Solving an INTERMEDIATE SQL Interview Query - 29 |

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 44

  • @krishna35997
    @krishna35997 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    today is last day of this magnificent series......but please continue your work in one or other way......because many people are relying on you for clearing the interviews or to better their work performance .......personally beyond this I addicted to your videos......until I watch your videos i wont sleep for the day.......Please continue your great work .......and inspire the generations to come

    • @techTFQ
      @techTFQ  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you Krishna ❤
      Truly appreciate your kind words 🙏

  • @Satish_____Sharma
    @Satish_____Sharma 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    with cte as (select times, status,lag(status) over (order by times) as leads
    from login_details)
    ,cte1 as (select times, status,sum(case when status='on' and leads='off' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by times) as flag from cte)
    select min(case when status='on' then times end) as logon_time
    ,min(case when status='off' then times end) as logout_time
    ,round(cast(timediff(min(case when status='off' then times end),min(case when status='on' then times end)) as decimal)/100) as duration
    from cte1 group by flag

    • @monasanthosh9208
      @monasanthosh9208 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      More Easy Version of this Query
      With CTE as
      (Select *,Lag(Status) over (Order by times) as Leads from Login_details),
      CTE1 as
      (Select *,sum(Case When Status="on" and Leads="off" then 1 else 0 end) over (order by Times) as Seg from CTE ),
      CTE2 as
      (Select *,Min(Case When Status="on" then Times end) as Login_Time,
      min(Case When status="off" then times end) as Logoff_Time
      from CTE1 group by seg order by Times),
      CTE3 as
      (Select Login_time,Logoff_time,timediff(Logoff_time,login_time) as Duration from CTE2)
      Select Login_time,Logoff_time,extract(minute from duration) as Duration from CTE3;

    • @Satish_____Sharma
      @Satish_____Sharma 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Certainly! Adding more common table expressions (CTEs) can impact query performance because each CTE creates an intermediate result set that needs to be computed. Therefore, minimizing the number of CTEs can generally lead to better query performance, as it reduces the computational overhead.
      Thanks for your query

    • @monasanthosh9208
      @monasanthosh9208 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      you are the easiest SQL guide i have ever seen, I am following this 30 days challenge with your Point of Query Stmts
      Thank you so much to make me learn sql in easy way

  • @kedarwalavalkar6861
    @kedarwalavalkar6861 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    with cte as (
    select *
    ,case when status = 'on' and lag(status,1,status) over(order by times asc) = 'off' then 1 else 0 end as flg
    from login_details
    ,cte2 as (
    select *
    ,sum(flg) over(rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as parts
    from cte
    min(case when status = 'on' then times else null end) as log_on
    ,min(case when status = 'off' then times else null end) as log_off
    ,timestampdiff(minute,min(case when status = 'on' then times else null end),min(case when status = 'off' then times else null end)) as diff
    from cte2
    group by parts

  • @DEwithDhairy
    @DEwithDhairy 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    PySpark 30 Days Challenge of these problems :

  • @vikramjitsingh6769
    @vikramjitsingh6769 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Easier, less line code would be - select min(times), max(times), count(a)-1 from (select *, sum(case when x = 'off' then 1 else 0 end ) over(order by times) as a from
    (select *, lag(status,1, 'on') over() as x from login_details)i)i
    group by a having count(1) > 1

    • @sammail96
      @sammail96 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good solution. Thanks. Oracle sql query for this : select min(times) as log_on, max(times) as log_off, count(a)-1 as duration
      select i.*, sum(case when x = 'off' then 1 else 0 end ) over(order by times) as a
      select ld.*, lag(status,1, 'on') over(order by times) as x from login_details ld
      ) i
      ) t
      group by a
      having count(1) > 1
      order by log_on;

    • @CebuProvince
      @CebuProvince 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      for ms sql:
      select * from login_details
      select min(times), max(times), count(a)-1 from (select *, sum(case when x = 'off' then 1 else 0 end ) over(order by times) as a from
      (select *, lag(status,1, 'on') over( order by times) as x from login_details)i)i
      group by a having count(1) > 1

    • @sapnasaini851
      @sapnasaini851 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Great!! One thing I wanna add that if time is not continuous(exactly 1 minute difference) then count(a)-1 will not work for duration. We can achieve duration from "round(time_to_sec(timediff(max(times), min(times)))/60,0)"
      Well, your solution is awesome!!

  • @Damon-007
    @Damon-007 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    with cte as(
    select *,lag(status,1,'off') over(order by times ) lag
    from login_details
    cte2 as(select
    datepart(minute,times) id1
    ,lead(datepart(minute,times), 1, 999) over(order by times) id2
    , times, status,lag from cte
    where (status='on' and lag='off')
    select min(b.times)times ,count(*) login_min
    from cte2 a
    inner join cte b
    on datepart(minute,b.times)
    between a.id1 and a.id2-1
    where b.status'off'
    group by a.id1, a.id2;

  • @Hsalz
    @Hsalz 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This series has been great. Sad we're nearing the end. Thanks for all the hard work you've put into this!

  • @OmkarPatil-r9r
    @OmkarPatil-r9r 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Solved it using recursion instead of lead/lag.
    with cte as (
    select * , ROW_NUMBER() over(order by times) as rn from login_details
    , recursive_Cte as (
    select top 1 times as times , status , rn , 1 as 'login' , 1 as grouping_factor from cte where status ='on'
    union all
    select c.times ,
    c.status ,
    case when lower(r.status) = 'on' and lower(c.status) = 'off' then 0
    when lower(r.status) = 'off' and lower(c.status) = 'on' then 1
    END as 'login' ,
    case when lower(r.status) = 'on' and lower(c.status) = 'off' then grouping_factor
    when lower(r.status) = 'off' and lower(c.status) = 'on' then grouping_factor+1
    ELSE grouping_factor
    from cte c
    inner join recursive_Cte r
    on c.rn = r.rn + 1
    select MAX(case when status ='on' then times END) as 'LOG_ON' ,
    MAX(case when status ='off' then times END) as 'LOG_OFF' ,
    DATEDIFF(MINUTE , MAX(case when status ='on' then times END) , MAX(case when status ='off' then times END) ) as Duration
    from recursive_Cte
    where login is not null
    group by grouping_factor;
    i think this solution can be used in any IDEs for SQL.

  • @maheshrathi2608
    @maheshrathi2608 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    with cte as (select *,lag(status,1,'off') over(order by times) as rn from login_details)
    select *,substring(ld,4,2)-substring(start_time,4,2) as count from (select start_time,lead(end_times,1,0) over(order by times) as ld from (select *,case when light = 1 then times else 0 end as start_time,case when light = 2 then times else 0 end as end_times from (select *,case when status = 'off' and rn = 'on' then 2 when status = "on" and rn = "off" then 1 else 0 end as light from cte) where light in (1,2))) where ld != 0 and start_time != 0

  • @devrajpatidar5927
    @devrajpatidar5927 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hello sir,
    Nice Video and nice explaination
    Here is my approach to this problem:--
    with cte as (
    select *,lag(status,1) over(order by times asc) as next_status from users_logins_details1
    ,cte1 as (
    select *,
    sum(case when status ='on' and next_status = 'off' then 1
    else 0 end) over(order by times asc) as grp
    from cte
    select min(times) as login,max(times) as logout,datediff(MINUTE,min(times),max(times)) as duration
    from cte1
    where status 'off' or next_status 'off'
    group by grp;

  • @diptikar-s4f
    @diptikar-s4f หลายเดือนก่อน

    In Spark SQL
    with T as (select times, status,
    lag(status, 1 , 0) over (order by times) as P
    from B),
    J as
    (select times ,
    (case when T.status = 'on' then lead(times) over (order by times) else 0 end) as status
    from T
    where T.status P )
    *, replace(status ,':','') - replace(times ,':' , '') as I
    from J
    where J.status '0'

  • @sammail96
    @sammail96 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oracle sql query: with cte as(
    select times, status, row_number() over (order by times) as rnk from (
    select times, status, rk, first_value(rk) over (partition by flag order by flag) as rk1, count(*) over (partition by flag order by flag) as total from (
    select times, status, rn, rank() over (order by times) as rk, (rn - rank() over (order by times)) as flag
    select times, status, row_number() over (order by times) as rn
    from login_details
    where status = 'on'))
    where rk = rk1
    cte1 as (
    select times, status, row_number() over (order by times) as rnk from (
    select times, status, rk, first_value(rk) over (partition by flag order by flag) as rk1, count(*) over (partition by flag order by flag) as total from (
    select times, status, rn, rank() over (order by times) as rk, (rn - rank() over (order by times)) as flag
    select times, status, row_number() over (order by times) as rn
    from login_details
    where status = 'off'))
    where rk = rk1
    select TO_CHAR(c.times, 'HH24:MI:SS') as log_on, TO_CHAR(c1.times, 'HH24:MI:SS') as log_off, extract(minute from (c1.times - c.times)) as duration
    from cte c join cte1 c1 on c.rnk = c1.rnk;

  • @shivinmehta7368
    @shivinmehta7368 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    select log_on, ntime as log_off,extract(minute from ntime-log_on) as duration
    select grp,min(times) as log_on , max(times) as mt
    (select *,
    row_number() over (order by times) as rn,
    sum(case when trim(status)='on' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by times) as csum,
    row_number() over (order by times) - sum(case when trim(status)='on' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by times) as grp
    from login_details
    ) x where trim(status)='on'
    group by 1
    ) y left join (select times, lead(times) over(order by times) as ntime from login_details) b on

  • @iamkiri_
    @iamkiri_ 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    with cte as (select times , rnk - row_number() over(order by times) as grpid from (
    select *, row_number() over(order by times) as rnk from login_details ) Q
    where status = 'on'),
    cte2 as (
    select grpid, cast(max(times) as time) as latestlogin,
    cast(min(times) as time) as firstlogin from cte
    group by grpid )
    ,cte3 as (
    select * , lead(times) over(order by times) as logoff
    from (
    select l.times, firstlogin , latestlogin from login_details l
    left join cte2 c
    on l.times = c.latestlogin
    order by l.times) Q )
    select firstlogin as login, logoff ,
    extract(minute from logoff) - extract(minute from firstlogin ) as totaltime
    from cte3
    where firstlogin is not null ;

  • @mdmarufnawaz
    @mdmarufnawaz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    with cte as (select *, sum(case when status='on' and prev_status='off' or status='off' and prev_status='off' then 1 else 0 end) over (order by times)as grp_key
    select times, status, lag(status,1,status) over (order by times) as prev_status
    from login_details) s
    cte_final as (
    select min(times) as login_time, max(times) as logoff_tim, datediff(minute, min(times), max(times)) as duration
    from cte
    group by grp_key)
    select * from cte_final
    where duration!=0

  • @veeraraghavanr-sy3by
    @veeraraghavanr-sy3by 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sir, how to practice these examples any idea?

  • @karankumarrayat6282
    @karankumarrayat6282 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    WITH t1 AS (
    SELECT *,
    CASE WHEN status = 'on' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS new
    FROM login_details
    t2 AS (
    SELECT *,
    LAG(new, 1, 0) OVER (ORDER BY times) AS new_n
    FROM t1
    t3 AS (
    SELECT *,
    new - new_n AS diff
    FROM t2
    WHERE new - new_n IN (1, -1)
    t4 AS (
    SELECT times,
    LEAD(times) OVER (ORDER BY times) AS newnn
    FROM t3
    SELECT times AS log_on,
    newnn AS log_off,
    DATEDIFF(MINUTE, times,newnn) AS duration
    FROM t4
    WHERE status = 'on'

  • @NabeelKhan-um1zk
    @NabeelKhan-um1zk 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    select * from login_details;
    create table log_inn as (with a as (select * , row_number() over(order by times) as ranks from login_details)
    select times as log_in from a where ranks in (1,5,10,16) );
    create table logg_offs as (with b as ( select * , row_number() over(order by times) as ranks from login_details)
    select times as logg_off from b where ranks in (4,7,14,17) );
    create table report as (with c as (select * , row_number() over() as ranks from log_inn) ,
    d as (select * , row_number() over() as ranks from logg_offs)
    select log_in,logg_off from c join d using(ranks));
    select * from report ;
    with a as (select * , timediff(logg_off,log_in) as duration from report)
    select * , minute(duration) as duration from a;

  • @essak3219
    @essak3219 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Did it with a little addition of different users
    create table input (
    username varchar,
    times timestamp,
    status varchar);
    insert into input
    ('user1','2024-05-01 10:00:00', 'on'),
    ('user2','2024-05-01 10:00:01', 'on'),
    ('user3','2024-05-01 10:00:03', 'on'),
    ('user1','2024-05-01 10:00:03', 'off'),
    ('user2','2024-05-01 10:00:05', 'off'),
    ('user1','2024-05-01 10:00:06', 'on'),
    ('user3','2024-05-01 10:00:07', 'off'),
    ('user2','2024-05-01 10:00:07', 'on'),
    ('user1','2024-05-01 10:00:09', 'off'),
    ('user1','2024-05-01 10:00:11', 'on'),
    ('user2','2024-05-01 10:00:18', 'off'),
    ('user2','2024-05-01 10:00:10', 'on'),
    ('user2','2024-05-01 10:00:12', 'off'),
    ('user1','2024-05-01 10:00:15', 'off');
    with users_on as(
    select username,times,status, row_number() over(partition by username,status order by times asc) as rn from input
    where status = 'on')
    , users_off as (
    select username,times,status, row_number() over(partition by username,status order by times asc) as rn from input
    where status = 'off'
    select a.username, a.times as log_on, b.times as log_off, b.times - a.times as durtion
    from users_on a inner join users_off b
    on a.username = b.username
    and a.rn = b.rn;

  • @shaifahmad1227
    @shaifahmad1227 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A shorter solution in MS SQL:
    with cte as(
    select times, status, lead(times) over(order by times) as lead_time from login_details),
    cte2 as(
    select times, dateadd(minute, -1*row_number() over(order by times),times) as active , status, row_number() over(order by times) as rn, lead_time
    from cte
    where status = 'on')
    select min(times) as log_in, max(lead_time) as log_off, DATEDIFF(minute, min(times), max(lead_time)) as duration
    from cte2
    group by active;

  • @karangupta_DE
    @karangupta_DE 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    with cte as (
    select times, status,
    lag(status)over(order by times) as previous_status
    from login_details
    cte1 as (
    select times, status, previous_status,
    sum(case when status = 'on' and previous_status = 'off' then 1 else 0 end)over(order by times) as group_key
    from cte
    )select group_key, min(times) as login_time, max(times) as logoff_time,
    count(case when previous_status = 'on' and status = 'off' then null else status end) as total
    from (
    select times, previous_status, status, group_key
    from cte1
    where true
    and not(previous_status = 'off' and status = 'off')
    group by group_key;

  • @varunas9784
    @varunas9784 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    fantastic series Thoufik!
    here's me attempting on SQL server:
    with cte as (select *,
    case when LAG(status, 1) over(order by times) = status then 0
    when LAG(status, 1) over(order by times) is null then 0
    else 1
    end [flag]
    from login_details),
    grp as (select *, SUM(flag) over(order by times) grp_flag from cte)
    select MIN(g1.times) [login time], MIN(g2.times) [logout time], DATEDIFF(MINUTE, MIN(g1.times), MIN(g2.times)) [Duration]
    from grp g1
    join grp g2 on g1.status g2.status and g1.grp_flag + 1 = g2.grp_flag
    where g1.status ='on'
    group by g1.grp_flag

  • @akashjha7277
    @akashjha7277 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    can’t we solve this by self join? By creating 2 different cte of row_number of on and off separately. Then join off greater than on and rnk=1

  • @ishanshubham8355
    @ishanshubham8355 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    MY attempt on MYSQl with cte as (
    select *,
    row_number() over(order by times) as rn,
    row_number() over(partition by status order by times) as rn1,
    row_number() over(order by times)- row_number() over(partition by status order by times) as diff
    from login_details
    order by times),
    cte2 as (
    select min(times) as times,status,diff
    from cte
    group by status,diff),cte3 as (
    select *,lead(status) over(order by times) as ld,lead(times) over(order by times) as ld1
    from cte2)
    select times as log_on,
    ld1 as log_off,
    minute(timediff(ld1,times)) as duration
    from cte3
    where status ="on" and ld="off"

  • @mcolsenet
    @mcolsenet 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    if you could provide contents about manipulating dates that would be fantastic. For example window function on 2nd quarter of the year or last day of the month or within a range of date/time etc

  • @tonysun203
    @tonysun203 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for your brilliant and hard work. Really appreciate. 👍

  • @luckyqueen7540
    @luckyqueen7540 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you

  • @noufeerbk3543
    @noufeerbk3543 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When will be the next sql full course ?

    • @CebuProvince
      @CebuProvince 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I hope soon

    • @noufeerbk3543
      @noufeerbk3543 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CebuProvince waiting

  • @hariikrishnan
    @hariikrishnan 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    if this was intermediate then i'm cooked

  • @rajashekharreddy5794
    @rajashekharreddy5794 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have made my attempt in MS SQL
    ;with cte as (
    select *
    ,isnull(case when lag(status) over (order by times)status then 1 end,0) [lag]
    from login_details )
    ,cte2 as (
    select *,1 [lag] from login_details
    where (select Min(times) from login_details)=times
    union all
    select * from cte
    where status in ('on','off') and [lag] = 1 )
    , cte3 as (
    select A.times [logintime],a.status [login]
    ,b.times [logofftime],b.status [logoff]
    ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by b.times order by b.times) [rn]
    ,count(*) over (partition by b.times order by b.times) [cnt]
    (select *from cte2 where status = 'on') a
    (select *from cte2 where status = 'off') b
    on a.times