Never back down is still one of my favorite movies of all time. Everytime someone turns it on I get hooked all the way through from the epic football opening scene to the bad ass beat down at the end.
@@josebrowning2980 buddy are you sure you’ve watched cobra kai? miguel has literally beaten robby in every single fight. beat him in the tournament, the school fight but showed him mercy, and literally the fight in season 5. he beats him and shows him mercy again. there is actually no way you can sit here and say robby is a better fighter than miguel
I like how so many of these movies and tv shows portray bullies as jocks, very good looking, muscular, ladies men, and who have a cult of other dudes following them around everywhere who assist them. Meanwhile in real life, in my experience, one bully was a literal land whale who nobody liked and was always out in the back of the yard in lunchbreak either smoking or drinking, the other was a huge nerd who enjoyed nothing but star wars and probably beating his huevitos to some good ol' anime popcorn, and the final one was so short even by my standards (i'm a pretty short guy) and looked like a walking stick who probably couldn't lift 5 pounds of weight. All the actual jocks i've met? They were generally kind. Some more rough than others, but generally kind and with good intentions.
My first bully was this freakishly tall dude who looked like a weaboo flat stanley. He would always sexually harass these girls, and when I tried to tell him to stop he started targeting me. In high school I saw him messing with an autistic kid, when suddenly they’re both on the ground. The bully’s screaming like a banshee as the short autistic dude is pounding his face in. It was gruesome, but insanely satisfying to watch.
@@thebusybeanhomecafe4035 the jokes are funny. I know it’s hurtful and offensive but that’s what makes it funny. I know there’s a lot more to this because fat shaming is a real issue but generally people in life just take things to much seriously
your point being? robbie took it way too far with that shit. he temporarily crippled a guy. sure, the fight started because of her, but that doesn't put robbie in the right. especially after miguel was showing him mercy.
He Deserved it after those comments made about black ppl. I Skim pass to the good part and saw what look like a grown man beat the crap out of a kid so I look back to see what was said now im like yeah beat his ass!!!!! 🤣
All I was thinking when Jake was fighting, and Amber Heard was screaming was, “don’t worry Jake, I’ll just drop a grumpy on his bed later…win or lose”!
I think most of us can say we had some bullies in our school days but you notice once they are finished at school they go to a bar only to meet their match and isnt so tough anymore
If u put the vid of cobra kai in 0.25 speed right before miguel falls u can see the a different lerson woth the same clothes on doing the stunt it looks so real
My father grew up in Bensonhurst in the 50's. He knew what tough was. I stuttered all through elementary school and paid the price till I hit high school when dad told me you either end the BS now and here or the bullies will own you your entire life. In shop class I finally beat someone within 3 inches of his life with broom stick. The top wrestler of the school. I ended his career that day with a fractured skull. Those were the days when teachers looked the other way. 35 years later at high school reunions he still avoids me and still has a googly eye looking sideways I gave him. I would do it again in a minute. The Marines were glad to get me 14 months later.
Personally, I think fights like that last one, where someone is beaten and beaten and beaten and in the end, out of nowhere, they win... are ridiculous.
They're not, most of the times adrenaline can turn the tide of a fight, you can get strength from out of nowhere and the monkey within all of us simply comes out with insane beast rage and strength and that's why these fight are my favorite among all, they're real The fakest ones are the fights in which, all of a sudden, the victim goes from being beaten up by a group of bullies who can fight to destroying all of them without breaking a sweat
@@darkbiddy511 This isn't a fucking episode of Dragonball. "Insane beast rage"? What the *fuck* are you even talking about? Go do your homework or something.
After I found out the plot of the third one the "You little punk, you don't talk to him that way" line made more sense. Also Stan's not very smart. Would have been really easy to punch Zac Efron in the back of the head while he's looking away and delivering an anime-worthy monologue with a basketball in one hand. That would have kind of counted as a fight, as well...
Well in the first one Jeremy is a hunter, in the second clip they know karate, in the third one he was just tossing a ball around and teasing him, in the fourth one he was a crazy grown ass man beating up a high schooler, and in the last one they’re kickboxers.
I remember when I was seven years old. An older boy at school, 14-15 years old, kicked me right in the face during a lunch break because I didn't back when he tried to scare me. My then 10-year-old older sister got so mad that she marched up to the junior high school alone and looked for the guy, pushed him up against a wall in front of the whole junior high school and threatened to kill him if he ever touched me again. The guy and his friends were so shocked that this little blonde girl (who reached them below the shoulders) alone didn't take shit and wasn't afraid of them that they couldn't get a word out.
@@LifeWith4xDaee pause then take screenshot of part of video you are talking about , then turn off and on your phone continuously for minutes straight so your internet speed will remain stable then upload video of screenshot then send pick to me , so i can then take a screenshot of said video then turn my phone off and on for 5 minutes straight , then i can go to then google lens then click on search while looking at comments on "top 6 fight scenes in movies" for info then get back to you eventually , in meantime i would just prevaricate to buy time so you would not get bored waiting on me *haha* 😊
And what now you want forgiveness well take it from someone who has always been good to everyone unless they are bad to me you will get no forgiveness from the people you made their lives hell as we always remember who made are life more painful than it needs to be and I was bullied myself so know this myself you should feel bad what was so bad about your life you had to make other people feel worse did you say sorry to everyone you hurt I bet you didn’t so you will get no forgiveness as you are only saying this to make yourself feel better what about the people you hurt you should be ashamed of yourself
@@evanarsenal facts, I got karma for being a bully, I was a bully in 3rd grade, then in 8-9th grade I was bullied, but the kid I used to bully was my friend at the time so yea, knew what it was like
I do not post that much and when I did I had a big set up and everything and I made a good Asmr and people started to watch it but then I stoped and I was trying but I did not think you guys would like most of it so I did not post
Sadly bullies rarely , if ever pick on someone stronger than themselves. I hope these videos don’t encourage youngsters to fight bullies when they haven’t a chance.
Hehe, also been there. I was the one the bullies always tried to pick on. All it ever took was one fight to put an end to it. In those days I LOOKED smaller. (Late bloomer) But I was usually stronger. For chores I did a lot of gardening, landscaping, annnnd firewood - with sledge, wedge and axe. Even my big brother ran when I got mad. But when you move to new school every other year, you have to deal with bullies all over again.
That’s not how it works I remember in tuition there was this bully who would pick on everyone class was over I stood up and for no reason he started hitting my legs I was so angry I kicked him In front of entire class in the chest girls and his friends started laughing he almost cried because he got kicked in front of girls he was trying to show off to, later he said he would beat me up with his friends but trust me no such thing happened and that was the first and last time he bothered me.
6:03 Everything about this scene is perfect. 1.- The bullied kid stands up for himself, showing he´s tired of being abused. 2.- "There´s always a bigger fish" -Qui Gon Jinn. The bully gets assaulted by someone who clearly overmatches him. Regarthless if it was a sneak attack, on the way the third guy punches it shows his merciless attitued, which would´ve been enough to put the bully down 3.- The bully gets brutalized as should every single bully should be. When somone is a bully for no good reason, no mercy shall be shown 4.- The bully´s friends know they have nothing to do against the third guy and instead of getting their asses kicked, they make the smart decision and run away 5.- The usless, stupid teacher gets pushed aside. Teachers most of the time are the most incompetent people to deal with bullying, and most of the time they end up being a hindrance. No matter what here intensions where, a bully is getting what he deserves. She has no business in that brawl, so she gets pushed aside like it should be. 6.- An actual big dude comes to break up the conflict. If that beating would´ve continued, the bully would be certainly dead or severly injured, which is not right. He got what he deserved and everyone witnessed it, so now, an actual force that can break the brawl comes in and ends everything in seconds. Regarthless if its a movie, this is the actual wet dream of every bullied kid around the world, including myself back in high school days. Death to the bullies.
In High School I was very introverted but because I wore a black bike jacket and rode a Harley cuz I couldn't afford a car, guys would whisper to each other about "calling me out". Some of this I only learned several years after I returned from the Navy. But only once was I actually accosted after school on my way to my bike, a kid taller and heavier said, We Have to Fight!! I was surprised, I said, About What!!! So he started by shoving me, I shoved back and he fell. Then he pulled a knife as he stood. By this time, at least 50 students surrounded us yelling Fight! FIGHT! BUT a Teacher appeared out of the crowd and chopped the knife from his hand and he was expelled! That was my only HS fight👍👍
This is awesome man. It's silly how school is like a bunch of stray cats and most of the time it dictates what people will do or be like for a big portion of their lives after school. I never got in a fight at school. Everything was just talk and it emotionally wrecked me but I liked physical so much. I had these little thoughts that I really wish somebody would've gotten real about it. Could've saved me a few years out of school with my low self-esteem. All in good time now I guess. I Could've kept going down a darker path but that's not the answer. I am free and new.
70hdjdjebdjejej 70hdjdjebdjejej 70hdjdjebdjejej 70hdjdjebdjejej 70hdjdjebdjejej y la la que se de de ss dd dd debéis de de hdxuzbdzbfxbfddd y la la que se de de ss desavenencias vdjdbxudbd xjxbdksbdjdbdjsjsshj de de sus debe s8nwyeye7qsjsss de de ss dd dd debéis de de hdxuzbdzbfxbfddd fx che sus sus bdydbdidbdudbdu ss de de sus debe s8nwyeye7qsjsss de de ss dd dd dd dispuse que se se se r y la la vida de de ss dd dd debéis de de hdxuzbdzbfxbfddd 2 años y la la que se de de ss dd dd dd dispuse sueñes con 8wuw8svzkx dh y que Iwkskkwlsksowwlwlnszkkksiwiwiwiwkwiwkwiwkwisiwkwiwkskwwowiwkwkskskskskskwkwk
They never get bullying right without making it cringe. 1. They make the Bullied too good looking 2. The bullies don't bully like that. 3. You can't fight back and make it heroic. 4. Fighting back make matters far worse. Because you get into trouble too and the bully doesn't care about the consequences
Its about principle. If you keep to yourself yet someone still goes out of their way to make your life harder, you don't take that shit you get even and you get dirty doing it. Trust me you hit someone back where it hurts and they won't mess with you anymore. Tenfold retaliation.
I get expelled for bashing a kids face into a locker. Kids nose got shattered and his skull got fractured. What did he do? He thought he was going to hit a female then try to rape her in the locker room. Yeah fuck that. (Kid was a senior and I’m a freshman)
Never back down is still one of my favorite movies of all time. Everytime someone turns it on I get hooked all the way through from the epic football opening scene to the bad ass beat down at the end.
what year was the movie made
@@fatb0y__ 2008
I've seen that movie like 5 times
@@fatb0y__ 2008 i think
@@janccruz-bonet3669 ive seen this movie just here
That blonde kid in Never Back Down is literally Jake Paul. A school bully that knows how to fight and only goes after those who are weaker than him.
He plays a great asshole that actor, he was in the first Twilight movie
You’re right
Except Jake Paul can't fight?
@@FencingGold exactly!! Lmao
Many b wjns h iens7sfjdn
People never understood that Miguel was and still is the best fighter in Cobra Kai.
I will always disagree with this statement
@@josebrowning2980 who do u think is ??
@@MoiVlogzDD This might be controversial but I think robby is a better fighter
@@josebrowning2980 buddy are you sure you’ve watched cobra kai? miguel has literally beaten robby in every single fight. beat him in the tournament, the school fight but showed him mercy, and literally the fight in season 5. he beats him and shows him mercy again. there is actually no way you can sit here and say robby is a better fighter than miguel
@@djandfriends4022 this is my fault tanner is better at fighting than xolo is
I like how so many of these movies and tv shows portray bullies as jocks, very good looking, muscular, ladies men, and who have a cult of other dudes following them around everywhere who assist them. Meanwhile in real life, in my experience, one bully was a literal land whale who nobody liked and was always out in the back of the yard in lunchbreak either smoking or drinking, the other was a huge nerd who enjoyed nothing but star wars and probably beating his huevitos to some good ol' anime popcorn, and the final one was so short even by my standards (i'm a pretty short guy) and looked like a walking stick who probably couldn't lift 5 pounds of weight. All the actual jocks i've met? They were generally kind. Some more rough than others, but generally kind and with good intentions.
The jocks ik are usually verbal bullies and make fun of people like fat shaming and stuff
My first bully was this freakishly tall dude who looked like a weaboo flat stanley. He would always sexually harass these girls, and when I tried to tell him to stop he started targeting me. In high school I saw him messing with an autistic kid, when suddenly they’re both on the ground. The bully’s screaming like a banshee as the short autistic dude is pounding his face in. It was gruesome, but insanely satisfying to watch.
@@henriklewis792 true but they don’t do it directly at the people but instead just talk behind the back but it’s all in jokes
@@joehernandez5214 yeah, and they never seem to realize that the jokes are hurtful and not funny. But they just forget everything the next day
@@thebusybeanhomecafe4035 the jokes are funny. I know it’s hurtful and offensive but that’s what makes it funny. I know there’s a lot more to this because fat shaming is a real issue but generally people in life just take things to much seriously
Nobody can forget the epic fight scenes in Cobra Kai. 😎👍
shame the dialogue's shit
I can
@@koby5344 😂
@@koby5344 🍪⁉️
I just started watching cobra kai
bro I love cobra kai its the best show Netflix has dropped in awhile. LOVE COBRA KAI
Im not a big fan of Zac Efron but GOD DAMN THOSE B-BALL SKILLS
that shit had me cringing ngl
@@Turzone onggg that was cringeeee!!! Do that now and you straight up the one getting bullied🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@Turzone ong bro
@@Turzone ong 😭😭 “you little punk” 🤓
its so cringe to use your intellect instead your fists says people who only fight with a keyboard
how can we forget spiderman 1 peter vs flash 😂
Thank youuuuuuuu
Its not a real fight because superpowers interfered in the fight it wasnt truly hand to hand combat
@@htxrene ok but still
@@amaldeeppatra8224 still a dope fight
she said "robbie what did you do?" but yet the whole fight started because of her
all she did was kiss a mf 💀
@@skaetor5802 while having a boyfriend and knowing he was in a relationship aswell
i just realized how bad my grammar was in my last comment
@@mosesmartinez14 the blame still falls on robby
your point being? robbie took it way too far with that shit. he temporarily crippled a guy. sure, the fight started because of her, but that doesn't put robbie in the right. especially after miguel was showing him mercy.
06:05 that guy went straight up for the kill 😂
He Deserved it after those comments made about black ppl. I Skim pass to the good part and saw what look like a grown man beat the crap out of a kid so I look back to see what was said now im like yeah beat his ass!!!!! 🤣
What's the movie name?
@@brendamupa5482 The Boy Next Door
where did bro even come from ☠
He really said the teacher boutta get sum too ☠️
Cobra Kai isn’t an movie it’s an show but it’s still an badass fight
There used to be a movie release before but it got removed for nudity it was only on netflix for like 4 hours
That is the show tho, still a badass fight
You have horrible grammar
Vampire diaries wasn't a movie either
@@wizereid it’s still has a fight in it tho
Typical teachers, never there when someone is being bullied, but always there in time to save the bully and discipline the one that got pushed too far
Right haha
The boy next door by far the best scene for absolutely getting pummeled!
All I was thinking when Jake was fighting, and Amber Heard was screaming was, “don’t worry Jake, I’ll just drop a grumpy on his bed later…win or lose”!
Juvenile comment.
@@sonofizzy I know man, who makes jokes like that, they have......shit humor.... get it? I made another poo joke.
Should have included "My Bodyguard", from way back in 1980. One of the more realistic high school fight scenes you'll ever see.
I think most of us can say we had some bullies in our school days but you notice once they are finished at school they go to a bar only to meet their match and isnt so tough anymore
Except my bullies joined a gang and got shot
@@ParadoxiaYt good
@@I_like_my_dad that’s not good
I broke the nose of one of them
Love cobra Kai my favorite series. Miguel is my favorite character, I was so scared when he fell off
Never Back Down is still one of my favorites
Legendary movie
The man’s life flashed before his eyes,so he returned the favour
1:37, what you think you see when you were little when you fall into a pit of foam cubes
If u put the vid of cobra kai in 0.25 speed right before miguel falls u can see the a different lerson woth the same clothes on doing the stunt it looks so real
The last one was fire🔥🔥🔥
My father grew up in Bensonhurst in the 50's. He knew what tough was. I stuttered all through elementary school and paid the price till I hit high school when dad told me you either end the BS now and here or the bullies will own you your entire life. In shop class I finally beat someone within 3 inches of his life with broom stick. The top wrestler of the school. I ended his career that day with a fractured skull. Those were the days when teachers looked the other way. 35 years later at high school reunions he still avoids me and still has a googly eye looking sideways I gave him. I would do it again in a minute. The Marines were glad to get me 14 months later.
I bet they just handed you a broom stick, pointed you in the direction of the enemy and said "You don't have to leave that 3 inches anymore."
Woah that was brutal payback but a good choice I would do it if I were you too :)
the bullies light teases him gets almost beat to death with a broomstick
@@luckybynn5788 lol yeah
The Marines. Damn
The 3rd one wasn’t really a fight but it was hilarious
Personally, I think fights like that last one, where someone is beaten and beaten and beaten and in the end, out of nowhere, they win... are ridiculous.
They're not, most of the times adrenaline can turn the tide of a fight, you can get strength from out of nowhere and the monkey within all of us simply comes out with insane beast rage and strength and that's why these fight are my favorite among all, they're real
The fakest ones are the fights in which, all of a sudden, the victim goes from being beaten up by a group of bullies who can fight to destroying all of them without breaking a sweat
@@darkbiddy511 This isn't a fucking episode of Dragonball. "Insane beast rage"? What the *fuck* are you even talking about? Go do your homework or something.
6:45 that lightskin stare
I don't remember my high school experience being anything like this.
‘Robbie what did you do?’ Still haunts me in my dreams
9:30 Amber heards a1 acting in never back down 😂😭
imagine do the same as this guy at last fight in front of your all school mates... That would give you respect for whole school career
After I found out the plot of the third one the "You little punk, you don't talk to him that way" line made more sense.
Also Stan's not very smart. Would have been really easy to punch Zac Efron in the back of the head while he's looking away and delivering an anime-worthy monologue with a basketball in one hand. That would have kind of counted as a fight, as well...
Ya that one wasn't much of a fight
@@Benji1969 what is the name of that movie
@@charlestonwhite8592 I'm not sure
@@charlestonwhite8592 17 again
What is that movie called
and third stan has a small weaner got me 🤣🤣
I love the cobra Kai one it’s my favorite but I’m kind of sad that Miguel fell off the staircase 😢
What happened to him after
He got a news that he could never walk again but he fought back and returned back to the dojo
@@bolahn94 He can walk again
He was temporarily cripple
That kick on the rib was like mortal Kombat xrays
The school fight in History of Violence is intense.
I love how in the first one this tiny skinny dude bullies a jacked 30 year old
Yes because every kid in Highschool knows how to fight like this
Well in the first one Jeremy is a hunter, in the second clip they know karate, in the third one he was just tossing a ball around and teasing him, in the fourth one he was a crazy grown ass man beating up a high schooler, and in the last one they’re kickboxers.
@@s.o.s4401 4th one was in high school he wasn't a grown man
They're movies, dipass. Go back to making your shittily mixed Sims character creation music.
The guy in the last fight ,was always going to win..Takes all the beating and still beats his opponent with one kick ..
Movie name
@@LifeWith4xDaee Never Back Down
I love cobra Kai and I can’t wait to watch the new season
Nothing made me happier than reading the obituaries of my grade school bullies!
I remember when I was seven years old. An older boy at school, 14-15 years old, kicked me right in the face during a lunch break because I didn't back when he tried to scare me.
My then 10-year-old older sister got so mad that she marched up to the junior high school alone and looked for the guy, pushed him up against a wall in front of the whole junior high school and threatened to kill him if he ever touched me again. The guy and his friends were so shocked that this little blonde girl (who reached them below the shoulders) alone didn't take shit and wasn't afraid of them that they couldn't get a word out.
6:02 bros brought out his stand: anti-fighter 💀💀💀
Oml that last fight dudeeeee
12 o’clock high! Great 80’s high school bully movie!
As a composer, these are really insightful scores. Cool
Shit man
This is so pog
the last fight scene: goosebumps , emotional sad scene
Movie name
@@LifeWith4xDaee pause then take screenshot of part of video you are talking about , then turn off and on your phone continuously for minutes straight so your internet speed will remain stable then upload video of screenshot then send pick to me , so i can then take a screenshot of said video then turn my phone off and on for 5 minutes straight , then i can go to then google lens then click on search while looking at comments on "top 6 fight scenes in movies" for info then get back to you eventually , in meantime i would just prevaricate to buy time so you would not get bored waiting on me *haha* 😊
@@LifeWith4xDaee my reply keeps getting deleted , any way ,
@@LifeWith4xDaee i am very sorry , i was just trying to get a laugh , please respond , please , please? i really am sorry
Congrats on 6.69k subs
Is that Ed Sheeran at 6:00
Awesome fight sense 👏 ❤❤❤❤❤❤👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Your good editor
@@Evadewtf yes Seymour goo
@@Evadewtf yes you good
I love the cobra Kai fight when the guy falls down and hit his back
I was a bully till 15 usually verbally. Regret it all. Was more about self protection, nobody messed with me. 38 years ago. Still regret it.
cool story
Nice story bro respect
And what now you want forgiveness well take it from someone who has always been good to everyone unless they are bad to me you will get no forgiveness from the people you made their lives hell as we always remember who made are life more painful than it needs to be and I was bullied myself so know this myself you should feel bad what was so bad about your life you had to make other people feel worse did you say sorry to everyone you hurt I bet you didn’t so you will get no forgiveness as you are only saying this to make yourself feel better what about the people you hurt you should be ashamed of yourself
In this case india is best, no bullies in indian schools
@@evanarsenal facts, I got karma for being a bully, I was a bully in 3rd grade, then in 8-9th grade I was bullied, but the kid I used to bully was my friend at the time so yea, knew what it was like
in the last one bro took "my life flashed before my eyes" too seriously
Really surprised Crows: Zero didn't make this list. It's a Japanese film, but that whole movie is a school fight scene
bro that last one felt soooooooooo good
What’s the one at 2:00
I love some of the boys
1 out of 6 is my Fav in my opinion!
Anybody else recognize that the shirt that the first clip guy is wearing is the same shirt Miguel wore in cobra Kai season 2 ep 9
3 O'Clock High should be on this list!!
Number one best school fight, "3 O'Clock High".
boy next door's fight is shorter but far more epic than the last one
Never turn your back on an enemy, and never let them "walk" away! Make sure they stay DOWN.
Dude I swear laruso’s daughter is for the streets she was playing with both Robby and Miguel’s feelings
What was the second one mobie name please?
nice vid dude :)
Thanks I did not know you guys actually watch and respond
Because I put these on here if you guys get bored over COVID and stuff but I did not know that you guys watch it right away
I think a lot of people don’t really think my videos are going to be good I can not blame them tho
I do not post that much and when I did I had a big set up and everything and I made a good Asmr and people started to watch it but then I stoped and I was trying but I did not think you guys would like most of it so I did not post
Some of these roasts are downright savage
I thought the fight from perks of being a wallflower was really well done
for some reason I was looking at ur name and I noticed something kinda odd my name is Matthew and urs is to and my last name starts with a G
I swear all these school bullies be the most roastable
Sadly bullies rarely , if ever pick on someone stronger than themselves. I hope these videos don’t encourage youngsters to fight bullies when they haven’t a chance.
Been there, Done that. It doesn't matter of if there's a chance of not. The weaker MUST fight.
There are not enough but several people who pick on bullies...
Hehe, also been there. I was the one the bullies always tried to pick on. All it ever took was one fight to put an end to it. In those days I LOOKED smaller. (Late bloomer) But I was usually stronger. For chores I did a lot of gardening, landscaping, annnnd firewood - with sledge, wedge and axe. Even my big brother ran when I got mad. But when you move to new school every other year, you have to deal with bullies all over again.
I never fought back lmao
That’s not how it works I remember in tuition there was this bully who would pick on everyone class was over I stood up and for no reason he started hitting my legs I was so angry I kicked him In front of entire class in the chest girls and his friends started laughing he almost cried because he got kicked in front of girls he was trying to show off to, later he said he would beat me up with his friends but trust me no such thing happened and that was the first and last time he bothered me.
No 3'OClock High, huh? That was always a fave of mine.
Dam wtf mans did a one hand palm catch with the b ball sheesh
nice vid
6:03 Everything about this scene is perfect.
1.- The bullied kid stands up for himself, showing he´s tired of being abused.
2.- "There´s always a bigger fish" -Qui Gon Jinn. The bully gets assaulted by someone who clearly overmatches him. Regarthless if it was a sneak attack, on the way the third guy punches it shows his merciless attitued, which would´ve been enough to put the bully down
3.- The bully gets brutalized as should every single bully should be. When somone is a bully for no good reason, no mercy shall be shown
4.- The bully´s friends know they have nothing to do against the third guy and instead of getting their asses kicked, they make the smart decision and run away
5.- The usless, stupid teacher gets pushed aside. Teachers most of the time are the most incompetent people to deal with bullying, and most of the time they end up being a hindrance. No matter what here intensions where, a bully is getting what he deserves. She has no business in that brawl, so she gets pushed aside like it should be.
6.- An actual big dude comes to break up the conflict. If that beating would´ve continued, the bully would be certainly dead or severly injured, which is not right. He got what he deserved and everyone witnessed it, so now, an actual force that can break the brawl comes in and ends everything in seconds.
Regarthless if its a movie, this is the actual wet dream of every bullied kid around the world, including myself back in high school days. Death to the bullies.
What movie is this
@@pulse8397 Would love to know. It looks so interesting
@@pulse8397 the boy next door
@@theritzerclub873 the boy next door
He was bashed hard into metal (i don't know what it's called) and there was blood on it so he definately got messed up
I like your videos i subscribe 🔥🔥🔥
A lot of you are asking which order are the fights in it is in the description just to let you guys know so you guys know now.
Why is the one for 'Never Back Down', almost as long as all the rest, put together?
3:40 was the most American movie thing I have ever witnessed 💀
Season 1, 2, 5, are my favorite seasons of cobra kai
Mine is season 2 and 3 5 makes no sense
0:08 Yo that one there was a violation, personally I wouldn’t have it.
What’s the movie called where zac efron was in it
I didn't know Harry Potter is good at fighting without magic
Where Harry Potter??.
@@romanacumbova9036 I thought first guy was Harry
@@Yeee73838 Maybe so, but not Potter.
Lol , he is Jeremy
This video totally overlooks the best high school fight ever' Three O'clock High
The only difference from movies and real life is the skill and camera quality
“Best school fights in movies”.
Proceeds to a scene from Cobra Kai in
In High School I was very introverted but because I wore a black bike jacket and rode a Harley cuz I couldn't afford a car, guys would whisper to each other about "calling me out". Some of this I only learned several years after I returned from the Navy. But only once was I actually accosted after school on my way to my bike, a kid taller and heavier said, We Have to Fight!! I was surprised, I said, About What!!! So he started by shoving me, I shoved back and he fell.
Then he pulled a knife as he stood. By this time, at least 50 students surrounded us yelling Fight! FIGHT!
BUT a Teacher appeared out of the crowd and chopped the knife from his hand and he was expelled! That was my only HS fight👍👍
This is awesome man. It's silly how school is like a bunch of stray cats and most of the time it dictates what people will do or be like for a big portion of their lives after school. I never got in a fight at school. Everything was just talk and it emotionally wrecked me but I liked physical so much. I had these little thoughts that I really wish somebody would've gotten real about it. Could've saved me a few years out of school with my low self-esteem. All in good time now I guess. I Could've kept going down a darker path but that's not the answer. I am free and new.
8:11 can someone tell me if this is a real fight movement or just a fake action scene.
Come on, you know that the best school fight scene was in Spider-Man. (2002)
Nice video love it
Dam when he feel of that balcony
Did you hear here that crack lol when I put it in there I am like
@@Evadewtf ik
@@Evadewtf I can't wait till next season
@@Evadewtf hope doesn't die
Nothing can beat "Once Upon A Time In Highschool"
70hdjdjebdjejej 70hdjdjebdjejej 70hdjdjebdjejej 70hdjdjebdjejej 70hdjdjebdjejej y la la que se de de ss dd dd debéis de de hdxuzbdzbfxbfddd y la la que se de de ss desavenencias vdjdbxudbd xjxbdksbdjdbdjsjsshj de de sus debe s8nwyeye7qsjsss de de ss dd dd debéis de de hdxuzbdzbfxbfddd fx che sus sus bdydbdidbdudbdu ss de de sus debe s8nwyeye7qsjsss de de ss dd dd dd dispuse que se se se r y la la vida de de ss dd dd debéis de de hdxuzbdzbfxbfddd 2 años y la la que se de de ss dd dd dd dispuse sueñes con 8wuw8svzkx dh y que
1:53 movies name plzzz
Cobra Kai
It is on Netflix
The names are in the description
Never back down is such a good movie
They never get bullying right without making it cringe.
1. They make the Bullied too good looking
2. The bullies don't bully like that.
3. You can't fight back and make it heroic.
4. Fighting back make matters far worse. Because you get into trouble too and the bully doesn't care about the consequences
The public bullying with attention from the entire school also rarely happens. People normally won't care until a fight breaks out.
Some shocking news for you: it's fiction.
Its about principle. If you keep to yourself yet someone still goes out of their way to make your life harder, you don't take that shit you get even and you get dirty doing it. Trust me you hit someone back where it hurts and they won't mess with you anymore. Tenfold retaliation.
I get expelled for bashing a kids face into a locker. Kids nose got shattered and his skull got fractured. What did he do? He thought he was going to hit a female then try to rape her in the locker room. Yeah fuck that. (Kid was a senior and I’m a freshman)
Can you make it more videos like the fight and videos I really like them enjoy it
Top demais, só faltou o clássico filme "Te Pego lá fora"
The last one is sick
you make quality videos and 37 people watches you, how?
3:38 pleas name film bro