Guys, before buying this bike do a proper test drive. I own this new OBD2 unicorn. This doesn't perform like the first BS6 model or old 150cc model. Done 9000+ kms. There are serious power delivery issues between 3k to 4.5k rpm. Dont waste your hard earned money! 1. Lag in power delivery 2. Low initial pickup 3. Cannot overtake other vehicles quickly and confidently when the rpm is below 4000.
Congratulations 🎉
Kya kya problem he bike me????
Guys, before buying this bike do a proper test drive. I own this new OBD2 unicorn. This doesn't perform like the first BS6 model or old 150cc model. Done 9000+ kms. There are serious power delivery issues between 3k to 4.5k rpm. Dont waste your hard earned money!
1. Lag in power delivery
2. Low initial pickup
3. Cannot overtake other vehicles quickly and confidently when the rpm is below 4000.