Fracture Missile: Hits enemy pieces like a knight relative to where it is placed (including the square where you place it) it can only be placed on your side of the board and kills pawns (and bishops and knights if you hit it head on) the squares it fractures only kills pawns but if a piece worth 3 material stays there for the turn after the missile, they will be killed.
A Nuke that explodes the 5x5 square without the corners. The strengh is 3, but all pieces in the center 3x3 are exploded. It leaves a plus shape crater of 3x3 minus the corners, meaning all pieces can't go there.
Frag missle: only able to be shot in the middle 4 squares and explode like a queen only if it hit something. Can only hit pieces up to 5 points and can be blocked.
Fast forward missile, it captures all pieces on the board except for kings and rooks, so you can immediately skip to the endgame. It can launch at any squares that don’t have a king or rook, but it can only be launched after the first 20 moves in the game, and you have to have castled.
nuke basically a missile that is used as a last resort that takes almost anything except for queens and kings on 2 ranks, the one it's targeting and the one below it. was originally thinking of having the nuke be what happens upon checkmate, signifying the end of the game since no one wins in war.
New missile idea! The idk whats its called missile It has a cool gimmick What it does is it basically is whatever piece you last moved other than queen and pawn. If you last moved a knight, it captures the square it lands on and all movements like a knight. This applies to king, bishop, and rooks too. The power of the piece is chosen by whatever your last move is too. If you last moved a knight of bishop, then it can capture knights, bishops, and pawns. If you last moved your king, you can capture pawns. If you last moved a rook, then it can capture anything besides a queen. If you last moved a queen or pawn, then it functions like if you last moved a king. It can be placed on your first 4 ranks.
Creat minesz, explode in a of a queen and capture pieces of vallour of 3 points or low, bloced by queen or rook, and only explode when a enyme piece stays on that square, can only be putted on the 3 rank. Edit: is required to put this 'bomb' on the fifith move, New features: if the king is one of the directions of bomb, he explode, your pieces can explod too, less the king.
Yes you went with the biggest nuke that I had in mind but I would say mines is stronger because the explosion of the tsar bomba is the size of Rhode Island
Idea, the next bomb is a nuke, it can destroy all pieces but a king. It also have radiation that pieces can't move to. The location of the radiation is 3x3.
A very powerful missile(nuclear bomb) it captures almost on every square and there is infinite strength. However, it is blocked on the first 20 moves, after that you get the missile
Self destruct:can go anywhere on the board (except the king) and when it captures a piece it dies react bomb: captures the piece it dies to terrorist:can attack pieces (except king) and stay in place , however the weakness is , is that if opponents king is 3 blocks near , the king can steal the missile and and use it on a piece (except king)
The C16 missile: it captures all pieces up to 3 points its explosion can be blocked just like B34 and A62, it covers 16 in a two squares away from it horizontally, vertically and diagonaly without the square it's on, it's can be place up to the fourth rank, over all not bad
W218 (Or the “MOAB”) Basically a missile which can explode from ranks, files, and even diagonals, you also can pick which file you want to explode (picking ranks = ranks explode, picking diagonals = diagonals explode, picking files = files explode) but theres one thing about this missile, which is it can only kill queens, rooks, and bishops. No knight, and no pawn. But since i think it’s too powerful, you can only use it when you’re in a end game and you check the king with a promoted pawn, but if theres no piece on a diagonal, file, or rank, then it will just summon one pawn. SKILL: The missile also can summon lucky blocks that fall from the sky, the first side for a piece to capture it wins a missile from the lucky block, weak ones are common, and good ones are rare (No lucky block can fall from a side, all lucky blocks will fall on the middle, if theres already a piece on that square, each side gets one of a weak missile). WEAKNESS: When you use the missile, theres a 1 minute countdown, after the countdown ends, you can use the missile. btw you should make war chess
a-31 it explodes like the movement a queen and can be sent anywhere on the board, your thinking " oh this is insanely op" no because it can capture your pieces too and blow up the kings, so you can either get your king in a corner and destroy their king, or in a loosing situation go for a draw, one more thing, the explosion DOES NOT get blocked.
Tsar boma: 1/10000 chance of getting it on the board explosion covers 3x3 and knight movement can go up to 5th rank and destroys every piece cannot be blocked by other pieces.
missil name : P20 captures all pieces ( not the king ) (yes frendlifier can happen ) can't go to the last rank ( white can't blass on the 9 rank and black can't bass on the 1 rank) it explodes in a 6x5 and leave a 3x3 crater but the crater can't lett pieces go tru but you have to kill a queen and do enposot 2 time
Sarmat: Can be placed on up to the third rank and captures like a queen but only up to 2 squares or like a knight. Captures pieces from rank 3 or lower.
Tsar bomba. Takes the area of an entire rank and a knight moving area but filled also cannot be blocked by pieces and only takes pieces that are lower than 3 also can lanch until the 4rth rank
The NUKE Blows Up the ENTIRE Board! Kills all the Pieces (including the King) on the Board, but Not for Queens (or Pieces worth 7.5 Points or More), which they Save the Pieces from its Explosion. Becomes Available if the Player Spends all the Other Missiles and Doesn't have any Pieces (but not Pawns and the King)
Antimatter missile Strength: infinite Rank: 8 Hits an entire row, but only takes pieces if there your material and opponent's material is same on the row (takes all the pieces)
Black hole bomb it makes it so everywhere for two terms around it’s explosion pieces get sucked in there and if there’s already a piece inside of it then the piece that gets sucked in will take the piece that’s already inside and then it goes on for two turns and then the black hole stops and it’s the same range as when someone takes your queen
The grenade launcher can throw grenade and has a damage same done by a knight or a bishop capturing a peice but you can throw the grenade from the king square to a visible range in a straight line, any obstructions doesn't allow the grenade to go further. The benefit of it is to utlize the king as a important peice and not hide like a coward, the king is now renamed to the dictator, next adding an inventory with an equal amount of money shared with both the player which they can then use the money to buy the missiles prior to the first move of the game, adding smoke bomb is a great idea as a smoke bomb can be given to a peice at the beginning in secret and when the peice dies the player possesing the peice can take one peice from a kings more range from that peice, adding a tank peice could be game changing a pawn can ride that tank but that along with smoke bomb can be bought from the store with the limited money you start with, the tank attack like a rook but only vertically as it only has 3 ammo per tank the tank can only attack thrice, also it can only attack with ammos and he doesn't need to be there on the attacked square as it is a long range peice, if the tank runs out of ammos then it can only attack like a regular pawn, and a peice who kills the tank will die obviously but it will also kill all peice in a kings range. Thats all the suggestions you can add in Atomic Chess 3.0
Missile name: A60 Takes peices less than 5 You can place it in the 4th row of your side It’s explosion takes 2 vertically and horizontally and 1 diagonally
Missle Name: QL4 Range: 4 Strenght: 3 points Explosion Pattern: It explodes in a queen pattern, but it is in 3 square limit. It gets blocked only pieces above 3 points Twist: You place it on your opponent's territory
Hello from Korea, ChessTraps! I have 2 new missiles for you. 1. R33 Hypersonic Cruise Missile, Codenamed : Fantasy Nature. Range of this one is 3, but you can fire this missile from friendly Bishop. If you do, this missile is launched forward from Bishop you selected. It explode in 3×3 size, causing strength 3 explosion on impact, but be careful, King is NOT immune to this explosion! 2. M13 Tactical Nuclear Missile, Codenamed : Garnet Star. It has 5 range, strength 10(meaning only king can survive), and it explode in 5×5 range, capturing LITERALLY everything on impact(Infinite strength explosion). After impact, it creates wall of fire that lasts for 20 moves(opponent's moves also counts on this duration), and every missile explode within range gets DOUBLE strength! Well, that's it. I'm a fan of you, and I hope you add some of mine on future update of atomic chess! Have a great day! Edit : Thank you for ❤, ChessTraps!
You should make a missile that can be placed anywhere on the board as long as there is a opponent piece on that position and anywhere within a 5 x 5 radius would get exploded with no blocking I think it be a good addition
Also I have another additional bomb it’s called the 'mine' it cannot be seen by the opponent but can be seen by yourself it can blow you up so be careful and you and the opponent can jump over it but you have a indicator to tell it’s there but your opponent cannot see the indicator I think it’s the most op bomb and you can place down 5 mines up to the 6th rank!
GRAYSTILLPLAYS missile: this missile explodes in all the black squares and when his used play sound yeet. if the missile its used in a white square make all knitghs from both players
Miss-ile: takes a random piece in each row of its 3*8 range, can only be fired where it can be at full power, and has -0 strength, where negative strength missiles cannot take pieces with a *lower* value than the absolute value of the strength, and can instantly kill kings.
My idea: Make a missile that shoots to a square that makes a cross shape. You can't use it at the 8th rank because it'll destroy all the pieces there means no kings. It's explosion cannot be blocked and when you use it, no matter how, at least 2 pieces of yours are eliminated.
air strike: a plane comes by and demolishes the letter and number file it is on (On c1, will hit all c's and all 1's) up to the 4th rank strength: 6 (Only queens and kings can survive) cannot block, it's a literal plane dropping bombs.
Second suggestion the x-44 Missile it looks like the Soyuz with a nuclear symbol and it can explode up to 11 squares and it looks like this it has fire on the Sides and it explodes like a atomic bomb and the two rockets beside it it will also look like the previous explosion
Tsar Bomba Wipes out the whole row and 2 diagonal on each side Captures pawns knights bishops and queens Special effect -radiation spawns on a 3x3 square around where the bomb was launched Radiation effects Halved move squares Captures pawns or a 5% chance for it to mutate into a knight Also the square the bomb was placed on becomes unusable and creates a shockwave Shock wave effects Stuns all pieces on a 3x8 square.
Tsar bomba explodes on 5x5 square and can only be placed from the first to the third rank pieces will not be protected and block the missle only takes pieces up to 3 points
The nuke Range 5x5 square Strength 8 Available to the 4th rank Can't block Extra thing can't explode the kings If it could explode kings then it would be too op
Cluster bomb Explodes exactly 2 squares diagonally, then it may explode 1 square cardinally. It is not blocked by other pieces. It is locked until turn 15 because of its range and strength. Strength: 7 Range: 8
OF24 : it can placed on 1 - 5 rank of the board destroy peices under 3 explode like like a like a cross and like a knight Tips : add coin to the game to buy some missile after capture a piece/use a missile Pawn : 5 coin Rook : 8 coin Bishop : 10 coin Knight : 15 coin Queen : 25 coin
Tactical "tombostone" 803 can clean whole set of one piece (doesnt affect kings rooks and allied pieces) Here is demonstration i can remove all pawns knighs bishops or gueens by my choice "oh" my king is under attack by bishops os i send missle and all enemy bishops are done Is that bad? Ok here last one Nuke: blows up all pieces in 4×4 area and poisons it for 4 moves it cant blow up king but poison can kill him and i cant be placed at first rank
Add the anti pieces They can move like any classcil pice which you choose it to move for the entire game. But when it captures a pice it exactly moves like or is captured by a piece it looks like then it creates a 5 x 5 explosion
Missle Name:Boeing D00M Strentgh:Captures Pieces That are Lower Ranked than a Rook Range:7th Rank Pattern:9x9 Vertical 5x5 Horzontal Missle Name:TSAR BOMBA Strentgh:Obliterates Everything Pattern:11x4 Area Range:Deploy it Anywhere! Requirement: Needing 3900 Elo (300s Cooldown) Special:Creates Radiation from The Blast That Demotes a Piece to 1 Rank Below CHOOSE BOEING D00M OR TSAR BOMBA! DLC! Name:British Element Attack Pattern:Rook And Bishop Strentgh:4 Points Can only Deployed in the Middle Downside:Pieces behind a Piece get protected.
New missile: Fire Missile X50, this missile can burn pieces at an diagonal distance, (only 1 square) also burns pieces that are three squares near it, Range: 6 Ranks. Strength: Around 4 and up
And also comes with a X60 version, which has a pattern of explosions like a queen, Strength: 10. Range: 8 ranks. Fire Missile X75: The missile is the 7 version which is a bit more weaker, info about X75:the Strength: 25. Range: 10 ranks Volcanian missile X92: this is an very upgraded version of the Fire Missile, (which takes more place of explosions, strength and Ranks) The missile’s strength is: 50 or also accesible to every piece (obviously opponent pieces) and there are 15 ranks.
Play Atomic Chess 2.0 here: (also 1 new variant is there)
Hope you enjoyed!
First and hi chess traps try the nuclear big boom bomb
Is it ok if I give you a chess piece character idea? 💡
The TO27 explodes in a + sign (4 squares) but it can expode any piece except the king and queen.
if a pawn reaches the end of the board you should have the option to either explode it or turn it into a missle
Power: 3
Rank: up to 4
Can be blocked: no
5 sqaures in a row
the 397
A little missle
It only captures in the scuare you throw it but you can throw it everywere and only can capture 3 point or less
I had the exact same idea lol
But can’t capture king 🤴
So you can just take a free knight or bishop on the first move
Nuke: the regular version of atomic chess, but times by 3. the rooks, queen and king are safe from it, and the explosions are blocked by 2 pieces
Fracture Missile: Hits enemy pieces like a knight relative to where it is placed (including the square where you place it) it can only be placed on your side of the board and kills pawns (and bishops and knights if you hit it head on) the squares it fractures only kills pawns but if a piece worth 3 material stays there for the turn after the missile, they will be killed.
There is a bug when I put the missile on the board, no matter what, white wins.
A Nuke that explodes the 5x5 square without the corners. The strengh is 3, but all pieces in the center 3x3 are exploded. It leaves a plus shape crater of 3x3 minus the corners, meaning all pieces can't go there.
Frag missle: only able to be shot in the middle 4 squares and explode like a queen only if it hit something. Can only hit pieces up to 5 points and can be blocked.
Fast forward missile, it captures all pieces on the board except for kings and rooks, so you can immediately skip to the endgame. It can launch at any squares that don’t have a king or rook, but it can only be launched after the first 20 moves in the game, and you have to have castled.
basically a missile that is used as a last resort that takes almost anything except for queens and kings on 2 ranks, the one it's targeting and the one below it.
was originally thinking of having the nuke be what happens upon checkmate, signifying the end of the game since no one wins in war.
Bomb healer:makes peice imune only use once
New missile idea!
The idk whats its called missile
It has a cool gimmick
What it does is it basically is whatever piece you last moved other than queen and pawn. If you last moved a knight, it captures the square it lands on and all movements like a knight. This applies to king, bishop, and rooks too. The power of the piece is chosen by whatever your last move is too. If you last moved a knight of bishop, then it can capture knights, bishops, and pawns. If you last moved your king, you can capture pawns. If you last moved a rook, then it can capture anything besides a queen. If you last moved a queen or pawn, then it functions like if you last moved a king. It can be placed on your first 4 ranks.
I would say yours cool but it can be kind of better if it’s like an op thing like mine
I know, Castle Bravo!
Creat minesz, explode in a of a queen and capture pieces of vallour of 3 points or low, bloced by queen or rook, and only explode when a enyme piece stays on that square, can only be putted on the 3 rank.
Edit: is required to put this 'bomb' on the fifith move,
New features: if the king is one of the directions of bomb, he explode, your pieces can explod too, less the king.
Yes you went with the biggest nuke that I had in mind but I would say mines is stronger because the explosion of the tsar bomba is the size of Rhode Island
@@yixiang6714 Ummm, thanks for the information, I'm going toedit this coment
New bomb: C4: place it and if a piece stands on it it will explode in a 3x3 Raidias
Idea, the next bomb is a nuke, it can destroy all pieces but a king. It also have radiation that pieces can't move to. The location of the radiation is 3x3.
nuke because checkmate only emergency
Intercontinental ballistic missle or “I.C.B.M” which can track pieces of enemys in a 5 radius of a bishop and only targets 4-3point pieces
A very powerful missile(nuclear bomb) it captures almost on every square and there is infinite strength. However, it is blocked on the first 20 moves, after that you get the missile
Sigma missile:up to fourth rank and explodes in a plus sign, since its explosion is small it can take pawns knights bishops and rooks
Self destruct:can go anywhere on the board (except the king) and when it captures a piece it dies
react bomb: captures the piece it dies to
terrorist:can attack pieces (except king) and stay in place , however the weakness is , is that if opponents king is 3 blocks near , the king can steal the missile and and use it on a piece (except king)
The tsar bomba destroys everything in a 5 by 5 radius strength is 3 but pieces can’t block the attack unless they are worth 3 points or more
Let bro cook
B83 covers a 4x4 grid and is stronk and you get to chose what ranks it can hit
P69 explodes 6x6 strength 6 or 9 (7 and 8 unaffcted) and its blocked by pieces
The C16 missile: it captures all pieces up to 3 points its explosion can be blocked just like B34 and A62, it covers 16 in a two squares away from it horizontally, vertically and diagonaly without the square it's on, it's can be place up to the fourth rank, over all not bad
pawn missle: can only capture pawn but can be placed anywhere
Wanky missie
Parten: rooks movement
Range 6
Power 5
Note pawns are inmune to it
My idea is Tsar Bomba
Who ever gets it is random
If it’s launched
You win in an instant
W218 (Or the “MOAB”)
Basically a missile which can explode from ranks, files, and even diagonals, you also can pick which file you want to explode (picking ranks = ranks explode, picking diagonals = diagonals explode, picking files = files explode) but theres one thing about this missile, which is it can only kill queens, rooks, and bishops. No knight, and no pawn. But since i think it’s too powerful, you can only use it when you’re in a end game and you check the king with a promoted pawn, but if theres no piece on a diagonal, file, or rank, then it will just summon one pawn.
The missile also can summon lucky blocks that fall from the sky, the first side for a piece to capture it wins a missile from the lucky block, weak ones are common, and good ones are rare (No lucky block can fall from a side, all lucky blocks will fall on the middle, if theres already a piece on that square, each side gets one of a weak missile).
When you use the missile, theres a 1 minute countdown, after the countdown ends, you can use the missile.
btw you should make war chess
c53: takes 4x4 but only takes pawns can place everywhere
Make the nuke missle (it captures all board but only gan affect knights and pawns and not ur own pieces)
How about you add the tsar bomb it can take every piece even the king you can put it in the in the center . Its explosion pattern is a 5 x 5 square.
a-31 it explodes like the movement a queen and can be sent anywhere on the board, your thinking " oh this is insanely op" no because it can capture your pieces too and blow up the kings, so you can either get your king in a corner and destroy their king, or in a loosing situation go for a draw, one more thing, the explosion DOES NOT get blocked.
Tsar boma: 1/10000 chance of getting it on the board explosion covers 3x3 and knight movement can go up to 5th rank and destroys every piece cannot be blocked by other pieces.
name : P20
captures all pieces ( not the king ) (yes frendlifier can happen )
can't go to the last rank ( white can't blass on the 9 rank and black can't bass on the 1 rank)
it explodes in a 6x5 and leave a 3x3 crater but the crater can't lett pieces go tru
but you have to kill a queen and do enposot 2 time
A missile that can take any piece expect the king but can only be placed on the first 3 rows on each side and it has a bishop pattern
X42 Missle: Can be thrown up to 6 ranks away, strength 5, explosion radius is just the targeted square and 1 back.
Idea: a missile that can take any piece, but can only be played an the same column as your king and only captures one square.
Sarmat: Can be placed on up to the third rank and captures like a queen but only up to 2 squares or like a knight. Captures pieces from rank 3 or lower.
Shockwave missile: destroys everything in the center 2 ranks and doesn't get blocked.
Tsar bomba.
Takes the area of an entire rank and a knight moving area but filled also cannot be blocked by pieces and only takes pieces that are lower than 3 also can lanch until the 4rth rank
Blows Up the ENTIRE Board! Kills all the Pieces (including the King) on the Board, but Not for Queens (or Pieces worth 7.5 Points or More), which they Save the Pieces from its Explosion. Becomes Available if the Player Spends all the Other Missiles and Doesn't have any Pieces (but not Pawns and the King)
Antimatter missile
Strength: infinite
Rank: 8
Hits an entire row, but only takes pieces if there your material and opponent's material is same on the row (takes all the pieces)
Tsar bomb: destroys the king during checkmate or destroys the whole board during a draw
Black hole bomb it makes it so everywhere for two terms around it’s explosion pieces get sucked in there and if there’s already a piece inside of it then the piece that gets sucked in will take the piece that’s already inside and then it goes on for two turns and then the black hole stops and it’s the same range as when someone takes your queen
chesstraps doesnt have much but still manages to make chess variants
The grenade launcher can throw grenade and has a damage same done by a knight or a bishop capturing a peice but you can throw the grenade from the king square to a visible range in a straight line, any obstructions doesn't allow the grenade to go further. The benefit of it is to utlize the king as a important peice and not hide like a coward, the king is now renamed to the dictator, next adding an inventory with an equal amount of money shared with both the player which they can then use the money to buy the missiles prior to the first move of the game, adding smoke bomb is a great idea as a smoke bomb can be given to a peice at the beginning in secret and when the peice dies the player possesing the peice can take one peice from a kings more range from that peice, adding a tank peice could be game changing a pawn can ride that tank but that along with smoke bomb can be bought from the store with the limited money you start with, the tank attack like a rook but only vertically as it only has 3 ammo per tank the tank can only attack thrice, also it can only attack with ammos and he doesn't need to be there on the attacked square as it is a long range peice, if the tank runs out of ammos then it can only attack like a regular pawn, and a peice who kills the tank will die obviously but it will also kill all peice in a kings range. Thats all the suggestions you can add in Atomic Chess 3.0
Missle 5.Board buster. Explodes half of the board and has infinite strength meaning if a black king gets captured white wins.
Explosion pattern:
A missile you can only use after every other one has been used, it can capture one piece worth 5 or less points. Anywhere
C98 explodes in 4 squares diagonally or 4 squares vertically or horizontally. Range is 6, strength is 3, and pieces get blocked
Nuke you can only use on 3rd rank twords you and it explodes in a 7x7 and captures pieces worth 1 point
Good missile idea name B32 it explodes in a 5 by 5 area and you and your opponent gets 2
Missile name: A60
Takes peices less than 5
You can place it in the 4th row of your side
It’s explosion takes 2 vertically and horizontally and 1 diagonally
Missle Name: QL4
Range: 4
Strenght: 3 points
Explosion Pattern: It explodes in a queen pattern, but it is in 3 square limit. It gets blocked only pieces above 3 points
Twist: You place it on your opponent's territory
You can capture everything on the map with big Bertha but you have to be checkmated
Hello from Korea, ChessTraps!
I have 2 new missiles for you.
1. R33 Hypersonic Cruise Missile, Codenamed : Fantasy Nature.
Range of this one is 3, but you can fire this missile from friendly Bishop. If you do, this missile is launched forward from Bishop you selected. It explode in 3×3 size, causing strength 3 explosion on impact, but be careful, King is NOT immune to this explosion!
2. M13 Tactical Nuclear Missile, Codenamed : Garnet Star. It has 5 range, strength 10(meaning only king can survive), and it explode in 5×5 range, capturing LITERALLY everything on impact(Infinite strength explosion). After impact, it creates wall of fire that lasts for 20 moves(opponent's moves also counts on this duration), and every missile explode within range gets DOUBLE strength!
Well, that's it. I'm a fan of you, and I hope you add some of mine on future update of atomic chess! Have a great day!
Edit : Thank you for ❤, ChessTraps!
ICBM with queen will always be the missiles we made along the way
tsar bomb:explodes a 5 by 5 space and that area gets radioactive , maning all pieces cant go there for 5 rounds
You should make a missile that can be placed anywhere on the board as long as there is a opponent piece on that position and anywhere within a 5 x 5 radius would get exploded with no blocking
I think it be a good addition
A missile that respawns any bishop pawn or Knight at their starting position if nothing is on there
Also I have another additional bomb it’s called the 'mine' it cannot be seen by the opponent but can be seen by yourself it can blow you up so be careful and you and the opponent can jump over it but you have a indicator to tell it’s there but your opponent cannot see the indicator I think it’s the most op bomb and you can place down 5 mines up to the 6th rank!
board killer. destroys pieces up to pt count 5, or less. and the range is to the entire board. it can be put on 4th rank.
GRAYSTILLPLAYS missile: this missile explodes in all the black squares and when his used play sound yeet.
if the missile its used in a white square make all knitghs from both players
K98:it can destroy a range of 6 squares but only can be launch in the middle
D27 it covets the area of a queen and can be placed till the 6th rank it has a power of 3 but can only be used once a match
Miss-ile: takes a random piece in each row of its 3*8 range, can only be fired where it can be at full power, and has -0 strength, where negative strength missiles cannot take pieces with a *lower* value than the absolute value of the strength, and can instantly kill kings.
How about making a hyper missile that can be blocked and does damage to all pieces on the board
ultra missile : can capture al pieces in a 3x3 and 4x4 radius
New missle:’ THE NUKE’ unlocked when checkmating a king but can only takes pieces under the king.
I say that
A nuke
That tooks the half of the chess
Fun fact: Chess 960 has exactly 960 set ups!
Adding bunkers and-or 2-3 rows of pawns to negate the knight’s powers as well as for soaking damage.
My idea: Make a missile that shoots to a square that makes a cross shape. You can't use it at the 8th rank because it'll destroy all the pieces there means no kings. It's explosion cannot be blocked and when you use it, no matter how, at least 2 pieces of yours are eliminated.
air strike:
a plane comes by and demolishes the letter and number file it is on (On c1, will hit all c's and all 1's)
up to the 4th rank
strength: 6 (Only queens and kings can survive)
cannot block, it's a literal plane dropping bombs.
Second suggestion the x-44 Missile it looks like the Soyuz with a nuclear symbol and it can explode up to 11 squares and it looks like this it has fire on the
Sides and it explodes like a atomic bomb and the two rockets beside it it will also look like the previous explosion
you can also only use it when in draw check or checkmate it can kill your pieces to
Tsar Bomba
Wipes out the whole row and 2 diagonal on each side
Captures pawns knights bishops and queens
Special effect -radiation spawns on a 3x3 square around where the bomb was launched
Radiation effects
Halved move squares
Captures pawns or a 5% chance for it to mutate into a knight
Also the square the bomb was placed on becomes unusable and creates a shockwave
Shock wave effects
Stuns all pieces on a 3x8 square.
Tsar bomba explodes on 5x5 square and can only be placed from the first to the third rank pieces will not be protected and block the missle only takes pieces up to 3 points
The missile which destroys the entire board but the chance of getting it is 5%
a tiny one that need 3 turn, but if in the 3x3 range of the original 1.0 version, it kills the queens and kings, and only those
The nuke
Range 5x5 square
Strength 8
Available to the 4th rank
Can't block
Extra thing can't explode the kings
If it could explode kings then it would be too op
opponent missle : it whould have a strength of 5 a pattern of every two blocks outwards and it only attacks opponent pieces
The missile is gonna be a nuke
Cluster bomb
Explodes exactly 2 squares diagonally, then it may explode 1 square cardinally.
It is not blocked by other pieces.
It is locked until turn 15 because of its range and strength.
Strength: 7
Range: 8
Frag missile
Explosion pattern: queen but the paths can be blocked by peices
Basically a missile grenade
a misle that is an Y shape with 2 length to your side and 1 forword in both diractions strengt 3 cant be blocked
Missle name: antimatter bomb
It explodes in a 5x5 radius and will explode all the white pieces in a 3×3 radius
OF24 : it can placed on 1 - 5 rank of the board destroy peices under 3 explode like like a like a cross and like a knight
Tips : add coin to the game to buy some missile after capture a piece/use a missile
Pawn : 5 coin Rook : 8 coin Bishop : 10 coin Knight : 15 coin Queen : 25 coin
Tactical "tombostone" 803
can clean whole set of one piece (doesnt affect kings rooks and allied pieces)
Here is demonstration i can remove all pawns knighs bishops or gueens by my choice "oh" my king is under attack by bishops os i send missle and all enemy bishops are done
Is that bad?
Ok here last one
Nuke: blows up all pieces in 4×4 area and poisons it for 4 moves it cant blow up king but poison can kill him and i cant be placed at first rank
basically the first missle but can capture rooks too. NAME IT BN-27
Add the anti pieces
They can move like any classcil pice which you choose it to move for the entire game. But when it captures a pice it exactly moves like or is captured by a piece it looks like then it creates a 5 x 5 explosion
why is there no shop for 2.0 and no quests for 3.0
A83 and it explodes in a 5x5 area but you can only throw it at the 2nd rank the strength is 3 on it
A missile with strength of 5, an X explosion pattern covering 5 tiles and range of up to 4th rank
A nuke that destroy any rank pieces that has a pattern of 3 rows horizontaly which can be blocked
Missile, shoots on the capturing piece only
Missle Name:Boeing D00M
Strentgh:Captures Pieces That are Lower Ranked than a Rook
Range:7th Rank
Pattern:9x9 Vertical 5x5 Horzontal
Missle Name:TSAR BOMBA
Strentgh:Obliterates Everything
Pattern:11x4 Area
Range:Deploy it Anywhere!
Requirement: Needing 3900 Elo (300s Cooldown)
Special:Creates Radiation from The Blast That Demotes a Piece to 1 Rank Below
Name:British Element
Attack Pattern:Rook And Bishop
Strentgh:4 Points
Can only Deployed in the Middle
Downside:Pieces behind a Piece get protected.
New missile: Fire Missile X50, this missile can burn pieces at an diagonal distance, (only 1 square) also burns pieces that are three squares near it, Range: 6 Ranks. Strength: Around 4 and up
And also comes with a X60 version, which has a pattern of explosions like a queen, Strength: 10. Range: 8 ranks.
Fire Missile X75: The missile is the 7 version which is a bit more weaker, info about X75:the Strength: 25. Range: 10 ranks
Volcanian missile X92: this is an very upgraded version of the Fire Missile, (which takes more place of explosions, strength and Ranks) The missile’s strength is: 50 or also accesible to every piece (obviously opponent pieces) and there are 15 ranks.