I tried to get into the elevator trade, but they didn't want me. I was in my 30's, a navy vet with around 8 years background as a licensed factory electrician/mechanic and I worked in plant maintenance. I had PLC and installation experience, plus some construction experience. You'd have thought the elevator people would be glad to take me, and I sent out several resumes but never heard a thing. So I struck out on my own as an electrical service contractor with 3 helpers and I'm proud to say, I made a good career and 6 figure living, with full credit to my wife Susie who did all the office work
I tried to get into the elevator trade, but they didn't want me. I was in my 30's, a navy vet with around 8 years background as a licensed factory electrician/mechanic and I worked in plant maintenance. I had PLC and installation experience, plus some construction experience. You'd have thought the elevator people would be glad to take me, and I sent out several resumes but never heard a thing. So I struck out on my own as an electrical service contractor with 3 helpers and I'm proud to say, I made a good career and 6 figure living, with full credit to my wife Susie who did all the office work
works for shilder one of the highest paying ranked number 1-2 in nyc, top elevator company.