these sallies take more pitches than any other time in baseball history..looking for walks. then they hit a ball off the wall and end up with a single. know why? because its allllll about them..this brand of mlb is the worst ever put on the field. can throw a ball through a wall and hit a ball a half mile but have ZERO baseball sense. so boring now
There is a challenge system just can’t use it for balls and strikes which I agree they should consider allowing that to be challenged but it should count as one of your challenges if you do. But I can see why they wouldn’t want to open Pandora’s box there. Something like the tennis challenges could work though
yeah but like honestly just let the coach’s/ managers argue so u can play the game. but yeah ur right people saying they don’t know what they are doing when this is professional baseball players 😂
With modern technology, there’s no reason an umpire behind the plate Should any longer be calling balls and strikes. If they’re going to continue to let that be the case, then take the strike box off of the TV. If they’re going to continue to leave the strike box on the TV for us to see let someone else call the ball and strike and relay the call to the Homeplate umpire.
I am 2/3 through, and while some are edited abruptly, these are fantastic. So many good framings, great pitches. There might be one or two that might be off calls... But excellent work.
I think a manager should have a whole box of prescription glasses in the dugout. When they come out they could let the umpire pick what pair they want. I think the big funny clown ones would be hilariously accurate.
I agree. Aaron Judge would NEVER do that to an umpire and it would take a lot of provoking to even get him to do that to another player. In all the bench clearings where Judge was involved, I’ve NEVER seen him throw a punch! Bullshit video!
세계 최고의 야구리그인 MLB에서 여전히 120년된 심판의 룰을 사용하고 있는 것이 참 아이러니합니다. ABS 도입도 3년 정도 후에나 가능하다는 점도 코미디같아요. 지금 월드시리즈에서도 구심의 잘못된 볼판정으로 인해 얼마나 많은 기대이하의 플레이들이 나오는지... 이 모든 것은 MLB 사무국의 직무유기입니다. ABS 도입 전이라도, 심판들에 대한 강력한 페널티라도 즉시 시행해야 마땅합니다.
Umps do make bad calls behind the plate but, really its not that often ! The strike zone has been extended not like before! National league was a high strike zone & American league was a low strike zone. Now with interleague played more, thats why the zone was extended! You gotta swing at the close pitches instead of whining!
Remember in the 90s & early 2000s where players/managers argued for 5-10 mins before being ejected?? Nowadays the moment you raise your voice you get ejected immediately smh
If there’s a fastball an inch low but right down the middle it’s hard to make me sympathetic about the batter being called out. That’s a pitch that can be hit a LOOONG way. Same with a ball slightly in from a lefty to a righty. That pitch is often pulled for a HR.
@@Faith_Through_Struggle yea just don't eject the player I don't understand it dude said 1/3 of them were ok calls that's less than half dummy 😴😴😴that's FAILING AT YOUR JOB
@@rayray4192 That's clearly true because they stick with terrible umps. Also, your comment applies to literally every sports fan with an opinion. I'm sure you have some opinions too.
@@MikesTropicalTech yes Mike, I have opinions, like the Dodgers suck, but I work hard at having fact based statements. I screw up at times and I thank people when they correct me. To babble that umpires should be fined is asinine. Mlb umpires are the best in the world. Where do you suppose better umpires would come from?
Message to MLB players: Swing the bat or put your glove on. No, they'd rather work the count, get it to 3-2, and then take a close pitch, and then lose their minds. Ichiro, Gwynn, Boggs, Rose, Carew to name a few, would have singled on every one of those pitches.
Thumbnail got me...waited for the come on a homerun you toss your bat 50 feet no ejection..but you strikeout toss your bat 5 feet and ejected what's up with that
I don’t really watch baseball until the World Series but someone answered this question for me. Why is it that we even have umpires behind the plate? You have computers that can show whether they’re strikes or balls and they can put it up on the big screen TV so the crowd can see…..and players. Save money by not paying travel, room and board and meals for umpires. Oh and their salary…. Tons of money saved…. Or at least have challenges for balls and strikes…..
The home plate umpire does way more than call balls and strikes, like calling safe or out at the plate, policing faulty or illegal equipment, to name a few. The umpires are necessary, their human faults always have been and always will be part of the game.
have 2 things to say. 1, A runner has a three foot leeway of the base path to escape tag.(umpires need a stronger prescript for glasses). 2, The umpire at Homeplate needs to stop watching the catchers glove on strike and ball calls(Or the MLB needs to replace the Homeplate ump to a computerized ump)
Whiile I completely agree with you, what's missing here is context. If the Ump is gving the pitcher outside, inside, up, and down then that is when it gets a little iffy. Also, it's gotta be the same for both teams.
Sooo we have these amazing crystal clear replays, AND an umpire who over rules said camera even when it shows hes completely wrong is uhhh sumthin else. Y not at least get rid of the cameras at this point lmao
any player who thinks an ump will ever recall a ball or a strike called is insane. really now. and by telling the ump to F anything will get you thrown out of the game - at which point your arguments can't and won't be heard. You know what you'll get? Getting your manager thrown out too.
Most of these guys came up through little league where you were taught respect. Why is it when they get to the mlb they get to act like the biggest baby out there then really have a tantrum when they get tossed.
The pitch and the line Ichiro drew align EXACTLY
That thumbnail is a lie.
thanks for the heads-up. It was the only reason I was going to watch the video.
Most are
This whole channel has nothing but clickbait shit for thumbnails.
anime level amount of blood 😆😆😆
Who believes that crap 😂😂😂 bot ahhh moment
Had an amazing winning streak on 4ra last week, can’t wait to play again! 🏆🎉
Those daily challenges on 4ra keep things spicy, love the extra thrill! 🌶️🎯
Had a question about a game, and 4ra's support was right there, super quick! 🕒🙌
How come there’s no challenge system rule against the umpires? Are they God or something?? They can’t be touched???
these sallies take more pitches than any other time in baseball history..looking for walks. then they hit a ball off the wall and end up with a single. know why? because its allllll about them..this brand of mlb is the worst ever put on the field. can throw a ball through a wall and hit a ball a half mile but have ZERO baseball sense. so boring now
probably something to do with the umpires union
There is a challenge system just can’t use it for balls and strikes which I agree they should consider allowing that to be challenged but it should count as one of your challenges if you do. But I can see why they wouldn’t want to open Pandora’s box there. Something like the tennis challenges could work though
Settle down Tiger...
Most of them have there name in there hat .
AL short for alcoholic…..
4ra's loyalty program is just too good, racking up points like a pro 🏅💎
i love these comments..these guys have played baseball allllll their lives and they know EXACTLY what they can say or do..
yeah but like honestly just let the coach’s/ managers argue so u can play the game. but yeah ur right people saying they don’t know what they are doing when this is professional baseball players 😂
@@user-xk5fs1zu3m ye Ik but they might get hated on for a while depending who they are
Every week there's something new on 4ra, never gets boring! 🆕🎰
Automated ball-strike system(ABS系統),應該要在本壘板前緣有「一條光束」往上射。
在打擊者的對面旁邊,也有「一條光束」往打擊者身上射。兩條左右光束的交叉面積,就是「好球帶」(Strike Zone)。
依照打擊者的「身高」,來調整「好球帶面積」(Strike Zone Area)。
Been getting daily updates from 4ra on match highlights, loving it! 📱🏏
Has there ever been a time where a player/coach argued a strike/ball and the umpire went "you're right, ill change that"
Has NEVER happened in the history of the game!
No, it's part of why people think the umpires just help or hinder one side.
Having Aaron Finch at 4ra events brings a spark of trust and high-caliber sportsmanship
With modern technology, there’s no reason an umpire behind the plate Should any longer be calling balls and strikes. If they’re going to continue to let that be the case, then take the strike box off of the TV. If they’re going to continue to leave the strike box on the TV for us to see let someone else call the ball and strike and relay the call to the Homeplate umpire.
I'm mostly into roulette; the vibe feels just like a real casino. Got any favorites when it comes to table games
Why you put a picture of Aaron Judge hitting an umpire then don't show what happened stop putting things like up their if you are not going to show it
Thanks. I clicked the video to see if it was a fake tn. Gonna block this garbage channel now.
Holy y’all are over reacting it just funny y’all to deep
It never happened, you genius.
@@ButchCrassidy I know cause you would have been on all the news on every TV radio station. My thing is don't put things on here that not true.
Aaron Finch boosting 4rabet events with his presence means you're in for top-notch quality every time
Gotta love when it's actually a strike and these guys get so upset with the strike call!!!
4ra having Finch as an ambassador adds a layer of trust and class to their events pure quality
Aaron Finch with 4rabet showcases their commitment to excellence in sports and more
4ra events shine even brighter with Aaron Finch around he's a real indicator of reliability
I am 2/3 through, and while some are edited abruptly, these are fantastic. So many good framings, great pitches. There might be one or two that might be off calls... But excellent work.
I think a manager should have a whole box of prescription glasses in the dugout. When they come out they could let the umpire pick what pair they want. I think the big funny clown ones would be hilariously accurate.
Following some tips from my brother turned into a decent win last month. Ever had a win that felt extra sweet because it came from a tip
Telling all my friends about 4ra, they need to experience this awesomeness 🗣️👥
With Finch as an ambassador 4ra always feels more premium and reliable great vibes every time
Quite a few of these pitches were strikes..
Umpires need to be removed from mlb entirely
4RA's detailed stats and analytics make betting decisions so much easier 📊🧠
Your thumbnail shows Aaron Judge punching an ump. What a bunch of nonsense like this video
I hate it when the picture misrepresents the actual video. You won't get me again I will remember you.
I agree. Aaron Judge would NEVER do that to an umpire and it would take a lot of provoking to even get him to do that to another player. In all the bench clearings where Judge was involved, I’ve NEVER seen him throw a punch! Bullshit video!
I came here to see Judges' powerful hooks, but I wasted 12 minutes. From now on, I will take measures that will not waste a single minute.
Got the video alot of views.
Just letting you know, these rude comments only help the channel 😮😅😂
Like Korea's kbo league, the abs judging system seems to be necessary.
4ra’s interface feels like a pro tool but easy enough for newbies too 💼👶
1/3 rd of those pitches were fine.
That's 33% that's less than half God y'all mf love mediocrity and wonder why the sport sucks
Joined a live betting session on 4ra, felt like I was in the game! 📺⚽
I’m a big guy myself, but if Schwarber came at me like that I’d be a little scared
Finch at 4rabet events is like a stamp of excellence always a sign that things are gonna be awesome
Love how 4ra adapts to any device, betting on my tablet is just as easy as on my laptop 💻📱
2:25 Most peaceful Ump and Batter disagreement ever and he still gets ejected
세계 최고의 야구리그인 MLB에서 여전히 120년된 심판의 룰을 사용하고 있는 것이 참 아이러니합니다.
ABS 도입도 3년 정도 후에나 가능하다는 점도 코미디같아요.
지금 월드시리즈에서도 구심의 잘못된 볼판정으로 인해 얼마나 많은 기대이하의 플레이들이 나오는지...
이 모든 것은 MLB 사무국의 직무유기입니다.
ABS 도입 전이라도, 심판들에 대한 강력한 페널티라도 즉시 시행해야 마땅합니다.
MLB 심판들은 노동조합 (union) 에 가입되어 있어서 어떻게 할수가 없답니다. 수틀리면 경기도 못하게 할만큼 힘이 세기 때문에 아무도 건들지 못하고 있어요. 어디가나 이 조합이 문제네요.
The world's most exciting game ...two minutes of any three hours, or a no-hitter
Umps do make bad calls behind the plate but, really its not that often ! The strike zone has been extended not like before! National league was a high strike zone & American league was a low strike zone. Now with interleague played more, thats why the zone was extended! You gotta swing at the close pitches instead of whining!
Finch's involvement in 4rabet also known as 4rabet ensures a blend of sport and star power at events
Remember in the 90s & early 2000s where players/managers argued for 5-10 mins before being ejected??
Nowadays the moment you raise your voice you get ejected immediately smh
If there’s a fastball an inch low but right down the middle it’s hard to make me sympathetic about the batter being called out. That’s a pitch that can be hit a LOOONG way. Same with a ball slightly in from a lefty to a righty. That pitch is often pulled for a HR.
If an umpire ejects a ball player for a bogus call then they should be fined
No disagree. Would ruin the sport. No one would be an umpire if your threatened with a fine for making a mistake
Then you would learn your lesson the first time you make that mistake.
@@Faith_Through_Struggle yea just don't eject the player I don't understand it dude said 1/3 of them were ok calls that's less than half dummy 😴😴😴that's FAILING AT YOUR JOB
I keep coming back to 4ra for the crisp and clear graphics, feels like a video game 🎮👾
The first two strikeouts were ridiculous, the out called on Kemp really takes the cake though Umpires really can be horrible
all hail our mlb umpires
Está buenísimo el canal me gusta
Close enough to call a strike its close enough to hit.
Doesn't mean it's a strike though
I want to see the Ump have to formally apologize and pay a fine for clearly wrong calls. An ejection affects the rest of the game.
Never will happen.
Your comment is asinine, and MLB doesn’t care what you want
@@rayray4192 That's clearly true because they stick with terrible umps.
Also, your comment applies to literally every sports fan with an opinion. I'm sure you have some opinions too.
@@MikesTropicalTech yes Mike, I have opinions, like the Dodgers suck, but I work hard at having fact based statements. I screw up at times and I thank people when they correct me. To babble that umpires should be fined is asinine. Mlb umpires are the best in the world. Where do you suppose better umpires would come from?
@@MikesTropicalTech what’s clearly true? You aren’t clear.
I love base ball
Message to MLB players: Swing the bat or put your glove on. No, they'd rather work the count, get it to 3-2, and then take a close pitch, and then lose their minds. Ichiro, Gwynn, Boggs, Rose, Carew to name a few, would have singled on every one of those pitches.
umpires have too much power though be it a good or bad call
What happened to the old idea of protect the plate with two strikes? Swing the bat boys, foul it off, do whatever you can to get on base.
Joined 4ra’s VIP club, the perks are just unbeatable! 💎👑
I’ve always been of the opinion that if the catcher (“framing” being an art or not) has to move the mitt closer to the strike zone it was a ball.
My friend suggested trying the crash games for a quick thrill, and wow, were they right! Have you taken a shot at those yet
Abs써라 좋드라 심판하고 싸울일도 없고 팬들도 만족함. 스트레스 훨씬 덜받아
MLB 심판들은 노동조합 (union) 에 가입되어 있어서 수틀리면 경기를 못하게 할수 있지요. 그래서 아무도 못 건드리는거에요.
This vindicates umpires!!!! Arenado, Harper and Shwarber were the only ones with legitimate gripes
I like how 4RA gives good bonuses.
Click bait king.
We all knew it was edited but we clicked anyway.
Can we talk about the speed of placing bets on 4ra? Blink and it's done! ⚡👀
Aaron Judge never punched an ump in his life.
Thumbnail got me...waited for the come on a homerun you toss your bat 50 feet no ejection..but you strikeout toss your bat 5 feet and ejected what's up with that
I don’t really watch baseball until the World Series but someone answered this question for me. Why is it that we even have umpires behind the plate? You have computers that can show whether they’re strikes or balls and they can put it up on the big screen TV so the crowd can see…..and players. Save money by not paying travel, room and board and meals for umpires. Oh and their salary…. Tons of money saved…. Or at least have challenges for balls and strikes…..
The home plate umpire does way more than call balls and strikes, like calling safe or out at the plate, policing faulty or illegal equipment, to name a few. The umpires are necessary, their human faults always have been and always will be part of the game.
These are insane 😂😅
Best possible use of AI is to replace umpires
have 2 things to say. 1, A runner has a three foot leeway of the base path to escape tag.(umpires need a stronger prescript for glasses). 2, The umpire at Homeplate needs to stop watching the catchers glove on strike and ball calls(Or the MLB needs to replace the Homeplate ump to a computerized ump)
where is the thumbnail?
TH-cam won't allow that extremely graphic scene where Aaron Judge simply obliterated that umpires face. 😂
I stick to for the most part; it's easy and I don't have to think too hard. What's your go-to for a relaxed gaming session
Baseball should not be judged by humans....
ABS must be done unconditionally
You showed 99 for New York beating the ump , on the advertising , but I watched the whole thing and nothing , it’s like yaw are lying !
한국은 제도개선의 변화에 주저하지 않습니다 AI 도입이후 KBO 리그는 폭팔적인 관중증가로 이어집니다
He shlid into third. They still drink!!
As bad as the home umpire has been, they're is an argument for an artificial electronic umpire system at the home plate.
Video reviews might help reduce the arguments. Umpires make mistakes, too.
All they ever do is make mistakes and they are the mistakes
審判は毎試合 動体視力検査をするべきだと思います。
A majority of those calls were good calls. Gotta swing if its close!
A majority of those calls were clearly outside the strike zone (good framing by the catchers, though).
i agreed with you, according to the magic square, most of the calls were good calls.
Whiile I completely agree with you, what's missing here is context. If the Ump is gving the pitcher outside, inside, up, and down then that is when it gets a little iffy. Also, it's gotta be the same for both teams.
Aaron Finch representing 4rabet is a guarantee of high standards his reputation is solid gold
Sharing strategies with friends has really ramped up my betting game. Got any tactics you swear by
Sooo we have these amazing crystal clear replays, AND an umpire who over rules said camera even when it shows hes completely wrong is uhhh sumthin else. Y not at least get rid of the cameras at this point lmao
any player who thinks an ump will ever recall a ball or a strike called is insane. really now. and by telling the ump to F anything will get you thrown out of the game - at which point your arguments can't and won't be heard. You know what you'll get? Getting your manager thrown out too.
Every event at 4rabet is a hit with Finch his achievements in sports really draw a crowd
MLB need VAR review or challenge on strike
Make umps hand-write a report after the game, on their own time, to back up any and all ejections.
The sooner we get Robo-Umps, the better…
Surprised I only saw Angel Hernandez once in the whole video🤣🤣
He was forced to retire.
Most of these guys came up through little league where you were taught respect. Why is it when they get to the mlb they get to act like the biggest baby out there then really have a tantrum when they get tossed.
I think you should change the title to od crashouts
Gd game 😊