10 Friday 2 AM - 24

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • Overnight, Jesus was tried multiple times. There have been lots of studies about these trials. Many of them were illegal for lots of different reasons, not the least of which is he was tried in front of Caiaphas, the high priest, and then he was tried in front of pilot. Then he was tried in front of Herod and they didn't really get the answer.
    So they took him back to Herod and tried them again. And then they brought him back to pilot. And pilot was the one that finally sentenced him to death by crucifixion. It was a mockery of a trial. It was no reason that Jesus would be tried and found guilty. That's why he was tried so many times. They were just trying to hang some clay on him that would allow him to be removed.
    They finally found it in pilot, even though it was ridiculous in the midst of that, though. They placed a crown of thorns on his head. They placed they flogged him and beat him. They placed a robe on his back and they mocked him. They spit on him. They made fun of him. Jesus, the son of God is being made a mockery.
    It's easy for us to look at that situation and be pained. It's easy for us to look at that situation and and be the overwhelmed with. Why would they do that? But then when we turn the mirror around and we look at ourselves, we realize that we may do some of the same things sometimes in our lives when we choose to not follow him.
    When we choose to go our own way. When we choose to just dismiss his teaching and not pay attention to what he wants for our life, what are we doing? We're making a mockery of him replacing a crown of thorns on his head, saying, You're my king, but really not just kind of making fun of you. Dismissing your royalty and dismissing your Lordship.
    Friends, we should never do that. We need to recognize the responsibility that we have in our lives to follow Jesus no matter what.

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