@@chanceneck8072 you're right, actually. Personally I think the line works either way though, because when you think about it, he's really talking about himself anyway.
Personally, I would have put either UTL/BTF or Dark Water/Death in Heaven instead of The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar. TMA/TWF is very funny, the cold open is pure genius, Missy’s great, and it’s quite entertaining, but it has the serious problem that what it does to the Daleks - retconning mercy/pity into them - makes literally NO SENSE (especially in light of Davros’ first story, Genesis of the Daleks), and neither does the reason for it - the Dalek in The Big Bang had no problem saying “Mercy”, and it’s not the only one that can say words it doesn’t feel. It was a spectacular but mishmashed mess.
I would say that Capaldi's era could not be mainly described by episodes, but by moments and scenes. An example would be the Caretaker, where the episode was not amazing, but the whole officer soldier question was stellar
Could you sum up Capaldi's era, please? Its weak points, strong points, introduction, companions, villains, stories, things like that. Please, you are so good at that.
You were totally right about the chemistry between Bill and The Doctor. She was a true highlight of the 2017 series. There are so many of Capaldi's moments that I think - when watching again - will become more enjoyable with time. It wasn't until the end of the 12th Doctor's era until I realized how simply and utterly sad/tragic his time was. (Kyle)
Capaldi is possibly the best casting choice for the Doctor there could have been and he could have been as iconic as Tom Baker. I hope that in the future we look past some of the bad writing that his era endured due to Moffat being show runner for to long and we recognise how bloody brilliant this man was.
Capaldi was a fantastic Doctor, hopefully one that, in 15 years, the fans will look positively on as one of the best. My favorite episodes, are probably: 5. Flatline 4. Zygon Inversion 3. World Enough and Time/ The Doctor Falls 2. Twice Upon A Time 1. Heaven Sent
I feel exactly the same... I mean there is the sense that Tennant and Smith and by nature Eccleston were instantly LIKEABLE Doctor's in three different reasons... so for Capaldi from Deep Breath he was...dark/cold/grumpy/twisted as a character...which was a huge risk...and I liked the Yin to Smith's Yang...it was a balance in Moff's era...and also story wise Series 8,9 ad 10 had the most experimental,creative, innovative ideas for stories, structures and themes across his era.... And i do feel in time we will look back fondly Capaldi IMO is the most DOCTOR type Dr Who we have had in the modern era...and it is great... actually how many incredible moments there are. Capaldi is a god on this earth and by the look of where we are headed with Whittaker/Chibnall's era is going to be a really different arena which should emphasise Capaldi's era moreso I feel in the long run :) in the best way as i look forward to what Series 11 onwards offers. But I highly doubt we will have a dark/experimental era in show again in the forseeable future so i do feel in time like with Davison's era it will be held more high regard.
Bill was the best. I mean, not that all companions weren't, but we finally, finally had a companion who had the brains to work certain things out from the start. Earlier, they showed companions who started as too dumb, or too scared, or just just too cliche to actually work it out...... And it was for no reason!! And then, we have Bill, the not-even-student who made chips and attended his lectures (Which were awesome!!)...... The Trailers and Previews just didn't do her any justice..... And her characterization was fantastically done by Pearl Mackie...... All in all, The companions did become used to all the working things out thing, but seriously, there was absolutely no need for them to show that they were a little dumb at first...... Again, this is just my take on them, no offense to anyone, I actually love all the companions; they gave their lives (Literally, in some cases) for the Doctor and they were sort of huge mysteries too and they were exceptional......
Can you please do top 10 capaldi moments /speeches? I agree with you that there were more moments than full episodes. Happy new year!! Just found your channel 2 months ago. Love what you do!
1) World Enough and Time/ Doctor Falls 2) Heaven Sent 3) Under the Lake/ Before the Flood 4) Oxygen 5) Zygon Invasion/ Zygon Inversion 6) Thin Ice 7) Extremis 8) Mummy on the Orient Express 9) Time Heist 10) Deep Breath
I love, love, LOVE “Heaven Sent”, and I think I’ve rewatched it more than any other modern episode of Doctor Who (with the exception of “Night of the Doctor”, which is probably my favourite bit of Doctor Who EVER). “Heaven Sent” is not only a great Doctor Who episode; it’s a great science fiction story in general.
I completely forgot about Heaven Sent. If you hadn't mentioned it I'd have gone for Mummy on the Orient Express as my number one. But it's definitely Heaven Sent.
My Favorite Capaldi Stories 10.) Robot of Sherwood 9.) Into the Dalek 8.) Time Heist 7.) The Magician's Apprentice/ The Witch's Familiar 6.) The Husbands of River Song 5.) The Zygon Invasion/ The Zygon Inversion 4.) Extremis/ Pyramid at the End of the World/ The Lie of the Land 3.) Under the Lake/ Before the Flood 2.) Flatline 1.) Heaven Sent
Thanks for the list, I would shuffle them a bit but I think you're pretty spot on! I really don't understand the consensus that Capaldi's era was let down by poor writing. I also loved how his character built year on year, and how the series focused more on his arc than villains of the week. It played with the idea of who the Doctor is and what he could/should be wonderfully. I don't think Doctor Who should be as dark and thoughtful as Series 8-10 all the time, of course not. But I'm glad we got to see that introspective take with Capaldi in the role.
I agree Peter's era comes with problems. He is a fantastic Doctor, and in places let down by the writing. As with Heaven Sent he is masterful and compelling on his own. But also there are stories where other characters are allowed centre stage. I loved the season 8 finale, with the Doctor finally answering his own question. But it was Danny Pink who gave the speech and saved the planet. Not many like 'In the Forest of the Night', and again it is flawed. But, I loved the fact there wasn't an enemy for the him to fight, no evil masterplan, and also Clara saving him, leading him back to the Tardis. Hell!, I'll even defend 'Kill the Moon', for the Doctor slipping out from the Time-Lord Triumphant role and allowing/making humanity take the decision. Flatline has gorgeous special effects, a nice dash of humour, and the Doctor trying to work out if these deaths are miscommunication or malice before he allows himself to act. Listen was dusted nicely with humour, a smidge too much fan service, and a nice ambiguous ending. I too, loved Magician's Apprentice, Witch's Familiar, with Clara ending up back in a Dalek, I thought this might have been her exit as a companion. Circling back to her appearance in the Dalek Asylum. Bringing a genuine chill to her reaction as Missy smiles, waves and seals her inside, not even allowed her own voice, her own words! The Zygon two-parter would make my top 10, just for the speech alone. Even the episode 'The Husbands of River Song', brought a nice closure to her character arc. Not my favourite character, but beautifully done. With 'World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls' I'd have preferred a Master/Missy free episode, exploring the Mondassians fighting for survival. Resources tight, surrendering more of their humanity merely to survive, a nasty bargain, but a choice between survival and cyber enhancement. The scenario is more cruel without a manipulative mastermind, just the unrelenting peril. For me, for these 3 seasons, this is the Doctor fighting his self-doubt. Himself as his worst enemy, his failures and successes, to come to the conclusion 'Always be Kind'.
Fantastic breakdown. I've thought that frequently about the 12th doctor. His very first adventure, he asks Clara, "Am I good man?" He's become so lost, or alternately, self-aware enough, to awknowledge and question some of his previous incarnations' bad behavior. He's questioning, full of self-doubt. And Clara is sooo certain of herself, and that makes her the perfect foil. And of course Clara's a teacher, and Bill a student, and the writers are totally hanging a lampshade on that whole 'learning' aspect of Capaldi's run that's there because he *is* questioning himself and his own identity, and he feels he's often failing in some fashiom. It's an excellent choice for character development, with extremely appropriate foils in other characters.
Yeah I get that man, capaldi was my doctor loved him from the beginning the main point am trying to make is that he will be remembered as one of the greatest
Capaldi, in Eccleston’s words, was absolutely fantastic! I have a couple few favorite episodes of Capaldi’s era. After all, I entered his era through that two parter. I’d just started watching Doctor Who and I did not have all the details about the show so I was under the impression Matt Smith played a strange character named Doctor Who and he was probably from the future or something, etc. but now I know the full details of Doctor Who. So lemme detail my favorite Capaldi episodes... 5. Twice Upon A Time -fantastic multi Doctor episode and official season finale4. Before the Flood -Love it 3. The Pilot -Good way to kick Capaldi finale off 2. Magician’s Apprentice/Witch’s Familiar -Nice way to start Series 9 of New Who1. World Enough and Time/Doctor Falls -wicked season 10 finale Honorable Mentions?1. Deep Breath2. Before the Flood3. Hell Bent 4. Dark Water/Death In Heaven That’s all, folks. Wonder what we’ll get from Jodie Whittaker? Hmmm...
Thank you! I've wanted so much to discuss "Heaven Sent" with somebody, but I don't know any fans personally. You said everything that I would have said... I think that this is the best episode of all of Doctor Who, old and new.
Even if you dont really like the actor you have to at least like this doctor he has a different personality from the rest and that is why he is one of my favorite doctors
My list: 10.) Last Christmas 9.) Under the lake/before the Flood 8.) The Eaters of light 7.) Oxygen 6.) Flatline 5.) Face the Raven 4.) Twice Upon a time 3.) Heaven Sent 2.) The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion 1.) World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Tardis Net I'll do a top ten but Out of order 1) WE&T/ The Doctor Falls 2) Under the Lake/ Before the Flood 3) Last Christmas 4) Twice Upon a Time 5) Zygon Invasion/ Inversion 6) Heaven Sent 7) Face the Raven 8) The Return of Doctor Mysterio 9) Into the Dalek 10) Time Heist
Mythril I seem to be the only one who likes this story. Really like how it's a personal character story making historical figures into real relatable people. The ending I think is very emotional and has an educational side to it.
Tardis Net Sure, that‘s your opinion and you have every right to like it. I was just bored, the monster didn‘t have an interresting concept nor was it interresting designed. Then the doctor wants to sacrifice himself for no reason and i think the whole thing with the crows is just ridiculous
That’s an episode I loved with a few reservations when I saw it but as time has gone on those nitpicks have become bigger issues for me. It’s still good but it’s slipped in my eyes.
Capaldi is my favorite doctor. Really love him and hopefully when I've got enough money will get a tattoo which stands for his doctor and his 'be kind' message. Episodes I loved that you didn't Already named (not in order) Time Heist Last christmas (I really like the dream aspect of this) Under the lake/before the flood Face the raven (Wow, just Wow) Husbands of River song (capaldi and kingston really work together! My otp.) Well and others but these were my top 5 from what you didn't pick :-)
@@CouncilofGeeks Wow! Was not expecting a reply to a two year late comment! Thanks man! And you're right of course, although I don't dislike Hell-Bent as much as you and the rest of the fandom do, I think The Wedding of River Song is a pretty lousy finale...
If there's just one word that can sum up my feelings of 12's era it's 'inconsistent'. Heaven Sent, Listen, Time Heist, Deep Breath and Oxygen are his top episodes in my mind.
Time Heist is one of mine too. I haven’t got a solid list but that is one of the episodes that stayed in my mind for quite some time. Heaven Sent was beautiful and also Mummy on the Orient Express was another that stayed with me (it got me interested into the thing that it was based off. And I even used it as a template when I watched the ‘Murder on the orient Express’ movie. I haven’t read the book.)
Beautiful video ^^ my top 10: 1) world enough and time/Doctor Falls. 2) Heaven Sent 3)The Magician Apprentice/The Witch Familiar 4) Listen 5) Mummy on the Orient Express 6) Flatline 7) Time Heist 8) Extremis 9) Twice Upon A Time 10) The Pilot
8 / 10 stories you list (the top 8) are on a recent Top 51 of the whole series that I made up. And your #1 Capaldi is my #1 of the whole series. Nice job.
Extremis is baisically like utopia in that it can be seen and enjoyed as its own thing but leads onto a two parter. However, I didn't like the monks three parter at all.
Glad Magician/Witch made your list. I really like this two-parter and feel it is often overlooked ! And I totally agree with you for Extremis ! It works as a standalone and is one of the best episodes of Capaldi's era !
Thinking about mummy on the orient express, I'm so glad the mummy wasn't given an origin or explanation for why it was there, I can imagine some convoluted basketry with space Egyptians and it would have been a mess
1. World Enough and Time/Doctor Falls 2. Heaven Sent 3. Mummy on the Orient Express 4. Under the Lake/Before the Flood 5. The Magicians Apprentice/The Witches Familiar 6. Twice Upon A Time 7. Last Christmas 8. Listen 9. The Eaters of Light 10. Husbands of River Song
The one who speaks for the darkness It's a rather delightful episode, a lovely end for River Songs story (which tbh I never thought I'd actually see), get to see some really good interaction between 12 and River and Capaldi in general in Husbands of River Song is really good, the comedy I found funny and it's also got some emotion to bring it home at the end too.
Something I’ve come to realize today, is that Matt Smith may be my favorite Doctor, but I think Capaldi is probably one of the most talented actors for playing the Doctor. EVER
Yes! I LOVE Heaven Sent! For some reason, a lot of TH-camrs I follow hate on it. Here's my list of top fave Capaldi episodes: ALL OF THEM minus The Return of Doctor Mysterio. The ONLY thing I liked about that one is how it addresses how he is mourning the death of River. "Everything ends, and it's always sad."
yes!!!! I love doctor mysterio!!!! I like the one off superhero aesthetic, the characters are fun and the story is pretty wholesome. I wouldn’t like it to be a running theme but it was perfect for a special.
Slightly off topic but I love how Doctor Who can jump the shark pretty much every other episode and make it work (With the exceptions of Sleep No More, Hecc Bent, Fear Her, Kill the Moon, Arachnids in the UK, and a couple others but there's like 120-something episodes so)
My list! :) 10. Listen 9. Face the Raven 8. Oxygen 7. Under the lake/before the Flood 6. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls 5. Last Christmas 4. Smile 3. Flatline 2. Extremis 1. Heaven Sent
My 10 favorite Peter Capaldi episodes are... 10) The Pilot 9) Oxygen 8) The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion 7) Thin Ice 6) Deep Breath 5) The Husbands of River Song 4) Flatline 3) Twice Upon a Time 2) World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls 1) Heaven Sent
So while I agree that "Heaven Sent" might be the best story in terms of music, acting, cinematography, etc I do personally prefer "The Husbands of River Song" over it. Even beyond the idea of "What River does when the Doctor's not around" it has a nice running them about how much the Doctor has truly failed River. It's all summed up beautifully (with wonderful acting in my opinion) by River herself. "I am the woman that loves the Doctor, I've never denied it. But whoever said he loves me back." "He's off doing whatever the hell he wants and not giving a damn about me!" "When you love the Doctor it's like loving the stars themselves, you don't expect a sunset to admire you back." And so on. River seems oddly at peace with the idea that the Doctor... just doesn't love her. And I love that, by the end, he finally does right by her. After Ten treated her like a barely trusted ally, after Eleven bounced up and down her timeline breaking her heart more than once, we finally get to meet the person that River called "My Doctor".
10. Listen 9. Eaters of Light 8. Mummy on the Orient Express 7. Flatline 6. The Witch's Familiar 5. Extremis 4. Oxygen 3. Heaven Sent 2. The Zygon Inversion 1. The Doctor Falls
10. Mummy on the Orient Express 9. Last Christmas 8. Thin Ice 7. The Return of Doctor Mysterio 6. Heaven Sent 5. Under the Lake/Before the Flood 4. The Husbands of River Song 3. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar 2. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls 1. Extremis
I was very interested to hear where Heaven Sent would wind up as I assumed you’d feel inclined to tie it to Hell Bent. Very good list and you can’t sing Heaven Sent’s praises enough, it’s wonderful
I’d say it’s 10.twice upon a time 9.face the raven 8.Oxygen 7.Mummy on the orient express 6.Oxygen 5.Dark water/death in heaven 4.Under the lake/before the flood 3.world enough and time/the doctor falls (prefer world enough and time but both r great) 2.listen 1.Heaven sent
Heaven sent is the second best episode I’ve seen ever in any show period. Of course the best episode of doctor who by far; it doesn’t even feel like it belongs to doctor who; it’s above it by miles.
If you go on Wikipedia you can see whether certain episodes are considered one story or not. You were right about the Monk trilogy being composed of three separate stories, as was the Series 9 finale. World Enough and Time and The Doctor Falls are indeed one story.
My favorite episodes of Capaldi's era were the ones where Clara didn't hog the spotlight or take over the show unless it was entirely necessary (as in Flatline where the Doctor was trapped inside the TARDIS)
Heaven Sent my days such an amazing episode! Interested to see your Moffat best eps list and if you think it stands toe to toe with Blink and Day of The Doctor. Personally think it stands on level with Genesis as greatest episode of all time but that's my thoughts
I liked that the story showed the Doctor acting like a scientist (something we have only rarely seen since the Third Doctor's era), but the Clara parts didn't work very well IMO.
I really love Into the Dalek. It’s got humor, the sise characters are good, rusty is so compelling, and it does such a good job at setting up 12’s character arc for his entire run
10) Under the Lake/Before the Flood 9) The Pilot 8) Twice Upon a Time 7) Face the Raven 6) Flatline 5) Mummy on the Orient Express 4) Extremis 3) Oxygen 2) World Enough and Time 1) Heaven Sent Overall, Peter Capaldi was a Doctor I have desperately wanted to love, alas the writing really let him down. Regardless, he has had some gems in both stories and moments. And who knows, maybe he will move on to Big Finish and will be given the characterisation and writing he truly deserves.
1. Heaven Sent 2. Face The Raven 3. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls 4. Under The Lake/Before the Flood 5. The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion 6. Listen 7. The Caretaker 8. Deep Breath 9. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar 10. Flatline
I choosing 12 episodes because choosing just 10 is impossible. 12. Oxygen 11. The Caretaker 10. Time Heist 9. Deep Breath 8. Mummy on the Orient Express 7. Last Christmas 6. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar 5. Flatline 4. The Pilot 3. The Husbands of River Song 2. Dark Water/Death in Heaven 1. Heaven Sent & World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls (tied)
I don't have a full list, but I would definitely consider Under the Lake/Before the Flood to be a very strong story and definitely in my top 3. I also really liked Deep Breath and thought it to be a great opener for Capaldi.
I like your commentary and mostly agree with your list: I have one personal issue with Heaven Sent: If anyone else saw this or understood it, your feedback would be appreciated. The Doctor couldn't have known how much time had passed if he was in the puzzle. Entropy would dictate that he had to be outside of time. When he looked at the stars and stated he must have been there for some 500 billion (???) years - that would be impossible, unless the time lords also knew how to keep his repeatedly cloned DNA from being corrupted over that unimaginably long stretch of time. Even the puzzle / maze would have had to malfunctioned over time at some point. He had to be outside of time in order for it to function for so long without any glitches, so the stars he saw could not indicate any legitimate passage of time. However the paradox is that any progress he made through the maze indicates some internal clock, which kept track of where he was. The problem is how was it possible: to either be operating in time, which is unlikely, without the aforementioned protections from entropy, or some other dimension that utterly defies the law of entropy. For that reason I didn't like the puzzle. Just saying.
I'll try to make my one real quick 10. MUMMY ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (Fun episode, nice seeing The Doctor calmly dissecting the story of The Mummy. Ending was a bit meh but everything else was good) 9. FACE THE RAVEN (Good way to kick Clara out. Loved The Doctor talking to Me/Ashildr. He got really dark in the end, definitely one of my favourite 12th Doctor scenes. The idea of The Cronolock was great. Wish they touched upon it a bit more tbh) 8. INTO THE DALEK ("You are a good dalek" was amazing. The Doctor was cold as hell, didn't seem to care about human life although he actually did and his jokes landed well. The proctologist joke still makes me laugh) 7. OXYGEN (Don't remember this one as well but I loved it. The Doctor's blindness was ingenious. Sad that they didn't deal it better in the future episodes. The Doctor/Bill chemistry worked in this episode, better than ever. The idea of the monsters was great too) 6. DARK WATER/DEATH IN HEAVEN (Didn't like Death In Heaven as much as Dark Water but both were great. Missy reveal was amazing even though it was obvious, even too obvious. The time lord "brainbank" was a stunning idea and the Heaven concept was heartbreaking to watch. Loved Missy's character in both of the episodes although I've always thought she didn't feel like The Master to me. The Doctor's final speech with Missy with the "Say something nice" and "You win" is one of my favourite scenes from Capaldi Era. Got the chills... Not to mention the final part where The Doctor and Clara lie to each other. WOW. If only they didn't have Danny Pink with the "love conquers all" ending this could be way higher, easily in top 3) 5. FLATLINE (What can I say? It was fun. It was original. It was intense. It was scary (scariest monsters since The Silence I'd say) and the acting was superb. The TARDIS shrinking was amazing to follow and Clara playing the Doctor was stupid but fun to watch. Like it or hate it, Clara and 12 had major chemistry between em. The ending with The Doctor naming the 2D characters... Something? Well I can't remember the dumb name he gave em but it was pretty stupid. He should have had a better speech at that point. But that doesn't really affect the episode at all) 4. WORLD ENOUGH AND TIME/DOCTOR FALLS (World Enough and Time is easily one of the best 12th Doctor episodes. The episode itself would have been the second best in my opinion but Doctor Falls takes some points away. I loved the idea of a black hole slowing time. Maybe the best idea Moffat ever had and it was used perfectly on World Enough and Time. The entire episode was just perfect if only the idiots at BBC didn't advertise John Simm that much. I know I know, spoilers are impossible to stop but so are murders. You still shouldn't go around killing more and more people because some people died. I love The Doctor explaining time dilatation, Bill watching The Doctor from the TV, the pre-cybermen/Mondasians... It was just beautiful. And the ending was heartbreaking jesus... But when it comes to Doctor Falls I didn't like it as much. I wasn't a big fan of Bill seeing herself as a Cyberman and shit like that... It would have been more powerful if we didn't see her as Bill anymore. Her "last" words to The Doctor on the battlefield was dreadful as well. The one about her being gay. Worst scene in DW, hands down. The episode itself had great moments like the chemistry between Missy and The Master. AMAZING acting from John Simm. This was my favourite Simm Master role. The ending with Bill leaving on a honeymoon with the blonde random chick no one cared about was awful. Fucking just let a character die. We don't care about a character we have seen ONCE. Also, personally I found her character unnatural and annoying. "I can fly everything. Even you" Just shoot me in the head... With a few bad points this two parter was still amazing.) 3. LISTEN Wow. The whole idea was great. Seeing Clara interacting with young Danny, the Doctor talking with him, being legitimately scared, the knocking... It was all just so pressuring. The Doctor also had some of his best speeches here. Chilling, psychological and intriguing. Really great episode, and no bad things about it. This was one of those episodes that was near perfect to me.) 2. Under the Lake/Before the Flood (This wouldn't be this high if I didn't rewatch it earlier. Best two-parter in the Capaldi era imo. The thing with causal loop was great, Clara shined, the deaf actor did an AMAZING JOB... OK seriously I gotta talk about her for a moment. It's stunning how a deaf actor can be the best actor in the entire episode (after Capaldi I'd say). She expressed her emotions better than most actors in Hollywood ever could. The ghosts were chilling, the paradoxes in general and the planning to lock the ghosts had me on the edge of my seat. This two parter wasn't a perfect one but it kept me intrigued every second. A great example of how DW can make simple things work better than anything else.) 1. HEAVEN SENT (Won't count Hell Bent as a two-parter because 1. it sucked way too much and could legitimately kick this out of the list completely if I included em both ESPECIALLY after Moffat nullified everything in Twice Upon A Time and 2. I dont feel like those two episodes were a two-parter finale. Heaven Sent was perfection. Capaldi's best performance, monologue, the ending, seeing him suffering through the ordeal and hearing him confess things like running from Gallifrey out of fear was wonderful. I haven't seen an episode this good in any other Doctor Who seasons and would say that this is maybe the best Doctor Who episode (at least from the new series) along with World Enough and Time.)
1. Mummy on the Orient Express 2. Heaven Sent - Same reasons as yours 3.World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls 4. Flatline 5. Under the Lake/Before the Flood 6. Extremis 7. The Magicians Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar 8. Deep Breath 9. Robot of Sherwood 10. Thin Ice
Sorry for being late but I ain’t seeing any love for the phenomenal “Listen.” It at least deserves a mention in the comments. I personally would put it in top ten.
Tbh, I thought S8 wasn't that great. They didn't really know what they were doing with the pilot episode "Deep Breath". I don't think the show runners knew what to do with Capaldi's doctor. But as we reached mid S9 to 10, the 12th dr started to grow on me and the stories got better.
5. Mummy on The Orient Express 4. Under The Lake / Before The Flood 3. The Husbands of River Song 2. World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls 1. Heaven Sent
1) World Enough & Time/The Doctor Falls 2) Heaven Sent 3) Twice Upon a Time 4) The Husbands of River Song 5) Extremis 6) Flatline 7) Under The Lake/Before the Flood 8) Oxygen 9) The Magician Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar 10) Last Christmas
My list: 10) time heist 9) under the lake/before the flood 8) deep breath 7) mummy on the orient express 6) the pilot 5) twice upon a time 4) oxygen 3) heaven sent 2) dark water/death in heaven 1) world enough/the doctor falls
This is a very good list. Capaldi had some excellent episodes. Here are some of My favourites, not ranked: Deep breath Listen Mummy on the orient express Under the lake/Before the flood The zygon two-parter Face the raven Heaven sent The pilot Oxygen The eaters of light World enough and time/The doctor falls Twice upon a time
My top 10 favorite 12th doctor episodes 10. The pilot 9. Twice upon a time 8. The zygon invasion / the zygon inversion 7. Oxygen 6. Under the lake / before the flood 5. Face the raven 4. Mummy on the orient express 3. World enough and time / the doctor falls 2. Flatline 1. Heaven sent
10.The magicians apprentice/The witches familiar 9.The pilot 8.Time heist 7.Deep breath 6.Dark water/death in heaven 5.Face the raven 4.Heaven sent(standard episode on it's own) 3.World enough and time/the doctor falls 2.Twice upon a time 1.Mummy on the orient express. Other episodes which I really liked: pyramid at the end of the world,Listen,The caretaker,The zygon two parter.
"You might think that's one hell of a mountain, personally I think that's one hell of a bird! "
*tears of joy flow*
It goes "You may think, that's a hell of a long time!"... 😒😒😒
@@chanceneck8072 you're right, actually.
Personally I think the line works either way though, because when you think about it, he's really talking about himself anyway.
In my opinion Under the Lake and before the flood was a really great story, maybe even ranking at top 5
....and NEVER EAT PEARS!!!!
No it's 'And never ever eat pears"
Yeah I remember that
I think Under the Lake and Before the Flood should on this list
That’s a good story. Didn’t quite make it for me but it’s getting lots of love in the comments so you’re not alone.
Personally, I would have put either UTL/BTF or Dark Water/Death in Heaven instead of The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar. TMA/TWF is very funny, the cold open is pure genius, Missy’s great, and it’s quite entertaining, but it has the serious problem that what it does to the Daleks - retconning mercy/pity into them - makes literally NO SENSE (especially in light of Davros’ first story, Genesis of the Daleks), and neither does the reason for it - the Dalek in The Big Bang had no problem saying “Mercy”, and it’s not the only one that can say words it doesn’t feel. It was a spectacular but mishmashed mess.
@@CouncilofGeeks Okay i agree except The Return of Doctor Mysterio. 😂
I would say that Capaldi's era could not be mainly described by episodes, but by moments and scenes. An example would be the Caretaker, where the episode was not amazing, but the whole officer soldier question was stellar
Good point! Other example the Zygon speech or coming to terms with loss in Hell Bent?
The girl who died
Average episode- but the realization of why he chose that face was incredibly well done.
"I am the doctor and I save people"
If Heaven Sent isn't #1....
You’re welcome.
I was a Capaldi fan before he became the Doctor and he didn't disappoint, he was an excellent Doctor, maybe my favourite .
Could you sum up Capaldi's era, please? Its weak points, strong points, introduction, companions, villains, stories, things like that. Please, you are so good at that.
TheAlte111yeah this would be a god video
David Ray god works too.
You were totally right about the chemistry between Bill and The Doctor. She was a true highlight of the 2017 series. There are so many of Capaldi's moments that I think - when watching again - will become more enjoyable with time. It wasn't until the end of the 12th Doctor's era until I realized how simply and utterly sad/tragic his time was. (Kyle)
Capaldi is possibly the best casting choice for the Doctor there could have been and he could have been as iconic as Tom Baker. I hope that in the future we look past some of the bad writing that his era endured due to Moffat being show runner for to long and we recognise how bloody brilliant this man was.
Capaldi was a fantastic Doctor, hopefully one that, in 15 years, the fans will look positively on as one of the best. My favorite episodes, are probably:
5. Flatline
4. Zygon Inversion
3. World Enough and Time/ The Doctor Falls
2. Twice Upon A Time
1. Heaven Sent
Thank you.
I feel exactly the same... I mean there is the sense that Tennant and Smith and by nature Eccleston were instantly LIKEABLE Doctor's in three different reasons... so for Capaldi from Deep Breath he was...dark/cold/grumpy/twisted as a character...which was a huge risk...and I liked the Yin to Smith's Yang...it was a balance in Moff's era...and also story wise Series 8,9 ad 10 had the most experimental,creative, innovative ideas for stories, structures and themes across his era.... And i do feel in time we will look back fondly Capaldi IMO is the most DOCTOR type Dr Who we have had in the modern era...and it is great... actually how many incredible moments there are. Capaldi is a god on this earth and by the look of where we are headed with Whittaker/Chibnall's era is going to be a really different arena which should emphasise Capaldi's era moreso I feel in the long run :) in the best way as i look forward to what Series 11 onwards offers. But I highly doubt we will have a dark/experimental era in show again in the forseeable future so i do feel in time like with Davison's era it will be held more high regard.
I agree completely but my top 5 would have mummy on the orient express instead of twice upon a time
Bill was the best. I mean, not that all companions weren't, but we finally, finally had a companion who had the brains to work certain things out from the start. Earlier, they showed companions who started as too dumb, or too scared, or just just too cliche to actually work it out...... And it was for no reason!! And then, we have Bill, the not-even-student who made chips and attended his lectures (Which were awesome!!)...... The Trailers and Previews just didn't do her any justice..... And her characterization was fantastically done by Pearl Mackie...... All in all, The companions did become used to all the working things out thing, but seriously, there was absolutely no need for them to show that they were a little dumb at first...... Again, this is just my take on them, no offense to anyone, I actually love all the companions; they gave their lives (Literally, in some cases) for the Doctor and they were sort of huge mysteries too and they were exceptional......
The more I watch the new series, the more I wish Bill and Nardole could have stuck around for the Jodie Whittaker era
Can you please do top 10 capaldi moments /speeches? I agree with you that there were more moments than full episodes. Happy new year!! Just found your channel 2 months ago. Love what you do!
I’ve been thinking about something like that. I’ve been trying to nail down parameters.
@@CouncilofGeeks Capaldi really just was the very best ACTOR who ever got offered the role imo!
1) World Enough and Time/ Doctor Falls
2) Heaven Sent
3) Under the Lake/ Before the Flood
4) Oxygen
5) Zygon Invasion/ Zygon Inversion
6) Thin Ice
7) Extremis
8) Mummy on the Orient Express
9) Time Heist
10) Deep Breath
I love, love, LOVE “Heaven Sent”, and I think I’ve rewatched it more than any other modern episode of Doctor Who (with the exception of “Night of the Doctor”, which is probably my favourite bit of Doctor Who EVER). “Heaven Sent” is not only a great Doctor Who episode; it’s a great science fiction story in general.
I completely forgot about Heaven Sent. If you hadn't mentioned it I'd have gone for Mummy on the Orient Express as my number one. But it's definitely Heaven Sent.
My Favorite Capaldi Stories
10.) Robot of Sherwood
9.) Into the Dalek
8.) Time Heist
7.) The Magician's Apprentice/ The Witch's Familiar
6.) The Husbands of River Song
5.) The Zygon Invasion/ The Zygon Inversion
4.) Extremis/ Pyramid at the End of the World/ The Lie of the Land
3.) Under the Lake/ Before the Flood
2.) Flatline
1.) Heaven Sent
Capaldi always give fantastic performances
Thanks for the list, I would shuffle them a bit but I think you're pretty spot on! I really don't understand the consensus that Capaldi's era was let down by poor writing. I also loved how his character built year on year, and how the series focused more on his arc than villains of the week. It played with the idea of who the Doctor is and what he could/should be wonderfully. I don't think Doctor Who should be as dark and thoughtful as Series 8-10 all the time, of course not. But I'm glad we got to see that introspective take with Capaldi in the role.
If I might propose my own list:
-1, Heaven Sent
-2, The Husbands of River Song
-3, The Magician's Apprentice
-4, Death in Heaven
-5, The Doctor Falls
this era when it was bad it was terrible but when it was good it was some of the best episodes doctor who has ever seen
Happy new year to you and this great channel. Looking forward to more great vids for 2018!
I agree Peter's era comes with problems. He is a fantastic Doctor, and in places let down by the writing. As with Heaven Sent he is masterful and compelling on his own. But also there are stories where other characters are allowed centre stage. I loved the season 8 finale, with the Doctor finally answering his own question. But it was Danny Pink who gave the speech and saved the planet. Not many like 'In the Forest of the Night', and again it is flawed. But, I loved the fact there wasn't an enemy for the him to fight, no evil masterplan, and also Clara saving him, leading him back to the Tardis. Hell!, I'll even defend 'Kill the Moon', for the Doctor slipping out from the Time-Lord Triumphant role and allowing/making humanity take the decision. Flatline has gorgeous special effects, a nice dash of humour, and the Doctor trying to work out if these deaths are miscommunication or malice before he allows himself to act. Listen was dusted nicely with humour, a smidge too much fan service, and a nice ambiguous ending. I too, loved Magician's Apprentice, Witch's Familiar, with Clara ending up back in a Dalek, I thought this might have been her exit as a companion. Circling back to her appearance in the Dalek Asylum. Bringing a genuine chill to her reaction as Missy smiles, waves and seals her inside, not even allowed her own voice, her own words!
The Zygon two-parter would make my top 10, just for the speech alone. Even the episode 'The Husbands of River Song', brought a nice closure to her character arc. Not my favourite character, but beautifully done.
With 'World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls' I'd have preferred a Master/Missy free episode, exploring the Mondassians fighting for survival. Resources tight, surrendering more of their humanity merely to survive, a nasty bargain, but a choice between survival and cyber enhancement. The scenario is more cruel without a manipulative mastermind, just the unrelenting peril.
For me, for these 3 seasons, this is the Doctor fighting his self-doubt. Himself as his worst enemy, his failures and successes, to come to the conclusion 'Always be Kind'.
Fantastic breakdown. I've thought that frequently about the 12th doctor. His very first adventure, he asks Clara, "Am I good man?" He's become so lost, or alternately, self-aware enough, to awknowledge and question some of his previous incarnations' bad behavior. He's questioning, full of self-doubt. And Clara is sooo certain of herself, and that makes her the perfect foil. And of course Clara's a teacher, and Bill a student, and the writers are totally hanging a lampshade on that whole 'learning' aspect of Capaldi's run that's there because he *is* questioning himself and his own identity, and he feels he's often failing in some fashiom. It's an excellent choice for character development, with extremely appropriate foils in other characters.
Despite the shoddy writing in most of the episodes I think there are a lot of gems in the capaldi era and episodes to be remembered for time to come.
Antony McDowall To be fair, every era had it's ups and downs (and I mean from 1963 onwards).
Yeah I get that man, capaldi was my doctor loved him from the beginning the main point am trying to make is that he will be remembered as one of the greatest
Antony McDowall like Heaven Sent
Capaldi, in Eccleston’s words, was absolutely fantastic! I have a couple few favorite episodes of Capaldi’s era. After all, I entered his era through that two parter. I’d just started watching Doctor Who and I did not have all the details about the show so I was under the impression Matt Smith played a strange character named Doctor Who and he was probably from the future or something, etc. but now I know the full details of Doctor Who. So lemme detail my favorite Capaldi episodes...
5. Twice Upon A Time -fantastic multi Doctor episode and official season finale4. Before the Flood -Love it 3. The Pilot -Good way to kick Capaldi finale off 2. Magician’s Apprentice/Witch’s Familiar -Nice way to start Series 9 of New Who1. World Enough and Time/Doctor Falls -wicked season 10 finale
Honorable Mentions?1. Deep Breath2. Before the Flood3. Hell Bent 4. Dark Water/Death In Heaven
That’s all, folks. Wonder what we’ll get from Jodie Whittaker? Hmmm...
Peter capaldi was a doctor who I wasn't on board with right away but he did grow on me especially the Christmas special with river song
Thank you! I've wanted so much to discuss "Heaven Sent" with somebody, but I don't know any fans personally. You said everything that I would have said... I think that this is the best episode of all of Doctor Who, old and new.
Lol we all knew Heaven Sent would be #1. ;)
Yes we did
Even if you dont really like the actor you have to at least like this doctor he has a different personality from the rest and that is why he is one of my favorite doctors
My list:
10.) Last Christmas
9.) Under the lake/before the Flood
8.) The Eaters of light
7.) Oxygen
6.) Flatline
5.) Face the Raven
4.) Twice Upon a time
3.) Heaven Sent
2.) The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion
1.) World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
The Eaters of Light? o.O
Tardis Net I'll do a top ten but Out of order
1) WE&T/ The Doctor Falls
2) Under the Lake/ Before the Flood
3) Last Christmas
4) Twice Upon a Time
5) Zygon Invasion/ Inversion
6) Heaven Sent
7) Face the Raven
8) The Return of Doctor Mysterio
9) Into the Dalek
10) Time Heist
Mythril I seem to be the only one who likes this story. Really like how it's a personal character story making historical figures into real relatable people. The ending I think is very emotional and has an educational side to it.
Tardis Net Sure, that‘s your opinion and you have every right to like it. I was just bored, the monster didn‘t have an interresting concept nor was it interresting designed. Then the doctor wants to sacrifice himself for no reason and i think the whole thing with the crows is just ridiculous
Mythril I agree the villain was pretty weak but I thought the crows was quite clever. But I get why most find it boring.
Good picks. Surprised that Listen isn't in there. That would be in my top 5.
That’s an episode I loved with a few reservations when I saw it but as time has gone on those nitpicks have become bigger issues for me. It’s still good but it’s slipped in my eyes.
Capaldi is my favorite doctor. Really love him and hopefully when I've got enough money will get a tattoo which stands for his doctor and his 'be kind' message.
Episodes I loved that you didn't Already named (not in order)
Time Heist
Last christmas (I really like the dream aspect of this)
Under the lake/before the flood
Face the raven (Wow, just Wow)
Husbands of River song (capaldi and kingston really work together! My otp.)
Well and others but these were my top 5 from what you didn't pick :-)
Been anticipating this vid😊😊😊 I bonded deeply with Capaldi and I didn't want to see him go. Thanks for this final salute.happy new year 🎉🎊🎊🎉
I just wanted to say I'm going through a really hard time right now and watching this channel helps so much yall don't even know
Peter Capaldi is my favorite Doctor he made me a bigger fan
Nice Vid.
My Top 5
1. Flatline
2. Mummy on the Orient Express
3. Under the Lake...
4. Listen
5. Magicians Apprentice...
I love how most of the top ten in every era are Moffat Written. The guy deserves much more love than he's given.
Hey, when he's good, he's REALLY good. But... he's not always good.
@@CouncilofGeeks Wow! Was not expecting a reply to a two year late comment! Thanks man! And you're right of course, although I don't dislike Hell-Bent as much as you and the rest of the fandom do, I think The Wedding of River Song is a pretty lousy finale...
If there's just one word that can sum up my feelings of 12's era it's 'inconsistent'.
Heaven Sent, Listen, Time Heist, Deep Breath and Oxygen are his top episodes in my mind.
I LOVED Time Heist. I know most people find it meh, but I really enjoyed it
Time Heist is one of mine too. I haven’t got a solid list but that is one of the episodes that stayed in my mind for quite some time. Heaven Sent was beautiful and also Mummy on the Orient Express was another that stayed with me (it got me interested into the thing that it was based off. And I even used it as a template when I watched the ‘Murder on the orient Express’ movie. I haven’t read the book.)
You call it inconsistent, I say it's pretty great character development
FloorKarpeting I liked time hiest
Beautiful video ^^
my top 10:
1) world enough and time/Doctor Falls.
2) Heaven Sent
3)The Magician Apprentice/The Witch Familiar
4) Listen
5) Mummy on the Orient Express
6) Flatline
7) Time Heist
8) Extremis
9) Twice Upon A Time
10) The Pilot
8 / 10 stories you list (the top 8) are on a recent Top 51 of the whole series that I made up. And your #1 Capaldi is my #1 of the whole series. Nice job.
Extremis is baisically like utopia in that it can be seen and enjoyed as its own thing but leads onto a two parter. However, I didn't like the monks three parter at all.
The irony of being prisoner of the moment regarding Twice Upon a Time.
My top 5:
5: the pilot.
4: heaven sent.
3: deep breath.
2: twice upon a time.
1: world enough and time/doctor falls.
Glad Magician/Witch made your list. I really like this two-parter and feel it is often overlooked !
And I totally agree with you for Extremis ! It works as a standalone and is one of the best episodes of Capaldi's era !
“ It doesn’t to the point where Hell Bent has to pick up and run with it”. Or pick it up and throw it off the 139 story building to fall to its death.
Thinking about mummy on the orient express, I'm so glad the mummy wasn't given an origin or explanation for why it was there, I can imagine some convoluted basketry with space Egyptians and it would have been a mess
1. World Enough and Time/Doctor Falls
2. Heaven Sent
3. Mummy on the Orient Express
4. Under the Lake/Before the Flood
5. The Magicians Apprentice/The Witches Familiar
6. Twice Upon A Time
7. Last Christmas
8. Listen
9. The Eaters of Light
10. Husbands of River Song
Crazy4Comics why husbands or river song?
The one who speaks for the darkness It's a rather delightful episode, a lovely end for River Songs story (which tbh I never thought I'd actually see), get to see some really good interaction between 12 and River and Capaldi in general in Husbands of River Song is really good, the comedy I found funny and it's also got some emotion to bring it home at the end too.
Last Christmas?
Something I’ve come to realize today, is that Matt Smith may be my favorite Doctor, but I think Capaldi is probably one of the most talented actors for playing the Doctor. EVER
Yes! I LOVE Heaven Sent! For some reason, a lot of TH-camrs I follow hate on it.
Here's my list of top fave Capaldi episodes: ALL OF THEM minus The Return of Doctor Mysterio. The ONLY thing I liked about that one is how it addresses how he is mourning the death of River. "Everything ends, and it's always sad."
That was a fantastic recollection of Capaldi and Moffat. Thanks.
yes!!!! I love doctor mysterio!!!! I like the one off superhero aesthetic, the characters are fun and the story is pretty wholesome. I wouldn’t like it to be a running theme but it was perfect for a special.
Nice TARDIS hoodie mate. And nice flap cap with the 4th Doctor's scarf 👍
Slightly off topic but I love how Doctor Who can jump the shark pretty much every other episode and make it work
(With the exceptions of Sleep No More, Hecc Bent, Fear Her, Kill the Moon, Arachnids in the UK, and a couple others but there's like 120-something episodes so)
My list! :)
10. Listen
9. Face the Raven
8. Oxygen
7. Under the lake/before the Flood
6. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
5. Last Christmas
4. Smile
3. Flatline
2. Extremis
1. Heaven Sent
My 10 favorite Peter Capaldi episodes are...
10) The Pilot
9) Oxygen
8) The Zygon Invasion / The Zygon Inversion
7) Thin Ice
6) Deep Breath
5) The Husbands of River Song
4) Flatline
3) Twice Upon a Time
2) World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls
1) Heaven Sent
So while I agree that "Heaven Sent" might be the best story in terms of music, acting, cinematography, etc I do personally prefer "The Husbands of River Song" over it. Even beyond the idea of "What River does when the Doctor's not around" it has a nice running them about how much the Doctor has truly failed River. It's all summed up beautifully (with wonderful acting in my opinion) by River herself.
"I am the woman that loves the Doctor, I've never denied it. But whoever said he loves me back." "He's off doing whatever the hell he wants and not giving a damn about me!" "When you love the Doctor it's like loving the stars themselves, you don't expect a sunset to admire you back."
And so on. River seems oddly at peace with the idea that the Doctor... just doesn't love her. And I love that, by the end, he finally does right by her. After Ten treated her like a barely trusted ally, after Eleven bounced up and down her timeline breaking her heart more than once, we finally get to meet the person that River called "My Doctor".
Heaven Sent is just the best episode of New Who in general.
10. Listen
9. Eaters of Light
8. Mummy on the Orient Express
7. Flatline
6. The Witch's Familiar
5. Extremis
4. Oxygen
3. Heaven Sent
2. The Zygon Inversion
1. The Doctor Falls
10. Mummy on the Orient Express
9. Last Christmas
8. Thin Ice
7. The Return of Doctor Mysterio
6. Heaven Sent
5. Under the Lake/Before the Flood
4. The Husbands of River Song
3. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
2. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
1. Extremis
I was very interested to hear where Heaven Sent would wind up as I assumed you’d feel inclined to tie it to Hell Bent. Very good list and you can’t sing Heaven Sent’s praises enough, it’s wonderful
Man, does no one have “into the Dalek” in their top 10? It’s in my top 5, if not top 3. That opening with Journey Blue!
I’d say it’s
10.twice upon a time
9.face the raven
7.Mummy on the orient express
5.Dark water/death in heaven
4.Under the lake/before the flood
3.world enough and time/the doctor falls (prefer world enough and time but both r great)
1.Heaven sent
Heaven sent is the second best episode I’ve seen ever in any show period. Of course the best episode of doctor who by far; it doesn’t even feel like it belongs to doctor who; it’s above it by miles.
Totally agree with you on #1. That episode was a masterpiece!
He has to come back for a multi doctor special
If you go on Wikipedia you can see whether certain episodes are considered one story or not. You were right about the Monk trilogy being composed of three separate stories, as was the Series 9 finale. World Enough and Time and The Doctor Falls are indeed one story.
And on Wikia they say other things.
It's up to interpretation at this point which sucks imo.
Heaven Sent, Flatline, and Under The Lake/Before The Flood, and Mummy on the Orient Express are my favorite 12th Doctor stories
My favorite episodes of Capaldi's era were the ones where Clara didn't hog the spotlight or take over the show unless it was entirely necessary (as in Flatline where the Doctor was trapped inside the TARDIS)
4: Mummy on the Orient Express
3: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
2: Hell Bent (sue me)
1: Heaven Sent
Heaven Sent my days such an amazing episode! Interested to see your Moffat best eps list and if you think it stands toe to toe with Blink and Day of The Doctor. Personally think it stands on level with Genesis as greatest episode of all time but that's my thoughts
I can safely say: Even though we did not get enough closure, "Listen" aged VERY WELL imo!
I liked that the story showed the Doctor acting like a scientist (something we have only rarely seen since the Third Doctor's era), but the Clara parts didn't work very well IMO.
That is a story where issues that were nitpicks on my first watch have become bigger problems for me as time has gone on.
David Stokes totally agree!
Thank you! The return of doctor mysterio is the must underrated episode of doctor who in my opinion
I really love Into the Dalek. It’s got humor, the sise characters are good, rusty is so compelling, and it does such a good job at setting up 12’s character arc for his entire run
Counting multi-part stories as one means Series 9 must’ve been hell to deal with, shrinking down your choices significantly
A very happy New Year, to you and your family. Keep up with the good work, and I'm looking forward to seeing your videos in 2018.
10) Under the Lake/Before the Flood
9) The Pilot
8) Twice Upon a Time
7) Face the Raven
6) Flatline
5) Mummy on the Orient Express
4) Extremis
3) Oxygen
2) World Enough and Time
1) Heaven Sent
Overall, Peter Capaldi was a Doctor I have desperately wanted to love, alas the writing really let him down. Regardless, he has had some gems in both stories and moments. And who knows, maybe he will move on to Big Finish and will be given the characterisation and writing he truly deserves.
1. Heaven Sent
2. Face The Raven
3. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
4. Under The Lake/Before the Flood
5. The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion
6. Listen
7. The Caretaker
8. Deep Breath
9. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
10. Flatline
corvetteanddrwhorule I thought I was the only one who liked the caretaker
I choosing 12 episodes because choosing just 10 is impossible.
12. Oxygen
11. The Caretaker
10. Time Heist
9. Deep Breath
8. Mummy on the Orient Express
7. Last Christmas
6. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
5. Flatline
4. The Pilot
3. The Husbands of River Song
2. Dark Water/Death in Heaven
1. Heaven Sent & World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls (tied)
Stelios Stamatialis Also it's the 12 Doctor
RealEpicTPPG - Halo, Tech, Gaming & More! I know
Stelios Stamatialis I liked the Oxygen episode
I don't have a full list, but I would definitely consider Under the Lake/Before the Flood to be a very strong story and definitely in my top 3. I also really liked Deep Breath and thought it to be a great opener for Capaldi.
I like your commentary and mostly agree with your list: I have one personal issue with Heaven Sent: If anyone else saw this or understood it, your feedback would be appreciated. The Doctor couldn't have known how much time had passed if he was in the puzzle. Entropy would dictate that he had to be outside of time. When he looked at the stars and stated he must have been there for some 500 billion (???) years - that would be impossible, unless the time lords also knew how to keep his repeatedly cloned DNA from being corrupted over that unimaginably long stretch of time. Even the puzzle / maze would have had to malfunctioned over time at some point. He had to be outside of time in order for it to function for so long without any glitches, so the stars he saw could not indicate any legitimate passage of time. However the paradox is that any progress he made through the maze indicates some internal clock, which kept track of where he was. The problem is how was it possible: to either be operating in time, which is unlikely, without the aforementioned protections from entropy, or some other dimension that utterly defies the law of entropy. For that reason I didn't like the puzzle. Just saying.
I'll try to make my one real quick
(Fun episode, nice seeing The Doctor calmly dissecting the story of The Mummy. Ending was a bit meh but everything else was good)
(Good way to kick Clara out. Loved The Doctor talking to Me/Ashildr. He got really dark in the end, definitely one of my favourite 12th Doctor scenes. The idea of The Cronolock was great. Wish they touched upon it a bit more tbh)
("You are a good dalek" was amazing. The Doctor was cold as hell, didn't seem to care about human life although he actually did and his jokes landed well. The proctologist joke still makes me laugh)
(Don't remember this one as well but I loved it. The Doctor's blindness was ingenious. Sad that they didn't deal it better in the future episodes. The Doctor/Bill chemistry worked in this episode, better than ever. The idea of the monsters was great too)
(Didn't like Death In Heaven as much as Dark Water but both were great. Missy reveal was amazing even though it was obvious, even too obvious. The time lord "brainbank" was a stunning idea and the Heaven concept was heartbreaking to watch. Loved Missy's character in both of the episodes although I've always thought she didn't feel like The Master to me. The Doctor's final speech with Missy with the "Say something nice" and "You win" is one of my favourite scenes from Capaldi Era. Got the chills... Not to mention the final part where The Doctor and Clara lie to each other. WOW. If only they didn't have Danny Pink with the "love conquers all" ending this could be way higher, easily in top 3)
(What can I say? It was fun. It was original. It was intense. It was scary (scariest monsters since The Silence I'd say) and the acting was superb. The TARDIS shrinking was amazing to follow and Clara playing the Doctor was stupid but fun to watch. Like it or hate it, Clara and 12 had major chemistry between em. The ending with The Doctor naming the 2D characters... Something? Well I can't remember the dumb name he gave em but it was pretty stupid. He should have had a better speech at that point. But that doesn't really affect the episode at all)
(World Enough and Time is easily one of the best 12th Doctor episodes. The episode itself would have been the second best in my opinion but Doctor Falls takes some points away. I loved the idea of a black hole slowing time. Maybe the best idea Moffat ever had and it was used perfectly on World Enough and Time. The entire episode was just perfect if only the idiots at BBC didn't advertise John Simm that much. I know I know, spoilers are impossible to stop but so are murders. You still shouldn't go around killing more and more people because some people died. I love The Doctor explaining time dilatation, Bill watching The Doctor from the TV, the pre-cybermen/Mondasians... It was just beautiful. And the ending was heartbreaking jesus... But when it comes to Doctor Falls I didn't like it as much. I wasn't a big fan of Bill seeing herself as a Cyberman and shit like that... It would have been more powerful if we didn't see her as Bill anymore. Her "last" words to The Doctor on the battlefield was dreadful as well. The one about her being gay. Worst scene in DW, hands down. The episode itself had great moments like the chemistry between Missy and The Master. AMAZING acting from John Simm. This was my favourite Simm Master role. The ending with Bill leaving on a honeymoon with the blonde random chick no one cared about was awful. Fucking just let a character die. We don't care about a character we have seen ONCE. Also, personally I found her character unnatural and annoying. "I can fly everything. Even you" Just shoot me in the head... With a few bad points this two parter was still amazing.)
Wow. The whole idea was great. Seeing Clara interacting with young Danny, the Doctor talking with him, being legitimately scared, the knocking... It was all just so pressuring. The Doctor also had some of his best speeches here. Chilling, psychological and intriguing. Really great episode, and no bad things about it. This was one of those episodes that was near perfect to me.)
2. Under the Lake/Before the Flood
(This wouldn't be this high if I didn't rewatch it earlier. Best two-parter in the Capaldi era imo. The thing with causal loop was great, Clara shined, the deaf actor did an AMAZING JOB... OK seriously I gotta talk about her for a moment. It's stunning how a deaf actor can be the best actor in the entire episode (after Capaldi I'd say). She expressed her emotions better than most actors in Hollywood ever could. The ghosts were chilling, the paradoxes in general and the planning to lock the ghosts had me on the edge of my seat. This two parter wasn't a perfect one but it kept me intrigued every second. A great example of how DW can make simple things work better than anything else.)
(Won't count Hell Bent as a two-parter because 1. it sucked way too much and could legitimately kick this out of the list completely if I included em both ESPECIALLY after Moffat nullified everything in Twice Upon A Time and 2. I dont feel like those two episodes were a two-parter finale. Heaven Sent was perfection. Capaldi's best performance, monologue, the ending, seeing him suffering through the ordeal and hearing him confess things like running from Gallifrey out of fear was wonderful. I haven't seen an episode this good in any other Doctor Who seasons and would say that this is maybe the best Doctor Who episode (at least from the new series) along with World Enough and Time.)
1. Mummy on the Orient Express
2. Heaven Sent - Same reasons as yours
3.World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
4. Flatline
5. Under the Lake/Before the Flood
6. Extremis
7. The Magicians Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
8. Deep Breath
9. Robot of Sherwood
10. Thin Ice
Council of Geeks now that Steven Moffat has departed, how about doing the best/worst top 10 Steven Moffat written stories?
It’s on the docket. Next month.
Thank you. I'm looking forward to it.
Me, too!
"mind palace" your a wholockian? (Sherlock, doctor who)
Sorry for being late but I ain’t seeing any love for the phenomenal “Listen.” It at least deserves a mention in the comments. I personally would put it in top ten.
You really should do a top 10 episodes of new who so far. Or, maybe even a top 10 Steven Moffat episodes.
Top and bottom 10 lists for Moffat written episodes is on the docket.
Tbh, I thought S8 wasn't that great. They didn't really know what they were doing with the pilot episode "Deep Breath". I don't think the show runners knew what to do with Capaldi's doctor. But as we reached mid S9 to 10, the 12th dr started to grow on me and the stories got better.
Took the words right out of my mouth (yeah I'm late sorry about that)
5. Mummy on The Orient Express
4. Under The Lake / Before The Flood
3. The Husbands of River Song
2. World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls
1. Heaven Sent
I love Mummy on the Orient Express a lot for Frank Skinner's character Perkins, he's so sweet!
1) World Enough & Time/The Doctor Falls
2) Heaven Sent
3) Twice Upon a Time
4) The Husbands of River Song
5) Extremis
6) Flatline
7) Under The Lake/Before the Flood
8) Oxygen
9) The Magician Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
10) Last Christmas
My list:
10) time heist
9) under the lake/before the flood
8) deep breath
7) mummy on the orient express
6) the pilot
5) twice upon a time
4) oxygen
3) heaven sent
2) dark water/death in heaven
1) world enough/the doctor falls
This is a very good list. Capaldi had some excellent episodes. Here are some of My favourites, not ranked:
Deep breath
Mummy on the orient express
Under the lake/Before the flood
The zygon two-parter
Face the raven
Heaven sent
The pilot
The eaters of light
World enough and time/The doctor falls
Twice upon a time
I'd put Face the Raven and Hell Bent on here with Heaven Sent. For me it's a perfect 3-part story
i was wondering if haven sent would be your number 1, or did you took it together with hell bent, and if so, will it even be on the list...
came to this list looking for the next episode to watch... and I’ve just watched all of these 😂😂 great minds think alike 😂
My top 10 favorite 12th doctor episodes
10. The pilot
9. Twice upon a time
8. The zygon invasion / the zygon inversion
7. Oxygen
6. Under the lake / before the flood
5. Face the raven
4. Mummy on the orient express
3. World enough and time / the doctor falls
2. Flatline
1. Heaven sent
10.The magicians apprentice/The witches familiar
9.The pilot
8.Time heist
7.Deep breath
6.Dark water/death in heaven
5.Face the raven
4.Heaven sent(standard episode on it's own)
3.World enough and time/the doctor falls
2.Twice upon a time
1.Mummy on the orient express.
Other episodes which I really liked: pyramid at the end of the world,Listen,The caretaker,The zygon two parter.
My favourite of the modern Doctors. Outstanding performance from Capaldi.