a number of mukbang vloggers who died. It is definitely not healthy but the fan base and revenue stream is huge! Channel News Asia did a documentary on this before. We cant really tell them to stop, because eating is not illegal….. lols
Zermatt 有在他的视频里提过,他会在挑战前一天和后一天禁食。也就是说,他在一餐里把三天的量吃完,是他三天里需要的食量。浪费食物倒不至于,倒是可能会伤身。
太赞博主的观点 !!!
昨晚看完你的视频,我了解你的观点。“浪费”不一定是把一堆食物丢掉。可是每一个人都有一定的食量;吃多余身体所需要就算是一种浪费能量。他是不是专业大胃王is besides the point. 类似的视频是在挥霍the excess of the affluent country. 这类视频的确只有娱乐意义。
I fully agreed, this type of event totally no meaning. There r many hunger countries and urgently need foods. and some of the countries are organising this kind of meaningless event.
先搞清楚美食博客,吃播,和大胃王比賽的不同吧! 你把這三樣合在一起,不愧是來自搖搖領鮮的牆國
你说的也是没问题,就每个人都会有自己独特见解。话题都会觉得自己的想法是对的。没关系let it be. The world system is always in a mess, live at your best!😊
大胃王已是一种 风气
我看过很多大胃王吃东西,尤其很多 韩国 人他们似乎喜欢拍在家煮一大堆食物,然后坐在那里还表现吃得津津有味的样子,给人感觉他们煮的食物有多美味,
日本拍的更惊人,10 公斤
15 公斤 一大碗的食物,他们
10 公斤啊。。。
叫我拿 10 公斤的米我都感到重了,更何况是把 10 公斤的食物往肚子塞,胃受得了吗。。。?
Yes James I truly agree with your point and explanation. It is good you have brought ithis topic up. Such food competition will caused food wastage that do not bring any values to the society and environment.
If it is done just one time to show his stomach capacity then it is enough. But to carry on with such shows is meaningless and definitely an abuse , not just waste, of food. We should not support his shows.
这类比赛在外国很常见,没有意义是没错,纯属娱乐和他建立频道的方向吧毕竟大胃王不是每个人都能做到而且很多人爱看。如果严格严肃看待当然是不好。不过is just entertainment
Bad habit for prepare to talk must sip abit of teapot??? why must be like that laaa aahh???😮😮😮😮
个人覺得大胃王利用自身的特殊體質來來搏取流量完全是商業行為,是供需問題,跟有沒有意義沒多大關係,他們也沒刻意浪費食物,而且James 用貧窮國家與生活富足的國家相比並沒可比性,致于說你蹭流量那倒不至於,畢竟你也有發表看法的權力,相信這也是你發這起反擊視頻的主因,希望James不要太在意,加油!
不介意的 謝謝花時間參與討論
James fully agreed .its a waste of food .
I TOTALLY agree with your views 👍
Don't take it too personally.
All emotions talking 😅
I agree and this may cause harm to his body. Not worth for such a competition. This program serves no purpose in it. By eating more than your body can take it, it’s already considered wasteful and harmful to the body.
I will be worried if my kid eat so much.....Such activities should not be encourage...Bad for health, wastage of food.
Totally agreed with you
You raise a good point.
All these big eaters world wide are sick eaters. 😂
You use food as a joke or sport while millions go hungry.
Some contestants vomitted and some go to hospital (just guessing).
The point is : no contestant enjoys the food.
You raise a good point : let us call a spade a spade, something sick as sick.
In the first place, why is excessive eating a sports?
Because it’s similar to bodybuilding competition, you need to train first , so “ sport “ is refer to the preparation before eating !
@@lengyeowang4147 gluttony is a sin, not sports
By the way, i replied to your email! Sorry, it was in the jukebox.....
@@Black_Sun_Dark_Star how to define “ sin “ ? According to some religious if “ God “ want you to kill a kid and you refuse, you are sinful , disobeying is another word for sin .
@@Jamesyezi lol... ok. Thanks
我只能说。。。不是每个人都会有像页哥的伟大和大爱地。我建议页哥年底来新加坡可以把 Zermatt 约出来聊聊拍个视频😜😜
哈哈 人家是大明星,不会见我的!
所以快快離開TH-cam, 你看太多了!
页子,我也认同你的看法。 我喜欢Zermatt刚开播时带给观众的年轻气息和正能量。他是通过intermittent fasting的方式来管理他的饮食习惯和运动。 That’s why he looks so ribbed. 但是最近看他的样子好像憔悴了许多,不知是不是大胃王的节目做多了,身体出了状况。我尊重zermatt 的生活方式,可是不认同他的饮食的方法和份量。所以不喜欢看他的大吃挑战,也因为这个原因,上期您发出关于他的题材也不看。
我也做間歇性斷食(intermittent fasting), 我很喜歡!希望他健康啦。
: Alfred Adler / 阿德勒:你的生命意義,由你決定。
I agree with Mr Ye, binge eating is not a healthy activity to be promoted. Even though I know he can eat, but frankly it is excessive, doing harm to his body over the long run. Even if he train and such. Even bodybuilder eat based on a certain regime to extract protein for muscle building, they don't eat more than what is needed.
都吃到完那來的浪費? 你肯定沒健過身,不知道健身者需要的熱量有多高 !
@@jackywu3741 你的意思是,如果他們不吃,那些需要食物的人,就吃得到! 但是,實際上,他們仍舊吃不到 ! 正如你說的朱門酒肉臭 路有凍死骨, 如果現在不吃了,凍死骨就吃的到嗎? 沒有 , 仍舊是凍死骨 !
I’m a Singaporean Ye Zi, I don’t watch eating competition, for the same reasons you’ve mentioned.
Thanks!!!! 👍👍👍
I agree with u, I guess it takes an experience in life to understand...I bet Zermatt is in his late 20s...as he age he will understand tats not healthy for his gut...not stomach but gut...but let's put it a rest...it's a chicken or egg comes 1st topic....anyway, enjoy n have blessed weekend to ur family....
Psst, discuss with ur wife in stead on this topic.... Gluttony is also a sin in Christianity...try to discuss from tat angle...😊
Hi James, Singaporean here. I think a lot of Singaporeans know you have high regards for Singapore. You need not apologise for your analysis and opinion. You are entitled to your own views. Of course, there are people who oppose your views and that is fine too! Some netizens get personal and may even attack you. Just ignore them. You cannot please the whole world. To each his own. I will always remember what our Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said - "don't eat too much, sleep enough and exercise". OK, my opinion - what is the benefit of eating 200% of our stomach capacity? You can be a sportsman and you exercise every day to burn away all the extra food. But in the long term, it will kill that person. Keep up the good work, James. I support your videos.
Appreciate your support! Thanks!
I agree with your opinion. It's food wastage when a person eats more than what his body really needs. Vloggers are known to do all kind of things to gain viewers and subscribers. I think this vlogger is no different.
I has no opinion on this matter .. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the subject .. but .. o man .. his really torturing his body ..
Mr. Ye .. I can see that you're trying very hard to contest the here said "feed back" on a very peaceful manner .. sincerely very wonderful to see that .. 👍👍👍👍👍
as you can see he is not fat. so the intake he has is at equilibrium with his output. random youtubers think they can defy the laws of thermo dynamics. ignorant.
The extreme eating by Zermatt even if it’s for the sake of helping the vendors’ sale it too overboard. The large quantity of food can be donated free to the low income group etc. That would be more meaningful & socially responsible. Hope in future Zermatt could organise free meals to low income group or underprivileged together with him with everyone including himself eating normal portion. That wil also help promote the stalls / vendors food.
各人有各人的看法与意见。但问题是,世界那么大你可以用其他大畏王来做批判。巧就在偏拿Zermatt来形容。再说,这些大胃王也最多只是世界很小部分的人,越不到世界的 0.0001%人口。相反的中国人好客用餐时喜欢超点菜,后吃不完大多也没打包,那才是长发生的情形。当你一拉某各人来批办时,已经在岑流量了。说更难听 - 挑刺。。。
Talking about yourself????????????
很多东西就是为了娱乐。要这么说打游戏比赛,踢足球世界杯不都是浪费时间和资源的? 花在这方面的钱 (球员薪水,电,维护草场等等),人们时间不如都去做慈善? 在这的钱就是几十万个亿?这个就不浪费吗?
而且这些都照成了社会问题如赌博,游戏沉迷等。 我不支持也不爱看大胃王比赛,但还是一句,就是一种娱乐。不一定要有特别意义。
Like it or not, competitive eating gains popularity with some people, this is a global phenomenon. As for this Singaporean perhaps you have received feedback from his fans. I am quite neutral, neither supportive nor critical. For those who have experienced hunger and starvation, eating large quantities of food is not a good practice in any sense. It is always good to have diversity of views. Anyway (sorry to plagiarise your phrase), good to have this video. Good to see that there are no "holier than thou", "self righteous" statements.
Similarly, am neutral on such big eating competition. When we want to have diversity in discussion, there's no need to feature any individual at all. That said Yezi, use Zermatt as his feature and Yezi had put himself on a higher moral ground ...
Given Yezi, claims that he is in education, he should have given more thought and put across the discussion in a much neutral light aka no featuring of any individual at all. Using your last sentence, Yezi want to come across being too righteous ...
At the end of day, he's no different from others who click bait ...