Near the end of 2012 my Finnish father passed a NB d I remembered finding you singing "Be Still My Soul". It seemed to be the best song to honor him, but I remembered little of how to find you. That made it a little difficult for the man putting our music together. Luckily there weren't tons of versions and that friend found you. It was several years later that I could put your name together. To think you came to America brings it all full circle. You have been with me and many others who have been introduced to that very special place named Urk. Thank you.
Near the end of 2012 my Finnish father passed a NB d I remembered finding you singing "Be Still My Soul". It seemed to be the best song to honor him, but I remembered little of how to find you. That made it a little difficult for the man putting our music together. Luckily there weren't tons of versions and that friend found you. It was several years later that I could put your name together. To think you came to America brings it all full circle. You have been with me and many others who have been introduced to that very special place named Urk. Thank you.
Glorieuze liederen, je voelt de kracht Gods.
Prachtige beelden vanuit Amerika, hopelijk kunnen we binnenkort weer voluit zingen op Urk in de Bethellkerk zidz 👌
Zie ik mijn va ineens voorbij komen!!