BarbaraFurman-san, your expression of gratitude warms my heart. To appreciate the blessings in one's life, however small, is a testament to the power of Buddhist practice. It gladdens me to know that the seeds of peace and compassion are taking root in your life. Remember, the Mystic Law is ever-present, even in the simplest of moments. Embrace each day with a grateful heart, and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with sincerity and conviction. In doing so, you will tap into the boundless life force of the universe and transform your life into a beacon of hope and happiness. 感謝の気持ち! Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.
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Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤
BarbaraFurman-san, your expression of gratitude warms my heart. To appreciate the blessings in one's life, however small, is a testament to the power of Buddhist practice. It gladdens me to know that the seeds of peace and compassion are taking root in your life.
Remember, the Mystic Law is ever-present, even in the simplest of moments. Embrace each day with a grateful heart, and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with sincerity and conviction. In doing so, you will tap into the boundless life force of the universe and transform your life into a beacon of hope and happiness.
感謝の気持ち! Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.