To those who don't understand the moment between the other woman( I don't know her name) and Dina, she was helping Dina. Stop attacking that poor woman. She was expressing in a joking manner that maybe this is not the appropriate venue for Dina to discuss racism in the Egyptian community as her words would be inevitably misconstrued and her thoughts would come out jumbled as she hadn't pre planned her words. She literally sends her a knowing glance during the exchange.
She is already there, what are they going to do, kick her out? I'm sure Dina is kicking herself for not asserting her opinions more clearly. It is not like Dina to keep quiet just because someone is telling her to. Dina always clarifies her opinions.
s21972012145525 ok so she singled out Egyptians but we all know that most Arabs from different countries are also racist so I felt like she was saying it in a jokey way that's why the other girl stopped her cus it could have been interpreted in other ways but it would have been better if she was to talk about racism to do it in an accurate and professional manner and ask Q about why certain people were not invited to the event not to just blurt it out like that but to open a discussion
Dina, I read an article 2 days ago about a 16 yr. old Bangladesh boy beaten savagely by the men in his girlfriend’s family. Authorities had to rush him to the hospital. They called this an ‘honorable beating’ towards the boy. As they were beating him, him yelled “go find your own kind”(the girl’s family was Pakistani), solidifying the racist motive. This took place in the UK. It’s insanely sad how divided we are, to the point where ‘honor’ is held in the wrong places.
That jacket you wore on the panel was (is) so gorgeous. The shape of the design and the pattern are on point. Also, the colors work really well with your skin tone.
Awww Dina you’re the best. While you were speaking I believe that was a mashaallah moment. That platform is where your loud voice comes in handy the most; speaking up in the name of justice and against oppression. Baraka allahu feeki. Amongst those ladies you were the most outgoing, down to earth, and totally on point with what you said about Muslims hating on each other for differences in the religion. May god help us.
Not sure why everyone is defending the black woman on the panel by saying that she was preventing or protecting Dina from saying something she will regret or would be too controversial, considering they were in Dubai. Isn't that the BEST time to address it? Why was she stopped? Dina is an adult, has opinions, and is capable of defending them. It seemed like that lady was trying to "respect" those that b(r)ought them there and organized the event, as everyone keeps claiming how racist people in Dubai are and how there was no representation. Wouldn't that be the perfect time to talk about it? Like, hey we know you're in charge of this event, but this is where you fell short and you should learn from your mistake? Seems like that girl didn't want to bite the hand that fed her, so I'm not sure why people are so quick to defend herAnd act like Dina is a child. Dina has addressed the topic many tImen. In fact, in the miss Muslima contest she participated in a few years back, she explicitly called out the organizers for being not only being racist, but promoting fairness creams, the differences in religious belief (whether singing/voice is considered a part of your awrah), and how participants were not allowed to travel with their Mahram. It was a whole documentary. Like Dina is not new to this game, and the fact that the girl stopped her shouldn't be immediately applauded nor discouraged. The footage isn't even that clear and we obviously didn't get to see the entire conversation. I just feel like people are so quick to defend/hate on people, and then on top of that call out Dina, when she is a participant and not the organizer. And then even when she tried to do that, it's a problem. She can't seem to win. Peace out Dina. You do you.
Like it is the EXACT thing she was addressing: Muslim women are so quick to shoot each other down, instead of building each other up. The discussion is a great example.
Dina I agree with you, that it's about if you are a good person or a bad person. But we cannot ignore what Allah swt has said, what the prophet Muhammad saw has said, because it is what our faith is based on.
I have been doing a lot of self reflection this past year Alhumdulillah as my faith grows and my knowledge grows I do feel the more humble or non judgmental I get. I think there’s multiple reasons why sister judge each other put ultimately we must always strive to purify our hearts while gaining knowledge and this can be a struggle. I know I’ve judged and advised and no matter how sincere you are it still can come off jiffy or misunderstood. I think we as Muslims just need to be nicer in our words. If we feel the need to advise be kind and if your being devised be kind. Sorry just love discussions like this for us sisters. Alhumdulillah In sha Allah we can meet one day Dina.
Such a sensitive issue to speak about and tbh it wasn't really done well. If we want people to address these issues we need to speak about it more and maybe speak to people who do it and ask them why it's right in their eyes. It could be that they are doing it without realising it. I don't think we should attack these people but maybe show them the light. Educating the younger generation is also key as they will bring the next generation of Muslims into this world. If they can understand then they will pass it on to their children. I think these attitudes are learnt from parents.
Wow! Also in my opinion you dont need any education or traveling or exposure to change the way you think. You need to think carefully question yourself your own thought and your own conduct to be accepting of others, to be non-judgemental and to be absolutely okay with diversity. It all comes from within ❤️ love you beautiful
i'd have to disagree with that because education and exposure is soo important and you won't realise until you compare educated well travelled people with uneducated pope who have never left their country and live in a bubble.
Rahima Saad i am saying it after travelling and taking two post grads. I have met so many well travelled people who are still so backwara. While some great pakistanis who havent left their country and are so open to diversity.
Iqra Qadir Khan I see what you mean, you’re right in saying travelling and education doesn’t automatically make you a better person and more accepting but it does help. I’ve lived in three different countries and I’ve experinced great amounts of ignorance when I lived in Hong Kong as they as never met a brown Muslim person before. I understand what you mean but I would definitely recommend travelling to broaden your mind.
So true. It doesn’t stop at racism about beliefs in the muslim community there is tribal racism which i hate to the core, we have to acknowledge that we have layers of racism! This has to be fixed we have to be compassionate and supportive to each other
The panel was about why representation matter, I'm so annoyed about the link to judgements because really I think it's more pressing that there is not enough diversity within the Muslim community. And clearly within the Dubai Modest Fashion show. It would have been a great time opportunity to call out the lack of diversity. 😔
Worst part! They said they'll discuss the racism 'backstage' which is absolutely ridiculous! They're keeping the real discussion private and playing everything down in front of the audience. Clearly they were too afraid to talk openly! Cowardice at it's best.
A lot of people are mad in the comments section about Dina not speaking about colourism in the Muslim/modest fashion community in this particular video BUT she (&sid) have made their views and opinions explicitly clear in a previous video before. Keep up. Tbh I’m more mad at the black woman on the panel
I think because they’re in Dubai and which generally speaking is quite racist it just wasn’t the best setting. Arab governments and society twist shit and they don’t take things well when it comes to criticism especially when it comes to racism. I think she was just trying to tell her to stop because she was protecting her from the potential backlash that she could face for saying that.
Just want to make a point as a Muslim Latina convert me deciding to cover never was to prove or show that I lm better than anything. It was a decision I made solely to please God and only God period!!!!
Loving the outfits and the views of dubai. Many thanks for the shots and sharing but small suggestion regarding the panel discussion, like seriously Dina you need to give the other person a chance. That poor lady at the end there, the non-hijabi one, with the mic trying to get a word in once and then twice but she just stops because you're still going on. A little give and take goes a long way. I guess it's just your dominant personality though at the end of the day. Awesome job regardless, sending you and your sis loads of love~
Maays people like her and her vlogs so they would've watch the vlog even without the click bait title. I don't understand why she done it she knew how people felt about the dmfw she knew what she was doing.
Hey Dina I just wanted to let you know that your pictures are being stolen to advertise on I was looking for bandanas for work and your picture came up advertising scarves, i think there were other muslin insta and yt personalities but i dont know who they are.
Well i have done my second video today. Thanks to you i know theres going to b a lot of hate but Dina you give me strenght lol. Yes i record my video on my phone. I AM not a pro lol slowly bit surely
Áyan Ali Yeah i saw it she was keeping it real but from what I understood she wasn't there And i really want to hear more about it from someone that was there
Hi Dina.... what happened to sid's TH-cam channel. There are no videos on narky. I wanted to watch bitcoin video last night but watched it half. And this morning all the videos are gone. I hope everything is ok . Plz reply
The reason I'm highlighting black woman (I am one myself) is because she know how much truth there lies within racism amongst the Arab community. Dina is a part of the Egyptian community, and she should be allowed to discuss the mentality of people she knows or has seen first hand.
Hi Dina, I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the outrage concerning the lack of black muslimah's and diversity at DMFW. I read about it and listened to a lot of videos and definitely understood what these women were saying, did you see any of the uproar online and did you also see it for yourself (the lack of iinclusivity and blatent racism) ? If so, would you be able to talk about it?
Wait I’m confused, at what point does she speak about racism in the Arab communities?? I actually had hope ngl.. watch out for this space !!! Blackmuslimahexcellence gonna come right at yah
The black sister advised her not to throw the word racism around. Dina was more than capable to say, Black Muslim woman should be acknowledged in the modest fashion industry and not only chosen when they are acknowledged by white people. For instance,halima Aden.
I love you Dina 😍 can you make a video about european decent clothes brands that Muslim women can wear. I live in Finland and everything is expensive here
To those who don't understand the moment between the other woman( I don't know her name) and Dina, she was helping Dina. Stop attacking that poor woman. She was expressing in a joking manner that maybe this is not the appropriate venue for Dina to discuss racism in the Egyptian community as her words would be inevitably misconstrued and her thoughts would come out jumbled as she hadn't pre planned her words. She literally sends her a knowing glance during the exchange.
Exactly..I totally agree
She is already there, what are they going to do, kick her out? I'm sure Dina is kicking herself for not asserting her opinions more clearly. It is not like Dina to keep quiet just because someone is telling her to. Dina always clarifies her opinions.
s21972012145525 ok so she singled out Egyptians but we all know that most Arabs from different countries are also racist so I felt like she was saying it in a jokey way that's why the other girl stopped her cus it could have been interpreted in other ways but it would have been better if she was to talk about racism to do it in an accurate and professional manner and ask Q about why certain people were not invited to the event not to just blurt it out like that but to open a discussion
She didn't help anyone. Why does Dina need to be quiet about racism in a discussion about judgments and representation?
Dina, I read an article 2 days ago about a 16 yr. old Bangladesh boy beaten savagely by the men in his girlfriend’s family. Authorities had to rush him to the hospital. They called this an ‘honorable beating’ towards the boy. As they were beating him, him yelled “go find your own kind”(the girl’s family was Pakistani), solidifying the racist motive. This took place in the UK. It’s insanely sad how divided we are, to the point where ‘honor’ is held in the wrong places.
Yes that's right Ruby, lets fight racism by being racist...pathetic
kashriz95 violence and murder in the name of 'honour'..... Disgusting!
Love and respect to Dina for bringing up the issue of racism 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Dina Dina dont fall into the clickbait habit what I like about your vids is that the tile matches the content
it's so true we need to create a strong bond within our own communities in order for others to see that and respect us.. #loveuallforthesakeofAllah x
That jacket you wore on the panel was (is) so gorgeous. The shape of the design and the pattern are on point. Also, the colors work really well with your skin tone.
Love that You and Your sister are there together..Masha Allah TabarakAllah..May Allah swt protect you both Ameen. Have a great time Xxx
the way dina pronounced "halima" at 4:02 😭😭😭
uhhh updated skincare routine please??? looking flawless mashAllah !
Awww Dina you’re the best. While you were speaking I believe that was a mashaallah moment. That platform is where your loud voice comes in handy the most; speaking up in the name of justice and against oppression. Baraka allahu feeki. Amongst those ladies you were the most outgoing, down to earth, and totally on point with what you said about Muslims hating on each other for differences in the religion. May god help us.
Not sure why everyone is defending the black woman on the panel by saying that she was preventing or protecting Dina from saying something she will regret or would be too controversial, considering they were in Dubai. Isn't that the BEST time to address it? Why was she stopped? Dina is an adult, has opinions, and is capable of defending them. It seemed like that lady was trying to "respect" those that b(r)ought them there and organized the event, as everyone keeps claiming how racist people in Dubai are and how there was no representation. Wouldn't that be the perfect time to talk about it? Like, hey we know you're in charge of this event, but this is where you fell short and you should learn from your mistake? Seems like that girl didn't want to bite the hand that fed her, so I'm not sure why people are so quick to defend herAnd act like Dina is a child. Dina has addressed the topic many tImen. In fact, in the miss Muslima contest she participated in a few years back, she explicitly called out the organizers for being not only being racist, but promoting fairness creams, the differences in religious belief (whether singing/voice is considered a part of your awrah), and how participants were not allowed to travel with their Mahram. It was a whole documentary. Like Dina is not new to this game, and the fact that the girl stopped her shouldn't be immediately applauded nor discouraged. The footage isn't even that clear and we obviously didn't get to see the entire conversation. I just feel like people are so quick to defend/hate on people, and then on top of that call out Dina, when she is a participant and not the organizer. And then even when she tried to do that, it's a problem. She can't seem to win. Peace out Dina. You do you.
Like it is the EXACT thing she was addressing: Muslim women are so quick to shoot each other down, instead of building each other up. The discussion is a great example.
Dina I agree with you, that it's about if you are a good person or a bad person. But we cannot ignore what Allah swt has said, what the prophet Muhammad saw has said, because it is what our faith is based on.
Sarah Aslam p
I have been doing a lot of self reflection this past year Alhumdulillah as my faith grows and my knowledge grows I do feel the more humble or non judgmental I get. I think there’s multiple reasons why sister judge each other put ultimately we must always strive to purify our hearts while gaining knowledge and this can be a struggle. I know I’ve judged and advised and no matter how sincere you are it still can come off jiffy or misunderstood. I think we as Muslims just need to be nicer in our words. If we feel the need to advise be kind and if your being devised be kind. Sorry just love discussions like this for us sisters. Alhumdulillah In sha Allah we can meet one day Dina.
Such a sensitive issue to speak about and tbh it wasn't really done well. If we want people to address these issues we need to speak about it more and maybe speak to people who do it and ask them why it's right in their eyes. It could be that they are doing it without realising it. I don't think we should attack these people but maybe show them the light. Educating the younger generation is also key as they will bring the next generation of Muslims into this world. If they can understand then they will pass it on to their children. I think these attitudes are learnt from parents.
Wow! Also in my opinion you dont need any education or traveling or exposure to change the way you think. You need to think carefully question yourself your own thought and your own conduct to be accepting of others, to be non-judgemental and to be absolutely okay with diversity. It all comes from within ❤️ love you beautiful
Iqra Qadir Khan bless your wise words! 😊 Agree.
i'd have to disagree with that because education and exposure is soo important and you won't realise until you compare educated well travelled people with uneducated pope who have never left their country and live in a bubble.
Rahima Saad i am saying it after travelling and taking two post grads. I have met so many well travelled people who are still so backwara. While some great pakistanis who havent left their country and are so open to diversity.
Education and exposure is a cherry on top. If you do not have a mentality to change or be accepting nothing jelps you really
Iqra Qadir Khan I see what you mean, you’re right in saying travelling and education doesn’t automatically make you a better person and more accepting but it does help. I’ve lived in three different countries and I’ve experinced great amounts of ignorance when I lived in Hong Kong as they as never met a brown Muslim person before. I understand what you mean but I would definitely recommend travelling to broaden your mind.
LOOL “is that watermelon in the Greek salad?...right 😕” 😂😂 Dina is my absolute fave
Let me just say, Dina you were on point about what you said on stage. 100 percent agree !
So true. It doesn’t stop at racism about beliefs in the muslim community there is tribal racism which i hate to the core, we have to acknowledge that we have layers of racism! This has to be fixed we have to be compassionate and supportive to each other
The panel was about why representation matter, I'm so annoyed about the link to judgements because really I think it's more pressing that there is not enough diversity within the Muslim community. And clearly within the Dubai Modest Fashion show. It would have been a great time opportunity to call out the lack of diversity. 😔
Hey HAFSA!!! Hahahahaha
Shanaz Rahman OMG! Hey Shanaz 😂😂😂
I agree with your statement wholeheartedly! I think its ridiculous, this lack diversity within the muslim fashion industry.
Worst part! They said they'll discuss the racism 'backstage' which is absolutely ridiculous! They're keeping the real discussion private and playing everything down in front of the audience. Clearly they were too afraid to talk openly! Cowardice at it's best.
Shanaz Rahman hopefully 2018 will be different and will include many more black hijabi, none hijabi and plus size muslim influencers! Inshallah!
I can’t help myself but to stop what I’m doing and watch ur videos lol
What was the Iranian brand of the kimono she's wearing? I can barely make it out. Around 3:25.
"Is that watermellon in the Greek salad?" you are so funny girl :)
Try it. Watermelon with Greek feta cheese salad is delicious.
It was the way that she said it. She just cracks me up. I'm vegan so no feta for me, but I'm sure that it is delicious :)
vegan can still eat cheese made of soia milk ,rice milk and nuts milk
- *has so much shit to get done*
Dina uploads a new video
- *drops everything and watches Dina’s new video*
Loved meeting you that day💕 one of my all time favorites!
Toosie's outfit at the beginning as absolutely killer!
love love loved what you were saying in the session, soo much casual prejudice racism in the indian culture as well
You’re amazing Dina ♥️ and I truly feel you’re so real and beautiful
You represent all of us!
This style is so on point!
Those other women on the panel looking so flabbergasted as another muslim speaks the truth lmao, love it. Good on you Dina.
A lot of people are mad in the comments section about Dina not speaking about colourism in the Muslim/modest fashion community in this particular video BUT she (&sid) have made their views and opinions explicitly clear in a previous video before. Keep up.
Tbh I’m more mad at the black woman on the panel
why are u mad at her?
You’re directing your anger at the wrong person so you can move along.
there was no need for her to shut Dina up like that when she was talking about an important issue
really? so who should I be angry at then?
I think because they’re in Dubai and which generally speaking is quite racist it just wasn’t the best setting. Arab governments and society twist shit and they don’t take things well when it comes to criticism especially when it comes to racism. I think she was just trying to tell her to stop because she was protecting her from the potential backlash that she could face for saying that.
Love ur outfits and ur vlogs r amazing 😍😍😍Dubai is so beautiful
Love to see toosie going with you to more events! I remember when she used to not want to be on camera back in the day haha love you guys as always
When I saw the title I clicked so fast nearly go cramp in my thumb lol X
too bad she changed it tho :/
I neeeddd to be in duuubaiiiiiiii!!! I’m going tomorrowwwww! Wait for meeeeeeee Dinaaaa
Dina back at it again😅😂 Loved the part where you were speaking about judging etc xxx
Your amazing Dina don't let people let you dowwwwnnn
Love your eye makeup in this vlog
Yasss I’ve been waiting for thiss🤙🏽
20 seconds in, I paused the video to go make myself some toast with butter! :') LOL
Just want to make a point as a Muslim Latina convert me deciding to cover never was to prove or show that I lm better than anything. It was a decision I made solely to please God and only God period!!!!
Those are like art basel snails . I used to see them all the time in Miami around art Basel time
Loving the outfits and the views of dubai. Many thanks for the shots and sharing but small suggestion regarding the panel discussion, like seriously Dina you need to give the other person a chance. That poor lady at the end there, the non-hijabi one, with the mic trying to get a word in once and then twice but she just stops because you're still going on. A little give and take goes a long way. I guess it's just your dominant personality though at the end of the day. Awesome job regardless, sending you and your sis loads of love~
Lol... Dina you sounded so mad about Toosy’s. photo shoot. You’re not you when you’re tired. 😂
It must be exhausting being a dark skinned black hijabi muslimah too 😩
That click bait title tho
Maays people like her and her vlogs so they would've watch the vlog even without the click bait title. I don't understand why she done it she knew how people felt about the dmfw she knew what she was doing.
yes, yes it is.
Omg I clearly missed that panel!
I love how youre wearing an Iranian brand of clothing 🙌🏽
Hey Dina I just wanted to let you know that your pictures are being stolen to advertise on I was looking for bandanas for work and your picture came up advertising scarves, i think there were other muslin insta and yt personalities but i dont know who they are.
SkepticalFilmCritic omg... Yes... i found it. Just search for "bandana" and scroll down...
even if u just search "hjiab" there's a whole flood of dina and lifelongpercussion
What hotel is that, so amazing!! Loved the vlog 😍😍
Dubai is insane man 😍😍😍
Well i have done my second video today. Thanks to you i know theres going to b a lot of hate but Dina you give me strenght lol. Yes i record my video on my phone. I AM not a pro lol slowly bit surely
I'm curious to know about the racism in Dubai modest fashion week???
Sabrin. F watch shadh batal’s video on the racism at dmfw x
Áyan Ali Yeah i saw it she was keeping it real
but from what I understood she wasn't there And i really want to hear more about it from someone that was there
Sabrin. F yeah same somebody needs to spill the tea xx
Where are my Iranians at? (And what was the brand called again?)
Kimia Khoshroo nofux label
I'm not Iranian but woooo! 🙌 Big up the Iranians great people.
im a muslim iranian married to a somalian/yemeni guy
We need representation! Salam janoom!
I see @flywithhaifa in 4:56 😍😍 It fells wonderful seing your fav youtubers sitting next to each other 😌 😌
Here for all montages of food 🙋🏻
Dina's vlogs are so damn gooodd!!
OH- Man!! Looks so amazing!
I'm going to Dubai this week, are there lots of traditional Abayas to buy at souks?
Oh Dina bless u....the continuous usage of "yeh" lol ...Dina is so real and not a phony
Does anyone know why she changed the title?
You all outfits were stunning
i hated when i have the chance to go to hotels like that and they dont have smoked salmone in breakfast
Was there an event in Dubai because i know Rumena101, sebinaah and some people went there for abit too
Tahmina yeah there was Dubai modest fashion week•
those photos of toosy were AMAZING!!!!
I'm glad you like them! :)
your work is Fantastic. your Insta page is full of passion, can tell you love what you do!!
chrisJ wake ohhh thank you so much for your kind words!!
(Also the important chatz)
Hi Dina.... what happened to sid's TH-cam channel. There are no videos on narky. I wanted to watch bitcoin video last night but watched it half. And this morning all the videos are gone. I hope everything is ok . Plz reply
Dina make a video to talk about ur face care and acne
Hi dina its lilia from Algeria i love u so much keep up the good work
Haifaaaa!!!! 💜
Can't believe that Black woman stopped Dina addressing the racism amongst the Egyptian community. Stunned! 😲
Why? I would too. It would have been too awkward...
It was all in jest too.
M B dont you think it happens in every other Arab country?
The reason I'm highlighting black woman (I am one myself) is because she know how much truth there lies within racism amongst the Arab community. Dina is a part of the Egyptian community, and she should be allowed to discuss the mentality of people she knows or has seen first hand.
M B I’m surprised you’re surprised tbh
You're not shocked a back woman stopped racism talks? I'm literally shaking 😤
Ale pięknie i stroje też piękne bardzo ciekawe miejsca i ciepło🤑😆😎😎😎💌
Clip bait #Feel sorry for my Chocol8 sisters....................lets comfort ourselves with our Melanin.👸🏿👸🏿👸🏿👸🏿👸🏿
Naima Ahmed yes nayaaa , what qabil r u
GoonWire omg why does it MATTER
GoonWire haha!
What the brand is called? An Iranian brand
Nisa Fay Nofux Label
Is it just me or did Dina change the title? Wasn’t it racism in our own communities?🤨
Love your videos ❤❤❤🙌🏾
I love you so much Dina mouaaa7
Yesss hi love these vlogs
Hay Lovely Dina, give us the link of the iranian designer of your outfit. It is beautiful but could not see that properly though.
Hi Dina,
I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the outrage concerning the lack of black muslimah's and diversity at DMFW. I read about it and listened to a lot of videos and definitely understood what these women were saying, did you see any of the uproar online and did you also see it for yourself (the lack of iinclusivity and blatent racism) ? If so, would you be able to talk about it?
Wait I’m confused, at what point does she speak about racism in the Arab communities?? I actually had hope ngl.. watch out for this space !!! Blackmuslimahexcellence gonna come right at yah
Make_0_FashIon UK she was actually about to mention the issue until the black sister actually stopped her from bringing up the topic.
The black sister advised her not to throw the word racism around. Dina was more than capable to say, Black Muslim woman should be acknowledged in the modest fashion industry and not only chosen when they are acknowledged by white people. For instance,halima Aden.
Bilal Itani and not to mention that Dina saw that her title was a massive mistake and changed it. I can’t deal with these arrogant people.
Lol you you sound arrogant when you can't handle another opinion damnnnn sis 😂😂
Bilal Itani oh no darling, the fact is your opinion in itself is arrogant.
Yes, Allah will judge them
iii loove uuu Diinaa ❤❤
Love u dinaaa 💖💖💖💖💖
Hi Dina! Are you going to do a meet and greet in dubai?? pleeeeeeaaase I'm here and would really love to see you 💗
I love your hijab style.. plz you should make a video on how to wear hijab plzzZzz sis... 😍😍😍
Love u guys
Genuinely feel like Somalis are the most stunning ethnic group in the world.
Preach Dina!
Your so funny Dina 😅😅😅
All that wonderful food and Dina's having toast and butter....WTF?!?
Like the title name💖 Clickbait at its finest, well done Dina👍😂
Love you dina❤️
why the title changed ????????
Yass preach Dina 🙌🏾
Oh beautiful Dina pleaseeeeeeeeeee don’t ever where those ugly pants and blouse in the beginning of the video PLEASEEE😂
Dina dropping truth bombs at 5minutes.
hey carry on with great videos
Where is sid?
probably taking care of their child
I love you Dina 😍
can you make a video about european decent clothes brands that Muslim women can wear.
I live in Finland and everything is expensive here
wear normal clothes and not cult shit
Emir Ramadani what do you mean?
I'm from Finland too! I shop from the UK tho😂😂😂 and online
Aichetou Mohamed Abdellahi H&M, Zara, Asos you just find pieces and make it modest that's what I do