King Crimson: you use the move, but because you were lagging you aimed in the spot where the enemy was a second ago. GER: you use the move, but that info never reaches the server.
13:46 Pat starts to realize what he just did... 13:47 you can pinpoint in his eyes the moment Pat realized they found the perfect explanation for Gold Experience Requiem
King Canute placed his throne upon the shore and said "The waves shall halt before my feet for I am sovereign". The waves of course did not halt and the King's feet became wet. Canute got up and left the beach saying "See now the might of king's is not boundless. All are at the whims of nature" "We think ISPs will improve thier infrastructure to accommodate the future of game streaming"
That explanation just made me realize that GER is the exact opposite of King Crimson, one lets you do stuff that nobody else can register happening until they get their connection back and everything jumps forward, the other leaves you to do stuff that nobody else can register happening because you get your connection back and everything jumps backward It's host lag on a p2p network vs. client lag on a server network I guess that makes it better thematically Still a cop out though
@@iannordin5250 It's not a cult, The Children of the Asspull is a legitimate tax exempt organization and we were cleared of all charges regarding those missing people
that's only GER's reaction TO King Crimson, though. It has the opposite effect of any stand that acts upon it. In the novel Georgie Joestar, it allows Giorno to survive Made In Heaven by reversing his aging in lockstep with the time acceleration.
Jorge Joestar is extremely non-canon. GER reverts actions and does not allow them to occur period, that's its ability. It even says that to Diavolo inside his erased time. In more non-canon GER dumbness, TWOH shouldn't have been able to even engage GER at all, considering it can only rewrite reality using its fists (which Giorno stupidly decided to clash with, instead of waiting to see what HA DIO would try). TWOH punching away Tusk Act 4's shots was legit though.
@@guilegale8942 That's not canon though. We haven't even seen if its effects differ depending on the opponent's stand, because GER has only ever fought King Crimson.
Pats face when he reaches the epiphany at the final revelation to explain Gold Experience Requiem, takes a second, then gets excited like a kid in a candy store is adorable
the argument that "hey, songs went to streaming, it's no different to games" doesn't hold water because while sure, some music goes to streaming, YOU CAN STILL BUY AN ALBUM OR SINGLE. sure, you might not walk to the shop and buy a record to play on your grammophon, but you can buy a song, put it on a hard drive and keep it forever. it doesn't poof into fairy dust if itunes goes down.
It's more sinister than that when you dig into it: They're comparing a dynamic, interactive experience between something that exists as a static object. My email or my documents will always be experienced exactly as they're presented to me. Games can't be experienced the same way every time, and the same person can experience the same series of events competely differently each time. "But naw, it's like your Email brah. You can just download your emails if we go away BUT DON'T DOWNLOAD YOUR GAMES THAT'S PIRACY"
It’s actually the same discussion that’s going on in games - music made the jump to streaming successfully because the infrastructure can support it, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t 1) An ongoing crisis w/r/t who gets the money under this new payment model and 2) A very real fear that huge swathes of media are going to be dependent on the whims of the platform for you to access, regardless of any money you’ve spent. It’s just that the experience of streaming music isn’t unworkably awful on a logistical level like it is with games and has a number of obvious benefits, so it’s gotten to the phase Woolie was afraid of Stadia causing where physical/non-DRM-files-on-your-computer ownership is an increasingly niche, hobbyist concern.
Explaining Stands using the internet. Even though he forgot, Araki truly was/is a visionary. How would you explain this to people in 1999? The only way would be ‘it just works.’
Araki's biggest mistake was honestly saying King Crimson was about "erasing time" when it's much more about fucking with causality and events. I've seen so many people get hung up on the concept of erasing time and trying to analyze it, when all it is is just some trippy effects to a causality power. (Actually, that was his second biggest mistake. His biggest mistake was retconning what King Crimson does mid-story and taking a while to come up with a good power, thereby ensuring endless confusion)
@@goblinrat6119 I honestly wonder if maybe Araki didn't deliberately choose that wording to try to make the power EASIER to understand, not realizing that it would just complicate things.
@@justletmecomment6453 Basically, the network latency is offloaded from the game server, which uses rollback, lag compensation, etc., to between you and the VPN. The the game server assumes it's talking to a client that has like 6ms ping, so it does not take you into much consideration for lag compensation or input buffering. Your input still takes the same time to reach the server, but the server treats it differently, which is why you might end up losing inputs to network issues like packet loss. Geme servers have system like lag compensation and input buffering to alleviate problems caused by high-ping and unstable internet connection. By circomventing these system through a VPN you can make your experience better, or it can be made worse if you drop a lot of inputs due to the server adamantly refusing to buffer inputs or correct for dropped packets.
I just want to emphasize that the server in question, when it comes to GER and it's packet loss inducing powers, is the server of reality/the universe.
Reddit AMA: "If the Stadia service is discontinued, what will happen with game purchases?" Google: "Nessuno può sfuggire dal destino scelto. Rimane solo il risultato che voi sarete distrutti. L’eterna cima esiste solo per me. Puoi cantare canzoni di tristezza nel mondo senza tempo."
Who would have thought that Tech Giants would be the ones to bring the Idea to end the concept of ownership?! The trans humanist tech dystopia crawls ever closer, your augments will be leased to you!
ok woolie pat explained it poorly so I'll try to make it simple and clear, what he's doing is buffering his inputs. for example you know in darksouls if you hit your attack button and then the roll button at the same time one will happen after the other? thats what hes doing on the server side hes scheduling that input to happen as soon as the first one finishes which is why its not cheating because hes not bullshiting the server timers if anything it puts him at a slight disadvantage because he will experience minor "drift" from his local play and the actual server action but it wouldnt be that noticeable at 80 ping
Idk what ad-supported satellite WiFi Woolie is talking about, but SpaceX has plans for a satellite constellation for delivering internet, called Starlink. Right now basically the only hope for the US to have internet not held under the Comcast / AT&T / Verizon stranglehold.
@@Crembaw You don't need to, they'll have to compete with each other. And with 3 new guys in the ring who aren't abiding by the other 3's agreement of non-competition, they are all forced to provide better services.
ShadowWolfRising what exactly makes you think they’re interested in competition? If the last twenty years have proven anything, it’s that competitive marketplaces are a myth, and stagnancy is insanely profitable.
What Pat is describing is a buffer. Instead of the inputs being sent when he clicks them, they are being stored in a buffer and sent all once. This means that latency won't cause the server to think he mistimed his clicks. Contrary to how Pat tried to make it sound like free lunch, however, there IS a tradeoff for this. The "debt" you pay is input lag. There will be no latency in between his first and last input, but instead there will be a big latency between his first input and when the sequence of actions begin to occur.
Basically, this is the software equivalent of a lag switch and Pat probably should be banned for using it. Any time you need to use the word "spoof" to describe how a program functions, you should probably take a step back and evaluate just how shady the thing you're doing is. "Spoofing" is rarely associated with things that don't get you banned from games.
Well, not really cheating. In some other comments that I replied to, he is doing this so he can perform his combination skills (the double weave technique Pat mentioned). Since the game is turned based you can dismiss it since it's a core component. However, how it affects PVP in FF14 is a mystery to me, but I have seen people "claim" on TH-cam that using programs like mudfish helping players from getting killed. In a way, it's cheating.
Wait tho. Isn't this the "Enhanced Senses" effect that Giorno used against Bucciarati way back at the start? Local speed go up, server speed go down, packet loss ensues?
Luminous Lead well Bucciarati could still move his body. To him though his movements are very delayed while his mind is ahead. So I guess the best way to describe that would be fighting someone who has terrible internet connection. This is a weird comparison but think of it like fighting an amiibo in smash online. The terrible internet connection makes it hard for you to fight since the buffering can mess up or not correctly register your inputs. But for the amiibo they aren’t effected by the lag.
I experienced "Ping Crimson" in Terraria many times during multiplayer. My shots and attacks would go right through enemies and they just ping through me and the damage is done to me and not them.
Serious question cause I'm not great at tech, with what Pat is describing, what exactly is the difference between "pretending" your ping is 0 vs. your ping actually being 0?
The server will think you are at 0 ping even though you are not, so all imputs made will come out as if you had no latency. Your internet still has to be pretty good.
I hope this helps. First, anything that you know about putting data in the "cloud." is nothing but Slicon valley Baby speak to confuse people who dont' know anything about the technology. A cloud, is just a high performing computer that is hosting an application, such as destiny 2, where people will connect to THROUGH their internet connection to access the game. That computer, is physically placed somewhere on this planet, and based on that location and relation to your distance to that location, will determine your Ping.
Your PING, is determined by the data that travels in between the high performance computer, back and forth, to your game console/PC by milliseconds (or whatever speed measured). What Pat is doing is forcing his game to still perform the acts of playing in order to play more efficiently, without the need to send that information to the high performance computer (AKA server), back and forth, from his computer. However, I don't understand how that is better, because the server has to know, that Pat did damage to said monster. The data will still get there, unless if mudfish is tricking the server to take at least less than 1 millisecond to still peform the action.
@@ryukenxx2 Have you used this technology Mudfish? From what it sounds like the data still has to register with the server, which correct me if I am wrong, still has to be processed. So it's a logical lag switch that provides no value to the userrrrr???
What Pat is describing is a buffer. Instead of the inputs being sent when he clicks them, they are being stored in a buffer and sent all once. This means that latency won't cause the server to think he mistimed his clicks. Contrary to how Pat tried to make it sound like free lunch, however, there IS a tradeoff for this. The "debt" you pay is input lag. There will be no latency in between his first and last input, but instead there will be a big latency between his first input and when the sequence of actions begind to occur.
I love how the guy spent 4 paragraphs dancing around the question of if we'll own the games we buy on Stadia or not. Including 2 analogies that don't even fit. And the answer is still "Fuck if I know!"
Considering they went on the short "we figured out GER", I thought for a few minutes on the translation and thought about it. I'm thinking that Golden Experience Requiem rewind time any time Giorno would get hurt, in essence making it so he has to win a fight since the fight either ends with him winning or the fight not happening. King Crimson has the issue that he can see the future which means any time he tries to skip forward and win the fight, he gets to see himself repeating since time then rewinds and he repeats until he notices and tries something different. To the rest of the world, nothing seems odd, no one would notice because the situations never happened. King Crimson gets to see a bad future for him, try to change it, and gets to see everything repeatedly rewind and skip forward. His only viable options are losing or running since unless the next part it extends further than Giorno being unable to be hurt and I'm just a mad man ranting in the TH-cam comments.
The phrase "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining" comes to mind. Google and Stadia are unzipping their flies, sidling up _real_ close to us, and going "Hey, man, we get it. Weather gets shitty from time to time. It rains, a little gets on your leg, you move passed it!"
Google saying that "ISPs will accommodate for streaming" is like how the federal government rolled out Obamacare and made health insurance mandatory and people were like "Isn't that gonna screw over poor people?" and the government just said "Health insurance companies will accommodate for the poor." Look how well that turned out...
Also Gold Experience Requiem was never hard to explain. Resetting everything to zero and removing the effect of a cause is nowhere near as confusing as King Crimson was.
You're dead on the server but that data doesn't come through your local system therefore you are still alive in your local system. If the severe packet loss continues the system could indefinitely attempt to retrieve the data
I think I understand what Pat's saying with the VPN and such, like, all he's doing is making sure his shit gets queue'd up to be executed whenever the distant end processes it and executes his actions in the server. With lag compensation tools and all that bullshit, there are cases where you try to execute shit like your OGC double weaves where the game tells you "No, you didn't. You didn't win. You didn't input." and shit falls apart 'cause you effectively wasted more time correcting a mistake you didn't actually make, which is potentially hugely problematic in a game like FFXIV where combo actions and maximizing cooldown efficiency is important, 'cause more time spent on a boss = more resources spent maintaining the machine of the fight, resources that are finite and if they run out result in a fail state for the entire group. This isn't cheating, it's just delimiting of proactive/anticipating play as opposed to reactive play, which is also important for classes such as Scholar and Paladin who are more about shields and damage prevention than sustain. As the game gets harder, tells and signals for what's coming up and needs to be reacted to get shorter and less telegraphed, so I can imagine the frustration of playing by the rules and then having the rules changed on you last second completely out of your control because of technological limitations.
Can confirm the Google Fiber rollout in Kansas City has been a complete and total botched job. They started work on it in what 2015? And I'd wager maybe 10% of the city and surrounding areas has access to it.
I can't imagine Pat could be banned for the Mudfish thing, because all he's really doing is playing the game as it was designed. In an ideal world without lag, this is how the game would work for everyone. Sure it might give him an edge in PvP or something, but to call him a cheater for it would be like calling literally anyone with a better connection a cheater.
Man, my only real hope is that Space X's internet lives up to the projected performance and is up and running asap. Gigabit internet with 100ms or less ping, across the entire US. Even if it's more expensive than comparable land lines. Just so that there's -some- alternative option to the local ISP monopolies.
AccursedFarms' video on "Games as a Service" being a scam is a great watch for this topic You buy your game, and the publisher decides to shut it down Get fucked It's ever worse when you buy a physical copy of an online-only game whose servers have been shut down - especially now when devs don't add bots into their games
Lol, I live in an area with no providers, so its satellite for me. My ping averages between 300 and 700, so this shit might as well be science fiction for me!
Ping Crimson: Your move just doesn't work.
It still works, but the server (the world) never receives the attack, so it never happens.
But worse yet: It *thinks* it happened, so it still resets your cooldown
If you really think about it.... Pat's VPN abuse is really just an Ultra Instinct *_Safety Dance_*
Shirts! How do I print shirtz and maek millonz111!1
King Crimson: you use the move, but because you were lagging you aimed in the spot where the enemy was a second ago.
GER: you use the move, but that info never reaches the server.
"Local Japanese mangaka unconsciously predicts future tech problems."
I can't believe a discussion about FFXIV servers and Online Fighting Game input drop was the key to me finally understanding Gold Experience Requiem.
that's how mafia works
Its not that hard...its just rewinding shit.
I can't believe the keys to understanding King Crimson and Gold Experience requiem were the internet and the other stand in question.
13:46 Pat starts to realize what he just did... 13:47 you can pinpoint in his eyes the moment Pat realized they found the perfect explanation for Gold Experience Requiem
Divine Revelation
@Andrew Whiting What is throttling other than the work of an enemy stand.
You can actually see the olympic gold medal mental gymnastics going on in Woolie's head while Pat explained the VPN lag spoof.
18:06 "You can hold on to your metadata and remember that you played this game"
Holy shit that line killed me
King Canute placed his throne upon the shore and said "The waves shall halt before my feet for I am sovereign". The waves of course did not halt and the King's feet became wet. Canute got up and left the beach saying "See now the might of king's is not boundless. All are at the whims of nature"
"We think ISPs will improve thier infrastructure to accommodate the future of game streaming"
"We think the speed of light will increase to satisfy our shareholders."
I know this is 4 years later but this was beautiful, thank you
That explanation just made me realize that GER is the exact opposite of King Crimson, one lets you do stuff that nobody else can register happening until they get their connection back and everything jumps forward, the other leaves you to do stuff that nobody else can register happening because you get your connection back and everything jumps backward
It's host lag on a p2p network vs. client lag on a server network
I guess that makes it better thematically
Still a cop out though
The tone of that post is the same as a cult pitch
@@iannordin5250 It's not a cult, The Children of the Asspull is a legitimate tax exempt organization and we were cleared of all charges regarding those missing people
that's only GER's reaction TO King Crimson, though. It has the opposite effect of any stand that acts upon it. In the novel Georgie Joestar, it allows Giorno to survive Made In Heaven by reversing his aging in lockstep with the time acceleration.
Jorge Joestar is extremely non-canon. GER reverts actions and does not allow them to occur period, that's its ability. It even says that to Diavolo inside his erased time.
In more non-canon GER dumbness, TWOH shouldn't have been able to even engage GER at all, considering it can only rewrite reality using its fists (which Giorno stupidly decided to clash with, instead of waiting to see what HA DIO would try). TWOH punching away Tusk Act 4's shots was legit though.
@@guilegale8942 That's not canon though. We haven't even seen if its effects differ depending on the opponent's stand, because GER has only ever fought King Crimson.
Pats face when he reaches the epiphany at the final revelation to explain Gold Experience Requiem, takes a second, then gets excited like a kid in a candy store is adorable
the argument that "hey, songs went to streaming, it's no different to games" doesn't hold water because while sure, some music goes to streaming, YOU CAN STILL BUY AN ALBUM OR SINGLE. sure, you might not walk to the shop and buy a record to play on your grammophon, but you can buy a song, put it on a hard drive and keep it forever. it doesn't poof into fairy dust if itunes goes down.
Also some bands like tool hate streaming music so your never find them on their sites. But if you know where to look then your golden
It's more sinister than that when you dig into it: They're comparing a dynamic, interactive experience between something that exists as a static object. My email or my documents will always be experienced exactly as they're presented to me. Games can't be experienced the same way every time, and the same person can experience the same series of events competely differently each time.
"But naw, it's like your Email brah. You can just download your emails if we go away BUT DON'T DOWNLOAD YOUR GAMES THAT'S PIRACY"
Also i can print all my photos and send them to my friends, can i print the videogame? No
Also you aren’t having to sit in front of your music player to mash QTE’s at certain points in the song.
It’s actually the same discussion that’s going on in games - music made the jump to streaming successfully because the infrastructure can support it, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t 1) An ongoing crisis w/r/t who gets the money under this new payment model and 2) A very real fear that huge swathes of media are going to be dependent on the whims of the platform for you to access, regardless of any money you’ve spent.
It’s just that the experience of streaming music isn’t unworkably awful on a logistical level like it is with games and has a number of obvious benefits, so it’s gotten to the phase Woolie was afraid of Stadia causing where physical/non-DRM-files-on-your-computer ownership is an increasingly niche, hobbyist concern.
_Lag debt goes into the future._
Pat is literally Araki now.
AlexeyTea That's gonna stick with me for a while
That's the TRUE heritage for the future!
Google Experience Requiem is so op it has to be written out of the story. That’s why Stadia will really disappear.
Explaining Stands using the internet. Even though he forgot, Araki truly was/is a visionary. How would you explain this to people in 1999? The only way would be ‘it just works.’
I guess back then there wasn't a good thing to relate the power to.
The same exact way, only I would substitute lag with picking up the phone while you were on dial-up.
Araki's biggest mistake was honestly saying King Crimson was about "erasing time" when it's much more about fucking with causality and events. I've seen so many people get hung up on the concept of erasing time and trying to analyze it, when all it is is just some trippy effects to a causality power.
(Actually, that was his second biggest mistake. His biggest mistake was retconning what King Crimson does mid-story and taking a while to come up with a good power, thereby ensuring endless confusion)
@@goblinrat6119 I honestly wonder if maybe Araki didn't deliberately choose that wording to try to make the power EASIER to understand, not realizing that it would just complicate things.
Pat: free no lag! With my VPN is future Pat’s problem! It’s practically free money!
Woolie: X
Pat the Cheater, Stole my PING!
He sounds more crazy than usual. Fucker gonna get banned for this shit.
Pat really steals? NO DIGNITY!
I still have no idea how the VPN works.
@@justletmecomment6453 Basically, the network latency is offloaded from the game server, which uses rollback, lag compensation, etc., to between you and the VPN.
The the game server assumes it's talking to a client that has like 6ms ping, so it does not take you into much consideration for lag compensation or input buffering. Your input still takes the same time to reach the server, but the server treats it differently, which is why you might end up losing inputs to network issues like packet loss.
Geme servers have system like lag compensation and input buffering to alleviate problems caused by high-ping and unstable internet connection. By circomventing these system through a VPN you can make your experience better, or it can be made worse if you drop a lot of inputs due to the server adamantly refusing to buffer inputs or correct for dropped packets.
If you pay close attention you can hear “Modern Crusaders” O Fortuna part being played in the background when Pat makes his realization.
We are living in a dystopian world, it's just a boring one.
An exaggeration, but only slightly. We're on our way.
I’ve heard the term “mehtopia” applied to this
StoneApparatus omg no we are not. It will die and nothing will come of it. Get over yourselfs.
It's not boring if you look into it deeply.
This comment aged like wine.
Your first free game with the Google Stadio Pro tm service is a game that's going to be FREE TO PLAY WITHIN THE YEAR
Only the base game will be f2p as I understand it
Lmfao destiny 2 announced going free to play. Stadia giving you a free product for generous
Came here to say that! Good on Bungo to scam those fools at Google!
@@Dungpie64 the great bungo has done it again.
13:40 The giddiness with which they come to this realization brings a warm feeling to my heart.
So King Crimson is a lag switch?
It just works
@@TheFranssiBrother I knew I recognized the feeling of the last 10 seconds of my actions vanishing then being murdered from behind.
@@Skeletonk that is indeed Ping Crimson no nouryoku.
@@bract3519 "This is a trial."
But its also Rubber Banding too
I just want to emphasize that the server in question, when it comes to GER and it's packet loss inducing powers, is the server of reality/the universe.
Reddit AMA: "If the Stadia service is discontinued, what will happen with game purchases?"
Google: "Nessuno può sfuggire dal destino scelto. Rimane solo il risultato che voi sarete distrutti. L’eterna cima esiste solo per me. Puoi cantare canzoni di tristezza nel mondo senza tempo."
Stadia's "Noah Defence":
"Dude, why'd you build a boat in your backyard, we're landlocked"
"We expect the ocean to improve and expand to our backyard"
Who would have thought that Tech Giants would be the ones to bring the Idea to end the concept of ownership?! The trans humanist tech dystopia crawls ever closer, your augments will be leased to you!
And it doesn't matter HOW many times we tell them We never asked for this!
All we need is magic returning to the world and we got Shadowrun.
Okay fair play Woolie 'Ping Crimson' is actually brilliant
So your packets are falling infinitely close to zero. Not TO ZERO. INFINITELY CLOSE to zero.
Mudfish for Final Fantasy XIV is Pat's broken GameCube controller for Melee. He became the very thing he hates.
But the difference here is it's cooperative.
Dont forget that first free game IS ALREADY FREE TO PLAY
“Streaming is the future.”
Thank God we’re still in the present then.
So Pat is sending his lag into the Love Train?
This aged well.
ok woolie pat explained it poorly so I'll try to make it simple and clear, what he's doing is buffering his inputs. for example you know in darksouls if you hit your attack button and then the roll button at the same time one will happen after the other? thats what hes doing on the server side hes scheduling that input to happen as soon as the first one finishes which is why its not cheating because hes not bullshiting the server timers if anything it puts him at a slight disadvantage because he will experience minor "drift" from his local play and the actual server action but it wouldnt be that noticeable at 80 ping
@DontListen ToMe yes
"Japan's internet will bring me everlasting climax"
Pat was off by almost 4 years but he's been pretty spot on for most of his predictions on the death of stadia
"The speed of light sucks!" - Pat, 2019
Idk what ad-supported satellite WiFi Woolie is talking about, but SpaceX has plans for a satellite constellation for delivering internet, called Starlink. Right now basically the only hope for the US to have internet not held under the Comcast / AT&T / Verizon stranglehold.
the google thing is not satellites, but balloons. free wifi balloons
@@rollinghell Since when has Google invested in MSF/Diamond Dogs tech?
I trust exactly none of those companies to be any better than current telecoms.
@@Crembaw You don't need to, they'll have to compete with each other.
And with 3 new guys in the ring who aren't abiding by the other 3's agreement of non-competition, they are all forced to provide better services.
ShadowWolfRising what exactly makes you think they’re interested in competition? If the last twenty years have proven anything, it’s that competitive marketplaces are a myth, and stagnancy is insanely profitable.
why did the chicken cross the road? STADIA *laughs*
GOD that Plagueis joke killed me lmaaaoooo... But yeah the Stadia is essentially marked for death.
Ping Crimson: I eradicated lag and leapt past it
What Pat is describing is a buffer. Instead of the inputs being sent when he clicks them, they are being stored in a buffer and sent all once. This means that latency won't cause the server to think he mistimed his clicks. Contrary to how Pat tried to make it sound like free lunch, however, there IS a tradeoff for this. The "debt" you pay is input lag. There will be no latency in between his first and last input, but instead there will be a big latency between his first input and when the sequence of actions begin to occur.
Basically, this is the software equivalent of a lag switch and Pat probably should be banned for using it. Any time you need to use the word "spoof" to describe how a program functions, you should probably take a step back and evaluate just how shady the thing you're doing is. "Spoofing" is rarely associated with things that don't get you banned from games.
Pat... That mudfish app that your using. That's a lag switch.
NO! seriously Pat. That's a logical(digital) lag switch.
So what your saying is that Pat is cheating?
Well, not really cheating. In some other comments that I replied to, he is doing this so he can perform his combination skills (the double weave technique Pat mentioned).
Since the game is turned based you can dismiss it since it's a core component. However, how it affects PVP in FF14 is a mystery to me, but I have seen people "claim" on TH-cam that using programs like mudfish helping players from getting killed. In a way, it's cheating.
Accidental Jojo stream.
Finally we understand how Gold Experience Requiem and King Crimson work.
Wait tho. Isn't this the "Enhanced Senses" effect that Giorno used against Bucciarati way back at the start? Local speed go up, server speed go down, packet loss ensues?
Luminous Lead well Bucciarati could still move his body. To him though his movements are very delayed while his mind is ahead. So I guess the best way to describe that would be fighting someone who has terrible internet connection. This is a weird comparison but think of it like fighting an amiibo in smash online. The terrible internet connection makes it hard for you to fight since the buffering can mess up or not correctly register your inputs. But for the amiibo they aren’t effected by the lag.
@@agarciahunter so, gold experience is nintendo lag, and GER is packet loss? apparently giorno's hidden talent is to be a walking server crash.
Yal Rathol so does that mean that Kira’s power is a server rollback, or would that be Pucci’s?
@@agarciahunter bites the dust is a local reset that wipes your save, made in heaven is a total server reset that wipes everyone.
What do you mean the TechnoDrome isn't street legal? I thought for sure the roads would change once we built it.
Google:"Healers adjust"
Woolie: Doesnt that fuck up everyone else?
Real Answer: Yes
Pat's Answer: Na
I experienced "Ping Crimson" in Terraria many times during multiplayer. My shots and attacks would go right through enemies and they just ping through me and the damage is done to me and not them.
Pat flailing his arms in joy is adorable
The results are all that matters, and Google has a very loose concept of what they would like those results to be.
Serious question cause I'm not great at tech, with what Pat is describing, what exactly is the difference between "pretending" your ping is 0 vs. your ping actually being 0?
The server will think you are at 0 ping even though you are not, so all imputs made will come out as if you had no latency. Your internet still has to be pretty good.
I hope this helps. First, anything that you know about putting data in the "cloud." is nothing but Slicon valley Baby speak to confuse people who dont' know anything about the technology.
A cloud, is just a high performing computer that is hosting an application, such as destiny 2, where people will connect to THROUGH their internet connection to access the game.
That computer, is physically placed somewhere on this planet, and based on that location and relation to your distance to that location, will determine your Ping.
Your PING, is determined by the data that travels in between the high performance computer, back and forth, to your game console/PC by milliseconds (or whatever speed measured).
What Pat is doing is forcing his game to still perform the acts of playing in order to play more efficiently, without the need to send that information to the high performance computer (AKA server), back and forth, from his computer.
However, I don't understand how that is better, because the server has to know, that Pat did damage to said monster. The data will still get there, unless if mudfish is tricking the server to take at least less than 1 millisecond to still peform the action.
@@ryukenxx2 Have you used this technology Mudfish? From what it sounds like the data still has to register with the server, which correct me if I am wrong, still has to be processed.
So it's a logical lag switch that provides no value to the userrrrr???
What Pat is describing is a buffer. Instead of the inputs being sent when he clicks them, they are being stored in a buffer and sent all once. This means that latency won't cause the server to think he mistimed his clicks. Contrary to how Pat tried to make it sound like free lunch, however, there IS a tradeoff for this. The "debt" you pay is input lag. There will be no latency in between his first and last input, but instead there will be a big latency between his first input and when the sequence of actions begind to occur.
8:00 "I have a really fucking rock solid interenet but I'm far away" king crimson is a close range stand too
"Eat shit! Fall off your chair!"
I love how the guy spent 4 paragraphs dancing around the question of if we'll own the games we buy on Stadia or not. Including 2 analogies that don't even fit.
And the answer is still "Fuck if I know!"
Considering they went on the short "we figured out GER", I thought for a few minutes on the translation and thought about it. I'm thinking that Golden Experience Requiem rewind time any time Giorno would get hurt, in essence making it so he has to win a fight since the fight either ends with him winning or the fight not happening. King Crimson has the issue that he can see the future which means any time he tries to skip forward and win the fight, he gets to see himself repeating since time then rewinds and he repeats until he notices and tries something different. To the rest of the world, nothing seems odd, no one would notice because the situations never happened. King Crimson gets to see a bad future for him, try to change it, and gets to see everything repeatedly rewind and skip forward. His only viable options are losing or running since unless the next part it extends further than Giorno being unable to be hurt and I'm just a mad man ranting in the TH-cam comments.
Dumb stuff like this almost makes me wish to be a modern luddite.
Pirate, single-player only, offline only. Bum!
Pirating purely for simbolism, to damage the production.
21:54 Kansas city already got that shit (google fiber) for like 2 years now
13:33 we finally solved gold experience requiem
If GER is packet loss does that make King Crimson Rollback Netcode?
More like a lag switch.
Golden Experience Reqiuem is just DSP's controller
The phrase "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining" comes to mind. Google and Stadia are unzipping their flies, sidling up _real_ close to us, and going "Hey, man, we get it. Weather gets shitty from time to time. It rains, a little gets on your leg, you move passed it!"
Google saying that "ISPs will accommodate for streaming" is like how the federal government rolled out Obamacare and made health insurance mandatory and people were like "Isn't that gonna screw over poor people?" and the government just said "Health insurance companies will accommodate for the poor."
Look how well that turned out...
If you want my thoughts on Google Stadia, you can read it on my Google Plus page only readable through a Google Glass
I love these podcasts so much.
You can act, but no matter what you do, your actions will never have any impact on the server. The server being THE WORLD!
Yeap that was a bad business model.
15:51 To quote Pat from a previous CSB episode, "Stop dancing around the bullshit!" lol
Im glad this is the video I got from Woolz on my bday
Okay so then how does packet loss put people into an infinite death state?
Also Gold Experience Requiem was never hard to explain. Resetting everything to zero and removing the effect of a cause is nowhere near as confusing as King Crimson was.
TactlessC Even King Crimson can be explained as a skip button on a remote, blame it on the scans being ass
You're dead on the server but that data doesn't come through your local system therefore you are still alive in your local system. If the severe packet loss continues the system could indefinitely attempt to retrieve the data
Stadia: You're gonna lose all your games and money
I think I understand what Pat's saying with the VPN and such, like, all he's doing is making sure his shit gets queue'd up to be executed whenever the distant end processes it and executes his actions in the server. With lag compensation tools and all that bullshit, there are cases where you try to execute shit like your OGC double weaves where the game tells you "No, you didn't. You didn't win. You didn't input." and shit falls apart 'cause you effectively wasted more time correcting a mistake you didn't actually make, which is potentially hugely problematic in a game like FFXIV where combo actions and maximizing cooldown efficiency is important, 'cause more time spent on a boss = more resources spent maintaining the machine of the fight, resources that are finite and if they run out result in a fail state for the entire group. This isn't cheating, it's just delimiting of proactive/anticipating play as opposed to reactive play, which is also important for classes such as Scholar and Paladin who are more about shields and damage prevention than sustain. As the game gets harder, tells and signals for what's coming up and needs to be reacted to get shorter and less telegraphed, so I can imagine the frustration of playing by the rules and then having the rules changed on you last second completely out of your control because of technological limitations.
Can confirm the Google Fiber rollout in Kansas City has been a complete and total botched job. They started work on it in what 2015? And I'd wager maybe 10% of the city and surrounding areas has access to it.
They did it the mad men, they solved part 5.
I find it hilarious that two dudes who just play a lot of fighting games know more about how the internet works than fucking google
Pat, if you're gonna keep expanding, you might wanna buy shirts that fit.
I can't imagine Pat could be banned for the Mudfish thing, because all he's really doing is playing the game as it was designed. In an ideal world without lag, this is how the game would work for everyone. Sure it might give him an edge in PvP or something, but to call him a cheater for it would be like calling literally anyone with a better connection a cheater.
It's actually kind of a disadvantage because it creates input lag
13:33 Golden Wind is revealed!
It really needs to restated how incredible the balls on Google are for saying ISPs will improve infrastructure.
Google would more money selling what the Stadia team is smoking than the Stadia itself.
Google Pyramid Scheme at it again
It's sad that all of these podcast news clips are just turning into "it's time to reset the clock boiz".
Do we even turn the clock on anymore?
Man, my only real hope is that Space X's internet lives up to the projected performance and is up and running asap. Gigabit internet with 100ms or less ping, across the entire US. Even if it's more expensive than comparable land lines. Just so that there's -some- alternative option to the local ISP monopolies.
It didn't happen, not this time, our writers made it up
“This one was invented by a writer.”
How do you accidentally figure out gold experience requiem?
13:34 The moment they start realizing what they did.
"the lag debt goes into the future"
so in other words its future patts problem
RIP Google Wave
13:44 the highlight of this chip if played at x0:5 speed
AccursedFarms' video on "Games as a Service" being a scam is a great watch for this topic
You buy your game, and the publisher decides to shut it down
Get fucked
It's ever worse when you buy a physical copy of an online-only game whose servers have been shut down - especially now when devs don't add bots into their games
That moment when Chewie and Fuckface accidentally figure out GER by talking about input lag and FFXIV.
Fuck I love these guys.
16:20 why I love Pat.
Stadia infinite lag loop when?
Patrick looks like an middle age truck driver.
Pat, Mudfish sounds horrible. You are already in your gamer cube, but we cannot hope to match that, don't lagswitch us to hell man.
I cant wait for pat "ping crimson" to be banned from XIV and become the very thing he made fun off
Cant wait for all the stadia scrubs too enter Destiny 2. we always love new canon fonder.
Jack Ball fodder
You say that as if anyone actually plays PvP.
This VPN pat is crazy talking about sounds like it could be pretty damn revolutionary for online fighting games
Lol, I live in an area with no providers, so its satellite for me. My ping averages between 300 and 700, so this shit might as well be science fiction for me!
They did it, OMG they fucking did it.