And Barry Burbank been there for 42 years unfortunately he is retiring tonight sad day always look forward to hearing his forecast Barry have a great retirement
Do you know if there are any archives of the "Sharon King Show"? As a child in 1978 (+/-), I was in the studio audience and they had me up on stage. I'd love to see the footage if it is out there someplace!
What a great look back. ❤️❤️
One local show that was not featured was Boomtown with the late Rex Trailer
I live in N. h. but I like watching WBZ TV especially on you tube. my favorite part of this video was seeing Jack, Liz, Bob, Bruce and Joyce.
Congratulations! ! Grew up with WBZ! Loved Charlie Austin, Liz Walker!
Bob, Liz,Jack,Bruce,in the '80 way I remember it 😍😘🤗🙏❤🙏
Tom Bergeron was fantastic. Like a friendly neighbor, who was always in a good mood.
And Barry Burbank been there for 42 years unfortunately he is retiring tonight sad day always look forward to hearing his forecast Barry have a great retirement
When the news was real. So sad
Do you know if there are any archives of the "Sharon King Show"? As a child in 1978 (+/-), I was in the studio audience and they had me up on stage. I'd love to see the footage if it is out there someplace!
Remember when WBZ was NBC?
TGIF everyone
You guys skipped over the late 90s and early 00s crews
Garcia Helen White Maria Jones Jessica