さきさん、こんにちは。同胞日本人クリスチャンとして、さきさんが公にイエス様のご誕生の意味をシェアしておられる勇姿をみて、感銘を受けています。さきさんがおっしゃるように、現在では私たちはどこにいてもイエス様のことを証することができる環境にあります。その環境を善用することで福音の光が耀き出でることを、このチャンネルを通して目の当たりにしています。I am so proud of you in Christ. 応援しています。
Proud of you too . . . *Matthew 5:17* "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to *FULFIL* them." *Hosea 13.16* "The people of Samaria must bear their guilt because they have rebelled against God. They will fall by the SWORD; their little ones will be d_shed to the ground; their pregnant women r_______ open." *Isaiah 13:15-16* "Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword. Their infants will be d*shed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives r_____." *Isaiah 14:21* "Let the Offspring of the wicked never be mentioned again. Prepare a place to slau_______ his children for the sins of their ancestors. They are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the Earth with their cities." *1 Samuel 15:3* "Now go attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them do not spare them put to d______ men and women children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." *Jeremiah 11:22* "Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says, "I will punish them: their young men will d_____ by the sword; their sons and daughters by famine.'" *Exodus 22:20* "Whoever sacrifices to any God other than the Lord must be destroyed - k____ those who don't worship the same God as you." *2 Kings **2:23**-24* "While he was on his way some boys came out of the city and jeered at him - 'Go up bald head,' they shouted, 'go up bald head.' The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and t______ 42 of the children to pieces." *Genesis 6:7* "So the Lord said I will wipe from the face of the Earth the human race I have CREATED and with them the animals the birds the creatures that move along the ground for I REGRET that I have made them."
As a christian who has been studying japanese for a couple years, hoping to move there sometime to help spread the word, this channel is a blessing to have found. 本当にありがとうございます。
Im a new follower in yt, subscribers 👋. God bless all people in japan, hopefully a revival in your country. God loves you all. 👋 greetings from フィリピン🇵🇭
Glad to hear your testimony and explanation of Christmas. I have been a Christian for 50 years since age 14. My mum was a Buddhist. It is great to see Japanese Christians shari ng their faith.
I am a Christian and I recently started learning Japanese. I'm glad your channel showed in my recommended channels and I've subscribed! Merry Christmas, Saki! Merry Christmas, everyone!
The _de facto_ role-model of Koreans and other Asians are California and New York _Jews_ . . . . NOT Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia Red______ and Hill_____ 😂😂😂
Saki-san, you are a true apostle of modern time! Especially in Japan the martyrs of the ancient time had to go through absolute cruel suffering - so your work is in a sense a continuation of what they did keeping the faith living secretly for more than 200 hundred years. That was a true miracle - and would have been impossible without Saki-san, you are a true apostle of modern time! Especially in Japan the martyrs of the ancient time had to go through absolute cruel suffering - so your work is in a sense a continuation of what they did keeping the faith living secretly for more than 200 hundred years. That was a true miracle - and would have been impossible without the grace of God and his Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for your work - arigatougozaimasu!the grace of God and his Son Jesus Christ.
This is a good video for understanding the differences in the celebration of Christmas in Japan and America. I learned some things I did not know, even though I took Japanese culture class at university. Thank you for that. I am very happy that you are a sister in Christ. The family of God is greater than that of DNA, culture, or nationality; all Christians will live together for eternity in heaven, whereas non-Christians that are earthly family to us we will only know in the brief time we have in this world. May the Lord bless you in all that you do in His name.
Saki-San thank you so much for spreading the gospel during this holiday season! May God continue to bless you and family! You inspired me to learn how to read my Bible in Japanese!
English is the BEST . . . *Matthew 5:17* "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to *FULFIL* them." *Hosea 13.16* "The people of Samaria must bear their guilt because they have rebelled against God. They will fall by the SWORD; their little ones will be d_shed to the ground; their pregnant women r_______ open." *Isaiah 13:15-16* "Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword. Their infants will be d*shed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives r_____." *Isaiah 14:21* "Let the Offspring of the wicked never be mentioned again. Prepare a place to slau_______ his children for the sins of their ancestors. They are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the Earth with their cities." *1 Samuel 15:3* "Now go attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them do not spare them put to d______ men and women children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." *Jeremiah 11:22* "Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says, "I will punish them: their young men will d_____ by the sword; their sons and daughters by famine.'" *Exodus 22:20* "Whoever sacrifices to any God other than the Lord must be destroyed - k____ those who don't worship the same God as you." *2 Kings **2:23**-24* "While he was on his way some boys came out of the city and jeered at him - 'Go up bald head,' they shouted, 'go up bald head.' The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and t______ 42 of the children to pieces." *Genesis 6:7* "So the Lord said I will wipe from the face of the Earth the human race I have CREATED and with them the animals the birds the creatures that move along the ground for I REGRET that I have made them."
I just stumble upon your channel and this is exactly what I needed !! I want to learn Japanese and as a Christian I love to use content that can uplift me in my faith. Thank you so much. I'll be following you for now on 😀😁
I'm so grateful to live in an age where I can learn Japanese and be encouraged spiritually at the same time. A Christian Japanese learning channel is such a blessing!!
Just as you said, this is the best season for us to share the gospel to those who haven't met Jesus yet. I just found your channel today, but I'll be rooting for you, praying it will become a place for spiritual growth both for you and anyone who comes across it (and Japanese language growth, which i hope works on me too!) Any video format you choose is alright cause it's serving its purpose, so don't worry! Love from Argentina ❤
Asaki-San, thank you for this video and your comments. May our Lord bless you and your family, and may He also give you the words to speak to the hearts of all who see this video and all future videos.
How about sharing the Gospel with the poor, obese, diabetic, violent folks in Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Baltimore, Camden, Detroit, Flint, Gary, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans?
@@rivertonhigh-v4t I think all people need to hear the Gospel, especially those who haven't had much exposure. I pray that God bless you and that you have a Merry Christmas!
@@日本語を勉強するキャメロンChristmas is NOT mentioned in the Gospel - or anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Christmas was banned by the Christian dictator, Oliver Cromwell, the Pilgrims and Puritans, due to its Pagan European origins. But Merry _Saturnalia, Yule, Sol Invictus_ to you!
@@日本語を勉強するキャメロン Oh, please don't . . . *Revelation 2:16* “Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the *SWORD* of my mouth.” *Matthew 10:34-35* “Do NOT suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a *SWORD."* For I have come to turn a man _against_ his father, a daughter *against* her mother, a daughter-in-law AGAINST her mother-in-law." *Luke 14:26* “If anyone comes to me and does not *HATE* their father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even their own life - such a person can NOT be my disciple." *Exodus 20:5* "You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a JEALOUS God, *punishing* the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,"
@@日本語を勉強するキャメロン *Matthew 16:27* "For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to *what they have DONE."* *Romans 9:18* "Therefore God has mercy on whom He _wants_ to have mercy, and He hardens whom he WANTS to harden." *Mathew 7.21-23* “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the *will* of _MY FATHER_ who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
God bleess christians in (and from) Japan ! About the christians in Sud Korea we 'd heard many years ago, and also about underground church in China, but about church in Japan -not so much. Thank you for sharing your faith in this channel.
Amen sista, Saki ! Thanks for sharing your experience to becoming a Christian through USA Christmas celebration. Praise God! Keep up the faith and trust in Jesus!🙏
Hello! I am just beginning the journey of learning Japanese. I hope to someday visit your beautiful country and meet many people like you. God bless you, beloved sister!
こんにちは Saki-san! I like how you are explaining Christmas differences between Japan and the US AND sharing the Gospel in a clear, attractive way! Please pray for me as I am asking God for clear direction if I should pursue learning beginner Japanese in 2025 & trying to invite my family friend since high school to Christmas Eve service or any Sunday service. It's hard but my earnest wish! ありがとうございました! Best wishes to you from Florida USA
Yes, casual approach is easier to take lesson from too. Thank Jesus for your channel. Someday I'd love to buy a Japanese bible to read & learn Japanese directly. God bless you and your family 😊
Dear Saki: it is a blessing to meet you, and know there are Japanese Believers from Japan. I shall look forward to meeting you in Heaven when we are with The Lord. God bless you In Christ Jesus: The True God and Eternal Life! Wells😊
Japanese learning channel with christians in mind? SUBBED!
さきさん、こんにちは。同胞日本人クリスチャンとして、さきさんが公にイエス様のご誕生の意味をシェアしておられる勇姿をみて、感銘を受けています。さきさんがおっしゃるように、現在では私たちはどこにいてもイエス様のことを証することができる環境にあります。その環境を善用することで福音の光が耀き出でることを、このチャンネルを通して目の当たりにしています。I am so proud of you in Christ. 応援しています。
Proud of you too . . . *Matthew 5:17* "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to *FULFIL* them."
*Hosea 13.16* "The people of Samaria must bear their guilt because they have rebelled against God. They will fall by the SWORD; their little ones will be d_shed to the ground; their pregnant women r_______ open."
*Isaiah 13:15-16* "Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword. Their infants will be d*shed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives r_____."
*Isaiah 14:21* "Let the Offspring of the wicked never be mentioned again. Prepare a place to slau_______ his children for the sins of their ancestors. They are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the Earth with their cities."
*1 Samuel 15:3* "Now go attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them do not spare them put to d______ men and women children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."
*Jeremiah 11:22* "Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says, "I will punish them: their young men will d_____ by the sword; their sons and daughters by famine.'"
*Exodus 22:20* "Whoever sacrifices to any God other than the Lord must be destroyed - k____ those who don't worship the same God as you."
*2 Kings **2:23**-24* "While he was on his way some boys came out of the city and jeered at him - 'Go up bald head,' they shouted, 'go up bald head.' The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and t______ 42 of the children to pieces."
*Genesis 6:7* "So the Lord said I will wipe from the face of the Earth the human race I have CREATED and with them the animals the birds the creatures that move along the ground for I REGRET that I have made them."
It's strange that while you gain more freedom, Western Christians are slowly being more and more restricted, with persecution increasing.
Pensaba que no había japoneses cristianos pues es de agradecer
I thought there were no Japanese Christians, so it’s something to be grateful for.🇪🇦🇬🇧
As a christian who has been studying japanese for a couple years, hoping to move there sometime to help spread the word, this channel is a blessing to have found.
I’m a Christian in the US who’s been working on my Japanese for a few years. This is a delightful find 😁
Im a new follower in yt, subscribers 👋. God bless all people in japan, hopefully a revival in your country. God loves you all. 👋 greetings from フィリピン🇵🇭
I hope this video and your channel reaches more people in Japan! Lord Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving!
Glad to hear your testimony and explanation of Christmas. I have been a Christian for 50 years since age 14. My mum was a Buddhist. It is great to see Japanese Christians shari ng their faith.
Saki san delighted to see your evangelism for true Christian faith. We are in the years of great revival.
I am a Christian and I recently started learning Japanese. I'm glad your channel showed in my recommended channels and I've subscribed! Merry Christmas, Saki! Merry Christmas, everyone!
So you're ashamed of learning Ibo, Hausa, and Yoruba.
god bless you as you spread god's word
🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😇😇😇 🇯🇲💖🇯🇵
The _de facto_ role-model of Koreans and other Asians are California and New York _Jews_ . . . . NOT Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia Red______ and Hill_____ 😂😂😂
As a Christian training to do missions work in Japan this was such an encouraging video to come across! Thank you so much
Saki-san, you are a true apostle of modern time! Especially in Japan the martyrs of the ancient time had to go through absolute cruel suffering - so your work is in a sense a continuation of what they did keeping the faith living secretly for more than 200 hundred years. That was a true miracle - and would have been impossible without Saki-san, you are a true apostle of modern time! Especially in Japan the martyrs of the ancient time had to go through absolute cruel suffering - so your work is in a sense a continuation of what they did keeping the faith living secretly for more than 200 hundred years. That was a true miracle - and would have been impossible without the grace of God and his Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for your work - arigatougozaimasu!the grace of God and his Son Jesus Christ.
This is a good video for understanding the differences in the celebration of Christmas in Japan and America. I learned some things I did not know, even though I took Japanese culture class at university. Thank you for that. I am very happy that you are a sister in Christ. The family of God is greater than that of DNA, culture, or nationality; all Christians will live together for eternity in heaven, whereas non-Christians that are earthly family to us we will only know in the brief time we have in this world. May the Lord bless you in all that you do in His name.
Saki-San thank you so much for spreading the gospel during this holiday season! May God continue to bless you and family! You inspired me to learn how to read my Bible in Japanese!
English is the BEST . . . *Matthew 5:17* "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to *FULFIL* them."
*Hosea 13.16* "The people of Samaria must bear their guilt because they have rebelled against God. They will fall by the SWORD; their little ones will be d_shed to the ground; their pregnant women r_______ open."
*Isaiah 13:15-16* "Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword. Their infants will be d*shed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives r_____."
*Isaiah 14:21* "Let the Offspring of the wicked never be mentioned again. Prepare a place to slau_______ his children for the sins of their ancestors. They are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the Earth with their cities."
*1 Samuel 15:3* "Now go attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them do not spare them put to d______ men and women children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."
*Jeremiah 11:22* "Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says, "I will punish them: their young men will d_____ by the sword; their sons and daughters by famine.'"
*Exodus 22:20* "Whoever sacrifices to any God other than the Lord must be destroyed - k____ those who don't worship the same God as you."
*2 Kings **2:23**-24* "While he was on his way some boys came out of the city and jeered at him - 'Go up bald head,' they shouted, 'go up bald head.' The prophet turned and saw them, and he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and t______ 42 of the children to pieces."
*Genesis 6:7* "So the Lord said I will wipe from the face of the Earth the human race I have CREATED and with them the animals the birds the creatures that move along the ground for I REGRET that I have made them."
This is very interesting ✝
I just stumble upon your channel and this is exactly what I needed !! I want to learn Japanese and as a Christian I love to use content that can uplift me in my faith. Thank you so much. I'll be following you for now on 😀😁
I'm so grateful to live in an age where I can learn Japanese and be encouraged spiritually at the same time. A Christian Japanese learning channel is such a blessing!!
Merry Christmas from Indonesia. Jesus bless u, family, & you future🎉🎉🎉
and merry christmas and happy new year
Saki, how beautiful your spirit, one day I pray God blesses me with a Christian Japanese wife. 😊
Just as you said, this is the best season for us to share the gospel to those who haven't met Jesus yet. I just found your channel today, but I'll be rooting for you, praying it will become a place for spiritual growth both for you and anyone who comes across it (and Japanese language growth, which i hope works on me too!) Any video format you choose is alright cause it's serving its purpose, so don't worry! Love from Argentina ❤
Asaki-San, thank you for this video and your comments. May our Lord bless you and your family, and may He also give you the words to speak to the hearts of all who see this video and all future videos.
You did great, awesome message.
How about sharing the Gospel with the poor, obese, diabetic, violent folks in Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Baltimore, Camden, Detroit, Flint, Gary, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans?
@@rivertonhigh-v4t I think all people need to hear the Gospel, especially those who haven't had much exposure. I pray that God bless you and that you have a Merry Christmas!
@@日本語を勉強するキャメロンChristmas is NOT mentioned in the Gospel - or anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Christmas was banned by the Christian dictator, Oliver Cromwell, the Pilgrims and Puritans, due to its Pagan European origins. But Merry _Saturnalia, Yule, Sol Invictus_ to you!
@@日本語を勉強するキャメロン Oh, please don't . . . *Revelation 2:16* “Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the *SWORD* of my mouth.”
*Matthew 10:34-35* “Do NOT suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a *SWORD."*
For I have come to turn a man _against_ his father, a daughter *against* her mother, a daughter-in-law AGAINST her mother-in-law."
*Luke 14:26* “If anyone comes to me and does not *HATE* their father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even their own life - such a person can NOT be my disciple."
*Exodus 20:5* "You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a JEALOUS God, *punishing* the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,"
@@日本語を勉強するキャメロン *Matthew 16:27* "For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to *what they have DONE."*
*Romans 9:18* "Therefore God has mercy on whom He _wants_ to have mercy, and He hardens whom he WANTS to harden."
*Mathew 7.21-23* “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the *will* of _MY FATHER_ who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’
Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
God bleess christians in (and from) Japan ! About the christians in Sud Korea we 'd heard many years ago, and also about underground church in China, but about church in Japan -not so much. Thank you for sharing your faith in this channel.
Nice video
こういうものを見ると幸せな気持ちになります。私はブラジル出身ですが、クリスチャンであり日本を崇拝している者として、イエス・キリストの道を歩む日本人の方々にお会いできることをとてもうれしく思っています。 🙏🥰
Great video
It still surprises me they celebrate with chicken and cake there on Christmas😊but hey..it's being celebrated👍
Amen sista, Saki !
Thanks for sharing your experience to becoming a Christian through USA Christmas celebration. Praise God! Keep up the faith and trust in Jesus!🙏
Merry Christmas 🎄 ❤️ ✝️💪
Hello! I am just beginning the journey of learning Japanese. I hope to someday visit your beautiful country and meet many people like you. God bless you, beloved sister!
Thanks Saki-san. I also am trying to work on my Japanese and share my faith within cultural context for Japan. This was wonderful to hear!
my siblings do missionary trips to Japan. I’m happy to see young believers or those of any age celebrating Christmas the way you do in Japan
Why Japan? Why don't you help all the obese diabetics, artheoscleretics in Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia?
amen praise the lord
I just stumbled upon your channel.
I subscribed, your content is great.
Greetings from a fellow Christian from Greece! 🇬🇷
Greetings from Mexico sister, thank you for the video, i am just starting to learn Japanese
Im proud of you Saki!! God Bless You!
Yes maam, youre right!
Ótimo que tenha legendas em inglês também, assim fica mais fácil de entender os vídeos. E me ajuda a melhorar o meu nível japonês e inglês.🙂✝
Merry Christmas
Love your Christmas tree
Christmas is not exist in history and the world
Christmas is a wrong festival
i have many proves.
@@beautifulnature1134 Show some respect to Saki . What are you a Seven Day Advantast?
@@beautifulnature1134 Christmas is a _wonderful_ European PAGAN festival! People should abandon desert voodoo cults.
@@cantrait7311 No. CHRISTIAN (NOT Germanic paganism)
Hi Saki-San...イスラム教徒が多数派を占める国に住むキリスト教徒として、あなたの言葉にとても満足しています。もっと多くの人がイエス・キリストを知るようになることを願います。インドネシアよりご挨拶申し上げます。
casual conversation is good! thanks for the video!
こんにちは Saki-san! I like how you are explaining Christmas differences between Japan and the US AND sharing the Gospel in a clear, attractive way! Please pray for me as I am asking God for clear direction if I should pursue learning beginner Japanese in 2025 & trying to invite my family friend since high school to Christmas Eve service or any Sunday service. It's hard but my earnest wish! ありがとうございました! Best wishes to you from Florida USA
Merry Christmas.
Buongiorno Saki-san, Auguri di Serene e Sante Feste Natalizie, Dio ti benedica con ogni benedizione
Merry _Saturnalia, Yule, Sol Invictus,_ End of Harvest Festival!
Happy Christmas 🎉❤❤❤
ありがとうございます。大阪に住んでいるの new subscriberです。このチャンネルの内容が好きです。It's very helpful for my Japanese study and sharing my faith!
I love this video. I have trouble following spoken language in my native English, so I really love how you present this material in Japanese.
Christmas MARVELS‼️☄️
Merry Christmas
It's exciting to hear how God is working to reach Japan. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas my sister in Christ ❤️
イエスの御名において神のご加護がありますように!メリークリスマス From Brasil
Great video and AMZING listening practice for me! Thank you, very much and merry Christmas.
Greetings from Venezuela, South America. 🇻🇪👋
God bless Japan and America
God Bless you Sister!
Happy holidays from the UK
God is doing a Great Thing in Japan.
Yes, casual approach is easier to take lesson from too. Thank Jesus for your channel. Someday I'd love to buy a Japanese bible to read & learn Japanese directly. God bless you and your family 😊
Dear Saki: it is a blessing to meet you, and know there are Japanese Believers from Japan. I shall look forward to meeting you in Heaven when we are with The Lord. God bless you
In Christ Jesus: The True God and Eternal Life!
God bless you. May the lord help you in your journey. Praying for you from America…
Happy Mery Christmas , lm from lndia tribe is Garo,North East lndia. , Gomenasai
Merry Christmas to you Saki and to all Believers in Japan and around the world.
Thank you for sharing.
Mathew:23:10,6:24, John:14:1,
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful and blessed year to come.
Thank you for the Japanese subtitles
Hoy he dejado de ser menos ignorante, gracias
Today I have become less ignorant, thank you.🇪🇦🇺🇸
I love your video 🥰.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, beautiful girl! 🎉🎉🎉
Merry Christmas! Greetings from Brazil!
Fröhliche Weihnachten ❤liebe Schwester. С Рождеством 🎄❤✝️
happy merry christmes
amazing video! Merry Christmas!
..hi watching you here in the philippines 🇵🇭 ..
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 saki san
KFC and Cake!!! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
日本に引っ越します 🏃🏻💨
Nice viseo saki san
Nice, 👍 I'll stick around for more contents
Japan ❤❤❤ language ❤❤❤
When we talk about christians in Japan, what percentage of them are catholic? What denomination are most people?
Advance Happy Christmas 🎄☦️☦️ Love from India ❤
best in the world, bless bless watch it twirl 🌸
Thank you for the video Saki-san. May you have a merry Christmas and a blessed new year. ✝️
Love to see it