Самую лучшую роль в этом спектакле сыграла свекровь, показав лучшие человеческие качества, ей все аплодисменты, а Зибе надо идти учиться актерскому мастерству, постоянно падать это еще не актерское мастерство
Ну надоже, столько дней юез сознания именно в пещере лежала, муж по шел, знал куда именно,и Зиба срочно очнулась, память вернулась, за дровами ходила, а дров полно у палатки, брехня!!!
If this person really believes that comment after you she don't know what real life is this is a show with actors playing the part it's funny cause we don't believe it😂😂😂😂
I see her laugh and then she hides her face because she can’t keep a straight face. I don’t think a child should be able to do what they want to do. Maryam always demands her ways. She tried to get food off of her Moms plate then Ziba moved her plate so Maryam took the spoon out of her Moms hand at the end.
Sabem o por quê ? Alguns escritos tem que sustentar as próprias mentiras deles sobre os comentários que enviaram antes precisam sustentarem por isso o desespero por ter sido enganados. 😂😂😂😂😂
Como uma pessoa leva uma pancada na cabeça desmaia por dias, fica desacordada passando sede, fome, frio por ser tão alta a montanha não morreu. acordou com tanta facilidade só quando Ali, falou levanta já levantou fazendo drama 😂😂😂😂😂.
Esses medicamentos são por causa da gravidez nós mulheres quando estamos grávidas temos viroses, gripes , infecção urinária pressão alta ou baixa , enjôos até mesmo anêmia . Não foi por que se enfiou no buraco e ficou por lá esses dias, somente para os escritos pensarem que ela tinha foragida do Ali.
She might suffered mental block while around gathering woods..lost of memories improvisely that she did not remember her daughter she left alone in the tent. She just walk and walk not finding where to go until she stopped and stayed in the cave. Too much stress..abuses from her evil ugly husband might be the caused of all these.And when she saw aomeoneshe knew and familiar...her memories back.
@@KristinaMay2109 Es teatro!porque tenía que ir a la leña,si ahí tenía y bastante,se la llevo Mirsa, la tenía Siba en la casa donde vivía.Son unos mentirosos ya nadie les creé
@@KristinaMay2109 Please, do you actually believe that. It is obvious the whole thing is fake. In the past she always took Maryam with her when she gathered firewood .
Nothing wrong with her. She just wants the attention. Is everybody forgetting she left her child alone in that wet and cold tent? Throw her out until she can make a good home for her child. She is a strong woman!!! She just wants to be a victim in every video.
@@lavania169 I agree I can not understand the hatred for her on here. I have watched this whole family for a very long time. Ziba's husband has always been a monster to her. He is so abusive. When she finally got away her own family forced her to go back. I felt sorry for her. I'm sure she feels very alone and unloved. I like her and always have. She deserves a whole lot better than she ever gets .
The medical care in this country is so non-professional. Nothing is sterile, they don’t wash hands or wear rubber gloves. They think IV is the answer to every medical condition. They give no tests or blood work. This is pathetic, they do this on most channels that I watch.😢
Ziba eres una gran artista y mentirosa porque iso el papel de desaparecer y el loco la en contro rapidito y se llevo a la niña y después regreso a buscar a la esposa y la en contro derecho en la cueva que fácil en gañar a la gente como tontos
Hello...I can relate with them obciously. This is a comment section everyone has to right thier opinion . Good or Bad .Who know after so many bashing they change the format of Ziba's story line. 😂
Totally agree. It makes them seem a horrible person yo have around always criticizing. Putting anyone that doesn’t follow her standards. Awful person. Toxic people.
На этом канале жалко только девочку Мариям , которой манипулируют как хотят, лишь бы набрать лайков, но увы не думайте , что будут в скором времени одни дизлайки
Ziba is like her mother Fafima a very hard working woman.. maybe after that incident when her husband point a gun on her that made her a kind of shock and what happened to her could have created a nervous break down... and a plus factor also when she fall and a few days no eat
يا سلام على حماتك يازيبا. ست طيبه جداً. انتي الآن تحتاجي لراحه وتغذيه جيده. وتبقي كويسه. ولا تفكري في الاشغال الشاقه والهبهبه في الجبال والاتربه. بيت حماتك مفتوح. وبيت امك مفتوح. انتي محظوظه فلا تختاري الشقاء فكري بعقل وحكمه. علي على مايبدو شخص طيب ولكن ربما تأثير المخدرات تجعله سيء. ليت امه تأخده للعلاج. ويتلم شملكم. ونبقى نتابعكم في روتينات أو طبخات. او فلوقات. مو لازم هذه الدرامه الوحشه. ودمتم بخير في رعاية الله.
Maryam is having a great life with her Grandma. I admire this lady so much, she cares for everyone. No more caves or mountain huts for Maryam please. She's a beautiful little girl and deserves better. Ziba, grow up and hope the baby in utero is ok??❤❤❤😂😂❤❤❤
Кошмар. Мне стыдно за вас, и взрослые и молодые идут на обман, чтобы собрать большое количество подписчиков и рады денег. Не надо дурачить подписчиков. Все артисты погорелевого театра. Стыдно должно быть вам.
Nesses momentos eu acabo rindo dela por ver o cinismo virando o rosto abaixando e se cinto do para nós vermos mas, a expressão do movimento corporal da para agente vê 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I thought today's Jiba was ephemeral and very beautiful. Please take care of your unborn baby. I am healed by Mariam-chan’s energetic and innocent appearance。❤❤❤❤❤
Very happy grandma Gowli is there with Ziba. We dont really know what happened except we have snippets of the whole event. Hopefully it will be better with Grandma G present. Now is the baby inside her good?
Que bueno que la allaron . Ha de estar completamente deshidratada. Esperamos que ya su marido y suegra la ayuden a recuperarse. Pues es una madre y mujer bellisima
No tiene la culpa ella, sino el público que la sigue viendo, ya no la vean, y van a ver que se fastidia o se sale, o quieren seguir viendo al marido que es nefasto?
Yep, lying & being foolish can take a toll on the person. Ali's mother all caught up in the drama. She needs to correct her son for his part in driving Ziba insane. Ziba is an embarrassment!🤡😈🙊🙉🙈😡🤬😳
Ziba q te paso por q estabas metida en esa cueba tantos dias por q dejaste sola ayram por q te encontro tu marido no cuadra por q bahar es tan irrespetuoso no pasa en español mmerecemos respeto los de latinoamerica o figan para ya no seguirlos y deja ya ziba de quejarte cuando te toma.el camarografo la verdad creo q no caes bie
No caes bien cuando te toma el camarógrafo y este camarógrafo igual q les pasa donde está la educación de no transmitir q feos ziba si quieres seguidores debes de decir q paso yo te creía en el fondo del abismo no en una cueva
알리의 집안 환경은 굳이 척박한 유목민의 궁상을 떨지 말고 이란의 중산층의 삶도 멋지게 그려 낼수 있을것 같은데 알리의 역할이 중독자로 지정되고 지바는 산골짜기를 헤매고 다니는건 진정성이 없어 보입니다 이번 사건은 전환의 계기를 위하여 설정된 것같은데 지바네 친정과는 색다른 구성으로 보여 주면 좋겠네요
Hmm.. It is strange, and I was very concerned and sad for Ziba and her situation, but now I'm not sure if it is Ziba that needs to be concerned over. She seems to be fine and also giggling and trying to hide it.. It's disappointing to witness this because there is a lot of unstability. Why didn't she go to her mother Fatimah? Ali's mother should have at least called her family and let them know she is safe and where she is now. Ziba should not have gone to Gulvar Gulch is a cold, windy, wet, and dangerous passage. I don't think that worrying about Ziba was a good idea and made my heart hurt. I feel deceived, especially since I hope and pray so hard for her. Was she really lost or in any danger? Only the good and true God knows.
Así es el que firma es el padre por qué la niña lo menciono papa está gente piensa que nos estamos chupando los dedos . nos quieren agarrar de tontos . que sigamos viendo sus tonterías que graban poreso ni manita arriba se merecen .ay días que ni los veo ay más cosas interesantes que ver.la gente ase más coraje que ellos.😂😂😂😂😂
Глупая усмешка не сходит с лица Зибы вот так бы и заржала как лошадь , оператор больше нечего было выдумать, вообще канал Бахар сплошная ложь и ни грамма честности, правдивости
У Зибы муж грубый тиран. Он бы не стал её искать, если бы его не заставила его мать. Братья и сёстры Зибы равнодушные люди, а её мать поплакала и занялась своим хозяйством. Никто из них не сделал попытки поискать Зибу. Она практически одинока.
I'm glad Maryam isn't being dragged around in the cold, living on junk food & breast milk. She seems very happy with her aunt & grandma. Ziba needs to get over whatever she faked & accept her life with Ali & whatever he puts her through. She doesn't need excuses to run to him anymore.
Nossa deveria fingir melhor pra não ficar mais feio o drama. No momento que ela tava com um prato de arroz ela tava sorrindo e logo escondeu o risto com o lenço kkkkk
Todo un engaño. Ziba's jamás dejaría a Maryam sola. No piensan. No hay respeto. Obviamente que a nadie obligan a ver el canal. Pero pierden suscriptores por errores tan grandes.
Самую лучшую роль в этом спектакле сыграла свекровь, показав лучшие человеческие качества, ей все аплодисменты, а Зибе надо идти учиться актерскому мастерству, постоянно падать это еще не актерское мастерство
Может Али и не наркоман как нам показывают, они придумали такой сценарий, они живут вместе наверно.
هناك ضحيتان في هذا المحتوى الضحية الأولى هي مريم والضحية الثانية هم المتابعون
Верно сказано.
Que farsa! Pensam que os telespectadores são idiotas? Ziba não sabe nem fingir, só fica rindo e acha que o povo é bobo. Vai perder muitos seguidores.
Ну надоже, столько дней юез сознания именно в пещере лежала, муж по шел, знал куда именно,и Зиба срочно очнулась, память вернулась, за дровами ходила, а дров полно у палатки, брехня!!!
Yeah this is a show not true
Zibo zahrála jsi divadlo, tak, už nepredstirej , že jsi unavená, byla to od vás všech jen lež.
How do you know, were you there?
If this person really believes that comment after you she don't know what real life is this is a show with actors playing the part it's funny cause we don't believe it😂😂😂😂
Зибулина не может сдержать смех, прячет лицо 😂 а смеётся она над подписчиками, которые верят в их брехню 😂
Boring drama
Aynn 👍👍👍
а им не пивыкать брехней заниматься . ведь люди верятв то. что видят.а это деньги . а дньги не пахнут.
I see her laugh and then she hides her face because she can’t keep a straight face. I don’t think a child should be able to do what they want to do. Maryam always demands her ways. She tried to get food off of her Moms plate then Ziba moved her plate so Maryam took the spoon out of her Moms hand at the end.
Какое неуважение к зрителям. Сплошное вранье.
Sabem o por quê ? Alguns escritos tem que sustentar as próprias mentiras deles sobre os comentários que enviaram antes precisam sustentarem por isso o desespero por ter sido enganados. 😂😂😂😂😂
Como uma pessoa leva uma pancada na cabeça desmaia por dias, fica desacordada passando sede, fome, frio por ser tão alta a montanha não morreu. acordou com tanta facilidade só quando Ali, falou levanta já levantou fazendo drama 😂😂😂😂😂.
Lüge und Betrug
@@cassiagoncalves6118mentira maior do mundo 😅😅😅😅
Зиба всё время закрывает морду и смеется какая брехливая семья
she knows how to act 👎👎👎👎👎
Nojenta não sabe nem desfar sua mentirosa Duma figa
@@claudetteirvine6781 В том -то и дело, что она не может играть правдоподобно. Поэтому и получается как клоун.
Как у них врачи лечат всего одной капельницей от всех болезней 😂, что за чудодейственные лекарства😂😂😂😂😂
Esses medicamentos são por causa da gravidez nós mulheres quando estamos grávidas temos viroses, gripes , infecção urinária pressão alta ou baixa , enjôos até mesmo anêmia . Não foi por que se enfiou no buraco e ficou por lá esses dias, somente para os escritos pensarem que ela tinha foragida do Ali.
Ziba , your own family is not there for you but we are. My wish for you is for you to find happiness and find someone who loves you.
I bet this is the real truth of a women in this culture.
@@swanprardis6937 fake
Get well soon Ziba...grandma is doing a wonderful job taking care of things.
Ой и Зибины платья появились ниоткуда? Ну артисты! Вруны!
El marido se llevó todo lo que había en la tienda, ropa, cobijas y almihadones.
She might suffered mental block while around gathering woods..lost of memories improvisely that she did not remember her daughter she left alone in the tent. She just walk and walk not finding where to go until she stopped and stayed in the cave. Too much stress..abuses from her evil ugly husband might be the caused of all these.And when she saw aomeoneshe knew and familiar...her memories back.
Es teatro!porque tenía que ir a la leña,si ahí tenía y bastante,se la llevo Mirsa, la tenía Siba en la casa donde vivía.Son unos mentirosos ya nadie les creé
@@nicolascopernico8176nothing wrong looking for Woods. She sometimes gather small branches to burn easily than big branches.
@@KristinaMay2109 Please, do you actually believe that. It is obvious the whole thing is fake. In the past she always took Maryam with her when she gathered firewood .
Nothing wrong with her. She just wants the attention. Is everybody forgetting she left her child alone in that wet and cold tent? Throw her out until she can make a good home for her child. She is a strong woman!!! She just wants to be a victim in every video.
@@lavania169 I agree I can not understand the hatred for her on here. I have watched this whole family for a very long time. Ziba's husband has always been a monster to her. He is so abusive. When she finally got away her own family forced her to go back. I felt sorry for her. I'm sure she feels very alone and unloved. I like her and always have. She deserves a whole lot better than she ever gets .
Toxic people.
She's worthless.😢
Марьям у Бабушки отмылась , отьелась стала хорошо выглядеть! Бабушка молодец! Сразу всех купает 😊😊
Противно смотреть, как ломается Зиба. Клоун. Только здесь не зрители смеются, а она сама над собой.
Weil sie dumm und blöd
Sonst produzieren sie nicht so einen Mist
Она сама с себя уже смеётся 😂😂😂😂один смех
She laughed on subscriber because super easy she made super high you tube income 😅😅😅
Ela e falsa
The medical care in this country is so non-professional. Nothing is sterile, they don’t wash hands or wear rubber gloves. They think IV is the answer to every medical condition. They give no tests or blood work. This is pathetic, they do this on most channels that I watch.😢
Ziba eres una gran artista y mentirosa porque iso el papel de desaparecer y el loco la en contro rapidito y se llevo a la niña y después regreso a buscar a la esposa y la en contro derecho en la cueva que fácil en gañar a la gente como tontos
Es ridículo todo este cuento que flojera da ver esto tan tonto
the mnother in law was seriously talking while Ziba was smiling.You have to under go training if you want to be an actress
Сели кушать, а Зиба от смеха в три погибели согнулась. Думает мы не видим как она смеётся. 😅😅😅
Now she is putting money into Ali’s and his Mothers pocket. People unsubscribe!
Awful people. These are the type no one wants in their life.
Ali mother is very nice
If you create a drama, make it a little bit believable because the way you act and your husband are all faked and unbelievable.
Please stop these videos in the name of Allah STOP!
Trying to get more money through Falsehood STOP You will pay a price
Hello...I can relate with them obciously. This is a comment section everyone has to right thier opinion . Good or Bad .Who know after so many bashing they change the format of Ziba's story line. 😂
Totally agree. It makes them seem a horrible person yo have around always criticizing. Putting anyone that doesn’t follow her standards. Awful person. Toxic people.
@@lavania169 Ali teroriste vaec karabine monase Ziba oui Ali i Ziba manipulator malad mental
Сидит и смеётся 😂 . Муж снимает, а она смотрит на него и смеётся. Плохие актеры. Мамашу включили на дальнейший сериал
Али, ты снимаешь лучше чем Зиба, семейный подряд, прям!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
На этом канале жалко только девочку Мариям , которой манипулируют как хотят, лишь бы набрать лайков, но увы не думайте , что будут в скором времени одни дизлайки
Вот Марьям и здола, когда ворота открыли она сказала папа на оператора
Я тоже это слышала. 😅И Марья отца любит больше чем маму. А это значит, что они живут вместе и отец к дочке относится лучше, чем мама. 😂😂😂
Ziba is like her mother Fafima a very hard working woman.. maybe after that incident when her husband point a gun on her that made her a kind of shock and what happened to her could have created a nervous break down... and a plus factor also when she fall and a few days no eat
Етот канал не надо сматрет не уважение зрителиам
يا سلام على حماتك يازيبا. ست طيبه جداً.
انتي الآن تحتاجي لراحه وتغذيه جيده. وتبقي كويسه. ولا تفكري في الاشغال الشاقه والهبهبه في الجبال والاتربه. بيت حماتك مفتوح. وبيت امك مفتوح. انتي محظوظه فلا تختاري الشقاء فكري بعقل وحكمه. علي على مايبدو شخص طيب ولكن ربما تأثير المخدرات تجعله سيء. ليت امه تأخده للعلاج. ويتلم شملكم.
ونبقى نتابعكم في روتينات أو طبخات. او فلوقات. مو لازم هذه الدرامه الوحشه.
ودمتم بخير في رعاية الله.
Maryam is having a great life with her Grandma. I admire this lady so much, she cares for everyone. No more caves or mountain huts for Maryam please. She's a beautiful little girl and deserves better. Ziba, grow up and hope the baby in utero is ok??❤❤❤😂😂❤❤❤
Кошмар. Мне стыдно за вас, и взрослые и молодые идут на обман, чтобы собрать большое количество подписчиков и рады денег. Не надо дурачить подписчиков. Все артисты погорелевого театра. Стыдно должно быть вам.
Ziba dobro glumi vrlo dobra sa noktima sređenim da se vrati u dobro urđenu kuču sve pa i majku laže plačenai su svi kamerman placa sva cast🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😢
El patotas se convirtió de verdugo a su héroe, 😅😂😅😂 lo más ridícula historia
Foi de mais 😂😂😂😂😂
Aí sabe mentir para os assinantes,só quem acredita se for bobo
I think it was nice of this woman to help Ziba but someone needs to tell her the truth about how her son has brutalized her.
Ой, ну хоть бы платье драное одела, а то прям как с иголочки😂
تمثيل اوفر ولاتعرف زيبا تمثل تضحك وتغطي وجهه بالشال
Nesses momentos eu acabo rindo dela por ver o cinismo virando o rosto abaixando e se cinto do para nós vermos mas, a expressão do movimento corporal da para agente vê 😂😂😂😂😂😂
صحيح 😂
У них система от всех болезней.😂
She want my like and coment for more money and all she doing is pretend 😡😡😡😡😠😠
Her mother in law gave her those clothes to wear and told her to take a bath so that’s how she change her clothes.
I thought today's Jiba was ephemeral and very beautiful.
Please take care of your unborn baby.
I am healed by Mariam-chan’s energetic and innocent appearance。❤❤❤❤❤
Very happy grandma Gowli is there with Ziba. We dont really know what happened except we have snippets of the whole event. Hopefully it will be better with Grandma G present. Now is the baby inside her good?
احلى تمثيل 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Que bueno que la allaron . Ha de estar completamente deshidratada. Esperamos que ya su marido y suegra la ayuden a recuperarse. Pues es una madre y mujer bellisima
😅al marido no le importa, está es hora de que se está poniendo loco en un cuarto de la par de la casa.
Graças a Deus q vocês estão ajudando ela, melhoras pra ela, e não deixei ela desamparada!
Зибчатай открой личико. 😅Что ты его всё время прячешь. 😂😂😂
Оказывается у Али мама хорошая и её дочки дружно помогают.
어머니아니고 이모
(Depresión,ansiedad) necesita atención sicológica y siquiatrica ,Dios bendiga a esta hermosa mujer..saludos desde México
No tiene la culpa ella, sino el público que la sigue viendo, ya no la vean, y van a ver que se fastidia o se sale, o quieren seguir viendo al marido que es nefasto?
Али мама очень хорошая добрая чистапдотная женшина.Она Марияма так любить
Nice mother-in-law taking care of her and the child
Зиба совесть замучила ,даже не стыдно людям в глаза смотреть.
Good episode with lots of various activities going on
Nossa que tapetes mais lindos parabens .voces sao muitos caprichosos..deus os abençoe
Смотрю как воду льют безжалостно😮глядя на это я думаю у них вода бесплатная и её очень много.
Yep, lying & being foolish can take a toll on the person. Ali's mother all caught up in the drama. She needs to correct her son for his part in driving Ziba insane. Ziba is an embarrassment!🤡😈🙊🙉🙈😡🤬😳
Ziba q te paso por q estabas metida en esa cueba tantos dias por q dejaste sola ayram por q te encontro tu marido no cuadra por q bahar es tan irrespetuoso no pasa en español mmerecemos respeto los de latinoamerica o figan para ya no seguirlos y deja ya ziba de quejarte cuando te toma.el camarografo la verdad creo q no caes bie
No caes bien cuando te toma el camarógrafo y este camarógrafo igual q les pasa donde está la educación de no transmitir q feos ziba si quieres seguidores debes de decir q paso yo te creía en el fondo del abismo no en una cueva
알리의 집안 환경은 굳이 척박한 유목민의 궁상을 떨지 말고 이란의 중산층의 삶도 멋지게 그려 낼수 있을것 같은데 알리의 역할이 중독자로 지정되고 지바는 산골짜기를 헤매고 다니는건 진정성이 없어 보입니다
이번 사건은 전환의 계기를 위하여 설정된 것같은데 지바네 친정과는 색다른 구성으로 보여 주면 좋겠네요
사람은 거짓말을 하면 얼굴을 감추고 싶어합니다,본인도 모르게 그런 행동을 합니다,이렇게 해서라도 돈을 벌고 싶은가요?불쌍한 인생들.
BAHAR - самый примитивный и позорный канал 👎
😂 Allah OK with you lying to people that watch your podcast 😂😂😂I think you should go to bollywood India 😂😂😂😂😂
Чем это хуже Болливуда, смотрите и не возмущайтесь.))
Hmm.. It is strange, and I was very concerned and sad for Ziba and her situation, but now I'm not sure if it is Ziba that needs to be concerned over. She seems to be fine and also giggling and trying to hide it.. It's disappointing to witness this because there is a lot of unstability. Why didn't she go to her mother Fatimah? Ali's mother should have at least called her family and let them know she is safe and where she is now. Ziba should not have gone to Gulvar Gulch is a cold, windy, wet, and dangerous passage. I don't think that worrying about Ziba was a good idea and made my heart hurt. I feel deceived, especially since I hope and pray so hard for her. Was she really lost or in any danger? Only the good and true God knows.
Gosto da família de Ali, mãe e irmãs.
Я думаю 🤔 семя. Али родители очень хорошая люди . Это она плохая .
ALI please take care of Ziba she is a good soul blessingsto the entire family
3 days in side the cave then what she eat. Really drama
Alhamdulilah mertuwa baik sekali
Keep holding your head and hiding your face Ziba. Why haven’t they contacted ziba’s mother that she has been found.
I see Ali's family is good the problem is from ziba she is hard headed she want to live in the mountain by her daughter what a hell.
Koliko lijepih zena na jednom mjestu. Da sr divis dok ih gledas. Sve su ko vile raviole. Vrijedne divljenja❤
Ziba is probably embarrassed for the silly decision she made
Please LORD don't let any thing happen to her baby
Awful to think hopefully 🙏 the baby is okay
Ziba seems have abdomenal pain but don't tell anybody. I notice her when she got pregnant. She should tell her family about it.
Horrible scenario hopefully it’s not true.
😂😂😂😂 actuacion de risa, una comedia
Ей пластырь налепили сверху, даже вену не проткнув, комедия. Капельницу не показали, потому что ничего там не капало.
She is not honest people sorry for her mother and the rest of family....
Ziba esta mejor que todas nosotras, no tiene signo de nada solo.se agarra la cintura MENTIRA. MARYAM APA! Jajajajjaa el papa filma jajajajajaja
Así es el que firma es el padre por qué la niña lo menciono papa está gente piensa que nos estamos chupando los dedos . nos quieren agarrar de tontos . que sigamos viendo sus tonterías que graban poreso ni manita arriba se merecen .ay días que ni los veo ay más cosas interesantes que ver.la gente ase más coraje que ellos.😂😂😂😂😂
Did anyone check on Ziba's baby she is caring?
Aparentemente neste país, o soro cura todos os males. 🙄
Ziba dile a tu suegra por q te fuiste a vivir a ese lugar tan horrible por culpa de su hijo drogadicto q te pego te amenazó con una arma
Y q te tiro tu casa dile todo
This is a show actors playing the part if u believe this u don't know what real life is
Да ни наркоман он, хороший отец. А это всё придумано для сценария. Зиба сама наверно, что то приняла раз за дровами пошла в пещеру. 😂😂😂
Глупая усмешка не сходит с лица Зибы вот так бы и заржала как лошадь , оператор больше нечего было выдумать, вообще канал Бахар сплошная ложь и ни грамма честности, правдивости
Зиба мне нравится очень самостоятельная женщина, сама и дом построила, жизнь очень трудная у неё, дай бог тебе здоровья Зиба крепись.
Absolutely right
Ели себя держит , она все время смеются.
У Зибы муж грубый тиран. Он бы не стал её искать, если бы его не заставила его мать. Братья и сёстры Зибы равнодушные люди, а её мать поплакала и занялась своим хозяйством. Никто из них не сделал попытки поискать Зибу. Она практически одинока.
Да Вы правы.
Because it is all fake.
Mindenki tudta hogy Ziba szinészkedik ,azért nem keresték.A történet miatt muszájból buslakodtak.
Ржёт, закрывает лицо Зиба. Это спектакль для детей 2 - х летних.
چیزی که خیلی برام زیبایه 🧐سریال زیبایه😉🙃😍
I'm glad Maryam isn't being dragged around in the cold, living on junk food & breast milk. She seems very happy with her aunt & grandma. Ziba needs to get over whatever she faked & accept her life with Ali & whatever he puts her through. She doesn't need excuses to run to him anymore.
Зибуляторша мы видели как ты смеялась когда вы сели есть, бедная аж сложилась в 3 погибили пытаясь спрятать лицо 😂😂😂
Где она была у всех вопрос😅 щас скажу в борделе пила отдыхала нарко наркоманила гуляла по полной программе дочь ей не нужна
Ziba we know you have a headache but youre overdoing it with the amount of times youre holding your head. You are a terrible actress😅
I agree an she keeps hiding her face to laugh
Zina is suffering from a broken heart 💔 since her husband do not want her 🤣🤣🤣
Ahora es el esposo el que está gravando jajajaja
I like ziba she's angel ❤🎉
Просто поразительно,мать знает,что дочь исчезла,братья тоже,но всем некогда...ужас
Они неподдержали их розыгрыш
Nossa deveria fingir melhor pra não ficar mais feio o drama. No momento que ela tava com um prato de arroz ela tava sorrindo e logo escondeu o risto com o lenço kkkkk
Todo un engaño. Ziba's jamás dejaría a Maryam sola. No piensan. No hay respeto. Obviamente que a nadie obligan a ver el canal. Pero pierden suscriptores por errores tan grandes.
Ziba jawnie udaje ,siedzi i się śmieje.
whoever is the writer or script writer or the director of this charade., review first before uploading and showing to the viewers