I fully believe if we see undeniable signs of 'that day' it is our responsibility as Christians and Watchmen (Ezekiel chapter 2) to warn those who are unsaved. Yes, you should be watching. Please.
You literally have until the world is no longer capable of sustaining life. As if you really needed anymore time, as if Christianity isn't already well known across the world.
Right it’s so obvious. Also Neuralink equals 666 in Greek Gematria. This is not a coincidence, the book of revelation was written in Greek. Many Christians love him and don’t want to see him for who he truly is. He is the AC
He also wore a specially designed costume at Halloween with a baphomet head and upside down Cross, and called himself the devil's champion. Someone said his mother is a known satanist and high order witch... so probably not someone we want making important decisions about our future
@@jerryf.coffey2671 I think you mean president Elon Musk and his shadow puppet Donald Trump. Regardless, Elon Musk is an incompetent imbecile. Have you seen his demonstrations of robots? It's a laughable disgrace, Boston Dynamics has robots that are at least 30 years ahead of what Elon Musk has trotted out on stage and the last time I heard anything about NeuroLink, it sounded like it was doing pretty badly and they were constantly having problems with it. I wouldn't be surprised if there is another company that's already doing it 20+ years better than him. The main thing we need to fear from Elon Musk is his arrogance and incompetence and how emboldened he's become with the way he acts like the US government belongs to him
They arrested a huge group of ( traffickers in Disney) know let us see what the biggest pedo day brings!!( superbowl) pray for the children to be saved!! From dark to light, have eyes to see and ears to hear.🕊🙏❤
I don't get caught up in that stuff but Elon Musk gives me the jitters. I don't think he is necessarily the anti Christ but something don't seem right about him.
I don't like Musk either and Trump would be wise to keep him at arms length. Musk is a liar, a grifter, and a petulant child. His whole company is built on government largesse.
He's a genius. People who have a high IQ, function on another level. I think he has done well in learning how to act like the "average guy". Nerds don't function well socially, in many cases. I'm praying he's not schizophrenic, or, bi-polar.
THE BIBLE SAYS THE antichrist is: A Deceptive man - Matthew 24:24 A Prideful man - 2 Thessalonians 2:4 Boastful. Mouth Speaking Great Things -Revelation 13:5 More Stout than his fellows - Daniel 7:20 A Lawless Man - 2 Thessalonians 2:7 Called Little Horn - Daniel 7:8 A Powerful man. A world Ruler - Revelation 13:2 A Destructive man - Revelation 6:4 A Vile man - Daniel 11:21 Comes in His Own Name - John 5:43 An Arrogant man - Daniel 8:11 Seeks to Change Times and Laws - Daniel 7:25 He Desires Worship- 2 Thessalonians 2:4 He is Haughty - Daniel 11:36 He Is a Liar - John 8:44 Performs False Signs - Revelation 13:13-14 He has the Mouth of a Lion & power from Satan - Revelation 13:2 A worthless person, a wicked man, Walks with a perverse mouth; he winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord, therefore his calamity shall come suddenly. Proverbs 6:12-19 Comes out of the sea - the sea often represents chaotic nations, media or a turbulent world order - Daniel 7:2-3 watch Will be revealed with the great Apostasy. 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Christians will believe in him, idolize him, they will fall away. God sends a great delusion to those who are perishing (they don't even know it). Honors the God of Forces - Daniel 11:38 In his ESTATE/HOME shall he honour the god of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things Daniel 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for HE SHALL MAGNIFY HIMSELF ABOVE ALL. He is of the Revived Roman empire. Facts *The PEOPLE of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and santuary Daniel 9:26-27. Romans *The Seven Hills the seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. Revelation 17:9-10. Revived Rome. Daniel 2:41-43 (KJV) - The Vision of the Statue And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided..." The legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream represent the Roman Empire. The feet of iron mixed with clay are believed to symbolize a revived form of Rome in the last days..
@brandonkoncyk1842 In the last days, it won't be about our favorite politician. The kings of the earth are not greater than the God of the universe. Choose wisely. God be with us all friend.
The feet of iron and clay is also the United States. The iron is with clay but does not mix: "they will mingle with the seed of men, but they will not adhere to one another." Daniel 2:43 Trump is changing America into Amerikkka.
I’ve read alot of the Old Testament and the entire New Testament and I’m glad I did. Even read the book of Enoch of looking more into Enoch is. He has a very interesting tale.
@tracer7898 the Holy Spirit is a great teacher! "Meditate day and night" per Joshua and Psalms 😊 He will teach you. One must be prepared for the truth. Once the scales fall off and you can discern the wolves from the sheep... you will realize a majority of those wolves are behind the pulpit (and may have "taught" you). Praise Him! I love my KJV! Shalom friend 😇
@Cynical496 Yay! I hope you continue with that! I never stop learning. I know if I stop, how quickly I could forget. The book of Enoch is not scripture, but like you said, I have heard it is an interesting read. The Bible thoroughly furnishes all our needs 😇 Peace and grace friend 🧡
1stJohn and 2nd John tell you to test the spirit of anti-christ, you see anti-christ means anti-anointing or in place-off or against-off, they want to take the place of Christ Jesus or they're against Jesus Christ, Jesus said he that is not with Me is against Me. Judas Iscariot had an anti-christ spirit he was amongst the Apostles but he was against Christ, he sold him for 30 pieces of silver, just as this Pastor's are now a day's merchandising the Word of God for filthy lucre. Many think that President Donald j Trump is the anti christ and how wrong they are, God is the one who puts in kings and removes them, for He has vessels of Honor and vessels of dishonor, President Trump is a type of Cyrus fulfilling God's Word, so your anti-christ are your false teachers and deceivers, they were amongst the Apostles but they did not belong to them they went out from amongst them, if you Read 2Cor chapter 11 the Apostle Paul tells you who they are, also the Apostle Peter. Jesus said many would come in His name saying I am Christ ( anointing how many Christians say oh this preacher this pastor this prophet is really anointed that's what Jesus meant when He said many would come in His name saying I am Christ am anointed. ).
The thing that worries me about Trump is that he has towers of gold, and he comes in his own name. Not to mention on the ceiling of his penthouse in New york, he has a very expensive painting of apollo, the sun god .
All I believe is that Trump was chosen for a very particular reason and we should respect our leaders but Jesus is still our King 👑 Hebrews 13:17 says, "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they watch over your souls as those who must give an account". This verse teaches that the church (Christians) should respect and obey their leaders, and that leaders are accountable to God.
I suppose it’s also the Lords decision on who the Antichrist will be. There are many clues and one that does stand out to me is that he will be the Lawless one that comes in his own name.
As you, I believe Trump is pushing the agenda for the 3 temples. And somewhere in the bible (I not remember what versets) is written to respect our leaders.
Elon is not the richest man on earth. He is the richest man that they list on paper, but there are people who pay to not appear on those lists so you don't know who they are, because if they did list them, then the top 10 richest people list would just be a list of every member of the Rothschild family, each one having at least est. net worth far exceeding 500 billion, minimum. Together, the family has trillions.
@@CForged1stJohn and 2nd John tell you to test the spirit of anti-christ, you see anti-christ means anti-anointing or in place-off or against-off, they want to take the place of Christ Jesus or they're against Jesus Christ, Jesus said he that is not with Me is against Me. Judas Iscariot had an anti-christ spirit he was amongst the Apostles but he was against Christ, he sold him for 30 pieces of silver, just as this Pastor's are now a day's merchandising the Word of God for filthy lucre. Many think that President Donald j Trump is the anti christ and how wrong they are, God is the one who puts in kings and removes them, for He has vessels of Honor and vessels of dishonor, President Trump is a type of Cyrus fulfilling God's Word, so your anti-christ are your false teachers and deceivers, they were amongst the Apostles but they did not belong to them they went out from amongst them, if you Read 2Cor chapter 11 the Apostle Paul tells you who they are, also the Apostle Peter. Jesus said many would come in His name saying I am Christ ( anointing how many Christians say oh this preacher this pastor this prophet is really anointed that's what Jesus meant when He said many would come in His name saying I am Christ am anointed. ).
Finally an open minded Christian! That's not a sheep going to slaughter a cult disciple.Thank you I love the Lord with all my heart & I cannot get over how much that person triggers me there is no wayyyy he is anything good my only spiritual gift is discernment & I know I'm not wrong that there is something seriously wrong with that person!!!! All the evidence of him is in everyone's face yet the cult turns a blind eye it's wild!!!! All I am saying is BEWARE, ALL WILL SEE EVENTUALLY WHO he is!
@@missrobyncalifornia remember the unrighteous will do righteous things and deceive. However, there are two people behind the scenes of Trump, and one that everyone is being distracted from. Elon has Trump's eat with many things, but also has many leaders of many Nations following him, including Germany. Kushner, during Trump's first term is the one who brought Trump and the PM of Israel together which created the Abraham Accord's. And again that was Kushner's idea. But what nobody realized, is that Kushner is the one who suggested, back in November, to remove the people from Gaza and rebuild. However, Kushner has his eyes on rebuilding the Temple. Having Gaza uninhabited, just like God said it would be, means nobody can contest him with USA in Israel keeping Peace and Security.
I couldn't agree with you more! I have fasted and prayed about this for years! The discernment of my faith won't allow me to attempt to dismiss the evil in him! It amazes me how the vast majority follow him like a prophet; even pastors everywhere! Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that the deception will be so overwhelming that even the very elect themselves will be deceived if possible
@clarkkent3730 Church and state are separating through politics, when we should put God first. And the Church has become like the Pharisees, but God said these would happen. Even the Pope is changing the Church, and in fact the Pope was with a Muslim leader reading the Quran, in front of many. There is a picture of this as well. And what I noticed in the picture, is that the Quran that they were reading, had on the cover the Holy Quran. Mocking the Holy Bible. Let the Holy Spirit guide us in the truth of God's word.
There are 2 things that really trouble me. This person may claim to believe in God, but He doesn't say much about Jesus as Savior,,, and If he had spiritual discernment, he wouldn't have chosen "Paula White" as his "spiritual advisor"👀 It's so obvious
@IbelongtoJesus. The unrighteous will do righteous things, or say righteous things. They will come in the form of light, this is how deception will lead some astray. Be watchful, as you are, dive deep into and consume the word of God and pray. The Holy Spirit will guide us in these times. Stay awake. Talking about these things among brothers and sisters in Christ, is very important. But also even more important, to share with those who are not awake in the Holy Spirit and seek Jesus and the truth. And try to reach those who are not seeking with the word of God, and perhaps awaken them. God bless to you and all, and Amen.
@@flight2k5 Trump is pro life. I have been to his rallies. Obviously, you’re a woke liberal. Mostly liberals tell lies about trump. FYI, I’m a Democrat myself.
Well Jesus said he left us a GIFT and that was the spirit of TRUTH... which is the HOLY spirit that we will use to decern what is truth or GOOD vs EVIL or wrong. I thought i would add to what you said.
I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ my saviour. I voted for Trump. I had to choose as an American citizen and a Christian it is my duty to vote. I could not sit idle and be the one vote that would've made the difference in that woman being elected after she in front of the whole world denied Jesus is King. I know the kings heart is in the Lords hands. God is still in control. I don't like everything about him but felt he was the better of the two for sure. I left it in God's hand's if he is he is we are going home shortly I already know we are in the last day's and we need to be telling everyone who will listen how they can be saved!!
This is what I learned when studying this topic...to vote is to vow. It is to make your will be known. You didn't have to vote. The Father sets up kings. To vote is to say "My will be done", when we are supposed to say "THY Will be done".
Why does everyone forget that there are candidates other than the 2 promoted by the main parties? We DO have other choices. Look into the American Solidarity Party. We are told from a young age that to vote 3rd party is to throw away our vote. NOT true! Our founding fathers never wanted a 2 party system- in fact, they warned against it. Voting republican or Democrat only plays into "their" hands. Think for yourselves, folks!
@shannon5373 Deuteronomy 1:13 13 Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you Proverbs 28:12 Proverbs 14:34 34 Righteousness exalts a nation,but sin is a reproach to any people. , which states: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.". This verse essentially says that when a righteous leader governs, the nation will prosper and experience happiness, signifying a kind of "fruitfulness. We are the light and it must shine we hold back the darkness Jesus picked two and we were given the choice if we do not choose we are letting the darkness rules. We are told to obey the authority governing over us and if we don't we are against God. So why wouldn't you vote to make sure it is with what lines up most with Jesus?
We need to remember that God raises up kings and God brings them down. He is where he is because God chose it. So whatever God is doing, HE IS IN CONTROL!
Buddy, the antichrist will also be a king. Did you think about that? I can see that NOTHING will change your support for Trump . NOTHING. You actually hate hearing anythng negative about Trump. You automatically think "fake news", and you were programmed to think that "only liberals hate trump because of his mean tweets". You really believe that. You fell for that lie and trick from the pro-Trump media you watch. They repeat that over and over and over again, don't they. The reality is that a REAL Christian would have stopped following him when he re-tweeted a tweet comparing him to " the second coming of God". (BLASPHEMY. Do you remember what happened to kings who did f00lish things like that in the Bible?!) And yet you STILL support him. The Bible says that many will be deceived into worshipping the antichrist too. And idol worshippers are NOT "the elect".
Here is a little more for you : Revelation 13:16 says that followers of the antichrist will wear the mark of the beast on their foreheads. In ancient languages around the world, MAGA means either "magic", or "confusion", or "evil". MAGA means "witch" in Latin. Maga referred to magical kings of ancient kingdoms in Central Asia. According to Kokugakuin University, in ancient Japanese, Maga means confusion, complication, distortion. Maga-goto means "evil things" Maga is "wizard" or 'Magician" in Portuguese, Polish, Spanish, French. In ancient Egyptian demonology, Maga is a demon-deity . He rides on Ra's sky ship. And in ancient Gaelic, the name "Don" means "World Leader." And in Irish legends, Donn was a demon. His name means "the dark one." The Bible says that the mark of the beast is "666" . We are about to find out what that really means very soon. Which side are you on?
Given Daniel 11:37, which says that Antichrist will “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all”,
@@savedpdx1 you show a complete lack of understanding of what that verse actually says. why would daniel go from talking about the AC not honoring the gods, to then talking about the AC sexuality, to then go right back into talking about how he won’t honor the god’s?
@ The idea that Antichrist will not desire women comes from a misreading of the KJV translation: "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all." (Daniel 11:37) This verse does NOT say he shall not desire women. It says he shall have no “regard” for the “desire of women.” In context, this verse is saying he does not regard any gods - and the “desire of women” is the god who is the desired god of women. New International Version - He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. New Living Translation - He will have no respect for the gods of his ancestors, or for the god loved by women, or for any other god, for he will boast that he is greater than them all. Holman Christian Standard Bible - He will not show regard for the gods of his fathers, the god longed for by women, or for any other god, because he will magnify himself above all. International Standard Version - He'll recognize neither the gods of his ancestors nor those desired by women-he won't recognize any god, because he'll exalt himself above everything. NET Bible - He will not respect the gods of his fathers--not even the god loved by women. He will not respect any god; he will elevate himself above them all. New Heart English Bible - Neither shall he regard the gods of his fathers, nor the one desired by women, nor show regard to any other god, because he shall magnify himself above all. English Standard Version - He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or to the one beloved by women. He shall not pay attention to any other god, for he shall magnify himself above all.
Biblical Criteria for the Antichrist 1. Claims to Be God / Opposes Christ ✅ Declares himself as God and demands worship (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) ✅ Denies Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (1 John 2:22) ✅ Blasphemes God and speaks great things (Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:5-6) 2. Deceptive and Charismatic Leader ✅ Performs false miracles, signs, and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10) ✅ Deceives many, including the elect if possible (Matthew 24:24) ✅ Brings false peace before destruction (Daniel 9:27) 3. Political and Military Power ✅ Rises as a powerful world leader (Revelation 13:7) ✅ Rules over all nations and people (Revelation 13:7-8) ✅ Makes a seven-year covenant (peace treaty) but breaks it after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27) 4. Persecutes Christians and Jews ✅ Wages war against the saints and prevails for a time (Daniel 7:21, Revelation 13:7) ✅ Desecrates the Jewish Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15) ✅ Forces people to worship him or be killed (Revelation 13:15) 5. Economic Control & The Mark of the Beast ✅ Implements a global economic system (Revelation 13:16-17) ✅ Requires people to take his "mark" (666) to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-18) ✅ Destroys those who refuse allegiance (Revelation 13:15) 6. Satanic Empowerment ✅ Directly empowered by Satan (Revelation 13:2) ✅ Performs lying wonders and signs (2 Thessalonians 2:9) ✅ Has a false prophet assisting him (Revelation 13:11-12) Apocryphal & Extrabiblical Criteria 7. Born from an Unholy Union (Possibly Supernatural) ✅ The Sibylline Oracles suggest he will be born from an unholy woman and an evil spirit ✅ The Ascension of Isaiah describes him as a demonic incarnation 8. Imitates Christ (False Messiah) ✅ Some traditions suggest he will be born of a Jewish woman from the tribe of Dan (Genesis 49:17, Jeremiah 8:16) ✅ The Gospel of Nicodemus hints at him claiming to be the true messiah 9. Attempts to Change God's Law and Appointed Times ✅ Daniel 7:25 states he will "seek to change times and laws" ✅ May alter religious calendars and traditions 10. Final Defeat ✅ Destroyed by the breath of Christ at His return (2 Thessalonians 2:8) ✅ Cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity (Revelation 19:20)
1. don jon trum pass all those test. after he take geze streep he gonna enter inside the holy part & claim to be the one. dont you see how he talk and run his rotten mouth like he own the wolrd & nobody can to stop him. why you think he allow the robots devil to hijack the win. man that is blessphamy. 2. he is a fool. look at the deception he will change everything & attempt to rule the world. the leaders of the world engage in harlotry with babylon. Just yesterday netanyahu is the first one to come and commit adultery with babylon live live. man read revelation. you must be like a baby inorder to understand 3. if he is the one may his end be in the hot pit as is it written. man open your eyes. one thing gonna lead to another. first protests then lack, then lootings & shooting, border shut no going in or out while putni, kim and jijiping are laughing. sheesh america, pls wake up.
President 45 and 47. Birth year 46. I believe he was born for such a time as this. I'm grateful God has brought up a person strong enough to fight the dark, dark evil America has fallen into. Butler PA was a God thing. A miracle. He decided to show a slide out of the speech order and turned his head over so slightly to be grazed by a bullet in front of the whole world, seeing his head explode on national tv. A different soul was called home that day, along with the suspected shooter. I don't idolize him. I'm so very grateful to God for supplying a strong, determined person to help us fight this darkness, which got stronger in the last 4 years. I'm grateful God has found us worthy to try again.
Do not be deceived. God is not pleased with dt. Unfortunately, he has been deceiving a large part of this country and that breaks my heart. How can a holy God favor a sinful, evil, unmerciful, cruel, unjust, and unrighteous person such as he. He is sparing no one! He has no business to dismantle the social security that we worked hard for. I am a 76 years old black woman who taught school for 34 years. Why would a millionaire want to tamper with the income and benefits of seniors or anyone else for that matter? And I am sure that your lives will, too, be disrupted by the evil things he is doing to your quality of life. Please Read Psalm 2. It talks about the “kings of the world” and how God watches them with disdain and actually LAUGHS at them. Dt is one of those people to whom God is referring. His day of reckoning will come! Dt is described in Psalm 37. Please read your Bible and see what God feels about such people as he. He may have spared his life to give him an opportunity to repent and get saved. That is called GRACE.
It would be good to warn people though who aren't saved, so when we leave in the Rapture and they see the Antichrist rise to power then they would realize that we were telling the truth
Wrong this is a mindset of deception. If you aren't able to identify who this beast is. Thinking I don't need to know who he is. You need to know him so you don't get decieve.
Exactly. I believe the vitriol between the parties and the media back and forth is fake. They (satan) are playing us all. Trying to divide us so we are not focused on what’s really important (Jesus). Politics and pride are many people’s idol.
Any "Christian" president is an antichrist because they are building the kingdom of the beast, the current civilization. The US is the 7th head of the "beast". And the US president is the "image of the beast".
**(Beast #1) Trump the Antichrist** Rev 13:3: “I saw one of his heads AS IF it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.” Rev 13:1: The Antichrist comes from the sea (Rev 13:1) and goes to the Lake of Fire (Rev 19:20). Mar-a-Lago means "from the sea to the lake." **(Beast #2) Musk the False Prophet** Rev 13:12: “he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast” Rev 13:13: “he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men,” (Space X) Rev 13:15: “And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak,” (Tesla Robotics) Rev 13:16: “And he causes all . . . to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,” (Neuralink)
What if we live in the short season mentioned after revelation 20 and the statue of liberty is celebrating Satan being freed from the pit.. our 250th anniversary is coming up and some theologians think a short season is 250 years. And the dark ages Byzantine empire shows us that the millennial kingdom already may have happened that could have been how they built all of them massive structures and things we can't make and build to this day. If people and angels walked on earth it makes alot more sense plus they changed our times and dates so much.. its all done to confuse us .. whenever I bring this up at church I always get laughed out the door. But I can't get one serious theologian from this side of the camp to take this theory seriously
I'm just a follower of Christ who wants to seek Him daily and follow Him who is the way the truth and the life . We have to take into account that the Bible says a deception so strong that could fold the very elect right what better way than to confuse the children of God what time they are living in
That’s not biblical! Christ will return immediately after the tribulation. There’s no such thing as a pre or mid trib rapture The servant is not greater than his master!
Respectfully, pastors should use the ACTUAL word of God...scriptures, not hypothetical conspiracy theories, name and number association games, nouns, verbs etc. Fruitless Distractions guised as reason...no truth in that. Over 30 descriptors of the ac. He provides 5 tops.
He said that he is a peace maker, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
And Daniel 8:[25] "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."
@@UnstableYT-u7k you are likely being deceived. I pray your eyes will be opened, as Trump & Elon (the likely false prophet) open the "Stargate" facility in Abilene, Texas to start making Revelation chapter 13 our reality.
Trump Tower is a downward arrow in New York City with six rows that go all the way from the bottom to the top. The arrow has six points on all sides and six points in the middle.
The Lord put it on my heart to pray for Trump before his first term; He showed me that people would try to kill him, and to pray for his protection. God gave me dreams and visions about Trump, and again, told me to pray for him. I doubt almighty God would tell me to pray for the antichrist. Trump is NOT the antichrist, but he’s certainly paving the way, whether or not it’s his intention. God is using Trump for His purpose. May God’s will be done, in Jesus’ name. PRAY FOR TRUMP‼️
I highly doubt it was God who showed it to you. Trump may not be the anti-christ but he's the one along many who will prepare world for his coming revealing his true identity in yet to be rebuild 3rd jerusalem temple. Yes it's on record!
Sheesh!! people, can you please stop watching that deceiver Brandon Biggs masquerading as a shepherd. He is the one that came up with the lie purporting Trump to be "radically born again". Trump is the one whether you like it or not. Repent for worshipping him. All judgements have begun and people are still wasting time following the beast.
**(Beast #1) Trump the Antichrist** Rev 13:3: “I saw one of his heads AS IF it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.” Rev 13:1: The Antichrist comes from the sea (Rev 13:1) and goes to the Lake of Fire (Rev 19:20). Mar-a-Lago means "from the sea to the lake." **(Beast #2) Musk the False Prophet** Rev 13:12: “he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast” Rev 13:13: “he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men,” (Space X) Rev 13:15: “And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak,” (Tesla Robotics) Rev 13:16: “And he causes all . . . to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,” (Neuralink)
Trump was told he was the most famous person on earth. He said, "No I'm not." So they asked . Well who do you think is more famous than you? trump replied, "Jesus Christ!"" Another time Trump said, "I know you're all looking for a saviour. The crowd roared. He interrupted the applause saying "It's the Boss, Jesus Christ. We need a boss and He's up there, pointing up. I need the Boss"- Another time early on Trump said "We are no longer a nation that worships Government, We are a nation that worships Almighty God.". I didn't want to support anyone who just said God. That could be anything. So I prayed and asked Jesus to have him say Jesus instead of just God so I'd know if he was for real. My prayers were answered. BTW, It is his eldest daughter that converted to Judaism, not Trump. Melania, his wife is a Catholic. The Trump family attends many of churches, not religions. And a president is not a preacher or perfect.. Donald J. Trump is healed and learning Christianity and growing because he is a servant of Jesus Christ. Remember In the Bible, Jesus often instructed people he healed or those who witnessed miraculous events "not to tell anyone," which is commonly referred to as the "Messianic Secret"; this meant he wanted to avoid premature public recognition as the Messiah, allowing him to focus on his ministry without unnecessary distractions or confrontation with religious authorities. In my 72 years Trump is the only leader who is openly said the name Jesus Christ and defending and protecting Christians. To do so he needs votes. Obama claimed to be a Christian at first. Then later at a Prayer Breakfast he said. "We are no longer a Christian Nation..."
So deceived. He couldn’t name a book of the Bible when asked what his favorite was. He said he has never asked for forgiveness because he behaves in a way that he doesn’t need forgiveness. He had a Muslim pray at his inauguration. Would you ever ever ever have someone pray to a false God on your big day? I would never disrespect my lord and savior like that. He produced a Bible and added the constitution to it and in the video promoting it all he kept saying is we need Christian values again. No we need CHRIST again. Not just good values. He was asked about his beliefs and all he could respond with was a rant about how great of a man some preacher he has heard preach was. He is a 33rd degree mason, and Adrian abromnovich said he is the magician of the highest order in power for a purpose to bring confusion which is exactly what’s happening. People lie. He lied when he said he acknowledges Christ. If he did then he would never ever ever say he doesn’t need forgiveness. Jesus DIED AND ROSE AGAIN to grant us forgiveness. Trump is saying he doesn’t need Jesus’ gift to us. Wake up
Ahh tisk, tisk so many falsehoods!! Where to began, first he has their are so many good stories, hard to pick his favorite. Then on the bible which you speak, he was congratulating lee greenwood on his bibles ( he was telling people to take a look) and yes ( lee greenwoods) bibles have the constitution and the bill of rights. He has opening declared Jesus as our Lord and savior!!! Your words matter, false accusations matter!! If you have a personal dislike for Our President, then you need to pray on it for the devil is working overtime on us all, and we need to love even our enemies ..
@@Summerspeaks7 *That was before 2016*. A lot has happened in the passed 10 years. I was reborn in the fall of 2015 . I had no idea how much I didn't know. I still can't name everyone in the Bible; that is not a requirement or commandment. I had to learn just like everyone. and am still learning.. I've learned more about Jesus and the Bible in the past 10 years than I did going to church since I was a child. I knew about how the shuffle ped-o-files around cause it happened to me 2x. I didn't know what Prosperity Preachers were or that there are so many religions or kinds of preachers; pastors who kow-tow to corrupt governments, more worried about their tax exemptions and tithes or Diddy type parties. So many don't teach of the urgency of repentance,, sin or the hard truth, which is Jesus. The internet exposed me to information never taught in church. Trump is far from perfect like all of us. Trump is not there to preach he's there to expel all the corruption and put in what's good for the people first instead of letting all that USAID money get laundered overseas then into the Democrats pockets. Here's a list of imperfect people Almighty God chose in the past to protect His people. *President Trump is a SERVANT of GOD not the Anti Christ - He is a peace maker and undoes confusion. *1st Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. The Bible includes many wealthy people, including servants of God. Some of these people include:
Eliezer of Damascus: Abraham's servant, who may be referred to as Lazarus in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus Joseph: A wealthy man who appears in the Bible in Genesis 41:37-44 Isaac: A wealthy man who appears in the Bible in Genesis 26:12 Abraham: A wealthy man who appears in the Bible in Genesis 13:2 Other wealthy people in the Bible include: King David, Solomon, Hezekiah, Zacchaeus, Matthew, Boaz, Abigail, and Nabal. The Bible also includes examples of generous people, such as Joseph of Arimathea and the Shunamite Woman. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”-Romans 8:28 The Bible includes many wealthy people, including servants of God. Some of these people include: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”-Romans 8:28 NO ONE ON EARTH IS PERFECT
Give it up with your wishful thinking, wow! Trump said HIMSELF he is NOT a Christian. He said this at one of his recent rallies. Look it up, it's on YT. He literally denies Jesus Christ. Stop being deceived.
I'm surprise Breaker didn't know that. I believe the "land" refers to the land of Israel. AC comes from sea, gentile. False phophet comes from the land, Jew. I'm expecting a Jewish religious leader to indorse Trump. People in Israel love love Trump, it will be easy for the FP to say, Trump is our long awaited messiah.
We need to know who the antichrist is so you don't inadvertently take its mark. A lot of people believe the mark is the day of worship. Most Christians worship on SUNday vs the 7th (no I'm not a SDA). Why do most Christians attend church on Sunday? Who started that? The Catholic Church (the first beast). Trump is the head of the 2nd beast, the US.
Not only must we know who Jesus is, but we must follow His example by offering ourselves as a sacrifice to God. Because there are many Christians who believe that godliness is for gain. Their god is their belly, their glory is in their shame, they dream of earthly things. They vote for Trump and pray for American prosperity, ignoring the will of God.
that doesnt make any sense because the bible says pray that the trib doesn't come in the winter or on the SABBATH.... why would you need to pray that if you are already gone.... sorry but there will not be rapture... we will go through the trib.
@@Jack-u2y6q the rapture is a sign less event. It's not set in time and happens when Heavenly Father tells Jesus the day and time to go call his children home.
God uses everything and everyone for his glory. Even the Bible teaches God uses the wicked for good. Every bad thing we do and good thing and simply all that exists one way or another glorifies God in the end. Even Satan is used to bring God glory. If Satan didn't tempt Adam and eve, we wouldn't have been Jesus as our savior and he wouldn't be glorified and praised for what he did on the cross. Therefore Satan was used to bring glory to Jesus that glorifies the Father. That's just one example of many. Therefore just because God uses someone for his glory doesn't make that thing or person good, righteous or blameless in God's perspective.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Let no man deceive you by any means Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
**(Beast #1) Trump the Antichrist** Rev 13:3: “I saw one of his heads AS IF it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.” Rev 13:1: The Antichrist comes from the sea (Rev 13:1) and goes to the Lake of Fire (Rev 19:20). Mar-a-Lago means "from the sea to the lake." **(Beast #2) Musk the False Prophet** Rev 13:12: “he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast” Rev 13:13: “he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men,” (Space X) Rev 13:15: “And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak,” (Tesla Robotics) Rev 13:16: “And he causes all . . . to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,” (Neuralink)
I like trump's policies, they have been doing alot for this country already. even though I voted for him doesnt mean I would warship him as a god. I follow Jesus.
so why did God prepare a way to save mankind during Noah's time? or during Moses' time? are born-again Christians today less important to HIM then back then? hmm...
Right Matthew 24 9 martyrs for Jesus of ALL NATIONS before the mark of the beast Matthew 24 10 the great falling away Matthew 24 15 Man of sin is revealed Matthew 24 16 Jesus tells the Jews to flee Matthew 24 9 Jesus just told us MAN REMOVES THE CHURCH before the mark of the beast Revelation 7 9 martyrs for Jesus of ALL NATIONS after the mark of the beast
Rev 14:9-11 KJV And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. All will be here for the entire tribulation. Christ return at the LAST trump. Please read John 6. It says this 4 times in this chapter alone. If only nonbelievers were here, why would the MOTB. Even be an issue?! They hate God. This will be a true test of faith
I've thought he could be the Antichrist since 2019. But we are NOT looking for the AC we ARE looking for Jesus Christ 🙏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻 I hope and pray the rapture is this year! Donald Trump is NOT a born-again Christian, that's for sure 🙄 Titus 2:13 KJB Our Blessed Hope
You don't know that!!! You have no idea what God has done in Trumps life. Trump said out of His mouth that Jesus is Lord and He couldn't do the Presidential job without God!!! If you watched the Presidential signing of the executive orders Trump signed that God made man and women. Quit spreading rumors!
I was told by the holy spirit in 2019 Trump was a wolf in sheeps clothing...I don't no 8f he the A.C. or the one who ushers him in which I'm not looking for the A.C. I'm looking for Jesus Christ to call us up...Blessings from NC
“For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, ” 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
If you read about the second beast with the two horns like a lamb, and picture Elon Musk while you read it, (calling down fire from the heavens, self landing rockets) it’s pretty wild
This reminds me of all the fun conversations that I had with my dad when I was a kid. We always talked about this kind of stuff and I was totally taken in by it.
The rapture of the church hasn't taken place yet, and the Bible says that the man of sin won't be revealed until after the rapture of the church. He who letteth shall let, until he be removed, and then that man of sin shall be revealed,the son of perdition, who decieveth the whole world. I've also heard Donald Trump say that there is only one savior, and that is Jesus Christ, on more than one occasion. We can't look at anyone as a savior because Jesus alone is Lord and savior, and King of Kings! Besides, too many people hate Donald Trump, so I don't believe he is the anti christ. Barak Obama on the other hand...
The way humans are in general, and the fact the rapture hasn't happened yet, I don't believe humans will ever fully agree on a man to be a good person or a bad person. There will always be to an extent those that disagree. Once we're out of here though, and there's no more republican vs democrat, the new technology is represented, and Trump could have the solutions to the world problems rather than to the united states' problems, then people could change their minds who didn't like him before. As of now, Trump is on a side in their minds, and there's a lot of people who want the other side he's not on to make things the way they want the laws and such to be like that he won't stand for at this time. Therefore those are the only people I see who don't like him. Most people seem to though, especially after they had enough of Joe. Also we may not get to see the obvious evidence of who the antichrist is, but that doesn't mean it's not Donald Trump. Donald could be just be doing this to prepare people for how hell change one the rapture does happen and then it'll become obvious that he's the antichrist which would be a revealing. Right now, he possibly could be, but it's still a mystery until it's absolutely undeniable. Opinions cam change easily if a person changes enough or does something different enough to persuade someone to change their opinion. So as of now there may be some who don't, but once we are gone and he does other things, their opinion may easily change about Trump. Also don't forget Jesus and Lucifer have the same equivalent value in gematria, so when they often say God or Jesus, that can still mean Lucifer or Satan to them. That's why "In God We Trust" is not what I believe this country originally mean Jesus Christ of the Bible rather one nation under Lucifer that they trust, but if they said that, it would make it too obvious. But if they could get Christians to allow them to take over the government by making Christians think our country was referring to the God of the Bible and not the god of this world, then they would easily be able to fulfill their goals since Christians wouldn't be suspicious until it's too late. Which its been too late for quite awhile now. Barak has always been way more hated and disliked and blamed than Trump. Yet both Trump and Obama both have shown signs and said such things that makes them both seem like they had potential to be the antichrist, but Obama isn't showing anywhere near as much as Trump to likely be the antichrist. The antichrist in these times, if he's even being seen at all, would have at least a good amount of trust from Christians. Obama doesn't. Trump is liked by the lost, the Christians, the atheists, etc. Don't forget the snake poem from Trump "you knew damn well I was a snake before you let me in;" also how he said Christians should vote and he's not a Christian; also how he said he has not repented and didn't ask Jesus for forgiveness rather he just eats his cracker and tried to do a good job. Even countless signs in the movies and shows about Trump, the numerology related to 88022, the last trump, another movie like the guy Biff on Back To The Future who took over the world basically and made it worse. Even a person who helped make the movie admitted that character represented Trump intentionally, which you'll even see the tower like Trump's tower, 88mph, "you're fired" as related to the apprentice show when Marty gets fired from his future job, etc. Even his history as a freemason, decades ago referring to him being a president one day, the Simpson showing the years he would be president not just before but even as of now, the assassination symbolism in commercials about Trump getting shot, MAGA which is the highest ranking in the satanism, even Donald means "world ruler," I can go on and on. I barely see anything about Obama other than just some bad stuff as usual that you would see from a freemason at that degree. I'm not saying Trump is the antichrist, but considering everyone and everything, he appears to be the most probable to be, if not, then I don't see anyone else who is convincing enough yet to persuade me to believe we have even seen who he is. Yet it would be hard to believe that without knowing who he is before the rapture happens, that if we are all just disappear in the rapture, that some man could just come out in the public and be trusted so much for the entire world within such a short period of time before even the Great tribulation ends. Therefore I would actually believe it is quite probable that Trump is the Antichrist because if people have an awareness of this figure before the rapture occurs, then after we are gone and he has a solution to the problems that will come from that, he'll already have a degree of trust. Then Satan could easily move forward with his agenda. But if we were gone and the Antichrist has not been known before the rapture would occur, then this politician or somebody's going to come out and look like they have a solution but everybody is going to be kind of suspicious or scratching their heads "who is this guy?" It would actually make more sense to me that we probably do see who the Antichrist is if we are paying enough attention to what's going on in the world, and it seems like Trump has more support and trust than any other person I've seen who is wanted and trusted to help the world or at least the United States even for now. But his connections to Israel compared to everybody else as well, doesn't look like Obama is going to be the one.
Obama is not the antichrist. Don't allow your racism to deceive you. I believe Trump is a foreshadow of the Antichrist that is to come. If Trump isn't the Antichrist, he certainly would make a great contender because he has most of the characteristics of the little horn. Daniel 8:8--28
I use to believe in pretrib rapture that man told me about. Then i started reading my Bible. If even the most elect, they would be deceived...I don't see any pretrib but I've been wrong more times than I'd like to admit. I just say read your bible people. Stay sober and vigilant
Here’s an interesting fact about his birthday- A total lunar eclipse occurred at the Moon’s descending node of orbit on Friday, June 14, 1946,[1] with an umbral magnitude of 1.3983. It was a central lunar eclipse.
Im born again....Jesus christ is my lord and savior...I am tired of this world....physically sick in my body...spiritual weak...ready for jesus to come get us....rapture!! Not death!!
The man who will become the anti-Christ doesn’t even know now until after the church is taken away by Jesus. Speculation might be fun to do but the world won’t know till he is revealed.
Matthew 24 15 Man of sin is revealed Who are the people of ALL NATIONS that are willing to die for Jesus namesake in Matthew 24 9 Your escape isn't what you're thinking John 6 39 40 44 54 Jesus says at the LAST DAY four times The church rapture is at judgement day Jesus is always truth, I hope you give Jesus a chance to explain Revelation 20 shows two resurrections
He wore a satanic suit in a red carpet event. Also Trump's penthouse was used in the film The Devil's Advocate from 1997. Kushner bought the building 666 in the 5th avenue. Musk refers himself as the dark MAGA.
True. Anyone who is woke, has brain activity. They wouldn’t vote for a xenophobic, misogynistic, sexual assaulting, tax evading, mentally ill, convicted felon, who escaped trials, for insurrection, obstruction of justice, and stealing classified documents, by running for president. They would look for someone more qualified, like P Diddy. After all, he was a great businessman, with 0 bankruptcies. Ghislaine Maxwell could have been his VP! Only Make America Gullible Again would be capable, of doing this.
We love Jesus Christ and we love Israel. Trump is protected by the Holy Spirit. Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who scorn Israel will be scorned
He needs his spiritual eyes opened tho, because choosing Paula White as his spiritual advisor is a huge mistake. She will only harm his spiritual growth.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV) Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
To me, if Satan's time is short and his purpose is to take as many to Hell with him as possible, hes not wasting time with those Lost. He's going for those with the potential for Salvation. A true Christian cares not who the man of predition is... other than being that man. God bless.
Go to the Lord brother. Following all the different opinions of men will only confuse you further. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Get in his word and allow him to bring the truth to you.
Yeah all of the pastors and watchmen including the ones here on TH-cam said to vote for him and not voting or voting for Kamala was going against God because of the abortion and transgender stuff she supported and now it feels like the same are saying oh by the way, he’s the antichrist and you voted for him. 🤷♂️
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” 1 Corinthians 14:33 Just trust in Jesus. He is our Rock of Salvation.
I'm not looking for the Anti-Christ but Jesus Christ.
@@martinpaez7515 AMEN!!!!
Amen Hallelujah ❤
AMEN;We wont be here for that anyway !!
That's Right! Those looking for Jesus Won't Need to Know who He Is!!
I don't care who the Antichrist will be, All I care is that I am a born again.Christian and i'm washed in the blood of my Lord Jesus Christ.
I fully believe if we see undeniable signs of 'that day' it is our responsibility as Christians and Watchmen (Ezekiel chapter 2) to warn those who are unsaved.
Yes, you should be watching. Please.
There's people that Jesus will still save during the tribulation and we may not be here to warn them, hence the constant speculation.
@problem-reactionsolution8426 you are correct.
Please forgive me but does that excuse us from sharing the Gospel now?
@@VSFillyI agree
The main answer is just trust in God and God alone. Stay in prayer, stay awake, and trust no man completely
@@alwaysmarcy9428 Amen!!!! 🥺🙌🙏
That is wisdom.
People have been preaching this for years and years and now that he’s here, they support him!!
spread the gospel while there is still time.
✝️🎤 drop✝️
You literally have until the world is no longer capable of sustaining life. As if you really needed anymore time, as if Christianity isn't already well known across the world.
Amen 🙏🏻
@@larrywilliams7100 Amen
🙏 Amen
Amen 🙏
Elon Musk has invented a microchip that goes in the brain called NeuroLink and he's President Trump's right hand man.
Right it’s so obvious. Also Neuralink equals 666 in Greek Gematria. This is not a coincidence, the book of revelation was written in Greek. Many Christians love him and don’t want to see him for who he truly is. He is the AC
He also wore a specially designed costume at Halloween with a baphomet head and upside down Cross, and called himself the devil's champion. Someone said his mother is a known satanist and high order witch... so probably not someone we want making important decisions about our future
I have been screaming about this since before the election
I think you mean president Elon Musk and his shadow puppet Donald Trump.
Regardless, Elon Musk is an incompetent imbecile. Have you seen his demonstrations of robots? It's a laughable disgrace, Boston Dynamics has robots that are at least 30 years ahead of what Elon Musk has trotted out on stage and the last time I heard anything about NeuroLink, it sounded like it was doing pretty badly and they were constantly having problems with it. I wouldn't be surprised if there is another company that's already doing it 20+ years better than him. The main thing we need to fear from Elon Musk is his arrogance and incompetence and how emboldened he's become with the way he acts like the US government belongs to him
Brother, keep fighting the good fight of Faith, and may The Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you and yours.
We are living in the most interesting times, who cares about the superbowl when Israel is being divided before our eyes. Come soon, Lord, Jesus.
trump, in his statement with the leader of Israel right next to him, said gaza is israel - definitely interesting times
Right 🎉🎉
@ think about how he is trying to make Iceland and Canada states. Could be him working on building the 10 kingdoms
Israel? What about all the innocent people that they merdered!!!! Y’all are indoctrinated out of your freaking minds!!!
They arrested a huge group of ( traffickers in Disney) know let us see what the biggest pedo day brings!!( superbowl) pray for the children to be saved!! From dark to light, have eyes to see and ears to hear.🕊🙏❤
So you’re a moron?
I have seen the meaning of this verse play out in my life many times and I know I will see it play out in my life many more times.
I don't get caught up in that stuff but Elon Musk gives me the jitters. I don't think he is necessarily the anti Christ but something don't seem right about him.
I don't like Musk either and Trump would be wise to keep him at arms length. Musk is a liar, a grifter, and a petulant child. His whole company is built on government largesse.
He's a genius. People who have a high IQ, function on another level. I think he has done well in learning how to act like the "average guy". Nerds don't function well socially, in many cases. I'm praying he's not schizophrenic, or, bi-polar.
It’s just Asperger’s look it up. They’re usually genius with social awkwardness. Hopefully his screws are tight
Yeah the whole gov klan is satans tactics God woke me up & I too stay out of all that I just vote Jesus cause I know Jesus has never lied to me;)
@@stevnreed7763 I believe your discernment is spot on!
Remember: one is either for Christ or against. So, trust Jesus. He has never failed us.
THE BIBLE SAYS THE antichrist is:
A Deceptive man - Matthew 24:24
A Prideful man - 2 Thessalonians 2:4
Boastful. Mouth Speaking Great Things -Revelation 13:5
More Stout than his fellows - Daniel 7:20
A Lawless Man - 2 Thessalonians 2:7
Called Little Horn - Daniel 7:8
A Powerful man. A world Ruler - Revelation 13:2
A Destructive man - Revelation 6:4
A Vile man - Daniel 11:21
Comes in His Own Name - John 5:43
An Arrogant man - Daniel 8:11
Seeks to Change Times and Laws - Daniel 7:25
He Desires Worship- 2 Thessalonians 2:4
He is Haughty - Daniel 11:36
He Is a Liar - John 8:44
Performs False Signs - Revelation 13:13-14
He has the Mouth of a Lion & power from Satan - Revelation 13:2
A worthless person, a wicked man,
Walks with a perverse mouth; he winks with his eyes, He shuffles his feet, He points with his fingers; Perversity is in his heart, He devises evil continually, He sows discord, therefore his calamity shall come suddenly.
Proverbs 6:12-19
Comes out of the sea - the sea often represents chaotic nations, media or a turbulent world order - Daniel 7:2-3 watch
Will be revealed with the great Apostasy.
2 Thessalonians 2:3.
Christians will believe in him, idolize him, they will fall away. God sends a great delusion to those who are perishing (they don't even know it).
Honors the God of Forces - Daniel 11:38
In his ESTATE/HOME shall he honour the god of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things
Daniel 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for HE SHALL MAGNIFY HIMSELF ABOVE ALL.
He is of the Revived Roman empire. Facts
*The PEOPLE of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and santuary
Daniel 9:26-27. Romans
*The Seven Hills the seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
Revelation 17:9-10. Revived Rome.
Daniel 2:41-43 (KJV) - The Vision of the Statue
And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided..." The legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream represent the Roman Empire.
The feet of iron mixed with clay are believed to symbolize a revived form of Rome in the last days..
Sound like anyone we know?
@@sshiflett5427Yep most certainly. Repent. Pray. God is coming.
Ah yes, Biden.
@brandonkoncyk1842 In the last days, it won't be about our favorite politician. The kings of the earth are not greater than the God of the universe. Choose wisely. God be with us all friend.
The feet of iron and clay is also the United States. The iron is with clay but does not mix: "they will mingle with the seed of men, but they will not adhere to one another." Daniel 2:43 Trump is changing America into Amerikkka.
I wish more believers would read their bibles (daily) ☹️
They'd rather be spoon fed & make accusations of those they know little to nothing about.🙄🤦
of those who do read, the comprehension of many is woeful
I’ve read alot of the Old Testament and the entire New Testament and I’m glad I did. Even read the book of Enoch of looking more into Enoch is. He has a very interesting tale.
@tracer7898 the Holy Spirit is a great teacher! "Meditate day and night" per Joshua and Psalms 😊 He will teach you. One must be prepared for the truth. Once the scales fall off and you can discern the wolves from the sheep... you will realize a majority of those wolves are behind the pulpit (and may have "taught" you). Praise Him! I love my KJV! Shalom friend 😇
@Cynical496 Yay! I hope you continue with that! I never stop learning. I know if I stop, how quickly I could forget. The book of Enoch is not scripture, but like you said, I have heard it is an interesting read. The Bible thoroughly furnishes all our needs 😇 Peace and grace friend 🧡
I hope Trump is the last trump. I am tired
Not much time left here at all. Jesus could come back at any moment!
@@Amoore1991 Amen 🙏
Just a little season left in the meantime pray without ceasing
Be happy the Lord is coming soon
He is The Last Trump..He is King John Trump wrote Book of Revelation
1stJohn and 2nd John tell you to test the spirit of anti-christ, you see anti-christ means anti-anointing or in place-off or against-off, they want to take the place of Christ Jesus or they're against Jesus Christ, Jesus said he that is not with Me is against Me. Judas Iscariot had an anti-christ spirit he was amongst the Apostles but he was against Christ, he sold him for 30 pieces of silver, just as this Pastor's are now a day's merchandising the Word of God for filthy lucre. Many think that President Donald j Trump is the anti christ and how wrong they are, God is the one who puts in kings and removes them, for He has vessels of Honor and vessels of dishonor, President Trump is a type of Cyrus fulfilling God's Word, so your anti-christ are your false teachers and deceivers, they were amongst the Apostles but they did not belong to them they went out from amongst them, if you Read 2Cor chapter 11 the Apostle Paul tells you who they are, also the Apostle Peter. Jesus said many would come in His name saying I am Christ ( anointing how many Christians say oh this preacher this pastor this prophet is really anointed that's what Jesus meant when He said many would come in His name saying I am Christ am anointed. ).
“If we’re trying to find the Anti-Christ, isn’t that the kind of guy we’re looking for?”
That’s how I started my quest for these answers.
It’s difficult for me to believe the anti Christ would have kids
@@seventyseven5978 Why? A lot of emperors and dictators have kids.
Amen ❤
Resurrected beating the sin of death ..
The thing that worries me about Trump is that he has towers of gold, and he comes in his own name. Not to mention on the ceiling of his penthouse in New york, he has a very expensive painting of apollo, the sun god .
How do you know this????
@erikhaack4123 check out antiChrist 45 by brother Paul. I can share a link if you want.
@erikhaack4123 th-cam.com/video/1014PFSIq-U/w-d-xo.htmlsi=gDKyfcVbmeNy9aRt
Yep took money from soros freinds with blk rock ceo ivankas on wef page..biden setup martial law for him on way into office
@@erikhaack4123 do a search my friend.
Bow a river
Habakkuk 3:8-10
Well said praise Jesus
This is the year of the snake. Remember the poem he read during his first term. You knew I was a snake when you let me in. Just putting it out there.
Interesting. Snake is still a snake.
Exactly he told them but they still worship him
Yep and last year was the year of the dragon. Elon observed it last year.
He meant the democrats was the snake they voted in.
Yes yes this!!! I was saying this is year of the 🐍!!!
All I believe is that Trump was chosen for a very particular reason and we should respect our leaders but Jesus is still our King 👑
Hebrews 13:17 says, "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they watch over your souls as those who must give an account".
This verse teaches that the church (Christians) should respect and obey their leaders, and that leaders are accountable to God.
Lmao! Read your bible
I suppose it’s also the Lords decision on who the Antichrist will be. There are many clues and one that does stand out to me is that he will be the Lawless one that comes in his own name.
Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judaea who ordered the crucifixion of Jesus. Do you respect Pilate?
@@pattycake4boss785Jesus did.
As you, I believe Trump is pushing the agenda for the 3 temples. And somewhere in the bible (I not remember what versets) is written to respect our leaders.
Trump and the richest man in earth getting together makes me suspicious
Elon is not the richest man on earth. He is the richest man that they list on paper, but there are people who pay to not appear on those lists so you don't know who they are, because if they did list them, then the top 10 richest people list would just be a list of every member of the Rothschild family, each one having at least est. net worth far exceeding 500 billion, minimum. Together, the family has trillions.
Makes you look for Mr Burns from the Simpsons. He’s got to be apart of this
@@CForged1stJohn and 2nd John tell you to test the spirit of anti-christ, you see anti-christ means anti-anointing or in place-off or against-off, they want to take the place of Christ Jesus or they're against Jesus Christ, Jesus said he that is not with Me is against Me. Judas Iscariot had an anti-christ spirit he was amongst the Apostles but he was against Christ, he sold him for 30 pieces of silver, just as this Pastor's are now a day's merchandising the Word of God for filthy lucre. Many think that President Donald j Trump is the anti christ and how wrong they are, God is the one who puts in kings and removes them, for He has vessels of Honor and vessels of dishonor, President Trump is a type of Cyrus fulfilling God's Word, so your anti-christ are your false teachers and deceivers, they were amongst the Apostles but they did not belong to them they went out from amongst them, if you Read 2Cor chapter 11 the Apostle Paul tells you who they are, also the Apostle Peter. Jesus said many would come in His name saying I am Christ ( anointing how many Christians say oh this preacher this pastor this prophet is really anointed that's what Jesus meant when He said many would come in His name saying I am Christ am anointed. ).
Musk is nowhere near the richest person on earth....look up the Rothschild fortune for one.
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.
Yes. For sure. Us that know the Christians that love Jesus truely know in our hearts and feel " different " 🙏 🤲 ✝️
@@catrinahartz944 Amen
Biden acted more like the Anti christ
Question is, why didn't you dissect Biden's administration?The same way you are dissecting trump
Finally an open minded Christian! That's not a sheep going to slaughter a cult disciple.Thank you I love the Lord with all my heart & I cannot get over how much that person triggers me there is no wayyyy he is anything good my only spiritual gift is discernment & I know I'm not wrong that there is something seriously wrong with that person!!!! All the evidence of him is in everyone's face yet the cult turns a blind eye it's wild!!!! All I am saying is BEWARE, ALL WILL SEE EVENTUALLY WHO he is!
@@missrobyncalifornia remember the unrighteous will do righteous things and deceive. However, there are two people behind the scenes of Trump, and one that everyone is being distracted from. Elon has Trump's eat with many things, but also has many leaders of many Nations following him, including Germany. Kushner, during Trump's first term is the one who brought Trump and the PM of Israel together which created the Abraham Accord's. And again that was Kushner's idea. But what nobody realized, is that Kushner is the one who suggested, back in November, to remove the people from Gaza and rebuild. However, Kushner has his eyes on rebuilding the Temple. Having Gaza uninhabited, just like God said it would be, means nobody can contest him with USA in Israel keeping Peace and Security.
I couldn't agree with you more!
I have fasted and prayed about this for years! The discernment of my faith won't allow me to attempt to dismiss the evil in him! It amazes me how the vast majority follow him like a prophet; even pastors everywhere! Jesus said in Matthew 24:24 that the deception will be so overwhelming that even the very elect themselves will be deceived if possible
@clarkkent3730 Church and state are separating through politics, when we should put God first. And the Church has become like the Pharisees, but God said these would happen. Even the Pope is changing the Church, and in fact the Pope was with a Muslim leader reading the Quran, in front of many. There is a picture of this as well. And what I noticed in the picture, is that the Quran that they were reading, had on the cover the Holy Quran. Mocking the Holy Bible. Let the Holy Spirit guide us in the truth of God's word.
There are 2 things that really trouble me. This person may claim to believe in God, but He doesn't say much about Jesus as Savior,,, and
If he had spiritual discernment, he wouldn't have chosen "Paula White"
as his "spiritual
It's so obvious
@IbelongtoJesus. The unrighteous will do righteous things, or say righteous things. They will come in the form of light, this is how deception will lead some astray. Be watchful, as you are, dive deep into and consume the word of God and pray. The Holy Spirit will guide us in these times. Stay awake. Talking about these things among brothers and sisters in Christ, is very important. But also even more important, to share with those who are not awake in the Holy Spirit and seek Jesus and the truth. And try to reach those who are not seeking with the word of God, and perhaps awaken them. God bless to you and all, and Amen.
Firstly i dont put my trust in ANY man. I vote for the person that more closely aligns with my christian beliefs such as abortion etc.
Trumps not pro life. He don’t have Christian values
@@sonweb8050 Trump isn’t pro life nor does he have Christian values
Trump ❤❤❤❤
Trump is pro life. I have been to his rallies. Obviously, you’re a woke liberal. Mostly liberals tell lies about trump. FYI, I’m a Democrat myself.
Keep your eyes on God, read His word, and you won't be deceived.
Well Jesus said he left us a GIFT and that was the spirit of TRUTH... which is the HOLY spirit that we will use to decern what is truth or GOOD vs EVIL or wrong.
I thought i would add to what you said.
And only listen to The Holy Spirit for the Truth
You posting a video today made my day a little better. Been in a rough place this week 😢God bless you, brothers and sisters! Cant wait to go home!
🙏🙏🙏 Amen!!! This world is getting more strange or maybe I'm getting more strange. Idk!!
Lord help me to understand 🙏
Hugs ❤ we will be in heaven soon
Can I share something with you? It involves your internet name (GodsLittleOnes) 🙏
I prayed that the Lord Jesus Christ will be the lifter of your head and that He will saturate you with His presence. God bless
@ so sweet 🥲 thank you! 🙏
Watch the family summit from 2015 where trump says he doesn’t /hasn’t asked God for forgiveness
I forgot about that
I clicked because I like your process of explaining the scriptures 😊
Me too
I agree with you , glad I’m not the only one, that thinks that about Elon Musk 😮
Me too
Isn’t it interesting how he didn’t put his hand on the Bible for his second inauguration.
And how a crown was given to him, the Jews gave a sliver looking crown cuz they think he is something else
@@sarahusrey-ld4zu *sigh*
Why hasn’t he commented on this?
I don’t take it personal! Our Lord & Savior will protect us all! ✨🙏❤️🙏✨
he is the one. watch these
(1) here comes the man (2) eye on the king
edward umling
@@mweber5459 it's also funny he did it the first time before he claimed Christianity.
I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ my saviour. I voted for Trump. I had to choose as an American citizen and a Christian it is my duty to vote. I could not sit idle and be the one vote that would've made the difference in that woman being elected after she in front of the whole world denied Jesus is King. I know the kings heart is in the Lords hands. God is still in control. I don't like everything about him but felt he was the better of the two for sure. I left it in God's hand's if he is he is we are going home shortly I already know we are in the last day's and we need to be telling everyone who will listen how they can be saved!!
Where in Scripture does it say it's your duty as a Christian to vote?
This is what I learned when studying this topic...to vote is to vow. It is to make your will be known. You didn't have to vote. The Father sets up kings. To vote is to say "My will be done", when we are supposed to say "THY Will be done".
Why does everyone forget that there are candidates other than the 2 promoted by the main parties? We DO have other choices. Look into the American Solidarity Party. We are told from a young age that to vote 3rd party is to throw away our vote. NOT true! Our founding fathers never wanted a 2 party system- in fact, they warned against it. Voting republican or Democrat only plays into "their" hands. Think for yourselves, folks!
Deuteronomy 1:13
13 Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you
Proverbs 28:12
Proverbs 14:34
34 Righteousness exalts a nation,but sin is a reproach to any people.
, which states: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.". This verse essentially says that when a righteous leader governs, the nation will prosper and experience happiness, signifying a kind of "fruitfulness.
We are the light and it must shine we hold back the darkness
Jesus picked two and we were given the choice if we do not choose we are letting the darkness rules.
We are told to obey the authority governing over us and if we don't we are against God. So why wouldn't you vote to make sure it is with what lines up most with Jesus?
God said come out this world, Voting is being apart of the world
We need to remember that God raises up kings and God brings them down.
He is where he is because God chose it. So whatever God is doing, HE IS IN CONTROL!
Right! Just as how Jesus chose Judas for God's own will to be the one to betray Christ
Buddy, the antichrist will also be a king. Did you think about that?
I can see that NOTHING will change your support for Trump . NOTHING. You actually hate hearing anythng negative about Trump. You automatically think "fake news", and you were programmed to think that "only liberals hate trump because of his mean tweets". You really believe that. You fell for that lie and trick from the pro-Trump media you watch. They repeat that over and over and over again, don't they.
The reality is that a REAL Christian would have stopped following him when he re-tweeted a tweet comparing him to " the second coming of God". (BLASPHEMY. Do you remember what happened to kings who did f00lish things like that in the Bible?!) And yet you STILL support him.
The Bible says that many will be deceived into worshipping the antichrist too. And idol worshippers are NOT "the elect".
Here is a little more for you :
Revelation 13:16 says that followers of the antichrist will wear the mark of the beast on their foreheads.
In ancient languages around the world, MAGA means either "magic", or "confusion", or "evil".
MAGA means "witch" in Latin.
Maga referred to magical kings of ancient kingdoms in Central Asia.
According to Kokugakuin University, in ancient Japanese, Maga means confusion, complication, distortion.
Maga-goto means "evil things"
Maga is "wizard" or 'Magician" in Portuguese, Polish, Spanish, French.
In ancient Egyptian demonology, Maga is a demon-deity . He rides on Ra's sky ship.
And in ancient Gaelic, the name "Don" means "World Leader." And in Irish legends, Donn was a demon. His name means "the dark one."
The Bible says that the mark of the beast is "666" . We are about to find out what that really means very soon. Which side are you on?
I always enjoy Bible studies. I also enjoy listening to you Bro Breaker. God has given you that gift to spread His word (seeds). ✝️🙏📖💜
Given Daniel 11:37, which says that Antichrist will “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all”,
This is what i was saying in a rounda bout way!!
It doesn’t say that because the topic is gods from vs 36-39 it is mentioned 8 times. As in female gods such as Dianna or artimes
@@savedpdx1 you show a complete lack of understanding of what that verse actually says. why would daniel go from talking about the AC not honoring the gods, to then talking about the AC sexuality, to then go right back into talking about how he won’t honor the god’s?
@ ok explain it to me then because I believe you missed the point here so let’s see what did I miss ?
@ The idea that Antichrist will not desire women comes from a misreading of the KJV translation: "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all." (Daniel 11:37)
This verse does NOT say he shall not desire women. It says he shall have no “regard” for the “desire of women.” In context, this verse is saying he does not regard any gods - and the “desire of women” is the god who is the desired god of women.
New International Version - He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.
New Living Translation - He will have no respect for the gods of his ancestors, or for the god loved by women, or for any other god, for he will boast that he is greater than them all.
Holman Christian Standard Bible - He will not show regard for the gods of his fathers, the god longed for by women, or for any other god, because he will magnify himself above all.
International Standard Version - He'll recognize neither the gods of his ancestors nor those desired by women-he won't recognize any god, because he'll exalt himself above everything.
NET Bible - He will not respect the gods of his fathers--not even the god loved by women. He will not respect any god; he will elevate himself above them all.
New Heart English Bible - Neither shall he regard the gods of his fathers, nor the one desired by women, nor show regard to any other god, because he shall magnify himself above all.
English Standard Version - He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or to the one beloved by women. He shall not pay attention to any other god, for he shall magnify himself above all.
Biblical Criteria for the Antichrist
1. Claims to Be God / Opposes Christ
✅ Declares himself as God and demands worship (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
✅ Denies Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (1 John 2:22)
✅ Blasphemes God and speaks great things (Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:5-6)
2. Deceptive and Charismatic Leader
✅ Performs false miracles, signs, and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)
✅ Deceives many, including the elect if possible (Matthew 24:24)
✅ Brings false peace before destruction (Daniel 9:27)
3. Political and Military Power
✅ Rises as a powerful world leader (Revelation 13:7)
✅ Rules over all nations and people (Revelation 13:7-8)
✅ Makes a seven-year covenant (peace treaty) but breaks it after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27)
4. Persecutes Christians and Jews
✅ Wages war against the saints and prevails for a time (Daniel 7:21, Revelation 13:7)
✅ Desecrates the Jewish Temple (the Abomination of Desolation) (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15)
✅ Forces people to worship him or be killed (Revelation 13:15)
5. Economic Control & The Mark of the Beast
✅ Implements a global economic system (Revelation 13:16-17)
✅ Requires people to take his "mark" (666) to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-18)
✅ Destroys those who refuse allegiance (Revelation 13:15)
6. Satanic Empowerment
✅ Directly empowered by Satan (Revelation 13:2)
✅ Performs lying wonders and signs (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
✅ Has a false prophet assisting him (Revelation 13:11-12)
Apocryphal & Extrabiblical Criteria
7. Born from an Unholy Union (Possibly Supernatural)
✅ The Sibylline Oracles suggest he will be born from an unholy woman and an evil spirit
✅ The Ascension of Isaiah describes him as a demonic incarnation
8. Imitates Christ (False Messiah)
✅ Some traditions suggest he will be born of a Jewish woman from the tribe of Dan (Genesis 49:17, Jeremiah 8:16)
✅ The Gospel of Nicodemus hints at him claiming to be the true messiah
9. Attempts to Change God's Law and Appointed Times
✅ Daniel 7:25 states he will "seek to change times and laws"
✅ May alter religious calendars and traditions
10. Final Defeat
✅ Destroyed by the breath of Christ at His return (2 Thessalonians 2:8)
✅ Cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity (Revelation 19:20)
1. don jon trum pass all those test. after he take geze streep he gonna enter inside the holy part & claim to be the one. dont you see how he talk and run his rotten mouth like he own the wolrd & nobody can to stop him. why you think he allow the robots devil to hijack the win. man that is blessphamy.
2. he is a fool. look at the deception he will change everything & attempt to rule the world. the leaders of the world engage in harlotry with babylon. Just yesterday netanyahu is the first one to come and commit adultery with babylon live live. man read revelation. you must be like a baby inorder to understand
3. if he is the one may his end be in the hot pit as is it written. man open your eyes. one thing gonna lead to another. first protests then lack, then lootings & shooting, border shut no going in or out while putni, kim and jijiping are laughing. sheesh america, pls wake up.
What's up with all the green checkmarks Trump doesn't check anything mentioned here
Doesn’t he come in the first half of trib as a christ…then second half of trib, he denies Christ.
Awesome explanation. Back with the Bible. Rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you all. Amen
I voted for the man three times and I still like him, but I will admit the thought has crossed my mind. 🤷🏽♂️
Impossible my man. 👍🏻
Not Time just yet, however,
"SOON "!
Brother RB is just examining the possibility . We must be awake and ready for anything
thank you, self righteousness is an addictive drug
The ones who get upset are the ones who look at T Man as savior of a falling empire
I got saved through the teachings that this great teacher of the word of God teacheth....
Am happy and grateful for your labour in Christ
President 45 and 47. Birth year 46. I believe he was born for such a time as this. I'm grateful God has brought up a person strong enough to fight the dark, dark evil America has fallen into. Butler PA was a God thing. A miracle. He decided to show a slide out of the speech order and turned his head over so slightly to be grazed by a bullet in front of the whole world, seeing his head explode on national tv. A different soul was called home that day, along with the suspected shooter.
I don't idolize him. I'm so very grateful to God for supplying a strong, determined person to help us fight this darkness, which got stronger in the last 4 years.
I'm grateful God has found us worthy to try again.
Well Said Friend!! Amen!🙏
Brother James' channel
Brother Paul's channel
You missed the mark. Hes evil
Do not be deceived. God is not pleased with dt. Unfortunately, he has been deceiving a large part of this country and that breaks my heart. How can a holy God favor a sinful, evil, unmerciful, cruel, unjust, and unrighteous person such as he. He is sparing no one! He has no business to dismantle the social security that we worked hard for. I am a 76 years old black woman who taught school for 34 years. Why would a millionaire want to tamper with the income and benefits of seniors or anyone else for that matter? And I am sure that your lives will, too, be disrupted by the evil things he is doing to your quality of life. Please Read Psalm 2. It talks about the “kings of the world” and how God watches them with disdain and actually LAUGHS at them. Dt is one of those people to whom God is referring. His day of reckoning will come! Dt is described in Psalm 37. Please read your Bible and see what God feels about such people as he. He may have spared his life to give him an opportunity to repent and get saved. That is called GRACE.
President Trump is , being use as an instrument in the hands of the Lord to , fulfill and do God’s will.
Just pray he chooses to change the "spiritual advisor" he chose.
The Antichrist is God's instrument to expose the sin of Christians who will follow this man.
No one should care who it may be because we should worry more about the lost souls and get as many as we can to the Kingdom of GOD.
It would be good to warn people though who aren't saved, so when we leave in the Rapture and they see the Antichrist rise to power then they would realize that we were telling the truth
nothing wrong with wondering, who it could be.
Wrong this is a mindset of deception. If you aren't able to identify who this beast is. Thinking I don't need to know who he is. You need to know him so you don't get decieve.
He isn't the antichrist. He will usher the agenda in though as they all will they all have played there part.
Exactly. I believe the vitriol between the parties and the media back and forth is fake. They (satan) are playing us all. Trying to divide us so we are not focused on what’s really important (Jesus). Politics and pride are many people’s idol.
Any "Christian" president is an antichrist because they are building the kingdom of the beast, the current civilization. The US is the 7th head of the "beast". And the US president is the "image of the beast".
Donald Trump has publicly said Jesus is Lord that Jesus he is Christ.
Those are just words. "By their fruits," you will know a false prophet."
@ he is a baby Christian. Takes time don’t judge so harshly.
@@greenqueen2673 what did Biden or Harris say about christ?
So do the fallen angels and demons and satan himself.
**(Beast #1) Trump the Antichrist**
Rev 13:3: “I saw one of his heads AS IF it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.”
Rev 13:1: The Antichrist comes from the sea (Rev 13:1) and goes to the Lake of Fire (Rev 19:20). Mar-a-Lago means "from the sea to the lake."
**(Beast #2) Musk the False Prophet**
Rev 13:12: “he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast”
Rev 13:13: “he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men,” (Space X)
Rev 13:15: “And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak,” (Tesla Robotics)
Rev 13:16: “And he causes all . . . to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,” (Neuralink)
He’s now taking over Gaza and wants the third temple started
If we're a pre-trib believer, we're looking for Christ. If we're mid-trib or post-trib, we're looking for the Anti-christ. I'm looking for Christ.
What if we live in the short season mentioned after revelation 20 and the statue of liberty is celebrating Satan being freed from the pit.. our 250th anniversary is coming up and some theologians think a short season is 250 years. And the dark ages Byzantine empire shows us that the millennial kingdom already may have happened that could have been how they built all of them massive structures and things we can't make and build to this day. If people and angels walked on earth it makes alot more sense plus they changed our times and dates so much.. its all done to confuse us .. whenever I bring this up at church I always get laughed out the door. But I can't get one serious theologian from this side of the camp to take this theory seriously
I'm just a follower of Christ who wants to seek Him daily and follow Him who is the way the truth and the life . We have to take into account that the Bible says a deception so strong that could fold the very elect right what better way than to confuse the children of God what time they are living in
That’s not biblical! Christ will return immediately after the tribulation. There’s no such thing as a pre or mid trib rapture
The servant is not greater than his master!
@@lovejoypeace9424 The only way Jesus can come with His saints is if we're ALREADY with Him.
There is no scripture in the Bible that says "pre-tribulation rapture". Read Matthew 24 one more time and the Holy Spirit will lift the veil
The anti will not be known yet till after we are taken away
"Anti"means to replace or to be in direct opposition to something or someone. Or in opposition to an opponent.
Read 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-3 . Then read it again.
@@ashlevrier you don’t even know what your bible says. sad.
Yes we will, because the Word of God says that we will. We will be here until the last trumpet blast, which is ( the 7th trumpet) of revelation.
@@mofopopo437option? You mean opposition? Like opposite?
Brother Breaker, I love your simple, straight forward, biblical preaching!
Respectfully, pastors should use the ACTUAL word of God...scriptures, not hypothetical conspiracy theories, name and number association games, nouns, verbs etc. Fruitless Distractions guised as reason...no truth in that. Over 30 descriptors of the ac. He provides 5 tops.
He absolutely is.
He said that he is a peace maker, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Bow a river
Habakkuk 3:8-10
And Daniel 8:[25] "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."
God sent us an angel in Trump to protect us and heal America
@@UnstableYT-u7k you are likely being deceived. I pray your eyes will be opened, as Trump & Elon (the likely false prophet) open the "Stargate" facility in Abilene, Texas to start making Revelation chapter 13 our reality.
Jesus said we are all to be peace makers....study
Believers need to read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-14 which states that the AC will not be revealed until the Restrainer is taken out of the way.
Yes! 3.5 years after Harpazo!!
Thank you Brother Breaker. Your ministry has been a true blessing to our lives.🙏🏽
Trump Tower is a downward arrow in New York City with six rows that go all the way from the bottom to the top. The arrow has six points on all sides and six points in the middle.
Thank you for the information.
The Lord put it on my heart to pray for Trump before his first term; He showed me that people would try to kill him, and to pray for his protection. God gave me dreams and visions about Trump, and again, told me to pray for him. I doubt almighty God would tell me to pray for the antichrist. Trump is NOT the antichrist, but he’s certainly paving the way, whether or not it’s his intention. God is using Trump for His purpose. May God’s will be done, in Jesus’ name. PRAY FOR TRUMP‼️
I highly doubt it was God who showed it to you.
Trump may not be the anti-christ but he's the one along many who will prepare world for his coming revealing his true identity in yet to be rebuild 3rd jerusalem temple.
Yes it's on record!
Sheesh!! people, can you please stop watching that deceiver Brandon Biggs masquerading as a shepherd. He is the one that came up with the lie purporting Trump to be "radically born again". Trump is the one whether you like it or not. Repent for worshipping him. All judgements have begun and people are still wasting time following the beast.
I think you are probably right.
praying for our leaders is biblical, nothing wrong with that. but be aware of the false angels and “false christs”
**(Beast #1) Trump the Antichrist**
Rev 13:3: “I saw one of his heads AS IF it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.”
Rev 13:1: The Antichrist comes from the sea (Rev 13:1) and goes to the Lake of Fire (Rev 19:20). Mar-a-Lago means "from the sea to the lake."
**(Beast #2) Musk the False Prophet**
Rev 13:12: “he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast”
Rev 13:13: “he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men,” (Space X)
Rev 13:15: “And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak,” (Tesla Robotics)
Rev 13:16: “And he causes all . . . to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,” (Neuralink)
Trump was told he was the most famous person on earth. He said, "No I'm not." So they asked . Well who do you think is more famous than you? trump replied, "Jesus Christ!"" Another time Trump said, "I know you're all looking for a saviour. The crowd roared. He interrupted the applause saying "It's the Boss, Jesus Christ. We need a boss and He's up there, pointing up. I need the Boss"- Another time early on Trump said "We are no longer a nation that worships Government, We are a nation that worships Almighty God.".
I didn't want to support anyone who just said God. That could be anything. So I prayed and asked Jesus to have him say Jesus instead of just God so I'd know if he was for real. My prayers were answered. BTW, It is his eldest daughter that converted to Judaism, not Trump. Melania, his wife is a Catholic. The Trump family attends many of churches, not religions. And a president is not a preacher or perfect..
Donald J. Trump is healed and learning Christianity and growing because he is a servant of Jesus Christ. Remember In the Bible, Jesus often instructed people he healed or those who witnessed miraculous events "not to tell anyone," which is commonly referred to as the "Messianic Secret"; this meant he wanted to avoid premature public recognition as the Messiah, allowing him to focus on his ministry without unnecessary distractions or confrontation with religious authorities.
In my 72 years Trump is the only leader who is openly said the name Jesus Christ and defending and protecting Christians.
To do so he needs votes.
Obama claimed to be a Christian at first. Then later at a Prayer Breakfast he said. "We are no longer a Christian Nation..."
That says it all!
So deceived. He couldn’t name a book of the Bible when asked what his favorite was. He said he has never asked for forgiveness because he behaves in a way that he doesn’t need forgiveness. He had a Muslim pray at his inauguration. Would you ever ever ever have someone pray to a false God on your big day? I would never disrespect my lord and savior like that. He produced a Bible and added the constitution to it and in the video promoting it all he kept saying is we need Christian values again. No we need CHRIST again. Not just good values. He was asked about his beliefs and all he could respond with was a rant about how great of a man some preacher he has heard preach was. He is a 33rd degree mason, and Adrian abromnovich said he is the magician of the highest order in power for a purpose to bring confusion which is exactly what’s happening. People lie. He lied when he said he acknowledges Christ. If he did then he would never ever ever say he doesn’t need forgiveness. Jesus DIED AND ROSE AGAIN to grant us forgiveness. Trump is saying he doesn’t need Jesus’ gift to us. Wake up
Ahh tisk, tisk so many falsehoods!! Where to began, first he has their are so many good stories, hard to pick his favorite. Then on the bible which you speak, he was congratulating lee greenwood on his bibles ( he was telling people to take a look) and yes ( lee greenwoods) bibles have the constitution and the bill of rights. He has opening declared Jesus as our Lord and savior!!! Your words matter, false accusations matter!! If you have a personal dislike for Our President, then you need to pray on it for the devil is working overtime on us all, and we need to love even our enemies ..
@@Summerspeaks7 *That was before 2016*. A lot has happened in the passed 10 years. I was reborn in the fall of 2015 . I had no idea how much I didn't know. I still can't name everyone in the Bible; that is not a requirement or commandment. I had to learn just like everyone. and am still learning.. I've learned more about Jesus and the Bible in the past 10 years than I did going to church since I was a child. I knew about how the shuffle ped-o-files around cause it happened to me 2x.
I didn't know what Prosperity Preachers were or that there are so many religions or kinds of preachers; pastors who kow-tow to corrupt governments, more worried about their tax exemptions and tithes or Diddy type parties. So many don't teach of the urgency of repentance,, sin or the hard truth, which is Jesus.
The internet exposed me to information never taught in church. Trump is far from perfect like all of us. Trump is not there to preach he's there to expel all the corruption and put in what's good for the people first instead of letting all that USAID money get laundered overseas then into the Democrats pockets. Here's a list of imperfect people Almighty God chose in the past to protect His people.
*President Trump is a SERVANT of GOD not the Anti Christ - He is a peace maker and undoes confusion.
*1st Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
The Bible includes many wealthy people, including servants of God. Some of these people include:
Eliezer of Damascus: Abraham's servant, who may be referred to as Lazarus in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus
Joseph: A wealthy man who appears in the Bible in Genesis 41:37-44
Isaac: A wealthy man who appears in the Bible in Genesis 26:12
Abraham: A wealthy man who appears in the Bible in Genesis 13:2
Other wealthy people in the Bible include:
King David,
and Nabal.
The Bible also includes examples of generous people, such as Joseph of Arimathea and the Shunamite Woman.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”-Romans 8:28
The Bible includes many wealthy people, including servants of God. Some of these people include:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”-Romans 8:28
Give it up with your wishful thinking, wow! Trump said HIMSELF he is NOT a Christian. He said this at one of his recent rallies. Look it up, it's on YT. He literally denies Jesus Christ. Stop being deceived.
Robert, no matter what you say, or how you spin this, GOD and God alone is still in charge, was, is and will always be.
I really don’t think Robert Breaker is trying to play God. He is analyzing scripture in light of current events.
What is your point? Everyone including Robert knows God is in charge. I am trying to figure out the meaning of your comment???
Why worry if you are a born again living n waiting for Jesus while serving Him n living Holy life sharing the gospel till He comes 🙏🙏🙏
Every US president had a role in shaping the future, large or small.
The Sea.. refers to people..not actual water..
Thank you!
I'm surprise Breaker didn't know that. I believe the "land" refers to the land of Israel. AC comes from sea, gentile. False phophet comes from the land, Jew. I'm expecting a Jewish religious leader to indorse Trump. People in Israel love love Trump, it will be easy for the FP to say, Trump is our long awaited messiah.
It does mean water.
@AvalonReach sorry it doesn't..
@ reason?
It does not matter who the anti christ is as long as you know who Jesus is and you believe in his blood.
We need to know who the antichrist is so you don't inadvertently take its mark. A lot of people believe the mark is the day of worship. Most Christians worship on SUNday vs the 7th (no I'm not a SDA). Why do most Christians attend church on Sunday? Who started that? The Catholic Church (the first beast). Trump is the head of the 2nd beast, the US.
Not only must we know who Jesus is, but we must follow His example by offering ourselves as a sacrifice to God. Because there are many Christians who believe that godliness is for gain. Their god is their belly, their glory is in their shame, they dream of earthly things. They vote for Trump and pray for American prosperity, ignoring the will of God.
I love you Jesus my Lord and my savior. With all my Heart .🙏❤️🙏❤️
We won't know the antichrist until after the believers are raptured out before the trib. I'm grateful for Jesus being my savior
that doesnt make any sense because the bible says pray that the trib doesn't come in the winter or on the SABBATH.... why would you need to pray that if you are already gone.... sorry but there will not be rapture... we will go through the trib.
@theronhorn1258 well you can, but I will be gone as stated in 2nd Thess. God bless you
@Travel-ow4vphow is that possible if the rapture is at the last trumpet and the last trumpet is on judgement day which is after tribulation?
@@Jack-u2y6q the rapture is a sign less event. It's not set in time and happens when Heavenly Father tells Jesus the day and time to go call his children home.
@@theronhorn1258that's the 2nd advent for the Jews?
No but he may be setting the stage. God’s will be done. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
This comment
The stage is being set, and has been since the beginning.
Ya got a point there kiddo 😮!!
God is using Donald Trump for His own glory. 🙏 watching from Modesto, California. 🙏😇✨️
God uses everything and everyone for his glory.
Even the Bible teaches God uses the wicked for good.
Every bad thing we do and good thing and simply all that exists one way or another glorifies God in the end.
Even Satan is used to bring God glory.
If Satan didn't tempt Adam and eve, we wouldn't have been Jesus as our savior and he wouldn't be glorified and praised for what he did on the cross.
Therefore Satan was used to bring glory to Jesus that glorifies the Father.
That's just one example of many.
Therefore just because God uses someone for his glory doesn't make that thing or person good, righteous or blameless in God's perspective.
Hello there! I used to live in Antioch, CA! How's Modesto?
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Let no man deceive you by any means
Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
**(Beast #1) Trump the Antichrist**
Rev 13:3: “I saw one of his heads AS IF it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.”
Rev 13:1: The Antichrist comes from the sea (Rev 13:1) and goes to the Lake of Fire (Rev 19:20). Mar-a-Lago means "from the sea to the lake."
**(Beast #2) Musk the False Prophet**
Rev 13:12: “he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast”
Rev 13:13: “he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men,” (Space X)
Rev 13:15: “And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak,” (Tesla Robotics)
Rev 13:16: “And he causes all . . . to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,” (Neuralink)
Love ya brother breaker ❤️ Maranatha love that you tackle issues that others are to afraid 2 ! Warrior for christ
I like trump's policies, they have been doing alot for this country already. even though I voted for him doesnt mean I would warship him as a god. I follow Jesus.
Yes,agree wholeheartedly.
Here Here. Myself also. Exactly ❤
Trump will also stop the killing of God's future babies, same sex marriages, putting God back into our schools, etc.
Trump is by far the antichrist.
Agree wholeheartedly. I don't worship Trump, I worship Jesus
We are not leaving out of this world when the Antichrist comes ! Who endure to the end will be saved!
Exactly!! Robert is wrong on many things.
I’m leaving cause he prepared a place for me to keep me from the tribulation for seven years. Look it up. It’s actually in the Bible.
so why did God prepare a way to save mankind during Noah's time? or during Moses' time? are born-again Christians today less important to HIM then back then? hmm...
Doesn't the sea actually mean "people?"
....I believe so....
Means chaos.
Revelation 17:15
I don't care who is the Antichrist. We will not meet Antichrist becuase we will be flying home soon in the Rapture! 🙏
We will not see them forcing the mark because the church won’t be here.
Matthew 24 9 martyrs for Jesus of ALL NATIONS before the mark of the beast
Matthew 24 10 the great falling away
Matthew 24 15 Man of sin is revealed
Matthew 24 16 Jesus tells the Jews to flee
Matthew 24 9 Jesus just told us
MAN REMOVES THE CHURCH before the mark of the beast
Revelation 7 9 martyrs for Jesus of ALL NATIONS after the mark of the beast
Rev 14:9-11 KJV And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
All will be here for the entire tribulation. Christ return at the LAST trump. Please read John 6. It says this 4 times in this chapter alone. If only nonbelievers were here, why would the MOTB. Even be an issue?! They hate God. This will be a true test of faith
Yes we will see it all.. Just as Paul, Apostles, and early church did.. I would say start stcking up for neighbors and family 7 years worth.
@@lovejoypeace9424people become believers after the rapture. What on earth made you think they wouldn’t?
@@Limitless-x6cEnoch was raptured before the flood, not after.
I've thought he could be the Antichrist since 2019. But we are NOT looking for the AC we ARE looking for Jesus Christ 🙏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻 I hope and pray the rapture is this year!
Donald Trump is NOT a born-again Christian, that's for sure 🙄
Titus 2:13 KJB Our Blessed Hope
I'm looking for Jesus Christ, but Donald Trump is not the antichrist.
You don't know that!!! You have no idea what God has done in Trumps life. Trump said out of His mouth that Jesus is Lord and He couldn't do the Presidential job without God!!! If you watched the Presidential signing of the executive orders Trump signed that God made man and women. Quit spreading rumors!
I was told by the holy spirit in 2019 Trump was a wolf in sheeps clothing...I don't no 8f he the A.C. or the one who ushers him in which I'm not looking for the A.C. I'm looking for Jesus Christ to call us up...Blessings from NC
Same here I thought he was AC but I wake every morning looking for Jesus I want my Jesus to com and reclaim earth as his
“For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, ”
1 Corinthians 15:3-4
If you read about the second beast with the two horns like a lamb, and picture Elon Musk while you read it, (calling down fire from the heavens, self landing rockets) it’s pretty wild
This reminds me of all the fun conversations that I had with my dad when I was a kid. We always talked about this kind of stuff and I was totally taken in by it.
Mine eyes hath seen the GLORY of the coming of the Lord, His Truth is marching on, Glory, Glory Hallelujah!!!
Amen sister! I love that song and I pray we live to see the Glory of His
Coming. 🙏🤲
The rapture of the church hasn't taken place yet, and the Bible says that the man of sin won't be revealed until after the rapture of the church. He who letteth shall let, until he be removed, and then that man of sin shall be revealed,the son of perdition, who decieveth the whole world. I've also heard Donald Trump say that there is only one savior, and that is Jesus Christ, on more than one occasion. We can't look at anyone as a savior because Jesus alone is Lord and savior, and King of Kings! Besides, too many people hate Donald Trump, so I don't believe he is the anti christ. Barak Obama on the other hand...
I have heard Trump say that, too. If he was the antichrist, he wouldn't be able to say that.
Amen...so true!
The way humans are in general, and the fact the rapture hasn't happened yet, I don't believe humans will ever fully agree on a man to be a good person or a bad person.
There will always be to an extent those that disagree.
Once we're out of here though, and there's no more republican vs democrat, the new technology is represented, and Trump could have the solutions to the world problems rather than to the united states' problems, then people could change their minds who didn't like him before.
As of now, Trump is on a side in their minds, and there's a lot of people who want the other side he's not on to make things the way they want the laws and such to be like that he won't stand for at this time.
Therefore those are the only people I see who don't like him.
Most people seem to though, especially after they had enough of Joe.
Also we may not get to see the obvious evidence of who the antichrist is, but that doesn't mean it's not Donald Trump.
Donald could be just be doing this to prepare people for how hell change one the rapture does happen and then it'll become obvious that he's the antichrist which would be a revealing.
Right now, he possibly could be, but it's still a mystery until it's absolutely undeniable.
Opinions cam change easily if a person changes enough or does something different enough to persuade someone to change their opinion.
So as of now there may be some who don't, but once we are gone and he does other things, their opinion may easily change about Trump.
Also don't forget Jesus and Lucifer have the same equivalent value in gematria, so when they often say God or Jesus, that can still mean Lucifer or Satan to them.
That's why "In God We Trust" is not what I believe this country originally mean Jesus Christ of the Bible rather one nation under Lucifer that they trust, but if they said that, it would make it too obvious.
But if they could get Christians to allow them to take over the government by making Christians think our country was referring to the God of the Bible and not the god of this world, then they would easily be able to fulfill their goals since Christians wouldn't be suspicious until it's too late. Which its been too late for quite awhile now.
Barak has always been way more hated and disliked and blamed than Trump.
Yet both Trump and Obama both have shown signs and said such things that makes them both seem like they had potential to be the antichrist, but Obama isn't showing anywhere near as much as Trump to likely be the antichrist.
The antichrist in these times, if he's even being seen at all, would have at least a good amount of trust from Christians. Obama doesn't.
Trump is liked by the lost, the Christians, the atheists, etc.
Don't forget the snake poem from Trump "you knew damn well I was a snake before you let me in;" also how he said Christians should vote and he's not a Christian; also how he said he has not repented and didn't ask Jesus for forgiveness rather he just eats his cracker and tried to do a good job.
Even countless signs in the movies and shows about Trump, the numerology related to 88022, the last trump, another movie like the guy Biff on Back To The Future who took over the world basically and made it worse.
Even a person who helped make the movie admitted that character represented Trump intentionally, which you'll even see the tower like Trump's tower, 88mph, "you're fired" as related to the apprentice show when Marty gets fired from his future job, etc.
Even his history as a freemason, decades ago referring to him being a president one day, the Simpson showing the years he would be president not just before but even as of now, the assassination symbolism in commercials about Trump getting shot, MAGA which is the highest ranking in the satanism, even Donald means "world ruler,"
I can go on and on.
I barely see anything about Obama other than just some bad stuff as usual that you would see from a freemason at that degree.
I'm not saying Trump is the antichrist, but considering everyone and everything, he appears to be the most probable to be, if not, then I don't see anyone else who is convincing enough yet to persuade me to believe we have even seen who he is.
Yet it would be hard to believe that without knowing who he is before the rapture happens, that if we are all just disappear in the rapture, that some man could just come out in the public and be trusted so much for the entire world within such a short period of time before even the Great tribulation ends. Therefore I would actually believe it is quite probable that Trump is the Antichrist because if people have an awareness of this figure before the rapture occurs, then after we are gone and he has a solution to the problems that will come from that, he'll already have a degree of trust. Then Satan could easily move forward with his agenda.
But if we were gone and the Antichrist has not been known before the rapture would occur, then this politician or somebody's going to come out and look like they have a solution but everybody is going to be kind of suspicious or scratching their heads "who is this guy?"
It would actually make more sense to me that we probably do see who the Antichrist is if we are paying enough attention to what's going on in the world, and it seems like Trump has more support and trust than any other person I've seen who is wanted and trusted to help the world or at least the United States even for now.
But his connections to Israel compared to everybody else as well, doesn't look like Obama is going to be the one.
Obama is not the antichrist. Don't allow your racism to deceive you. I believe Trump is a foreshadow of the Antichrist that is to come. If Trump isn't the Antichrist, he certainly would make a great contender because he has most of the characteristics of the little horn. Daniel 8:8--28
I use to believe in pretrib rapture that man told me about. Then i started reading my Bible. If even the most elect, they would be deceived...I don't see any pretrib but I've been wrong more times than I'd like to admit. I just say read your bible people. Stay sober and vigilant
Here’s an interesting fact about his birthday-
A total lunar eclipse occurred at the Moon’s descending node of orbit on Friday, June 14, 1946,[1] with an umbral magnitude of 1.3983. It was a central lunar eclipse.
Im born again....Jesus christ is my lord and savior...I am tired of this world....physically sick in my body...spiritual weak...ready for jesus to come get us....rapture!! Not death!!
Uh. No. I clicked to say no.
The man who will become the anti-Christ doesn’t even know now until after the church is taken away by Jesus. Speculation might be fun to do but the world won’t know till he is revealed.
Matthew 24 15 Man of sin is revealed
Who are the people of ALL NATIONS that are willing to die for Jesus namesake in
Matthew 24 9
Your escape isn't what you're thinking
John 6 39 40 44 54
Jesus says at the LAST DAY four times
The church rapture is at judgement day
Jesus is always truth, I hope you give Jesus a chance to explain
Revelation 20 shows two resurrections
In Greek Gamatria, Elon's "Neuralink" adds up to 666
He's not the only on making that. Black Rock has that too
He wore a satanic suit in a red carpet event. Also Trump's penthouse was used in the film The Devil's Advocate from 1997.
Kushner bought the building 666 in the 5th avenue.
Musk refers himself as the dark MAGA.
Im leaning toward Jared Kushner.
Ill never know because i plan on going home any day now. God Bless you brothers and sisters!
I felt it was Jared the first time I saw him. His eyes... something in his eyes
Yes. His office building in New York is at 666 5th Avenue.
Yes I was thinking same thing ..
Its going to be AI
I used to believe that was Jared Kushner. But now I think it could be Elon Musk, especially since he has become involved in government.
He can't possibly be unless all the left suddenly decide to love him
Scripture also says the antichrist will be an Assyrian 😂
I don’t believe Trump is the antichrist , but I do believe he will help usher him in
We know that will never happen!!😂
True. Anyone who is woke, has brain activity. They wouldn’t vote for a xenophobic, misogynistic, sexual assaulting, tax evading, mentally ill, convicted felon, who escaped trials, for insurrection, obstruction of justice, and stealing classified documents, by running for president.
They would look for someone more qualified, like P Diddy. After all, he was a great businessman, with 0 bankruptcies. Ghislaine Maxwell could have been his VP!
Only Make America Gullible Again would be capable, of doing this.
Trust no man ... don't even trust yourself. Trust in God alone... Jesus Christ is Lord Forever...redeemed our souls from an eternity in Hell...!
We should indeed ask this important question. Thank you for raising it. God bless
We love Jesus Christ and we love Israel. Trump is protected by the Holy Spirit. Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who scorn Israel will be scorned
Wrong because the one who will protect Isreal and end the wars there will be the antichrist
He needs his spiritual eyes opened tho, because choosing Paula White as his spiritual advisor is a huge mistake. She will only harm his spiritual growth.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV) Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Bow a river
Habakkuk 3:8-10
I don't think he is but something really strange is going on
He is angel sent by God to save us and make this world a better place
It is his vp..... 💯🔥
God is in control
Nobody can thwart God's plan
@@ozarkmountainmomma6028How do you know?....
I dont appreciate he appointed a female Pastor, Paula White to lead this nation,,,
Hell no, she's not leading anyone to the Truth. It's a huge mistake to make her his "spiritual advisor" 🥴
God certainly didn't choose this heretic
I just started the teaching, but my big red flags were Operation Warp Speed, Stargate, and talking about ushering in the Golden Age.
Exactly 💯
😂😂😂😂The golden age was the 50's he wants to bring back the American dream😂😂😂
@ 1) I’m talking about the antediluvian age…. Pre flood. 2) The Golden Age is occultic, predicted to come in 2025 by Luciferian Alice Bailey 😂😂😂
@@debraolson7553 Everyone wants to conveniently forget about the Covid vaxx and the new Stargate AI vaccines 😂😂
Operation warp speed was also in the wings long before Trump took office 😂
Thats crazy! The bible says the antiChrist will have no use for women...that TOTALLY takes trump off the table 🤣
I Love Robert Breaker.... Thank you Brother... God Bless you....❤❤❤
To me, if Satan's time is short and his purpose is to take as many to Hell with him as possible, hes not wasting time with those Lost. He's going for those with the potential for Salvation. A true Christian cares not who the man of predition is... other than being that man. God bless.
I believe this. Spiritual warefare seems quite intense when you witness to someone that looks like they will get saved..
Your biblical exegesis is the worst I’ve ever heard. Are joking? You deliberately dismissed so many points.
Why dont you enlighten us then?
I agree ... He focus in numerology mumbo jumbo
Meaning names and stuff yes that is important idnt think it's coincidence
I don’t know what to believe anymore.
Go to the Lord brother. Following all the different opinions of men will only confuse you further. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Get in his word and allow him to bring the truth to you.
All you need to believe is in Jesus and what he taught.
Yeah all of the pastors and watchmen including the ones here on TH-cam said to vote for him and not voting or voting for Kamala was going against God because of the abortion and transgender stuff she supported and now it feels like the same are saying oh by the way, he’s the antichrist and you voted for him. 🤷♂️
Believe in Jesus, and count on Him. That's all you need.
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
1 Corinthians 14:33
Just trust in Jesus. He is our Rock of Salvation.
The Bible says that the Antichrist won't desire women
Yeah, that sealed the deal for me.
@Dave-tz9zx sounds like anything would seal your deal.
@@Dave-tz9zx thats not what it says though read it again
Melania was born a man, I thought that was pretty evident to people but maybe not
It means he won’t care what women want. He’ll only regard men.
I don’t think he is the anti Christ, but I think he will help facilitate the building of the third Temple.
Thank you, brother. You’re the only preacher I heard who sees it. God bless you. It does not mean we are not patriots.
Yes it does
Oh there are others.
No no he is not.
He’ll deceive the elect if possible. By the time you realize it’s too late
Iam not looking for the antichrist I'm looking for Jesus christ.
I think too many people hate him - he's only deceived a few into sort of worshipping him.