Ke jabi ke jabi re bhai_Rambhadra Dasa

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2024
  • Ke Jabi Ke Jabi Bhai sung by Rambhadra Dasa on the appearance day of Nityananda prabhu. Bhakti Holland celebration of Nityananda Trayodasi on 23rd February 2013 in Rotterdam.
    Ke Jabi Ke Jabi Bhai
    Srila Locana dasa Thakura
    ke jabi ke jabi bhai bhava-sindhu-para
    dhanya kali-yugera caitanya-avatara (1)
    Who will go? Who will go, brothers? Who will cross over this ocean of material
    suffering? This Kali-yuga in which Sri Caitanya-avatara has appeared is blessed.
    [Caitanya-avatara does not come in every Kali-yuga.]
    amara gaurangera ghate adana-kheya vaya
    jada, andha, atura avadhi para haya (2)
    At the bathing place of my Gauranga, a free ferry-boat is waiting. There is no
    restriction -- everyone is coming, including the lame, blind and distressed. All are
    climbing aboard to cross over.
    harinamera naukakhani sri guru kandari
    sankirtana kheroyala du'bahu pasari (3)
    Harinama is the boat, Sri Guru is the helmsman and the sankirtana party moving with
    upraised arms are the oars!
    saba jiva haila para premera vatase
    poriya rahila locana apanara dose (4)
    All souls can cross over with the favorable winds of prema. Only Locana dasa is so
    unfortunate that, due to his own fault, he has been left behind.

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