This was SO embarrassing to watch because I’ve complained about doing the same thing when I talk. It’s like the PC/CP are constantly interrupting themselves (at least for Ne) when they get idea out because they’re connecting it to another idea extravertedly. Constant self-interruption. We can’t even commit to full sentences 😂.
I am Ne Dom and it is actually very easy to fix that, I no longer struggle with that at all. The way to do it, is via, and this is something I discovered some time ago... because I did struggle with it. Anyways, the way to do it is, Uh, I forgot to say this might not work for everyone, but at least for me it is completely gone, now I can get to the point pretty easily... But I digress, the trick is in the, uhm, might be easier if I explain it with an analogy. Just like you know Jesus, probably he used analogies because it was easier to express oneself that way. Of course, I have to admit not everyone understands analogies, but If one thinks about it there is also the people that need the analogy. So I am trying to include everyone in the process.... Oh by the way, speaking of process, the secret is in the process... So I hope this helps you the same way it helped me to get rid of rambling entirely. As you can see I can get to the point and be extremely clear.
OMG that's exactly what I was thinking whenever I have a problem to express myself. It's that damn Ne that doesn't give me time to process anything n make actual clear point of it. It's literally how you said it, you interrupting yourself so that in the end you don't even know what you wanted to point out out of so much stuff you wanna say. N even if you knew exactly what you wanna say your point is too far away from your mouth to say it's literally a curse
@ yes!! I do this! I'm CP/S(B) (I think that's how it's written) When I'm trying to share something with someone, in a way to teach them something. I feel like I have to share my entire thought process and how I came up with the concluding idea, so they can follow along the same thought process and then share back to me the ideas they have come up with. I do this with the hope that the person I'm talking to will understand my insight, in the nuanced way that I have come to understand it and then build on it, thereby, creating another idea I can build off of. But usually I just end up looking into a bunch of confused, bored, annoyed faces so then I try to just I hurry up and state my point even though I feel like I am now only sharing the tip of the iceberg and it probably doesn't make sense to them. Or it comes off as some cliche.
Oh. My. God. As someone with play last, listening to that woman was physically exhausting. At first, I didn't know what was going on and it legit annoyed me. I was trying to get some information out of it and she just kept changing her volume, inflection was all over the place, only a few words poking through the unintelligible mumbling. Even when I knew what was going on, I could still feel my heart rate raising and my body just getting physically anxious. I thought blasters were bad, with their non-stop lectures. But that woman is physically exhausting to listen to. Edit: The dancing at the end was cute tho.
They also always speed up the video so the clips always sound manic and only cut the bits that exemplify their topic. They cut out the bits that *would* be interesting to Imogen and that audience - the interaction of movement with sound, technology and music/performance. Look at the original video, the audience 'gets it' and they're all smiling/amused. And from OP's video you definitely won't "get" it because the story arc that OP describes just isn't finished - the end is the actual performance. The talking isn't the point, it's just an accessory to the music, the main story.
@@follymetric Speeding it up definitely doesn't help, true. But they did say that it's two hours of just that and the part they cut in was a pretty hefty bit and other people here have confirmed that she does talk like that consistently. So I'm inclined to believe them.
@Joshua Lister It's more the blast last part. Blast is about conveying information, so if you have it last, then you suck at teaching and explaining things. The play here is... Well that's a bit harder for me to explain, because I don't fully get that part yet. But you can see that she's being active and is talking, but because she has blast last, she's failing to convey the information.
Bird chirping / Blast Last - Seems like a severe scattered way of communicating. It’s actually quite interesting, as it forces my mind to try and grasp what is being said. You also get some unnecessary information, which can be useful in the future.
@Joshua Lister Good question. I'm no expert but I'll take a shot at explaining. Play is probably more typically seen as "pinging" off the tribe, so it might seem counterintuitive for what is technically a speech or monologue to be using Play, but it makes sense to me thinking about it 4 ways: 1. On a basic level, Play is expending energy for the tribe. You can see, listening & watching, that she is expending a lot of energy, both physically and mentally. She's moving around all over the place and even her thoughts are all over the place. In this sense, it actually kinda makes sense to think about it not so much as savior Play, but what is implied by savior Play: 2. Demon Sleep (or at least play over sleep). Play expends energy for the tribe before it thinks to preserve energy for the self (Sleep). She doesn't seem to be considering how tired she's gonna be after flitting around all over the stage rambling like that, or at least if she does, she sacrifices her energy in service of Play. Sleep can also be thought of in the context of reflecting on ideas, refining them, narrowing them down. You really see the lack of Sleep in this style of speaking because it comes across as though the person hasn't thought through what they're going to say before they say it. It sounds, to most people, as though there's a failure to get to the point, and a failure to cut out the superfluous parts. It's like the speaker doesn't stop to think, "Wait. Should I really mention this vaguely-related side note? Or should I just finish my first thought first? Is this detail really relevant or pertinent?" So the result is they get distracted by tangential ideas mid-thought and interrupt themselves to communicate those tangents. The vocal equivalent of run-on sentence or a sentence with a dozen subordinate clauses ends up sounding erratically up & down, with no clear beginning, middle, and end -- because it's essentially a series of beginnings all interrupting each other. Or incessant chatter with no end. Hence, "bird chirping." 3. Play is essentially a combination of Oe + De. In this case, it seems S-Ne + D-Fe. You can definitely detect the "Ne gone wild" in the way thoughts are conveyed -- a string of connections of ideas and seemingly random tangents that interrupt each other is often too chaotic for the average person to follow. But there is still that desire to interact and abide by Fe norms and add value to the tribe, which is perhaps why she's performing and speaking publicly in the first place, however awkward she may seem. You can even hear this in the lyrics at the end: "I don't really get these social cues. There's no excuse for lack of words. I'm pretty self-aware but apparently not..." The "no excuse for lack of words" part brings me to my last point: 4. Blast last. Blast is taking known, organized info and teaching it to the tribe, and tends to be more commanding and persuasive than play. Because of the low Si/Sleep, her information is not really organized in a way to be teachable or persuasive and compelling to the tribe. She hasn't taken the time to narrow it down to a few key digestible main points, so instead of communicating with Si + Fe (Blast) she is communicating raw Ne + Fe (Play). Blast last people can often be quiet and communicate better in writing, especially if Sleep first. She knows though (perhaps with Fe) that the tribe doesn't like it when you sit there quietly and don't contribute anything ("there's no excuse for lack of words"), so instead she communicates the way that comes naturally to her -- gathering & expending energy chaotically with other people, sharing her constant stream of ideas with no filter. Does that help at all?
Listening to the bird chirps is like hearing the raw, human spirit! I have Blast pretty high up. As a result, I noticed it's harder for me to express basic concepts due to feeling like I need to create a consistent, straightforward summary. I get caught up in esoteric shorthand like "the raw human spirit," instead of simply getting everything out.
but, i stopped listening so long ago, that by the time she makes her point, I've already switched professors 🙄 (worst: they never got to their point; so, now you've to read an extra 5 chapters just to keep up with the syllabus, b/c she didn't do her job and teach)
i love bird chirpers when i can actually talk with them. blast is unnerving to me usually. i like the totally scattered play it gives me what i need somehow.
What is unnerving about this is the masculine “presentation” venue of the tech con, how she has the expected orating gestures down, but then all that comes out is low volume, shy rambling. The way it plays out here is sort of uncanny. I imagine in a different setting, like an intimate dinner party or a nightclub, the loose, recursive storytelling and cute shuffling would have brilliant appeal.
I'm with you! I came away from this thinking that perhaps she'd need a bit of a shake if we're actually going to get anything done, but I absolutely love her enthusiasm for her subject. The sense that there's just so much subject that it's tripping over itself to get out seems way more enticing to me than some big, persuasive, on-point speech.
I can relate to this so much as a consume play fi/se. I do this when I talk. It's because my mind is spinning and I'm literally taking in so much information as I'm trying to stay focused on the point. Probably why she is looking down, to limit the input coming in. To help me focus, sometimes I have to stare off into the distance, like at a wall, and consciously focus on the limiting the words I'm saying. Like funneling all the ideas into a coherent sentence lol.
Yes! I was thinking this too. I am a "bird chirper" and I think an images and it's hard to find the precise words to reflect the image I'm trying to convey.
@@bmae3055 exactly!! I see a visual world and then try to explain it. But, I can also do beginning middle end. I don’t know. But yeah, I saw her visuals and it was genius.
I often feel like I have immense trouble "getting anything out of the conversation" with this kind of person (savior Ne PC/CP with Blast last). It's not that I can't follow the topics necessarily, more like there's no...resolution, unless I try to force it - which I obviously can't do if it's a lecture, or video, or something else one-sided. No conclusions. Not even within the bounds of one topic. It's maddening.
As INTP I felt personally attacked by Dave's lack of empathy :D. It required years of conscious practice to learn how to handle your constantly expanding chains of thoughts. The default program is the opposite of "getting straight to the point.
Hahaha I agree with this. INTJs are bastards when they don’t get something, but their imaginary visions are just as ridiculous they just don’t know it. Just make fun of Dave for his vision for OP changing the world. It is changing the world and it will, but it’s just as not understandable to those without Ne as a savior. Don’t worry, he’s just trying to make a point about what he’s looking for. I understand you and him so what’s up with me hahahahaha?!!
Wow, this is true.... I think I'm an ISTP and sometimes struggle to elaborate on my thoughts and say things with meaning and clarity. I think I'm CS/P (but maybe CP/S). What you say there is so true about the 'chains of thoughts'. My brain seems to work and process stuff pretty quickly and when thinking it's like all these potential chains of thoughts and ideas surface which seems to paralyse my words, as to which to follow. Like my brains want to get them all out before they disappear from consciousness. Guess this is the opposite of what Dave and Shannon are saying: it's probably all a load of BS, just pick something and make a story of it for the audience. Guess that's why also my FE is demon
@@rikkiola yeah you described that well for an ISTP, i thought its a matter of Ne but maybe its something else what makes us contantly fighting to not to be taken by the river of thoughts. Yes, its a struggle to be forced to have 10 different things to say at the tip of tounge every second of speaking. They should make people aware that we are all different in a way, not ironizing on it. But I get this duchebagness as i have 3 INTJ friends and they are the same :D.
So the end of the day the purpose is to exchange ideas right? So...listen. Unless you just don’t care what she’s trying to say. Bc from the get-go I was hooked by the ideas she was talking about, using the Kinect to track movements that are pre-programmed into some music program...that’s so Imogen. And I bet when she actually performs, it’s amazing! Oh WORDS.
I can be like this. To me, it's like trying to communicate 3D perceptions into 2D language. It's interesting that her way of making music with her whole body seems to be a compensation and attempted solution for this problem. And her music is fresh and unique. Unfortunately, society has wired us to focus narrowly on goals with direct paths to those goals. So everything we do leaves a trail of disaster behind.
As an Ne dom myself, I do not have it as bad as the presenter, but still I have the same symptoms. Not even I know what I am going to say next, the ideas come in the moment. Thankfully, Ti Fe Si allows me to structure them and make them digestible when needed, but if I let my Ne go wild.... sometimes I even surprise myself.
@@farrex0 As I said to a friend "People think I spend time thinking the stuff I say beforehand. Nope, I am thinking and processing outloud in front of them."
@@jumpingjoy20 Same, sometimes I surprise myself as to what I come up with, and people are surprised as well. I always find it funny that some people come to me for advice or for me to explain them things, because in my mind I think I know nothing but I begin to talk about it and it just flows. Of course I spend a lot of time thinking and learning, but even after hours of research somehow I feel like I do not know the topic well enough.
Ok this makes so much sense! I watched a video from a TH-camr (Cognitive Personality Theory is his channel and the video was his ENTJ vs ESTJ video) and his speech patterns were EXTREMELY hard for me. I had commented and let him know and he asked what it was in particular. The cadence was off like you’re describing and I wasn’t sure how to articulate it to him. I think he’s probably sleep before play but it definitely seemed like a type of chirping.
MM Ne/Fi CS/P(B)... I heard that woman start to talk and immediately felt called out. I talk like that- get caught up in an idea, then backfill, then get distracted, then stumble over my words, maybe come back later... then I saw “Blast last” on the screen and felt more called out 😅
I saw Imogen live once and now I get why my friend brought me there. He probably noticed we have similar personalities and that I would have liked her.
Omg, I just recognized my little brother. He's constantly chirping. Sometimes I want to either slap some sense into him or walk away in contempt. I just want to scream "STOP IT"
I hate it when people don’t TRY to put the chirps together tho. They do go together. This lady is a genius And you miss out a lot by not listening. It’s easy to not listen to quirky people like imogen or Einstein because they aren’t linear thinkers or present crazy ideas in unclear ways. Why do people stop listening because it’s not neat and pretty?
Because attention spans are limited. You may as well listen to a Blaster instead, who will tell you less at once. But you will understand more of that - with less mental exhaustion.
They don’t know it’s worth their time (energy) to listen. It’s connected to the dominance hierarchy and their relationship to comfort and therefore death.
If I could listen I would, but as it is, after 10 seconds my mind is somewhere else. When I realise that I try to listen again, but of my mind goes. After few tries I'm just to tired and my head hurts. I'm kinda jellous of people who can stay focused, it would make my life easier.
I recognize and appreciate her value. But it is mentally EXHAUSTING to try to follow her thought flow... it keeps jumping around and being interrupted with extraneous, unimportant thoughts that come at you with the same tone, inflection and endless rate of the others. It's like trying to read a paragraph with no punctuation or grammar in it, giving it flow and structure. I have to work so hard at sifting through her words to follow her, that I become irritated.
I was able to understand her, but probably because (1) I have heard of her invention before, so I was able to pick up quickly on what the topic was about, and (2) I probably have a somewhat similar type to hers (I think of myself as an INFP CS/P(B), I’m very quiet to the point where people find it awkward and they tell me to talk more, but I often don’t want to because I don’t really have anything new to add or I just don’t want to). I think she might be able to communicate better in writing than in presentation? Maybe? Writing forces you to organize your thoughts, and good writing involves lots of reviewing, checking, double checking, and editing, so that could help limit the “bird chirps” and give her thoughts an actual voice and narrative.
So I already have incredible trouble concetrating on anything, online classes or classes in general are a nightmare. Her words just flew through my head and out. That it was sped up didn't help. What was she talking about?
INTP CP/S(B) here. I do this a lot and it's simply because we dont have a fully formed story in our heads...ever. We have an idea which we need to talk out - normally in our own minds - but when we are asked to talk that out with others you end up with a winding, choppy narrative, simply because we have no idea what our next thought(s) are until they happen. We are litterally following winding intertwining trains of thought all leading to what is the real "truth" of the matter. And because we want to be factually correct we willingly shop and change our minds as new thoughts are processed. We do it when writing too, but of course all yopu get to see is th end finished train of written thoughts not the endless backspace/deletes we used to get there. For a J type I can imagine this is horrible to listen to because you cant imaging changing your mind once fixed on a trajectory.
Bird chirping is spot on because just like birds they're all nice and cute to look at from a distance otherwise they're like annoying mosquitos singing in your ears. -intj
Wait, I'm being told that a person blasting on at me with one singular point to which I'm irrelevant, is supposed to be MORE desirable than an excited person being generally excited around consuming a subject?? Does. Not. Compute. (NeTi Consume first)
Oh my god, one of my lecturer at the university is definitely Blast last, Conusme Play first. He is always talking so much but it is so hard to get the message he's trying to say; he never concludes anything and just jumps around the topics; just always talking very fast and all over the place. Most of us don't really understand what the course is even about :D He is without a doubt very knowledgeable and a very nice person but he can't teach...
I feel your pain. Had a lecturer like this too...weekly 3hrs of nothing at all... for a year. It was frustrating. I would rush to listen to student presentations on each reading. The students taught me the material, not the lecturer who couldn't focus even to form one coherent sentence. I hated that she was my only option for that class.
Oh my god this is how I talk sometimes even though this is not my type. It frustrates me to no end, it's why I prefer simply responding and why I hate it so much when people watch as I learn something.
Imagine Imogen presenting a while 2 hour lecture and then being quized about it. I would imediately return the answer sheet empty with maybe the wird No on it.
My animals are CSPB and I'm able to follow her. I wonder if consume + sleep makes it easier to process what she's doing. Since I'm organizing internally, I can process that pretty easily.
Same here. Blasters tend to be impatient and shut out new info if the point is not clear, while Consumers are objectively open to new info and listen more carefully as to not miss something valuable.
Wait... Is that Imogen Heap? Great musician. I'm pretty sure I'm lead Ne and low blast, and though that was so cringe it was also relatable. I sometimes have to stop talking and gather my thoughts to make them coherent. Usually I say "hold on, I'm having a traffic jam in my brain, too many ideas and things I need to say are trying to come out all at the same time" lol. Pretty frustrating to be so limited by speech to covey huge, exciting, or complicated ideas and concepts, then trying to dumb them down or break them into smaller pieces that average people can comprehend...can be total communication meltdown 😆
So I do like Imogen Heap and love a lot of her music, but this was a very clear demonstration that Blast is in my top three haha, or at least I'm sleep above play.
She's nervous & excited af. And clearly process > product. Makes total sense to me. Though, this was only a small piece of the puzzle. We'd need to see her put it all together before forming a firm conclusion. In that 1st clip, did she actually do a song with the Tech she was demo'ing?
Was her talk for a general audience? There was a lot of jargon and specialized music/tech terms she was saying... I could keep up...but I'm familiar with this stuff. And it would probably help if you already knew the end result she can create with her setup... and if she could demonstrate as she was explaining. I related a lot to how Iomgen was communicating..I suspect I'm blast last too, and run into the same sort of problems. I find having props or some sort auxiliary means of presenting the information usually helps... with just words I can probably go two sentences before going off the deep end. It's like hitting them with a fire hose of words... the problem is when I slow it down... I lose track of what the hell I was trying to say anyways.
As an INTP.. i usually use Ne-Fe to decompress and relax.. so I dont usually have any agenda behind NF conversations and I feel that only other NF types are able to accept and relate to me when I am in that state. i have a close INFJ friend that I always go to when I need to play.. it's another story when I try to initiate a conversation with my ISTJ husband where i have to use Ti-Si.. I would usually journal the talking points as well as the objectives and deliver them in advance so that we can both be on the same page..
Literally getting sidetracked bc she’s ejecting every bit of information to the audience... i see my Ne really this bad? 😂 They don’t need to know all the information to get what you’re saying! Lol
I've talked to people like this at work. All I can think is, get to the point!! I have work to do!!! This conversation is met for my dreams when nothing else makes sense. I often interrupt them and say, "I have 30 seconds with you. What point are you trying to make?"
Dammit, this must be why my listeners always look like I’m speaking a foreign language because I bird-chirp, always trying to incorporate side tips and facts to creat a blossom of information and I thought I killed it but my random info sliding and cadence made it a hell of a lot harder to follow my story. This is good to know- ENTJ
Thank you so much. So what she actual does is awesome. I understand why here they have to use a particular clip, to drive a point. I just dont like how people on here take their points and totally judge the person in the videos...just on a measly blip. Thanks for sharing.
rikkiola 1 second ago Wow, this is true.... I think I'm an ISTP and sometimes struggle to elaborate on my thoughts and say things with meaning and clarity. I think I'm CS/P (but maybe CP/S). My brain seems to work and process stuff pretty quickly and when thinking it's like all these potential chains of thoughts and ideas surface which seems to paralyse my words, as to which to follow. Like my brains want to get them all out before they disappear from consciousness. Guess this is the opposite of what Dave and Shannon are saying: it's probably all a load of BS, just pick something and make a story of it for the audience. Guess that's why also my FE is demon
I am that person, it's horrible. However I tried to explain my own theories on op and my typing methods in videos and consider posting it but my blasting is so extremely bad that I don't think anyone would even like to listen in any way. But it would be a really good demonstration of what blast last looks like lmao. Should I do it? I'm uncertain, lol
I bet this is even worse with Ne as a savior, because now you're just not being clear with details AND you're not organizing them. After talking to family I suspect I am Ne savior with Consume+Play savior, and barely anybody can understand what the hell I'm talking about half the time because I'm off into another random idea and that idea is just randomly 'connected' to some other random idea, so literally nobody can ever follow what I'm saying lmao.
Me. I am limited to writing to be remotely cohesive and coherent. MM SeTe PC/SB. But it’s more like “machine-gunning” the facts, like Jocko in a savior state.
I found the girl in the example a lot easier to follow than the reviewers. TH-cam reviewer expressive language isn't for everyone. TH-camr language is usually too forced and fake and overconfident and using enthusiasm and geekiness to overcompensate for egoic refusal to understand the material it is trying to get a laugh out of diminishing. @2:32 Frankly, aside from youtube reviewers trying to get attention, I don't find whatever this demonstration of language expression is to be effective or to the point. It's more annoying than it is educational.
Looks & sounds to me as though she wants to get to the point but understands "the tribe leaders" put a high value on the presentation time limit (& feels some sense of obligation to accommodate). Add that to the excitement she feels with regards to her accomplishment, and voila! A whole lotta words that cheapen the experience & require more context clarification. Seems like a maddening circle. I think she found an interesting way to reconcile with it. So what'ya say? ISFP? Or INTP? (Edit: just based on this one video, of course. I've never seen nor heard of Imogen outside of this context)
@Edwiness ENFP, aye? I can see that. ISFP's & ENFP's can look a lot alike (& even throw INTP's in there when they "act out"). For me, the part in that song (at the end) which she sings of not getting cues & wanting people to use words was fairly telling. I could make the case for INFP. Makes me want to binge watch all her material & interviews & listen to her music to get my own accurate feel for her type.
@@Rin-red You think Light had Fe? I always hear Fi people complain that people with Fe ain't being genuine and are merely putting up a front for the eyes observing them. Like when he read dirty magazines or ate those chips to look like an ordinary teenager before the cameras... I have as some sort of Ti savior, then.
@@oscarl.3563 I agree he looks like he's a Ti-Fe user like especially when he and L are internally thinking (Ti) what they would do in front of one another. But it's a show and it might be different if it's played out in real life. I dunno, tho x
ITT: (edited) TH-cam out here exposing the blast lasts👀 edit: also the amount of people that are irritated @ Imogen just because of this video is...irritating. Like bro It's a sped up and cut up video of course she looks bad. It's editing for illustration. There's a tedx talk just a couple years later where she's a bit better at lead up and molding the 'story', though very much still 'bird chirping'.
Is it possible your 'Bird Chirping' thing is just CS Joseph's 'Informative' style in the 'BACKGROUND' or 'STARTER' types? 3 of the 4 of BACKGROUND types are BLAST LAST: INFP, ISFP, INTP (The ISFJ is also background type). For the 'STARTER' types, 3 of the 4 have BLAST in the 3rd slot (except the ESFJ):
Pretty sure i have blast last or at least a demon slot with play. i fluctuate between either feeling all information is revelvant on some level, which leads to "bird chirping" or i have issues even speaking usually coming off quiet vague and nebulous...but i tend clue in when it comes to my audience....unlike this telefonica chick seems to be. shes completely lost in her own whimsical tech world...she must be an INFP
That short clip alone was agony. Listening to that for two hours? I can't even imagine.
Imagine actually paying for that shit
This was SO embarrassing to watch because I’ve complained about doing the same thing when I talk. It’s like the PC/CP are constantly interrupting themselves (at least for Ne) when they get idea out because they’re connecting it to another idea extravertedly. Constant self-interruption. We can’t even commit to full sentences 😂.
I am Ne Dom and it is actually very easy to fix that, I no longer struggle with that at all. The way to do it, is via, and this is something I discovered some time ago... because I did struggle with it. Anyways, the way to do it is, Uh, I forgot to say this might not work for everyone, but at least for me it is completely gone, now I can get to the point pretty easily... But I digress, the trick is in the, uhm, might be easier if I explain it with an analogy. Just like you know Jesus, probably he used analogies because it was easier to express oneself that way. Of course, I have to admit not everyone understands analogies, but If one thinks about it there is also the people that need the analogy. So I am trying to include everyone in the process.... Oh by the way, speaking of process, the secret is in the process... So I hope this helps you the same way it helped me to get rid of rambling entirely. As you can see I can get to the point and be extremely clear.
OMG that's exactly what I was thinking whenever I have a problem to express myself. It's that damn Ne that doesn't give me time to process anything n make actual clear point of it. It's literally how you said it, you interrupting yourself so that in the end you don't even know what you wanted to point out out of so much stuff you wanna say. N even if you knew exactly what you wanna say your point is too far away from your mouth to say it's literally a curse
@@farrex0 Oh my goodness this is me I-
@ yes!! I do this! I'm CP/S(B) (I think that's how it's written)
When I'm trying to share something with someone, in a way to teach them something. I feel like I have to share my entire thought process and how I came up with the concluding idea, so they can follow along the same thought process and then share back to me the ideas they have come up with. I do this with the hope that the person I'm talking to will understand my insight, in the nuanced way that I have come to understand it and then build on it, thereby, creating another idea I can build off of.
But usually I just end up looking into a bunch of confused, bored, annoyed faces so then I try to just I hurry up and state my point even though I feel like I am now only sharing the tip of the iceberg and it probably doesn't make sense to them. Or it comes off as some cliche.
@@erika89765 "Oh my goodness this is me I-" ... Leave sentences incomplete?
Oh. My. God. As someone with play last, listening to that woman was physically exhausting. At first, I didn't know what was going on and it legit annoyed me. I was trying to get some information out of it and she just kept changing her volume, inflection was all over the place, only a few words poking through the unintelligible mumbling. Even when I knew what was going on, I could still feel my heart rate raising and my body just getting physically anxious.
I thought blasters were bad, with their non-stop lectures. But that woman is physically exhausting to listen to.
Edit: The dancing at the end was cute tho.
They also always speed up the video so the clips always sound manic and only cut the bits that exemplify their topic. They cut out the bits that *would* be interesting to Imogen and that audience - the interaction of movement with sound, technology and music/performance. Look at the original video, the audience 'gets it' and they're all smiling/amused. And from OP's video you definitely won't "get" it because the story arc that OP describes just isn't finished - the end is the actual performance. The talking isn't the point, it's just an accessory to the music, the main story.
@@follymetric Speeding it up definitely doesn't help, true. But they did say that it's two hours of just that and the part they cut in was a pretty hefty bit and other people here have confirmed that she does talk like that consistently. So I'm inclined to believe them.
@Joshua Lister It's more the blast last part. Blast is about conveying information, so if you have it last, then you suck at teaching and explaining things. The play here is... Well that's a bit harder for me to explain, because I don't fully get that part yet. But you can see that she's being active and is talking, but because she has blast last, she's failing to convey the information.
@@JesterOfDestiny The play is when she's interacting with the glove/music, which we don't see here.
Bird chirping / Blast Last - Seems like a severe scattered way of communicating.
It’s actually quite interesting, as it forces my mind to try and grasp what is being said. You also get some unnecessary information, which can be useful in the future.
@@KikkiK89 Oh, so in a way you have to listen carefully or you risk not getting the info you need.
I hate that I do this. Definitely due to lack of organisation
@Joshua Lister Good question. I'm no expert but I'll take a shot at explaining. Play is probably more typically seen as "pinging" off the tribe, so it might seem counterintuitive for what is technically a speech or monologue to be using Play, but it makes sense to me thinking about it 4 ways: 1. On a basic level, Play is expending energy for the tribe. You can see, listening & watching, that she is expending a lot of energy, both physically and mentally. She's moving around all over the place and even her thoughts are all over the place. In this sense, it actually kinda makes sense to think about it not so much as savior Play, but what is implied by savior Play: 2. Demon Sleep (or at least play over sleep). Play expends energy for the tribe before it thinks to preserve energy for the self (Sleep). She doesn't seem to be considering how tired she's gonna be after flitting around all over the stage rambling like that, or at least if she does, she sacrifices her energy in service of Play. Sleep can also be thought of in the context of reflecting on ideas, refining them, narrowing them down. You really see the lack of Sleep in this style of speaking because it comes across as though the person hasn't thought through what they're going to say before they say it. It sounds, to most people, as though there's a failure to get to the point, and a failure to cut out the superfluous parts. It's like the speaker doesn't stop to think, "Wait. Should I really mention this vaguely-related side note? Or should I just finish my first thought first? Is this detail really relevant or pertinent?" So the result is they get distracted by tangential ideas mid-thought and interrupt themselves to communicate those tangents. The vocal equivalent of run-on sentence or a sentence with a dozen subordinate clauses ends up sounding erratically up & down, with no clear beginning, middle, and end -- because it's essentially a series of beginnings all interrupting each other. Or incessant chatter with no end. Hence, "bird chirping." 3. Play is essentially a combination of Oe + De. In this case, it seems S-Ne + D-Fe. You can definitely detect the "Ne gone wild" in the way thoughts are conveyed -- a string of connections of ideas and seemingly random tangents that interrupt each other is often too chaotic for the average person to follow. But there is still that desire to interact and abide by Fe norms and add value to the tribe, which is perhaps why she's performing and speaking publicly in the first place, however awkward she may seem. You can even hear this in the lyrics at the end: "I don't really get these social cues. There's no excuse for lack of words. I'm pretty self-aware but apparently not..." The "no excuse for lack of words" part brings me to my last point: 4. Blast last. Blast is taking known, organized info and teaching it to the tribe, and tends to be more commanding and persuasive than play. Because of the low Si/Sleep, her information is not really organized in a way to be teachable or persuasive and compelling to the tribe. She hasn't taken the time to narrow it down to a few key digestible main points, so instead of communicating with Si + Fe (Blast) she is communicating raw Ne + Fe (Play). Blast last people can often be quiet and communicate better in writing, especially if Sleep first. She knows though (perhaps with Fe) that the tribe doesn't like it when you sit there quietly and don't contribute anything ("there's no excuse for lack of words"), so instead she communicates the way that comes naturally to her -- gathering & expending energy chaotically with other people, sharing her constant stream of ideas with no filter. Does that help at all?
Listening to the bird chirps is like hearing the raw, human spirit!
I have Blast pretty high up. As a result, I noticed it's harder for me to express basic concepts due to feeling like I need to create a consistent, straightforward summary. I get caught up in esoteric shorthand like "the raw human spirit," instead of simply getting everything out.
but, i stopped listening so long ago,
that by the time she makes her point, I've already switched professors 🙄
(worst: they never got to their point;
so, now you've to read an extra 5 chapters just to keep up with the syllabus, b/c she didn't do her job and teach)
i love bird chirpers when i can actually talk with them. blast is unnerving to me usually. i like the totally scattered play it gives me what i need somehow.
are you one too?
What is unnerving about this is the masculine “presentation” venue of the tech con, how she has the expected orating gestures down, but then all that comes out is low volume, shy rambling. The way it plays out here is sort of uncanny. I imagine in a different setting, like an intimate dinner party or a nightclub, the loose, recursive storytelling and cute shuffling would have brilliant appeal.
Yesssss!!! Maybe you need feminine Fi or Fe to get it.
I'm with you! I came away from this thinking that perhaps she'd need a bit of a shake if we're actually going to get anything done, but I absolutely love her enthusiasm for her subject. The sense that there's just so much subject that it's tripping over itself to get out seems way more enticing to me than some big, persuasive, on-point speech.
I'm inclined to agree with'ya.
I think it's only appealing to certain types
I can relate to this so much as a consume play fi/se.
I do this when I talk. It's because my mind is spinning and I'm literally taking in so much information as I'm trying to stay focused on the point. Probably why she is looking down, to limit the input coming in. To help me focus, sometimes I have to stare off into the distance, like at a wall, and consciously focus on the limiting the words I'm saying. Like funneling all the ideas into a coherent sentence lol.
I could track her. I had to imagine what she was imagining. Like, if she could project her imagination out in visuals... she would make sense.
Yes! I was thinking this too. I am a "bird chirper" and I think an images and it's hard to find the precise words to reflect the image I'm trying to convey.
@@bmae3055 exactly!! I see a visual world and then try to explain it. But, I can also do beginning middle end. I don’t know. But yeah, I saw her visuals and it was genius.
I often feel like I have immense trouble "getting anything out of the conversation" with this kind of person (savior Ne PC/CP with Blast last). It's not that I can't follow the topics necessarily, more like there's no...resolution, unless I try to force it - which I obviously can't do if it's a lecture, or video, or something else one-sided. No conclusions. Not even within the bounds of one topic. It's maddening.
As INTP I felt personally attacked by Dave's lack of empathy :D. It required years of conscious practice to learn how to handle your constantly expanding chains of thoughts. The default program is the opposite of "getting straight to the point.
Interesting. As an INFP I don’t have that issue. I love to indulge in my Ne, but the Fi demands a clear hierarchy of values so gotta use my Si.
Hahaha I agree with this. INTJs are bastards when they don’t get something, but their imaginary visions are just as ridiculous they just don’t know it. Just make fun of Dave for his vision for OP changing the world. It is changing the world and it will, but it’s just as not understandable to those without Ne as a savior. Don’t worry, he’s just trying to make a point about what he’s looking for. I understand you and him so what’s up with me hahahahaha?!!
Wow, this is true.... I think I'm an ISTP and sometimes struggle to elaborate on my thoughts and say things with meaning and clarity. I think I'm CS/P (but maybe CP/S). What you say there is so true about the 'chains of thoughts'. My brain seems to work and process stuff pretty quickly and when thinking it's like all these potential chains of thoughts and ideas surface which seems to paralyse my words, as to which to follow. Like my brains want to get them all out before they disappear from consciousness. Guess this is the opposite of what Dave and Shannon are saying: it's probably all a load of BS, just pick something and make a story of it for the audience. Guess that's why also my FE is demon
@@rikkiola yeah you described that well for an ISTP, i thought its a matter of Ne but maybe its something else what makes us contantly fighting to not to be taken by the river of thoughts. Yes, its a struggle to be forced to have 10 different things to say at the tip of tounge every second of speaking. They should make people aware that we are all different in a way, not ironizing on it. But I get this duchebagness as i have 3 INTJ friends and they are the same :D.
So the end of the day the purpose is to exchange ideas right? So...listen. Unless you just don’t care what she’s trying to say. Bc from the get-go I was hooked by the ideas she was talking about, using the Kinect to track movements that are pre-programmed into some music program...that’s so Imogen. And I bet when she actually performs, it’s amazing! Oh WORDS.
I can be like this. To me, it's like trying to communicate 3D perceptions into 2D language. It's interesting that her way of making music with her whole body seems to be a compensation and attempted solution for this problem. And her music is fresh and unique. Unfortunately, society has wired us to focus narrowly on goals with direct paths to those goals. So everything we do leaves a trail of disaster behind.
As an engineer, that was actually really captivating haha
See I enjoy listening to people like this because I never know what they are going to say next.
As an Ne dom myself, I do not have it as bad as the presenter, but still I have the same symptoms. Not even I know what I am going to say next, the ideas come in the moment. Thankfully, Ti Fe Si allows me to structure them and make them digestible when needed, but if I let my Ne go wild.... sometimes I even surprise myself.
@@farrex0 As I said to a friend "People think I spend time thinking the stuff I say beforehand. Nope, I am thinking and processing outloud in front of them."
@@jumpingjoy20 Same, sometimes I surprise myself as to what I come up with, and people are surprised as well. I always find it funny that some people come to me for advice or for me to explain them things, because in my mind I think I know nothing but I begin to talk about it and it just flows. Of course I spend a lot of time thinking and learning, but even after hours of research somehow I feel like I do not know the topic well enough.
@@farrex0 same
Ok this makes so much sense! I watched a video from a TH-camr (Cognitive Personality Theory is his channel and the video was his ENTJ vs ESTJ video) and his speech patterns were EXTREMELY hard for me. I had commented and let him know and he asked what it was in particular. The cadence was off like you’re describing and I wasn’t sure how to articulate it to him. I think he’s probably sleep before play but it definitely seemed like a type of chirping.
2:00 I think the language quality you are meaning, embracing cadence & tone, is called "prosody".
I just learned a new word..! Thanks
^^^thanks for a new word!!
um well um yeah um well yeah um
MM Ne/Fi CS/P(B)... I heard that woman start to talk and immediately felt called out. I talk like that- get caught up in an idea, then backfill, then get distracted, then stumble over my words, maybe come back later... then I saw “Blast last” on the screen and felt more called out 😅
I saw Imogen live once and now I get why my friend brought me there. He probably noticed we have similar personalities and that I would have liked her.
This is so relatable it hurts
I'm cringing at myself, though tbh I'm not sure whether I'm CPSB or CSPB.
The shoes on the bed at the end of the video triggered me 😂
Omg, I just recognized my little brother. He's constantly chirping. Sometimes I want to either slap some sense into him or walk away in contempt. I just want to scream "STOP IT"
I hate it when people don’t TRY to put the chirps together tho. They do go together. This lady is a genius And you miss out a lot by not listening. It’s easy to not listen to quirky people like imogen or Einstein because they aren’t linear thinkers or present crazy ideas in unclear ways. Why do people stop listening because it’s not neat and pretty?
Because attention spans are limited. You may as well listen to a Blaster instead, who will tell you less at once. But you will understand more of that - with less mental exhaustion.
They don’t know it’s worth their time (energy) to listen.
It’s connected to the dominance hierarchy and their relationship to comfort and therefore death.
If I could listen I would, but as it is, after 10 seconds my mind is somewhere else. When I realise that I try to listen again, but of my mind goes. After few tries I'm just to tired and my head hurts. I'm kinda jellous of people who can stay focused, it would make my life easier.
I recognize and appreciate her value. But it is mentally EXHAUSTING to try to follow her thought flow... it keeps jumping around and being interrupted with extraneous, unimportant thoughts that come at you with the same tone, inflection and endless rate of the others. It's like trying to read a paragraph with no punctuation or grammar in it, giving it flow and structure. I have to work so hard at sifting through her words to follow her, that I become irritated.
@@someonerandom713 true! Like she may be the source of the magic but have someone else share it!
shans face at the beginning xD AMAZIN
I'm so glad I saw this. I don't feel like I've found my people
I was able to understand her, but probably because (1) I have heard of her invention before, so I was able to pick up quickly on what the topic was about, and (2) I probably have a somewhat similar type to hers (I think of myself as an INFP CS/P(B), I’m very quiet to the point where people find it awkward and they tell me to talk more, but I often don’t want to because I don’t really have anything new to add or I just don’t want to).
I think she might be able to communicate better in writing than in presentation? Maybe? Writing forces you to organize your thoughts, and good writing involves lots of reviewing, checking, double checking, and editing, so that could help limit the “bird chirps” and give her thoughts an actual voice and narrative.
So I already have incredible trouble concetrating on anything, online classes or classes in general are a nightmare. Her words just flew through my head and out. That it was sped up didn't help. What was she talking about?
INTP CP/S(B) here. I do this a lot and it's simply because we dont have a fully formed story in our heads...ever. We have an idea which we need to talk out - normally in our own minds - but when we are asked to talk that out with others you end up with a winding, choppy narrative, simply because we have no idea what our next thought(s) are until they happen. We are litterally following winding intertwining trains of thought all leading to what is the real "truth" of the matter. And because we want to be factually correct we willingly shop and change our minds as new thoughts are processed. We do it when writing too, but of course all yopu get to see is th end finished train of written thoughts not the endless backspace/deletes we used to get there.
For a J type I can imagine this is horrible to listen to because you cant imaging changing your mind once fixed on a trajectory.
don't do my girl Imogen like that lol
Bird chirping is spot on because just like birds they're all nice and cute to look at from a distance otherwise they're like annoying mosquitos singing in your ears. -intj
I must be consume first because I can follow along just fine, lol.
I thought the same thing
Wait, I'm being told that a person blasting on at me with one singular point to which I'm irrelevant, is supposed to be MORE desirable than an excited person being generally excited around consuming a subject?? Does. Not. Compute. (NeTi Consume first)
Never thought I'd find some Omri on this channel !
Oh my god, one of my lecturer at the university is definitely Blast last, Conusme Play first. He is always talking so much but it is so hard to get the message he's trying to say; he never concludes anything and just jumps around the topics; just always talking very fast and all over the place. Most of us don't really understand what the course is even about :D He is without a doubt very knowledgeable and a very nice person but he can't teach...
I feel your pain. Had a lecturer like this too...weekly 3hrs of nothing at all... for a year. It was frustrating. I would rush to listen to student presentations on each reading. The students taught me the material, not the lecturer who couldn't focus even to form one coherent sentence. I hated that she was my only option for that class.
dude i literally cant understand what shes talking about xD
Oh my god this is how I talk sometimes even though this is not my type. It frustrates me to no end, it's why I prefer simply responding and why I hate it so much when people watch as I learn something.
Imogen was really hard to watch for the class. That lady would drive me bonkers! 🤣
@Mr. 8-Bit Doggo 🤣 That cracks me up!!
Imagine Imogen presenting a while 2 hour lecture and then being quized about it. I would imediately return the answer sheet empty with maybe the wird No on it.
Love the end clip
My animals are CSPB and I'm able to follow her. I wonder if consume + sleep makes it easier to process what she's doing. Since I'm organizing internally, I can process that pretty easily.
Same here. Blasters tend to be impatient and shut out new info if the point is not clear, while Consumers are objectively open to new info and listen more carefully as to not miss something valuable.
I think I’m CSPB and I was able to follow as well
Wait... Is that Imogen Heap? Great musician. I'm pretty sure I'm lead Ne and low blast, and though that was so cringe it was also relatable. I sometimes have to stop talking and gather my thoughts to make them coherent. Usually I say "hold on, I'm having a traffic jam in my brain, too many ideas and things I need to say are trying to come out all at the same time" lol. Pretty frustrating to be so limited by speech to covey huge, exciting, or complicated ideas and concepts, then trying to dumb them down or break them into smaller pieces that average people can comprehend...can be total communication meltdown 😆
is it like those people who can never stop talking even when they know you have to leave?
So I do like Imogen Heap and love a lot of her music, but this was a very clear demonstration that Blast is in my top three haha, or at least I'm sleep above play.
Looks like she's trying to catch a butterfly ...
She's nervous & excited af.
And clearly process > product.
Makes total sense to me.
Though, this was only a small piece of the puzzle.
We'd need to see her put it all together before forming a firm conclusion.
In that 1st clip, did she actually do a song with the Tech she was demo'ing?
Was her talk for a general audience? There was a lot of jargon and specialized music/tech terms she was saying... I could keep up...but I'm familiar with this stuff. And it would probably help if you already knew the end result she can create with her setup... and if she could demonstrate as she was explaining.
I related a lot to how Iomgen was communicating..I suspect I'm blast last too, and run into the same sort of problems. I find having props or some sort auxiliary means of presenting the information usually helps... with just words I can probably go two sentences before going off the deep end. It's like hitting them with a fire hose of words... the problem is when I slow it down... I lose track of what the hell I was trying to say anyways.
Oh god. I dont know what this is. My mind tries to stop making sence of it after 15 seconds.
Wow i thought maybe I forgot to put the speed back to normal 😂 Those Mi.Mu gloves seem pretty cool tho 👌
As an INTP.. i usually use Ne-Fe to decompress and relax.. so I dont usually have any agenda behind NF conversations and I feel that only other NF types are able to accept and relate to me when I am in that state. i have a close INFJ friend that I always go to when I need to play.. it's another story when I try to initiate a conversation with my ISTJ husband where i have to use Ti-Si.. I would usually journal the talking points as well as the objectives and deliver them in advance so that we can both be on the same page..
Guys, you're missing clicks and views by not having a video description.
Literally getting sidetracked bc she’s ejecting every bit of information to the audience... i see my Ne really this bad? 😂 They don’t need to know all the information to get what you’re saying! Lol
Yeah it hurts, but this is me as well
She might be Bird Chiriping but I'm fine with it if she can produce good, creative sh*t for the tribe.
I've talked to people like this at work. All I can think is, get to the point!! I have work to do!!! This conversation is met for my dreams when nothing else makes sense. I often interrupt them and say, "I have 30 seconds with you. What point are you trying to make?"
Dammit, this must be why my listeners always look like I’m speaking a foreign language because I bird-chirp, always trying to incorporate side tips and facts to creat a blossom of information and I thought I killed it but my random info sliding and cadence made it a hell of a lot harder to follow my story. This is good to know- ENTJ
Same haha. But I'm enfp.
Here's a better video of Imogen Heap discussing and demonstrating the gloves:
Thank you so much. So what she actual does is awesome. I understand why here they have to use a particular clip, to drive a point. I just dont like how people on here take their points and totally judge the person in the videos...just on a measly blip. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing the video, this is definitely better
1 second ago
Wow, this is true.... I think I'm an ISTP and sometimes struggle to elaborate on my thoughts and say things with meaning and clarity. I think I'm CS/P (but maybe CP/S). My brain seems to work and process stuff pretty quickly and when thinking it's like all these potential chains of thoughts and ideas surface which seems to paralyse my words, as to which to follow. Like my brains want to get them all out before they disappear from consciousness. Guess this is the opposite of what Dave and Shannon are saying: it's probably all a load of BS, just pick something and make a story of it for the audience. Guess that's why also my FE is demon
It feels like technical difficulties on that stage are her topic that she went on that stage for. Wut?
Lol, she's talking about a new technology in music creation that allows her to use her hands/gestures/dancing to play specific sounds as she dances.
why do i kind of like this
It’s a shame because what she came up with is kind of genius, but she struggles to explain it and be convincing!!
OMG - 30 seconds of this person and I want to murder. WTH is happening here???
And then her music is amazing! WOW! Okay...stymied but learning.
What if she’s just crazier than shit? 😂😂😂
You two are bird chirping too in this one.
@@TheRealFlenuan Heyyy, did you know that the distance between us and the centre of the milky way is like 50,000 light years?
SO ... doh ... my .... YOUR
What is the name of the song at the end? It would be nice to listen to her actually making sense. Rather perfect ending to the vid! Omri - idk wts
Jacob Collier speaks the same way
Thanks for the video
I am that person, it's horrible. However I tried to explain my own theories on op and my typing methods in videos and consider posting it but my blasting is so extremely bad that I don't think anyone would even like to listen in any way. But it would be a really good demonstration of what blast last looks like lmao. Should I do it? I'm uncertain, lol
I bet this is even worse with Ne as a savior, because now you're just not being clear with details AND you're not organizing them. After talking to family I suspect I am Ne savior with Consume+Play savior, and barely anybody can understand what the hell I'm talking about half the time because I'm off into another random idea and that idea is just randomly 'connected' to some other random idea, so literally nobody can ever follow what I'm saying lmao.
Jeah i know 2 people in colleg, they even said in 10 minutes talking nothing relevant and i summarize that in 10 seconds
I wonder what would happen if you sped Immie up like you usually do with your typing clips.
Me. I am limited to writing to be remotely cohesive and coherent. MM SeTe PC/SB. But it’s more like “machine-gunning” the facts, like Jocko in a savior state.
I found the girl in the example a lot easier to follow than the reviewers. TH-cam reviewer expressive language isn't for everyone. TH-camr language is usually too forced and fake and overconfident and using enthusiasm and geekiness to overcompensate for egoic refusal to understand the material it is trying to get a laugh out of diminishing. @2:32 Frankly, aside from youtube reviewers trying to get attention, I don't find whatever this demonstration of language expression is to be effective or to the point. It's more annoying than it is educational.
All you're doing is upsetting yourself.
Looks & sounds to me as though she wants to get to the point but understands "the tribe leaders" put a high value on the presentation time limit (& feels some sense of obligation to accommodate). Add that to the excitement she feels with regards to her accomplishment, and voila! A whole lotta words that cheapen the experience & require more context clarification.
Seems like a maddening circle.
I think she found an interesting way to reconcile with it.
So what'ya say?
(Edit: just based on this one video, of course. I've never seen nor heard of Imogen outside of this context)
She was typed by Dave and Shan as FF Ne-Te PCS(B)
ENFP, aye?
I can see that.
ISFP's & ENFP's can look a lot alike (& even throw INTP's in there when they "act out").
For me, the part in that song (at the end) which she sings of not getting cues & wanting people to use words was fairly telling.
I could make the case for INFP.
Makes me want to binge watch all her material & interviews & listen to her music to get my own accurate feel for her type.
_"This is the first time I've wanted to hit a girl."_ -Light Yagami, Death Note.
lmao, might as well "I'll take a potato chip....and eat it" xD
@@Rin-red I look like nothing more than a hard-working student... while executing annoying people with my left hand. 😈
@@Rin-red You think Light had Fe? I always hear Fi people complain that people with Fe ain't being genuine and are merely putting up a front for the eyes observing them.
Like when he read dirty magazines or ate those chips to look like an ordinary teenager before the cameras... I have as some sort of Ti savior, then.
@@oscarl.3563 I agree he looks like he's a Ti-Fe user like especially when he and L are internally thinking (Ti) what they would do in front of one another. But it's a show and it might be different if it's played out in real life. I dunno, tho x
Jeff Goldblum would be another great example I think of this 🤔
Ne/Te perhaps???
She got a rave review in Sugar Ape.
Sugar Ape being the correct terminology here 🤣😂🤣😂
@@suzywilson She's could be a character from Nathan Barley.
@@arwuh Have no idea but I'll take your word for it.
ITT: (edited)
TH-cam out here exposing the blast lasts👀
edit: also the amount of people that are irritated @ Imogen just because of this video is...irritating. Like bro It's a sped up and cut up video of course she looks bad. It's editing for illustration. There's a tedx talk just a couple years later where she's a bit better at lead up and molding the 'story', though very much still 'bird chirping'.
Is it possible your 'Bird Chirping' thing is just CS Joseph's 'Informative' style in the 'BACKGROUND' or 'STARTER' types? 3 of the 4 of BACKGROUND types are BLAST LAST: INFP, ISFP, INTP (The ISFJ is also background type). For the 'STARTER' types, 3 of the 4 have BLAST in the 3rd slot (except the ESFJ):
Is that more of an Ne thing? Because that shit was weird AF to this Se/Ti guy.
@@TheRealFlenuan Nope, any type with CP saviours and blast last can talk like this. Joe Biden was typed as Se/Ti CPSB and he can talk like this.
I don't care for bird chirping. To me she said a lot of nonsense, or talking in circles.
this makes me think i could be SB P(C). i definitely do not chirp!
Pretty sure i have blast last or at least a demon slot with play. i fluctuate between either feeling all information is revelvant on some level, which leads to "bird chirping" or i have issues even speaking usually coming off quiet vague and nebulous...but i tend clue in when it comes to my audience....unlike this telefonica chick seems to be. shes completely lost in her own whimsical tech world...she must be an INFP
She seems exciting, but there's just a little too much disrespect for articulately passing across information.
I am in this video, and I don't like it
The bird chick is annoying. She should just write it down.
no charisma
making up for it with props/fashion...
That was hard to watch/listen to jesusss