BEAUTIFUL WAR SHELTER WALL HOLY CARVINGS 😇 ✈. Whoever carved those pieces of art must have been very talented. I agree Conrad, that WW2 shelter, which is part of our history, should be saved from the builders, cleaned and then opened to the public 💯% 🙏. PROSET and I wish you all the success with your plea Conrad. THANKS 🚶 🎥 👏. Cheers 👍 🇲🇹 ♥ 🇪🇺 ™
@@ConradNeilGatt Conrad, that's OK, you can do what one can humanely do. As the saying go : "Better to have tried and failed, than to have never tried at all". Wish there were a few more like you - bless you 🙏. Cheers 👍 🇲🇹 ♥ 🇪🇺 ™
@@johnabela932 its not a matter of failing buddy … more like I have no power and means to do more, or go that extra mile even further ;( The more we Unite … the greater the impact and the louder we ‘sound’.
Conrad, l-Imsida, Rue D'Argens, id-djar li hemm fuq ix-xellug, int u tiela' minn ħdejn l-għassa, għandhom kantina u li fiha hemm aċċess għal xelter enormi ... mimli kurituri dojoq li mbagħad isiru wesgħin u mbagħad fuq kull naħa numru ta' kmamar. Uħud bil-madum. U hemm ukoll niċeċ bi xbihat qaddisa kif urejt int. Dan ix-xelter enormi, labirint, mhuwiex maħmuġ għax ma naħsibx li hemm aċċess għalih għall-pubbliku. Jgħidu li hu kbir li jibqa' sejjer sa taħt il-każin tal-Labour. Fi żmienna kien hemm dar minnhom li kienet tintuża bħala youth centre u aħna ż-żgħażagħ kien irnexxielna nesplorawh. Sa kien hemm tentattiv biex issir pjanta. Ma niftakarx kinitx saret.
Great Experience. Thank you Conrad for the invitation to join in 👊👍 looking forward to welcoming you on Short Pods Malta next week ;)
Thank You for the heads up buddy … was a pleasure exploringbit with you.
I am sure our Podcast will be very interesting next week 👍🏼
Whoever carved those pieces of art must have been very talented.
I agree Conrad, that WW2 shelter, which is part of our history, should be saved from the builders, cleaned and then opened to the public 💯% 🙏.
PROSET and I wish you all the success with your plea Conrad.
THANKS 🚶 🎥 👏.
Cheers 👍 🇲🇹 ♥ 🇪🇺 ™
I am trying to do my utmost believe me … this is all I can do … learn myself, document, then Share and try to educate along the way.
@@ConradNeilGatt Conrad, that's OK, you can do what one can humanely do. As the saying go : "Better to have tried and failed, than to have never tried at all". Wish there were a few more like you - bless you 🙏.
Cheers 👍 🇲🇹 ♥ 🇪🇺 ™
@@johnabela932 its not a matter of failing buddy … more like I have no power and means to do more, or go that extra mile even further ;(
The more we Unite … the greater the impact and the louder we ‘sound’.
@@ConradNeilGatt 👌 💯 %.
Cheers 👍 🇲🇹 ♥ 🇪🇺 ™
Conrad, l-Imsida, Rue D'Argens, id-djar li hemm fuq ix-xellug, int u tiela' minn ħdejn l-għassa, għandhom kantina u li fiha hemm aċċess għal xelter enormi ... mimli kurituri dojoq li mbagħad isiru wesgħin u mbagħad fuq kull naħa numru ta' kmamar. Uħud bil-madum. U hemm ukoll niċeċ bi xbihat qaddisa kif urejt int. Dan ix-xelter enormi, labirint, mhuwiex maħmuġ għax ma naħsibx li hemm aċċess għalih għall-pubbliku. Jgħidu li hu kbir li jibqa' sejjer sa taħt il-każin tal-Labour. Fi żmienna kien hemm dar minnhom li kienet tintuża bħala youth centre u aħna ż-żgħażagħ kien irnexxielna nesplorawh. Sa kien hemm tentattiv biex issir pjanta. Ma niftakarx kinitx saret.
Tista tibaghtli private messsge jekk joghgbok fuq Messenger forsi … Conrad Neil Gatt
Ilbes l ingwanti con f sitwazzjonijit simili. Tista taqta idek u tiehu xi infezzjoni
Grazzi king
wtf? why is it full of trash? why is malta full of's so rich with history and life and the maltese just keep spitting on it.
yes unfortunately ... no respect at all to our Past :( ... but w will kwwp on pushing to protect these heritage sites.