You have not changed the parameters to string & string2, so that it is always getting the same user name i.e; "standard-user" and testing it for successfull login.
Hello Sir I'm not able to get the html report under the target folder, it's blank. what can be the solution for that. Kindly please tell the solution for it.
Thanks for capturing realtime errors during feature file execution. It helped me overcome the issue I was facing with the scenario outline.
Glad, it helped.
You made things easy to understand. Thank you
Really thanks sir helped me to solve the error that i faced how to give parameterized
Happy to help
You have not changed the parameters to string & string2, so that it is always getting the same user name i.e; "standard-user" and testing it for successfull login.
Hi sir I'm not able to get the html report under the target folder, it's blank. what can be the solution for that.
After execution completed, Refresh the project -> expand the target folder
you are not passing the parameters to the sendkeys()
I am working with junit i don't understand why when i run Testrunner as junit it dont display anything
Hello Sir I'm not able to get the html report under the target folder, it's blank. what can be the solution for that. Kindly please tell the solution for it.
Hi Sir... How we can hide the user name and password from Examples?