SoSir傻啦 唔使sorry!! 我完全認同你講嗰兩個”的”字唱得又準又實,呢個Bb4 note係全首歌最高嘅音, 姜跳住唱都真係話上就上佢一定練習咗好多👍🏻 我都同意啲衣着可以試吓改變,我幾鍾意佢件Kenzo外套嗰幾粒鈕, 跳 “let it go let it go”嗰幾下chest wave 啲鈕跟住郁好有型,不過覺得sleeves嗰度可以改用唔同嘅質料/顏色/加飾物,就可以更加清楚欣賞到佢手部嘅跳舞動作。因為佢尋晚成隻手臂去到手都帶埋黑手套真係好難睇得清楚
我同意So sir 所講的提意,阿姜星期六 (18/1)所穿着的表演衣服太不突出他,他的經理人teams真的要留意這一點。第二樣,你在影片上所爭論阿姜有否唱"台上的我, 台下的我, 誰是虛火" 這段歌詞,我睇了FC的片,阿姜只是唱了頭一句"台上的我" 就無唱之後兩段歌詞,主要原因他跟住要留氣力大講"WE from Hong Kong" 這句字出來,所以,我個人覺得無需要太執著於阿姜有否唱這段歌詞好啲,阿姜帶到當時的氣氛高漲就可以哪!我當時都在現場。😊
Every time we sing a song is quite impossible to be exactly the same. I am speaking as an amateur only but I think as long as KT and we fans enjoy the performance it is perfectly fine. We listen to the song in totality and the mood and we are not bothered if lyrics are changed. Many foreign top performers changed their lyrics sometimes too. KT performance is great and we love it. That’s enough for us fans. ❤
I like that Mirror members collaborate in smaller groups, give more variety and hopefully fans can cooperate too and just enjoy their performance and most of all have fun. No need to compare as all 12 are specially picked for the team and each of them are excellent and stand out in their own way. However we can have our own “STAR” and no doubt mine has always been KT.
KT is our favourite but does not mean we don’t support other members too. We love KT and is nice to embrace all other members too. It will be fantastic that all fans can be appreciative of all members as well. A big happy extended family.
hi, so sir. i did watched the videos of 舞台版《白果》in macau. the performance was amazing. he surely put the stage on fire. i think the black outfit suits keung. it blends in with the dancers. but i see what you mean, so sir. i don't like the last part of 白果 when al appeared to dance with keung . i wish keung partners with ian instead. looking forward to your good news tomorrow. happy sunday!
我也覺得姜姜的衣服與dancer的顏色太接近,稍稍有點閃閃發光就好,但我也不喜歡隊友那件衫,怪怪的,是突出,但不好看。我能接受姜姜與其他隊友一同演出,有機會才有更多的舞台鍛鍊,不怕蝕抵才能更進步。一同學習表演,壓力可分擔,將來更有力量展翅飛翔。 So sir我覺得你有175cm喎,難道你穿了高跟鞋讓我有錯覺?我兒子正好是這個高度,他也買了長褸,但未穿,看看穿長褸是否會顯帥😄
@Jewel Sparkles 對不起 Jewel Sparkles ,我已重睇演出片段,你說得對,是我攪錯了。我原本想講的,是「是我的心魔 怕吃白果 在我的心窩 永有枷鎖」兩個高音「的」字,多謝糾正!👍🏻🙌
SoSir傻啦 唔使sorry!!
我完全認同你講嗰兩個”的”字唱得又準又實,呢個Bb4 note係全首歌最高嘅音, 姜跳住唱都真係話上就上佢一定練習咗好多👍🏻
我都同意啲衣着可以試吓改變,我幾鍾意佢件Kenzo外套嗰幾粒鈕, 跳 “let it go let it go”嗰幾下chest wave 啲鈕跟住郁好有型,不過覺得sleeves嗰度可以改用唔同嘅質料/顏色/加飾物,就可以更加清楚欣賞到佢手部嘅跳舞動作。因為佢尋晚成隻手臂去到手都帶埋黑手套真係好難睇得清楚
@ 完全同意👍👍👍!加少少🤏,就好多多了!
Agree with蘇Sir, 姜濤唱「的」字唱得好stable,音很高但都好掂,他真的很努力記著大康老師敎他的歌唱技巧,他一定可以繼續進步,行得更遠👍🏻👍🏻
我同意So sir 所講的提意,阿姜星期六 (18/1)所穿着的表演衣服太不突出他,他的經理人teams真的要留意這一點。第二樣,你在影片上所爭論阿姜有否唱"台上的我, 台下的我, 誰是虛火" 這段歌詞,我睇了FC的片,阿姜只是唱了頭一句"台上的我" 就無唱之後兩段歌詞,主要原因他跟住要留氣力大講"WE from Hong Kong" 這句字出來,所以,我個人覺得無需要太執著於阿姜有否唱這段歌詞好啲,阿姜帶到當時的氣氛高漲就可以哪!我當時都在現場。😊
Every time we sing a song is quite impossible to be exactly the same. I am speaking as an amateur only but I think as long as KT and we fans enjoy the performance it is perfectly fine. We listen to the song in totality and the mood and we are not bothered if lyrics are changed. Many foreign top performers changed their lyrics sometimes too. KT performance is great and we love it. That’s enough for us fans. ❤
Hi , So Sir...thanks for sharing...
I like that Mirror members collaborate in smaller groups, give more variety and hopefully fans can cooperate too and just enjoy their performance and most of all have fun. No need to compare as all 12 are specially picked for the team and each of them are excellent and stand out in their own way. However we can have our own “STAR” and no doubt mine has always been KT.
So sir你好,大家好
Hi 😉
KT is our favourite but does not mean we don’t support other members too. We love KT and is nice to embrace all other members too. It will be fantastic that all fans can be appreciative of all members as well. A big happy extended family.
蘇sir 大家 好 👋
So sir 你好!你專業提點 分不出邊個係主角邊個係dancer👍👍謝謝
Fruitful sharing👍🏼
Thanks for liking
So sir,同意姜那件衫外套+入面件top都太厚身和颜色又不起眼,不很適合跳舞穿。雖然已有金紐和飾物,比做司儀,颁奖等穿就ok,跳舞確實冇舞台感之餘亦不適當。我也希望如果可以的話(實在不瞭解他目前身體狀况)他可以減一些磅,除了上鏡和跳舞會更加好看外,也减輕滕頭的负担
服裝部好多時加厚姜身型,某人的服裝永遠都特別去修腰,而姜的就是直落,一件合適衣服是可把不完美身材遮蓋而不突顯,服飾cutting 好重要.
Hi so sir
hi, so sir. i did watched the videos of 舞台版《白果》in macau. the performance was amazing. he surely put the stage on fire. i think the black outfit suits keung. it blends in with the dancers. but i see what you mean, so sir. i don't like the last part of 白果 when al appeared to dance with keung . i wish keung partners with ian instead. looking forward to your good news tomorrow. happy sunday!
認同So Sir講,我睇的時候係要換姜,如果唔識Mirror 的人根本好難知道主角。相反,隊友的衫甩了一個袖(強調這設計唔係好睇,但的確好突出)出來效果似得佢一個係主角。恕我有陰謀論,這設計想突出隊友。
其实我会这样想,队友body fit可以自信和穿着多选择
@@aslenetan3279隊友的衫應該加入些舞台效果,有的detail位,但姜的好普通,而且和dancers 相近。好唔果加入點details已經可以好唔同,再者條褲好似穿過好多次,而這條褲突顯佢條腿粗,這些位應該可以改善到。姜自己表演的衫係好睇好多。
Bye 🙋🏻♂️
唔覺公司有服裝styist, 求其有brand 贊助件衫就俾姜著,唔理是否適合場面,公司可將budget 放在其他人身上就算
一人身上,套套tailor made ,晤係一定好,但出發點係突出佢
So sir我覺得你有175cm喎,難道你穿了高跟鞋讓我有錯覺?我兒子正好是這個高度,他也買了長褸,但未穿,看看穿長褸是否會顯帥😄
@@MrSoEdutainment 🙃🙃🙃
真係頂唔順個stylist, 真心覺得要換人