Imam Adil Kalbani, you made all the black race proud for representing us at the most holiest place of worship. May your day be long (sukuran zajakakumul hairy)
asalaam wahelikoum, Sheikh Adel Al Kalbani has a masha'Allah voice. He's not leading the prayer anymore in the Haram Mosque, very sadly news! But I got honoured by praying behind him last ramadan in Riyadh. He's leading all the prayers (faraid and jumu3a and taraweeh) in Masjid AbdulMohaisin (in east Riyadh, near Ghoranata area). I coincidently prayed behind him, it was very near my house and I prayed once asr with him, and then saw him SubhannAllah. Wassalaaaaaam,
الحمد الله بنعمته تتم الصالحات حفظك الله يا شيخ وطول عمرك صوتك ماشاء تطمئن القلوب بصوتك وسكينة للقلوب نحبك فى الله وجمعنا تحت اللواء سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين ببركة القرآن الكريم الحمد الله رب العالمين اللهم ارزقنا الأولاد تصبحون اهل القرآن إنك على كل شيء قدير وكان ذلك على الله يسير
TWO years ago, Sheik Adil Kalbani dreamed that he had become an imam at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Islam’s holiest city. Waking up, he dismissed the dream as a temptation to vanity. Although he is known for his fine voice, Sheik Adil is black, and the son of a poor immigrant from the Persian Gulf. Leading prayers at the Grand Mosque is an extraordinary honor, usually reserved for pure-blooded Arabs from the Saudi heartland. So he was taken aback when the phone rang last September and a voice told him that King Abdullah had chosen him as the first black man to lead prayers in Mecca. Days later Sheik Adil’s unmistakably African features and his deep baritone voice, echoing musically through the Grand Mosque, were broadcast by satellite TV to hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world. Since then, Sheik Adil has been half-jokingly dubbed the “Saudi Obama.” Prominent imams are celebrities in this deeply religious country, and many have hailed his selection as more evidence of King Abdullah’s cautious efforts to move Saudi Arabia toward greater openness and tolerance in the past few years. “The king is trying to tell everybody that he wants to rule this land as one nation, with no racism and no segregation,” said Sheik Adil, a heavyset and long-bearded man of 49 who has been an imam at a Riyadh mosque for 20 years. “Any qualified individual, no matter what his color, no matter where from, will have a chance to be a leader, for his good and his country’s good.” Officially, it was his skill at reciting the Koran that won him the position, which he carries out - like the Grand Mosque’s eight other prayer leaders - only during the holy month of Ramadan. But the racial significance of the king’s gesture was unmistakable. Sheik Adil, like most Saudis, is quick to caution that any racism here is not the fault of Islam, which preaches egalitarianism. The Prophet Muhammad himself, who founded the religion here 1,400 years ago, had black companions. “Our Islamic history has so many famous black people,” said the imam, as he sat leaning his arm on a cushion in the reception room of his home. “It is not like the West.” It is also true that Saudi Arabia is far more ethnically diverse than most Westerners realize. Saudis with Malaysian or African features are a common sight along the kingdom’s west coast, the descendants of pilgrims who came here over the centuries and ended up staying. Many have prospered and even attained high positions through links to the royal family. Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador to the United States, is the son of Prince Sultan and a dark-skinned concubine from southern Saudi Arabia. But slavery was practiced here too, and was abolished only in 1962. Many traditional Arabs from Nejd, the central Saudi heartland, used to refer to all outsiders as “tarsh al bahr” - vomit from the sea. People of African descent still face some discrimination, as do most immigrants, even from other Arab countries. Many Saudis complain that the kingdom is still far too dominated by Nejd, the homeland of the royal family. There are nonracial forms of discrimination too, and many Shiite Muslims, a substantial minority, say they are not treated fairly. “The prophet told us that social classes will remain, because of human nature,” Sheik Adil said gravely. “These are part of the pre-Islamic practices that persist.” BLACK skin is not the only social obstacle Sheik Adil has overcome. His father came to Saudi Arabia in the 1950s from Ras al Khaima, in what is now the United Arab Emirates, and obtained a job as a low-level government clerk. The family had little money, and after finishing high school, Adil took a job with Saudi Arabian Airlines while attending night classes at King Saud University. Only later did he study religion, laboriously memorizing the Koran and studying Islamic jurisprudence. In 1984 he passed the government exam to become an imam, and worked briefly at the mosque in the Riyadh airport. Four years later he won a more prominent position as the imam of the King Khalid mosque, a tall white building that is not far from one of the Intelligence Ministry’s offices. Theologically, Sheik Adil reflects the general evolution of Saudi thinking over the last two decades. During the 1980s he met Osama bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam, a leader of the jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan. He initially sympathized with their radical position and anger toward the West. Later, he said, he began to find their views narrow, especially after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Now he speaks warmly of King Abdullah’s new initiatives, which include efforts to moderate the power of the hard-line religious establishment and to modernize Saudi Arabia’s judiciary and educational establishment. He reads Al Watan, a liberal newspaper. “Some people in this country want everyone to be a carbon copy,” Sheik Adil said. “This is not my way of thinking. You can learn from the person who is willing to criticize, to give a different point of view.” His life, like that of most imams, follows a rigid routine: he leads prayers five times a day at the mosque, then walks across the parking lot to his home, which he shares with two wives and 12 children. On Fridays, he gives a sermon as well. HE expected it to continue that way for the rest of his life. Then in early September he woke up to hear his cellphone and land line, both ringing continuously. Stirring from bed, he heard the administrator of the Grand Mosque leaving a message. He picked up one of the phones, and heard the news that the king had selected him. Two days later he walked into a grand reception room where he was greeted by Prince Khalid al-Faisal, the governor of Mecca Province. Sheik Adil tried to introduce himself, but the prince cut him off with a smile: “You are known,” he said. Next, Sheik Adil was led to a table where he sat with King Abdullah and other ministers. He was too shy to address the king directly, but as he left the room he thanked him and kissed him on the nose, a traditional sign of deference. Remembering the moment, Sheik Adil smiled and went silent. Then he pulled out his laptop and showed a visitor a TH-cam clip of him reciting the Koran at the Grand Mosque in Mecca. “To recite before thousands of people, this is no problem for me,” he said. “But the place, its holiness, is so different from praying anywhere else. In that shrine, there are kings, presidents and ordinary people, all being led in prayer by you as imam. It gives you a feeling of honor, and a fear of almighty God.”
I read it all too! Alhamdulillah! God is the Greatest, and the Quran is his words which heals our hearts with just hearing the recitation of Quran, specially from people like Adil Kalbani!
Al hamd o lilla. I had the privilage of praying behind him in green lane masjid birmingham about 7 years ago or maybe bit more, the man has an aura about him which I've not seen in any sheikh apart from abu bakr shatree and Khalid al ghamdi. I never got a chance to get to macca when he was imam there, may ALLAH give us unity and hidaiya .
All of these Imams are high ranking scholars, teachers , judges, they dont just go around leading salah, this is the reason they take turns , they all have schedules.
Imagine 14 yrs ago u type this and on the day of judgment u get rewarded everything will be recorded not even 1 single deed is lost subhanallah! :D all praise belongs to allah who does not forget any good small deed
This is what is wrong with the muslims. Always finding a way to worry about insignificant issues. In no way am I calling him an animal when I say he is a beast. This foolishness has to stop.
I was greatly disappointed that Sheikh Kalbani was not appointed as a permanent imam because he would have made a great addition to the A'imah of the Haram
Exodus 23:24 You are not to bow down to their gods or serve them. You are not to follow their practices, but you are to overthrow them completely and smash their sacred stones to pieces.
Issoufou sarina ysy ( as black man, I kept my way of worship Allah to myself from cheick Ahmad bamba, to cheick Ibrahim inas did other Muslim recognize them. Cheick kalbani was not promote to full extend as sudais and other. But let be clear the religion was send to straighten the pagans Arabs, Jews, nasarrah. Black are just doing work of Almighty. Only Almighty has last words let see who the hypocrites are.
He is leading taraweeh in riyadh i just prayed behind him yesterday....
@@zakariabuneri7090 it's written ma sha Allah
which Masjid
(جامع الشيخ عبدالمحسن المحيسن)
Subhanallah you joined TH-cam 11 years before
i love his voice. there is so much depth and sincerity in it. may Allah Bless you ya shaykh.
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Vraiment j'aime ce sheikh
Imam Adil Kalbani, you made all the black race proud for representing us at the most holiest place of worship. May your day be long (sukuran zajakakumul hairy)
..@@mohammedsesay5223 د 🐢🐩
من منطق م
U shouldn't say we are proud if you because he doesn't read the comments say we are proud if him. Maybe its haram
But what am I reading about him acting film?
People who lives in Makkah and Madina are very Lucky I wish i will be them so i can pray those two holy masjed evry salaaH
taqwa in the voice , Ma cha Allah, may Allah bless you
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
كنت صغير وقتها وكنت احب سماع هاذا الشيخ
الحمدلله الذي ثبتنا على الإسلام وعلى التوحيد
i feel proud to be a muslim Islam is great and we are bless to be muslims
Mohamed Ismail الحمد لله رب العالمين
الحمد لله حتى يبلغ الحمد منتهاه
الحمدلله الذي ثبتنا على الإسلام
Alhamdulillah May Allah forgive your sins and protect you
asalaam wahelikoum,
Sheikh Adel Al Kalbani has a masha'Allah voice. He's not leading the prayer anymore in the Haram Mosque, very sadly news!
But I got honoured by praying behind him last ramadan in Riyadh. He's leading all the prayers (faraid and jumu3a and taraweeh) in Masjid AbdulMohaisin (in east Riyadh, near Ghoranata area).
I coincidently prayed behind him, it was very near my house and I prayed once asr with him, and then saw him SubhannAllah.
The most. Beautiful the most magnificent voice ever by qari sheikh Adil kilbani
الحمد الله بنعمته تتم الصالحات حفظك الله يا شيخ وطول عمرك صوتك ماشاء تطمئن القلوب بصوتك وسكينة للقلوب نحبك فى الله وجمعنا تحت اللواء سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين ببركة القرآن الكريم الحمد الله رب العالمين اللهم ارزقنا الأولاد تصبحون اهل القرآن إنك على كل شيء قدير وكان ذلك على الله يسير
اللهم آمين
وﻻ تحرمنا من سماع هاذا الكلم الطيب نور الدنيا والأخرة
اللهم آمين
Everything in the Heavens and the Earth testifies to the Glory of ALLAH, The ALL MIGHTY
اللهم ارزقنا الحج والعمرة دومآ يارب العالمين وإياكم جميعا
ماشاء الله تبارك الله///الله يحفظك بحفظه ويجعلك من أهل القران اللذين هم أهل الله وخاصته ياشيخ/عادل الكلباني..
TWO years ago, Sheik Adil Kalbani dreamed that he had become an imam at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Islam’s holiest city.
Waking up, he dismissed the dream as a temptation to vanity. Although he is known for his fine voice, Sheik Adil is black, and the son of a poor immigrant from the Persian Gulf. Leading prayers at the Grand Mosque is an extraordinary honor, usually reserved for pure-blooded Arabs from the Saudi heartland.
So he was taken aback when the phone rang last September and a voice told him that King Abdullah had chosen him as the first black man to lead prayers in Mecca. Days later Sheik Adil’s unmistakably African features and his deep baritone voice, echoing musically through the Grand Mosque, were broadcast by satellite TV to hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world.
Since then, Sheik Adil has been half-jokingly dubbed the “Saudi Obama.” Prominent imams are celebrities in this deeply religious country, and many have hailed his selection as more evidence of King Abdullah’s cautious efforts to move Saudi Arabia toward greater openness and tolerance in the past few years.
“The king is trying to tell everybody that he wants to rule this land as one nation, with no racism and no segregation,” said Sheik Adil, a heavyset and long-bearded man of 49 who has been an imam at a Riyadh mosque for 20 years. “Any qualified individual, no matter what his color, no matter where from, will have a chance to be a leader, for his good and his country’s good.”
Officially, it was his skill at reciting the Koran that won him the position, which he carries out - like the Grand Mosque’s eight other prayer leaders - only during the holy month of Ramadan. But the racial significance of the king’s gesture was unmistakable.
Sheik Adil, like most Saudis, is quick to caution that any racism here is not the fault of Islam, which preaches egalitarianism. The Prophet Muhammad himself, who founded the religion here 1,400 years ago, had black companions.
“Our Islamic history has so many famous black people,” said the imam, as he sat leaning his arm on a cushion in the reception room of his home. “It is not like the West.”
It is also true that Saudi Arabia is far more ethnically diverse than most Westerners realize. Saudis with Malaysian or African features are a common sight along the kingdom’s west coast, the descendants of pilgrims who came here over the centuries and ended up staying. Many have prospered and even attained high positions through links to the royal family. Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador to the United States, is the son of Prince Sultan and a dark-skinned concubine from southern Saudi Arabia.
But slavery was practiced here too, and was abolished only in 1962. Many traditional Arabs from Nejd, the central Saudi heartland, used to refer to all outsiders as “tarsh al bahr” - vomit from the sea. People of African descent still face some discrimination, as do most immigrants, even from other Arab countries. Many Saudis complain that the kingdom is still far too dominated by Nejd, the homeland of the royal family. There are nonracial forms of discrimination too, and many Shiite Muslims, a substantial minority, say they are not treated fairly.
“The prophet told us that social classes will remain, because of human nature,” Sheik Adil said gravely. “These are part of the pre-Islamic practices that persist.”
BLACK skin is not the only social obstacle Sheik Adil has overcome. His father came to Saudi Arabia in the 1950s from Ras al Khaima, in what is now the United Arab Emirates, and obtained a job as a low-level government clerk. The family had little money, and after finishing high school, Adil took a job with Saudi Arabian Airlines while attending night classes at King Saud University.
Only later did he study religion, laboriously memorizing the Koran and studying Islamic jurisprudence. In 1984 he passed the government exam to become an imam, and worked briefly at the mosque in the Riyadh airport. Four years later he won a more prominent position as the imam of the King Khalid mosque, a tall white building that is not far from one of the Intelligence Ministry’s offices.
Theologically, Sheik Adil reflects the general evolution of Saudi thinking over the last two decades. During the 1980s he met Osama bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam, a leader of the jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan. He initially sympathized with their radical position and anger toward the West. Later, he said, he began to find their views narrow, especially after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Now he speaks warmly of King Abdullah’s new initiatives, which include efforts to moderate the power of the hard-line religious establishment and to modernize Saudi Arabia’s judiciary and educational establishment. He reads Al Watan, a liberal newspaper.
“Some people in this country want everyone to be a carbon copy,” Sheik Adil said. “This is not my way of thinking. You can learn from the person who is willing to criticize, to give a different point of view.”
His life, like that of most imams, follows a rigid routine: he leads prayers five times a day at the mosque, then walks across the parking lot to his home, which he shares with two wives and 12 children. On Fridays, he gives a sermon as well.
HE expected it to continue that way for the rest of his life. Then in early September he woke up to hear his cellphone and land line, both ringing continuously. Stirring from bed, he heard the administrator of the Grand Mosque leaving a message. He picked up one of the phones, and heard the news that the king had selected him.
Two days later he walked into a grand reception room where he was greeted by Prince Khalid al-Faisal, the governor of Mecca Province. Sheik Adil tried to introduce himself, but the prince cut him off with a smile: “You are known,” he said.
Next, Sheik Adil was led to a table where he sat with King Abdullah and other ministers. He was too shy to address the king directly, but as he left the room he thanked him and kissed him on the nose, a traditional sign of deference.
Remembering the moment, Sheik Adil smiled and went silent. Then he pulled out his laptop and showed a visitor a TH-cam clip of him reciting the Koran at the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
“To recite before thousands of people, this is no problem for me,” he said. “But the place, its holiness, is so different from praying anywhere else. In that shrine, there are kings, presidents and ordinary people, all being led in prayer by you as imam. It gives you a feeling of honor, and a fear of almighty God.”
thank you so much I Read it but I cry walahi life is too short but may Allah grant you jannah for the story
I read it all too! Alhamdulillah! God is the Greatest, and the Quran is his words which heals our hearts with just hearing the recitation of Quran, specially from people like Adil Kalbani!
Allahu Akbar. This is so motivating
High time we should rid racisism from Islam
Pharaoh24k where DId you get this from?
ما أسرع الأيام تجري،كأنها إلا بالأمس..
أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ
إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ
وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ
لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ
تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمْرٍ
سَلامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ
Al hamd o lilla. I had the privilage of praying behind him in green lane masjid birmingham about 7 years ago or maybe bit more, the man has an aura about him which I've not seen in any sheikh apart from abu bakr shatree and Khalid al ghamdi. I never got a chance to get to macca when he was imam there, may ALLAH give us unity and hidaiya .
Islam is great and we are bless to be muslims....
Mashallah. beautiful voice. Allah bless him.
Nice voice tre bell voix
Quran consists in my mind♥♥
All of these Imams are high ranking scholars, teachers , judges, they dont just go around leading salah, this is the reason they take turns , they all have schedules.
Are you still alive?
I love his voice
He is indeed a great man ,love him
Wish I
Could pray with sheikh adel al kalbani in makkah
Masha Allah love the Shaykh recitation
subhanAllah!! Glory be to Allah
Imagine 14 yrs ago u type this and on the day of judgment u get rewarded everything will be recorded not even 1 single deed is lost subhanallah! :D all praise belongs to allah who does not forget any good small deed
السلام عليكم
adil kalbani very emotional voice mashable allah
yo this imaam is a beast.. Allahu Akbar
You know meaning of beast write best okay if you d,nt know first of all learn correct word..
Stop being a jerk and enjoy the Quran
don't say beast just say he has a very good voice
This is what is wrong with the muslims. Always finding a way to worry about insignificant issues. In no way am I calling him an animal when I say he is a beast. This foolishness has to stop.
Alhamdulillah I love your voice so much.
2:04 In ramadan I read with the quran in my hand too
End of Surah Hasr: 26:53
Maa shaa Allah... May Allah bless him and reward him uncountable
May Allah give honour return to him by the object of Quran.. 🤲
Allahou Akbar, je sens de la crainte dans son voix. Maashalah, c'est un don de Dieu qu'il attribue à qui Il veut
Alhamdulillah - Praise be to Allah
en entendant sheikh kalbani jai les larmes aux yeux
ما أحسن هذا الصوت
Masha. Allah Rebi zidli elma Yarahman
I love you my best adil welahi sum wellahi love you soooooo much
আলহামদুলিল্লাহ 😢😢😢😢
Just to let you know that Sheikh Kalbani was only appointed for the Ramadhaan period , he was a guest imam , his masjid is in Jeddah.
I was greatly disappointed that Sheikh Kalbani was not appointed as a permanent imam because he would have made a great addition to the A'imah of the Haram
Bint Ahmed His Masjid is in Riyadh
Can you inform me about Sheikh Ahmad Hameed's former mosque
Jazakallah for the info I always thought he was a imam at masjid al haraam
Yes everyone wants him back
Masha Allah ❤❤❤❤
Il a une très belle voie machallah
Beutiful voice
سبحان الله والحمدالله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر ولله الحمد
ليتك ترجع الحرم المكي الشريف
masha allah Emotional voice by shaikh Adil El kelbani
ماشاء الله حفظك الله يا امام
May Allah guide us All, to the straight, NON VIOLENT, path
Exodus 23:24
You are not to bow down to their gods or serve them. You are not to follow their practices, but you are to overthrow them completely and smash their sacred stones to pieces.
The kingdom of God will be taken from you and will be given on to another nation who will produce pure fruits... This is what you're seeing right now
@@SheedLordBear tell him bro hahaha
These Christians
Look how beautiful and elegant the mosque was. Now it is overshadowed by that clock tower and all the Las Vegas style buildings. Shame on them!
Ğafərallahu ləhum va Nəsarallahu ləhum ! Allahummə Əmin
Very beautiful
God bless you
He said it in an interview, it caused huge debates among scholars. And that is why Sheikh Kalbani is no longer is Masjid Al-Haram.
Profile 1 it’s not true he was only a guest
maa shaa allaah may allah bless him
Hafazakallah Ya sheikh
maanaha Allah sh.kalbaane
I love all about this
Ya sheikhna assalamalaikum
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: «كان النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم يذكر الله على كل أحْيَانِه».
ربنا لاتحرمنا من ضلك و كلامك يوم القيامة
اللهم آمين
une tres tres belle voix ma chaallah
Jazakallah mashaallah
Best Telowat
the first black imam in Kaaba. that's really great.
Issoufou sarina ysy no he': not the first! Alot before him
Issoufou sarina ysy (I remember how hard is for bilal to be accepted, with religion of truth
Issoufou sarina ysy ( as black man, I kept my way of worship Allah to myself from cheick Ahmad bamba, to cheick Ibrahim inas did other Muslim recognize them. Cheick kalbani was not promote to full extend as sudais and other. But let be clear the religion was send to straighten the pagans Arabs, Jews, nasarrah. Black are just doing work of Almighty. Only Almighty has last words let see who the hypocrites are.
das ma dadz favr8 recitor!! i lyk him 2 buh i like Sheikh Talib more
1:00 Mujadila
14:37: Hashr
bərakəllahu ləhum
Mash'allah. La voix se qalbani
ماشاءالله ❤❤❤❤❤❤
How is this possible that he is acting in a Movie
He is a hypocrite
@@Masterdoctorgenius14 he he was doin such a good job being the imam then suddenly Shaitan distracted him and he became a Munafiq 😓
@@ishi50909qq You will get his lifestyle from google and some of his Fatwa of him. Then you can realise.
ماااشااء الله ❤️
Macha allhaou , une de la piété.
awesome MashAllah
We need downloading option please.
الله اكبر
Annika wax wanaagsan baad samaysay Ellos.
I think you have to read his full biography.
جميل ❤
Macha Allah respect 💖👍
Tabaraka lah
rachida nouni
mashallah marvellous
Mashallah shaeik
Do you understand the arabic language a little bit?
If you do i can send you the link.
الحمد الله دايما وابد
May Allah reward
Masha allah