Have just discovered your channel. Can see you are posting some awesome content. We are doing similar videos except I haven’t shot any garbage trucks , although I have always found them interesting. I will enjoy seeing them on your channel. I am subscribing
Have just discovered your channel. Can see you are posting some awesome content. We are doing similar videos except I haven’t shot any garbage trucks , although I have always found them interesting. I will enjoy seeing them on your channel. I am subscribing
Thank you! Much appreciated. You should try filming some rubbish trucks too!! I also subscribed 😀😀😀
Some great footage 👀
Thank you!!
22:04 32 on a Gemini 3. Wish it was common or uncommon.
Mongchong what about full journey on 188 from russel square to north greenwich next
Hmmm thats a possibility
Great, well done!
Thank you!
Why did you forget the routes 105, 111, 222 and N9 from your Bath Road Heathrow video, I only saw 81 and H98.
I had deleted some clips…
Oh that's cool anyways good video!
@@gametogenesisjustukshoes1698 thanks!
My little bro loves this and me too
Great video content 😊
Thank you
And I saw a double decker
316 had wrong blinds
It was going to White City so the driver did it early
18:21 wait 102 is a leon
@@Mongchong_123 It’s not a loan it was transferred
@@LB141toPalmersGreen yeah I know lol was just correcting him
Where is the route bus 222
Maybe in the next video…
32:19 O MY GOLD 🍑
Cd BBQ x he na na me FB
Me Baba did this