What a great idea to sweep the floor with tea, seems it's good for wood🤩 I guess it works with tiles too? 11:09 great spot for him, next to you and the window🥰
Why should it be healthy to get up in the middle of the night? This is against any bodies own biorhythm. Also, since sleep is the most important thing for staying healthy you need to go to bed very early. I don't understand what should be the benefit then. You don't gain time, unless you sleep not enough and you live contradictory to your biorhythm. So why are you doing it?
pachicoさんはじめまして、初めてコメントします🌱映像もとっても素敵ですが、pachicoさんの紡がれる言葉にたくさん癒されています🫧今日仕事で上手くいかないことがあり、「落ち込んでも、悔しくても 、それは過去の出来事 ここから新しい1日をはじめます🕊️」という言葉に救われました。ありがとうございます👐🏻ちなみに仕事の日は朝4時半起きなのですが、起きた時に(そうだpachicoさんはもう起きてがんばってらっしゃる☺️)と最近よく思っています🙌🏻
Trop belle vidéo. Votre chat est trop mignon ❤❤
What a great idea to sweep the floor with tea, seems it's good for wood🤩 I guess it works with tiles too? 11:09 great spot for him, next to you and the window🥰
Ah, another Pachico video! How wonderful!
I get up at 4am because my husband does, for work. But as I stay at home, the trick is staying awake! 😊
잠들기 전에 침대에서 보고 잠들면 행복합니다. 😊 감사합니다 ❤ 건강하세요. 😊
Hello 😊❤. good to see you ❤😊
Have you got a playlist of the songs that use in the videos? Are so wonderful!❤
Я бы разрешила котику заходить в спальню.Когда рядом сопит такой чудесный друг-это тоже счастье...
Заодно и разбудит в 4 утра))
私も断然 甘い卵焼き派です
Why should it be healthy to get up in the middle of the night? This is against any bodies own biorhythm. Also, since sleep is the most important thing for staying healthy you need to go to bed very early. I don't understand what should be the benefit then. You don't gain time, unless you sleep not enough and you live contradictory to your biorhythm. So why are you doing it?
مرحبا عزيزتي أتمنى أن تكوني دائما بخير
نحن المسلمين نستيقظ دائما في الثالثة أو الرابعة صباحا للصلاة ❤
الاستيقاظ مبكر فيه خير كثير وإنجاز عظيم 😍
That's done in Kundalini yoga as well, a 4:30am sadhana which includes chanting, prayer, yoga and meditation. 😊
Я "сова", мне очень трудно просыпаться рано.