I was shot, and then all of a sudden I was above my body, and then I was looking at this bright light coming from my left. And then I was awakened getting into the ambulance, a second later I'm out of my body again riding above the ambulance to the hospital. They woke me up again in the ER, and put me under for surgery. And that's all I remembered.
I think some of the comments about the book sales are a bit unfair. This is a good man. I don't get the slightest sliminess. Pure, genuine love and sincerity.
Always with you. Jesus showed me that. My dad was tried to kill me as a child. The Lord showed me a memory of myself hiding in a cabinet waiting on the police. Praying to become invisible. Finally I cried out Jesus save me as the door swung open & a police officer pulled me out. Jesus was waiting there with me. Always with me.
My father would punish me by shoving my head into the toilet and holding it underwater. This began when I was four. He did so many other things. God gave me the gift of a very good heart, filled with Hope. I think I might know something of your pain. How glorious it is that we know Jesus and we cling to Him like a baby monkey to its mother’s chest. We are blessed! By the way, I know some of the horrors my father went through as a small child. Abuse often begins abuse. It doesn’t have to, but in his case it did. God has given me the gift of compassion, at least the desire to exercise it. Again, I am blessed !
As I read your response, I felt my world slow down, as I to remember hiding from my father wanting to be invisible. My terror was palpable even to this day. I didn’t know Jesus then, but I’m sure he was with me as my father walked straight past me as I hid in a corner of the room as he walk inches past me. I grew up a very bitter and angry woman, but thankfully I am now a Christian and I try with the Lords help to put those feelings away from me.
I have to say in love. Is that when you read scripture. As well as have a relationship with the Lord. You know, without a shadow of a doubt. God is the only God the God of the Bible, is it. I mean, how can there be any other if he is the creator of all. Mayvthe Lord open the hearts of man to see that only one God exists and we are worship him and him alone. We need him he created us for his glory.
The only part of your mind that has reality is the part that links you still with God. Would you have all of it transformed into a radiant message of God's Love, to share with all the lonely ones who have denied Him? God makes this possible. Would you deny His yearning to be known? You yearn for Him, as He for you. This is forever changeless. Accept, then, the immutable. Leave the world of death behind, and return quietly to Heaven. There is nothing of value here, and everything of value there. Listen to the Holy Spirit, and to God through Him. He speaks of you to you. There is no guilt in you, for God is blessed in His Son as the Son is blessed in Him. Everyone has a special part to play in the Atonement, but the message given to each one is always the same; God's Son is guiltless. Each one teaches the message differently, and learns it differently. Yet until he teaches it and learns it, he will suffer the pain of dim awareness that his true function remains unfulfilled in him. The burden of guilt is heavy, but God would not have you bound by it. His plan for your awaking is as perfect as yours is fallible. You know not what you do, but He Who knows is with you. His gentleness is yours, and all the love you share with God He holds in trust for you. He would teach you nothing except how to be happy. Blessed Son of a wholly blessing Father, joy was created for you. Who can condemn whom God has blessed? There is nothing in the Mind of God that does not share His shining innocence. Creation is the natural extension of perfect purity. Your only calling here is to devote yourself, with active willingness, to the denial of guilt in all its forms. To accuse is not to understand. The happy learners of the Atonement become the teachers of the innocence that is the right of all that God created. Deny them not what is their due, for you will not withhold it from them alone. The inheritance of the Kingdom is the right of God's Son, given him in his creation. Do not try to steal it from him, or you will ask for guilt and will experience it. Protect his purity from every thought that would steal it away and keep it from his sight. Bring innocence to light, in answer to the call of the Atonement. Never allow purity to remain hidden, but shine away the heavy veils of guilt within which the Son of God has hidden himself from his own sight. We are all joined in the Atonement here, and nothing else can unite us in this world. So will the world of separation slip away, and full communication be restored between the Father and the Son. The miracle acknowledges the guiltlessness that must have been denied to produce the need of healing. Do not withhold this glad acknowledgment, for hope of happiness and release from suffering of every kind lie in it. Who is there but wishes to be free of pain? He may not yet have learned how to exchange guilt for innocence, nor realize that only in this exchange can freedom from pain be his. Yet those who have failed to learn need teaching, not attack. To attack those who have need of teaching is to fail to learn from them. Teachers of innocence, each in his own way, have joined together, taking their part in the unified curriculum of the Atonement. There is no unity of learning goals apart from this. There is no conflict in this curriculum, which has one aim however it is taught. Each effort made on its behalf is offered for the single purpose of release from guilt, to the eternal glory of God and His creation. And every teaching that points to this points straight to Heaven, and the peace of God. There is no pain, no trial, no fear that teaching this can fail to overcome. The power of God Himself supports this teaching, and guarantees its limitless results. Join your own efforts to the power that cannot fail and must result in peace. No one can be untouched by teaching such as this. You will not see yourself beyond the power of God if you teach only this. You will not be exempt from the effects of this most holy lesson, which seeks but to restore what is the right of God's creation. From everyone whom you accord release from guilt you will inevitably learn your innocence. The circle of Atonement has no end. And you will find ever-increasing confidence in your safe inclusion in the circle with everyone you bring within its safety and its perfect peace. Peace, then, be unto everyone who becomes a teacher of peace. For peace is the acknowledgment of perfect purity, from which no one is excluded. Within its holy circle is everyone whom God created as His Son. Joy is its unifying attribute, with no one left outside to suffer guilt alone. The power of God draws everyone to its safe embrace of love and union. Stand quietly within this circle, and attract all tortured minds to join with you in the safety of its peace and holiness. Abide with me within it, as a teacher of Atonement, not of guilt. Blessed are you who teach with me. Our power comes not of us, but of our Father. In guiltlessness we know Him, as He knows us guiltless. I stand within the circle, calling you to peace. Teach peace with me, and stand with me on holy ground. Remember for everyone your Father's power that He has given him. Believe not that you cannot teach His perfect peace. Stand not outside, but join with me within. Fail not the only purpose to which my teaching calls you. Restore to God His Son as He created him, by teaching him his innocence. The crucifixion had no part in the Atonement. Only the resurrection became my part in it. That is the symbol of the release from guilt by guiltlessness. Whom you perceive as guilty you would crucify. Yet you restore guiltlessness to whomever you see as guiltless. Crucifixion is always the ego's aim. It sees everyone as guilty, and by its condemnation it would kill. The Holy Spirit sees only guiltlessness, and in His gentleness He would release from fear and re-establish the reign of love. The power of love is in His gentleness, which is of God and therefore cannot crucify nor suffer crucifixion. The temple you restore becomes your altar, for it was rebuilt through you. And everything you give to God is yours. Thus He creates, and thus must you restore. Each one you see you place within the holy circle of Atonement or leave outside, judging him fit for crucifixion or for redemption. If you bring him into the circle of purity, you will rest there with him. If you leave him without, you join him there. Judge not except in quietness which is not of you. Refuse to accept anyone as without the blessing of Atonement, and bring him into it by blessing him. Holiness must be shared, for therein lies everything that makes it holy. Come gladly to the holy circle, and look out in peace on all who think they are outside. Cast no one out, for here is what he seeks along with you. Come, let us join him in the holy place of peace which is for all of us, united as one within the Cause of peace. A Course In Miracles (1975) Author: _Jesus Christ_ ~*~ John 17: 12-22
And This is Why Toys Democrats Despise Actual Christian and the Bible with All Their heart.. They embrace tThis Scary, Fake “God news”, “Who cares” “woke” fake Pagan “Climate change” cult. It’s scary.
Let’s do everything we can to get closer to Jesus. He is the most adorable God ever. His love for us is just unbeatable and He really enjoys our company.
In order to have everlasting life you absolutely must trust in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation 💞 this means that saving repentance is turning from unbelief to belief.
Death is NOT the End but only the Beginning of where you'll be for Eternity. THIS speck we call Life will seem as if it were ALL a dream. Your family, mother and father, brothers, sisters and friends. All a dream. Eternity - Heaven or Hell will BE REALITY.
Its ok for someone to make a living by telling their story. I never discount someone right away just because they have a book or a project. Think for just a minute that he is being truthful. What a wonderful way to make a living. Sharing the best news possible. I’m not saying there are not some that take advantage and aren’t truthful. Just don’t let them tarnish the vast majority of people that aren’t perfect but are sincere.
My wife AnnMarie died and my son Erick died of leukemia at age 14 and I suffer a stroke and can not longer walk I want to die so I can be with my wife AnnMarie and my son Erick Haleluia ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I can't imagine how you feel, but I lost my 17 year old son and my father and brother-in-law. I didn't think it could get worse until I lost my only son.
We are spirits (image of God) inside these human bodies or as Peter put it “Tabernacle”. We are not our physical earthly bodies. Our mighty creator, redeemer, and KING is revealing Himself enormously upon the face of the earth! Let’s BE THE SALT & LIGHT He told us to be! Let’s feed, clothe, visit prisoners, help orphans, help widows, give drink to strangers, bring strangers into our homes etc. LET US LOVE JESUS WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND TRULY LOVE OTHERS! Let us urgently pray for our enemies and do all for HIM because He created EVERYTHING & PAID FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! God help us! HE WILL! HE IS!
You answered a question I have had, about why don't people come back knowing what to do to get born again, and you answered it about Pauls experience. We must seek God and be obedient to scripture, we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. John 3:3-8 [3]Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. [4]Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? [5]Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. [6]That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. [7]Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. [8]The wind (spirit) bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. (The "sound" spoken of here, of the spirit/wind, is speaking in tongues) Thank you.
Having never had a NDE, I don’t understand how anyone could not be fascinated by this. I too have low key been obsessed with these. It’s the most important mystery in our lives.
I’ve had a NDE, I also agree with the notion of having a life after death, because I know how I die, I’ve seen it in visions, can’t pin point it but even if one of those is true it would definitely prove to me. Because we always leave the world scared and not exactly knowing……. and that’s a gray area.
I love your explination of the black and white 2D and the 3D comparative. Ive battled with the concept of reincarnation. To come to the realisation that if we are....then we are a blank canvas everytime So when we start building our life and awareness in the new body grows again..... We ask ourselves the exact same questions....have we been here before. But because the canvas was cleared....its the same US but we just dont know. Its like when people have hesd trauma and lose memory. Its like they have to live life from the start again....but in the same body.
I do not believe everyone that saids they've had a NDE especially if they make unbiblical claims...but I do believe and can see that God is no doubt coming soon! Why? There is an explosion of people of all ages, backgrounds getting saved..beautiful testimonies and NDE's! God is gathering His people to get them ready to go! God please come in our lifetime! I will be ready!
I believe in Jesus. I believe in all of this. I’m just concerned that Heaven is going to be like an endless acid trip, because that doesn’t seem fun. Also, the thought of floating around clouds ☁️ does nothing for me. My vision of Heaven is a place where I’m with loved ones, no pain, no suffering, no death, no money issues, & just basically how Earth 🌎 and the Garden of Eden was originally described. The whole tripping out thing I keep hearing is weird. I Love Jesus, I just don’t understand how eternity feeling like I’m high as a kite 🪁 sounds enjoyable.
Pray to him ..say lord Jesus I believe in you and what you did for me on the cross I want you to be my lord and savior and ask for forgiveness of your sins and have faith in him and you will be saved ..he's just waiting for you to turn to him
God bless everyone are they classic cars shows in heaven and do we get are dream mansion and classic cars in heaven and do we reunite with are family and can do reunite with are friends ❤❤
I'm Leo 44 . And lately I think they've led do mysterious health problems and I'm from an entire atheistic family but me and a few others have been having paranormal experiences the first were demonic. I ran to a church to get help one day after many months of it doing something to me and my brothers in our sleep as teen. Friends cousins many experienced the evil and dread that exuded this thing even at day. Parents wouldn't listen. Then, it came after me one day after l il ke 2 yrs at day you couldnt always see the black shadow or the twisted man thing. Or the red glowing eyes. But you always felt the atomic bomb worth of dread and fear. Me and one o my brothers were home alone one day. We fealt it and we both left separately. It came after me I was on my mountain bike, riding for my life. Thought it left me it didnt it tried to trick and ambush me. I was feeling I had to run to this church I saw some weird stuff on the way. I got in. Barely. No one was there. I Waited and nobody showed up I could ask anybody any questions. . Then I left after a while thinking I didn't have any help when I went home I'd like to stay with a friend for a few days the most I could stay away before my parents told me I havd to come home. . Yet it was gone and after a while I realized is gone and it didn't come back and it didn't and a couple of years later until I was 18 and I moved out of there it had never returned I never knew for sure I never realized I stopped to thank God I'd never have felt like God exist or felt like any of that good stuff was there yet I had a lot of other paranormal experiences over time from other things nigata wasn't alone there were some places where it was obvious to me there was a dead person or something there that didn't want me there the paranormal seems to hate me more than anyone else would want me gone I've gone to check out all other people's places I studied the paranormal really looked into it for 30 years 944 I'm going to a medical clinic with a lot of people who have had in your death experiences I'm watching your experience videos and now I think there's good side that I can't see I want. I want to get baptized and come into a church and get right with God because I realized now that I'm not able to see the good side but every couple of weeks or every couple months I will have a Paranormal visithere I can't always sense what they are or if they're evil sometimes they are sometimes I'm waking up and something's trying to suck the life out of me like A. Sleep paralysis attack or what you really if you know about the paranormal you could call it a habit attack basically wearing enemies coming up and sucking the life and energy out of you sometimes people can't see these entities but I have and it's not the same one and they're evil with the face with a 1000 times the hate of anybody I've ever seen in life. Horrible horrible looking last time I couldn't see it but it was weird that I felt there was a number of other enemies in the corner of the room that was bad and it's thing to get away from me and I'm booming proof it was over yes I had ex-girlfriends and the next wife that you're telling me I would stop breathing in my sleep and you wouldn't sure why now I wake up coughing . . Like something stopping me from breathing in my sleep Doctor check me out and I hate some of things do I go when I sleep hooked up to the machines and they could find anything wrong with me there. You're trying to tell me maybe this maybe that maybe I have some narcolepsy during the daytime cause I do get tired And fall asleep during the day sometimes all people do. I'd like to think these things you're gonna wait in a minute a couple months later I get another visit decided that the paranormal is real I'm having enough faithful disbelieve in God anymore it's not uneasy to believe coming from a hardcore atheist family. But I'm on a mission to try to get things straight a lot of what you guys have said on this program I have really helped you convince me I didn't know that the atheistic artProfessor who died and came back his name was professor Howard storm. I wasn't aware that his wife would thought he was crazy and left him that's what my family's gonna do to me when I join a Catholic Church this year but I feel that's what I'm supposed to do and I don't agree with the Pope and a whole lot of it's the bad priest there's a lot of great priest many of which are exorcist and they have some fantastic videos with a lot of truth and a lot of things that people shouldn't know like the fact that most people around Paranormal were doing it to themselves or have done something like reiki energy healing , Or even something is simple yes TAROT cards And all these new 🎉age practices or much worse things like satanism. ou know what you gotta do to get help I'm not sure what I did or my family did I was just a kid we moved into a bad place but I feel I'm tainted I need help.
I personally believe these near death reports are Gods way of pouring out His Spirit and making good on the prophet Joels prophesy as told in Acts 2 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
Please tell this beautiful author that I'm pretty sure he has a dairy intolerance. His sinuses are dripping down the back of his throat. I am now dairy free (mosty). Maybe if I'm visiting and given something, I will eat it. My sinuses are so much better, I hope he gets this message. XO
I think that trinity is the Father (God), the son (us - like Jesus) and the Holy Spirit which is the unique spirit that God communicates to us with, like a pipeline.
Sadly No. Please read the Scriptures...And pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to give you Grace to understand. God Bless 💖 Also the silver cord is a kind of New Agee concept. It's not in the Bible. So....most likely not true. God Can do Anything He wants. But He respects our Free Will.
Buy the book or don't, WHY shouldn't he share these stories. Who is to say he is or is NOT doing God's work. Live and let live. I have had NDE, however the second time I died I didn't so this gives me hope 😊
We tend to put God in a box. I view the Bible as Gods word. Very , very important for us to study, be inspired by, uplifted by, seek knowledge from etc but we don't worship the Bible. We worship God thrue Jesus ,anointed , Messiah, son of God and the holy spirit. Here is thesis I have. It may or may not be true but it makes sence to me. For those who have there Theology , Eschatology all worked out from the scriptures. Cemented or if I may use the expression "put in a box" You may not like this Thesis. When we die. Is it or sins that seperate us from God? Is it our individual sin? Not our friends or neighbours sin. Could it be right that the distance or hell that a person find them selves from God is equal to there sin. Is it reasonable that a person who have committed hainous crimes would recieve the same punishment from God in a hell verses a kind and caring person who didn't recieve Christ. ( True! In Gods eyes no one is good) Wouldn't it be just that the criminal would recieve the consequences/punishment of his crimes in hell and the kind caring person recieve the consequences/punsishment of his sins in hell wich in comparison would be of a lesser degree. Not saying hell is a place anyone want to go and that its not terrible but wouldn't it make sence that the punishment should be just.
The author talks about time. God told Moses that His name was “I am that I am”. When Moses said who shall I say sent me God said “Tell them I am sent you”. There are not two dimensions of time but an infinite number of dimensions of time; but really there’s only one time. That time is the eternal present. God is nowhere else but here with us as we experience life. He is omniPRESENT. Here and now is where we worship God. To not be worldly and consider worldly things we can kill that tendency by remaining in the present and allowing that God will take care of everything. That can only happen by abiding deeply and profoundly in the present. (Action takes place in the present). There are others on this planet who have achieved this. We can do it too. We can worship God as we truly live. The only time that the past and the future exist is when we consider them in the present moment!
Is this some kind of joke talk? John 11:43 (UKJV) And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. Almost 2000 years ago. 2 Corinthians 12:4 (UKJV) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, (o. rhema) which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Almost 2000 years ago. Churches full of unbelief. Churchianity. The whole bible comes from peoples experiences with the Lord. Bible worship. Dead words that are read, but not believed.
Why would Christians years ago dismiss these encounters if the ppl said they were positive and sacred. Wouldn’t they want to validate that and be super happy to hear it to justify the faith.
I am 60 this year. Read about these NDEs many years ago in book by Moody. Only near Death thing to anyone I knew was a 92 year old lady I assisted, said when her Mother was dying she looked up and said, I didn't know it's so beautiful!❤
Because a lot of “Christians” just like the church traditions of man. The Laodicean church. They can’t receive the things of the spirit, of little faith.
You also have to think with those telling their experience, their audience may have never heard of such a thing, or see it as a one off. They may be telling friends or family, but not the doctors, so nothing was verifiable like some of those who were able to retell what the doctors were doing during operation. Also, this isn’t exactly biblical from my understanding. I do believe these experiences are real because there is strength in the case with commonalities and the out of body experience verifications.
Biblical Cosmology is one of my studies. The word Earth is how it describes God's creation. Planet is described as a wandering stars. The word globe isn't Biblical. Science is also a word in the Bible but is corrupted. Having God's word to rely on gives me confidence in the truth of where we live and breathe. That to say when you talk about the creation it is more Biblical to use the words God gave us..Earth, Heaven, Hell and the heavenly host's called stars along with those that left the order of God to be called planets. Earth is not a planet Biblically.
In all kindness,so what if the word”globe” is biblical or not? It is a globe anyway. Science as mathematics,physics and chemistry aren’t mentioned in the bible, and they are all solid facts whatever the bible says or not. I personally prefer a doctor than a preacher if I broke a leg. And by the way,hell is not either in the original hebrew and greek scriptures. ❤️
I gotta ask why don't ppl whonsee Jesus in a nde ever describe what he looks like. Becuase there are alot of us who know the portrait of a white hippy man is not at all what Jesus looked like. That image we know of is a portrait of a Roman man's son. Idk if it was a dictator or priest but none the less ot was his sons image as jesus
How do you explain history with science? Why was George Washington? When science tries to explain religion, it’s similar to comparing apples to oranges.
How does Pastor Burke address those people who come back as non-Christians, but see all of the same sorts of things Christians allegedly see; the bright light, super, overwhelming expressions of acceptance and love, views of vistas outside the gates of heaven, etc., but also talk about pre-incarnate contracts that they wrote for their life experience. They advocate for Reincarnation, everyone allowed to heaven without exception, instructing others to live a good life, including loving others, in order to merit heaven, etc., etc. I have yet to hear Mr. Burke, explicitly address all of these clearly non-biblical experiences. I understand there will always be counterfeits, but at this point it appears there are more counterfeits than there are verifiably Christian experiences. Wonder why, for the serious Christian, he doesn’t address these troubling testimonies.
Hey there, good questions. I've been looking into ndes myself as of late as a Christian, and I definitely see the points your making. But it's important to note that the devil is very good, I'd say, at disguising himself as an angel of light. Deceiving people into thinking their in a place of paradise, when their actually surrounded by a dome of illusion, as some other nder's call it where they see others in hell deceived while going through their own hell nde. When people come back from either a heaven or hell nde, and deny Christ, that doesn't mean that He's not up there. That just means that their not ready to accept the truth of the Christian worldview. Bear with me here for a minute and hear me out. Roughly 1 quarter of ndes are hellish, and so when people say that the being of light and love lets everyone into heaven/paradise, whether their religious or not, that makes me suspicious of their experience right off the bat. As we know that's not the case just based alone on the fact that there are so many hellish ndes. So when someone says that they see a being of light that they think isn't Jesus and says that reincarnation is true and everyone makes it in, that pretty much shows me that they were just deceived in a false heaven/paradise experience, where they were actually in hell with demons trying to put on a charade. That would make sense if the Christian worldview is true, with demons/evil spirits in the spiritual realm that hate humans who are created in the image and likeness of God. Desperately trying to deceive us into thinking that everyone goes to heaven, so why even put your trust in Christ? The bible says in romans 2:4 NLT; Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin? And luke 6:35 NASB; ...He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil people. It's no wonder the God of the Bible lets unbelievers see what they are missing, giving them a taste of what He wants them to have, if they would just turn to Him. But He also shows others hell, so that all of us here on earth hearing these stories know that He is also serious about sin, and there must be punishment. Either we're paying the price for straightup disobeying Him, or we're accepting Jesus' righteousness and what He did for us on the cross. If everyone saw hell when they had their nde, I feel like they'd be much less likely to turn to God. But at the same time, knowing that hell is a very real place, if God allowed everyone to see heaven, with very few people seeing hell, then we would all think that theres no punishment for sin, so the creator must be cruel for allowing rape and murder to go unpunished. God has balanced it out just right so we hear testimonies of both heaven with Him, and hell without Him, we choose. The Bible also says in romans 5:10-11 NASB that; "For if while we [Christians] were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 11 And not only this, but we also celebrate in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation." Note that Paul says that while we were enemies, meaning before we accepted Jesus, God had reconciled us to Himself. The whole world is reconciled to God, thats how every Christian, hindu, muslim and atheist are even allowed to stand before the uncreated creator and be shown any sort of kindness, despite what we have done to Him by disobeying His laws. But it's only those who have 'now received the reconciliation' who are able to stay standing before God for all of eternity. It's only those who want to be with Him, who havent rejected His son and what He did on the cross. It's only those who want to have relationship with God who God will spend forever with. If it's not the Christian God, or any other religious god that's up there, but rather some generic being of light that definitely seems to want to love on us and have a relationship with us and show kindness to us. Then how can we be in that relationship with him here on earth if he hasn't given us, or anyone else before this generation any sort of material here on earth besides the bible to show us how to be in relationship with him, or how to accept him? How has he shown us how to escape this place of hell that people go to? Why do some people who think their 'good' have the hellish nde, whereas some others who are bad people and even reject the idea of a loving God get shown this amazing place with so much love from an intimate creator? It's because the kindness of the biblical God leads those people who experience Him in a near death experience to repentance. People who come back from a heaven nde and reject the God of the bible, I'm convinced, do it either because they were deceived, or because they have some form of church hurt, or bad experiences from Christians in the past. Maybe they misunderstand certain passages in the bible that arn’t what they think. Let's not blame Jesus in light of some Christians on earth who play Christ poorly. As for reincarnation, I don't believe that's whats going on, because from what I've seen and heard, alot of people who experience heaven see their loved ones on the other side, alot of which seem very excited to see the nder, people who seem to have been there for a while. If reincarnation were true, then why are there people on the other side at all? Shouldn't they have just come back right away as a new person? Doesn't this God want to lavish His love on us forever? Why would He instead just send us back again and again to the earth? Just some things to think about. I hope I've helped you on your journey Keto. If you want to talk back and forth with me about this, let me know.:) Otherwise, God bless you and enjoy your week!
And beautiful explanation.Thank you very much.And I think keto lady should understand, I just got on keto carnival diet sixty days, and I feel great. I stay away from man-made materials and boxes that are pretty much poisoned and slowly take our health away and kill us.But other than that, thank you so much for explaining.Really enjoyed reading even as a christian that I am.
”Nobody can come to the father except through me” Jesus ar supposed to have said. He didn’t say:”you must read the scriptures forward,backwards and forwards again until you are totally brainwashed”. His disciples surely did not hang over the prophets all day. Theres is hardly a more boring collection of scriptures makin one fall asleep in 5 minutes. By the way there is no such thing as hell in the original hebrew and greek text rolls. Jesus is indeed son of God,the truth,the way and life itself. The bible is not.
It is difficult for many of us because in this life we live with much lose and suffering ,many of us have seen such brutal pain and horror. When that is a lot of your experience of living, it’s difficult to see JESUS as laughing and partying or festivals. We see the suffering and torment of JESUS life and death before the resurrection and we see terrible suffering and brutality we see the tears of the SON!
Yes. All true. Remain faithful in the Father. Fill your heart with gratitude for Him. Don’t despair. Hold to Him. He will make you useful to be a warrior against the evil. I pray God will radiate His love from your heart in your life! ❤
I wish people would shut up about the book sales this guy can make 20 books in selling it doesn't make you rich even nowadays especially nowadays yeah a lot of people read books go ahead and tell me if you do that doesn't mean that anybody's making that much money off booksales ridiculous. Totally absolutely ridiculous let the man sell his books she's not making he's not gonna get rich off it it might contribute a small amount to the cost of traveling around and doing interviews and doing things he needs to do I guarantee you ain't gonna make him rich have some sense through this you are ballet about his message don't be cowards. Me and my family were atheists we moved into a place that was demonic all right serious issues I was not alone there were a lot of other people thank God my immediate sense was that I had schizophrenia or brain cancerbadly but I was not alone in people who I did not tell what I was experiencing told me what they're experiencing when I had to accept the truth of it. I got so bad that I was under attack and I thought I was going to die or be possessed and then killed because it's absolutely evil absolute evil and also to other people had come around that house me and my brothers were teenagers we had a lot of friends we had cousins come around and we had a lot of girls route and people would know we wouldn't even have told them nothing people felt that doing people felt that evilit turned out the teenagers that lived their forests were playing with some dark stuffin fact we saw some odd things when we moved in but it never bothered us we had no fear of worry . Things got bad for me this thing was coming up and stands up in front of me and my brother's beds at night and it was torture These things suck the life out of people in order to try to stay alive and stable in this world and need the 3 dimensional energy and life energy. There's a lot of people who have these and they come to sleep process there's a lot of people I don't remember a lot of people don't remember the majority of their issues. I had next wife and then after her a long-term girlfriend who told me I was choking at night now it stopped breathing and eventually these women were experiencing the paranormal . My area is quite active as well I mean we had lived some other places that had some stuff going on most were not as bad as that first nightmare place but there was no denying experiences people every same experiences we heard of names we had our voices even my parents who were the most atheistic non-believing people on earth eventually were hearing their names and have experiences in the areawe live in area where there's several rivers and they converge together eventually they become one river. Down to the Illinois in Illinois and then they go down to the Mississippi. And we lived in a few of these areas over the years that were wooded in on rivers and rivers a lot of different experiences a lot of people. But some of the stuff I've seen was absolutely evili'm 44 now I'm finally to the point where I believe in God I've met people or I go to a medical clinic A lot of your death experiences there because a lot of the people have been resuscitated. Everything that this man is telling you in this show is right with all the NDE stuff I have heard I'm sold I'm going to get baptized and going to the church this year and I'm hoping it's some of my paranormal stuff will stop as every couple months I still have issues I'll have random visitors. I'm pretty scared to die in the state that I am. I feel like I'm cursed because I'm sensitive more than other people and these things come and bug me every so often. Sometimes I have a sleep prowl system sometimes I'll feel that I'm not alone and that I'm being watched and like something's coming around check me out it's never the exact same behavior I don't think it's the same energies at all. I'm not a crazy cook I'm just a regular dude in the past 10 years I've really straightened my behavior and a lot of stuff I was doing because I was pretty bad . I mean I was a really bad center and I was having major paranormal experiences and a lot of stuff is eased up since I've done better I'm not perfect but I am a whole lot better and I'm ready to go get right in hopefully God will take me back. Never been baptized or anything I want to try the Catholic Church I'm not happy about the Pope and what some of the priests do but there's a library priest and the catholic exorlist a lot of what they say is right with my research into the paranormal I've been looking into for 30 years there are some of the only people that will help you. I think I'm like a little infected by them or something the dark side. Or I'm just a little subject to them I'm unprotected I don't know if it's something I do need help I'm having mystery health problems at a really bad and the doctors aren't figuring it out.
Church and tpreligions are trying so hard to match up the nde experiences with your religious dogma. And your percentages of nde ers that have a hell lije experience doesn’t match other researchers such as Jeffrey Long who intensely has and is researching nde s .
Jesus didn't have a beard. The depiction we see of Jesus a white man with a long beard in a white robe didn't surface until the 12th century in England & has stuck for the past 8 to 900 hundred years. Jewish men had olive skin & were not to long hair or beards. So when I hear people say this I just know they're just shoving BS down our throat. I've listened & have read hundreds if not a thousand(literally)ndes. One thing I can tell you is about 5 - 7 yrs ago nde stories just exploded out of nowhere. We noe have countless TH-cam Chamnels devoted to NDEs & its almost like a race to who can get the most followers. It has got so bad its hard to trust anyone who claims to have had an nde. You also have people who try to out-do other people by how many ndes they've had. I saw a woman on one platform who claimed she has had 11 NDEs. Eleven NDE's. What a joke. Its really sad too. Human beings lie so much for attention or whatever drives them. We've always been story tellers. If on a scale of 1 to 10 of how many are being honest on all these nde channels now I'd say 3 out of 10 are being truthful. It has turned into a gimmick race just like everything else. A Christian in the United States sees Jesus in their NDE. A muslim sees Muhammad in their NDE. Do you honestly think theirs multiple God's because of the color of your skin was this or that? If you were born & raised in the middle east or Canada? No. There's certain tiny details in a truthful nde that I've have come to learn. But its getting to the point that its not worth listening to these charlatans taking advantage of good people. There's only one God.
Well he was saying the answer is in his book. Otherwise he would have to email an answer as long as the book😂 I don’t think he ment it mean. Remember he is only human
He has written a book goes around charging money for his ministry is a red flag, he started a church, said he is called of God and that God told him to write books. I believe in the afterlife and an obsession with the NDE stories, money is king it motivates all people i think he wanted his own NDE and saw this as a way to get rich
Until you are born again spirituality, you willnot have eyes to see or ears to hear. It's okay, you will though. You are loved and so precious. Edit: you have discernment.
This was excellent. Thank you!
I was shot, and then all of a sudden I was above my body, and then I was looking at this bright light coming from my left. And then I was awakened getting into the ambulance, a second later I'm out of my body again riding above the ambulance to the hospital. They woke me up again in the ER, and put me under for surgery. And that's all I remembered.
@@gilhumphreys6641 its a protection reaction of pain and shock
Thankfully you're alive hopefully you are well and healthy
That’s truly amazing-I’m glad your ok to tell us your story and live here with people I’m sure you love
Yes. What an odd gift for you! Now you know your soul is very real. Stay with the Lord. He IS your refuge!
I think some of the comments about the book sales are a bit unfair. This is a good man. I don't get the slightest sliminess. Pure, genuine love and sincerity.
He was told to write a book and share this by God. People are coming to Jesus because of John Burke and his ministry.
100% totally agree with you.
I’ve re-read imagine heaven a couple times now I’ll have to read imagine the god of heaven. I loved this interview!!
Its better on Audible
Me too!❤
Always with you. Jesus showed me that. My dad was tried to kill me as a child. The Lord showed me a memory of myself hiding in a cabinet waiting on the police. Praying to become invisible. Finally I cried out Jesus save me as the door swung open & a police officer pulled me out. Jesus was waiting there with me. Always with me.
My father would punish me by shoving my head into the toilet and holding it underwater. This began when I was four. He did so many other things. God gave me the gift of a very good heart, filled with Hope. I think I might know something of your pain. How glorious it is that we know Jesus and we cling to Him like a baby monkey to its mother’s chest. We are blessed!
By the way, I know some of the horrors my father went through as a small child. Abuse often begins abuse. It doesn’t have to, but in his case it did. God has given me the gift of compassion, at least the desire to exercise it. Again, I am blessed !
As I read your response, I felt my world slow down, as I to remember hiding from my father wanting to be invisible. My terror was palpable even to this day. I didn’t know Jesus then, but I’m sure he was with me as my father walked straight past me as I hid in a corner of the room as he walk inches past me. I grew up a very bitter and angry woman, but thankfully I am now a Christian and I try with the Lords help to put those feelings away from me.
48 percent ?
I am curious, how did you know to call on Jesus in that moment?
@levans3447 I was raised in church. It's always been my primary response to call on Jesus. I also quoted scriptures before I could read.
Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.
Amen glory to the great I am forever and ever
You have a lot of faith in something that failed multiple times to save the whole world (according to your own book, not me)
I have to say in love. Is that when you read scripture. As well as have a relationship with the Lord. You know, without a shadow of a doubt. God is the only God the God of the Bible, is it. I mean, how can there be any other if he is the creator of all. Mayvthe Lord open the hearts of man to see that only one God exists and we are worship him and him alone. We need him he created us for his glory.
Just as he says in this interview, Jesus christ Reveals himself even when the person is hindu
The only part of your mind that has reality is the part that links you still with God. Would you have all of it transformed into a radiant message of God's Love, to share with all the lonely ones who have denied Him? God makes this possible. Would you deny His yearning to be known? You yearn for Him, as He for you. This is forever changeless. Accept, then, the immutable. Leave the world of death behind, and return quietly to Heaven. There is nothing of value here, and everything of value there. Listen to the Holy Spirit, and to God through Him. He speaks of you to you. There is no guilt in you, for God is blessed in His Son as the Son is blessed in Him.
Everyone has a special part to play in the Atonement, but the message given to each one is always the same; God's Son is guiltless. Each one teaches the message differently, and learns it differently. Yet until he teaches it and learns it, he will suffer the pain of dim awareness that his true function remains unfulfilled in him. The burden of guilt is heavy, but God would not have you bound by it. His plan for your awaking is as perfect as yours is fallible. You know not what you do, but He Who knows is with you. His gentleness is yours, and all the love you share with God He holds in trust for you. He would teach you nothing except how to be happy.
Blessed Son of a wholly blessing Father, joy was created for you. Who can condemn whom God has blessed? There is nothing in the Mind of God that does not share His shining innocence. Creation is the natural extension of perfect purity. Your only calling here is to devote yourself, with active willingness, to the denial of guilt in all its forms. To accuse is not to understand. The happy learners of the Atonement become the teachers of the innocence that is the right of all that God created. Deny them not what is their due, for you will not withhold it from them alone.
The inheritance of the Kingdom is the right of God's Son, given him in his creation. Do not try to steal it from him, or you will ask for guilt and will experience it. Protect his purity from every thought that would steal it away and keep it from his sight. Bring innocence to light, in answer to the call of the Atonement. Never allow purity to remain hidden, but shine away the heavy veils of guilt within which the Son of God has hidden himself from his own sight.
We are all joined in the Atonement here, and nothing else can unite us in this world. So will the world of separation slip away, and full communication be restored between the Father and the Son. The miracle acknowledges the guiltlessness that must have been denied to produce the need of healing. Do not withhold this glad acknowledgment, for hope of happiness and release from suffering of every kind lie in it. Who is there but wishes to be free of pain? He may not yet have learned how to exchange guilt for innocence, nor realize that only in this exchange can freedom from pain be his. Yet those who have failed to learn need teaching, not attack. To attack those who have need of teaching is to fail to learn from them.
Teachers of innocence, each in his own way, have joined together, taking their part in the unified curriculum of the Atonement. There is no unity of learning goals apart from this. There is no conflict in this curriculum, which has one aim however it is taught. Each effort made on its behalf is offered for the single purpose of release from guilt, to the eternal glory of God and His creation. And every teaching that points to this points straight to Heaven, and the peace of God. There is no pain, no trial, no fear that teaching this can fail to overcome. The power of God Himself supports this teaching, and guarantees its limitless results.
Join your own efforts to the power that cannot fail and must result in peace. No one can be untouched by teaching such as this. You will not see yourself beyond the power of God if you teach only this. You will not be exempt from the effects of this most holy lesson, which seeks but to restore what is the right of God's creation. From everyone whom you accord release from guilt you will inevitably learn your innocence. The circle of Atonement has no end. And you will find ever-increasing confidence in your safe inclusion in the circle with everyone you bring within its safety and its perfect peace.
Peace, then, be unto everyone who becomes a teacher of peace. For peace is the acknowledgment of perfect purity, from which no one is excluded. Within its holy circle is everyone whom God created as His Son. Joy is its unifying attribute, with no one left outside to suffer guilt alone. The power of God draws everyone to its safe embrace of love and union. Stand quietly within this circle, and attract all tortured minds to join with you in the safety of its peace and holiness. Abide with me within it, as a teacher of Atonement, not of guilt.
Blessed are you who teach with me. Our power comes not of us, but of our Father. In guiltlessness we know Him, as He knows us guiltless. I stand within the circle, calling you to peace. Teach peace with me, and stand with me on holy ground. Remember for everyone your Father's power that He has given him. Believe not that you cannot teach His perfect peace. Stand not outside, but join with me within. Fail not the only purpose to which my teaching calls you. Restore to God His Son as He created him, by teaching him his innocence.
The crucifixion had no part in the Atonement. Only the resurrection became my part in it. That is the symbol of the release from guilt by guiltlessness. Whom you perceive as guilty you would crucify. Yet you restore guiltlessness to whomever you see as guiltless. Crucifixion is always the ego's aim. It sees everyone as guilty, and by its condemnation it would kill. The Holy Spirit sees only guiltlessness, and in His gentleness He would release from fear and re-establish the reign of love. The power of love is in His gentleness, which is of God and therefore cannot crucify nor suffer crucifixion. The temple you restore becomes your altar, for it was rebuilt through you. And everything you give to God is yours. Thus He creates, and thus must you restore.
Each one you see you place within the holy circle of Atonement or leave outside, judging him fit for crucifixion or for redemption. If you bring him into the circle of purity, you will rest there with him. If you leave him without, you join him there. Judge not except in quietness which is not of you. Refuse to accept anyone as without the blessing of Atonement, and bring him into it by blessing him. Holiness must be shared, for therein lies everything that makes it holy. Come gladly to the holy circle, and look out in peace on all who think they are outside. Cast no one out, for here is what he seeks along with you. Come, let us join him in the holy place of peace which is for all of us, united as one within the Cause of peace.
A Course In Miracles (1975)
Author: _Jesus Christ_
John 17: 12-22
I encourage you to read the Holy Bible and be blessed by The Word Of God Almighty.📖✝️
And This is Why Toys Democrats Despise Actual Christian and the Bible with All Their heart.. They embrace tThis Scary, Fake “God news”, “Who cares” “woke” fake Pagan “Climate change” cult. It’s scary.
Amen. ❤
Let’s do everything we can to get closer to Jesus. He is the most adorable God ever. His love for us is just unbeatable and He really enjoys our company.
I like the way you put this. This is something that He shows us each day as we spend time with Him repenting from a lost sinful life
In order to have everlasting life you absolutely must trust in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation 💞 this means that saving repentance is turning from unbelief to belief.
Death is NOT the End but only the Beginning of where you'll be for Eternity. THIS speck we call Life will seem as if it were ALL a dream. Your family, mother and father, brothers, sisters and friends. All a dream.
Eternity - Heaven or Hell will BE REALITY.
Its ok for someone to make a living by telling their story. I never discount someone right away just because they have a book or a project. Think for just a minute that he is being truthful. What a wonderful way to make a living. Sharing the best news possible. I’m not saying there are not some that take advantage and aren’t truthful. Just don’t let them tarnish the vast majority of people that aren’t perfect but are sincere.
My wife AnnMarie died and my son Erick died of leukemia at age 14 and I suffer a stroke and can not longer walk I want to die so I can be with my wife AnnMarie and my son Erick Haleluia ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I can't imagine how you feel, but I lost my 17 year old son and my father and brother-in-law. I didn't think it could get worse until I lost my only son.
@@kbro7484 my mother and father and all my uncles and ants + grand parents died also so every one in my family died God Bless
............ not yet, someone needs you..
@@SuperJill1111 God bless you
@@henrimarechal2418 i know, i understand ❤️
Physical death is not the end to our existence. Luke 12 v 5 & Luke 16 v 19 - 31
Yeshúa loves you two and all of us. I'm Yitsrael Jai!! Shabbat Shalom!!
Patricua. Tell us about Shalom ND experiences
“I never looked into the eyes of love”……wow! So profound and amazing.
Excellent, thanks for the revelation 🙏🏻
We are spirits (image of God) inside these human bodies or as Peter put it “Tabernacle”. We are not our physical earthly bodies.
Our mighty creator, redeemer, and KING is revealing Himself enormously upon the face of the earth!
Let’s BE THE SALT & LIGHT He told us to be! Let’s feed, clothe, visit prisoners, help orphans, help widows, give drink to strangers, bring strangers into our homes etc.
God help us! HE WILL! HE IS!
Great comment!
You answered a question I have had, about why don't people come back knowing what to do to get born again, and you answered it about Pauls experience. We must seek God and be obedient to scripture, we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God.
John 3:3-8
[3]Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
[4]Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
[5]Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
[6]That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
[7]Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
[8]The wind (spirit) bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. (The "sound" spoken of here, of the spirit/wind, is speaking in tongues)
Thank you.
@@angelabritten48 Nothing that is born is not of God human or otherwise
I enjoyed this interview.
Having never had a NDE, I don’t understand how anyone could not be fascinated by this. I too have low key been obsessed with these. It’s the most important mystery in our lives.
I’ve had a NDE, I also agree with the notion of having a life after death, because I know how I die, I’ve seen it in visions, can’t pin point it but even if one of those is true it would definitely prove to me. Because we always leave the world scared and not exactly knowing……. and that’s a gray area.
Jesus please help me to stay faithful to you when I feel alone
❤❤❤ Loved this!
Randy Kay's, whose testimony he was talking about, is amazing.
Time exists there, it's just that there's no sense of time, no sense of rush. It's as if time as we understand it on earth, is paused.
Jesus is the only way
I love your explination of the black and white 2D and the 3D comparative.
Ive battled with the concept of reincarnation.
To come to the realisation that if we are....then we are a blank canvas everytime
So when we start building our life and awareness in the new body grows again.....
We ask ourselves the exact same questions....have we been here before.
But because the canvas was cleared....its the same US but we just dont know.
Its like when people have hesd trauma and lose memory.
Its like they have to live life from the start again....but in the same body.
I do not believe everyone that saids they've had a NDE especially if they make unbiblical claims...but I do believe and can see that God is no doubt coming soon! Why? There is an explosion of people of all ages, backgrounds getting saved..beautiful testimonies and NDE's! God is gathering His people to get them ready to go! God please come in our lifetime! I will be ready!
I believe in Jesus. I believe in all of this. I’m just concerned that Heaven is going to be like an endless acid trip, because that doesn’t seem fun. Also, the thought of floating around clouds ☁️ does nothing for me. My vision of Heaven is a place where I’m with loved ones, no pain, no suffering, no death, no money issues, & just basically how Earth 🌎 and the Garden of Eden was originally described. The whole tripping out thing I keep hearing is weird. I Love Jesus, I just don’t understand how eternity feeling like I’m high as a kite 🪁 sounds enjoyable.
Can anyone pray for me and talk to Jesus for me? Ask him if he forgives me and what I should do the rest of my life?? Thanks yall
Pray to him ..say lord Jesus I believe in you and what you did for me on the cross I want you to be my lord and savior and ask for forgiveness of your sins and have faith in him and you will be saved ..he's just waiting for you to turn to him
I said a prayer for you but it's up to you to make the choice to turn to him
@joneslivin1663 thank you , thank you so much. May god bless us both
Randy Kay has a utube channel that I highly recommend. He talks about NDE’s. Other things sometimes too but I listen to the near death experiences.
God bless everyone are they classic cars shows in heaven and do we get are dream mansion and classic cars in heaven and do we reunite with are family and can do reunite with are friends ❤❤
I'm Leo 44 . And lately I think they've led do mysterious health problems and I'm from an entire atheistic family but me and a few others have been having paranormal experiences the first were demonic. I ran to a church to get help one day after many months of it doing something to me and my brothers in our sleep as teen. Friends cousins many experienced the evil and dread that exuded this thing even at day. Parents wouldn't listen. Then, it came after me one day after l il ke 2 yrs at day you couldnt always see the black shadow or the twisted man thing. Or the red glowing eyes. But you always felt the atomic bomb worth of dread and fear. Me and one o my brothers were home alone one day. We fealt it and we both left separately. It came after me I was on my mountain bike, riding for my life. Thought it left me it didnt it tried to trick and ambush me. I was feeling I had to run to this church I saw some weird stuff on the way. I got in. Barely. No one was there. I Waited and nobody showed up I could ask anybody any questions. . Then I left after a while thinking I didn't have any help when I went home I'd like to stay with a friend for a few days the most I could stay away before my parents told me I havd to come home. . Yet it was gone and after a while I realized is gone and it didn't come back and it didn't and a couple of years later until I was 18 and I moved out of there it had never returned I never knew for sure I never realized I stopped to thank God I'd never have felt like God exist or felt like any of that good stuff was there yet I had a lot of other paranormal experiences over time from other things nigata wasn't alone there were some places where it was obvious to me there was a dead person or something there that didn't want me there the paranormal seems to hate me more than anyone else would want me gone I've gone to check out all other people's places I studied the paranormal really looked into it for 30 years 944 I'm going to a medical clinic with a lot of people who have had in your death experiences I'm watching your experience videos and now I think there's good side that I can't see I want. I want to get baptized and come into a church and get right with God because I realized now that I'm not able to see the good side but every couple of weeks or every couple months I will have a Paranormal visithere I can't always sense what they are or if they're evil sometimes they are sometimes I'm waking up and something's trying to suck the life out of me like A. Sleep paralysis attack or what you really if you know about the paranormal you could call it a habit attack basically wearing enemies coming up and sucking the life and energy out of you sometimes people can't see these entities but I have and it's not the same one and they're evil with the face with a 1000 times the hate of anybody I've ever seen in life. Horrible horrible looking last time I couldn't see it but it was weird that I felt there was a number of other enemies in the corner of the room that was bad and it's thing to get away from me and I'm booming proof it was over yes I had ex-girlfriends and the next wife that you're telling me I would stop breathing in my sleep and you wouldn't sure why now I wake up coughing . . Like something stopping me from breathing in my sleep Doctor check me out and I hate some of things do I go when I sleep hooked up to the machines and they could find anything wrong with me there. You're trying to tell me maybe this maybe that maybe I have some narcolepsy during the daytime cause I do get tired And fall asleep during the day sometimes all people do. I'd like to think these things you're gonna wait in a minute a couple months later I get another visit decided that the paranormal is real I'm having enough faithful disbelieve in God anymore it's not uneasy to believe coming from a hardcore atheist family. But I'm on a mission to try to get things straight a lot of what you guys have said on this program I have really helped you convince me I didn't know that the atheistic artProfessor who died and came back his name was professor Howard storm. I wasn't aware that his wife would thought he was crazy and left him that's what my family's gonna do to me when I join a Catholic Church this year but I feel that's what I'm supposed to do and I don't agree with the Pope and a whole lot of it's the bad priest there's a lot of great priest many of which are exorcist and they have some fantastic videos with a lot of truth and a lot of things that people shouldn't know like the fact that most people around Paranormal were doing it to themselves or have done something like reiki energy healing , Or even something is simple yes TAROT cards And all these new 🎉age practices or much worse things like satanism. ou know what you gotta do to get help I'm not sure what I did or my family did I was just a kid we moved into a bad place but I feel I'm tainted I need help.
This book is amazing
I've never had an NDE, but I've seen enough to believe it.
Me too. I believe wholeheartedly. 🙏🏼
I died in a life flight helicopter when I was 15 and the tunnel of light is real folks...I promise you!
Wowzers! What else did you see?
You mean a real helicopter? Or what is a life flight helicopter?
I personally believe these near death reports are Gods way of pouring out His Spirit and making good on the prophet Joels prophesy as told in Acts 2
16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
Please tell this beautiful author that I'm pretty sure he has a dairy intolerance. His sinuses are dripping down the back of his throat. I am now dairy free (mosty). Maybe if I'm visiting and given something, I will eat it. My sinuses are so much better, I hope he gets this message. XO
You are absolutely sweet and thoughtful, I hope he sees your comment, God bless you and your beautiful family
@mrsellenj.a1740 awww, thank you, you too.
Gunna stop dairy for a month after reading this. If this helps my sinus issues and my nasal drip in my throat I owe you a ton!!
😱 I have no courage to …
* But YES! There is a GOD!
Huh! Pastor Eric video gets recommended to me. So cool!!
I think that trinity is the Father (God), the son (us - like Jesus) and the Holy Spirit which is the unique spirit that God communicates to us with, like a pipeline.
Sadly No. Please read the Scriptures...And pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to give you Grace to understand.
God Bless 💖
Also the silver cord is a kind of New Agee concept. It's not in the Bible. So....most likely not true.
God Can do Anything He wants. But He respects our Free Will.
Buy the book or don't, WHY shouldn't he share these stories. Who is to say he is or is NOT doing God's work. Live and let live. I have had NDE, however the second time I died I didn't so this gives me hope 😊
We tend to put God in a box. I view the Bible as Gods word. Very , very important for us to study, be inspired by, uplifted by, seek knowledge from etc but we don't worship the Bible. We worship God thrue Jesus ,anointed , Messiah, son of God and the holy spirit. Here is thesis I have. It may or may not be true but it makes sence to me. For those who have there Theology , Eschatology all worked out from the scriptures. Cemented or if I may use the expression "put in a box" You may not like this Thesis.
When we die. Is it or sins that seperate us from God? Is it our individual sin? Not our friends or neighbours sin. Could it be right that the distance or hell that a person find them selves from God is equal to there sin. Is it reasonable that a person who have committed hainous crimes would recieve the same punishment from God in a hell verses a kind and caring person who didn't recieve Christ. ( True! In Gods eyes no one is good) Wouldn't it be just that the criminal would recieve the consequences/punishment of his crimes in hell and the kind caring person recieve the consequences/punsishment of his sins in hell wich in comparison would be of a lesser degree. Not saying hell is a place anyone want to go and that its not terrible but wouldn't it make sence that the punishment should be just.
Sounds like Eric didn’t have a good an experience in seminary. That’s very sad.
Ask a 100 Muslims their ND experience.
Thank you
Its hard to believe people.
The author talks about time. God told Moses that His name was “I am that I am”. When Moses said who shall I say sent me God said “Tell them I am sent you”. There are not two dimensions of time but an infinite number of dimensions of time; but really there’s only one time. That time is the eternal present. God is nowhere else but here with us as we experience life. He is omniPRESENT. Here and now is where we worship God. To not be worldly and consider worldly things we can kill that tendency by remaining in the present and allowing that God will take care of everything. That can only happen by abiding deeply and profoundly in the present. (Action takes place in the present). There are others on this planet who have achieved this. We can do it too. We can worship God as we truly live. The only time that the past and the future exist is when we consider them in the present moment!
And I bet there’s a book deal that goes along with this
Why would he even mention about that doctor making that weird absurd comment???
What did he say I haven’t watched the whole thing
It sounds like he’s talking about Randy Kay
Is this some kind of joke talk? John 11:43 (UKJV) And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
Almost 2000 years ago.
2 Corinthians 12:4 (UKJV) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, (o. rhema) which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
Almost 2000 years ago.
Churches full of unbelief. Churchianity.
The whole bible comes from peoples experiences with the Lord.
Bible worship. Dead words that are read, but not believed.
Why would Christians years ago dismiss these encounters if the ppl said they were positive and sacred. Wouldn’t they want to validate that and be super happy to hear it to justify the faith.
I am 60 this year.
Read about these NDEs many years ago in book by Moody.
Only near Death thing to anyone I knew was a 92 year old lady I assisted, said when her Mother was dying she looked up and said, I didn't know it's so beautiful!❤
Because a lot of “Christians” just like the church traditions of man. The Laodicean church. They can’t receive the things of the spirit, of little faith.
You also have to think with those telling their experience, their audience may have never heard of such a thing, or see it as a one off. They may be telling friends or family, but not the doctors, so nothing was verifiable like some of those who were able to retell what the doctors were doing during operation. Also, this isn’t exactly biblical from my understanding. I do believe these experiences are real because there is strength in the case with commonalities and the out of body experience verifications.
So if it was hallucination the guy he menitons wouldve neber published any findings in a.medical journal
Biblical Cosmology is one of my studies. The word Earth is how it describes God's creation. Planet is described as a wandering stars. The word globe isn't Biblical. Science is also a word in the Bible but is corrupted. Having God's word to rely on gives me confidence in the truth of where we live and breathe. That to say when you talk about the creation it is more Biblical to use the words God gave us..Earth, Heaven, Hell and the heavenly host's called stars along with those that left the order of God to be called planets. Earth is not a planet Biblically.
In all kindness,so what if the word”globe” is biblical or not? It is a globe anyway. Science as mathematics,physics and chemistry aren’t mentioned in the bible, and they are all solid facts whatever the bible says or not. I personally prefer a doctor than a preacher if I broke a leg.
And by the way,hell is not either in the original hebrew and greek scriptures.
@@Ippsidippsi science is in Daniel by the way. Planet is a wandering star and the worship was un Godly. Worship of science is an idol.
I gotta ask why don't ppl whonsee Jesus in a nde ever describe what he looks like. Becuase there are alot of us who know the portrait of a white hippy man is not at all what Jesus looked like. That image we know of is a portrait of a Roman man's son. Idk if it was a dictator or priest but none the less ot was his sons image as jesus
How do you explain history with science? Why was George Washington?
When science tries to explain religion, it’s similar to comparing apples to oranges.
How does Pastor Burke address those people who come back as non-Christians, but see all of the same sorts of things Christians allegedly see; the bright light, super, overwhelming expressions of acceptance and love, views of vistas outside the gates of heaven, etc., but also talk about pre-incarnate contracts that they wrote for their life experience. They advocate for Reincarnation, everyone allowed to heaven without exception, instructing others to live a good life, including loving others, in order to merit heaven, etc., etc.
I have yet to hear Mr. Burke, explicitly address all of these clearly non-biblical experiences. I understand there will always be counterfeits, but at this point it appears there are more counterfeits than there are verifiably Christian experiences. Wonder why, for the serious Christian, he doesn’t address these troubling testimonies.
Hey there, good questions. I've been looking into ndes myself as of late as a Christian, and I definitely see the points your making. But it's important to note that the devil is very good, I'd say, at disguising himself as an angel of light. Deceiving people into thinking their in a place of paradise, when their actually surrounded by a dome of illusion, as some other nder's call it where they see others in hell deceived while going through their own hell nde.
When people come back from either a heaven or hell nde, and deny Christ, that doesn't mean that He's not up there. That just means that their not ready to accept the truth of the Christian worldview. Bear with me here for a minute and hear me out. Roughly 1 quarter of ndes are hellish, and so when people say that the being of light and love lets everyone into heaven/paradise, whether their religious or not, that makes me suspicious of their experience right off the bat. As we know that's not the case just based alone on the fact that there are so many hellish ndes. So when someone says that they see a being of light that they think isn't Jesus and says that reincarnation is true and everyone makes it in, that pretty much shows me that they were just deceived in a false heaven/paradise experience, where they were actually in hell with demons trying to put on a charade. That would make sense if the Christian worldview is true, with demons/evil spirits in the spiritual realm that hate humans who are created in the image and likeness of God. Desperately trying to deceive us into thinking that everyone goes to heaven, so why even put your trust in Christ?
The bible says in romans 2:4 NLT; Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin? And luke 6:35 NASB; ...He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil people. It's no wonder the God of the Bible lets unbelievers see what they are missing, giving them a taste of what He wants them to have, if they would just turn to Him. But He also shows others hell, so that all of us here on earth hearing these stories know that He is also serious about sin, and there must be punishment. Either we're paying the price for straightup disobeying Him, or we're accepting Jesus' righteousness and what He did for us on the cross. If everyone saw hell when they had their nde, I feel like they'd be much less likely to turn to God. But at the same time, knowing that hell is a very real place, if God allowed everyone to see heaven, with very few people seeing hell, then we would all think that theres no punishment for sin, so the creator must be cruel for allowing rape and murder to go unpunished. God has balanced it out just right so we hear testimonies of both heaven with Him, and hell without Him, we choose.
The Bible also says in romans 5:10-11 NASB that; "For if while we [Christians] were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 11 And not only this, but we also celebrate in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation." Note that Paul says that while we were enemies, meaning before we accepted Jesus, God had reconciled us to Himself. The whole world is reconciled to God, thats how every Christian, hindu, muslim and atheist are even allowed to stand before the uncreated creator and be shown any sort of kindness, despite what we have done to Him by disobeying His laws. But it's only those who have 'now received the reconciliation' who are able to stay standing before God for all of eternity. It's only those who want to be with Him, who havent rejected His son and what He did on the cross. It's only those who want to have relationship with God who God will spend forever with.
If it's not the Christian God, or any other religious god that's up there, but rather some generic being of light that definitely seems to want to love on us and have a relationship with us and show kindness to us. Then how can we be in that relationship with him here on earth if he hasn't given us, or anyone else before this generation any sort of material here on earth besides the bible to show us how to be in relationship with him, or how to accept him? How has he shown us how to escape this place of hell that people go to? Why do some people who think their 'good' have the hellish nde, whereas some others who are bad people and even reject the idea of a loving God get shown this amazing place with so much love from an intimate creator? It's because the kindness of the biblical God leads those people who experience Him in a near death experience to repentance.
People who come back from a heaven nde and reject the God of the bible, I'm convinced, do it either because they were deceived, or because they have some form of church hurt, or bad experiences from Christians in the past. Maybe they misunderstand certain passages in the bible that arn’t what they think. Let's not blame Jesus in light of some Christians on earth who play Christ poorly.
As for reincarnation, I don't believe that's whats going on, because from what I've seen and heard, alot of people who experience heaven see their loved ones on the other side, alot of which seem very excited to see the nder, people who seem to have been there for a while. If reincarnation were true, then why are there people on the other side at all? Shouldn't they have just come back right away as a new person? Doesn't this God want to lavish His love on us forever? Why would He instead just send us back again and again to the earth?
Just some things to think about. I hope I've helped you on your journey Keto. If you want to talk back and forth with me about this, let me know.:) Otherwise, God bless you and enjoy your week!
Your right it's hard to reconcile alot of ndes the reincarnation the everyone is excepted almost seems jesus lied about the narrow door
@@briandykeman4056 What about all those many people who have hellish ndes? Or even those who see heaven and hell in one go?
And beautiful explanation.Thank you very much.And I think keto lady should understand, I just got on keto carnival diet sixty days, and I feel great. I stay away from man-made materials and boxes that are pretty much poisoned and slowly take our health away and kill us.But other than that, thank you so much for explaining.Really enjoyed reading even as a christian that I am.
No where in the bible did satan or evil raise the dead or cast out demons like we as Christians were commanded. Satan comes only to kill and destroy.
”Nobody can come to the father except through me” Jesus ar supposed to have said.
He didn’t say:”you must read the scriptures forward,backwards and forwards again until you are totally brainwashed”. His disciples surely did not hang over the prophets all day. Theres is hardly a more boring collection of scriptures makin one fall asleep in 5 minutes.
By the way there is no such thing as hell in the original hebrew and greek text rolls.
Jesus is indeed son of God,the truth,the way and life itself. The bible is not.
Never sorry typo there
It is difficult for many of us because in this life we live with much lose and suffering ,many of us have seen such brutal pain and horror. When that is a lot of your experience of living, it’s difficult to see JESUS as laughing and partying or festivals. We see the suffering and torment of JESUS life and death before the resurrection and we see terrible suffering and brutality we see the tears of the SON!
Yes. All true. Remain faithful in the Father. Fill your heart with gratitude for Him. Don’t despair. Hold to Him. He will make you useful to be a warrior against the evil. I pray God will radiate His love from your heart in your life! ❤
Blessings to you and thank you
That’s personal🤣
Hopefully money goes directly back into ministry , and folks that gave there stories are compensated ..
He’s spreading the word of GOD
I wish people would shut up about the book sales this guy can make 20 books in selling it doesn't make you rich even nowadays especially nowadays yeah a lot of people read books go ahead and tell me if you do that doesn't mean that anybody's making that much money off booksales ridiculous. Totally absolutely ridiculous let the man sell his books she's not making he's not gonna get rich off it it might contribute a small amount to the cost of traveling around and doing interviews and doing things he needs to do I guarantee you ain't gonna make him rich have some sense through this you are ballet about his message don't be cowards. Me and my family were atheists we moved into a place that was demonic all right serious issues I was not alone there were a lot of other people thank God my immediate sense was that I had schizophrenia or brain cancerbadly but I was not alone in people who I did not tell what I was experiencing told me what they're experiencing when I had to accept the truth of it. I got so bad that I was under attack and I thought I was going to die or be possessed and then killed because it's absolutely evil absolute evil and also to other people had come around that house me and my brothers were teenagers we had a lot of friends we had cousins come around and we had a lot of girls route and people would know we wouldn't even have told them nothing people felt that doing people felt that evilit turned out the teenagers that lived their forests were playing with some dark stuffin fact we saw some odd things when we moved in but it never bothered us we had no fear of worry . Things got bad for me this thing was coming up and stands up in front of me and my brother's beds at night and it was torture These things suck the life out of people in order to try to stay alive and stable in this world and need the 3 dimensional energy and life energy. There's a lot of people who have these and they come to sleep process there's a lot of people I don't remember a lot of people don't remember the majority of their issues. I had next wife and then after her a long-term girlfriend who told me I was choking at night now it stopped breathing and eventually these women were experiencing the paranormal . My area is quite active as well I mean we had lived some other places that had some stuff going on most were not as bad as that first nightmare place but there was no denying experiences people every same experiences we heard of names we had our voices even my parents who were the most atheistic non-believing people on earth eventually were hearing their names and have experiences in the areawe live in area where there's several rivers and they converge together eventually they become one river. Down to the Illinois in Illinois and then they go down to the Mississippi. And we lived in a few of these areas over the years that were wooded in on rivers and rivers a lot of different experiences a lot of people. But some of the stuff I've seen was absolutely evili'm 44 now I'm finally to the point where I believe in God I've met people or I go to a medical clinic A lot of your death experiences there because a lot of the people have been resuscitated. Everything that this man is telling you in this show is right with all the NDE stuff I have heard I'm sold I'm going to get baptized and going to the church this year and I'm hoping it's some of my paranormal stuff will stop as every couple months I still have issues I'll have random visitors. I'm pretty scared to die in the state that I am. I feel like I'm cursed because I'm sensitive more than other people and these things come and bug me every so often. Sometimes I have a sleep prowl system sometimes I'll feel that I'm not alone and that I'm being watched and like something's coming around check me out it's never the exact same behavior I don't think it's the same energies at all. I'm not a crazy cook I'm just a regular dude in the past 10 years I've really straightened my behavior and a lot of stuff I was doing because I was pretty bad . I mean I was a really bad center and I was having major paranormal experiences and a lot of stuff is eased up since I've done better I'm not perfect but I am a whole lot better and I'm ready to go get right in hopefully God will take me back. Never been baptized or anything I want to try the Catholic Church I'm not happy about the Pope and what some of the priests do but there's a library priest and the catholic exorlist a lot of what they say is right with my research into the paranormal I've been looking into for 30 years there are some of the only people that will help you. I think I'm like a little infected by them or something the dark side. Or I'm just a little subject to them I'm unprotected I don't know if it's something I do need help I'm having mystery health problems at a really bad and the doctors aren't figuring it out.
There is a silver cord that connects the physical body to the spirit body and once it breaks there is no coming back.
Church and tpreligions are trying so hard to match up the nde experiences with your religious dogma. And your percentages of nde ers that have a hell lije experience doesn’t match other researchers such as Jeffrey Long who intensely has and is researching nde s .
Death is the end. I’ve been through both.
lol tell me your experience
Do you have 2 days !
Your not dead
@@hippopotamusanonymous1580 not living either
Now do all the books for free. You won't. 🤣
7:07 So this guy never had NDE himself? But he then postulates EVERY NDE experience is a Christian experience? Truly delusional and ignorant
Jesus didn't have a beard. The depiction we see of Jesus a white man with a long beard in a white robe didn't surface until the 12th century in England & has stuck for the past 8 to 900 hundred years. Jewish men had olive skin & were not to long hair or beards. So when I hear people say this I just know they're just shoving BS down our throat.
I've listened & have read hundreds if not a thousand(literally)ndes. One thing I can tell you is about 5 - 7 yrs ago nde stories just exploded out of nowhere. We noe have countless TH-cam Chamnels devoted to NDEs & its almost like a race to who can get the most followers. It has got so bad its hard to trust anyone who claims to have had an nde. You also have people who try to out-do other people by how many ndes they've had.
I saw a woman on one platform who claimed she has had 11 NDEs. Eleven NDE's. What a joke. Its really sad too. Human beings lie so much for attention or whatever drives them. We've always been story tellers. If on a scale of 1 to 10 of how many are being honest on all these nde channels now I'd say 3 out of 10 are being truthful. It has turned into a gimmick race just like everything else. A Christian in the United States sees Jesus in their NDE. A muslim sees Muhammad in their NDE.
Do you honestly think theirs multiple God's because of the color of your skin was this or that? If you were born & raised in the middle east or Canada? No. There's certain tiny details in a truthful nde that I've have come to learn. But its getting to the point that its not worth listening to these charlatans taking advantage of good people.
There's only one God.
"Americans"? 😂
religious dogma don’t apply to this phenomena, open your eyes, this has got nothing to do with your nonsense bible.
You've insulted me. What have I done to you?
@@SuperJill1111Interesting choice of words, tell me how I’ve insulted you exactly, then I’ll be happy to tell you anything else.
Just a bit disappointed with this guy as I once emailed him and asked who I should pray to, God or Jesus and his reply was, buy my book??? Really 🤔
Well he was saying the answer is in his book. Otherwise he would have to email an answer as long as the book😂 I don’t think he ment it mean. Remember he is only human
The correct answer should have been read "The Book", the Holy Bible. All the answers are there.
What a propaganda for Jesus 😂😂😂
They encounter Jesus??? LOL Total BS.
Please stop saying Dude. It’s so stupid.
Anyone that goes on a podcast to glorify himself and talk about how ‘the lord’ has touched him is a total fraud
Not true
I don't find he glorifies himself.
Well i appreciate his story, however when they try to sell their book and make money off their story means we need to be cautious about his story.
You used NDE EXPERIENCE in your title... then proceed to shit on it in your dialogue.
He has written a book goes around charging money for his ministry is a red flag, he started a church, said he is called of God and that God told him to write books. I believe in the afterlife and an obsession with the NDE stories, money is king it motivates all people i think he wanted his own NDE and saw this as a way to get rich
Until you are born again spirituality, you willnot have eyes to see or ears to hear. It's okay, you will though. You are loved and so precious. Edit: you have discernment.
Judge not lest you be judged. Everyone writes books. Get over it. Only God sees the true motive of a man.