Perfect discussion! Best of the episodes so far! Kudos to Dr. Birhanu, Dr. Estifanos, and Dr. Abrham. My fear is that the Ministry of Health and its cadres will try to block physicians from leaving the country through bureaucratic bottlenecks instead of addressing their grievances. Additionally, they might even appoint certain individuals, like Abraham, to positions within the Ministry of Health or higher, thereby stifling the movement's momentum and undermining the questions being raised.
It was an amazing discussion. If possible, I recommend that it will also be interesting if seniors, residents, intern, medicine and other health sciences students are all involved turn by turn. there are also senior physicians, health professionals as a stakeholders with different responsibilities in the MOH. it may be paramount to involve them also. lastly, I would like to recommend that higher officials from MOH could also be involved sometime after those I mentioned. thank you again.
Amazing podcast. Thank you for all of you who participated and are trying to be part of the solution. Being a medical doctor is a trap in disguise. You will lose part of yourself whenever you encounter a death. It is not always butterflies. I want to ask what EMA is doing regarding the dire situation of the medical system? who are the leaders, their qualifications..? It is not a government affiliate. Isn't their primary purpose is to be a voice for health professionals? Why is EMA not even doing what Dr. Abrham is doing, Start The DISCUSSION!? They should be asked. EMA president has to come and explain themselves or leave the position. Dr. Abrham, can this discussion scale up to involve many health professionals like in an open meeting, bigger setting, starting with at least 15 people then 40....? The other problem is that entrepreneur doctors opening private hospitals are only business minded. They don't support the doctors, only benefit is to the owners. They have newer diagnostic technologies but to whom? The majority can't even pay for treatment at government hospitals. We have to strengthen public hospitals first as part of the solution. So, you are on the right track Dr. Abrham. Thank you....EMA needs to answer!!!
All health professionals should be involved in leadership to solve the problem.Before 15 years ago when I work Health Center I hadn’t enough money to eat 3 times a day.Very sad if I born again I don’t want to take any medical courses.very stressful every time we see innocent poor people.
I'm now pc2 fresh eyalew amonye Hakim bet yayunye docs mn memar asebku sileunye med sil they told me their demoz ena mekari atita alunye they were 2 specialists.....I don't know gen eyawaku gebaw
Really strange and a wake up call to hear that 70 to 80 percent of newly graduate internists, orthopedicians, pediatrician and others who were attending their residency training in blacklion have already began the usmle journey by taking the first step of the usmle series😮😮
How can we reach you ? Email. I agree we need collective and constructive responses. I am not MD but in the development sector..might help setting up an NGO to advance your cause..
There are few things that never made sense in my life. One is how a country would pay one of its most educated with the least amount of cash! It is as a dumb age old mystery that is never solved because of sick politicians not because of sick people.
1. What is the problem? 2. The magnitude of the problem? 3. Who created it? 4. Who are the victims? 5. What is the solution? 6. Who is responsible? 7. How long will it take?
Doctors shall not be slow to be entrepreneurs , most habesha hakims are similarly reinforced to be not extra-curricular active. Whether u are a Dr or any other professional if u dont have the business mind u will never make it in life dears.
u guys presenting ur colleagues representing 10's from 100k professional , most of them u presented are non re presenters of most professionals except professor birhanu kotiso ..........its my view and opinion , u should presents c1s c2s pc1s pc2s GPs Residents that are not ur collegues reflecting the true truth behind
በመጀመርያ ዶክተር ላመሰግንህ እፈልጋለሁ ያለውን እውነታ እያሳየህ በመሆኑ የምታቀርባቸው እንግዶችም በጣም ደስ የሚሉ ናቸው። እውነት ነው እኔ ለምሳሌ የ PC-1 ተማሪ ነኝ እና ሁሉም ስኒየሮች እንድንወጣ ነው ሚመክሩን እንደውም መውጣትም የጀመሩ ተማሪዎች አሉ እና መስተካከል አለበት በዚህ ከቀጠልን ሜድስን የሚገባ ሰው ልናጣ ይመስላል እና ገና ከጅምሩ በጣም ያስፈራል።
ውይይቱ በጣም ሀሪፍ ነው ነገር ግን ሁሉንም የጤና ባለሙያዎች ያካተተ መሆን አለበት ሀኪም ከሌሎች የጤና ባለሙያዎች ውጭ ብቻውን እንደማይሠራ ይታወቃል። ለውጥም ለማምጣት የሁሉም ጥምረት ያስፈልጋል።
Thank you
“Hakim podcast”
Birhanu Moges one of the best students of woldya highschool
ዶክተር አብርሀም ግሩም ነው ምታቀርበው ልክ ነክ ህዝቡ አያውቅም ኑሮችሁን ማሳወቅ በጣም ጥሩ ነው
መሀይምነት እና ሌብነት የሚያስከብርበት ሁኔታ ላይ ነው የደረስነው ወገን!🤔😉😥!
በርቱ በጣም አሪፍ ነው #ፍትህለሀኪሞች 😢
መቼም የድህብነታችንን ጥልቀት እንዲህ ነው ለማለት ያዳግታል።***ግን እንደው የተለየ ሀሳብ ለማቅረብ ያህል ከማህበረሰቡ ልክ ለፅዳት በየወሩ እንደሚስበሰበው ሁሉም እንደ አቅሙ ለሀኪም በወር ቢከፍል።#እንደ አቅሙ# ።ይህ በሁሉም አካባቢ እንደየደረጃው ቢሆን
1.በሀኪምና በማህበረሰቡ መካከል ጥሩ መተሳሰብ ይኖር ይሆን።ሀኪም ቤት የማይሄድ ቤተሰብ የለምና
2.በጣም አነስተኛ ቢሆንም ለሀኪሞች ይጠቅም ይሆናል::የሚያገለግሉትን ህዝብ የበለጠ ሸክም ኖሯቸው ያገለግሉ ይሆናል
3.መንግስት ተጨማሪ ድጎማ ቢያደርግላቸው።
***እኔ ግን ሀኪም አይዱለሁም።ለሙያው ትልቅ አክብሮት አለኝ።
Thank u dr abrham for ur goog initiative.
Perfect discussion! Best of the episodes so far! Kudos to Dr. Birhanu, Dr. Estifanos, and Dr. Abrham.
My fear is that the Ministry of Health and its cadres will try to block physicians from leaving the country through bureaucratic bottlenecks instead of addressing their grievances. Additionally, they might even appoint certain individuals, like Abraham, to positions within the Ministry of Health or higher, thereby stifling the movement's momentum and undermining the questions being raised.
Good job doctors ,we hope for better days for doctors in Ethiopia❤.
ይድረስ ለ MOH . Keep the Good work Dr.😊
Amazing personality and proud Ethiopian በርቱ እግዚአብኤር ይርዳችሁ🙏
ወንድሞቼ ልቤ በጣም አዘነ ከዚህ ሁሉ አመት በኋላ ኑሮን መሸፈን የማይችል ደሞዝ ማግኝት በጣም ያማል ሰሚ የለም 😢💔🤔😕🤨😮😳😓
በጣም ያማል የእውነት 11305 ?ወይ ሐገሬ እግዚአብሔር ይርዳሽ
It is really very interesting discussion!!
Podcast baxam wodtanal amazing new enabaratatalen
Thank you Dr. Abrham. I really appreciate the work you are doing.
It was an amazing discussion.
If possible, I recommend that it will also be interesting if seniors, residents, intern, medicine and other health sciences students are all involved turn by turn. there are also senior physicians, health professionals as a stakeholders with different responsibilities in the MOH. it may be paramount to involve them also. lastly, I would like to recommend that higher officials from MOH could also be involved sometime after those I mentioned.
thank you again.
Good work Doc bertu
Amazing podcast. Thank you for all of you who participated and are trying to be part of the solution. Being a medical doctor is a trap in disguise. You will lose part of yourself whenever you encounter a death. It is not always butterflies.
I want to ask what EMA is doing regarding the dire situation of the medical system? who are the leaders, their qualifications..? It is not a government affiliate. Isn't their primary purpose is to be a voice for health professionals? Why is EMA not even doing what Dr. Abrham is doing, Start The DISCUSSION!? They should be asked. EMA president has to come and explain themselves or leave the position. Dr. Abrham, can this discussion scale up to involve many health professionals like in an open meeting, bigger setting, starting with at least 15 people then 40....? The other problem is that entrepreneur doctors opening private hospitals are only business minded. They don't support the doctors, only benefit is to the owners. They have newer diagnostic technologies but to whom? The majority can't even pay for treatment at government hospitals. We have to strengthen public hospitals first as part of the solution. So, you are on the right track Dr. Abrham. Thank you....EMA needs to answer!!!
Thank you for this. A much-needed conversation!
Good job #Hakim
በፍጥነት መለወጥ አለበት!!6
All health professionals should be involved in leadership to solve the problem.Before 15 years ago when I work Health Center I hadn’t enough money to eat 3 times a day.Very sad if I born again I don’t want to take any medical courses.very stressful every time we see innocent poor people.
I'm now pc2 fresh eyalew amonye Hakim bet yayunye docs mn memar asebku sileunye med sil they told me their demoz ena mekari atita alunye they were 2 specialists.....I don't know gen eyawaku gebaw
You guys are doing good and build your own legacy at ethio med school 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 and keep it up!!! Next Dr Abiy Tadesse Jimma please please!!!!!!
Abiye Tadese,is not exemplary doctor bro but he is a thief and saxiam.
I regret for being a doctor,we have to admit it🙏🙏
ዶ/ር በጣም በርታ ደስ ይላል እንደዚህ ፖድካስት መክፈትህ፡፡ በግሌ የምሰራ ቢሆንም ባጋጣሚ ሆኖ ከብዙ ሆስፒታሎች ጋር እሰራለሁ፡፡ ለእናንተ ለሀኪሞች እጅግ በጣም ትልቅ አክብሮት አለኝ፡፡ ይሄን ያክል አገልግሎት እየሰጣችሁ የሆነ ሆስፒታል አንድ ጊዜ አንድ ሰራተኛ ትታመማለች፡፡ ኤም አር አይ ትታይ ሲባል ሆስፒታሉ ስለሌለው ውጪ መታየት ግድ ሆነባት፡፡ አቅም ስለሌላት ብር ሲያዋጡ ገርሞኝ … እንዴ ቆይ የሆስፒታሉን ሰራተኛ ሆስፒታሉ ከፍሎ አያሳክምም እንዴ ስላቸው… አይ አያሳክምም ሲሉኝ በጣም ነው የደነገጥኩ፡፡ ሐኪም አይደለችም ግን ምንም ይሁን ምንም ታማሚን እያስተናገዳችሁ በተለይ እናንተ ሐኪሞችና መምህራን የተለዬ አትኩሮት አገሪቱ መስጠት ካልቻለች የውድቀታችን መጨረሻ ይሆናል፡፡
እናንተ ግን በጋራም ሆናችሁ ቢሆን የራሳችሁ ነገር እንዲኖራችሁ ጥረት ማድረጉን አትቦዝኑ፡፡ ለምሳሌ ከተሞች ላይ Home to Home Service ልክ እንደውጪ አገሮች የግል ሀኪም እንደሚባለው አቅም ላለው ሰው አገልግሎት መስጠትም መለመድ አለበት ብዬ እጠቁማለሁ፡፡
በጣም በርቱ፡፡ I will continue to work with you.
Bertu betam tiru new gize ateche new lmesimat sew gin gizewun kum neger yemiagechibetin media biadamiy
ለመምህሮቻች የአላችሁ አክብሮት የሚደነቅ ነው እውቀታችሁ ለገንዘብ ሳይሆን ለህብረተሰቡ በማዋላችሁ ትልቅ ክብር ይገባቻዋል እረጅም እመኛላሁ
Really strange and a wake up call to hear that 70 to 80 percent of newly graduate internists, orthopedicians, pediatrician and others who were attending their residency training in blacklion have already began the usmle journey by taking the first step of the usmle series😮😮
yiwutu yimechachew
ሰላም ዶክተር አብርሃም እባክህ ስለጡት ህመም ላማክርህ እፈልጋለሁ እንዴት ላገኘው እችላለሁ አድራሻህን እባክህ
Ethiopia medical schools international endihonim bidarag baxam arif new
please invite from those so called MOH , obviously they are resistant but lets challenge them
Miss Ministry Of Health..... You better adress this soon! This is a kindaa lowkey warning
How can we reach you ? Email. I agree we need collective and constructive responses. I am not MD but in the development sector..might help setting up an NGO to advance your cause..
There are few things that never made sense in my life. One is how a country would pay one of its most educated with the least amount of cash! It is as a dumb age old mystery that is never solved because of sick politicians not because of sick people.
በባለስልጣናት እና በሀኪሞች ደሞዝ መካከል ያለዉን ልዩነት የሚያስረዳኝ ባገኝ😒
በነገራችን ላይ የህክምና ትምህርት በአንጻራዊነት ረዘም ያለ ጊዜ የሚወስድ በመሆኑ በክፍያ በኩልም በዛው ልክ "ሻል ያለ" የሚባል ነው፤ ነገር ግን ሁሉም ሙያዎች ተቀጥረህ ስትሰራባቸው ክፍያው በጣም ትንሽና ለምን ተማርኩ የሚያስብል ዓይነት ነው። ምናልባት ህክምና መማር ድካም ብቻ፥ ሌላው ሙያ ግን ብዙም ሳይደክም የተሻለ የሚያገኝ እንዳይመስል ብዬ ነው። አሁንያልኩትን የማያካትት ከሆነ ደግሞ ህክምናን ከሌሎች ሙያዎች 'ምርጥ ሆኖ ሳለ. . ." የሚል ማወዳደር እንዳይመስል።
Ene yemejemeria demozen sikebel alkshalehu. Enkilf alba lelitochn asbe 650birr neber😂
ሐኪሙ እራሱ ለጓደኞቹ ምቀኛ መሆኑን ካላቆመ ይህ ነገር ይቀጥላል። እኛ ሀገር እኮ ብቸኛው የእንትን ሐኪም ተብሎ ወረፋ ለሳምንት ሲቀጠር ደስ የሚለዉ ስኬትን በማጉላላት የሚለካ ስነ ልቡና ያለዉ ሐኪም ባለባት ። እስኪ በተመሳሳይ ሙያ ያሉ ሐኪሞችን ኢኮኖሚ እንገምግም ለምን ሰማይና መሬት ሆነ። ለማነንኛውም አድር ባይ እስካለ ድረስ ሐኪሙም ህክምናውም መቀመቅ ይገባል
12ኛ ክፍል ነኝ ኢንቴራንስ ተፈትኛለሁ እባካችሁ መልሱልኝ ህክምና ለምርምር ለፈጠራ ዕድሉ አለው።ለላው ደግሞ ሁሉም ሰው የተማረበትን ፍልድ እንድንመርጥ አይፈልግም ለምን?
Yimesilihal business minded mehon yakatachew..wey techemari extra curricular activities mesirat...even betemarubet clinic kefitew 5-10 takami beken kayeh ke wer demoz belay matiref yichalal...gin hikiminam hone lela ye megsit service yemisetu balemuyawoch biyans luxury needs sayihon basic needs ( migib,libs,ena metelayan ) mamualat yemayichil kifiyan eyetekebelu yeteshale service yisetenal bilen megemet kebad nw... clinic kefito birr kemisikinu hizb mesebseb 50 birr medhanit be 500 birr meshet kebad hono adelem ..leza nw mengist yastekakil yeminilew balemuyawun yimeliketew hulem budget yelegnim , bezich diha Hager demoz chemirulign atibelu yemilew mengist le 1 kuas techawach kemingist kazna beweta bewer 200-500k yemitkefil , le pilot bewer 1.2M , le meneged far mebratoch corridor bila be billion mitaweta kimitil Hager lay le tena balemuya ena le lelaw service be JJ scale eyalech mitalagit kehone..hizbe ye wuch wuchiwun mayetu ayikerim
Bachiru ehen yemtsemu temariwoch mechem bihon HIKMNA ENDATGEBU,you will lose everything and lastly become hopless
1. What is the problem?
2. The magnitude of the problem?
3. Who created it?
4. Who are the victims?
5. What is the solution?
6. Who is responsible?
7. How long will it take?
Kadres are responsible.
አረ ወገን ሀኪም ዲጄ እየሆነ ነው!
Min malet new?
በጣም ያሳዝናል መንግስት ይህንን ማስተካከል ካልቻለ😢😢😢
Strike !
የትም ሀገር ላይ በቂ ሀኪም ኖሮ አያውቅም፣ እኛ ሀገር majority ሀኪሞች እራሳቸውን እንደ ፈጣሪ የሚቆጥሩ unethical የሆኑ አሉ፣ እኔ ሀኪም መሆን ነበር ፍላጎቴ በ1988 11ኛ ክፍል አባቴ ታሞ ራስደስታ ሆሲፒ ሲያዩት የነበሩ ሀኪሞች ያለምንም
ርህራሄ እስከሚሞት ድረስ they didn’t take any action to help him up. Even እንደሚሞት እያወቁ መዳኒት ያስገዙን ነበር ከዛ በሀላ ነው ሀክምና የጠላሁት ጭካኔ የመሰለኝ፣ አሁን ላይ ወደ ኢንጂነሪንግ stream ገብቼ ET. Airlines aviation ውስጥ ነው ያለሁት፣ I know most healthcare workers don’t have enough money for their own, ግን ደግሞ የአሁኖቹ generation ያንን temperature መቀየር አለባችሁ።።።
Doctors shall not be slow to be entrepreneurs , most habesha hakims are similarly reinforced to be not extra-curricular active. Whether u are a Dr or any other professional if u dont have the business mind u will never make it in life dears.
Yimesilihal business minded mehon yakatachew..wey techemari extra curricular activities mesirat...even betemarubet clinic kefitew 5-10 takami beken kayeh ke wer demoz belay matiref yichalal...gin hikiminam hone lela ye megsit service yemisetu balemuyawoch biyans luxury needs sayihon basic needs ( migib,libs,ena metelayan ) mamualat yemayichil kifiyan eyetekebelu yeteshale service yisetenal bilen megemet kebad nw... clinic kefito birr kemisikinu hizb mesebseb 50 birr medhanit be 500 birr meshet kebad hono adelem ..leza nw mengist yastekakil yeminilew balemuyawun yimeliketew hulem budget yelegnim , bezich diha Hager demoz chemirulign atibelu yemilew mengist le 1 kuas techawach kemingist kazna beweta bewer 200-500k yemitkefil , le pilot bewer 1.2M , le meneged far mebratoch corridor bila be billion mitaweta kimitil Hager lay le tena balemuya ena le lelaw service be JJ scale eyalech mitalagit kehone..hizbe ye wuch wuchiwun mayetu ayikerim
@@minerwk-tr6zz ok
u guys presenting ur colleagues representing 10's from 100k professional , most of them u presented are non re presenters of most professionals except professor birhanu kotiso ..........its my view and opinion , u should presents c1s c2s pc1s pc2s GPs Residents that are not ur collegues reflecting the true truth behind
እናንተ የግል ክሊኒክ ስትከፍቱ በስራችሁ የምታሰሯቸውን ነርሶች እንደባሪያ በነፃ በሚባል ክፍያ ለምን ታሰራላችሁ ? በአብዛኛው ቦታ አይቻለሁ። ደግሞ አንዱ ሀኪም ነርሱን በእጁ የሠራው ሁሉ ይመስለዋል ።መናናቅ አለ።
Failed health system 😂😂😂
be careful the way use some words and expression.