CoCo nut actually post 1945 Finland accepted to all terms laid out by Stalin and Soviet personal were present and watched everything up until 1952 or something like that
There's something extremely fascinating about the Finnish language. They live so close to us (Denmark) and we work together through the Nordic Council, have strong relations with them etc. and yet the language might as well be.. I dunno.. Swahili. It's like nothing else I've heard. Not like the Scandinavian languages, not like the Slavic countries etc. It's so unique it seems. I've heard that Estonian is pretty similar but I'm afraid I don't hear spoken Estonian very often. :)
So true. The finnish language is from the finno-ugric family. "Similar" languages are Estonian and Hungarian. We've adapted some vocabulary from swedish though, but not so that swedes could understand.
Nobody knows exactly the Finnish language roots, due to book burnings in second millenia when Swedish kings wanted to Swedenize the finns. Order was to make them Swedish as fast as possible, and most of Finnish recorded history was destroyed or on purpose not recorded to anywhere. There is alot similar with Latin and Spanish in terms of how letters like R and basically all letters are pronounced and there is surprising connections, like word for money is said Ra-ha, which sounds alot of like Egyption god Ra which symbols power as does the money and so on, some connections with very old languages. Really not even Finns know exactly how it all came to be, but all we know is that we definitely are our own culture and our language is very, very, very old and not derived from Swedish, Russian, german or so, and likely that our people have lived in Ural mountains at some time. Not many know about the stuff made of stone in urals. The Finnish history is just not made main stream. As to relative languages, Estonia HAS to be related some how, they have alot of similar and even same words in it, but they have huge accent difference and not have same tone even if saying the same word. Hungarians are factly related but their language doesnt share as much similarities.
The previous comment is rather disconnected from reality. There was no "Swedenisation" policy per se in the Swedish era. European states before the advent of 19th century nationalism just did not operate that way. The state was hostile to old pagan (non-written) traditions, but that intent was about religion, not culture or language, and that kind of thing happened everywhere in the continent. There was virtually no Finnish-language literacy to burn in the first place; in fact, written Finnish did not exists before created by Agricola in 16th century (who started with translating the Bible in Finnish, and that was endorsed by the newly Lutheran-converted state, not opposed). The roots of Uralic languages have been pretty well established by comparative linguistics, no esoteric mysteries there, and most certainly no credibility in hooey folk-etymologic connections to ancient Egypt or Aztecs or what have you. (One can cherry-pick and "find" that kind of etymologic connections endlessly from just about anywhere, Ior Bock style, and not learn anything about real history.)
@@kyyyni You made a good summary. Finland was a respected and natural part of the Swedish empire. Represented in Parliament etc. Swedish was the mother tongue of many, not of coercion. It was also the administrative language but there was no persecution or ban on Finnish. We have mixed blood for millennia in Sweden and Finland. I myself have some Savolaxic blood and I am proud to partly have Finnish roots.
I love Finns! Great! Great! Great! So tough and so thoughtful all at once. Just the best country that I need to go to been meaning to for a million years. The sad thing about Finland is that not enough people even think of how special it is. To them it's just a really small country on a map. No. I have to go there. I had a wonderful day a few years ago with two Finnish boys who had come to my hometown in New Jersey we talked for hours. The Finns will let you hug them and that is important to me. I hate the whole "Fuck You" attitude of my country and Britain towards other cultures and customs which I fully take part in finding out all I can about them myself. Finland has produced some of the best bands in the world too like Stratovarius and Elonkorjuu (Harvest English translation) Elonkorjuu's album recorded in the early 70s is currently worth 3500 USD!
kusti kaalev I know my country has done some bad things, but we shouldn't be condemned by the rest of the world as people. That would be idiotic. Unfortunately, there is a trend of hate towards Americans which I really can't stand. In certain countries we are more welcome than in others I guess. In England we get the thumbs down with some and good vibes from others. I never judge a person by where they are from.
6:42 I was wondering why that man sounded so familiar until it hit me. He was my companys CO when I started ROC. Not gonna go to the details but man he did look different back in 2012. Henki hyvä, kunto kova!
The RK was reverse-engineered from AKs smuggled in from DDR during the '50s. The RK-62 and RK-95 TP are improved and modernized versions of the AK design, much like the Swedish AK5 is improved over the FN FNC it's based on.
My grandson was to Afghanistan in the army band...he was also to Iraq....he is now in Korea...I think your training looks to be very good...good luck, eh I was at that airport in Tampere - saw a Mig 25 there.
During my conscription one of our trainers, staff sergeant, had been in afghanistan. He was really talented and skilled trainer, just basically really good at what he does.
jag taler inte bra svenska :) ok, as for you, the mormons will baptize you into their church and so that will end you thoughts of the after life....good wishes to you and your family from me :) btw, you seem to write the same thing over and over again. ok, your choice...
Yes Kusti Finns are wonderful they kick ass, but they are some of the nicest guys around too! If I ever venture (and I HAVE TO GO THERE!) to your country where should I go to meet soldiers and musicians and is there some way I can be shown around? Nothing but great experiences with you Finns! Best place in the world? SCANDINAVIA! Just look at how you preserve your culture whilst other countries like UK throw it away and me? America has no culture. We started this fucking war, but we have no idea how to finish it nor fight it!
Jansteri ovaskainen That's what I always thought. Fought bravely and fight bravely. Great soldiers who cares if most are conscripts they are really fantastic!
Georgialaisten toiminta nyt on hyvä esimerkki juuri siitä miten ei pitäisi toimia. Kuten valmisteltuja sulutteita ei ollut lainkaan vaikka Georgialaisilla itsellään oli yllätysetu. Asiat saisivat tottakai olla paljon paremmin kuten Ottawan sopimuksesta pitäisi erota mutta Venäläisillä on myös omat ongelmansa kuten heillä menee pian enemmän vanhaa kalustoa hylkyyn kuin millä tahdilla uutta tulee tilalle. jos haluat keskustella vakavasti pistä YV:tä.
actually no, we just replicated the insides and made us a whole new weapon, the Rk-62 (the weapons these men seem to bearing are the more modern Rk-95 Tp )
Yes RK95 is truly the highest form of evolution in AK-47 family. The rifle is made of finest possible materials and machining methods, and each rifle has gone through thorough testing and accurizing procedures by senior gunsmith at Tourula factory. Not just pressure tests for proofmarks but actual accurizing process. Every single fucking rifle. Listen, although they will never ever say it out loud, every Russian gun guy is proud of this rifle. It just proofs the original Kalashnikov design. :) However the true winner in that weapon system is the NV, VV2000 is without a shadow of the doubt the best ever compact NV optics rifle sighting systems there is. Also expensive as hell.
72Disco1998 +Bubbles . We use both. Rynnäkkökivääri RK62 is older model (assault rifle 1962) and RK95 (1995) is newer model with folding stock that is less common to see in use. Its getting more popular at some point cos RK62's are aging. I had RK95 in my service, gun number 973813 (every finnish man remembers his rifles serial). I shot bullseyes with it 300m distance in snowstorm with ironsights. I kinda hope that FPS Russia or some other gun youtuber would make a video from it, but I heard they are very expensive in states.
On on. Esim 5 eri suuntaan ontelon ampuvat magneetti ja tärinä herätteiset miinat ovat suhteellisen ikäviä. Kuitenkin nyt vertasin Afgaani kähtävien ja suomalaisten pommi viritelmiä. Sergeitäkin harmittaa jos suojaliivien läpi tulee hauleja.
uh, i didnt get it, what the fuck are finnish forces doing in Afghanistan? on which side were they on? why is this called ''afganistan documentary'' when its showing finnish army most of the time?
+Tai Wilairut Teaming up with the US would just make us a playground for US and Russia. We're a small nation, so our chances of winning would be minimal, but we'll fight the enemy with our bare hands to the last man if needed instead of bringing foreign forces here.
Unohtakaa nyt taas se, ettei Venäjä voi keskittää Suomea vastaan vain prosenttuaalisen määrän armeijansa vahvuuksista. Tämä siksi että A) Venäjä on jumalattoman iso maa= tarvitaan paljon voimavaroja maan ja rajojen valvontaan B) Venäjä hyökkäys Suomeen olisi lähes 99% todennäköisyydellä osa isompia kuvioita= Venäjä tarvitsee suurempia armeija yksiköitä muualla esim. muuta Eurooppaa ja Yhdysvaltoja vastaan. Taitavat pojat nyt liikaa hehkuttaa näitä spetnazeja. Ei ne edes Afganistanissa voittanut.
Ei millään pahalla mutta teidän kaltaisenne henkilön ei kannata hirveästi murehtia esikunta tason ongelmista ellette sitten ole lähdössä eduskuntaan tai ole muuten asemassa jossa voisitte vaikuttaa asiaan. Mitä nyt ehkä vähän kannattaa miettiä ketä äänestää.
kyl mää ymmärrän jos joku on rauhanturvaamista vastaa. meillä kuitenkin aika vitusti velkaa nii erittäin kyseenalaista polttaa rahaa jonkun muun maan "auttamiseen" (kannettu vesi ei kaivossa pysy) mutta kyä mää ite tonne meen
Pokot, rykot ja ohjukset iskisivät ensisijaisesti ennalta maalitettuihin kohteisiin ja näitä on sen verran että ilmatukea ei olisi hirveästi saatavilla jos joukkoja maahanlasketaan sietovaiheen aikana ja tämän jälkeen on erinäisiä muita uhkia. Kuitenkin ajatus siitä että hyökkääjän tappiot jäisivät alle 15000 mieheen (Afghanistan) on suhteellisen naurettava.
Great to be doing their bid for the protection of the Afghan Opium production...Maybe they got a thank you note from Virginia ( not a share of the profits for sure)
Jos sinä näet hävittäjän niin todennäköisesti se on nähnyt jo sinut. Ei siinä paljo pusikot auta. Voihan sitä yrittää häiritä rk:lla. Ja toiseksi missä venäläiset on näin toiminut? Joka paikkaan menevät nykyäänkin pääosin maata pitkin. Esimerkkinä Georgiassa vuonna 2008.
Saisivat tehdä nykypäivältä uuden dokkarin. Veikkaan että varusteet ovat muuttuneet ja varmaan koulutus sekä tilanne ulkomailla. Harmi että suurin osa näistä dokkareista on tehty yli kymmenen vuotta sitten.
sullahan on kokemusta noin nuorena jeppenä heistä yllin kyllin. taitaa oma kokemus rajoittua omaan mielikuvaasi heistä, eikä lainkaan tietoon tai kokemukseen.
nope, it would be genocide for Finnish language as others speak Scandinavian languages also we have bad feeling of being under Swedish rule, they didn't really care a shit about Finland and it's not cool if Stockholm is capital of the country 🤔 not cool either if too much Scandinavians move to live in Finland not cool either if decisions also about Finland are made in other country like in the capital (Stockholm?) All countries with autonomy, not that big problem, but we somehow anyways want stay independent not unite, we are so different than you others
There exists some fine descendants (and rifles) already. Sako TRG is a battlefield sniper rifle system. Like AIAW is, and a few others. Civilian range shooters or hunters would be very happy with Sako or Tikka rifles in any caliber. These rifles are usually doing better than 1 MOA out of the box. The choice of glass (scope) is often the most complex issue. I have a reason to believe it is so personal thing, that a shooter indeed needs to study for the best glass for his/her eye comfort.
En ymmärrä kun armeijassa neuvotaan ampumaan rynkyllä hävittäjiä mikä on ihan turhaa. Päinvastoin pitäisi olla hiljaa ja hypätä pusikkoon piiloon. Koulutusta pitäisi uudistaa tosi paljon. Pitäisi myös opetella taistelemaan kaupungeissa eikä pelkästään korvessa. Koska jos Venäläiset tänne tulee niin ne tiputtaa joukot keskelle maata (kaupunkeja) eikä ne tule rajalla vastaan.
Jos Venäläiset olisi tosissaan ollut valtaamassa Georgiaa niin kyllä toiminta olisi ollut ihan erilaista. Suomen ilmavoimat on muutenkin niin pienet että ne tuhottas parissa tunnissa ja venäläiset saisivat ihan rauhassa tiputella spetsnazit keskelle kaupunkeja eikä tarviaisi turhaa olla itikoitten syötävänä metässä :D
klmtify suomessa on jotain 700.000 metsästyskivääriä jo pelkästään ihan yksityiskäytössä. Jos tuli on vapaa, niin veri roiskuu kutsumattomalla vieraalla.
Let the world know.
There is a little country.
Fierce one, when properly irritated.
A country that never give up.
Aye. Just ask the ruskies. They remember.
Afghanistan is a big country
@@milxl he meant Finland
@@Olliwer i know
CoCo nut actually post 1945 Finland accepted to all terms laid out by Stalin and Soviet personal were present and watched everything up until 1952 or something like that
Thank you Finland for your brave souls!
There's something extremely fascinating about the Finnish language. They live so close to us (Denmark) and we work together through the Nordic Council, have strong relations with them etc. and yet the language might as well be.. I dunno.. Swahili. It's like nothing else I've heard. Not like the Scandinavian languages, not like the Slavic countries etc. It's so unique it seems. I've heard that Estonian is pretty similar but I'm afraid I don't hear spoken Estonian very often. :)
So true. The finnish language is from the finno-ugric family. "Similar" languages are Estonian and Hungarian. We've adapted some vocabulary from swedish though, but not so that swedes could understand.
Gnawer Shreth yes Estonian is very similar to Finnish
Nobody knows exactly the Finnish language roots, due to book burnings in second millenia when Swedish kings wanted to Swedenize the finns. Order was to make them Swedish as fast as possible, and most of Finnish recorded history was destroyed or on purpose not recorded to anywhere. There is alot similar with Latin and Spanish in terms of how letters like R and basically all letters are pronounced and there is surprising connections, like word for money is said Ra-ha, which sounds alot of like Egyption god Ra which symbols power as does the money and so on, some connections with very old languages. Really not even Finns know exactly how it all came to be, but all we know is that we definitely are our own culture and our language is very, very, very old and not derived from Swedish, Russian, german or so, and likely that our people have lived in Ural mountains at some time. Not many know about the stuff made of stone in urals. The Finnish history is just not made main stream.
As to relative languages, Estonia HAS to be related some how, they have alot of similar and even same words in it, but they have huge accent difference and not have same tone even if saying the same word. Hungarians are factly related but their language doesnt share as much similarities.
The previous comment is rather disconnected from reality. There was no "Swedenisation" policy per se in the Swedish era. European states before the advent of 19th century nationalism just did not operate that way. The state was hostile to old pagan (non-written) traditions, but that intent was about religion, not culture or language, and that kind of thing happened everywhere in the continent. There was virtually no Finnish-language literacy to burn in the first place; in fact, written Finnish did not exists before created by Agricola in 16th century (who started with translating the Bible in Finnish, and that was endorsed by the newly Lutheran-converted state, not opposed). The roots of Uralic languages have been pretty well established by comparative linguistics, no esoteric mysteries there, and most certainly no credibility in hooey folk-etymologic connections to ancient Egypt or Aztecs or what have you. (One can cherry-pick and "find" that kind of etymologic connections endlessly from just about anywhere, Ior Bock style, and not learn anything about real history.)
You made a good summary.
Finland was a respected and natural part of the Swedish empire. Represented in Parliament etc. Swedish was the mother tongue of many, not of coercion. It was also the administrative language but there was no persecution or ban on Finnish. We have mixed blood for millennia in Sweden and Finland. I myself have some Savolaxic blood and I am proud to partly have Finnish roots.
I love Finns! Great! Great! Great! So tough and so thoughtful all at once. Just the best country that I need to go to been meaning to for a million years. The sad thing about Finland is that not enough people even think of how special it is. To them it's just a really small country on a map. No. I have to go there. I had a wonderful day a few years ago with two Finnish boys who had come to my hometown in New Jersey we talked for hours. The Finns will let you hug them and that is important to me. I hate the whole "Fuck You" attitude of my country and Britain towards other cultures and customs which I fully take part in finding out all I can about them myself. Finland has produced some of the best bands in the world too like Stratovarius and Elonkorjuu (Harvest English translation) Elonkorjuu's album recorded in the early 70s is currently worth 3500 USD!
I from Estonia, but i live Finland and i know Finns love American people
kusti kaalev
they are very kind people yes. Absolutely no hate in their soul and Estonia is also a very special country I'd love to visit
Thanks, Americans people are very welcom from here
kusti kaalev
I know my country has done some bad things, but we shouldn't be condemned by the rest of the world as people. That would be idiotic. Unfortunately, there is a trend of hate towards Americans which I really can't stand. In certain countries we are more welcome than in others I guess. In England we get the thumbs down with some and good vibes from others. I never judge a person by where they are from.
Skandinavia and Balttia loves American people. Your country politican are do ban things, not people
hats off to the guy who filmed this, really nice work
6:42 I was wondering why that man sounded so familiar until it hit me. He was my companys CO when I started ROC. Not gonna go to the details but man he did look different back in 2012. Henki hyvä, kunto kova!
Love from sweden!🖒❤
Mikael jansson thanks my nordic brother
@@ukkomies100 cringe
@@teppotestaaja996 hypihä helvettiin täältä
@@teppotestaaja996 mene helvettiin täältä
Teppo Testaaja teppo testaaja :D testaan leukaas kohta jos et painu vittuun
2:43 voicecrack R.I.P.
Inaj im late but :D
Mitä vittuu vähä saanu likei tää
Finland has a formidable force of people.
Love from a Hungarian ❤️😸😊
Thanks! :)
Thank you so much Finland
Tammikuussa Porin prikaatiin :)
Thank you for the subtitles, it is most kind!
real men,
jokaselle suomalaiselle rauhanturvaajaalle tulis antaa kausikortti linnanjuhliin!
The RK was reverse-engineered from AKs smuggled in from DDR during the '50s. The RK-62 and RK-95 TP are improved and modernized versions of the AK design, much like the Swedish AK5 is improved over the FN FNC it's based on.
Love from Afghanistan 🇦🇫💖💕🇫🇮
Those were not Kalashnikovs. Those were RK-95 assault rifles.
RK 95 TP
My grandson was to Afghanistan in the army band...he was also to Iraq....he is now in Korea...I think your training looks to be very good...good luck, eh
I was at that airport in Tampere - saw a Mig 25 there.
During my conscription one of our trainers, staff sergeant, had been in afghanistan. He was really talented and skilled trainer, just basically really good at what he does.
jag taler inte bra svenska :) ok, as for you, the mormons will baptize you into their church and so that will end you thoughts of the after life....good wishes to you and your family from me :)
btw, you seem to write the same thing over and over again. ok, your choice...
tekbır allahuakabar işid turkey afganıstan fılıstın
jag taler inte bra svenska
allahuakbar turkey işiş afganıstan
Bravo Finland. Much under reported.
Thank you for the upload!
You are our last defense between the old sovjet union....and you beet them.Tham respect from us.
Best regards from Norway
Finns are fucking, fucking bad ass!
Yes Kusti Finns are wonderful they kick ass, but they are some of the nicest guys around too! If I ever venture (and I HAVE TO GO THERE!) to your country where should I go to meet soldiers and musicians and is there some way I can be shown around? Nothing but great experiences with you Finns! Best place in the world? SCANDINAVIA! Just look at how you preserve your culture whilst other countries like UK throw it away and me? America has no culture. We started this fucking war, but we have no idea how to finish it nor fight it!
Benjamin Blake Mitchner Actually Finland is not part of the Scandinavia :D Finland is part of Fennoskandia
Thank you for correcting me! Would love to go to Finland!
Elsuri313 Finnish is part of skandinavia...
Jansteri ovaskainen
That's what I always thought. Fought bravely and fight bravely. Great soldiers who cares if most are conscripts they are really fantastic!
Atte Kaleva kohdassa 22:04 ??
Dat snow camo
Great uploads Metziker
Good upload, I find that the katsomo services only work some of the time, so it's good to see this stuff in youtube too!
I don't know why. But the music makes The Finn Soldiers look like Poets. XD
Georgialaisten toiminta nyt on hyvä esimerkki juuri siitä miten ei pitäisi toimia.
Kuten valmisteltuja sulutteita ei ollut lainkaan vaikka Georgialaisilla itsellään oli yllätysetu.
Asiat saisivat tottakai olla paljon paremmin kuten Ottawan sopimuksesta pitäisi erota mutta Venäläisillä on myös omat ongelmansa kuten heillä menee pian enemmän vanhaa kalustoa hylkyyn kuin millä tahdilla uutta tulee tilalle.
jos haluat keskustella vakavasti pistä YV:tä.
Hieno juttu.Kunnia!
actually no, we just replicated the insides and made us a whole new weapon, the Rk-62 (the weapons these men seem to bearing are the more modern
Rk-95 Tp )
Finns made a good job in Afganistan. Now it is time for Afghans to make their excellent job in Finland.
Great, Thank you!
Finland is
Their assault rifles look great...
Rk 95 :)
***** The RK95 is still used? I thought they used the RK62? Anyway a 7.62 x 39 is a round I would not would not want to be shot at with.
Yes RK95 is truly the highest form of evolution in AK-47 family. The rifle is made of finest possible materials and machining methods, and each rifle has gone through thorough testing and accurizing procedures by senior gunsmith at Tourula factory. Not just pressure tests for proofmarks but actual accurizing process. Every single fucking rifle. Listen, although they will never ever say it out loud, every Russian gun guy is proud of this rifle. It just proofs the original Kalashnikov design. :)
However the true winner in that weapon system is the NV, VV2000 is without a shadow of the doubt the best ever compact NV optics rifle sighting systems there is. Also expensive as hell.
72Disco1998 +Bubbles . We use both. Rynnäkkökivääri RK62 is older model (assault rifle 1962) and RK95 (1995) is newer model with folding stock that is less common to see in use. Its getting more popular at some point cos RK62's are aging. I had RK95 in my service, gun number 973813 (every finnish man remembers his rifles serial). I shot bullseyes with it 300m distance in snowstorm with ironsights. I kinda hope that FPS Russia or some other gun youtuber would make a video from it, but I heard they are very expensive in states.
Oh okay thanks. Yeah, I have tried to find one for sale here in the US you just do not see them and if so they are not cheap.
14:18 siis pasihan ei ole vaunu vaan panssariajoneuvo 😂 vaunun ja ajoneuvon erohan on että vaunussa on telat ja ajoneuvossa renkaat.
pasissa kaikki on lähella jumala, eli hyvin
harjoituksessa pasilla voidaan simuloida vaunua
I have to say, THANKS A LOT!
Varmaa kymmenes kerta ku itellä tullu nää videot katottuu :D
Would be pretty hard going from a really cold country to Afghanistan to fight
Does Finland require all men to do so many years service?
I'm a conscript.
Depending on the need of the army, the service is 6, 9 or 12 months long.
And then we noticed, that it wasn't good enough, so we made it better.
Thanks! :)
Mind giving me the sandwich back, im hungry
i have noticed many european armies have some bad ass camo fatigues
Niin ja kuka puhui mitään miinakentistä? Missäs kävit muuten intissä?
Onko esim kylkimiina tuttu peli?
On on. Esim 5 eri suuntaan ontelon ampuvat magneetti ja tärinä herätteiset miinat ovat suhteellisen ikäviä.
Kuitenkin nyt vertasin Afgaani kähtävien ja suomalaisten pommi viritelmiä.
Sergeitäkin harmittaa jos suojaliivien läpi tulee hauleja.
Could you upload more? Katsomo is REALLY choppy...
I agree, FInland and USA would make a greeeat team
Ihanko totta? Eikö tämä siis ole dokumentti?
be nice to have Simo Hayha with them
uh, i didnt get it, what the fuck are finnish forces doing in Afghanistan? on which side were they on? why is this called ''afganistan documentary'' when its showing finnish army most of the time?
Finland and USA will make great team!
+HECU Trooper Not shure about that.... we in scandinavia don't tend to not bomb hospitals...
BassNationHD and USA supplys Finland even Russia
+Tai Wilairut Teaming up with the US would just make us a playground for US and Russia. We're a small nation, so our chances of winning would be minimal, but we'll fight the enemy with our bare hands to the last man if needed instead of bringing foreign forces here.
What is this moron talking about. He fought Russians in Finland? Yeah right haha :)
Would be cool if this can be translated, i'd be thankfull.
Upseeri Tyry! legendaarinen poineerikommando kouluttaa IED hommia
Afganistaniin varusmiespalvelukseen ?? Menikö multa ehkä 70 luvun rajat ja rakkaudet ohi 🇫🇮
Unohtakaa nyt taas se, ettei Venäjä voi keskittää Suomea vastaan vain prosenttuaalisen määrän armeijansa vahvuuksista. Tämä siksi että A) Venäjä on jumalattoman iso maa= tarvitaan paljon voimavaroja maan ja rajojen valvontaan B) Venäjä hyökkäys Suomeen olisi lähes 99% todennäköisyydellä osa isompia kuvioita= Venäjä tarvitsee suurempia armeija yksiköitä muualla esim. muuta Eurooppaa ja Yhdysvaltoja vastaan. Taitavat pojat nyt liikaa hehkuttaa näitä spetnazeja. Ei ne edes Afganistanissa voittanut.
We not use kalashikows wemuse RK62 and RK95/mp5
Finnish guns in this film are valmets😊
I can help you translate. It will of course take some time.
2:43 that voicecrack
Ei millään pahalla mutta teidän kaltaisenne henkilön ei kannata hirveästi murehtia esikunta tason ongelmista ellette sitten ole lähdössä eduskuntaan tai ole muuten asemassa jossa voisitte vaikuttaa asiaan.
Mitä nyt ehkä vähän kannattaa miettiä ketä äänestää.
Finland & Afghanistan = Russia's greatest nightmare....
kyl mää ymmärrän jos joku on rauhanturvaamista vastaa. meillä kuitenkin aika vitusti velkaa nii erittäin kyseenalaista polttaa rahaa jonkun muun maan "auttamiseen" (kannettu vesi ei kaivossa pysy) mutta kyä mää ite tonne meen
voice crack 3:43 xD
Pokot, rykot ja ohjukset iskisivät ensisijaisesti ennalta maalitettuihin kohteisiin ja näitä on sen verran että ilmatukea ei olisi hirveästi saatavilla jos joukkoja maahanlasketaan sietovaiheen aikana ja tämän jälkeen on erinäisiä muita uhkia.
Kuitenkin ajatus siitä että hyökkääjän tappiot jäisivät alle 15000 mieheen (Afghanistan) on suhteellisen naurettava.
Onpas pitkä dokkari. Noh, onpaha jottain kattottavaa.
there valmets not kalashnikovs
küll sinna mehi läheb,,aga väljaõpe hea, MPO lappenranta 1994 sotilasmestari ikuikiseksi
Säkylä, July 1999. :P Damn I had some shitty memories from that time, but I guess all of us had.
Great to be doing their bid for the protection of the Afghan Opium production...Maybe they got a thank you note from Virginia ( not a share of the profits for sure)
Jos sinä näet hävittäjän niin todennäköisesti se on nähnyt jo sinut. Ei siinä paljo pusikot auta. Voihan sitä yrittää häiritä rk:lla. Ja toiseksi missä venäläiset on näin toiminut? Joka paikkaan menevät nykyäänkin pääosin maata pitkin. Esimerkkinä Georgiassa vuonna 2008.
I bet Finns bring a fucking sauna even in the deserts' sands.
Obviously. Life without sauna is not life at all.
Actually it is one of the first things that Finnish troops build to a temporary base.
The Finnish Army have the Patria AMV ha???.
yes, patria is a finnish company and the AMV is a finnish design.
No joo joo.Mutta onhan sillä jokin merkitys että kenellä on tyylikkäimmät uniformut.
Saisivat tehdä nykypäivältä uuden dokkarin. Veikkaan että varusteet ovat muuttuneet ja varmaan koulutus sekä tilanne ulkomailla. Harmi että suurin osa näistä dokkareista on tehty yli kymmenen vuotta sitten.
sullahan on kokemusta noin nuorena jeppenä heistä yllin kyllin. taitaa oma kokemus rajoittua omaan mielikuvaasi heistä, eikä lainkaan tietoon tai kokemukseen.
Jos venäjä hyökkäis suomeen nii veikkaan että se ois sähkölinjat jotka ois niille tärkee kohde...
Finnish army have cool winter camo but summer camo is not.
Yksi sukulainen tässä kaksi kertaa on ollut Libanonissa ja nyt komennuksella Lontoossa. Sen tarkemmin en nyt tiedä siitä.
Mikäs kriisialue se Lontoo on?
How about new Kalmar Union? :)
nope, it would be genocide for Finnish language as others speak Scandinavian languages
also we have bad feeling of being under Swedish rule, they didn't really care a shit about Finland
and it's not cool if Stockholm is capital of the country 🤔
not cool either if too much Scandinavians move to live in Finland
not cool either if decisions also about Finland are made in other country like in the capital (Stockholm?)
All countries with autonomy, not that big problem, but we somehow anyways want stay independent not unite, we are so different than you others
Finns are not Swedes and don’t want to Russians, let’s us be Finns.
is smexy!
hyviä poikia
Aikaisemmat kommenttisi kertovat suhteellisen paljon tietämyksestäsi asian suhteen.
Ellet sitten yritä trollata.
Miks nää on näin surkealla kuvanlaadulla?
Ei kyl kato sun laatu mikä sul on pääl katoks jollai nokialla
Toi oli sarja joka esitettiin mtv3lla ei siis mikään yks tosi pitk dokkari :D
There exists some fine descendants (and rifles) already.
Sako TRG is a battlefield sniper rifle system. Like AIAW is, and a few others.
Civilian range shooters or hunters would be very happy with Sako or Tikka rifles in any caliber. These rifles are usually doing better than 1 MOA out of the box.
The choice of glass (scope) is often the most complex issue.
I have a reason to believe it is so personal thing, that a shooter indeed needs to study for the best glass for his/her eye comfort.
Osittain kyllä joo. Toisaalta esim suomalaisten pommi viritykset ovat kehittyneempiä.
I'm afghan but I live in Finland
For fuck sake...
@@topsu8283 Haistappas oikeasti vittu.
En ymmärrä kun armeijassa neuvotaan ampumaan rynkyllä hävittäjiä mikä on ihan turhaa. Päinvastoin pitäisi olla hiljaa ja hypätä pusikkoon piiloon. Koulutusta pitäisi uudistaa tosi paljon. Pitäisi myös opetella taistelemaan kaupungeissa eikä pelkästään korvessa. Koska jos Venäläiset tänne tulee niin ne tiputtaa joukot keskelle maata (kaupunkeja) eikä ne tule rajalla vastaan.
Sanoin nyt vaan.
Sori meni vanhalta ohi kun rynkyllä Mig 16 🎅
See the hair cut :)
Same as any law enforcement powers in the world... very short.
Menny jo ;) siä nähää
MrDahQ terve
Erikoisjoukot ja esim. Kaartin jääkärirykmentti harjoittavat suurten kaupunkien puolustusta.
I sekure my self and my friends. all out machine fire..
im in the finland moi=hi
pist erikoisjoukko hakemus sinne nii mäki pistän
Jos Venäläiset olisi tosissaan ollut valtaamassa Georgiaa niin kyllä toiminta olisi ollut ihan erilaista. Suomen ilmavoimat on muutenkin niin pienet että ne tuhottas parissa tunnissa ja venäläiset saisivat ihan rauhassa tiputella spetsnazit keskelle kaupunkeja eikä tarviaisi turhaa olla itikoitten syötävänä metässä :D
klmtify suomessa on jotain 700.000 metsästyskivääriä jo pelkästään ihan yksityiskäytössä. Jos tuli on vapaa, niin veri roiskuu kutsumattomalla vieraalla.
Or you could dress the snowsuit over the vest like it's supposed to. However when training that's not the first priority I presume.