These beautiful birds are only here in winter. I look forward to them coming back each year. It's one of the signs I use to reassure myself that God is in control and that everything is right with the world. No matter what evil people would want you to believe, good triumphs every time.
Thanks so much, my friend-for your ongoing support and comments. It's a blessing, for sure. I'm around birds, dogs, and other animals far more than I am around other people. That's one of the many reasons I started on TH-cam.
These beautiful birds are only here in winter. I look forward to them coming back each year. It's one of the signs I use to reassure myself that God is in control and that everything is right with the world. No matter what evil people would want you to believe, good triumphs every time.
This is a little slice of paradise and I'm so happy that you get to experience beauty like this on a daily basis.
Thanks so much, my friend-for your ongoing support and comments. It's a blessing, for sure. I'm around birds, dogs, and other animals far more than I am around other people. That's one of the many reasons I started on TH-cam.
Better here than in the Christmas tree!
The birb's the worb.