It amazes me to see the ignorance in some of these comments. Women and men are biologically different, what she's talking about are social differences. When did she every say anything along the lines of "it's so unfair that girls get periods and boys don't" oh wait she didn't because she's actually educated on the subject unlike most of the people against feminism. Feminism is not about man hating or wanting to feel superior, it's about wanting the injustice to stop. If you can't see this movement for what it truly is then it's your loss. We will continue to try and make a change because I too am a feminist.
@@corriescrivener1937 I want equal rights for WOMEN. Feminism is about acquiring the rights you already have. If you don't agree with feminism don't watch videos about them to just reply to a 5 year old comment.
@@SteffiieeFacee y would u reply to a dead comment . also women already have all the rights a man has . heck abit more i dont agree with it as im a christian but u get to kill unborn babys without a man having a say Feminism is a pointless hate group today. if u want to be equal leave the damm movement stop bowing down to women telling u who u can be
Men have more muscles than women naturally. So how can they both be paid the same salary for example at a factory, or a construction site. They can't, why? Because a male will be capable of lifting and carrying heavier things faster and more efficiently. Whilst a female wouldn't. I'm not saying it's not possible to reach the same amount of strength for both sexes. It's just more difficult for women to do so.
@@justmadz8447 I'm a bit late to the party but...its more about the concept of, if they're working the same job they should get paid the same amount. Of course someone at a factory working as a janitor wouldn't get paid the same as a front desk person since they're working two very different jobs with possibly different hours. Essentially its more about if a man and a woman are both working cranes at a construction site then they should be paid the same.
I'm speechless and horrified by the amount of angry comments...did anyone listen to what she said?! She went on to discuss the problems men face with equality too and launched a campaign for such. To quote her directly, "men don't have the benefits of equality either." "Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong." She is literally saying both genders suffer inequality and stereotypes and that we should stop viewing them as such...Where on earth is the man hating everyone seems to be seeing?? If starting a campaign for men within feminism is still wrong, then we're done for.
I hate misogyny. I despise rapists. Should I see a man physically abusing his girlfriend, I am wired to drop him without question or hesitation. I don't even use the word slut. However, it is really hard for me to accept feminism because of the extreme propositions they demand. For example, their demand that we should enact laws that overlook the possibility of false rape claims. That's a start.
This is an issue that I do not think gets mentioned and addressed enough. I am eternally grateful that there are some people like this who are working hard to end these prejudices against women and their rights. Please keep fighting!
No, women shouldn't be paid the same as a man simply because you're a woman - how about work as hard as I do, work my same hours and be as productive as me, then you can talk about equal pay.
Alright okay lemme go back on something, as I've clearly erred with my previous statement, my mind was a little muddled with anger from other things that I had read/seen just before this. The argument is generally that women get paid less for the same work. However, the real argument should be people with the same qualifications and job are getting unequal pay, not just women. I'm not really saying anyone in particular is, just that it happens. It's not exclusive to women (and I'm sure, in some way shape or form, someone is receiving unequal pay for reasons unrelated to work time or skill. If not, that'd be pretty unexpected) Since you asked, I got curious and I've decided to do my own research and get a report from a local-ish Fairway that someone I know works at. However, she's currently on vacation and won't be back till next week. Afterwards, I'll tell you what I find, if anything. Honestly, regardless of whether or not it's happening, an equal pay bill should still exist. The very fact that someone (anyone) could receive unequal pay fro reasons unrelated to work is, to me, an oversight that shouldn't really exist.
nyricanjr No, unequal pay is necessary - especially in situations where experience trumps qualifications, you could have 2 people go for the same job, the only difference being one person has 5 more years experience than the other - the more experienced person MUST be paid more, add in workplace productivity, initiative, intangibles like leadership qualities, management skills etc. This is why equal pay should NOT exist, you should be paid what you're worth based on your experience and other various skills you bring to the table, I'd hate to be paid the same as someone else in my same position but they're less skilled at it, less productive and less motivated than I am.
nyricanjr "I'm saying that people shouldn't receive unequal pay based on reasons unrelated to job performance." Fair enough, but then how would you prove "reasons unrelated'?
SuperJBrowne Well, if you know you've got a pay higher or lower than someone who is pretty much on par with you in terms of everything relating to work, then I think that at least justifies talking to management about it. It doesn't have to be a reason involving prejudices or discrimination, it could be anything if the only criteria is "not related to work".
The word "feminism" itself is misleading and as sexist as patriarchy. Instead, it should just be called "gender equalist". I'm a feminist, most of the time I think it'd make it so much easier to explain my belief to others when I tell them I'm a gender equalist.
Sure - let's just make up a new term instead of trying to understand the one in common usage. SIGH. Look in a dictionary folks. OR - just invent another entire language because you don't like the "sound" of the words that exist.
Egalitarian! In which of its forms? There are many forms of egalitarianism. I just heard one the other day - Asset-based egalitarianism. Apparently it has to do with equality based upon redistribution of resources. I think Emma is focusing specifically on Women's rights or the word feminism (which has a specific definition). One could go right back to Thomas Payne and the "Rights of Man" when thinking of Civil Rights or Egalitarianism but I didn't hear them using that word in the 60's either - I heard "Civil Rights". I wonder why?.
if she's focusing of womans rights then this speech isn't worth second thought. woman are the most privileged people in the free world. if she were talking about woman in Africa or India then we could get a discussion going, but until then I'm not buying it.
The statesman Edmund Burke said: " All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing." I totally agree with every word of Emma Watson´s speech. Thank you very much for the formal invitation. Emma, do not give up being a vocal supporter of women in order to reach gender equality.
My only problem with this speech is that she talks about wanting men to take up the mantle. Men have been the designated workers for millennia while women were/are the delicate ones. **All** have the responsibility take up the mantle of equality, not just some.
Man, she's just talking about how synonymous the word feminism is with misandry. And the gender stereotypes. But yes, things have improved for women since 1920, lol.
Stop trolling. This is the speech that convinced me to become a feminist. Ever since, I have had a deep respect for Emma Watson and I support her all the way. Like she says , feminism is the belief in equality between the sexes. If you think that is all ready true, then don't become a feminist.
1:45 Funny that Emma, because I questioned it too, when at 8 I wondered WHY my Mum and Dad fought and shouted at each other just because Dad lost his job, how was that HIS fault? When at 13 I didn't understand WHY Dad had to leave and Mum stayed with me and my brother and sister, when at 15 My Mum spouted some horrendous Feminist Propaganda about how MEN don't care about kids or women and that is why HE left, when at 18 I was told by "teachers" I had to change MY attitude towards learning yet with my old man I could fix an oil leak on a car, easily fix a shelf or blind to the wall and learnt how to decorate a whole house on my own with NO help from women in fact was heckled by them throughout the exercise! I decided that women are as malevolent as their male counterparts and my Dad HAD to leave in fact and fought tooth and nail to STAY with us but the LAW said he had to go but not without PAYING for my Mum to live the in the house HE built (metaphorically of course!) I spend a LOT more time now with Dad because I was led to believe he never cared but in FACT he did, even more so than Mum ever did.
It's true - there are mean spirited abusive women just as there are mean spirited and abusive men. Don't judge us all by that standard. You could do yourself a big favour some day (before your parents are gone) and ask your mom her side of the story before writing her off. She may have had to give up on an education to get married and stay at home with the kids (because child care can be costly) and then took it out on you all for her perceived lost opportunities. She may also have grown since then. There are some great moms out there just as there are great dads and it is an amazing household when you get to have both.
matt taylor I know it is immature. Young people tend to do that. It would be great to go back and take back all the childish things we did when we were young. Thanks Goodness for birth control - for those mature enough to remember to use it. Thank goodness for the perfect parents in your neighbourhood. Mine are pretty much filled with regular folks.
Poor Emma :(, she has suffered severely, she was once called "bossy" by some kid in the neighborhood once when she was a kid. Poor poor Emma. How she over came this level of bigoted hate speech and discrimination is beyond imagination, how she did and managed to is truly a miracle. Boys during their privileged lives would never have to go through such trauma and discrimination of being called the word "bossy"...once.
Clearly missing the point - She was giving an example of the social inequity - I'm sure she got used to being called bossy as most girls who try to assert themselves get used to it. Hardly traumatizing.
commentor504 Yes because men are not called "dicks" as a derogatory negative by "culture". Yes cause culture doesn't obsess enough over a female victim while more men are raped murdered assaulted every year and suicide themselves magnitudes more then woman and die at younger ages due to the stress of being a "leader". Yes lets just continue to obsess about females problem of being caused bossy.
give me youtube 2008 btichz I'd be curious to see where you accumulated those facts. I'm not disputing they happen and sadly with regularity but I think that is a very broad generalization. Equality for one group should not diminish equality for another. She is merely drawing attention to what is true. Perhaps you could gather your facts and speak on the other- that would be a good thing.
blue debussy From what I gather many of these so called "feminists" don't want to be bin men or dock workers or warehouse workers - they want the high power, high paying office jobs but they don't want to do the hard yards to get there.
I really admire her and what she's saying - every human individual should have human rights - but men and women's bodies are designed to do slightly different things, and therefore their minds are probably (in general) slightly different too.
Oh, no. We watched it and we realized it was full of crap. Especially when she mentions the wage gap. Also, she's a super rich multi millionnaire and she's essentially talking down to people from a position of privilege. Those are some of the many things people didn't like about her and her speech.
We are different, Men are not crying because they cannot have multiorgasm or because they can not have children. Come on !! Woman you are fighting for something does not exist. We are not equal and we never be. We are not better than you and you are not better than us. We are Different !!!
This is an issue that I do not think gets mentioned and addressed enough. I am eternally grateful that there are some people like this who are working hard to end these prejudices against women and their rights. Please keep fighting! nom xee workings someed grateful slocarry
Forrest Phillips the first word I hear when hearing men talk about their problems is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! WOMAN UP ALREADY!
Forrest Phillips every time someone brings the lack of equal rights up. Every. Single. Time. "Not all men!" "Well what about when this and this happened to me!" "But why can't I?" It goes on and on.
If someone says "group x is oppressed because of this" and someone responds "well bad things happen to group y too." That's not whining, that's a refutation. lol. The whining is the constant complaining and cries of MISOGYNY from feminists, the complaining about inconsequential "issues" like manspreading or the air conditioning being too cold for women at work. When I hear of men trying to create a movement to prevent women from sitting in a certain way, I'll take your comparison seriously.
Forrest Phillips Look I should have been a bit calmer and more explicit when I replied. What I meant was that often in conversations regarding the lack of equal rights between men and women, men tend to make the conversation about themselves by saying things such as "Not all men" which in reality is saying that because they haven't done these things the feminist's argument is invalid and that they should not be worried about these things but in the end, enough men do these things, enough that all women are worried about it. While I am not belittling men's problems (in fact I really do care about what happens to them and how they are pressured into liking/ not liking or being a certain way because of the misogyny in today's world) while I am not belittling their problems I am simply stating that they blame the feminists for these things rather than misogyny.
I don't understand this position. The way to equality between group A and B is to focus on the problems of group A to the point where group B is expected to stop working on their own problems so that they can help group A. then everything will be equal. whaaaaaaat
Do we all agree that Emma’s speech is helping the cause of Feminism or has it missed on some of the gravest concerns women face in not-yet-developed societies?
Poor girl, she's been taught to hate herself... and even goes as far as to quote Hillary Clinton. I'm egalitarian, I believe in Hillary's equal right to be an awful human being. sure? Go look at her personal history. It doesn't matter how well she means. It's actions what count. Mind you, I didn't say she is evil, just that she is awful.
People actually believe this, so most of the world aren't that smart, that's the whole point, they need to ask hypocritical celebrities to talk about something that is probably in the intellect level of a 14 year-old, that's just plain desperation.
To repair feminism I would recommend to forget about controlling information and instead focus on fixing feminism internally. If the contempt of men was genuinely removed from it then there would be no need to convince people that this aspect of it was a fallacy.
Not nessesarily as we live in an age of exposure with the internet and negetive things just get attantion, some randome speech on femenim from some randome woman isnt gonna get no where near as much attention as femenists say protesting at a mans rights meeting and thus people naturally generalise based on limited information
I kinda think it's good that women are doing this but if u think about women can do just about anything a man can do. Now if there is something that men can do that women can't do reply to this comment
Reminds me so much of Team America; where wealthy, privileged actors blissfully ignorant of the world are used as softly spoken puppets for ideologues.
I guess my natural response is to read between the lines whenever I see feminist speech or advocacy toward something in particular. For me, it's pretty easy to see why Emma is calling her program "heforshe", and that's to continue to perpetuate the idea that women are victims and men need to do more to help them. Feminists get destroyed when they have to argue facts and statistics, so a better strategy by far is to shut down this line of reasoning and to imply that women are worthy of men acting on their behalf in all situations, because women are oppressed by default and deserve better treatment or more resources. As far as letting me cry, I see this as wanting to feminize men rather than actually look at men's issues. After all, the best way to help men to not want to cry would be to reform the family law courts, see domestic violence as effecting men as well as women, have a standard for reproductive rights that doesn't give the woman 100% of decision making power, etc. I've also heard Emma say that she likes holding doors open for guys, instead of this being a one way deal. Does this do anything to help men with real life problems? Or, does it only serve to reduce masculinity to a level where males in society will do anything for female attention and approval?
Feminist talk big about equality, more pay etc....but I don't even hear them say wanting to fight in the front line with men and having the same standard of military training in boot camp. While Emma is making millions of dollars, why wasn't she in the front line fighting war with men since she wanted equality?
As a woman who joined the marines to fight on the front lines and was told I won't make it because my hips were to weak as a woman and I shouldn't try.. I beg to differ that woman arnt trying to fight just as hard.
"the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." Ineresting that it says nothing about rights for men or gays or any other group. The definition you gave was for EGALITARIANISM. And the reason people dont want to be called feminists is because many feminists that lead the feminist movement call for things like "culling" 90% of the male population. I would also love to ask you, what right do men have that women dont? Google it. there are none. Now google rights women have that men dont. You will find MANY. I agree there is social inequality (the things you said are not rights. just social stigmas) you do not have the "right" to be liked or treated well by everyone. thats just silly. To enforce that idea you would have to arrest people for thought crime. Good feminists like Emma Watson give feminist a "legit" leg to stand on and to ignore the academic feminism (the one with all the political power). These academic feminists believe that MEN are the cause of all their problems. They teach this in college in womens studies. Many of them believe we should cull 90% of the mens population. How about let go of feminism (as its 2 poisoned to be saved and isn't about equal rights anyway) and start being an egalitarian? This way you don't have baggage like the "patriarchy" that literally states everything is mens fault to make every word coming out of your mouth sound sexist against men?
Curious Wars *"many feminists that lead the feminist movement call for things like "culling" 90% of the male population"* You are a quite phenomenal idiot.
Curious Wars It didn't need a rebuttal, buddy. I can kill your argument with a two word response which you won't be able to answer: *"many feminists that lead the feminist movement call for things like "culling" 90% of the male population"* Links, please.
MurrayTheMac "Links, please." As my claim is the positive one SURE! I don't claim things I don't know as fact. I'll even go as far as to not use the feminists at the head of the movement right now in my opinion (youtube/tumbler/twitter feminists) as they have enough youtube videos for you to watch on their own. Here are some of the academic feminists who actually started key parts of the movement and some quotes to go with them! These are just a few but lord if you don't watch the news or even take a few seconds of your time (literally) to google you could find many more. You won't do that though because you are being closed minded. "It didn't need a rebuttal, buddy. I can kill your argument with a two word response which you won't be able to answer:" any other 2 word rebuttals? are we done here? I'm still waiting for a real rebuttal.
Curious Wars *"Even if you didn't accept the first link the second link had more and was more."* Apparently you didn't read the first paragraph of my last post. I already pointed out that those people you're talking about are not modern feminists. Robin Morgan? All those quotes by her in your link date back to the 1970s. Valerie Solanas has been dead since 1988. How the hell are they "feminist leaders" today? Actual people you could call feminist leaders? I already gave you a few. Hell, I'll even quote myself for you: "These people are not "leaders" of modern feminism. These people are no Malala Yousafza's, or Wendy Davis's, or hell ... even Ellen Degeneres's; feminists with actual cultural impact in the world today. These are radicals who the vast majority of feminists don't have any idea about." If you're going to claim, which you have, that most feminist leaders are saying the insane stuff you're talking about today ... you're going to need a little bit more than quotes from 30-40 years ago, buddy. You want quotes that are representative of what feminists say TODAY? Malala Yousafza (2014) "We have to change this idea that women are not only supposed to work in the house…but she also has the ability to go outside and do business, to be a doctor, to be a teacher, to be an engineer, she should be allowed to have any job she likes. She should be treated equally, as men are." I have pages and pages of things feminists say in the modern world which *aren't* crazy. All you seem to have is pages of things radical feminists said decades ago. Evidence appears to be with me on this one. Are we done?
Being a woman, I still find it difficult to use the word feminism. Though by definition it may be for equal rights, a word that is equal in gender relevant terms, to begin with makes it more comfortable for both genders to work towards. Realistically both genders have their own fair share of double standards that they face. Rate of pay for women compared to men is lower and on the other side of the bench, men face harsher punishment of certain crimes than women. Men and women should feel able to express themselves equally without appearing "weak" for doing so or being "strong-willed" for holding opinions that may not conform to what our current society believes. A few of the posts of "What if a woman hit a man versus a man hitting a woman?" Its assault regardless. Men should have the freedom to claim assault without having to appear "weak" and women should not be faced with a lower punishment because of our gender. Assault is wrong in any case, and if you can walk away from the fight, then walk away. Don't instigate it into a larger situation. If you're a woman and get assaulted, contact the authorities. If you're a man and get assaulted, contact the authorities. There's still a lot we need to do to actually welcome true gender equality (on both sides of the fence, not just for women). If we want to be equal with men, we must take the bad along with the good. Just as they will have to. We can't expect to just receive all of the good equalities (pay, education, sexual, etc) and not have to take on the "not so great" half of it (judicial and criminal punishment severity, and all the other things men currently face harder than women do). Equality is a two way street. There is some give and take that is going to have to happen if we want to truly be equal.
darling i could of been way better .. was not influenced by sex and i have a lot of money.. im not feminist I am feminine.. popularity isnt by acing the study on femininism its achieving behavours and overcoming habits that obstruct femininity. GG
Its sad how emma tags young girls not wanting to appear as muscley, that is their problem not mens. I too have a campain for girls and women that they need to be aprt of. The fairness in divorse, child custody, the misconception of domestic violence and the overwelling ratio of males to females in the military putting their lives on the line. But unfortunately feminist will never bring up those points.
to stakje men on vunerablity ~ woman as submissive brings a nervous mantle to your campain.. the money spent on her could of funded poverty. godd bless you ~
when a boy cries why is he said that dont cry like girls . why is he said all this .Does boys never hav a feeling . i think it is society that divides a boy and a gir and it is the society who make man strong and a women weak
you know i can understand why feminism started. its all becouse of us guys. becouse we dont treat women the way we should, i know it sounds stupid, but imagine how women can feel when ppl dont take them seriously just couse they re women and not men for example. ofc feminism has their funny little "plotholes" couse if women want equal rights, that means that comes with equal responsibility, which might be too much for women in general (ofc there are stronger and weaker individuals from each gender) but in general, women might not bear to make, or would be much harder to be able to live with some decisions. also if they want equal rights, they have the right to work in a mine, or as a construction worker and so on, but those they dont want to do ofc :), and so on. these, and many more, are the things why feminism is a little wierd. i agree with women who ve got enough of the negative discrimination in some things, but feminism (in general) is a goal to their own gate a bit. they should specify things, couse i agree with a lot of things they ask for, but i disagree with a lot as well. nothing is more classy and beautiful then treating a women with respect. lots of men think only pussies do that, they couldnt be more wrong even if they wanted to. let the flaming begin.
Video Critic Pay gap (it's not a myth [see my earlier comment for link to article proving this]), "what was she wearing", gender roles, lack of representation in politics, the study proving that bosses are more likely to choose a male candidate for a job rather than a female candidate with the exact same qualifications, dress codes, catcalling, and every thing you will ever see in the media regarding women.
SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL SHE'S TALKING ABOUT , I believe in human rights and the idea of feminism, ... and women's rights can go straight to the garbage , every bit of it . Feminism will always mean , and be the differences between men and women , and women's rights is favoritism which is mostly what she was trying to sell and DEFINITELY HOW IT WILL BE INTERPRETED by supporters
It amazes me to see the ignorance in some of these comments. Women and men are biologically different, what she's talking about are social differences. When did she every say anything along the lines of "it's so unfair that girls get periods and boys don't" oh wait she didn't because she's actually educated on the subject unlike most of the people against feminism. Feminism is not about man hating or wanting to feel superior, it's about wanting the injustice to stop. If you can't see this movement for what it truly is then it's your loss. We will continue to try and make a change because I too am a feminist.
no your a egalitarian if u want equal rights Feminism has failed
@@corriescrivener1937 I want equal rights for WOMEN. Feminism is about acquiring the rights you already have. If you don't agree with feminism don't watch videos about them to just reply to a 5 year old comment.
@@SteffiieeFacee y would u reply to a dead comment . also women already have all the rights a man has . heck abit more i dont agree with it as im a christian but u get to kill unborn babys without a man having a say Feminism is a pointless hate group today. if u want to be equal leave the damm movement stop bowing down to women telling u who u can be
Men have more muscles than women naturally. So how can they both be paid the same salary for example at a factory, or a construction site. They can't, why?
Because a male will be capable of lifting and carrying heavier things faster and more efficiently. Whilst a female wouldn't.
I'm not saying it's not possible to reach the same amount of strength for both sexes. It's just more difficult for women to do so.
@@justmadz8447 I'm a bit late to the party but...its more about the concept of, if they're working the same job they should get paid the same amount. Of course someone at a factory working as a janitor wouldn't get paid the same as a front desk person since they're working two very different jobs with possibly different hours. Essentially its more about if a man and a woman are both working cranes at a construction site then they should be paid the same.
excellente speech
10 points to griffendor
Feminism is cancer
Slytherin wins the spelling contest.
I'm speechless and horrified by the amount of angry comments...did anyone listen to what she said?! She went on to discuss the problems men face with equality too and launched a campaign for such. To quote her directly, "men don't have the benefits of equality either." "Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong." She is literally saying both genders suffer inequality and stereotypes and that we should stop viewing them as such...Where on earth is the man hating everyone seems to be seeing?? If starting a campaign for men within feminism is still wrong, then we're done for.
Shut up
How dare you!!?? Are you assuming that there are only two genders?? I demand a personal apology right now!!!
Beautiful speech, very touching ... thank you young lady
I hate misogyny. I despise rapists. Should I see a man physically abusing his girlfriend, I am wired to drop him without question or hesitation. I don't even use the word slut. However, it is really hard for me to accept feminism because of the extreme propositions they demand. For example, their demand that we should enact laws that overlook the possibility of false rape claims. That's a start.
8 years later i tell you GET A JOB
This speech exemplifies my beliefs on this topic on so many levels. Emma Watson is one of my role models and I actually needed this.
Audrey Hopkin Me too. I wish everyone was like Emma but very few understand what feminism is and it makes me sad
If a non-celebrity spoke instead of Watson, this will never get noticed....
This is an issue that I do not think gets mentioned and addressed enough. I am eternally grateful that there are some people like this who are working hard to end these prejudices against women and their rights. Please keep fighting!
Why is her voice trembling like she's about to cry?
Croud fear maybe..and also this was a controversial thing...
No, women shouldn't be paid the same as a man simply because you're a woman - how about work as hard as I do, work my same hours and be as productive as me, then you can talk about equal pay.
nyricanjr Prove it.
Alright okay lemme go back on something, as I've clearly erred with my previous statement, my mind was a little muddled with anger from other things that I had read/seen just before this.
The argument is generally that women get paid less for the same work. However, the real argument should be people with the same qualifications and job are getting unequal pay, not just women. I'm not really saying anyone in particular is, just that it happens. It's not exclusive to women (and I'm sure, in some way shape or form, someone is receiving unequal pay for reasons unrelated to work time or skill. If not, that'd be pretty unexpected)
Since you asked, I got curious and I've decided to do my own research and get a report from a local-ish Fairway that someone I know works at. However, she's currently on vacation and won't be back till next week. Afterwards, I'll tell you what I find, if anything.
Honestly, regardless of whether or not it's happening, an equal pay bill should still exist. The very fact that someone (anyone) could receive unequal pay fro reasons unrelated to work is, to me, an oversight that shouldn't really exist.
No, unequal pay is necessary - especially in situations where experience trumps qualifications, you could have 2 people go for the same job, the only difference being one person has 5 more years experience than the other - the more experienced person MUST be paid more, add in workplace productivity, initiative, intangibles like leadership qualities, management skills etc.
This is why equal pay should NOT exist, you should be paid what you're worth based on your experience and other various skills you bring to the table, I'd hate to be paid the same as someone else in my same position but they're less skilled at it, less productive and less motivated than I am.
"I'm saying that people shouldn't receive unequal pay based on reasons unrelated to job performance."
Fair enough, but then how would you prove "reasons unrelated'?
Well, if you know you've got a pay higher or lower than someone who is pretty much on par with you in terms of everything relating to work, then I think that at least justifies talking to management about it. It doesn't have to be a reason involving prejudices or discrimination, it could be anything if the only criteria is "not related to work".
i am only 8, and i think she is right, she is as adults put it, " a friggin genius" !
Mittt Rommm i'm an adult, and I can tell you, she's wrong.
Why is she wrong?
@@glandersonbooper6609 is it because she makes you feel like a loser
yes you are absolutely right even though you are 15 rn
Wrong and still wrong
What is that? o_o
Lightness Means equality for everyone. Better word than feminism.
zipher123 Oh I see
The word "feminism" itself is misleading and as sexist as patriarchy. Instead, it should just be called "gender equalist". I'm a feminist, most of the time I think it'd make it so much easier to explain my belief to others when I tell them I'm a gender equalist.
i literally couldn't agree more
Sure - let's just make up a new term instead of trying to understand the one in common usage. SIGH. Look in a dictionary folks. OR - just invent another entire language because you don't like the "sound" of the words that exist.
That exists, it's called an egalitarian.
Egalitarian! In which of its forms? There are many forms of egalitarianism. I just heard one the other day - Asset-based egalitarianism. Apparently it has to do with equality based upon redistribution of resources. I think Emma is focusing specifically on Women's rights or the word feminism (which has a specific definition). One could go right back to Thomas Payne and the "Rights of Man" when thinking of Civil Rights or Egalitarianism but I didn't hear them using that word in the 60's either - I heard "Civil Rights". I wonder why?.
if she's focusing of womans rights then this speech isn't worth second thought. woman are the most privileged people in the free world.
if she were talking about woman in Africa or India then we could get a discussion going, but until then I'm not buying it.
The statesman Edmund Burke said: " All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing." I totally agree with every word of Emma Watson´s speech. Thank you very much for the formal invitation. Emma, do not give up being a vocal supporter of women in order to reach gender equality.
Equal rights is something i agree with but are we trying to make women more like men?
No. Women are women and men are men. What she is saying is that the way they are judged and treated should be equal.
My only problem with this speech is that she talks about wanting men to take up the mantle.
Men have been the designated workers for millennia while women were/are the delicate ones.
**All** have the responsibility take up the mantle of equality, not just some.
Woah, you didnt get her point at all
@@gingadeep1069 don’t matter, women should be seen and not heard. This a man’s world get used to it.
You could tell by her voice she is a bit nervous
How would you feel if you had to make a speech at the UN?
29AndreG she is lying thats why she is so nervous. Just speak the truth and tou will not be nervous
@@dominusofficial7290 How is she lying?
@@dark_starlight6349 you can’t figure it out you’re long gone lol
@@thors136 yknow Thor is famous for respecting women... U should change ur tag if u don't
Emma Watson do you know that the year is not 1920?
Man, she's just talking about how synonymous the word feminism is with misandry. And the gender stereotypes. But yes, things have improved for women since 1920, lol.
Stop trolling. This is the speech that convinced me to become a feminist. Ever since, I have had a deep respect for Emma Watson and I support her all the way. Like she says , feminism is the belief in equality between the sexes. If you think that is all ready true, then don't become a feminist.
Well then you’ll be single for life lol
1:45 Funny that Emma, because I questioned it too, when at 8 I wondered WHY my Mum and Dad fought and shouted at each other just because Dad lost his job, how was that HIS fault? When at 13 I didn't understand WHY Dad had to leave and Mum stayed with me and my brother and sister, when at 15 My Mum spouted some horrendous Feminist Propaganda about how MEN don't care about kids or women and that is why HE left, when at 18 I was told by "teachers" I had to change MY attitude towards learning yet with my old man I could fix an oil leak on a car, easily fix a shelf or blind to the wall and learnt how to decorate a whole house on my own with NO help from women in fact was heckled by them throughout the exercise! I decided that women are as malevolent as their male counterparts and my Dad HAD to leave in fact and fought tooth and nail to STAY with us but the LAW said he had to go but not without PAYING for my Mum to live the in the house HE built (metaphorically of course!) I spend a LOT more time now with Dad because I was led to believe he never cared but in FACT he did, even more so than Mum ever did.
It's true - there are mean spirited abusive women just as there are mean spirited and abusive men. Don't judge us all by that standard. You could do yourself a big favour some day (before your parents are gone) and ask your mom her side of the story before writing her off. She may have had to give up on an education to get married and stay at home with the kids (because child care can be costly) and then took it out on you all for her perceived lost opportunities. She may also have grown since then. There are some great moms out there just as there are great dads and it is an amazing household when you get to have both.
Charlotte King BIt immature to give birth to children then take your pent up aggression and anguish on your own family. Women are very odd.
matt taylor I know it is immature. Young people tend to do that. It would be great to go back and take back all the childish things we did when we were young. Thanks Goodness for birth control - for those mature enough to remember to use it. Thank goodness for the perfect parents in your neighbourhood. Mine are pretty much filled with regular folks.
matt taylor get back to landing probes on comets.
after you've finished triggering the little kids.
Nat Revill Ha! Brilliant will do! Wouldn't want to trigger the little darling would we? Lower lip wobble!
Poor Emma :(, she has suffered severely, she was once called "bossy" by some kid in the neighborhood once when she was a kid. Poor poor Emma. How she over came this level of bigoted hate speech and discrimination is beyond imagination, how she did and managed to is truly a miracle. Boys during their privileged lives would never have to go through such trauma and discrimination of being called the word "bossy"...once.
Clearly missing the point - She was giving an example of the social inequity - I'm sure she got used to being called bossy as most girls who try to assert themselves get used to it. Hardly traumatizing.
Charlotte King So thats untramatizing inequity ?
commentor504 Yes because men are not called "dicks" as a derogatory negative by "culture". Yes cause culture doesn't obsess enough over a female victim while more men are raped murdered assaulted every year and suicide themselves magnitudes more then woman and die at younger ages due to the stress of being a "leader". Yes lets just continue to obsess about females problem of being caused bossy.
give me youtube 2008 btichz I'd be curious to see where you accumulated those facts. I'm not disputing they happen and sadly with regularity but I think that is a very broad generalization. Equality for one group should not diminish equality for another. She is merely drawing attention to what is true. Perhaps you could gather your facts and speak on the other- that would be a good thing.
blue debussy From what I gather many of these so called "feminists" don't want to be bin men or dock workers or warehouse workers - they want the high power, high paying office jobs but they don't want to do the hard yards to get there.
I really admire her and what she's saying - every human individual should have human rights - but men and women's bodies are designed to do slightly different things, and therefore their minds are probably (in general) slightly different too.
12 dislikes ?? wth. how can someone dislike this speech?
the feminism I presume
They probably didn't actually listen to it. Just read the title and decided not to like it.
Oh, no. We watched it and we realized it was full of crap. Especially when she mentions the wage gap. Also, she's a super rich multi millionnaire and she's essentially talking down to people from a position of privilege. Those are some of the many things people didn't like about her and her speech.
@@55adchick KAREN!
"No country in the world where women can get these rights" Wrong.
We are different, Men are not crying because they cannot have multiorgasm or because they can not have children. Come on !! Woman you are fighting for something does not exist. We are not equal and we never be. We are not better than you and you are not better than us. We are Different !!!
This is an issue that I do not think gets mentioned and addressed enough. I am eternally grateful that there are some people like this who are working hard to end these prejudices against women and their rights. Please keep fighting! nom xee
workings someed grateful slocarry
I think the possibility of me marrying a woman in the future is like 40%
TshirtGuy true most of them will be lesbians
Either that or he is already married and loyal
Well it’s 2022 so your chances are less than 15 percent now
Whenever I hear first world women talking about the problems they experience, all I can hear is "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Forrest Phillips the first word I hear when hearing men talk about their problems is
Men talking about their problems? lmao wut. When does that happen?
Forrest Phillips every time someone brings the lack of equal rights up. Every. Single. Time.
"Not all men!" "Well what about when this and this happened to me!" "But why can't I?" It goes on and on.
If someone says "group x is oppressed because of this" and someone responds "well bad things happen to group y too." That's not whining, that's a refutation. lol. The whining is the constant complaining and cries of MISOGYNY from feminists, the complaining about inconsequential "issues" like manspreading or the air conditioning being too cold for women at work. When I hear of men trying to create a movement to prevent women from sitting in a certain way, I'll take your comparison seriously.
Forrest Phillips Look I should have been a bit calmer and more explicit when I replied. What I meant was that often in conversations regarding the lack of equal rights between men and women, men tend to make the conversation about themselves by saying things such as "Not all men" which in reality is saying that because they haven't done these things the feminist's argument is invalid and that they should not be worried about these things but in the end, enough men do these things, enough that all women are worried about it. While I am not belittling men's problems (in fact I really do care about what happens to them and how they are pressured into liking/ not liking or being a certain way because of the misogyny in today's world) while I am not belittling their problems I am simply stating that they blame the feminists for these things rather than misogyny.
I don't understand this position. The way to equality between group A and B is to focus on the problems of group A to the point where group B is expected to stop working on their own problems so that they can help group A. then everything will be equal.
Do we all agree that Emma’s speech is helping the cause of Feminism or has it missed on some of the gravest concerns women face in not-yet-developed societies?
Poor girl, she's been taught to hate herself... and even goes as far as to quote Hillary Clinton. I'm egalitarian, I believe in Hillary's equal right to be an awful human being.
erejnion i don't think hillary is an awful human being, not my pick for president and says dumb stuff but she means well. sure? Go look at her personal history. It doesn't matter how well she means. It's actions what count. Mind you, I didn't say she is evil, just that she is awful.
She seems nervous in front of all global excellencies
"He for she" if the "for" was "and" than I would agree, but doesnt this campaign specially make this damsel in distress argument?
People actually believe this, so most of the world aren't that smart, that's the whole point, they need to ask hypocritical celebrities to talk about something that is probably in the intellect level of a 14 year-old, that's just plain desperation.
There is Leonardo talking for climate change and here you are talking for feminism.
Muslims probably won't like this
But then again, what do they like?
the hate is real
Im a muslim and i like it too, oh you are so narrow minded and blinded by the media
Sunni Muslims . Shiites are ok.
Hunter King There is nothing as sunni and shites there is Islam that's it stop dividing the Muslims.
that was wonderful
ToxikDouche yeah, hearing her almost cry makes me cum so hard!
To repair feminism I would recommend to forget about controlling information and instead focus on fixing feminism internally. If the contempt of men was genuinely removed from it then there would be no need to convince people that this aspect of it was a fallacy.
Not nessesarily as we live in an age of exposure with the internet and negetive things just get attantion, some randome speech on femenim from some randome woman isnt gonna get no where near as much attention as femenists say protesting at a mans rights meeting and thus people naturally generalise based on limited information
I kinda think it's good that women are doing this but if u think about women can do just about anything a man can do. Now if there is something that men can do that women can't do reply to this comment
Yea - you probably are right about that. I can think of a couple of things that women wish that men could do so that we don't have to.
Charlotte King I concur
Michael Moon
Reminds me so much of Team America; where wealthy, privileged actors blissfully ignorant of the world are used as softly spoken puppets for ideologues.
I so agree with u I know u will all think causr I am 11 I don't get it but I do trust me
simmerforerK Suchan which commenter were you addressing?
I guess my natural response is to read between the lines whenever I see feminist speech or advocacy toward something in particular. For me, it's pretty easy to see why Emma is calling her program "heforshe", and that's to continue to perpetuate the idea that women are victims and men need to do more to help them. Feminists get destroyed when they have to argue facts and statistics, so a better strategy by far is to shut down this line of reasoning and to imply that women are worthy of men acting on their behalf in all situations, because women are oppressed by default and deserve better treatment or more resources.
As far as letting me cry, I see this as wanting to feminize men rather than actually look at men's issues. After all, the best way to help men to not want to cry would be to reform the family law courts, see domestic violence as effecting men as well as women, have a standard for reproductive rights that doesn't give the woman 100% of decision making power, etc. I've also heard Emma say that she likes holding doors open for guys, instead of this being a one way deal. Does this do anything to help men with real life problems? Or, does it only serve to reduce masculinity to a level where males in society will do anything for female attention and approval?
Feminist talk big about equality, more pay etc....but I don't even hear them say wanting to fight in the front line with men and having the same standard of military training in boot camp. While Emma is making millions of dollars, why wasn't she in the front line fighting war with men since she wanted equality?
As a woman who joined the marines to fight on the front lines and was told I won't make it because my hips were to weak as a woman and I shouldn't try.. I beg to differ that woman arnt trying to fight just as hard.
You deserve to be celebrated ❤
sorry Emma.....but do you really really believe what your'e saying? Or are u just reading a script?
It could be both. You try memorizing an entire speech.
she is gonna cry..Ohhh
"the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." Ineresting that it says nothing about rights for men or gays or any other group. The definition you gave was for EGALITARIANISM. And the reason people dont want to be called feminists is because many feminists that lead the feminist movement call for things like "culling" 90% of the male population.
I would also love to ask you, what right do men have that women dont? Google it. there are none. Now google rights women have that men dont. You will find MANY.
I agree there is social inequality (the things you said are not rights. just social stigmas) you do not have the "right" to be liked or treated well by everyone. thats just silly. To enforce that idea you would have to arrest people for thought crime.
Good feminists like Emma Watson give feminist a "legit" leg to stand on and to ignore the academic feminism (the one with all the political power). These academic feminists believe that MEN are the cause of all their problems. They teach this in college in womens studies. Many of them believe we should cull 90% of the mens population.
How about let go of feminism (as its 2 poisoned to be saved and isn't about equal rights anyway) and start being an egalitarian? This way you don't have baggage like the "patriarchy" that literally states everything is mens fault to make every word coming out of your mouth sound sexist against men?
Curious Wars *"many feminists that lead the feminist movement call for things like "culling" 90% of the male population"* You are a quite phenomenal idiot.
Curious Wars It didn't need a rebuttal, buddy. I can kill your argument with a two word response which you won't be able to answer:
*"many feminists that lead the feminist movement call for things like "culling" 90% of the male population"*
Links, please.
MurrayTheMac "Links, please." As my claim is the positive one SURE! I don't claim things I don't know as fact. I'll even go as far as to not use the feminists at the head of the movement right now in my opinion (youtube/tumbler/twitter feminists) as they have enough youtube videos for you to watch on their own. Here are some of the academic feminists who actually started key parts of the movement and some quotes to go with them!
These are just a few but lord if you don't watch the news or even take a few seconds of your time (literally) to google you could find many more. You won't do that though because you are being closed minded.
"It didn't need a rebuttal, buddy. I can kill your argument with a two word response which you won't be able to answer:" any other 2 word rebuttals? are we done here? I'm still waiting for a real rebuttal.
Curious Wars *"Even if you didn't accept the first link the second link had more and was more."*
Apparently you didn't read the first paragraph of my last post. I already pointed out that those people you're talking about are not modern feminists. Robin Morgan? All those quotes by her in your link date back to the 1970s. Valerie Solanas has been dead since 1988. How the hell are they "feminist leaders" today?
Actual people you could call feminist leaders? I already gave you a few. Hell, I'll even quote myself for you:
"These people are not "leaders" of modern feminism. These people are no Malala Yousafza's, or Wendy Davis's, or hell ... even Ellen Degeneres's; feminists with actual cultural impact in the world today. These are radicals who the vast majority of feminists don't have any idea about."
If you're going to claim, which you have, that most feminist leaders are saying the insane stuff you're talking about today ... you're going to need a little bit more than quotes from 30-40 years ago, buddy.
You want quotes that are representative of what feminists say TODAY?
Malala Yousafza (2014)
"We have to change this idea that women are not only supposed to work in the house…but she also has the ability to go outside and do business, to be a doctor, to be a teacher, to be an engineer, she should be allowed to have any job she likes. She should be treated equally, as men are."
I have pages and pages of things feminists say in the modern world which *aren't* crazy. All you seem to have is pages of things radical feminists said decades ago. Evidence appears to be with me on this one.
Are we done?
MurrayTheMac"Are we done?" Lol very mature. I offered you the last word remember?
PerrrsianCat NOOOOOO!
Don't forget the transgendered. There should be 3 genders: Male, Females, and It. We'll need a new icon for the It washrooms.
Research? More like "research."
everybody knows that the bird is the word
Being a woman, I still find it difficult to use the word feminism. Though by definition it may be for equal rights, a word that is equal in gender relevant terms, to begin with makes it more comfortable for both genders to work towards.
Realistically both genders have their own fair share of double standards that they face. Rate of pay for women compared to men is lower and on the other side of the bench, men face harsher punishment of certain crimes than women. Men and women should feel able to express themselves equally without appearing "weak" for doing so or being "strong-willed" for holding opinions that may not conform to what our current society believes.
A few of the posts of "What if a woman hit a man versus a man hitting a woman?" Its assault regardless. Men should have the freedom to claim assault without having to appear "weak" and women should not be faced with a lower punishment because of our gender. Assault is wrong in any case, and if you can walk away from the fight, then walk away. Don't instigate it into a larger situation. If you're a woman and get assaulted, contact the authorities. If you're a man and get assaulted, contact the authorities.
There's still a lot we need to do to actually welcome true gender equality (on both sides of the fence, not just for women). If we want to be equal with men, we must take the bad along with the good. Just as they will have to. We can't expect to just receive all of the good equalities (pay, education, sexual, etc) and not have to take on the "not so great" half of it (judicial and criminal punishment severity, and all the other things men currently face harder than women do).
Equality is a two way street. There is some give and take that is going to have to happen if we want to truly be equal.
MGTOW is freedom for men and our only option for equality. Hope all women can eventually see that. Be safe men.
Still hot though
Why does she wana be 'equal' with us dudes? Aiming her ambition a little low lol...
Just well done
The only thing that has to stop here is Hermine.
I disagree with this on a few things.
you can't refer to a "famous speech" in your own
darling i could of been way better .. was not influenced by sex and i have a lot of money.. im not feminist I am feminine.. popularity isnt by acing the study on femininism its achieving behavours and overcoming habits that obstruct femininity. GG
Its sad how emma tags young girls not wanting to appear as muscley, that is their problem not mens. I too have a campain for girls and women that they need to be aprt of. The fairness in divorse, child custody, the misconception of domestic violence and the overwelling ratio of males to females in the military putting their lives on the line. But unfortunately feminist will never bring up those points.
men rule
Elena Whitcombe ha ha no. Both Women and Men rule n
Audrey Hopkin only far-right men and respectful women.
one thing I still wonder about her speech... why is she giving it out of the kitchen!!! damn..
ahahahhaha... good one..
lol... even better...xD
to stakje men on vunerablity ~ woman as submissive brings a nervous mantle to your campain.. the money spent on her could of funded poverty.
godd bless you ~
Her face makes me mad
when a boy cries why is he said that dont cry like girls . why is he said all this .Does boys never hav a feeling . i think it is society that divides a boy and a gir and it is the society who make man strong and a women weak
and im guessing shes running for a noble prize~
Agenda 21
Hermione doing good
you know i can understand why feminism started. its all becouse of us guys. becouse we dont treat women the way we should, i know it sounds stupid, but imagine how women can feel when ppl dont take them seriously just couse they re women and not men for example. ofc feminism has their funny little "plotholes" couse if women want equal rights, that means that comes with equal responsibility, which might be too much for women in general (ofc there are stronger and weaker individuals from each gender) but in general, women might not bear to make, or would be much harder to be able to live with some decisions. also if they want equal rights, they have the right to work in a mine, or as a construction worker and so on, but those they dont want to do ofc :), and so on. these, and many more, are the things why feminism is a little wierd. i agree with women who ve got enough of the negative discrimination in some things, but feminism (in general) is a goal to their own gate a bit. they should specify things, couse i agree with a lot of things they ask for, but i disagree with a lot as well. nothing is more classy and beautiful then treating a women with respect. lots of men think only pussies do that, they couldnt be more wrong even if they wanted to. let the flaming begin.
Jeff Bridges dude..just be quiet pls if nothing else can come out of your stupid mind.
Sorry Emma, men and woman are both equal...
Video Critic they are but they aren't treated as such.
Audrey Hopkin They most certainly are treated as such.
Video Critic
Pay gap (it's not a myth [see my earlier comment for link to article proving this]), "what was she wearing", gender roles, lack of representation in politics, the study proving that bosses are more likely to choose a male candidate for a job rather than a female candidate with the exact same qualifications, dress codes, catcalling, and every thing you will ever see in the media regarding women.
SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL SHE'S TALKING ABOUT , I believe in human rights and the idea of feminism, ... and women's rights can go straight to the garbage , every bit of it . Feminism will always mean , and be the differences between men and women , and women's rights is favoritism which is mostly what she was trying to sell and DEFINITELY HOW IT WILL BE INTERPRETED by supporters
woman go make me food.
Poor Emma, she's been wronged so much by the "patriarchy".
and now i will never support your cause. I dont believe in your ritual of a show. by laws??