Thank you very much, Francois, for giving me the opportunity to share our journey with your audience! I am looking forward to reading their comments and answering any questions they might have about the information from this video.
I am so amazed that so many foreigners love Taiwan. It is true that many Taiwanese think that owing your own property means you feel safe and don't have to move all the time.
@@nomadnumbers I retired in my middle 40s in Taiwan six years ago. Comparing to the 4% rule, I use 3% rule because of my Taiwanese conservitivity. I am not a typical Taiwanese although I live here for more than half a century. Traditionally, most Taiwanese were educated to prepare a certain amount money for a house and another certain amount money for their children. Therefore, of course most Taiwanese can not FIRE. It is not a question of right or wrong, it is a life style choice. You can also find Taiwan is one of the highest savings rate country all over the world.
I must say this video really resonates with me as I’m looking to FI and retire to Taiwan at least part of the year. It’s important to know that the 4% rule is really just a rule of thumb. The original study had an allocation of 50% in stocks (ie S&P500) and 50% bonds. The 4% rule didn’t state that the money would last forever. It would last 30 years. This should cover the normal lifespan of most people retiring at 65. Every person’s situation is unique so it’s better not to go strictly by the 4% rule. As for me I’m using a more conservative 3%.
I live in Fl and this is not the place to retire to anymore. It was good but now our housing is the most expensive in US!!!!!!! Our rent/ mortgage has doubled and tripled.
@@JulieAcupuncture that’s a huge jump in housing expenses. That is something that does concern me as we have no control over inflation. This is a major reason why I personally try and shoot for a more conservative “3% rule”. I also try and look for other ways to stress test our plan.
Thank you @wenkweiwang884. 不论是在35岁、40岁、45岁、50岁,甚至55岁,我们想要传达的核心信息是财务自由对所有人都是开放的,然而很少有人考虑在传统退休年龄之前退休,因为我相信他们并不知道这是一个选择。凭借基本的个人理财知识,并利用确保财富安全稳健增长的策略,即使从标准退休年龄中仅节省出5年,也能为个人提供额外的5年,让他们通过沉浸在带来快乐的事情中,创造更丰富的回忆。这是否与您共鸣?
Very interesting vedio. This is the first time i have heard the new trend of FIRE. I will introduce this vedio as our topic on our English online club for viewing and discussing. Thank you very much😊
I have lived in NYC, Seoul, HK, Beijing and Shanghai for many years each and I have to say Taiwan is a better place to live comparing to any of these cities in the world. Formosa is still a beautiful island as thousands years ago and no one could be allowed to offend it and it’s people by force.
Can you share why you think Taiwan is better than Seoul? I’m thinking of retiring part of the year in Taiwan but I have a friend considering Seoul. I believe Seoul might be a bit more expensive.
@@muubie Seoul is more expensive indeed. S Korea has a rich culture and vibrant economy but I found the culture is quite uptight and less gender equality (My male colleagues went golfing and drinking almost every weekend). Taiwan is relatively more friendly and hospitable and it’s culture is very inclusive. But these are based on my personal encounter and the fact that I’m a Taiwanese. If you are not a single female foreigner working in Seoul or not raising kids there, the life there shall be quite alright.😁
Thank you @ting597. 我对台湾的房地产了解不多,但如果房价继续上涨,你可能可以通过以后卖房来赚钱。然而,人们购买房屋时最好从赚钱的角度考虑,而不仅仅是喜欢这个房子(比如想要住在那里)。现在积极寻找更多存钱方法的人比那些不考虑的人处于更好的境地,后者只等到65岁以上才想着退休。你是否考虑购买房屋,因为你相信在10-20年或更长时间内房价会大幅上涨,你可以在退休后用那些钱过上理想的生活?
@@nomadnumbers 通过以后卖房来赚钱的時代&機 會 已經過去 且退休後更老了更難租房子 &After covid, all cost becomes much higher than before, not only living expense is gealmost all house cost is raised more than 20% even 30%, it is too ridiculous even I am the sales selling the house, still think so many owners are too greedy, the house is for living not for investment
Nice video! Taiwan is a great place to retire. Question is, as a foreigner, how the get a long term visa. I think there is no retirement visa available in Taiwan like in other asian countries.
Hi @nepax15. From what I understand, you're right. Unlike countries such as Thailand or Malaysia, there isn't a retirement visa here. We're currently in the process of applying for permanent residency, which involves staying in the country for several years, require some income requirements and isn't a straightforward process. Thus, we're keeping our fingers crossed that our application will be approved by the government.
@@nomadnumbers would it be possible to retire in Taiwan and rent for living? My husband and I are looking for a country to retire to. We are now in US but he is approaching retiring age. Thanks in advance.
@@JulieAcupunctureHave you also thought about what you and your husband would do for health insurance. I know the healthcare in Taiwan is much more affordable that the US but I’m assuming as we get older our healthcare needs will grow. This is one of my concerns if I retire to Taiwan.
@@muubie i thought Taiwan has Universal Health Care so if we follow the guideline we will be able to get health insurance. I said this bc one of my patients told me she went to Taiwan ( from US, where we live) and got treatment and dental work done. I am wondering how she could. She said the health care is sssooooo good, she was so impressed that she wish she could move to Taiwan. I thought all foreigners can get health care. I am more worried about living expenses bc I know a lot of people complain about rent and the fact that people cannot afford to buy. What is your experience? TIA
@@muubie I don’t really think about health insurance that much- 1. I am Taiwan citizen so I can get health insurance. 2. I am in healthcare industry in US. What my worries are living expenses such as rent, or mortgage. I know food and entertainment and all others are cheat. But rent and mortgage have been our primary concerns. For this reason, I left Taiwan and make money in US.
yes, everyone should build up some hobby, you must ask yourself what would make you happy, and get your bucket list done asap, we all don't like the uncertainty, but the truth is we really don't need much, of course, that includes not have a habit to waste $$ on meaningless useless items or brand. it takes discipline, determination, good planning, Talking about boring after retirement, that is not true, there are volunteer work, courses can take, travelling when your health still permits, exercise to keep healthy, gardening, read a good book, learn new things... not enough time!
@@610mwang Thank you! Mrs. Nomad Numbers and myself and on the camp of people that would know what to do with their time if they don't have to go to an office. But in the USA (where I spent 10 years of my working career) it was surprising to hear so many stories of people reaching traditional retirement age and decide to get a job back.
Hey thanks for the video, I want to retire in Taiwan also but the air pollution and the humidity is what I don’t think I’ll enjoy. Apparently that doesn’t bother you?
It can be really warm in the summer that's right, that's something to consider indeed. For me, I really like the heat as long as I have air conditioning at home to cool off. At home, most people have AC and also a dehumidifier machine. As for going out, in the summer it can be a little tough to go out for a whole day, but if you think it's too hot you can adjust your time outside, some people go out early mornings when the sun is not too strong, and after 5pm before sunset... Maybe you should come for a shorter duration and check for yourself, also I think it highly depends where you live, some places are less humid or less polluted than Taipei! :)
Thank you very much, Francois, for giving me the opportunity to share our journey with your audience! I am looking forward to reading their comments and answering any questions they might have about the information from this video.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and advice.
You are very welcome@@mariposabay4006. Sharing is caring :-)
Very informative and sharing . Thanks
越早儲蓄 越早投資 越早理財❤❤
在台灣, 對單身以及老年人不是很友善。超過45歲, 就最好不要丟掉工作, 不然很難再找到工作, 也鮮少房東願意租房子給老年人, 政府沒有配套措施來保障老年生活 (?) 也許是這樣, 在台灣擁有自己的房子變得很重要(?)
可以複利投資 標的足夠穩定的話
和弗朗索瓦在台北录制这个视频非常有趣,我很高兴您喜欢这个内容。如果您有任何问题,我会很乐意为您解答 :-)
I am so amazed that so many foreigners love Taiwan. It is true that many Taiwanese think that owing your own property means you feel safe and don't have to move all the time.
@@nomadnumbers 积攒一年开支的25倍? 一年開支若36萬 x 25=約1千萬台幣 若一年收入50萬 用35萬存15萬 要存幾年呢?
@@nomadnumbers I retired in my middle 40s in Taiwan six years ago. Comparing to the 4% rule, I use 3% rule because of my Taiwanese conservitivity. I am not a typical Taiwanese although I live here for more than half a century. Traditionally, most Taiwanese were educated to prepare a certain amount money for a house and another certain amount money for their children. Therefore, of course most Taiwanese can not FIRE. It is not a question of right or wrong, it is a life style choice. You can also find Taiwan is one of the highest savings rate country all over the world.
@chiccohuang9803 most Taiwanese can not FIRE? Do you mean RETIRE?
@@mariposabay4006 We are talking about FIRE, Financial Independence, Retire Early, aren't we? :)
謝謝元元拍片帶給大家不同視角的觀點。Merci Yuan Yuan pour le tournage de vous avoir apporté des perspectives différentes.👏
Merci Bonnie!! :)
這一集的來賓說得很好也很正確. 我就是透過投資房產 43歲達到 F.I.R.E. 的人. 相比國外, 像我這樣的人實在是極少數, 感覺台灣人比較沒有這樣的觀念和計畫. 謝謝元元和來賓.
Thank you @linminhsiao8409.
不生小孩,不買車,不買房,每次搬家要捨掉95%的東西,全部家當只有一個背包,這種Walden pond式的「極簡人生」,全世界能做到的,而且樂在其中的,肯定不到世界人口的1%! 夫妻兩人都能「放空」真不容易! 重點是還要先存夠錢!
元元的影片還是一如既往的優質,真的很棒! 相信元元不久的將來就可以達到財務自由👍
錯了吧 夏天是熱到讓人受不了吧 而且夏天長達6-7個月吧😂
很羡慕这样的生活 最关键是有这样的理念还有行动力 还有一个很重要的就是没有小孩 😁 人生确实有很多种方式 不要拘泥于一种
片中提到租屋好處,但我想說的是--租房只限於年輕時,很現實地,大部分的屋主都不願意租給老人,除了「生」,「老、病、死」想在租的房子裡度過是有一定的難度。如:今年7月台北大安區賓館一年 7旬癌末夫偕妻子墜樓事件,疑似租不到房,只好住賓館,錢燒得差不多只好…。此外,我有親戚,其父子2人,父八旬,子好吃懶做靠父手工維生,最近才被房東趕搬。😢
我的觀念是 買房 心才能安定 房子買了 工作範圍就在離家不遠處 有了房子 不管你去到那裡 總會有歸處。
台灣人買房 除了讓家人安定 大多是為了孩子與自己老年的生活著想。
年輕人可到處漂泊 等到年老時還是要有屬於自己的落腳處。
買間房子 就表示 你有個家 有家就會有歸屬感 不止人不漂泊 心也會安定下來。
*台灣人房子 不喜歡出租給超過55歲以上的人,年紀越大的老人 或是單身的老人 在台灣很難租屋的。
Thank you @m40588.
@@nomadnumbers 台灣人不會考慮在別的國家過退休或是養老的生活,反而是很多年輕時移民的人到退休後返回台灣過著養老的生活。
我自己也去過三十幾個國家旅遊過,知道別的國家的醫療與治安都比不上台灣,我去了那麼多的國家所給我的感受就是,身為台灣人 住在台灣 真的是非常幸福的事。
@@nomadnumbers 漂盪或住國外国家 至少要會講英文吧 or 是文盲聾子了 而且年紀越大越無法離開舒適圈 及相對應的人事物 看醫生朋友家人等等 年輕時沒出外闖蕩 或自助旅行的習慣 很多人老了更難吧
@@楊佩芬-x7f 兩個人住就買大套房 在南部鄉下買 可能至少4-500吧 老人是不能貸款的 我有客人就70幾歲 不想跟兒子媳婦住 就已兒子名義買個400多萬市區小小套房自住 貸款給兒子繳 一個月跟租金差不多一萬多
應該是8%-10%,只用4%, 中間的差額就是通膨和增值的空間.
很棒的經驗分享,非常感謝你們可以無私的分享你們的寶貴經驗及意見 👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏
懂得理財 才有好的生活
台灣不是世界最好的地方, 但可能是很好生活的地方! 以日本而言, 環境比台灣好幾倍吧? 全球景色比台灣更漂亮的國家到處都是, 但是可能生活起來, 台灣讓人感到更輕鬆舒適, 大自然的多樣可及性更高, 所以就選擇在台灣生活!
部分是 台灣安全外 對外國人而言 他們存或賺到的錢 用在台灣或東南亞 算是比較好用的 所以有不少香港人移民台灣拿到身分證後 有的還回去香港工作 薪資相對高但錢寄回台灣用 或退休在台灣就很好用 台灣薪資真的他xx的太低 我已經一直潑文潑文給執政黨 請他們去參考新加坡韓國香港的薪資 不要連政府給薪也低 台灣小企業主或慣老闆真的太多太多了
香港人回香港工作, 是繳稅給台灣, 或給香港? 否則他這樣用台灣的福利, 和退休用台灣的健保, 很自私吔! 如果他在台灣繳稅消費, 用台灣的福利, 台灣人當然沒話說!
@@sinkirhong4466 這我就不知影了 在國外工作者 在台灣無收入 可能就免稅吧 但他家人若還在台 就是有在台消費拉 您可看個影片問看看
@@sinkirhong4466 您可看一下YT 的影片問看看吧 台灣人在國外工作 在台等於無收入沒所得稅吧
徐茱廸Judy Tsui
@@sinkirhong4466 在國外收入所得 好像要超過600萬台幣才須課到多少的稅 若只是百萬上下應該不用繳 所以台人對港移民來的 很多不是很喜歡 他們看上台灣是語言及健保優勢 不少駐國外 長年不回只生病才回台
如果兩夫妻沒有小孩 要reach 到financial independent 不難。 但是有小孩的花費 真的不容易。
在台北与弗朗索瓦录制这个视频真是非常有趣,我很高兴您喜欢这个内容。如果您有任何问题,我可能能为您解答 :-)
也謝謝你來看我的影片! :)
18:44 有台北房子的人的確已經達到千萬富翁,有機會財富自由。
謝謝你的回饋 😊😊😊
Thank you @jillliu8630.
很高兴听到这个消息!如果您有任何问题,根据我们的经验,我会很乐意为您解答的 :-)
說得很輕鬆 要達到不容易
通常都是為了下一代,否則在台灣可以很輕易的提早退休,因為台灣有健保,而且退休的時候並不需要住在房價很貴的地方,台灣的大自然也不收費,台灣的城鄉差距並不大,就算住在很偏僻的地方開車一小時一定到的了大都市(退休的人不需要在上下班巔峰時刻進城), 但是子女的教育資源城鄉差距就大了. 還有未來是否要出國念書,如果長大後想在大都市居住是否要贊助它們頭期款等等. 這不是做不做自己的問題,而是你從上一代得到什麼照顧,這樣的照顧也是有義務傳給下一代.
I really envy you living in Taiwan. I wish I can one day.
I must say this video really resonates with me as I’m looking to FI and retire to Taiwan at least part of the year.
It’s important to know that the 4% rule is really just a rule of thumb. The original study had an allocation of 50% in stocks (ie S&P500) and 50% bonds. The 4% rule didn’t state that the money would last forever. It would last 30 years. This should cover the normal lifespan of most people retiring at 65. Every person’s situation is unique so it’s better not to go strictly by the 4% rule. As for me I’m using a more conservative 3%.
I live in Fl and this is not the place to retire to anymore. It was good but now our housing is the most expensive in US!!!!!!! Our rent/ mortgage has doubled and tripled.
@@JulieAcupuncture that’s a huge jump in housing expenses. That is something that does concern me as we have no control over inflation. This is a major reason why I personally try and shoot for a more conservative “3% rule”. I also try and look for other ways to stress test our plan.
很棒的觀念 謝謝分享🙏
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on lifestyle. I really appreciate that. I think this would definitely help me in the future.
如果對於投資不了解的人,不要亂玩投資。基本上最保險的投資是買房子,有些人租房一個月1萬,依自己的能力所及買房,一個月也許得支付1萬5千,也許得被綁住20,30年,但是這是最好的方式逼迫自己存錢。如果有一天失業,或突然想做其他的人生規畫,房子在還沒繳清房貸前,還是可以賣掉,也許房子地點選的好,賣掉的時機漲到比之前買時還好,這也是種被動收入。在德國人們稱為 Betongold
@@劉坤昇-w6o 65y
@@劉坤昇-w6o 50-60也很難不容易呢 一來可能賺得不多 無法存多 或者不會理財不懂投資 留下的就不多 若一開始就決定單身就比較簡單 可以想法存錢 但絕大多數會想要有個伴侶或生子 兩個人跟受訪者同方向想法 在台灣畢竟不多
Thank you @wenkweiwang884.
Very interesting vedio. This is the first time i have heard the new trend of FIRE. I will introduce this vedio as our topic on our English online club for viewing and discussing. Thank you very much😊
This is only something I discovered a little after COVID. I had no idea about this movement and was surprised at how many folks are pursuing FIRE.
@@兩朵花-x8e 妳們應該是覺得要「享受人生,享受當下」吧~
@@anneanitakuo 意外總是比計畫早或快 無常就是正常
Thank you @user-vx1jb3ni3m.
@@nomadnumbers 我有一位很早結婚生子,也很早買房的大學同學,
因為一樣都是付錢,買房最後還能有個 something是自己的。
I have lived in NYC, Seoul, HK, Beijing and Shanghai for many years each and I have to say Taiwan is a better place to live comparing to any of these cities in the world.
Formosa is still a beautiful island as thousands years ago and no one could be allowed to offend it and it’s people by force.
Can you share why you think Taiwan is better than Seoul? I’m thinking of retiring part of the year in Taiwan but I have a friend considering Seoul. I believe Seoul might be a bit more expensive.
@@muubie Seoul is more expensive indeed. S Korea has a rich culture and vibrant economy but I found the culture is quite uptight and less gender equality (My male colleagues went golfing and drinking almost every weekend). Taiwan is relatively more friendly and hospitable and it’s culture is very inclusive.
But these are based on my personal encounter and the fact that I’m a Taiwanese. If you are not a single female foreigner working in Seoul or not raising kids there, the life there shall be quite alright.😁
不會理財錢會不見 就只好逼自己存錢繳房貸
Thank you @ting597.
@@nomadnumbers 通过以后卖房来赚钱的時代&機 會 已經過去 且退休後更老了更難租房子
&After covid, all cost becomes much higher than before, not only living expense is gealmost all house cost is raised more than 20% even 30%, it is too ridiculous
even I am the sales selling the house, still think so many owners are too greedy, the house is for living not for investment
@@陳啟源-x9m 日本和韓國從人口和經濟量體都比台灣大得多
南韓人口為5162萬 ,台灣人口為2326萬
如果有了小孩(們), 恐怕故事就沒那麼簡單了😪
Hope all the foreigners in Taiwan have happy and fortunate
Nice video! Taiwan is a great place to retire. Question is, as a foreigner, how the get a long term visa. I think there is no retirement visa available in Taiwan like in other asian countries.
Hi @nepax15. From what I understand, you're right. Unlike countries such as Thailand or Malaysia, there isn't a retirement visa here. We're currently in the process of applying for permanent residency, which involves staying in the country for several years, require some income requirements and isn't a straightforward process. Thus, we're keeping our fingers crossed that our application will be approved by the government.
@@nomadnumbers would it be possible to retire in Taiwan and rent for living? My husband and I are looking for a country to retire to. We are now in US but he is approaching retiring age. Thanks in advance.
@@JulieAcupunctureHave you also thought about what you and your husband would do for health insurance. I know the healthcare in Taiwan is much more affordable that the US but I’m assuming as we get older our healthcare needs will grow. This is one of my concerns if I retire to Taiwan.
@@muubie i thought Taiwan has Universal Health Care so if we follow the guideline we will be able to get health insurance. I said this bc one of my patients told me she went to Taiwan ( from US, where we live) and got treatment and dental work done. I am wondering how she could. She said the health care is sssooooo good, she was so impressed that she wish she could move to Taiwan. I thought all foreigners can get health care. I am more worried about living expenses bc I know a lot of people complain about rent and the fact that people cannot afford to buy. What is your experience? TIA
@@muubie I don’t really think about health insurance that much- 1. I am Taiwan citizen so I can get health insurance. 2. I am in healthcare industry in US. What my worries are living expenses such as rent, or mortgage. I know food and entertainment and all others are cheat. But rent and mortgage have been our primary concerns. For this reason, I left Taiwan and make money in US.
My problem is spending too much 😅
讚 我好喜歡這一集的分享 謝謝
09:46 特別放上機車照,並提到機車配件社交,可能是自己存的所有錢時,忽然想到"山道猴子的一生"....
台灣人想買房,普遍受長輩影響,焦慮自己年老沒收入時,沒有房子住/沒能力負擔房租,所以會想在還有工作能力時安排好住處。 買車觀念則是有所變動,有部分人已經沒有非買車不可的念頭,因為買車/保養/維修/稅金,加起來其實比租車搭車花費更多。
感謝他願意分享 理財知識
元元很棒 超過我的預想😊
Thanks for the interesting information.
Nice sharing,
Thank you for the economic information.
學到好多, 謝謝,我會努力去實行
在台北与弗朗索瓦录制这个视频真是非常有趣,我很高兴您喜欢这个内容。如果您有任何问题,我可能能为您解答 :-)
本人42歲退休在加拿大生活。一開始有點不確定自己能存活多久😅 特地在加拿大大學進修以備工作之需。。。一路走來發覺未工作, 仍生活維持中上 , 而持有資產未減😂。 我感恩上天和加拿大供給我安全之生活。
@@0x0x00 未工作還可維持中上 , 資產卻未減....您絕對是理財達人
Thank you @stsaitsai8000.
是的,这就是为什么我在视频中提到,在考虑财务自由之前,人们应该开始思考,如果大部分时间不用工作,他们会喜欢做什么。这是一个非常棘手的问题,因为我们习惯于将大量时间花在工作上,很少思考这个问题。有时,在工作了40年后,突然停止工作后,我们会感到无聊。这就是为什么很多人会回到工作岗位 - 为了填补生活中的空虚。然而,我认为每个人都应该在今天花时间问问自己这个问题,找出什么会让他们感到幸福,并且每天早上都充满热情,特别是如果他们不需要去传统的办公室工作。例如,你会做什么呢?
yes, everyone should build up some hobby, you must ask yourself what would make you happy, and get your bucket list done asap, we all don't like the uncertainty, but the truth is we really don't need much, of course, that includes not have a habit to waste $$ on meaningless useless items or brand. it takes discipline, determination, good planning, Talking about boring after retirement, that is not true, there are volunteer work, courses can take, travelling when your health still permits, exercise to keep healthy, gardening, read a good book, learn new things... not enough time!
@@610mwang Thank you! Mrs. Nomad Numbers and myself and on the camp of people that would know what to do with their time if they don't have to go to an office. But in the USA (where I spent 10 years of my working career) it was surprising to hear so many stories of people reaching traditional retirement age and decide to get a job back.
水! 3歲自耕農
so helpful, appriciate.
Hey thanks for the video, I want to retire in Taiwan also but the air pollution and the humidity is what I don’t think I’ll enjoy. Apparently that doesn’t bother you?
It can be really warm in the summer that's right, that's something to consider indeed. For me, I really like the heat as long as I have air conditioning at home to cool off. At home, most people have AC and also a dehumidifier machine. As for going out, in the summer it can be a little tough to go out for a whole day, but if you think it's too hot you can adjust your time outside, some people go out early mornings when the sun is not too strong, and after 5pm before sunset... Maybe you should come for a shorter duration and check for yourself, also I think it highly depends where you live, some places are less humid or less polluted than Taipei! :)
Good idea!
娃娃 好可愛❤
well.... It's easier said then done while having kids to raise.