Bulgaria, a reluctant Nazi Ally? | България неохотен нацистки съюзник? | MyCenturyTV

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2024
  • България неохотен нацистки съюзник?
    България е част от страните от Оста през Втората световна война. Популярното мнение е, че когато българското правителство е принудено да влезе в този съюз, то става „неохотен“ нацистки съюзник. Но наистина ли е така? Вижте повече за нашия нов проект тук: mycentury.tv/d...
    Bulgaria, a reluctant Nazi Ally?
    Bulgaria was part of the Axis group of countries in the Second World War. Popular opinion has it now that the Bulgarian government was forced into this alliance, it was a “reluctant” Nazi ally. But was it really? See more about our new project here: mycentury.tv/d...
    The project Against Disinformation: Electronic Lessons from Bulgaria's History is implemented with a financial support of €23,220, provided by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The entire responsibility for the content of the project rests with MyCentury and can under no circumstances be taken to reflect the official opinion of the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Operator of the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. The project Against Disinformation: Electronic Lessons from Bulgaria's History is in response to the changed environment and the challenges, arising from the war in Ukraine.

ความคิดเห็น • 7

  • @nikolaimiloshev
    @nikolaimiloshev 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Какъв избор сме имали? Да си проливаме кръвта за нашите мъчители Гърция и Югославия ли? Това ли е изборът?

  • @vasil.kamdzhalov
    @vasil.kamdzhalov ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Това не е изцяло точно и пак подлежи на дебат. Както сами споменахте, това е и малко до борба на каква идея ще остане като доминантната в историята. Тук ясно се виждат добри и лоши намерения в тези времена от множество хора. Ще се съглася, че този поглед трябва да го има също, но да остане балансирано, нито сме се били на фронтове, а с партизани, и хората протестираха за спирането на българските евреи от депортация, но със сигурност има събитие на нехуманност или открито зло.
    Коментирам, защото ако се считам за обикновен човек, моето усещане от клипа да "остана" с усещането на вина отколкото баланс.

  • @veselinva
    @veselinva ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Дали сте свобода на словото на комунисти да говорят за тоя период. Срамота.

  • @SuperROXTA
    @SuperROXTA ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Някак си не успях да бъда убеден че сме можели да останем неутрални и да не пропуснем германските войски към Гърция. Ако бяхме отказали да се присъединим щяха да ни прегазят.

    • @TVMyCentury
      @TVMyCentury  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thanks. Standing up to evil is usually worthier than surrendering. Greece and Yugoslavia had Nazi troops on their borders, but didn't surrender. Yet such a risk hardly existed for Bulgaria in 1941 - its economy and finances were intertwined with those of Nazi Germany.

    • @vasil.kamdzhalov
      @vasil.kamdzhalov ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@TVMyCentury Being occupied after fighting would have given us a chance to protest and save the bulgarian jews while having a goverment that can do something? Again this very goes into "what ifs". If you check the number of deaths in WW2 overall, Yugoslavia gave over a million casualties post occupation, they continued to fight gorrilla warfare as you woul suggest and nazis started killing 100 civilains as punishment for any soldgiers killed in the region of Serbia. Greece was put into a famine after the economy collapced and people could just recover while occupied by us too. Would we get that needed help from the Allies that fast to hold off? No. Churchill ordered a defence of Greece to defend their bases in the Mediterranian and possible attack oil production in Romania with bombers, they didn't need us with those goals, that is why Germany attack Greece in the first place, for the oil. Like again, you skip a lot trying to prove something that is worth only discussing than changing the history view and blaming more, we have stuff to be blamed but we didnt have stuff to double down on as only being bad because of them.
      We didnt sent troops anywhere on a frontline and in the end we took part in freeing the Balkan states as a flank of the Red Army's Unkrainian front to reach Austria.
      The only thing I would change is to write that the deal was written because german troops were on the border. That was decided long before, but intents can vary. I'm trying to be fair here.I dont think you try.

  • @macedonia3321
    @macedonia3321 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are Macedonians. Not Bulgarians Not slavs Not greeks.
    Alexander the great was not Slav Bulgarian Greek.