Adventní koncert Smíšeného pěveckého sboru Hlahol 3.12.2021. Zpěv: Lenka Pergelová a Ludmila Pergelová Klavírní doprovod: Tomáš Pergel Místo: Evangelický kostel Nymburk
All the believers of the Christ should sing the birth of Redeemer, not the holy night. The man who put the English text was not a Christian. John Sullivan Dwight was a member of Uniterian Universalist. There are still many Uniterian churches(?) in New England. They don't believe the Deity of Christ and they believe Jesus was s good man. The original text was "Cantique de Noël ", singing the Christmas, the birth of Redeemer.
Hearing this lovely song sung beautifully now in the Christmas season warms my heart. Merry Christmas to all.
Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too!
All the believers of the Christ should sing the birth of Redeemer, not the holy night. The man who put the English text was not a Christian. John Sullivan Dwight was a member of Uniterian Universalist. There are still many Uniterian churches(?) in New England. They don't believe the Deity of Christ and they believe Jesus was s good man. The original text was "Cantique de Noël ", singing the Christmas, the birth of Redeemer.
That's lucky we're not Christians. 😉 Thanks for letting me know!