We hope you enjoyed this episode of 'The Indah G Show' with Adriano Qalbi. If you would like to support the show and all of the people on our team that work so hard to deliver weekly content, please like and comment on this episode, and don't forget to hit that subscribe button.
even though i'm still pissed about your paid membership junk, i'm writing this comment because of some good points. first, my impression of this show: you are living in a bubble and you are realizing it with some of your BS. i have read stolen focus, and i never watch your show directly. i always download just the audio (mp3) so I can work and think about other stuff (and not watch you eat and talk with ugly dude). the problem with gen-z is that they are not reading books and contemplating the information that comes in. social media hijacks their brains and trains them to be impulsive and seek sensation, not the essence. we need a better library! because you were educated in the usa, you know how good the library system is here: a community library in every county (selevel kecamatan?), and parents encouraging reading habits. the dude is also a bad example; he does not read books. next time, ask your guest what their latest book is that they have read! i heard you mention your stats, so i clicked subscribe (so i'm not in your c*nt list), maybe until my paid membership expires at the end of this month.
Thoughts: 1. Texas is not necessarily a red state since there is Austin 2. "Jalan di Amerika seram"? I have to disagree since it depends on which part of America 3. Someone of world top university graduate is not confident after getting a job in Indonesia company? I wonder if this someone was ever part of the campus entrepreneurship team 🤔 4. Social media ruins? I have to disagree since there is no one forcing people to engage in social media; join a club or community, volunteer, help unfortunate people, build your own business can be alternatives to grow your social life 5. "Indah merakyat 2024" would be content series I follow 😊
What do you mean by there's no one forcing you to engage in social media? Are you living under a rock or smth? These people who are exposed to unfiltered content, most of them got them when they're teenager or kid. The parents don't get it and the kids do not have a guide on it. And most of them also lost some years due to covid. Your suggestions sounds like it straight came out from "thanks I'm cured" ahh type of shit. Lmao. 💀💀
Masih mau nerapin demokrasi di Negara ini ? Masih mau Niru Amerika Dan Negara Eropa atau Negara Negara yg mendukung kerusakan moral dgn budaya serta cara berpikir mereka yg Liberal. Bagi saya hanya orang bodoh yg mau meniru Negara Negara yg rusak moral nya.
Saya gak nonton full. Tapi membandingkan problem sosial di Amerika dengan Indonesia itu tidak sebanding. Gembel di indo gak mungkin muncul diruang publik karena diburu satpol PP, satpam. Kemiskinan ekstrim Indonesia itu 17juta, dan itu sebagian besar di desa dengan pendapatan rata2 400rb/bulan. Jangan dipikir kriminal di indo gak tinggi, mungkin loe anak rumahan, dari kasus begal, rampok, mutilasi, bunuh diri, penganiayaan aparat, genk motor dll. Jelas menjadi kaya di indo mudah, gak perlu pinter, teriak2 seperti bahar smith, sedekah ucup mansur, jualan motivasi , jualan air doa dan jimat, bisa dapat duit. Apalagi lulusan Amerika.
@@rubahlicik5291 I didn't watch the whole thing. But comparing social problems in America with Indonesia is not comparable. Homeless people in Indonesia cannot appear in public spaces because they are chased away by public order officers or security guards. Extreme poverty in Indonesia is around 17 million people, mostly in villages with an average income of 400,000 IDR per month. Don't think crime in Indonesia isn't high; maybe you're a homebody. There are cases of muggings, robberies, mutilations, suicides, assaults on officers, motorbike gangs, etc. Clearly, getting rich in Indonesia is easy; you don't need to be smart. Shouting like Bahar Smith, almsgiving like Yusuf Mansur, selling motivation, selling prayer water and charms, you can make money. Especially if you're an American graduate.
RIght? gembel di amrik banyak yg masih punya mobil loh. Dan banyak homeless yg jd homeless itu krn kecanduan narkoba dan mereka gamau kerja. Di indo gembel ya kebanyakan bener2 ga punya apa2 aja udah titik.
si adri bilang 'lo gimana bikin bisnis kopi di negara maju' itu krn lo ga ad duitnya ga sih?! 😂 ya kl org ad duitnya bisa2 aja buat bisnis apa juga. Orang china banyak yg buat bisnis di western countries.
jadi penasaran sm pemikiran guest, klo logikanya "gue donasi, lo ngga" apakah dengan donasi ke korban, seseorang jd entitled buat mocking/ making jokes abt it? soalnya perkataan "lo aj ngga donasi, gua udh donasi dgn nilai yg cukup besar" itu terus terulang di percakapan ini
Jdi kaya emang lebih easily klo tega exploit nya sih, harus g punya moral, ato moral perbudakan tpi bilang ngebantu mereka dan ngebuka lapangan pekerjaan lol
We hope you enjoyed this episode of 'The Indah G Show' with Adriano Qalbi. If you would like to support the show and all of the people on our team that work so hard to deliver weekly content, please like and comment on this episode, and don't forget to hit that subscribe button.
should I post my complaint again about my membership on your channel? i am still pissed! F@!
even though i'm still pissed about your paid membership junk, i'm writing this comment because of some good points. first, my impression of this show: you are living in a bubble and you are realizing it with some of your BS. i have read stolen focus, and i never watch your show directly. i always download just the audio (mp3) so I can work and think about other stuff (and not watch you eat and talk with ugly dude). the problem with gen-z is that they are not reading books and contemplating the information that comes in. social media hijacks their brains and trains them to be impulsive and seek sensation, not the essence.
we need a better library! because you were educated in the usa, you know how good the library system is here: a community library in every county (selevel kecamatan?), and parents encouraging reading habits. the dude is also a bad example; he does not read books. next time, ask your guest what their latest book is that they have read!
i heard you mention your stats, so i clicked subscribe (so i'm not in your c*nt list), maybe until my paid membership expires at the end of this month.
undang profesor bagus muljadi donk
Indah G . Sih zionis
Gw dengerin podcastnya sambil main game Minecraft, 2 kali mati diledakkan oleh creeper, satu jatuh dari ketinggian, satu nyemplung ke lava.
Ga mau ngerasain kesedihan, membuat Gen Z ga merasakan kebahagiaan secara Full
Anjir udah jadi muridnya Buddha lu
mereka total ngobrol 2,5 jam??? gokil sih
Lebih... Yg tayang aja kan pasti udh ada yg dpotong
Iyalah ada mealnya, kalo minuman doang -apalagi air putih- paling sejam kelar 🤣
Finally adri able to speak more in long duration, PAM ga pernah 2 jam lebih
Gak nyangka bang adriano qolbi nonton love death and robots
1. Texas is not necessarily a red state since there is Austin
2. "Jalan di Amerika seram"? I have to disagree since it depends on which part of America
3. Someone of world top university graduate is not confident after getting a job in Indonesia company? I wonder if this someone was ever part of the campus entrepreneurship team 🤔
4. Social media ruins? I have to disagree since there is no one forcing people to engage in social media; join a club or community, volunteer, help unfortunate people, build your own business can be alternatives to grow your social life
5. "Indah merakyat 2024" would be content series I follow 😊
smua opini lu sngat mudah dibantah seriously😂
Damn bro speaking a whole lot of nothing
What do you mean by there's no one forcing you to engage in social media? Are you living under a rock or smth? These people who are exposed to unfiltered content, most of them got them when they're teenager or kid. The parents don't get it and the kids do not have a guide on it. And most of them also lost some years due to covid. Your suggestions sounds like it straight came out from "thanks I'm cured" ahh type of shit. Lmao. 💀💀
"Uhmm, ackhschually" ahh thoughts 💀💀
😂😂😂😂😂jarang banget lihat Bang Adri betah ngobrol sama orang.
dia bukan gk betah kali,dia punya podcast mlah sring monolog aja sma isue trkini..mlah gw mrasa dia dpat tmpat buat brcerita untuk bnyak hal😂
I think it will be a good show
"Indah makan ketoprak"
Kesini gara2 viral menertawakan kata boikot. Sungguh menyedihkan dengar tertawa renyah nya😢
Potret om om menasehati ponakannya 😂
Masih mau nerapin demokrasi di Negara ini ? Masih mau Niru Amerika Dan Negara Eropa atau Negara Negara yg mendukung kerusakan moral dgn budaya serta cara berpikir mereka yg Liberal. Bagi saya hanya orang bodoh yg mau meniru Negara Negara yg rusak moral nya.
Saya gak nonton full. Tapi membandingkan problem sosial di Amerika dengan Indonesia itu tidak sebanding. Gembel di indo gak mungkin muncul diruang publik karena diburu satpol PP, satpam. Kemiskinan ekstrim Indonesia itu 17juta, dan itu sebagian besar di desa dengan pendapatan rata2 400rb/bulan. Jangan dipikir kriminal di indo gak tinggi, mungkin loe anak rumahan, dari kasus begal, rampok, mutilasi, bunuh diri, penganiayaan aparat, genk motor dll. Jelas menjadi kaya di indo mudah, gak perlu pinter, teriak2 seperti bahar smith, sedekah ucup mansur, jualan motivasi , jualan air doa dan jimat, bisa dapat duit. Apalagi lulusan Amerika.
whats ur point ?
@@rubahlicik5291 I didn't watch the whole thing. But comparing social problems in America with Indonesia is not comparable. Homeless people in Indonesia cannot appear in public spaces because they are chased away by public order officers or security guards. Extreme poverty in Indonesia is around 17 million people, mostly in villages with an average income of 400,000 IDR per month. Don't think crime in Indonesia isn't high; maybe you're a homebody. There are cases of muggings, robberies, mutilations, suicides, assaults on officers, motorbike gangs, etc. Clearly, getting rich in Indonesia is easy; you don't need to be smart. Shouting like Bahar Smith, almsgiving like Yusuf Mansur, selling motivation, selling prayer water and charms, you can make money. Especially if you're an American graduate.
coba nonton full dulu, coba pahami dulu, ubah sudut pandang dulu, baru berdiskusi, itu kalau niatnya berdiskusi, kalo niatnya berkomentar tanpa paham konteks....ya konyol, silahkan bicara dengan awan.
@@ariefwicaksanam.s9771 lah emang gua Narsum
RIght? gembel di amrik banyak yg masih punya mobil loh. Dan banyak homeless yg jd homeless itu krn kecanduan narkoba dan mereka gamau kerja. Di indo gembel ya kebanyakan bener2 ga punya apa2 aja udah titik.
pls dibikin konten dong indah g merakyat 😂🙏🏼
wkwk itu bkalan jadi tsunami pro dan kontra bgt😂
Iyaaa konsepnya bagus deh, kaya Livy Renata dulu kenalan sama seblak haha pasti lucu banget
gokil, suka banget percakapannya. seriusnya ada becandanya juga ada wkwkwkkw
Hostnya agak2 ekspresif mmg ya? Kerennya adri mengimbangi percakapan dgn ketenangannya
Bisa bisa “eh ini wi-fi-nya apa ya?…” 🫠🤣
Orang yang seneng ngomong dan bahas Isu, ketemu Orang yang seneng ngomong dan bahas Isu ... 2,5 jam lebih jadinya
exactly! We need to educate ourself Please
kalo livy renata good with nopek, i think indah g need bang adri kw1, n younger😂😂
Undang guru gembul dong
38:50 you go girl 💪🏻
minderwaardigheidscomplex bang itu sering d bilang pak karno
Upload yg radit dong
Indah G memel gtu gemesh anjir cantik juga
si adri bilang 'lo gimana bikin bisnis kopi di negara maju' itu krn lo ga ad duitnya ga sih?! 😂 ya kl org ad duitnya bisa2 aja buat bisnis apa juga. Orang china banyak yg buat bisnis di western countries.
Tapi dengan duit yg jauh lebih dikit, lu ud bisa buat bisnis kopi di indo, thats his point
26:43 love and death and robots gak sih
Ehh yaaa wkwkw
Literasi bahasa indo lu kurang... Belajar lah dek malu ama anak sd
jadi penasaran sm pemikiran guest, klo logikanya "gue donasi, lo ngga" apakah dengan donasi ke korban, seseorang jd entitled buat mocking/ making jokes abt it? soalnya perkataan "lo aj ngga donasi, gua udh donasi dgn nilai yg cukup besar" itu terus terulang di percakapan ini
Iya juga ya
Jdi kaya emang lebih easily klo tega exploit nya sih, harus g punya moral, ato moral perbudakan tpi bilang ngebantu mereka dan ngebuka lapangan pekerjaan lol
Finally! Well Done Adri...come indah, this is your home, this is your land, touch the very roots in your soil, and rose it.
35:44 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
invite btp pls hehe
should I post my complaint again about my membership on your channel? i am still pissed! F@!
Indah G . Sih zionis
Well clearly you're not listening to the podcast and just randomly commenting, Lol...
@@simplincydeni saputra tolol