Its because almost any playthrough is unique. Sure, the map is the same, but the first experience playing a souls game is different to each person, thats why its interesting
Bro look at some fortnite videos from 2018, you will already see comments like "this was the golden era of gaming" and other nostalgia related comments lol
I always come back to the first dark souls no game makes me feel like home as much as ds1 does Except izolith fuck that one The rest is the gaming equivalent of sitting in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate watching tv in the weekend while its raining outside i just can't quite put into words the vibes of this game
What I love about Dark souls is that its an unparalleled experience, NOT a boss rush like dark souls 3 Pretty much every game in the modern From soft series has different aspects they handle masterfully (Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden ring) I can't think of a single aspect Dark souls 3 does better other than bosses. Even the fans of Ds3 dunk on classics like Demons & DS1 by saying "Dark souls 3 has the best bosses" but the series had multiple elements working in tandem other than being just a boss rush simulator
@@COHOFSohamSengupta DS3 was my first Souls, and I still have a special fondness for it. Its bosses are very memorable indeed. But now I prefer DS1 and Demon's Souls. I really like the "puzzle bosses" in the latter (sorry for my bad English...).
i get where you are coming from, but saying that it is better than Elden Ring is simply not true and can only be said dues to nostalgia's sake, yes Dark Souls has it's charm, but saying that it is factually better than Elden Ring is a lie.
@@alexhansen-os1qn same here, just beat them a few days ago, Solaire gives us the strength we need. The best summon of dark souls! My second favorite is Valtyr from bloodborne.
The fact that this game is “dated” is one of the reasons I still love it. I bought the original day one back then, and at the time DS1 was the game that I have “Always wanted “. Had character creation, exploration, fun combat, I could make myself a knight, or mage or hybrid, had many interesting weapons, and epic Boss fight, and a calming atmosphere. Yeah all the other upgraded and expanded on this, but I sometimes like a good and simple “old game” to play and this is still that best game for me. I’ve put over a thousand hours in Elden ring, and many hours in all the others, but ds1 is still my most favorite. I feel like a lot depends on which game the player played first, as well as what the player was looking for in a game. Ds1 nailed everything I ever needed in a game all those years ago. The rest are just unneeded but welcomed bonus’s for me. Lol
I always saw Dark Souls as a "retro" game for its NES-esque design but softened, just like you said. It's kind of a very specific version of a rogue lite; instead of losing all your progress, yes all enemies respawn, but you just revive at the last bonfire; instead of losing all your loot and gear, you only lose your currency and whatever consumables you use. And bosses and minibosses stay dead. It's strange to me that this isn't a dominate way of looking at Souls- as rogue lites that are retro in design and spirit, but with more mercy.
It's crazy to think that people who were 9 when dark souls came out are now old enough to make semi-coherent videos about it. It's been a while since it came out, wow.
when i was 12 i was heavily into The elder scrolls games but my step douche (garbage step father) at the time didn't want me playing them because he saw a mod or something on the game that had nudity (keep in mind i am a console gamer so no mods for me) and he banned bethesda games from then onward so in rebellion i played dark souls 1 and 2 and became a bacon warrior the strongest nudist so yeah anyway thats one of the ways dark souls stole my childhood and i love it (that was back in 2012-2014) during the xbox 360 prime years and yes i was aloud to play gta5 for some dumb reason step douche has not been apart of my life for about 9 years now harray (we kicked him out)
Dark Souls is moody, depressing, instills a strong sense of nihilism, and is well...dark. That's why it's the greatest action RPG ever made. Also, it gave us Solaire. *Praise the Sun* \[T]/
Whats sometimes taking away from my enjoyment on Elden ring is some enemies just being ridiculously stupid to fight against. Like the royal revenants. Fuck those guys seriously. They’re some of those enemies that have 10 hit combos they can spam 2 or 3 times in a row if you’re unlucky. And for some reason can move faster than usain bolt. Some enemies feel like they can spam actions and not have to stop. Whereas in dark souls it really did feel as if every enemy was on a completely equal playing field as you. That’s one thing that I love dark souls for more than Elden ring
royale ravanants aren't that hard with good positioning, they take forever to turn while they're attacking. I like them because they're something to actually be scared of.
My story of starting is similar. I was 7 when I watched my step-dad play Demon's Souls and got so into it he created a character for me and let me play, I loved it so much that I was basically always on his PS3 lol. I remember him being on it after work, so the only time I had to play was before school in the mornings and right after school before he got off work. So I would go to bed early, wake up at 4 AM to play, get back home from school and play until he got home at which point I'd do homework and immediately go to bed I had an Xbox360 in my room but not a PS3, so when Dark Souls came out he immediately bought it so I wouldn't be restricted when I was 8. I remember struggling with it a lot more, it was harder, and I remember the gargoyles frustrating me despite the gargoyles from Demon's Souls being easy. I told him I didn't like the game and wanted to play Demon's Souls again, but he told me I wasn't allowed to play until I beat Dark Souls, so I forced myself through and after beating the Gargoyles I remember feeling more rewarded than I had playing any other game. That is when my Souls addiction really started lol. I played Dark Souls CONSTANTLY, putting easily thousands of hours into it. I'd say at this point I likely have around 10,000 hours in it, however, Xbox 360s didn't track playtime and only about 2k of that is on my PC now. But I have 2k on PC and I put way way WAY more time into the Xbox360 version. I still play the game constantly lol, not every single day constantly, but I'd say I still play it once a month or so
I was the guy that couldnt stand the challenge when I picked up my first Souls game (Dark Souls 2). I gave up in a half hour lmao. Then when Elden Ring came out, played a good amount since it was open world until I made it to about level 50. Then I gave up for a couple years… I picked Elden Ring up again about 5 months ago and since then I have gotten every single achievement for For Elden Ring, Sekiro and Dark Souls 1 2 & 3. Now I’m sad there’s nothing else left unless I wanna come back to one of those lol which I’m sure I will… yes I’m aware of other soulslike games. But none of them are really my style unless I wanna get a PlayStation.
I remember telling a friend of mine that i didnt wanna start to play dark souls because looks too hard now here i am beat the first one and now finish the ringed city this game its best gaming experience ever.
Dont take this comment wrong, because im not here to say Elden Ring is a bad game. I beat it and i liked it some, but not as much as DS or DS3. I felt there was a lot of repetition and they made the map too big, even felt big and empty to me. I miss (DS3 is a little guilty of this too) but the connected map was a huge thing for me.
I’ve been playing through ds3 and feel the opposite. Elden ring was first off, so much prettier. And second it felt less like a test of stamina management and more like a test of positioning. I feel like it’s much more smooth feeling than ds3 even if the exploration outside of legacy dungeons is less packed with stuff
@@Leg1503 I agree. So many of your stat points are spent on endurance, that most of the challenge for me is lack of vigor and other stats. Elden ring feels so much more fair, in the fact that you can prepare as much as you want for a boss (like the endurance problem)
Personally I really liked fighting with Ornstein and Smough. I have a strenght build (with 18 health) and I managed to slay them under 20 tries with zero damage taken. It was tricky to separate them, but I always glad when a videogame drops a new challange for me.
While it's not my favorite souls game and i like most of the ones that came after it more, I'm glad we got this game for the impact it's had on gaming.
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin edition is definitely not a masterpiece. Not bad, but definitely not a masterpiece. You could honestly probably make a better case for DS2 vanilla being a masterpiece. Scholar thought difficulty just meant spamming enemies and invaders
I still think dark souls 1 has the best level design of any video game ever but its combat, bosses and last act prevent it from being on my top ten games of all time.
Biggest thing that makes these games so re playable is how it's just gameplay and no pointless filler. I tried to play Remnant 2 (because I heard it was good "souls-like") the other day and got bored less then 1 hour in. Doors that require you to wait for your robot partner to help you pry them open, but only after you wait for them to finish the unskippable, cringe ass marvel movie dialogue, might just be the worst trend in singleplayer games of the past decade. I blame The Last of Us, but at least the dialogue in that game wasn't mind numbing and served a purpose in the story.
Never done a new game+ in dark souls until my friend was suffering trough it. Always enjoyed starting from scratch and buildinh your character up. But i decided to get all achivements and do ng+... and ng++. At some point it felt more like a chore instead as the boss fight didnt feel any harder and whenever i died, i had to deal with the walkbacks. My biggest complaint will forever be the walkbacks. Otherwise dark souls 1 is great.
DS1 walkbacks are a pain. I remember the darkroot basin that first time. I didn’t know about the Astorias crest! Lol. That run-back was rough and those ladders felt endless. Can’t imagine someone doing that run-back if they haven’t killed the hydra first. But tbh back in Demon’s souls and DS1 a lot of the “difficulty” came from those run-backs. They wanted the world to feel unforgiving.. they want you to quit and “go hollow” in DS1’s case. Never seen another game do what DS1 did and create a sensible in-world explanation for if a player quits playing.
I've never experienced that "adrenaline rush" people talk about in souls games. I've played quite a few and it just never came. After a difficult boss battle, I just felt annoyed, honestly.
Ahh yess i love how criticism is backwards in these days. I enjoy dark souls the least out of all the souls series that i have played granted, havent yet played demon souls or bloodborne. And i acknowledge that sekiro is barley a souls game and dont like for more personal reasons which is to say i love builds game has no builds and therfore i played it once will never play again well not in the next 3 ish years at least. Do you know what i dislike a lot backtracking, oh boi does this game have a lot of it. It has mandatory backtracking to even progress the game. And while many exhale the game as an interconnected masterpeice it just isnt that interconnected. Firelink connects to 4 areas, majula has 4, and yarnham i believe has about the same. Ok what about the connection of seperate levels, which create such gems as the valley of drakes a near pointless area. The kinda awkward placed havel bro, how about that awsome area which requires the covenant of artorias or you can just walk around. Even gets to the cat to diagro the hunters. Uhh shortcuts this game does shortcuts right especially even ones outside the undead parish and stuff oh yea. (This is hyperbole this game in fact gives up on shortcuts overall via the depths. The dlc does it though) most shortcuts after that point are worse methods such as the runback to ornstein. The chain elevator in the fun house which requires a whole different key to even use and has worse enemies and traps to use. While the levels overall are well desgined and i have nothing but good things overall to say about them i have started to really dislike these talking points as if they are one. Really good and better than any alternative. And 2 even used throughout the game. Yea the first maybe few areas of the intended paths use a shortcut back to bonfires and other areas but most are simply there for backtracking reasons. Need to get your estus up time to hoof it to firelink. Plus i feel some of the interconnective parts arent even good interconnetive. The elavoter leading out of blight town isnt fun and usualy leads to a few of my deaths. Yet i have to do so becouse interconnected world is somehow the greatest thing since sliced bread. Let alone if you forget to upgrade your weapons while your perusing the depths. And start to head into blight town. This games unreasonable amount of tedium, weak bosses, of which i will always stand on being among the weakest in the series when taken as a collective. (Those 7 good ones can only do so much) an underwhelming to awful glorified boss rush of the lord souls. (Which often gets thrown at dks3 as criticism but it also made its bosses good enough to stand on that front). I overal enjoy the game i have played through it at least a couple times which isnt somthing i often due. And even if i think its the weakest of the series that I have played its area desgin can often be tedious more so than magical. Especially when i was playing my first time to have my friend who sounds a lot like others when praising the game would just ignore any and all problems while saying dks 3 is bad. And such. Like i dont think there isnt a single thing aside having a interconnected world that dks3 doesnt improve on.
DS1 Firelink connects to four areas but those four areas are all quite close to other areas leaving you with overall a lot more options than Majula. As for forgetting to upgrade before venturing somewhere there’s the smith box you can buy as well as four separate Blacksmiths to upgrade at in the world, the shortcuts are by no means always needed but when you don’t need them is when you can warp, they’re very helpful earlier in the game, as for the run backs some of them are bad yes, especially later on but DS1 gives you a generous amount of flasks that it expects you to manage on your way to the boss rooms so that the bosses themselves aren’t just your primary threat. Overall the interconnected world slaps because you get a much different experience across many playthroughs and it’s not too big to the point where you’re trecking ridiculous amounts of times like in Elden Ring to fight dozens of the same enemy. (I like ER by the way though.) DS3 doesn’t improve on DS1 in every way, I think people are quick to praise the newer games for their polish but that doesn’t automatically make it better. In DS3 you can’t level at any bonfire which is really annoying and pointless, the Magic Bar addition makes certain spells spammable to a ridiculous degree, s on rolls are absurdly generous that you can roll forwards to dodge 90% of boss attacks, weight and armour stats barely mean anything and the armour looks strangely greasy for some reason, poise was borderline deleted, big strength weapons felt lacklustre in comparison since two handing barely increases damage (and sometimes makes you swing slower) so straight swords and twinblades are vastly superior, the map structure in the beginning of the game is boring as it limits options for builds making the start of a playthrough feeling too repetitive which lots of pointless shortcuts too, NPC questlines feel rehashed and unimaginative in comparison, the general plot doesn’t really stack up as you’re just hunting some new lords rather than the ones who fought the ancient dragons near the dawn of time, there’s barely any Stamina consumption in DS3, items like humanities, embers and fire keeper souls had their uses changed (or were renamed) which kind of messes with the lore, your weapon ascension items are just called “Gems” which is a very generic name, the soundtrack (which is great) feels more like it’s trying to be as epic as possible rather than encapsulating the boss itself, the tutorial is pretty weak in comparison to DS1 although Gundyr was cool, NG+ barely increases the difficulty at all, enemies barely have any poise, the DLC’s have some questionable designs in its locales and it didn’t have much reason to exist because DS1’s plot concludes nicely on its own. DS3 improved on some stuff too of course like the overall Boss quality and build variety but certainly not better in every way. It feels like their least creative game by far, DS2 tried to stand on its own feet at least.
@lukefitton7329 alright, improved in every way player power and access to options have dramatically increased, not being to level up at any bonfire is the usual dark souls bit dk1 and elden ring are more the exception. Rather than the rule. Even demon souls you must venture back to the nexus to level up. Dks not having fast travel is only reason why it doesn't do the same. Generic enemies may have little poise but are faster and more capable than ones in dks, and there are many who do have poise the winged knights, dark knights, corvians dark wraiths and such all of which you can encounter much earlier. While dark souls makes armor and a few other things easy ways to ignore the danger of many enemies. Let alone block and parry are much better. I would say block is the perfect spot for me in dks3 rather than the other games. Block in that game makes the worst enemies such as dogs and greyrat badtards easy picking. Meanwhile in dks it makes even most of the black knights attacks a chill affair. People often forget that most of the what we call soul runners have basicly forgone armor in dks becouse it makes the roll worse a mid roll is activly terrible for the game with wonky hit boxes. Dks3 good hit boxes makes it's medium roll perhaps to good. But the input delay and the fact you still need enough stamina to roll in the first place unlike elden ring and dks makes it so you can still be punished. How about upgrading, or durability, everyone loves green smithing stones or how to get boss weapons in 1 right. How about invasions being the worst ones in the series. How about how parrying makes even some of the most dangerous enemies the chumps of dks3. Black knights have almost as many pary frames as spear hallows who are meant to be easy to pary. How about gwyn who has low poise in a game where poise is more of a bigger deal due to how long they stay out of the fight. How about curse, how about toxic blow dart snipers who can usualy prock it in one hit. How about the lore of the 4 kings being they were 4 kings gifted with power and than sealed away cuss Kath things like that's kinda all they have. Even lesser bosses and enemies have more lore than that. And they are one of the big four. Speaking of which none of the big lord souls have that great of a fight and they are easily the worst areas in nearly all souls. (Well duke's archives and crystal caves are cool,) but the rest suck massive a literal mountain of trash. And it gets away with most of it becouse it was early enough that people have nostalgia blindness. To not see the dumbness of saying dungeons in elden ring have no enemy vareity but unrionicly say new Londo is good becouse it has no enemy variety on any of its levels is like wow peak hypocrisy. Also firelink shrine connection still means nearly nothing, as it's pathways are, burial grounds which is a straight shot to the tomb. Bird which leads back to prison. Dumb worm if you even count the hallway of the kiln. Elavoters, one leading to parish and other leading to newLondo, which also leads to valley of drakes except the only reason you would go down valley is if you are re entering blight town it serves no other purpose. Plus when we consider shortcuts dks3 has better ones. Cathedral of the deep is entirely based around 1 bonfire yet becouse its not interconnected world it's not good. And when I mean in every way that is very true, you can nitpick your best but having a better roll is still better than 90 percent of rolls on a game with worse hitboxes being just bad, it ensured many would instead turtle is just bad. How about high level spells oh in dks1 if your faith it's uhh covenant and a npc who easily dies if the wind blows wrongly. Uhh how about sorcery you see it's one of 4 actual npc questlines, and is still worse than just grabbing any dark sorcery. Cool, pryomanxy objectively broken can be accessed before even ringing the 2 bells and can 3 shot bosses and the hardest enemies. Yep. Let alone the teachers, sorcery is 2 levels in, pryomancy the depths, and faith if your selling nuclear power from petrus or you have go into the tomb of the giants in the early game ish to get her without the game nearly being over. Oh boi that's terrible. Compared to each area beyond the 2 short tutirol/first levels having one. Or two in the case of the undead village. Like can we also talk about how bad npc questlines are in 1. Most are I exist somthing bad happens I must kill you now. And some for their good endings require 30 humanity from a covenant that doesn't have any involvement. Also let's consider estus, I think dk1 has the worst estus system, being being partial to the bonfire and needing humanity which is somthing you don't have a lot of in the early Game and becouse of how scarce it is you will likley have tons of it by the late game, making the late game to easy. As it becomes the elixir item from all final fantasy. And even if you do you have to use more than one humanity per bonfire to a potential 3 total, like bro that's just not a good way to make it. It means those who are struggling will often struggle more than those who are doing well. That just sucks. And again I don't hate dks1 but it does a ton of things that make it worse than the other games of its series yet it feels like the things it gets praises for are barley even there. Interconnective world desgin only matters if it's used well, and it's a slog every time I'm done in blight town and remember the dumb elevator. Valley of drakes is just bad, and exist purely for the connective world building. Even lower undead burg is basicly a hallway connecting the depths to firelink. And these areas are way less good than their what they are exclaimed as the best of the series.
@@christianlangdon3766 Durability is just something to keep in mind as you travel rather than it being there and doing nothing, putting in work to make weapons that bosses are able to use makes sense rather than having everything at your disposal with ease, parrying is not exactly much harder to learn in 3 and you act like it cheeses everything in DS1 even though you can’t parry Channelers, Ghosts, Drakes, Clams, Stone Golems, Crystal Golems, Humanities, Demons of any kind, Squids, any Boss except one, Hydras, Rats, Dogs, Giants, Depths Blobs, Basilisks, most Blighttown enemies etc. Dart Blowers are few, can be one shot at range, and Blooming Poison moss is fairly easy to get hold of but I agree that they’re a pretty bad enemy. Curse is supposed to be dangerous and is present in three areas, one of which you can farm Purging Stones in. The Four Kings were pygmies who aided Gwyn and when tricked summoned the Abyss to New Londo with the art of Lifedrain. Gwyn gave them those shards of his soul knowing that somebody would have to kill them in future to rekindle the fire but it didn’t matter as they were humans who meant little to Gwyn. When did I say that New Londo had good variety or Elden Ring doesn’t have much? What are you on about? Elden Ring obviously has way more enemies it’s a big game, but that just means that a bigger portion of its content is recycled including the DLC using old enemies a lot too, even lots of attacks and animations are taken from older games. DS1 has some enemies return but most are limited to their own area and you’re not having to fight them everywhere you go. Let’s not act like DS3 has great enemies all the time. Pus Of Man enemies are actually awful, they poorly telegraph their attacks with no rhyme or reason which sucks for a first area. Hands in bookshelves that hurt you and build curse just from you standing near them, The Carthus Sandworm is horrific I don’t need to explain why, DS1 has weak late game bosses but DS3 has weak bosses sprinkled throughout too, Crystal Sage, Deacons, Wolnir, Greatwood, Ancient Wyvern, Yhorm and Vordt and kinda mid, Champion’s Gravetender can sometimes be fun but is still a little lazy and so on. DS1 has worse hit boxes but 3’s are far from perfect despite being 5 years younger with more budget and shields are just as gross in 3 if not more so because they barely weigh you down and barely consume stamina. No matter whether you dodge or guard you’re fine in almost any situation, late game DS1 and new game + your great shield can be torn through but in DS3 you barely budge. When DS3 enemies actually do have some poise it’s in parts where they shouldn’t eg. The high wall of Lothric, putting several of those knights with high poise in one room is very unwelcoming to new players and is pretty poor design. Pyromancy costs a shit load of Souls to actually be OP in DS1, it’s strong regardless but still easy as piss to upgrade in 3 as you get titanites thrown at you, there’s broken stuff in all of these games anyway Sellsword starts with the Sellsword Twinblades lmao, and you can get Fire Orb very early which is arguably the best spell in DS3. There’s also the Lothric Knight Sword early in which makes all other straight swords obsolete. Sorceries like Crystal Magic Weapon, Crystal Spear and White Dragon Breath are very strong even the early ones are good long before you get to the DLC so I don’t see the complaint there, there’s only three or four dark sorceries anyway. As for Miracles you can get some almost immediately that you need and can get very strong ones early if you know what you’re doing. Humanities are added to your counter very often in DS1. You only need to kindle bonfires that are important and even then 1 kindle is more than enough, I’d take a multipurpose humanity system that had effort in it rather you pop an ember and improve your health in a game where your HP, stamina and rolling is already generous. I agree that 20 Flasks for the late game is too much but I don’t think it trivialises it as some of those later enemies like the Crystal hollow groups and new Londo darkwraiths can be threatening in groups and can kill you even without you using any flasks. Giving Humanities to both covenants is relevant Lore wise and again it’s not supposed to be easy to obtain everything. DS3 has more weapons, armour and spells yet it feels like there’s no walls stopping me from getting almost any of them. DS3’s cathedral is good design (aside from the bottom section) does anyone say otherwise? The lack of interconnection can be its own issue but that level is well designed with better shortcuts than DS1’s I agree, just a shame that the game barely bothered with them by allowing warping all the time making traversal feeling uninteresting in comparison. Valley Of The Drakes is just kinda there but it’s not exactly a huge drawback to the game or anything, it’s just there to connect two New Londo entrances to Darkroot Basin and Blighttown, plus it has its own purpose of being the only Dragon Scale farm. Green Titanites are easy to get and to mix it up when ascending your weapons differently. It’s kinda plain to me just using regular titanites regardless of ascension path in DS3. Lower undead burg also has two separate paths to upper burg to be fair but that’s not peak design either, just teaches you to be wary of ganks. Still other issues I’ve got with DS3 including the huge amount of Fire weapons, PVP fights taking ages because of roll spamming, grand archives having practically no reason to exist, farron keep having poison scattered around for a whole area as opposed to only being in one section, arrows and bolts auto equipping, lots of OP rings of which you can equip four etc. DS1 has problems but it can’t just be summed up by “you’re nostalgic”, the whole trilogy is old enough to be nostalgic to players and many played 3 before 1. DS1 just did more for the company and gaming as a whole even if it didn’t sell as well. DS1 nailed the whole “don’t go hollow” metaphor for its story through NPC quests and lore better than the sequels as well as its environmental storytelling. It also went through the effort of actually building its world from the ground up whereas DS2 and especially DS3 had a much easier job of just expanding. 2&3 are often just praised for their game mechanics but 1 is loved as it took players on a journey that (probably) can’t be replicated.
@lukefitton7329 my point was it's a common critique but many to say elden ring caves and dungeons doesn't have enemy variety becouse they don't but often they will still say dks1 was better. Forgetting it had similar issues.
@@christianlangdon3766 fair point, but I think people judge on percentages, if you look at the rehashed enemies in the souls trilogy then look at ER’s I think you’re looking at a huge amount of enemies you fight again and again in ER. Still great though and has higher highs in enemy design than DS1.
The DS games are amazing but for me there are much better souls experiences. Elden Ring is my #1, bloodborne and lies of P are tied for #2(only just beat lies of P and wow it was fun), then all of the DS games starting with 3 then 1 then 2, finally sekiro, then demon souls (great game remastered but the boss fights are why I enjoy these games). That’s about it, DS games are amazing in their own way but with this specific exploration/progression format I truly prefer ER, BB/LOP. Just my personal preference don’t come at me lol. Again, I love the DS games too.
Outside of the dlc at least I would say the inconsistent boss quality is probably bloodborne's biggest problem. There are about 5 good bosses and a little under 10 weird gimmicky ones
Just got to be honest at this point, the amount of youtubers who get on their knees and blow dark soul's crystal halberd is off the charts. The game is basically a bunch of ideas that already existed, thrown into a blender, then topped off with obscure nes/Snes style no hand holding. Hand it to the game, its good, people act like it cured cancer.
Well to be fair Dark Souls did "re-invent" gaming when it dropped. You're right that it technically didn't do anything new, hell even by the standards of From Software themselves as many of DS' ideas were already present in Demon Souls, King's Field... But Dark Souls did what others couldn't, it set a new standard to approach games with its peculiar mash-up of ideas. There's a reason why the term "Soulslike" exists, DS' standard is so mesmerizing that an entire genre emerged trying to mimick it.
@@sunshineandrei2569 its More indepth but feels way jankier until you become a pro at it at which point its just a button mashing simulator where the enemy wont even get to move. If you take that into account Im not sure whether It can be considered better than the souls combat on an objective level.
@@sunshineandrei2569 dude I played nioh 1 and all the dlc for it once and I beat nioh 2 all the way on dream of the nioh. I did get to the point where I could practically juggle the enemies but at the very Least for me personally learning to do stuff like ki pulsing not to even mention flux and flux 2 just felt really unintuitive and without using those the combat felt really janky. You were always running out of stamina and combos done in one stance only just didnt have enough power behind them. Alternatively you could just make builds around spamming one move but thats really not what I would describe as peak gameplay either. Speaking of builds you could really easily just completely trivialize most of the game with a half decent one but I suppose that isnt too different from souls games. The biggest advantage for souls games' combat aside from the general smoothness and feel of the gameplay are the significantly better enemy and boss movesets. I cant think of a single really good human boss aside from minamoto no yorimitsu in either of the nioh games. Most of the yokai bosses were pretty cool but none of them really felt too unique to fight. You just dodge the boss combos instinctively without needing to put much thought into even differentiating specific moves while poking them in glowing spots until you break their stamina bar and combo them to hell and back. I do also like nioh combat alot now that ive learned it but I really wouldnt go calling it objectively better than souls combat. While the latter is very simple it has way less major problems and it ultilises the simple combat system far deeper to the point where most fights feel very unique and memorable despite ultimately revolving around the same mechanics.
I love dark souls 1, doing my first playthrough and I just beat O&S, completely lost the motivation to continue playing now. Any1 else been in this position? Any tips?
Playing ds1 for the first time starting last week. Just talked to amazing chest ahead. My opinion is that the game is amazing and id recommend it if someone asked me, however i also think the game is very overrated and people are a bit blinded by nostalgia. Its a great game and made a great basis for what from did later, but its not the second coming of christ
I dont have any such nostalgia right now... Cause I just finished My First Ever Playthrough of Dark Souls 1 just this year for the First Time dated July 2024 and This after DS1 introduced me to be followed playing DS3 which I also finished for the first time too On September 2024. Then currently, Im having my first time playing Elden Ring... I cant say much yey cause I havent finished playing this game so far. But Ohh Well! Those were a nice ride. And I could Tell DS1 is by far a True RPG in some aspects. Let alone Armors Do really matter not some like Just for Fashion in contrast to Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. And most importantly, How come Poise from DS1 never made its return to later games? It seems ER and DS3 Armors dont matter cause those are just for shows
Honestly, ass game 🫶 Demon souls feels more finished despite people calling it a prototype even though DS1 controls completely the same and reuses weapons, mechanics, ideas, locations, spells, bosses and enemies from demon souls. And those reused things are almost the only positives about DS1, not even originally made for the game lmao. Don't care what overused talking point anyone brings, DS1 is the most overrated fromsoftware game, seriously. I'll die on that hill.
What's the point of this video? The points you presented have been told hundreds of times already... What's next, an essay on how Dark souls 2 is terrible because of ADP (or how DS2 is good actually)?
Darks souls is better for when it was released, but now its very old and unfinished. I always say, if we got dark souls 3 quality with a dark souls 1 climate and map design it would be the best game ever.
It will unfortunately not happen. They only made the map like that once upon a time and realized in draws on respurces and development far too much for it to be feasible.
@@grrrr255 Well, some things age faster than others and as complex as souls like formula did make dark souls age pretty quickly. Dark souls 1 is just slow and clunky at times
Dude i dont get the love for this game ive never wanted to like a game more than this one but moonlight butterfly capra demon and the spider girl have been the most boring bosses in video game history and the rest really havent had me too interested the gagoyle demons were just obnoxious not really hard the corridors placed eveeywhere that are thinner than a Doritos makes it obnoxious to fight in i dont know what ime missing
How many of these videos exist which just ignore that demons souls invented the most things dark souls gets credit for just because dark souls is on pc. Absolute dumb
I didn't die💯 Spent 5 weeks learning my new video editor (Premiere Pro) so this is a sort of test run of it
Can confirm, bro wouldn't pull up cause he was spending 40 hours a week editing 😔
test run? more like doing burnouts at 2AM in the neighborhood
imagine moving to using an Adobe product
Ditch premiere. Use Davinci Resolve instead. Trust me.
POV, it is the 7 trillioned video you see of Dark Souls 1, being a masterpiece and you still decide to watch 1 more
literally me 😭
I will never not watch a video like this
Its because almost any playthrough is unique. Sure, the map is the same, but the first experience playing a souls game is different to each person, thats why its interesting
Bro beat the game at 10 years old
Holy shit, there are now adults see Dark Souls the way I see Ocarina of Time. I’m getting old
Bro look at some fortnite videos from 2018, you will already see comments like "this was the golden era of gaming" and other nostalgia related comments lol
Well, Dark Souls 1 is now as old as Ocarina of Time was when DS1 came out
@ This is a timely comment thread
The two best games ever made for sure!
@@olli9984 Stop it, please.
Your dad is real for that
He’s a real one
My first souls game. I love Elden Ring a bit more but Dark Souls 1 will always stay in my heart
Eldan ring is fuckin retard
@@fishfriend1170 that's the exact same as me. I started with ds1 and love it to pieces. Elden ring beats it, but the soft spot I have it is real
er glaze is crazy
@@firetitan19 Imagine loving the game despite its flaws. Crazy glazing
@@firetitan19imagine having an opinion, crazy huh
Dark Souls is an unforgettable game and I always play it again with pleasure. For me he is the best of Souls. Better than Elden Ring in my opinion.
I always come back to the first dark souls no game makes me feel like home as much as ds1 does
Except izolith fuck that one
The rest is the gaming equivalent of sitting in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate watching tv in the weekend while its raining outside i just can't quite put into words the vibes of this game
@@chrissbasement169 I absolutely agree with you, this game is timeless, there's something magical about it. Well, except Bed of Chaos indeed :)
What I love about Dark souls is that its an unparalleled experience, NOT a boss rush like dark souls 3
Pretty much every game in the modern From soft series has different aspects they handle masterfully (Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden ring)
I can't think of a single aspect Dark souls 3 does better other than bosses. Even the fans of Ds3 dunk on classics like Demons & DS1 by saying "Dark souls 3 has the best bosses" but the series had multiple elements working in tandem other than being just a boss rush simulator
@@COHOFSohamSengupta DS3 was my first Souls, and I still have a special fondness for it. Its bosses are very memorable indeed. But now I prefer DS1 and Demon's Souls. I really like the "puzzle bosses" in the latter (sorry for my bad English...).
i get where you are coming from, but saying that it is better than Elden Ring is simply not true and can only be said dues to nostalgia's sake, yes Dark Souls has it's charm, but saying that it is factually better than Elden Ring is a lie.
Ornstein and Smough getting their own section of the video essay says so much about them 😂
Fighting them with Solaire was an awesome experience, PRAISE THE SUN \[T]/
@@BrightLord1823I did that like 3 days ago brother 😂 solaires my fkn boy he had my back
@@alexhansen-os1qn same here, just beat them a few days ago, Solaire gives us the strength we need. The best summon of dark souls!
My second favorite is Valtyr from bloodborne.
I started on Armored Core 2. It's fun to see the influence AC had on the Souls games
The fact that this game is “dated” is one of the reasons I still love it. I bought the original day one back then, and at the time DS1 was the game that I have “Always wanted “. Had character creation, exploration, fun combat, I could make myself a knight, or mage or hybrid, had many interesting weapons, and epic Boss fight, and a calming atmosphere.
Yeah all the other upgraded and expanded on this, but I sometimes like a good and simple “old game” to play and this is still that best game for me. I’ve put over a thousand hours in Elden ring, and many hours in all the others, but ds1 is still my most favorite. I feel like a lot depends on which game the player played first, as well as what the player was looking for in a game. Ds1 nailed everything I ever needed in a game all those years ago. The rest are just unneeded but welcomed bonus’s for me. Lol
I always saw Dark Souls as a "retro" game for its NES-esque design but softened, just like you said. It's kind of a very specific version of a rogue lite; instead of losing all your progress, yes all enemies respawn, but you just revive at the last bonfire; instead of losing all your loot and gear, you only lose your currency and whatever consumables you use. And bosses and minibosses stay dead. It's strange to me that this isn't a dominate way of looking at Souls- as rogue lites that are retro in design and spirit, but with more mercy.
Some comment said its a 3D metroidvania, and I could not unsee it.
It's crazy to think that people who were 9 when dark souls came out are now old enough to make semi-coherent videos about it. It's been a while since it came out, wow.
They are 22 or 23 now I believe
i think he meant he was 9 when remastered came out because he's talking about playing fortnite which didn't get popular until late 2017
when i was 12 i was heavily into The elder scrolls games but my step douche (garbage step father) at the time didn't want me playing them because he saw a mod or something on the game that had nudity (keep in mind i am a console gamer so no mods for me) and he banned bethesda games from then onward
so in rebellion i played dark souls 1 and 2 and became a bacon warrior the strongest nudist
so yeah anyway
thats one of the ways dark souls stole my childhood and i love it (that was back in 2012-2014) during the xbox 360 prime years
and yes i was aloud to play gta5 for some dumb reason
step douche has not been apart of my life for about 9 years now harray (we kicked him out)
You have a cool dad ngl
The fact that I expected this video to have thousands of likes says a lot about your production quality good vid keep it up
Thanks man, I put a lot of effort into this, glad to see it payed off
I doing 100% rn and playing the ng+ and ++ has made the game more of a challenge again and I enjoy every minute of it
this game refuses to die maaan its legendary
Dark Souls is moody, depressing, instills a strong sense of nihilism, and is well...dark.
That's why it's the greatest action RPG ever made.
Also, it gave us Solaire.
*Praise the Sun* \[T]/
nice to see a resurgence with dark souls
One of my favorite games, after so many years I still return to it with pleasure ❤
Whats sometimes taking away from my enjoyment on Elden ring is some enemies just being ridiculously stupid to fight against. Like the royal revenants. Fuck those guys seriously. They’re some of those enemies that have 10 hit combos they can spam 2 or 3 times in a row if you’re unlucky. And for some reason can move faster than usain bolt. Some enemies feel like they can spam actions and not have to stop. Whereas in dark souls it really did feel as if every enemy was on a completely equal playing field as you. That’s one thing that I love dark souls for more than Elden ring
royale ravanants aren't that hard with good positioning, they take forever to turn while they're attacking. I like them because they're something to actually be scared of.
My story of starting is similar. I was 7 when I watched my step-dad play Demon's Souls and got so into it he created a character for me and let me play, I loved it so much that I was basically always on his PS3 lol. I remember him being on it after work, so the only time I had to play was before school in the mornings and right after school before he got off work. So I would go to bed early, wake up at 4 AM to play, get back home from school and play until he got home at which point I'd do homework and immediately go to bed
I had an Xbox360 in my room but not a PS3, so when Dark Souls came out he immediately bought it so I wouldn't be restricted when I was 8. I remember struggling with it a lot more, it was harder, and I remember the gargoyles frustrating me despite the gargoyles from Demon's Souls being easy. I told him I didn't like the game and wanted to play Demon's Souls again, but he told me I wasn't allowed to play until I beat Dark Souls, so I forced myself through and after beating the Gargoyles I remember feeling more rewarded than I had playing any other game. That is when my Souls addiction really started lol. I played Dark Souls CONSTANTLY, putting easily thousands of hours into it. I'd say at this point I likely have around 10,000 hours in it, however, Xbox 360s didn't track playtime and only about 2k of that is on my PC now. But I have 2k on PC and I put way way WAY more time into the Xbox360 version. I still play the game constantly lol, not every single day constantly, but I'd say I still play it once a month or so
Finished it After 100 hours with sunbro
The end of a great journey
Every boss that people had a hard time with I beat the first try (like bed of chaos and O&S) but against the easy bosses I just died so much lol
I was the guy that couldnt stand the challenge when I picked up my first Souls game (Dark Souls 2). I gave up in a half hour lmao. Then when Elden Ring came out, played a good amount since it was open world until I made it to about level 50. Then I gave up for a couple years… I picked Elden Ring up again about 5 months ago and since then I have gotten every single achievement for For Elden Ring, Sekiro and Dark Souls 1 2 & 3. Now I’m sad there’s nothing else left unless I wanna come back to one of those lol which I’m sure I will… yes I’m aware of other soulslike games. But none of them are really my style unless I wanna get a PlayStation.
Bed of chaos will be my most favorite boss, better than SoC in ds3
I remember telling a friend of mine that i didnt wanna start to play dark souls because looks too hard now here i am beat the first one and now finish the ringed city this game its best gaming experience ever.
Man, the music selection is glorious
when you bringing you momma back
Dont take this comment wrong, because im not here to say Elden Ring is a bad game. I beat it and i liked it some, but not as much as DS or DS3. I felt there was a lot of repetition and they made the map too big, even felt big and empty to me. I miss (DS3 is a little guilty of this too) but the connected map was a huge thing for me.
I’ve been playing through ds3 and feel the opposite. Elden ring was first off, so much prettier. And second it felt less like a test of stamina management and more like a test of positioning. I feel like it’s much more smooth feeling than ds3 even if the exploration outside of legacy dungeons is less packed with stuff
@@Leg1503 I agree. So many of your stat points are spent on endurance, that most of the challenge for me is lack of vigor and other stats. Elden ring feels so much more fair, in the fact that you can prepare as much as you want for a boss (like the endurance problem)
Personally I really liked fighting with Ornstein and Smough. I have a strenght build (with 18 health) and I managed to slay them under 20 tries with zero damage taken. It was tricky to separate them, but I always glad when a videogame drops a new challange for me.
The first half of DS1 is some of the best gaming experience I’ve ever had. Unfortunately the second half exists but we’ll ignore that for now.
The second half isn't even bad. 😂
@@davidnewhart2533 It is.
First played Dark Souls 1 at 13-14.
I am now 25. Jesus Christ Almighty time goes by so fast
Bring back the male character’s staggered sound effect
Ive overstayed my welcome = my video hit 8 mins lmao , awesome vid tho ill drop a sub
Thanks bro😭
@OldBoyC not hating btw I respect the grind
@@47dynasty28 Thanks my guy, I rly appreciate it🗣💯🔥
Yo at 2:10 you even show his name on screen "Illusory Wall" and somehow still say it wrong, but anyways great video
While it's not my favorite souls game and i like most of the ones that came after it more, I'm glad we got this game for the impact it's had on gaming.
Yes... every fromsoft game is a masterpiece
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin edition is definitely not a masterpiece. Not bad, but definitely not a masterpiece.
You could honestly probably make a better case for DS2 vanilla being a masterpiece. Scholar thought difficulty just meant spamming enemies and invaders
@Sindrella. that game was so mediocre and crude I pushed it all the way back to the back of my mind that I forgot about it entirely
Complete lie
The only mediocre part of ds1 in my opinion is that it feels like it was made in 2011
But it's still the best
I was 9 when I started too except I started in ds3
where do i go after i ding donged the first bell on the roof after destroying the gargoyles?
You just head down to the depths after defeating Capra demon
Very late to the show but can't wait to play this trilogy
you were 9 when fortnite was around, are you around 15. you have my respects, i didnt pick up the series till i was 17
Wii music for a darksoul video ? Top notch.
Majula theme is the best Dark souls theme, fight me.
Yesssirrrr🔥 lowkey the best song out of all the souls game
The only memorable song in DS2
@@Mare_Man could say the same about all the dark souls songs
@@MrMonklad backdrop is one of the best too
Amazing.asyerpiece as every souls!!!💪🏾
During the early years of pandemic DaskSouls1 was the only game I played for almost half a year probably my favorite game ever.
3:00 that hurts my soul xD (pun intended)
I still think dark souls 1 has the best level design of any video game ever but its combat, bosses and last act prevent it from being on my top ten games of all time.
I played dark souls when I was 5 I owe my dad
Biggest thing that makes these games so re playable is how it's just gameplay and no pointless filler. I tried to play Remnant 2 (because I heard it was good "souls-like") the other day and got bored less then 1 hour in. Doors that require you to wait for your robot partner to help you pry them open, but only after you wait for them to finish the unskippable, cringe ass marvel movie dialogue, might just be the worst trend in singleplayer games of the past decade. I blame The Last of Us, but at least the dialogue in that game wasn't mind numbing and served a purpose in the story.
Never done a new game+ in dark souls until my friend was suffering trough it. Always enjoyed starting from scratch and buildinh your character up.
But i decided to get all achivements and do ng+... and ng++.
At some point it felt more like a chore instead as the boss fight didnt feel any harder and whenever i died, i had to deal with the walkbacks.
My biggest complaint will forever be the walkbacks. Otherwise dark souls 1 is great.
DS1 walkbacks are a pain. I remember the darkroot basin that first time. I didn’t know about the Astorias crest! Lol. That run-back was rough and those ladders felt endless. Can’t imagine someone doing that run-back if they haven’t killed the hydra first.
But tbh back in Demon’s souls and DS1 a lot of the “difficulty” came from those run-backs. They wanted the world to feel unforgiving.. they want you to quit and “go hollow” in DS1’s case. Never seen another game do what DS1 did and create a sensible in-world explanation for if a player quits playing.
I was 8 years old thanks mom
dark souls has been really easy so far maybe because i have a plus 5 black knights halberd but oh well
I felt 2:50 in so hard bro, thanks for being a fellow crayon eater in this abyss 🫡
Orn-who and Smough?
I've never experienced that "adrenaline rush" people talk about in souls games. I've played quite a few and it just never came. After a difficult boss battle, I just felt annoyed, honestly.
ds 1level design and enemy placement first half: 👑
ds 1level design and enemy placement second half: 🤡
I think I was the 10,000th subscriber on soul
Great synopsis.
9 years old........I feel attacked.
0:43 Starfield at favorites? You are a dissapointment for your family LMAO.
Your entire family tree is lauging at you now.
Starfield is PEAK BRO🗣️🔥 idk what you talking about😔
@@OldBoyC I pray to god that you are joking
There's nothing wrong with liking slop from time to time.
Ahh yess i love how criticism is backwards in these days. I enjoy dark souls the least out of all the souls series that i have played granted, havent yet played demon souls or bloodborne. And i acknowledge that sekiro is barley a souls game and dont like for more personal reasons which is to say i love builds game has no builds and therfore i played it once will never play again well not in the next 3 ish years at least.
Do you know what i dislike a lot backtracking, oh boi does this game have a lot of it. It has mandatory backtracking to even progress the game. And while many exhale the game as an interconnected masterpeice it just isnt that interconnected. Firelink connects to 4 areas, majula has 4, and yarnham i believe has about the same. Ok what about the connection of seperate levels, which create such gems as the valley of drakes a near pointless area. The kinda awkward placed havel bro, how about that awsome area which requires the covenant of artorias or you can just walk around. Even gets to the cat to diagro the hunters. Uhh shortcuts this game does shortcuts right especially even ones outside the undead parish and stuff oh yea. (This is hyperbole this game in fact gives up on shortcuts overall via the depths. The dlc does it though) most shortcuts after that point are worse methods such as the runback to ornstein. The chain elevator in the fun house which requires a whole different key to even use and has worse enemies and traps to use.
While the levels overall are well desgined and i have nothing but good things overall to say about them i have started to really dislike these talking points as if they are one. Really good and better than any alternative. And 2 even used throughout the game. Yea the first maybe few areas of the intended paths use a shortcut back to bonfires and other areas but most are simply there for backtracking reasons. Need to get your estus up time to hoof it to firelink.
Plus i feel some of the interconnective parts arent even good interconnetive. The elavoter leading out of blight town isnt fun and usualy leads to a few of my deaths. Yet i have to do so becouse interconnected world is somehow the greatest thing since sliced bread. Let alone if you forget to upgrade your weapons while your perusing the depths. And start to head into blight town.
This games unreasonable amount of tedium, weak bosses, of which i will always stand on being among the weakest in the series when taken as a collective. (Those 7 good ones can only do so much) an underwhelming to awful glorified boss rush of the lord souls. (Which often gets thrown at dks3 as criticism but it also made its bosses good enough to stand on that front).
I overal enjoy the game i have played through it at least a couple times which isnt somthing i often due. And even if i think its the weakest of the series that I have played its area desgin can often be tedious more so than magical. Especially when i was playing my first time to have my friend who sounds a lot like others when praising the game would just ignore any and all problems while saying dks 3 is bad. And such. Like i dont think there isnt a single thing aside having a interconnected world that dks3 doesnt improve on.
DS1 Firelink connects to four areas but those four areas are all quite close to other areas leaving you with overall a lot more options than Majula. As for forgetting to upgrade before venturing somewhere there’s the smith box you can buy as well as four separate Blacksmiths to upgrade at in the world, the shortcuts are by no means always needed but when you don’t need them is when you can warp, they’re very helpful earlier in the game, as for the run backs some of them are bad yes, especially later on but DS1 gives you a generous amount of flasks that it expects you to manage on your way to the boss rooms so that the bosses themselves aren’t just your primary threat. Overall the interconnected world slaps because you get a much different experience across many playthroughs and it’s not too big to the point where you’re trecking ridiculous amounts of times like in Elden Ring to fight dozens of the same enemy. (I like ER by the way though.)
DS3 doesn’t improve on DS1 in every way, I think people are quick to praise the newer games for their polish but that doesn’t automatically make it better. In DS3 you can’t level at any bonfire which is really annoying and pointless, the Magic Bar addition makes certain spells spammable to a ridiculous degree, s on rolls are absurdly generous that you can roll forwards to dodge 90% of boss attacks, weight and armour stats barely mean anything and the armour looks strangely greasy for some reason, poise was borderline deleted, big strength weapons felt lacklustre in comparison since two handing barely increases damage (and sometimes makes you swing slower) so straight swords and twinblades are vastly superior, the map structure in the beginning of the game is boring as it limits options for builds making the start of a playthrough feeling too repetitive which lots of pointless shortcuts too, NPC questlines feel rehashed and unimaginative in comparison, the general plot doesn’t really stack up as you’re just hunting some new lords rather than the ones who fought the ancient dragons near the dawn of time, there’s barely any Stamina consumption in DS3, items like humanities, embers and fire keeper souls had their uses changed (or were renamed) which kind of messes with the lore, your weapon ascension items are just called “Gems” which is a very generic name, the soundtrack (which is great) feels more like it’s trying to be as epic as possible rather than encapsulating the boss itself, the tutorial is pretty weak in comparison to DS1 although Gundyr was cool, NG+ barely increases the difficulty at all, enemies barely have any poise, the DLC’s have some questionable designs in its locales and it didn’t have much reason to exist because DS1’s plot concludes nicely on its own.
DS3 improved on some stuff too of course like the overall Boss quality and build variety but certainly not better in every way. It feels like their least creative game by far, DS2 tried to stand on its own feet at least.
@lukefitton7329 alright, improved in every way player power and access to options have dramatically increased, not being to level up at any bonfire is the usual dark souls bit dk1 and elden ring are more the exception. Rather than the rule. Even demon souls you must venture back to the nexus to level up. Dks not having fast travel is only reason why it doesn't do the same.
Generic enemies may have little poise but are faster and more capable than ones in dks, and there are many who do have poise the winged knights, dark knights, corvians dark wraiths and such all of which you can encounter much earlier. While dark souls makes armor and a few other things easy ways to ignore the danger of many enemies. Let alone block and parry are much better. I would say block is the perfect spot for me in dks3 rather than the other games. Block in that game makes the worst enemies such as dogs and greyrat badtards easy picking. Meanwhile in dks it makes even most of the black knights attacks a chill affair.
People often forget that most of the what we call soul runners have basicly forgone armor in dks becouse it makes the roll worse a mid roll is activly terrible for the game with wonky hit boxes. Dks3 good hit boxes makes it's medium roll perhaps to good. But the input delay and the fact you still need enough stamina to roll in the first place unlike elden ring and dks makes it so you can still be punished.
How about upgrading, or durability, everyone loves green smithing stones or how to get boss weapons in 1 right. How about invasions being the worst ones in the series. How about how parrying makes even some of the most dangerous enemies the chumps of dks3. Black knights have almost as many pary frames as spear hallows who are meant to be easy to pary. How about gwyn who has low poise in a game where poise is more of a bigger deal due to how long they stay out of the fight. How about curse, how about toxic blow dart snipers who can usualy prock it in one hit. How about the lore of the 4 kings being they were 4 kings gifted with power and than sealed away cuss Kath things like that's kinda all they have. Even lesser bosses and enemies have more lore than that. And they are one of the big four. Speaking of which none of the big lord souls have that great of a fight and they are easily the worst areas in nearly all souls. (Well duke's archives and crystal caves are cool,) but the rest suck massive a literal mountain of trash. And it gets away with most of it becouse it was early enough that people have nostalgia blindness. To not see the dumbness of saying dungeons in elden ring have no enemy vareity but unrionicly say new Londo is good becouse it has no enemy variety on any of its levels is like wow peak hypocrisy.
Also firelink shrine connection still means nearly nothing, as it's pathways are, burial grounds which is a straight shot to the tomb. Bird which leads back to prison. Dumb worm if you even count the hallway of the kiln. Elavoters, one leading to parish and other leading to newLondo, which also leads to valley of drakes except the only reason you would go down valley is if you are re entering blight town it serves no other purpose.
Plus when we consider shortcuts dks3 has better ones. Cathedral of the deep is entirely based around 1 bonfire yet becouse its not interconnected world it's not good.
And when I mean in every way that is very true, you can nitpick your best but having a better roll is still better than 90 percent of rolls on a game with worse hitboxes being just bad, it ensured many would instead turtle is just bad. How about high level spells oh in dks1 if your faith it's uhh covenant and a npc who easily dies if the wind blows wrongly. Uhh how about sorcery you see it's one of 4 actual npc questlines, and is still worse than just grabbing any dark sorcery. Cool, pryomanxy objectively broken can be accessed before even ringing the 2 bells and can 3 shot bosses and the hardest enemies. Yep. Let alone the teachers, sorcery is 2 levels in, pryomancy the depths, and faith if your selling nuclear power from petrus or you have go into the tomb of the giants in the early game ish to get her without the game nearly being over. Oh boi that's terrible. Compared to each area beyond the 2 short tutirol/first levels having one. Or two in the case of the undead village. Like can we also talk about how bad npc questlines are in 1. Most are I exist somthing bad happens I must kill you now. And some for their good endings require 30 humanity from a covenant that doesn't have any involvement. Also let's consider estus, I think dk1 has the worst estus system, being being partial to the bonfire and needing humanity which is somthing you don't have a lot of in the early Game and becouse of how scarce it is you will likley have tons of it by the late game, making the late game to easy. As it becomes the elixir item from all final fantasy. And even if you do you have to use more than one humanity per bonfire to a potential 3 total, like bro that's just not a good way to make it. It means those who are struggling will often struggle more than those who are doing well. That just sucks. And again I don't hate dks1 but it does a ton of things that make it worse than the other games of its series yet it feels like the things it gets praises for are barley even there. Interconnective world desgin only matters if it's used well, and it's a slog every time I'm done in blight town and remember the dumb elevator. Valley of drakes is just bad, and exist purely for the connective world building. Even lower undead burg is basicly a hallway connecting the depths to firelink. And these areas are way less good than their what they are exclaimed as the best of the series.
@@christianlangdon3766 Durability is just something to keep in mind as you travel rather than it being there and doing nothing, putting in work to make weapons that bosses are able to use makes sense rather than having everything at your disposal with ease, parrying is not exactly much harder to learn in 3 and you act like it cheeses everything in DS1 even though you can’t parry Channelers, Ghosts, Drakes, Clams, Stone Golems, Crystal Golems, Humanities, Demons of any kind, Squids, any Boss except one, Hydras, Rats, Dogs, Giants, Depths Blobs, Basilisks, most Blighttown enemies etc. Dart Blowers are few, can be one shot at range, and Blooming Poison moss is fairly easy to get hold of but I agree that they’re a pretty bad enemy. Curse is supposed to be dangerous and is present in three areas, one of which you can farm Purging Stones in. The Four Kings were pygmies who aided Gwyn and when tricked summoned the Abyss to New Londo with the art of Lifedrain. Gwyn gave them those shards of his soul knowing that somebody would have to kill them in future to rekindle the fire but it didn’t matter as they were humans who meant little to Gwyn. When did I say that New Londo had good variety or Elden Ring doesn’t have much? What are you on about? Elden Ring obviously has way more enemies it’s a big game, but that just means that a bigger portion of its content is recycled including the DLC using old enemies a lot too, even lots of attacks and animations are taken from older games. DS1 has some enemies return but most are limited to their own area and you’re not having to fight them everywhere you go. Let’s not act like DS3 has great enemies all the time. Pus Of Man enemies are actually awful, they poorly telegraph their attacks with no rhyme or reason which sucks for a first area. Hands in bookshelves that hurt you and build curse just from you standing near them, The Carthus Sandworm is horrific I don’t need to explain why, DS1 has weak late game bosses but DS3 has weak bosses sprinkled throughout too, Crystal Sage, Deacons, Wolnir, Greatwood, Ancient Wyvern, Yhorm and Vordt and kinda mid, Champion’s Gravetender can sometimes be fun but is still a little lazy and so on. DS1 has worse hit boxes but 3’s are far from perfect despite being 5 years younger with more budget and shields are just as gross in 3 if not more so because they barely weigh you down and barely consume stamina. No matter whether you dodge or guard you’re fine in almost any situation, late game DS1 and new game + your great shield can be torn through but in DS3 you barely budge. When DS3 enemies actually do have some poise it’s in parts where they shouldn’t eg. The high wall of Lothric, putting several of those knights with high poise in one room is very unwelcoming to new players and is pretty poor design. Pyromancy costs a shit load of Souls to actually be OP in DS1, it’s strong regardless but still easy as piss to upgrade in 3 as you get titanites thrown at you, there’s broken stuff in all of these games anyway Sellsword starts with the Sellsword Twinblades lmao, and you can get Fire Orb very early which is arguably the best spell in DS3. There’s also the Lothric Knight Sword early in which makes all other straight swords obsolete. Sorceries like Crystal Magic Weapon, Crystal Spear and White Dragon Breath are very strong even the early ones are good long before you get to the DLC so I don’t see the complaint there, there’s only three or four dark sorceries anyway. As for Miracles you can get some almost immediately that you need and can get very strong ones early if you know what you’re doing. Humanities are added to your counter very often in DS1. You only need to kindle bonfires that are important and even then 1 kindle is more than enough, I’d take a multipurpose humanity system that had effort in it rather you pop an ember and improve your health in a game where your HP, stamina and rolling is already generous. I agree that 20 Flasks for the late game is too much but I don’t think it trivialises it as some of those later enemies like the Crystal hollow groups and new Londo darkwraiths can be threatening in groups and can kill you even without you using any flasks. Giving Humanities to both covenants is relevant Lore wise and again it’s not supposed to be easy to obtain everything. DS3 has more weapons, armour and spells yet it feels like there’s no walls stopping me from getting almost any of them. DS3’s cathedral is good design (aside from the bottom section) does anyone say otherwise? The lack of interconnection can be its own issue but that level is well designed with better shortcuts than DS1’s I agree, just a shame that the game barely bothered with them by allowing warping all the time making traversal feeling uninteresting in comparison. Valley Of The Drakes is just kinda there but it’s not exactly a huge drawback to the game or anything, it’s just there to connect two New Londo entrances to Darkroot Basin and Blighttown, plus it has its own purpose of being the only Dragon Scale farm. Green Titanites are easy to get and to mix it up when ascending your weapons differently. It’s kinda plain to me just using regular titanites regardless of ascension path in DS3. Lower undead burg also has two separate paths to upper burg to be fair but that’s not peak design either, just teaches you to be wary of ganks.
Still other issues I’ve got with DS3 including the huge amount of Fire weapons, PVP fights taking ages because of roll spamming, grand archives having practically no reason to exist, farron keep having poison scattered around for a whole area as opposed to only being in one section, arrows and bolts auto equipping, lots of OP rings of which you can equip four etc.
DS1 has problems but it can’t just be summed up by “you’re nostalgic”, the whole trilogy is old enough to be nostalgic to players and many played 3 before 1. DS1 just did more for the company and gaming as a whole even if it didn’t sell as well. DS1 nailed the whole “don’t go hollow” metaphor for its story through NPC quests and lore better than the sequels as well as its environmental storytelling. It also went through the effort of actually building its world from the ground up whereas DS2 and especially DS3 had a much easier job of just expanding. 2&3 are often just praised for their game mechanics but 1 is loved as it took players on a journey that (probably) can’t be replicated.
@lukefitton7329 my point was it's a common critique but many to say elden ring caves and dungeons doesn't have enemy variety becouse they don't but often they will still say dks1 was better. Forgetting it had similar issues.
@@christianlangdon3766 fair point, but I think people judge on percentages, if you look at the rehashed enemies in the souls trilogy then look at ER’s I think you’re looking at a huge amount of enemies you fight again and again in ER. Still great though and has higher highs in enemy design than DS1.
The DS games are amazing but for me there are much better souls experiences. Elden Ring is my #1, bloodborne and lies of P are tied for #2(only just beat lies of P and wow it was fun), then all of the DS games starting with 3 then 1 then 2, finally sekiro, then demon souls (great game remastered but the boss fights are why I enjoy these games). That’s about it, DS games are amazing in their own way but with this specific exploration/progression format I truly prefer ER, BB/LOP. Just my personal preference don’t come at me lol. Again, I love the DS games too.
I love dark souls but bloodborne is just better, has better boss consistency, the weapons are better, I second ds1 tho
Outside of the dlc at least I would say the inconsistent boss quality is probably bloodborne's biggest problem. There are about 5 good bosses and a little under 10 weird gimmicky ones
Just got to be honest at this point, the amount of youtubers who get on their knees and blow dark soul's crystal halberd is off the charts. The game is basically a bunch of ideas that already existed, thrown into a blender, then topped off with obscure nes/Snes style no hand holding. Hand it to the game, its good, people act like it cured cancer.
LMFAOOO😭🙏 that’s actually hilarious wording bro💀 I just did it because the video idea sounded fun to me and I wanted to learn my new editing software
Well to be fair Dark Souls did "re-invent" gaming when it dropped. You're right that it technically didn't do anything new, hell even by the standards of From Software themselves as many of DS' ideas were already present in Demon Souls, King's Field...
But Dark Souls did what others couldn't, it set a new standard to approach games with its peculiar mash-up of ideas. There's a reason why the term "Soulslike" exists, DS' standard is so mesmerizing that an entire genre emerged trying to mimick it.
Saying 80% of ds1 bosses are good is crazy work 😭
Yeah, should have said 95%
@ 95% of them are ass, yeah
@@askeladden450 95% of the bosses suck, yeah
@@door90 L + skill issue + cope and seethe + maidenless
@@door90in elden ring yes
Dark Souls 3 is for sure better than Elden Ring, so is Bloodborne, Armored Core and Sekiro. Elden Ring is for casual gamers.
I'm suprised 10 year old you didn't die of a anger induced brain hemmorage when fighting bed of chaos
Dark souls is amazing exploration, nioh is its cousin that decided it'd do the combat side of things way better.
Well more in depth and complicated sure but the simplicity of the souls series' combat certainly has its charm
@@t0q14s9 I mean yeah? Simplicity is something people can enjoy, Nioh just did combat objectively better though.
@@sunshineandrei2569 its More indepth but feels way jankier until you become a pro at it at which point its just a button mashing simulator where the enemy wont even get to move. If you take that into account Im not sure whether It can be considered better than the souls combat on an objective level.
@@t0q14s9 oh so you haven't played Nioh alot, cause this is objectively not true lol.
@@sunshineandrei2569 dude I played nioh 1 and all the dlc for it once and I beat nioh 2 all the way on dream of the nioh. I did get to the point where I could practically juggle the enemies but at the very Least for me personally learning to do stuff like ki pulsing not to even mention flux and flux 2 just felt really unintuitive and without using those the combat felt really janky. You were always running out of stamina and combos done in one stance only just didnt have enough power behind them. Alternatively you could just make builds around spamming one move but thats really not what I would describe as peak gameplay either. Speaking of builds you could really easily just completely trivialize most of the game with a half decent one but I suppose that isnt too different from souls games. The biggest advantage for souls games' combat aside from the general smoothness and feel of the gameplay are the significantly better enemy and boss movesets. I cant think of a single really good human boss aside from minamoto no yorimitsu in either of the nioh games. Most of the yokai bosses were pretty cool but none of them really felt too unique to fight. You just dodge the boss combos instinctively without needing to put much thought into even differentiating specific moves while poking them in glowing spots until you break their stamina bar and combo them to hell and back. I do also like nioh combat alot now that ive learned it but I really wouldnt go calling it objectively better than souls combat. While the latter is very simple it has way less major problems and it ultilises the simple combat system far deeper to the point where most fights feel very unique and memorable despite ultimately revolving around the same mechanics.
I love dark souls 1, doing my first playthrough and I just beat O&S, completely lost the motivation to continue playing now. Any1 else been in this position? Any tips?
Dont lose motivation its gonna be even more fun as you progress through tje game
Better mix dlc and endgame locations. Helps me every time.
Don't give up, skeleton!
Playing ds1 for the first time starting last week. Just talked to amazing chest ahead. My opinion is that the game is amazing and id recommend it if someone asked me, however i also think the game is very overrated and people are a bit blinded by nostalgia. Its a great game and made a great basis for what from did later, but its not the second coming of christ
Personally, as a dude who finished ds1 4 times in new game plus , i dont think ds1 is hard .
Darksouls Best
Darksouls Worst
Darksouls Meh
That's how I tell them apart.
I think 3 can be described as Dark Souls good but I generally agree.
i can't believe how young people are now, you were 9 in 2018 or 19 presumably
I dont have any such nostalgia right now... Cause I just finished My First Ever Playthrough of Dark Souls 1 just this year for the First Time dated July 2024 and This after DS1 introduced me to be followed playing DS3 which I also finished for the first time too On September 2024.
Then currently, Im having my first time playing Elden Ring... I cant say much yey cause I havent finished playing this game so far.
But Ohh Well! Those were a nice ride. And I could Tell DS1 is by far a True RPG in some aspects. Let alone Armors Do really matter not some like Just for Fashion in contrast to Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. And most importantly, How come Poise from DS1 never made its return to later games? It seems ER and DS3 Armors dont matter cause those are just for shows
Poise is the only relevant armor stat in DS1, Fashion Souls has always been the way.
Dark Souls is better because of the atmosphere
elden ring is king
but dark souls is god
praise the sun! \¤/
you kids always making me feel old these days
i was 18 in 2013 when i first played DS
don't you dare go hollow
I want Jordan Peterson to play Dark Souls
0:40 Wait, wait, wait, now hold up a sec. You mean to tell me you were 10 during early fortnite??? Nah bro
Yuh bro😭🙏
Honestly, ass game 🫶 Demon souls feels more finished despite people calling it a prototype even though DS1 controls completely the same and reuses weapons, mechanics, ideas, locations, spells, bosses and enemies from demon souls. And those reused things are almost the only positives about DS1, not even originally made for the game lmao.
Don't care what overused talking point anyone brings, DS1 is the most overrated fromsoftware game, seriously. I'll die on that hill.
Dude while I don’t agree that it’s a bad game I still gotta say, demons souls is still better overall
What's the point of this video? The points you presented have been told hundreds of times already...
What's next, an essay on how Dark souls 2 is terrible because of ADP (or how DS2 is good actually)?
Play Another Crab's Treasure, the bedt souls game
except for half of it
I mean its alright
Darks souls is better for when it was released, but now its very old and unfinished.
I always say, if we got dark souls 3 quality with a dark souls 1 climate and map design it would be the best game ever.
It will unfortunately not happen. They only made the map like that once upon a time and realized in draws on respurces and development far too much for it to be feasible.
>really old
>only 13 years
Go play the og Doom and see how it smokes most contemporary fps games
@@grrrr255 Well, some things age faster than others and as complex as souls like formula did make dark souls age pretty quickly.
Dark souls 1 is just slow and clunky at times
W dad
I miss the strategic and slower combat, i'm not a big fan of hack n slash
DS3 better :D
DS1 is good but i find it incredible overrated for how much it's praised.
is gud gaem.
Dude i dont get the love for this game ive never wanted to like a game more than this one but moonlight butterfly capra demon and the spider girl have been the most boring bosses in video game history and the rest really havent had me too interested the gagoyle demons were just obnoxious not really hard the corridors placed eveeywhere that are thinner than a Doritos makes it obnoxious to fight in i dont know what ime missing
Its no elden ring but its decent
You beat it at 10 years old?
An Smelden Xing when xey see actual peak game design instead of korean mmo slop 🥺😭😭😭
Was expecting unnecessary ds2 hate tbh
Wait when did I hate on ds2💀
How many of these videos exist which just ignore that demons souls invented the most things dark souls gets credit for just because dark souls is on pc. Absolute dumb
Bottom 4 souls game but still awesome. 2nd half is terrible
u 16??????????????